Boreas Technology: God of The North Wind Inc.: Wind Turbine Design Report

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Boreas Technology: God of

the North Wind Inc.

Wind Turbine Design Report

Consulting Team: Terrance Glover, Olivia Logan, Sean Stein, and Krystal Yhap
Client: Energinet
December 11, 2015

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Overview of Client

Renewable Energy Technology

Renewable Energy System Design

Payback Period

Final Recommendation

Team Contributions





Executive Summary
As global temperatures rise due to humans over consuming nonrenewable energy
sources, many scientist and policy makers agree that renewable energy sources are needed to

supplement the current energy demand that is causing the quality of abiotic and biotic facets of
life to degrade. The wind has proven to be a great source of renewable energy, particularly in
Europe. Through on-shore and off-shore wind turbines, wind is being captured for humans to
utilize as a source of energy.
The potential for efficient energy gain through off-shore wind turbines is growing.
After the first off-shore wind project was installed in the Denmark region in the early 1990s, the
number of commercial scale projects has increased as off-shore winds prove to have greater
potential energy to harness as winds are not only stronger, but more uniform in comparison to
those found on land. provides reliable energy for society through renewable energy. Owned by
the Ministry of Climate and Energy, ensures that 5.6 million people have power to
meet their daily needs. To expand their renewable energy portfolio, consulted
Boreas Technology: God of the North Wind Inc. to implement 1- 3 blade offshore wind turbine
in Erritso, Denmark.
This proposed project offsets alternative energy demand not only in the Denmark
region, but has the potential to contribute to a system which provides energy to neighboring areas
including Germany, Norway, and Sweden. The wind speed at the proposed sight is 12 mph,
which would allow the system to theoretically reach its targeted energy production goal of an
estimated 949 kwh/h, which leads to an overall efficiency of over 59 percent. In consulting, it
was noted that to meet the overall efficiency of 59 percent, the power of the wind turbine needs
to be of 1.6 MW.
Through calculations it was proven that this projects is feasible due to its ecological
and economic associations. A project of this magnitude and in the proposed region will cost an
estimated $3,149,834 USD. With an expected life time of 20 years, the installation and operation
of this project is expected to pay off in roughly 3 years.
As expands its energy portfolio, they established a standard of excellence
in renewable energy within the industry on a global scale. In following the proposed
recommendation by Boreas Technology: God of the North Wind Inc. they must ensure that a
proper budget is allocated for operation and maintenance of the installed turbine prior to
extending this pilot project a multiple turbine plant.
The following segments of this paper detail the power calculations, materials, and cost
of wind turbines for this specified project and overall wind energy development through off
shore wind turbine technology.

Overview of Client

As the result of a merger between Eltra, Elkraft System, Elkraft Transmission

and Gastra, was birthed in 2005. Ensuring that the Danish society has energy for
the present and future, is on an ambitious mission to provide reliable energy for
society, particularly through introducing renewable energy resources. As an independent
publicly owned entity of the Ministry of Climate and Energy headquartered in Erritso, the
company is tasked with revolutionizing and supplying electricity and gas infrastructure to supply
over 5.6 million people with power.
In July of 2015, Peder stermark Andreasen was appointed the president and
CEO of With this appointment, his authoritative reign in the energy production
market extend over thirty four countries. To ensure that a transition is made from heavy
dependence on fossil fuels, Peder stermark Andreasen is not only responsible for ensuring
technological innovation in the energy sector but also for ensuring that political affairs do not
become a complex task that prohibit the security of energy supply.
Consulting Power has high renewable energy aspirations not only for the general
public and company itself, but for the entire world. has a division,
Energy Consultancy (EEC), which provides consulting services worldwide to ensure climate
change is mitigated and human health is of optimal stature. As employees are
responsible for integrating unique renewable energy technologies into current power systems and
has done so in the Denmark area, the consultants of this practice are implementing premier
technologies, monitoring tools, and design strategies to clients large and small despite their
economic fortitude.
Corporate Social Responsibility
As the trusted source of energy supply, is also a public entity
entrusted with great social responsibility that has become a focal point of the company culture
as of 2009. Within the corporate social responsibility vertical, employees are tasked to complete
goals which will ensure that the public views the company as decent, proper, and honest. These
views will assist in overall company
Economic/Employee Power
With an overall net worth of $1,323,872,441.50 and 680 employee base,, is utilizing its economic capital and human work capacity to fulfill a plethora of
long term and short term goals. These goals include, but are not limited to supporting ecofriendly power generation and developing green energy production techniques. The later
segments of this paper, will in detail the partnership of Boreas Technology: (Gods of The North
Wind Inc.) and as to how they made eco-friendly power generation aspirations a
reality with the implementation of an off shore wind turbine.

