Geometry P-Set-02

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Angle Chasing Problems Showcase

M. Ahsan Al Mahir

National Camp 2018

Let’s assume that you have learnt all the theorems and lemmas needed for chasing angles. All
of these problems can be solved using angle chasing alone (ya literally), but you are free to solve
them as you like. But it is highly encouraged that you try them with angle chasing first, as it will
toughen up your angle chasing skills :D

1 Required Theorems
You are really gonna need at least these theorems to continue:

Theorem 1.1. The sum of the three angles of a triangle equals to 180◦

Theorem 1.2. In a triangle ABC with cicrcumcenter O, we have ∠BOC = 2 × ∠BAC

Theorem 1.3. Let ABC be a triangle inscribed in a circle ω. Show that AC ⊥ CB if and only if
AB is a diameter of ω.

Theorem 1.4. Let O and H denote the circumcenter and orthocenter of an acute 4ABC, respec-
tively. Show that ∠BAH = ∠CAO.

Theorem 1.5. Let ABCD be a convex cyclic quadrilateral. Then ∠ABC + ∠CDA = 180◦ and

Theorem 1.6. Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral. Then the following are equivalent:

1. ABCD is cyclic.

2. ∠ABC + ∠CDA = 180◦ .

3. ∠ABD = ∠ACD.

Theorem 1.7. Suppose 4ABC is inscribed in a circle with center O. Let P be a point in the
plane. Then the following are equivalent:

1. P A is tangent to (ABC).

2. OA ⊥ AP .

3. ∠P AB = ∠ACB.

Thanks to Euclidean Geometry in Mathematical Olympiads (EGMO) - Evan Chen, Yufei Zhao Handouts for
being wonderful sources for many of the problems here. They are great resources for further reading.

2 Easy
Problem 2.1. Let ABC be an acute triangle with circumcenter O, and let K be a point such that
KA is tangent to (ABC) and ∠KCB = 90◦ . Point D lies on BC such that KD k AB. Show that
line DO passes through A.

Problem 2.2. Extremely Useful: Angles around the centers of a triangle ABC:

1. If I is the incenter of ABC then ∠BIC = 90◦ + a2 , ∠IBC = 2b and∠ICB = c

2 .

2. If H is the orthocenter of ABC then ∠BHC = 180◦ − a, ∠HBC = 90◦ − c and ∠HCB =
90◦ − b.

3. If O is the circumcenter of ABC then ∠BOC = 2a and ∠OBC = ∠OCB = 90◦ − a.

4. If Ia is the A-excenter of ABC then ∠AIa B = 2c , ∠AIa C = b

2 and ∠BIa C = 90◦ − a

Problem 2.3. Extremely Useful: Pedal triangles of the centers of a triangle ABC:

1. If DEF is the triangle formed by projecting the incenter I onto sides BC, AC and AB, then
I is the circumcenter of DEF and ∠EDF = 90◦ − a2 .

2. If DEF is the triangle formed by projecting the orthocenter H onto sides BC, AC and AB,
then H is the incenter of DEF and ∠EDF = 180◦ − 2a.

3. The medial triangle of ABC is the pedal triangle of the circumcenter O of ABC and O is its

Problem 2.4. In scalene triangle ABC, let K be the intersection of the angle bisector of ∠A and
the perpendicular bisector of BC. Prove that the points A, B, C, K are concyclic.

Problem 2.5. Let AB and CD be two segments, and let lines AC and BD meet at X. Let the
circumcircles of ABX and CDX meet again at O. Prove that triangles OAB and OCD are similar.

Problem 2.6. Let L, M, N are the midpoints of BC, CA, AB and AD, BE, CF are altitudes of
4ABC. Prove that

• O is the orthocenter of 4LM N .

• H is the incenter of 4DEF .

• D, E, F, L, M, N all lie on a circle.

• Let BO ∩ ABC = Q. Prove that AQCH is a parallelogram

• Prove that the reflection of H on BC lies on the circumcenter.

• Prove that the reflection of the Euler Line1 on the sides of 4ABC concur at the circumcirle.

It is the line joining the orthocenter and the circumcenter

Problem 2.7. (Miquels theorem) Let ABC be a triangle. Points X, Y and Z lie on sides
BC, CA and AB, respectively. Prove that the circumcircles of triangles AY Z, BXZ, CXY meet at
a common point.

Problem 2.8. (Simson line) Let ABC be a triangle, and let P be another point on its circum-
circle. Let X; Y ; Z be the feet of perpendiculars from P to lines BC; CA; AB respectively. Prove
that X; Y ; Z are collinear.

Problem 2.9. Let ∠AOB be a right angle, M and N points on rays OA and OB, respectively.
Let M N P Q be a square such that M N separates the points O and P . Find the locus of the center
of the square when M and N vary.

Problem 2.10. An interior point P is chosen in the rectangle ABCD such that ∠AP D+∠BP C =
180. Find ∠DAP + ∠BCP .

