LCD Display 16x02 - 20x04 Allinone EN

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Thank you for choosing our LCD screen from AZ-Delivery. These are
available individually or bundled with I2C converter in green or blue, and in
two sizes: 16x02 and 20x04. In the following pages we will explain how to set
up and use the device.

Have fun!
Table of contents

Technical data...............................................................................................6
How to set up the Arduino IDE....................................................................10
How to set up the Raspberry Pi and Python................................................15
Connection of the module with the microcontroller......................................16
Example sketch.......................................................................................18
Connection of the module with the microcontroller via I2C adapter............19
Arduino IDE library...................................................................................20
Example sketch.......................................................................................21
Connecting the screen to the Raspberry Pi.................................................24
Connecting the screen to the Raspberry Pi via I2C adapter.......................34
Libraries and tools for Python..................................................................36


A liquid crystal display, or LCD, is a device that uses liquid crystals to

display visual characters.

Liquid crystals do not emit light themselves. LCD screens use a backlight
and liquid crystals to block light. When there is no current flowing through
the liquid crystals, they are in a chaotic state. Light from the backlight
passes through liquid crystals effortlessly. When current flows through liquid
crystals, they arrange themselves in a uniform state. This creates a shadow
on the screen that creates objects.

Simply put, LCD use liquid crystals to pass or block light coming from the
backlight. Pixels are created in this way. They are combined to display any
visible 2D objects on the screen. Each pixel area can be turned ON and
OFF by supplying electricity through an on-board controller chip.

Each segment of the liquid crystal display represents a pixel, and must be
controlled separately. For this reason, a special integrated circuit called a
driver chip is required. The 16x02(20x04) LCD has a driver chip called
"HD44780". To control the screen, the microcontroller must communicate
with the driver chip. The driver chip uses a kind of SPI interface to
communicate with a microcontroller.

The I2C adapter

The I2C adapter is a device that simplifies the connection between LCD
screens and microcontrollers. It uses the I2C interface to communicate with
the microcontroller. Multiple adapters can be connected to the same I2C
interface. The adapter is compatible with LCD screens, with integrated
HD44780 chips. The I2C adapter is compatible with both 16x02 LCD panels
and 20x04 LCD panels offered by AZ-Delivery.

The I2C adapter comes with a predefined I2C address, which is 0x27.
However, it can be changed by soldering the pads labeled A0, A1 and A2 on
the adapter.

How to set a specific I2C address of the adapter is shown in the following


A2 A1 A0
C C C 0x20
C C O 0x21
O C O 0x22
C O O 0x23
O C C 0x24
O C O 0x25
O O C 0x26
O O O 0x27
O - Open C - Closed

Technical data

» Operating voltage range: 3.3V to 5V

» Display area: 12 x 56mm
» LCD-type: STN,positiv,transflective,green/blue
» Backlight: ED, white
» Viewpoint: 180°
» Modes: parallel (8-bit und 4-bit)
» Operating temperature: -10 °C to 60 °C
» Dimensions: 36 x 80 x 12.5mm
[1.4 x 3.1 x 0.5in]
» Interface: I2C/parallel
» I2C-adress: 0x20 – 0x27
» Adjusting the contrast : Potentiometer
» Setting the background.: Jumper

The voltage for the backlight is 5V DC. For logic functions the current
consumption in operation is 1.5mA and for the backlight 30mA.

The resolution of the screen is 16x02, which means that characters can be
displayed in 2 lines with 16 characters per line. Each character consists of
5x7 pixels.

To adjust the contrast of the display, the I2C adapter has a built-in
potentiometer. Therefore a small screwdriver is needed for the adjustment.

To control the backlight of the LCD screen, the I2C adapter has a power
jumper for the backlight. The jumper is used to turn the backlight on/off.
When the jumper is connected, it is used to connect the power supply for
the backlight. When the jumper is unplugged, the backlight power supply is

Pinout without I2C adapter

The 16x02 LCD has 16 pins. The pin assignment is as follows (also applies
to 20x04):

Pinout with I2C adapter

The 16x02 LCD has 16 pins and the I2C adapter has 20. The adapter is
connected to the LCD as follows (this also applies to the 20x04):

Note: It is necessary to connect the I2C adapter and LCD display exactly as
shown above. If connected differently, the devices may be damaged.

Note for the Raspberry Pi: The voltage of the TTL logic level of the I/O
pins is 5V. To use the LCD panel and the I2C adapter with the Raspberry Pi,
a logic level converter must be used. Otherwise, feeding the signal through
the I/O pins of the module to the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi may cause
damage. Therefore, use the TXS0108E 8ch Logic Level Converter. offered
by AZ-Delivery.