Renewable Energy Technology

Wind turbines used to produce electricity is the fast growing renewable energy
technology in the world. A total of 2,342.9 MW was just installed in last six months off the
coasts of Europe alone. This abundant source of energy provides a relatively cheap source of
power that allows millions of people to power their house as well as the peace of mind that
theyre getting that power from an emission free source. People have been harnessing the power
of the wind for the last few thousand years beginning with the Egyptians pumping water from
windmills to boats using sails to power their boats for transportation. This concept certainly isnt
new on the timeline of human history, but the advances of technology in the last 30 years have
allowed us to harness this renewable resource more effectively and efficiently than ever before.
Europe has been the world leader of offshore wind since 1991 when Denmark installed
the first offshore wind farm. This continent currently control approximately 91% of the globally
installed capacity. A lot more information was available about the different components used,
which substructure to use at various water depth, and more advantages and disadvantages
available because Europe has been researching this technology more than anyone else in the
world. The reason why Europe is so far ahead of the rest of the world in offshore wind is
because they committed early on to climate change mitigation strategies. A total of 3,072
offshore wind turbines have been grid connected in Europe with a combined capacity of 10,393.6
MW (Ho 2015). The first half of 2015, 584 turbines were connected to the grid with another 100
waiting to be connected. An improved reliability and structural efficiency of materials and
transmission cables used, larger turbine systems being built, and higher wind capacity sites now
being explored in deeper parts of the ocean are causing this rapid growth in the industry. These
factors are driving down costs and allowing investors more options when deciding to invest in
offshore wind industry
The basic components and how offshore wind turbines generate electricity are the same
as land turbines, the major difference being the structure used to stabilize the turbine as well as
expensive transmission stations and cables constructed in the seabed. The further out in the
ocean a wind turbine determines which type of substructure or foundation has to be used in order
to support the large blades. About 96% of all turbines in Europe are approximately 30 m off the
coastline (Higgens and Foley 2014). This is the max distance for the standard monopile because
the structural integrity of the materials can only take so much force before they collapse. Gravity
and jacket substructures are more expensive, but are more resistant to damage the farther the
water depth. When dealing with depths up to 400 meters, floating turbines technologies are
being developed (Higgens and Foley 2014). The floating base is then attached to the bottom of
the ocean floor via cables. This system is used for deep waters because long bases are not
practical due to the amount of force the water will have on the system. A specific base is chosen
that is dependent on the depth of the water. On top of the base extends the tower where the rest
of the system will rest. In-between the tower and the shell that houses all of the mechanical
devices, also known as the nacelle, is the wind orientation control device. The responsibility of
the orientation control device is to move the turbine so it is facing the wind. The gearbox, the
anemometer, the generator, and a braking device are all housed inside of the nacelle. Depending
on the complexity of the design, the blades will be bolted to a rotor hub that is connected to the

pitch control or directly connected to the pitch control, which is connected to the outside of the
nacelle. A pitch control is used to reduce the drag caused by lifting. Finally, the turbine is
directly connected to the grid, via cables running down the tower and out through the bottom of
the base (EWEA 2011).
Certain wind speeds are needed to get the turbine started and the turbine can only handle
up to a certain wind speed before the turbine will shut off completely to protect the gearbox. In
order to have offshore wind make sense financially, an average wind speed of around 5 - 5.5m/s
is strongly recommended so enough energy can be produced (Rodrigues et al. 2015). The height
of the turbine can also help to increase the efficiency, with two times the height producing over
ten percent more electricity. The size and height of the turbine will be optimized depending on
the locations wind averages and water depths.
Prices are slowly coming down with continued large scale development and also because
of an improved reliability of structural efficiency with the transmission cables being used. A
10% cost reduction over the next decade in Europe is predicted due to improving management of
existing technology (Yang 2012). Compared to onshore wind turbines, noise and the visual
impact issues arent as much of an issue due to the turbine being offshore depending on how far
it is offshore. With a majority of the population moving to or already living in coastal cities,
offshore wind power can provide power with minimal energy loss. Finally, wind turbines
produce zero greenhouse gas emissions and doesnt use any water when producing electricity.
This is a huge advantage over fossil fuels that continue to pollute our atmosphere increasing the
effects of climate change globally. Mitigating these effects using wind turbines can help offset
some of these emissions to help reduce the effects of climate change for generations to come.
There are much higher capital costs associated with offshore wind turbines than onshore
wind turbines due to extra costs of civil engineering on substructures, higher electrical
connection costs, and higher specification materials needed to resist the corrosive marine
environment (Rodrigues 2015). The marine environment could be at risk due to the construction
of substructure in the seabed. Little is known about the long-term effects of this constant noise
pollution coming from the turbines, but some studies have shown that some aquatic animals like
porpoises increase their distance towards the turbine when simulated noise is turned on.
Anything within a 100 m distance could be affected by the noise generated from the turbine
(Tabassum-Abbasi 2014).
Renewable Energy System Design
The design for wind turbines has changed over the years as advancements in wind power
materials and designs have been made. Designs also vary depending on what part of the world is
utilizing such a technology and whether it is an onshore or offshore wind turbine. It is important
that the climate, average wind speeds, location, materials, and energy needs of the client are
considered when designing the appropriate wind turbine system.
In order to design the most advantageous wind turbine system for Energinet, a single
triblade horizontal axis system turbine will be designed as a 1.6 Megawatt system. A 1.6
Megawatt turbine will be designed for Energinet in order to have the turbine accurately produce

