Network Security: Experiment of Network Health Analysis at An ISP
Network Security: Experiment of Network Health Analysis at An ISP
Network Security: Experiment of Network Health Analysis at An ISP
This paper presents the findings of an analysis performed at an internet service provider. Based
on netflow data collected and analyzed using nfdump, it helped assess how healthy is the
network of an Internet Service Providers (ISP). The findings have been instrumental in reflection
about reshaping the network architecture. And they have also demonstrated the need for
consistent monitoring system.
Keywords: Network Monitoring, Information Security, Netflow, Nfdump, Nfsen, Worm,
Bandwidth, Threat, Bot Botnet, Trojan, Behavior Analysis.
Network health
Computer networks are nowadays at the heart of most information systems. They are valuable
assets in those information systems. For the sake of the smooth continuity of the business, it is of
paramount importance that computer networks operate and perform at their best. This includes
their health in terms of information security.
Network health can be evaluated by the mean of network monitoring that cover activities like
high-level health checks, diagnostics and capability assessments. Beyond those instant checks,
network health expands to awareness raising, consensus creation and generation of commitment
to act [1] [2]. These are strong recommendations from COBIT 5.
Views from ISP side
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are in charge of networks of various sizes that generally share
some few characteristics:
traffic from multiple administrative domains that are relatively or completely independent.
In such environment, it is not unusual tendency to not take responsibility of information security
and to disclaim that that responsibility relies on the shoulders of administrators who take care of
autonomous domains. Nevertheless, the super-fast speed of the spreading of worms, the
nuisances they cause and the damages resulting from Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) are
introducing more responsible attitudes. All actors, especially ISP, are paying more attentions to
cybersecurity threats [3].
International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), Volume (9) : Issue (1) : 2015
Current situation in Benin: little care about network security, about network health
Very few information is currently available on how secure are computer networks in Benin.
Discussions with network administrators reveal that security is not yet in their top ranked
priorities, if one excludes the point of installing virus protections. Some vendor solutions are in
place at some well equipped nodes.
There is a kind of culture of secrecy about any event happening in computer networks as the
negative impact of any disclosure of information is perceived as very damaging. For Omnium des
Telecom et de l'Internet (OTI) to accept to host this study on information security in Benin based
on its own computer network is special mark of openness and also an indication of change in
mind towards more focus on information security. This acceptation is highly appreciated and
saluted. OTI was kind enough to validate the initial goals of the study and to highlight the two
results that are of importance for them.
The initial request for this work has announced the following main goals:
those benchmarks for normal traffic may also help in defining new services to be
offered to clients
listing types of malware moving around in the network, mainly identification of worms
overusing bandwidth
The ability to detect worms that are poisoning bandwidth was one of the most exciting and
expected results as it is of interest for the ISPs. ISPs are almost overwhelmed by their clients
complaining about actual bandwidth and many times it turns out that there are unmanaged traffics
going through.
This section briefly presents some of the research literature related to network security. Authors
interesting in network security have mostly focused their attention on using netflows to detect
intrusions, anomalies, botnets. Detecting adverse events [4] [5] [6] [7] is very important for
network security. Some mathematical models have been elaborated for that purpose and they
have been experimented using fuzzy data or real data [8] [9] [10]. The raw material used in all
those research is netflow data. An overview of the research on network anomaly detection
methods and network intrusion detection methods and systems is presented in [11] and [12]. The
tools used to capture flows of traffic are Cisco Netflow V.9 , Nfdump [13] [14], and NfSen.
Nfdump/Nfsen are presently the most widely used tools [15]. Experts are offering a variety of
plugins to extend the functionalities of those two tools .
This paper will present practical application to the situation of an ISP in Benin.