- 10 -
How to set up the Arduino IDE

If the Arduino IDE is not installed, follow the link and download the
installation file for the operating system of your choice.

For Windows users: Double-click the downloaded .exel file and follow the
instructions in the installation window.

- 11 -
For Linux users, download a file with the extension .tar.xz, which must be
extracted. Once it is extracted, go to the extracted directory and open the
terminal in that directory. Two .sh scripts need to be run, the first called and the second called

To run the first script in the terminal, open the terminal in the extracted
folder and run the following command:
sh user_name
user_name - is the name of a superuser in the Linux operating system. A
password for the superuser must be entered when starting the command.
Wait a few minutes for the script to complete.

The second script, named script, must be used after the first script
is installed. Run the following command in the terminal (extracted directory):

After installing these scripts, go to All Apps where the Arduino IDE is

- 12 -
Almost all operating systems come with a pre-installed text editor (e.g.
Windows with Notepad, Linux Ubuntu with Gedit, Linux Raspbian with
Leafpad, etc.). All of these text editors are perfectly fine for the purpose of
the eBook.

The first thing to check is whether your PC can recognize an Arduino board.
Open the freshly installed Arduino IDE, and go to:
Tools > Board > {your board name here}
{your board name here} should be the Arduino/Genuino Uno, as it can be
seen on the following picture:

The port where the microcontroller board is connected must be selected. Go

to: Tools > Port > {port name goes here} and if the microcontroller board is
connected to the USB port, the port name can be seen in the drop-down
menu on the previous image.

- 13 -
If the Arduino IDE is used under Windows, the port names are as follows:

For Linux users, for example, the port name is /dev/ttyUSBx, where x is an
integer between 0 and 9.

- 14 -
How to set up the Raspberry Pi and Python

For the Raspberry Pi, the operating system must first be installed, then
everything must be set up so that it can be used in headless mode.
Headless mode allows you to connect to the Raspberry Pi remotely without
the need for a PC screen, mouse or keyboard. The only things used in this
mode are the Raspberry Pi itself, the power supply and the internet
connection. All of this is explained in detail in the free eBook:
Raspberry Pi Quick Startup Guide

The Raspbian operating system comes with Python pre-installed.

- 15 -
Connection of the module with the microcontroller
Connect the screen to the microcontroller as shown below
(applies to 16x02 as well):

- 16 -
LCD Pin MC Pin Draht Farbe
VSS GND Schwarzer Draht
VDD 5V Roter Draht
V0 Poti Oranger Draht
RS D2 Ochre Draht
RW GND Schwarzer Draht
E D3 Ochre Draht
D4 D4 Grüner Draht
D5 D5 Blauer Draht
D6 D6 Grüner Draht
D7 D7 Blauer Draht
K 5V Roter Draht
A GND Schwarzer Draht

- 17 -
Example sketch
The following sketch example is a modified sketch from the Arduino IDE:
File > Examples > LiquidCrystal > HelloWorld

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
const uint8_t rs = 2, en = 3, d4 = 4, d5 = 5, d6 = 6, d7 = 7;
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);
void setup() {
lcd.begin(16, 2); // change to “20, 4” if 20x04 is used

void loop() {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(millis() / 1000);

- 18 -
Connection of the module to the microcontroller with
I2C adapter

Connect the 16x02 screen and the I2C adapter to the microcontroller as
shown below (applies to 20x04 as well):

I2C-Adapter Pin MC Pin Color

SCL A5 green wire
SDA A4 blue wire
VCC 5V red wire
GND GND black wire

- 19 -
Library for Arduino IDE

To use the module with the Arduino IDE, it is recommended to download an

external library for it.The library used in this eBook is called
LiquidCrystal_I2C. To download it, click on this link and download the .zip

To include the library, go to the Arduino IDE and go to:

Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library
and when a new window opens, locate and select the downloaded .zip file.

- 20 -
Example sketch

The following sketch example is a modified sketch from the Arduino IDE:
File > Examples > LiquidCrystal > HelloWorld

#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd = LiquidCrystal_I2C(0x27, 16, 2);

//change to “20, 4” if 20x04 is used
void setup() {

void loop() {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(millis() / 1000);

- 21 -
The sketch starts with the inclusion of libraries named Wire and

Then an object named lcd is created. The object represents the display
itself, and to create this object, the following line of code is used:
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd = LiquidCrystal_I2C(0x27, 16, 2);

Where 0x27 is the I2C address of the I2C adapter. 16 is the number of
characters per line and 2 is the number of lines.