enough power to offset 949.649 kwh/h desired. The design calculations for this proposed system
can be found in Appendix A. The 1.6 Megawatt system will also be chosen in order to have the
wind turbine function at a maximum efficiency of 59.3%, but the capacity factor will actually
end up being 37.5% due to environmental changes and intermittency issues of the system that
may affect its efficiency. The design will provide high energy capture for Energinet with a low
sound emission. In order to achieve the low sound emission the rotor blades will be designed to
have low noise trailing edge serrations. A triblade horizontal axis system has been chosen
because it is a widely used Danish design that has proven to be effective and efficient in
Denmarks existing offshore wind projects (Danish Energy Agency 2009). There are much
stronger wind speeds offshore than there are onshore and this design accounts for these higher
wind speeds by incorporating a low-solidity rotor with three blades, which is the most energy
efficient design (Boyle 2012). This design will also cater to a high tip speed ratio due to the thin
three blade design that comes with adjustable pitch helping to make the design more
aerodynamically efficient (Wengenmayr and Buhrke 2013). An adjustable pitch aids the designs
efficiency allowing the blades the ability to adjust to wind speed and direction at any given point
in time to help obtain the best angle for harvesting power from the wind. The blades of the
turbine will be designed to have laser optical-fiber load sensors (Wengenmayr and Buhrke 2013).
These sensors will allow Energinet to collect data on the wind turbines performance as well as
allow them to control and monitor the wind turbine remotely.
The wind turbine will be designed for an average wind speed of 12 mph (~5.4 m/s) in
order for the wind turbine to be suited for the average wind speed found in the potential location
site in Denmark. Appendix B displays a graph that also shows that wind speeds of 12-16 mph are
wind speeds you are most likely to have the most days within one months time so the design
factored in 12mph as the average wind speed. There are many parts that go into making a wind
turbine. The design will consist of a three rotor blades that are each 73 meters long. The tower of
the wind turbine will be 93 meters long. The blade swept area for the wind turbine will be 16,867
meters squared. The base of the offshore wind turbine will be 40 meters long. All of these
dimensions and the wind turbine itself can be observed in Appendix C. The base of this structure
that will be underneath the water will be a steel tetrapod design and this design was chosen based
on the depth of the base needed to go down into the water to be a stable structure. The optimal
base structure for this system would be to use a tetrapod design due to the depth of the water at
the location of the site being 40 meters. Appendix D contains a table that details the various
parts and materials that will go into the design for Energinet and their corresponding prices.
These prices were determined by taking the estimated cost of the system, approximately $3.5
million dollars, and using the figure in Appendix E that displays the components of the wind
turbine and the percentage of the cost each component makes up.
The components of this wind turbine include the following: the tower, rotor blades, rotor
hub, rotor bearings, main shaft, main frame, gearbox, generator, yaw system, pitch system,
power converter, transformer, brake system, nacelle housing, cables, and screws (The European
Wind and Energy Association 2009). Among the components of the wind turbine system various
materials will be used including: permanent magnetic materials, pre-stressed concrete, steel,