Problem 2.11. Let ABC be an acute triangle inscribed in circle ω. Let X be the midpoint of the
arc BC of ω not containing A and define Y, Z similarly. Show that the orthocenter of XY Z is the
incenter I of ABC.

Problem 2.12. Let ABC be an acute triangle. Let BE and CF be altitudes of 4ABC, and denote
by M the midpoint of BC. Prove that M E, M F, and the line through A parallel to BC are all
tangents to (AEF ).

Problem 2.13. The incircle of 4ABC is tangent to BC, CA, AB at D, E, F , respectively. Let
M and N be the midpoints of BC and AC, respectively. Ray BI meets line EF at K. Show that
BK ⊥ CK. Then show K lies on line M N .

Problem 2.14. Prove that if the orthocentre lie on the circumcircle then the triangle is a right
angled triangle.

Problem 2.15. Prove that the isogonal conjugate of a point is a point at infinity if and only if it
lies on the circumcircle.

Problem 2.16. Let ABC be a triangle with orthocenter H. If P is a point on (ABC) then its
Simson line bisects P H .

Problem 2.17. Given a triangle ABC, let P lie on the circumcircle of the triangle and be the
midpoint of the arc BC which does not contain A. Draw a straight line l through P so that l is
parallel to AB. Denote by k the circle which passes through B, and is tangent to l at the point
P . Let Q be the second point of intersection of k and the line AB (if there is no second point of
intersection, choose Q = B). Prove that AQ = AC.

3 Medium
Problem 3.1. IMO 2004 P4: E Let ABC be an acute triangle with orthocenter H, and let W
be a point on the side BC, between B and C. The points M and N are the feet of the altitudes
drawn from B and C, respectively. ω1 is the circumcircle of triangle BW N and X is a point such
that W X is a diameter of ω1 . Similarly, ω2 is the circumcircle of triangle CW M and Y is a point
such that W Y is a diameter of ω2 . Show that the points X, Y, and H are collinear.

Problem 3.2. IMO Shortlist G1: E Let ABC be an acute triangle with D, E, F the feet of the
altitudes lying on BC, CA, AB respectively. One of the intersection points of the line EF and the
circumcircle is P . The lines BP and DF meet at point Q. Prove that AP = AQ.

Problem 3.3. IOM 2017 P1: E Let ABCD be a parallelogram in which angle at B is obtuse
and AD > AB. Points K and L on AC such that ∠ADL = ∠KBA(the points A, K, C, L are all
different, with K between A and L). The line BK intersects the circumcircle ω of ABC at points
B and E, and the line EL intersects ω at points E and F . Prove that BF k AC.

Problem 3.4. All Russian 2014 Grade 10 Day 1 P4: E Given a triangle ABC with AB >
BC, let Ω be the circumcircle. Let M , N lie on the sides AB, BC respectively, such that AM = CN .
Let K be the intersection of M N and AC. Let P be the incentre of the triangle AM K and Q be the
K-excentre of the triangle CN K. If R is midpoint of the arc ABC of Ω then prove that RP = RQ.

Problem 3.5. USA TST 2000 P2: E Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral and let E and F be the
feet of perpendiculars from the intersection of diagonals AC and BD to AB and CD, respectively.
Prove that EF is perpendicular to the line through the midpoints of AD and BC.

Problem 3.6. IRAN 3rd Round 2016 P1: E Let ABC be an arbitrary triangle, P is the
intersection point of the altitude from C and the tangent line from A to the circumcircle. The
bisector of angle A intersects BC at D . P D intersects AB at K, if H is the orthocenter then
prove : HK ⊥ AD

Problem 3.7. AoPS: E I is the incenter of ABC, P I, QI ⊥ BC, P A, QA intersect BC at DE.

Prove: IADE is on a circle.

Problem 3.8. IRAN 2nd Round 2016 P6: E Let ABC be a triangle and X be a point on its
circumcircle. Q, P lie on a line BC such that XQ ⊥ AC, XP ⊥ AB. Let Y be the circumcenter of
4XQP . Prove that ABC is equilateral triangle if and if only Y moves on a circle when X varies
on the circumcircle of ABC

Problem 3.9. BAMO 1999, P2: E Let O = (0, 0), A = (0, a), and B = (0, b), where 0 < a < b
are reals. Let γ be a circle with diameter AB and let P be any other point on γ. Line P A meets
the x-axis again at Q. Prove that ∠BQP = ∠BOP

Problem 3.10. CGMO 2012 P5: M Let ABC be a triangle. The incircle of 4ABC is tangent
to AB and AC at D and E respectively. Let O denote the circumcenter of 4BCI. Prove that

Problem 3.11. Canada 1991 P3: M Let P be a point inside circle ω. Consider the set of chords
of ω that contain P . Prove that their midpoints all lie on a circle.