In the setup() function, the lcd object is initialized with the following line of
code: lcd.init();

At the end of the setup() function, the backlight is tested by turning it OFF
and ON with a delay of 1000ms (1s).

In the loop() function, two predefined functions from the LiquidCrystal_I2C

library are used.

- 22 -
he first function is called setCursor(). The function has two arguments and
returns no value. The values of the arguments are integers. The first
number represents the Y position of the cursor, with values in the range 0 to
1, where 0 represents the first line and 1 represents the second line of the
screen. The second argument represents the X position of the cursor, with
values ranging from 0 to 15, where 0 reflects the first column and 15 the last
column of the screen.

The function must be used before the print() function. To show the print()
function where to display the text. If you do not use the setCusrsor()
function, the print() function will display the text at position (0, 0).

The print() function has one argument and does not return a value. The
argument represents the text, a string value, that will be displayed on the

In the loop() function, first the cursor is placed on the first line and then the
print() function displays the message AZ-Delivery. Then the cursor is placed
on the second line and the number of seconds since the microcontroller was
last powered up or reset is displayed.

NOTE: If your display does not show anything, you have to turn the
potentiometer on the I2C adapter.

- 23 -
Connecting the screen to the Raspberry Pi

Connect the module to the Raspberry Pi as shown below (applies to 20x04

as well):

- 24 -
Screen Pin Raspberry Pi Pin Physical Pin wire color
VSS GND 6 black wire
VDD 5V 2 red wire
RS GPIO26 37 blue wire
RW GND 39 black wire
E GPIO19 35 green wire
D4 GPIO13 33 brown wire
D5 GPIO6 31 gray wire
D6 GPIO5 29 gray wire
D7 GPIO11 23 brown wire
K GND 6 red wire
A 5V, via 220Ω resistor 2 orange wire
V0 potentiometer center pin

GND right Pin 6 black wire
5V left Pin 2 red wire

- 25 -

Two scripts are created, one for all functions and the other to use these
functions. Below you will find the code for the first script:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

import time

LCD_RS = 26
LCD_E = 19
LCD_D4 = 13
LCD_D5 = 6
LCD_D6 = 5
LCD_D7 = 11

# Define some device constants

LCD_WIDTH = 16 # Maximum characters per line, change to “20”if
LCD_CHR = True
LCD_CMD = False

LCD_LINE_1 = 0x80 # LCD RAM address for the 1st line

LCD_LINE_2 = 0xC0 # LCD RAM address for the 2nd line

# Timing constants
E_PULSE = 0.0005
E_DELAY = 0.0005

- 26 -
# one tab
def lcd_init(RS, E, D4, D5, D6, D7):
global LCD_RS, LCD_E, LCD_D4, LCD_D5, LCD_D6, LCD_D7
LCD_D4 = D4
LCD_D5 = D5
LCD_D6 = D6
LCD_D7 = D7
GPIO.setup(LCD_D4, GPIO.OUT) # DB4
GPIO.setup(LCD_D5, GPIO.OUT) # DB5
GPIO.setup(LCD_D6, GPIO.OUT) # DB6
GPIO.setup(LCD_D7, GPIO.OUT) # DB7
# Initialise display
lcd_byte(0x33, LCD_CMD) # 110011 Initialise
# 110010 Initialise
lcd_byte(0x32, LCD_CMD)
# 000110 Cursor move direction
lcd_byte(0x06, LCD_CMD)
# 001100 Display On,Cursor Off, Blink Off
lcd_byte(0x0C, LCD_CMD)
# 101000 Data length, number of lines, font size
lcd_byte(0x28, LCD_CMD)
# 000001 Clear display
lcd_byte(0x01, LCD_CMD)

- 27 -
# one tab
def lcd_byte(bits, mode):
GPIO.output(LCD_RS, mode) # RS
GPIO.output(LCD_D4, False)
GPIO.output(LCD_D5, False)
GPIO.output(LCD_D6, False)
GPIO.output(LCD_D7, False)
if bits & 0x10 == 0x10:
GPIO.output(LCD_D4, True)
if bits & 0x20 == 0x20:
GPIO.output(LCD_D5, True)
if bits & 0x40 == 0x40:
GPIO.output(LCD_D6, True)
if bits & 0x80 == 0x80:
GPIO.output(LCD_D7, True)
lcd_toggle_enable() # Toggle 'Enable' pin
GPIO.output(LCD_D4, False)
GPIO.output(LCD_D5, False)
GPIO.output(LCD_D6, False)
GPIO.output(LCD_D7, False)
if bits & 0x01 == 0x01:
GPIO.output(LCD_D4, True)
if bits & 0x02 == 0x02:
GPIO.output(LCD_D5, True)
if bits & 0x04 == 0x04:
GPIO.output(LCD_D6, True)
if bits & 0x08 == 0x08:
GPIO.output(LCD_D7, True)
# Toggle 'Enable' pin

