Arduino Inductance

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Arduino Inductance/Capacitance/Resistance Meter
Misael Saenz Flores

Hello such friends, will show you how to create a measuring inductance,
capacitance and resistance using Arduino most commonly the ATmega328P,
all programming is thrown into Arduino and components commonly found in
our laboratory and will also be very cheap to do so, this meter measures pF
to nF and also measuring uH and mH, as well as use a 7805 regulator can
be powered from 24V to 6V, I used a 9V battery
This is the material to be used.
IC ATMEGA 328P (Arduino UNO / Duemilanove)
Regulatory L7805CV
LCD 16X2
Crystal 16MHz

2 x 22pF
Polyester 1uF
10K potentiometer
7 x 10K
2 x 220 Ohm
150 Ohm
330 Ohm
Terminal Block 2 pin
4 x MOLEX 100 spent 2 pin
4 pin MOLEX spent 100
4 x Borne
2 x switch

2 x push button chasis

Step 2: Code and Performance

As three functions measuring bone capacitance, inductance and resistance,
we must choose we want to do, to choose the function and use 2 bits can
count 0-0,0-1,1-0,1-1.
So we use two switch to choose, making them function as a dip switch using
them as pull down, to measure inductance is 0-0, 0-1 for capacitance,
resistance to 1-0, that's how we choose to measure.
To measure inductance use the LM393 comparator to measure the
capacitance the LM741, and to measure resistances easily use a 10k
resistor and make a voltage divider.
Suppose we want to calculate R1. We know that R2 has a value of 10k, we
know that Vin has a value of 5V (which we usually find in the Arduino
environment) and that reading on an analog Vout pin of Arduino is 750.
1.- We know that the resolution of the ADC Arduino is 10 bits, which means
that 1024 is possible divisions (2 raised to 10) for an input value between 0V
and 5V. So if we put 5V on an analog pin, its value will be 1023 (1024 will not
remember that starts counting at 0, not 1); if we put 0V on pin, its value will
be 0 and if for example we 2.5V its value will be 511.
Therefore, if the value that gives the reading analog pin in its digital value is
750, we can calculate the Vout, the output voltage of the voltage divider.
>> 5V / 1024 divisions = 0,00488V / division
>> 0.00488 volts / division 750 divisions = 3.66V
2.-We can already clear R1, that was the question:
>> Vout = (R2 / R1 + R2) Vin
>> 3.66 V = (10k / R1 + 10k) 5V

>> R1 + 10k = 10k 5V / 3.66V

>> R1 = (10k 5V / 3.66V) - 10k = 3.66K
In general, we can calculate the value of R1 as:
>> R1 = (R2 Vin / Vout) - R2
The same code is in Spanish documentation, so if you have any questions
please say so:

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