The hypothesis of this paper is labeled as follows: known behaviors of infested hosts can be
detected by analyzing some components of the netflow they generate namely kind of traffic,\_ios\_protocol\_option\_home.html
International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), Volume (9) : Issue (1) : 2015
volumes, number of packets per flow, packets sizes, ports used, DNS queries. Based on the fact
that this experimentation is conducted at an ISP, it also relies on the assumption that in such
network, there are very few servers in the ISP's clients hosts. ISP's clients usually mainly have
Data Collection
5.1.1 Tools and Concepts
netflow is a protocol developed by Cisco. It is used for the collection and monitoring of network
traffic flow data generated by routers and switches. The protocol evolved to be largely adopted by
the industry. The NetFlow Version 9 is the one standardized by IETF .
nfdump is a set of tools developed for the purpose of capture, storage and analysis of netflow
data. nfcapd is the netflow capture daemon. It reads the netflow data from the network and stores
the data into files. nfdump is the netflow dump. It reads the netflow data from the files stored by
nfcapd; it performs many types of calculations and displays netflow data based on IP addresses,
ports, volumes, etc.
nfprofile reads the netflow data from the files stored by nfcapd, filters the netflow data according
to the specified filter sets (profiles) and stores the filtered data into files for later use.
nfreplay is used to read the netflow data from the files stored by nfcapd and to send it over the
network to another host.
nfsen is a graphical web based front end for the nfdump set of tools. Its goal is to ease (i) the
display of netflow data (IP addresses, ports, volumes, etc.), (ii) the navigation through the data,
(iii) the process of the netflow data within specified time span and (iv) the definition of alerts.
5.1.2 Configuration of The Capture of The netflow Data
Omnium des Telecom et de l'Internet (OTI) has graciously dedicated a computer for the capture,
storage and analysis (partly) of the netflow data. That computer has been installed in a sub-LAN
designed for that purpose. The netflow data has then been mirrored from a Microtik router to the
collection computer.
The capture covered the time period from 02 July 2013 to 17 October 2013. The result of which is
222 GB of data, average of 3 GB daily.
5.2 Data Analysis Methods
The analysis performed a flow analysis. It would be somehow nice to run the analysis when
having clear identifications of what are to be sought. In the conditions of this study, the difficulty
was to define what to search. The option then comes up to let the data themselves crop up
information and thereafter to dig about those information. The next step was then to apply some
queries collected from related work.
International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), Volume (9) : Issue (1) : 2015
The information that pops-up was about volume of traffic and this lead to question of knowing and
listing those IP that are on the top of volumes of traffic, number of flows, number of packets,
bandwidth usage.
In order to get closer to the actual scheme of the real activity on the network, the first instance
observations have been confronted and validated by the network administrator of OTI. Some
special questions have triggered fine tuning analysis.
For specific data to be analyzed, the following have been used.
Port scans & Port sweeps
Ask and Skrautvol [16] have established a table of anomalies defined by packet size and the
number of flows. Port scanner processes by probing a host for open ports while port sweeping
scan multiple hosts for a specific listening port.
For the purpose of analysis, this study has translated the table above into filters to be applied to
the data collected.
Dos attack
Port scans
Port sweeps
(dst net local_network) and (bytes (src net local_network) and (bytes
<100) and (flows 1) and (packets < 2) <100) and (flows 1) and (packets < 2)
& (dst net local_network) and (bytes (src net local_network) and (bytes
<55) and (flows 1) and (packets < 2) <55) and (flows 1) and (packets < 2)
TABLE 2: Filter component of script - detecting anomalies by packet size and number of flows
Botnet scanning
Pavel eleda [15] has published a best practice document that offers some useful points:
Horizontal scans usually are performed by initiating new connection against every possible IP
address in the targeted network. The connections use SSH port (22) or Telnet port (23) or HTTP
port (80). Because the connection do not complete the three way handshake of TCP, they contain
only SYN (S) or RESET (R) TCP flags, but not ACKNOWLEDGE (A) flag.
International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), Volume (9) : Issue (1) : 2015
Botnet scanning
Analysis of the bot code [17] is a complex activity; the same apply to the botnet communication
[18] and to the topologies of command-and-control (C&C) infrastructure [19]. Those analyses
were not performed for this study.
DNS spoofing attacks
Detecting possible DNS spoofing attacks is performed by tracing flows with source port 53 that go
to IP addresses outside the local network and different from well known Public DNS servers with
good reputation like the Google Public DNS and or the OpenDNS
Anomaly to be detected
DNS spoofing attack
The result of that query will be checked against the list of well known Public DNS servers with
good reputation provided by the namebench utility [20].