- 28 -
# one tab
def lcd_toggle_enable():
# Toggle enable
GPIO.output(LCD_E, True)
GPIO.output(LCD_E, False)

def lcd_string(message, line):

# Send string to display
LCD_LINE_1 = 0x80
LCD_LINE_2 = 0xC0
message = message.ljust(LCD_WIDTH, " ")
if line == 0:
lcd_byte(LCD_LINE_1, LCD_CMD)
elif line == 1:
lcd_byte(LCD_LINE_2, LCD_CMD)
print('This lcd has two lines, line 0 and line 1!')
for i in range(LCD_WIDTH):
lcd_byte(ord(message[i]), LCD_CHR)

def lcd_clear():
lcd_byte(0x01, LCD_CMD)

Save the script under the name

The code in the script is a modified code from the script at link:

- 29 -
Below you will find the code for the main script:

import lcd16x02
from time import sleep
LCD_RS = 26
LCD_E = 19
LCD_D4 = 13
LCD_D5 = 6
LCD_D6 = 5
LCD_D7 = 11
# Initialise display
lcd16x02.lcd_init(LCD_RS, LCD_E, LCD_D4, LCD_D5, LCD_D6, LCD_D7)
i = 0
print('[Press CTRL + C to end the script!]')
lcd16x02.lcd_string('AZ-Delivery', 0)
print('Printing variable on the LCD...')
while True:
lcd16x02.lcd_string('{}'.format(i), 1)
sleep(0.001) # 1 millisecond delay

except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Script end!')


- 30 -
Save the script under the name in the same directory as
the previous script. To run the script, open the terminal in the directory
where the script is stored and run the following command:

The output should look like this:

To stop the script, press 'Ctrl + C' on the keyboard.

- 31 -
The first script is used to create all the functions to control the LCD screen,
which is not covered in this eBook. Only the main function of the script is

The main script starts with importing the first script and importing the sleep
function from the time library.

Then, six variables are defined to represent pins of the screen that are
connected to the pins of the Raspberry Pi.

Next, the screen is initialized with the following line of code:

lcd16x02.lcd_init(LCD_RS, LCD_E, LCD_D4, LCD_D5, LCD_D6, LCD_D7).

Then the variable "i" is created and initialized with the value zero. This is
used to indicate changing data on the display.

Then a try-except-finally code block is created. In the try block, the message
AZ-Delivery is first displayed on the first line of the screen, and then an
indefinite loop block (while True:) is created. In it, the variable i is timed on
the second line of the display and the value of the variable i is incremented
by 1. Between each repetition of the indefinite loop block there is a pause of
one millisecond (sleep(0.001)).

- 32 -
The except code block is executed with Ctrl+C. This is called
KeyboardInterrupt When this code block has been executed, the message
Script end! is displayed in the terminal. is displayed.

The finally code block is executed after the script. When the finally code
block has been executed, the lcd_clear() function is called, which clears the
screen's data buffer.

- 33 -
Connecting the screen to the Raspberry Pi with I2C

Connect the 16x02 screen and the I2C adapter to the Raspberry Pi as
shown below(applies the same to 20x04):

here the logic level converter must be used, because the I2C adapter works
only in the 5V range. The logic level converter used in this eBook is called
TXS0108E Logic Level Converter.

Connect the I2C adapter to the LCD panel as shown in the connection
diagram. Make sure that the integrated backlight jumper is connected (Red
wire, the right side of the I2C adapter on the connection diagram).

- 34 -
I2C-Adapter Pin LLC Pin Color
SCL B1 green wire
SDA B2 blue wire
VCC VB red wire
GND GND black wire

LLC Pin Raspberry Pi Pin Physischer Pin color

VA 3.3V 1 orange wire
A1 GPIO3 5 green wire
A2 GPIO2 3 blue wire
OE 3.3V (via resistor) 1 orange wire
GND GND 20 black wire
VB 5V 2 red wire

- 35 -
Libraries and Tools for Python

To use the screen with the Raspberry Pi, it is recommended to download an

external library. To download it, go to the following link and download the
script Save the script in the same directory where the
script of the next chapter is saved.

