Annotated Bibliography

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Destinee Richmond

Dr. Wynne
November 6, 2015
English 101
Annotated Bibliography
Arnold, Aaron Paxton. "Police Brutality: The Real Whistle-blower." CNN. Cable News
Network, 7 Aug.
2015. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.
The author of this article is an entrepreneur, key note speaker and business
man. His accomplishments give him credibility and I return makes my
research credible. Arnolds article includes visuals of Black Lives Matter
campaigns. He also connects with the audience by comparing incidents to
relatable topics. For example, he says as the 35 Bill Cosby accusers graced
the cover of New York magazine, he would grace the cover of magazines with
the many black men and women gunned down by police. This article will help
in supporting my opinion on police brutality.
Baldwin, Mike. "'OK, Men, You Know the Drill. No Excessive Force, Unless Provoked.'" N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.
This is another cartoon aimed to show viewpoints on police brutality. In this
visual you can see angry protesters as seen lately in many cities across the
country. The cartoon dramatizes how the officers want to be provoked so they
have a reason to fight back. This will allow my audience to make judgment
about law enforcement based on how they view the image.

"Black Police Officer Talks Police Brutality, Racism in Interview." Interview by

NewsOne Staff. News
One RSS. N.p., 13 Aug. 2010. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.
This interview gives an up-close-and-personal viewpoint of a law official. The
interviewed officer expresses his opinion on different violent cases that were
playing out in the media at the time. He shares with the interviewer his idea
of a typical perpetrator and how his colleagues joke about these situations
together. He closes off by saying the parents are to blame for destruction of
communities and children misbehaving. This source will help influence my
audience views of what police do and how they think because it is coming
directly from the source.
Colarossi, Jess. "The Worst Cases of Police Brutality In September." ThinkProgress
RSS. N.p., 01 Oct.
2015. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.
This article highlights a select few of the many fatal shooting involving police
officers in 2015. Examples include James Blake from New York, Jeremy McDole
from Delaware and Keith Mcleod from Maryland. A fact in this article even
states how during the first week of September, police killed more
civilians than the total number of police officers killed so far this year. The
article describes how many of the officers involved go unjustly served or

action is not being taken. This article will give my audience current examples
of police brutality in America.
Freed, Benjamin. "The Washington Post Ran an Op-Ed From a Cop Justifying Police
Brutality." Washingtonian. N.p., 19 Aug. 2014. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
This article is based on the viewpoint of a veteran police. Written not to long
after the Ferguson shooting, the speaker strongly voices his opinion against
police brutality being an issue. He believes that if the civilian does what he
says he will have no need to harm them. He even goes in to say Here is the
bottom line: if you dont want to get shot, tased, pepper-sprayed, struck with
a baton or thrown to the ground, just do what I tell you. The speakers
viewpoint is 100% against the majority of those who believe police brutality is
an issue. This article will be used as a counterargument in my research.
Izzy_Cobb25. "Re: Is Police Brutality a Problem?" Web log N.p., n.d. Web.
06 Nov. 2015.
This website includes a collection of comments from different people on their
response to the question Is police brutality a problem. Responses widely
range from those against police brutality, to those who dont see an issue, to
those who have no comment. One comment in particular stood out to me
because of the directness the commenter had in their response. He/she
believes it is legitimate for an officer to pull out their stun gun or taser when
they will they need to. This article will also be used as counterarguments in
my research.

Pete, Canary. ""I Have to Write You a Ticket Mister...ooops....that's Not My Pen."" N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.
The cartoon shows the police officer accidentally pulling out his gun and
killing an African American man. The officer was originally trying to write the
African American man a ticket but pulls out a gun instead. This is similar to
many cases where officers assert that they meant to grab their taser in fatal
shootings. The cartoon displayed will give my audience a visual of acts of law
officials. It will also allow my audience to make judgment based on how they
interpret the image.
Weitzer, Ronald. Incidents of police misconduct and public opinion. Journal of
Criminal Justice 30.5
(2002) : 397-408. Print.
This source is a scholarly journal based on the idea of police using excessive
force according to the public eye. It starts off with an abstract view of police
misconduct and then goes into depth of different incidents and his opinion.
The author then proceeds to provide history on different police brutality
situations. This article will give a lot of resources and credibility to my
research because of the scholarly author.
Wihbey, John, and Leighton Walter Kille. "Excessive or Reasonable Force by Police?
Research On law
Enforcement and Racial Conflict." Journalist's Resource (2015): N.p. Harvard
Kennedy School
Shorenstein Center. Web. 4 Nov. 2015.

This is another journal that ask whether or not police force is reasonable. It
goes into depth while incorporating cases such as the Eric Gardner and
Freddie Gray case active today. The author includes opinions from both sides.
It also includes statistics on use of force which state blacks, age 15 to 19,
were killed at a rate of 31.17 per million, while just 1.47 per million white
males in that age range died at the hands of police. This journal will be
another source to back up my viewpoint on police brutality.

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