aluminum, copper, glass reinforced plastic, wood epoxy, and carbon filament reinforced plastic
(Ancona 2001). These materials are ones typically used in the production of wind turbines. The
permanent magnetic materials will be used for the creation of the nacelle and the generator. The
pre-stressed concrete will be used in the construction of the tower and base for the wind turbine.
The steel is used in a variety of parts on the wind turbine including the rotor hub, the rotor
blades, the nacelle, and the overall frame and shell of the wind turbine. Aluminum and copper
are used in the mechanical part of the gearbox, the hub, the generator, and the frame and shell of
the system. The glass reinforced plastic will be used on the blades, nacelle and frame of the wind
turbine. The wood epoxy and the carbon filament reinforced plastic will be used on the blades as
well. For a more detailed list of the components and materials involved in this design see
Appendix D. Since this wind turbine will be a small system the design will call for lighter weight
materials and castings, like die cast aluminum, and this design has taken material fatigue into
account using materials that are able to endure 4x10^8 fatigue stress cycles (Ancona 2001). Extra
precautions are being taken using this particular fatigue stress cycle number for the turbine
design in order to ensure the design is as stable as a large scale system. This turbine should last
25-30 years since this design for offshore wind power generation and there is less turbulence that
has to be accounted for with offshore than onshore (The European Wind and Energy Association
2009). The turbine design include red and white paint features in order to represent Denmark's
flag colors allowing the turbine design to be more patriotic and be used later as a potential
educational feature for Energinet.
Payback Period
Using data from a 2009 European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) Report, the cost of
an offshore wind turbine is 1.81 million euros, or 1.97 million dollars, per megawatt. The
capacity of the designed wind turbine is 1.6 megawatts. The lifetime of the designed single wind
turbine is twenty years. Though the efficiency is maximized at 59.3%, due to fluctuations in the
environment such as changing air density, air speeds, and temperature, the EWEA reports that
the capacity factor for the turbine will be 37.5% (EWEA 2009).
Since the goal of constructing our 1.6 megawatt turbine is to offset Energinets natural
gas storage facility in Dragr, Denmark, it was necessary to research the price of electricity
generation from natural gas in Denmark to calculate the payback period of building the designed
wind turbine system. The calculations for the payback period can be found in Appendix F.
However, the value for only the country of Denmark could not be found, forcing the value of
$0.22 per kWh to be used, which was an average across the entire European Union (Ho and
Mbistrova). This was the major assumption that had to make for the calculations, and while
electricity prices are notoriously high in European countries, this value may or may not
accurately reflect the energy climate solely in Denmark.
In searching for discount rates to apply to the designed wind turbine, one popped out in
the 2009 report on the economics of wind energy, the EWEA stated that discounts usually range
between 5 and 10%. For model calculations that they performed, they split the mean and used
7.5% (EWEA 2009). Since the discounting chart at the back of the textbook used for a renewable

energy course at the University of Maryland only has values for 5%, then 8%, for this designed
wind turbine the eight percent discount rate was used, the eight percent discount rate
corresponding to a 20 year lifetime of the system. That discount rate lead to a value of $102 per
every $1000 of capital spent for the designed wind turbine.
The entire cost of our 1.6 megawatt system is $3,149,834, not including discount rates.
Using this value, we were able to calculate the payback period, which would be about 2.7 years.
If discounting is included, then the cost of the system becomes $3,471,118 and the payback
period is exactly 3 years. This payback period is excellent for a wind turbine, and the short
amount of repayment time is likely attributable to the fact that the proposed design is only a
single wind turbine that can offset a small natural gas electricity power generation station, and
due to the fact that electricity costs are so high in Denmark, so producing electricity from a
renewable source provides a respectable economic relief.
Similar to the assumed value of $0.22 per kWh for what people pay for natural gasproduced electricity in Denmark, local, state, or national tax incentives could not be found that
could minutely or significantly reduce the capital costs of the overall project.
The lack of consistent data on the trends of Denmarks wind energy sector, and especially
their electricity rates, led to calculations that were based off of many assumptions. If a greater
quantity of more precise data were provided or made available, the calculations and estimations
for this project produced by this team would be better equipped to conduct an accurate economic
analysis of this Denmark-based project.
Final Recommendation
After calculating the expected payback period of our offshore wind turbine at
approximately 2.7 years, Boreas Technology strongly recommends implementing this laser
optical-fiber load sensor 1.6 megawatt system to Energinets already growing green portfolio.
This specifically designed system was built for Energinet allowing the opportunity to monitor
efficiency and control the turbine offsite. This turbine will ultimately provide a clean source of
power that will offset Energinets natural gas storage facility in Dragr, Denmark. With carbon
levels in the atmosphere over 400 ppm and increasing every day, its important for companies to
start investing in renewable technology. Climate change effects are becoming more and more
noticeable each year. Wind energy can help mitigate these effects because of the zero emissions
released and water being saved compared to fossil fuels. Climate change has a wide range
effects from temperature increase to sea level rise. As fossil fuels keep increasing greenhouse
emissions, we continue to accelerate the effects and risks of climate change. With decreasing
wind technology costs and more research being done around the world, there has never been a
better time to invest in this source of power.
Several assumptions had to be made determining the cost of each individual component
of the turbine itself because of insufficient information available about specific dollar amounts.
Most of the information outlined what each part would cost as a percentage of the total amount.
Overall, we estimated the entire cost of our 1.6 megawatt system to be $3,149,834 and highly