The script uses the smbus library for Python. If it is not
installed yet, open the terminal and execute the following commands one
after the other:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-smbus python3-dev

To determine the I2C address of the I2C adapter, the i2c-tools must be
installed. If it is not already installed, run the following command in the
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools

- 36 -
To determine the I2C address of the I2C adapter, execute the following
i2cdetec -y 1

where 0x27 is the I2C address of the I2C adapter.

- 37 -

Below you will find the code for the main script:

import lcd_class_i2c as LCD

import time

I2C_ADDR = 0x27

screen = LCD.lcd(line_width=LINE_WIDTH, i2c_address=I2C_ADDR)

print('[Press CTRL + C to end the script!]')

while True:
print('Printing messages on the screen')
screen.lcd_print('AZ-DELIVERY', 'LINE_1', 'CENTER')
time.sleep(1) # 3 second delay

print('Printing variable on the screen')

for i in range(100):
if i < 10:
screen.lcd_print('0{}'.format(i), 'LINE_2', 'CENTER')
screen.lcd_print('{}'.format(i), 'LINE_2', 'CENTER')

- 38 -
# one tab
print('Testing backlight')
print('Clearing the screen\n')
# Blank display

except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('\nScript end!')


- 39 -
Save the script under the name in the same directory as the script. To run the script, open the terminal in the directory
where the scripts are saved and run the following command:

The output should look like this:

To stop the script, press 'Ctrl + C' on the keyboard.

- 40 -
The first script is used to create all the functions to control the LCD screen,
which is not covered in this eBook.

The main script starts by importing the first script and the
time library.

Next, the screen object is created. This is used to control the screen. We
create the object with the following line of code:
screen=LCD.lcd(line_width=LINE_WIDTH, i2c_address=I2C_ADDR)

Where the lcd() constructor has two arguments. The first argument is called
line_width and represents the number of characters per line of the screen.
The script can be used for 16x02 LCD screens as well as
for 20x04 screens. So the values passed to the line_width argument are 16
or 20. Any other value will result in an error, and the script sets the value of
this argument to 16. The second argument, called i2c_address represents
the I2C address of the I2C adapter, which in this case is 0x27.

- 41 -
Then a try-except-finally code block is created. In the try block, an Indefinite
loop block (while True:) is created. In the Indefinite loop block, first the
message AZ-Delivery is displayed in the first line of the screen. The
message is positioned in the middle of the line. This is done with the
following line of code:
screen.lcd_print('AZ-DELIVERY', 'LINE_1', 'CENTER')

Where the lcd_print() function is used. This function displays a message on

the screen. It has three arguments and returns no value. The second and
third arguments are optional. The first argument is a string representing the
message displayed on the screen. The second argument, also a string,
represents the line on which the message is displayed. The values for this
argument are: LINE_1 or LINE_2. The default value is LINE_1, which is
selected if the argument is not used. Any other value will result in an error
and the value will be set to the default LINE_1. The third argument, also a
string, represents the alignment of the text in the line. The values of this
argument are: LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT. The default value is LEFT, which
is selected if the argument is not used. Any other value will result in an
error and the value will also be set to the default value LEFT.

To display a variable on the screen, use the following lines of code:

my_var = 10

- 42 -
To control the backlight of the screen, the backlight() function is used. This
function has one argument and does not return a value. The value of the
argument is a string that can have only two values: ON or OFF. To turn the
screen ON, the following line of code is used:

To turn it off, use the following:


To clear the screen (data buffer of the screen), use the clear_screen()
function. This function has no arguments and returns no value.

The except code block is executed when CTRL + C is pressed on the

keyboard. This is called KeyboardInterrupt. When this block has been
executed, the message Script end! is displayed in the terminal.

The finally code block is executed after the script. When the finally code
block has been executed, the clear_screen() function is executed. This
function clears the data buffer of the screen.

You have done it. You can now use our module for
your projects.

- 43 -
Now it's your turn! Develop your own projects and smart home installations.
We will show you how to do this in an uncomplicated and understandable
way on our blog. There we offer you sample scripts and tutorials with
interesting small projects to quickly get started in the world of
microelectronics. In addition, the Internet also offers you countless
opportunities to learn more about microelectronics.

If you are looking for more high-quality products for Arduino and
Raspberry Pi, AZ-Delivery Vertriebs GmbH is the right place for you.
We offer you numerous application examples, detailed installation
instructions, e-books, libraries and of course the support of our
technical experts.
Have Fun!

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