Long lived flows are characterized to last more than 24 hours [21], hence the combination of
timestamp and filtering of lines where the third column, the duration of the flow, is over 86400
In their research on detecting botnets, Vojtech Krmek and Tomas Plesnk [22] [23] have
presented five detection methods:
This paper has already explored telnet scan detection and DNS spoofing attack detection. As for
the connections to botnet distribution sites detection, the connections to botnet C&C centers
detection and the ADSL string detection, they imply availability of some specific elements such as
International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), Volume (9) : Issue (1) : 2015
International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), Volume (9) : Issue (1) : 2015
Botnet scanning
The netflow data showed that some few host were performing intense horizontal scans activities
as if there were infected with Chuck Norris or Conficker worm. Three hosts were particularly
aggressive and at least for one of them, checking against the whois database produced useful
information that has been handed to the network administrator.
On the other side, the number of host attacking using those two worms is very high, more than
108085 hosts, while only 845 hosts in the network concerned by the data collected are under
those horizontal scans at the time of data collection.
DNS spoofing
The analysis revealed kind of massive DNS activities: volume, number of hosts involved. 193
hosts have solicited more than 52790 DNS servers for name resolution. That list of probable DNS
servers has been checked against the 4515 name servers used by namebench. Only 697 of them
match. This means that there are 193 hosts in the network that are using the name service on
more than 52000 name servers that may not be trustworthy! There is no way to guarantee that
none of those more than 52000 name servers is malicious server.
Most Effective Ways of Detection
Methodologies of detection usually come after perpetrators have acted and those in charge of
defense have some indicators they can track. Moreover of detecting systems and hosts
experiencing bad health conditions, ideal situation is to be able to recognize elements of advert
events before they damage the business. The few analysis performed by this paper reinforce the
concept of constant and rigorous monitoring. This implies resources that the manager will devote
to a wise and wide implementation of information security because the manager understands the
value the business is getting from that implementation.
Usability of The Results
Sharing with the network administrator has shown clear usability of the results. The first impact is
the reflection induced that can be compared to the check stage of the Plan - Do - Check - Act of
the Deming wheel. Some discussion about the network architecture and also about some usage
from the clients has started and it is expected that they lead to a new level of fine tuning the
architecture of the network. One of the most important concerns of an ISP is the perception the
client has of its services. Availability and reliability come immediately in mind.
The usable output from this study is a set of recommendations to the administrators on their
request. These recommendations clearly mentioned actions that are expected to improve their
mastering of their network. They read as:
set the parameters of the PATing system so that identification of some malicious
activities like Trojan by the ports used can be easier
investigate further on sub networks where potential Conficker worm and Chuck Norris
worm activities have been detected
participate in controlling botnets and their command and control (C&C) by implementing a
Generally speaking, concerns of ISPs seem to be only focused on lowering capital expenditure while ensuring the
highest benefits. ISPs think in terms of (i) high capacity networks at lower prices, (ii) subscribers per tower to keep
CAPEX to the least possible, (iii) extension of service footprint to new geographies quickly and cost-effectively and
(iv) quickest payback time or time-to-revenue. And eventually, they also think of customer satisfaction.
International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), Volume (9) : Issue (1) : 2015
From the findings of this analysis, it clearly pops-up the need for further work on different axis.
The first one is the implementation of a consistent monitoring system that will operate in a way of
contribution to long term analysis as well as flashing alerts that will trigger immediate actions. The
second axis concerns fine tune of analysis by, for example, cross-referencing analysis of DNS
spoofing with observations of Passive DNS for bot detection.
The collection of the netflow data for this analysis has started July 2013 and ended September
2013. Since that time, the landscape of the network OTI is managing has certainly evolved a lot.
But this analysis has contributed to pinpoint some key elements for improvement. It has also
demonstrated the possibility to implement a layer of monitoring at very low cost. The way forward
is to elaborate on how, while using the findings of that monitoring, OTI can convert potential
assistance to its clients into cash.
As mentioned in the conclusion paragraph, future research can be in term cross-referencing
analysis of DNS spoofing with observations of Passive DNS for bot detection. The objective is to
be able to detection suspicious systems before they impact negatively the whole network. This
kind of services will be of increasing importance as the quality of internet services is improving
and as it is envisioned that more private companies will have their production system online.
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International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), Volume (9) : Issue (1) : 2015
International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), Volume (9) : Issue (1) : 2015