recommend this state of the art system be used alongside Energinets already existing wind farm
grid to completely offset their natural gas storage facility in Dragr, Denmark.
Team Contribution
Terrance Glover- Completed research necessary to perform payback period calculations. I spent
around 10-12 hours researching the data (and converting values from euros or Danish krones to
dollars) needed to calculate the payback period and making corrections to the equations based
on the class textbook.
Krystal Yhap- Completed research necessary to perform and finalize offshore wind turbine
design. Spent multiple days researching for data values and Danish design concepts that we
wanted to incorporate into our final design. Completed all the design calculations for the system
we designed including the dimensions of the turbine, wind speed needed, materials needed, etc.
for the wind turbine. I created the Sketchup drawing of our wind turbine system and wrote the
section on renewable energy system design. For researching, data and design creation I spent
approximately 15-20 hours on these aspects of the project.
Olivia Logan- Complete preliminary search on potential clients and proposed them to the group.
Research information regarding offshore wind energy and implementing it in this area of
Denmark. I highlighted the company achievements, government, and climate sections of the
memo in addition to finding research for data values for other group members to include within
the calculations or design idea. I wrote the executive summary and client background of the final
paper. For the final presentation, I complete the client overview slide, highlighted their needs,
and the final recommendation sections, which focused on operations and maintenance research.
Overall I spent around 9-10 hours on this project.
Sean Stein-My job was to find information about how wind power is generated and the about the
technology in general. I also found a list of advantages and disadvantages associated with wind
turbines regarding to marine environments and costs. I also wrapped up the project completing
the final recommendation section of the proposal. Overall, with research and writing I probably
spent approximately 8-10 hours on the project.

Appendix A

Wind Turbine Design Calculations

Wind Turbine Design Calculations


*Known system hub height and blade height comes from a Sketchup scaled turbine drawing I used as a comparison and
proportion to calculate the dimensions for my drawing. Also, other systems in Denmark that are close to 1.6 MW have similar
blade lengths and hub heights (This can be seen in the "Wind Turbines in Denmark" Report by the Danish Energy Agency cited in
our papers references.

Appendix B

How many days in one month different wind speeds occur in Dragor Denmark.
Source: Meteoblue Weather. "Climate Dragr." Meteoblue. Meteoblue Weather, 2006. Web.

Appendix C


Proposed Wind Turbine Design and Dimensions (Front View)

Proposed Wind Turbine Design and Dimensions (Side View)

Appendix D
Material for Offshore Wind Turbine

Materials Needed

Estimated Cost


Pre-stressed Concrete, steel,

and aluminum


Rotor Blades

Steel, glass reinforced

plastic, wood epoxy, and
carbon filament reinforced


Rotor Hub

Steel and aluminum


Rotor Bearings

Steel or aluminum


Main Shaft

Ductile cast iron or steel


Main Frame

Steel, aluminum, copper, and

glass reinforced plastic



Steel, aluminum, and copper



Permanent magnetic
materials, steel, and copper



Yaw System

Various parts (metals and

gears and small parts)


Pitch System

Various parts (metals and

gears and small parts)


Power Converter

Various parts (metals and

gears and small parts)



Various parts (metals and

gears and small parts)


Brake System

Various parts (metals and

gears and small parts)


Nacelle Housing

Permanent magnetic
materials, steel, aluminum,
copper, and glass reinforced



Wiring, copper, and rubber



Stainless steel


Table of components and materials needed for the wind turbine and its estimated cost.

Appendix E


Main components of a wind turbine and their share of the overall turbine cost for a 5 MW wind turbine. Source: Wind Directions,
January/February 2007

Appendix F

Payback Period Calculations

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