Problem 3.12. Russia 1996: M Points E and F are on side BC of convex quadrilateral ABCD
(with E closer than F to B). It is known that ∠BAE = ∠CDF and ∠EAF = ∠F DE. Prove that
∠F AC = ∠EDB.

Problem 3.13. JMO 2011 P5: M Points A, B, C, D, E lie on a circle ω and point P lies outside
the circle. The given points are such that:

• lines P B and P D are tangent to ω

• P, A, C are collinear

• DE k AC

Prove that BE bisects AC.

Problem 3.14. Canda 1997 P4: M The point O is situated inside the parallelogram ABCD
such that ∠AOB + ∠COD = 180◦ . Prove that ∠OBC = ∠ODC.

Problem 3.15. USAMO 2010 P1: M Let AXY ZB be a convex pentagon inscribed in a
semicircle of diameter AB. Denote by P, Q, R, S the feet of the perpendiculars from Y onto
linesAX, BX, AZ, BZ, respectively. Prove that the acute angle formed by lines P Q and RS is
half the size of ∠XOZ, where O is the midpoint of segment AB.

Problem 3.16. Romanian Masters in Mathematics 2018 P1: M Let ABCD be a cyclic
quadrilateral an let P be a point on the side AB. The diagonals AC meets the segments DP at
Q. The line through P parallel to CD mmets the extension of the side CB beyond B at K. The
line through Q parallel to BD meets the extension of the side CB beyond B at L. Prove that the
circumcircles of the triangles BKP and CLQ are tangent .

Problem 3.17. D be a point such that ABDC is a parallelogram and E be the intersection of the
B, C tangents. Prove that D, E are isogonal conjugates.

Problem 3.18. China 2012 P1: M In the triangle ABC, ∠A is biggest. On the circumcircle
of 4ABC, let D be the midpoint of ABC\ and E be the midpoint of ACB. \ The circle c1 passes
through A, B and is tangent to AC at A, the circle c2 passes through A, E and is tangent AD at
A. c1 and c2 intersect at A and P . Prove that AP bisects ∠BAC.

Problem 3.19. Consider a circle C1 and a point O on it. Circle C2 with center O, intersects C1
in two points P and Q. C3 is a circle which is externally tangent to C2 at R and internally tangent
to C1 at S and suppose that RS passes through Q. Suppose X and Y are second intersection points
of P R and OR with C1 . Prove that QX is parallel with SY .

4 Not So Easy...
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try them...

Problem 4.1. APMO 2014 P5: H Circles ω and Ω meet at points A and B. Let M be the
midpoint of the arc AB of circle ω (M lies inside Ω). A chord M P of circle ω intersects Ω at Q
(Q lies inside ω). Let `P be the tangent line to ω at P , and let `Q be the tangent line to Ω at Q.
Prove that the circumcircle of the triangle formed by the lines `P , `Q and AB is tangent to Ω.

Problem 4.2. (Poncelet Point): H

1. Prove that for a quadruple W, X, Y, Z of points, the nine point circles of the triangles formed
by points in this set, the pedal cicles of the points with respect to the triangle formed by the
other three are concurrent. We call this the Poncelet Point of the quadruple.

2. Prove that the Feurbach Point is the Poncelet point of the quadruple A, B, C, I where I is
the incenter of 4ABC.

Problem 4.3. Canada 2007 P5: H Let the incircle of triangle ABC touch sides BC, CA
and AB at D, E and F, respectively. Let ω, ω1 , ω2 and ω3 denote the circumcircles of triangle
ABC, AEF, BDF and CDE respectively. Let ω and ω1 intersect at A and P, ω and ω2 intersect
at B and Q, ω and ω3 intersect at C and R.

• Prove that ω1 , ω2 and ω3 intersect in a common point.

• Show that P D, QE and RF are concurrent.

Problem 4.4. IMO 2011 P6: H Let ABC be an acute triangle with circumcircle Γ. Let ` be a
tangent line to Γ, and let `a , `b and `c be the lines obtained by reflecting ` in the lines BC, CA and
AB, respectively. Show that the circumcircle of the triangle determined by the lines `a , `b and `c is
tangent to the circle Γ.

Problem 4.5. Canda 2013 P5: H Let O denote the circumcentre of an acute-angled triangle
ABC. Let point P on side AB be such that ∠BOP = ∠ABC, and let point Q on side AC be such
that ∠COQ = ∠ACB. Prove that the reflection of BC in the line P Q is tangent to the circumcircle
of triangle AP Q.

Problem 4.6. Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle, and let P and Q be two points on its side BC.
Construct a point C1 in such a way that the convex quadrilateral AP BC1 is cyclic, QC1 k CA, and
the points C1 and Q lie on opposite sides of the line AB. Construct a point B1 in such a way that
the convex quadrilateral AP CB1 is cyclic, QB1 k BA, and the points B1 and Q lie on opposite
sides of the line AC.
Prove that the points B1 , C1 , P, and Q lie on a circle

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