08 Respiration Biology Notes IGCSE 2014
08 Respiration Biology Notes IGCSE 2014
08 Respiration Biology Notes IGCSE 2014
muscle contraction
making protein molecules: linking together amino acids into long
cell division: to repair damaged tissues and so that we can grow
active transport
transmitting nerve impulses
maintenance of constant body t
All this energy comes from the food we eat. Water soluble molecules are
absorbed from the intestine into the blood.
The main energyproviding nutrient: glucose (contains a lot of chemical
There are 2 types of respiration:
B. Anaerobic respiration
Anaerobic respiration: the release of a relatively small amount of
energy by the breakdown of food substances in the absence of O2.
Anaerobic respiration in muscles during exercise:
The lactic acid that is made is transported to the liver, and later is broken
down by combining it with O2. This extra O2 is breathed in after the exercise
has stopped, and it is known as the oxygen debt.
Bread making
- yeast is mixed with water to activate it
then added to flour to make dough
- mixture -----> warm place ------> rise
- yeast releases CO2 ------> dough rises
* a warm to is important because
fermentation is controlled by enzymes
- when dough is cooked, high to kills yeast
and evaporates any formed ethanol
- air spaces are left where CO2 was trapped
- yeast is added to a source of sugar
(fruit juice or germinated barley
grains) and kept in warm conditions
- fermentation (yeast respires the
sugar) occurs ------> ethanol is
formed making the drink alcoholic
- CO2 makes the drink fizzy + sharp
Credit: biology-forums.com
- Inside the nose, thin turbinal bones are covered with a layer of cells. Some
of which are goblet cells.
- Goblet cells produce a liquid (water + mucus) ---> evaporate --->
moisten nose.
- Cilia: tiny hair-like projections; constantly moving
- Bacteria + dust particles are trapped by cilia and mucus as to not move
further inside the gas exchange system.
Try this
State how each feature labeled on the
diagram of an alveolus makes the process of
gaseous exchange efficient. [5 marks]
Wall of alveolus one cell thick (or very thin)
so that diffusion happens quickly.
Moist surface- allow O2 to dissolve making
diffusion faster.
Blood is moving so thats concentration
gradient is maintained for O2 and CO2
Wall of capillary one cell thick (or very
thin) so thats diffusion happens quickly.
Red blood cells contain haemoglobin to
transport O2 away from the lungs.
Video: Gas exchange
Video: Functions of Cilia and Goblet Cells
CO2 and lactic acid concentration in tissue and in the blood --->
blood pH
Brain sens the change ---> nerve impulses sent to the diaphragm and
the intercostal muscles, stimulating them to contract
harder and more often ---> faster and deeper breathing.
Try this
a) The composition of the air inside the lungs changes during breathing.
i) State three differences between inspired and expired air.
[3 marks]
ii) Gaseous exchange in the alveoli causes some of the changes to the
inspired air. Describe three features of the alveoli which assist gaseous
exchange. [3 marks]
b) i) State what is meant by anaerobic respiration [2 marks]
ii)Where does anaerobic respiration occur in human? [1mark]
a) i) Inspired air contains more O2, less CO2, and less water vapor then
expired air.
ii) Three features from:
the wall of the alveolus is one cell thick (or very thin)
there is a moist surface to the alveoli
there are large number of alveoli
the air in the alveoli is constantly being replaced.
Carbon monoxide:
- combines with haemoglobin in RBC ---> prevents them transporting O2.
- addictive ---> continual smoking
Smoke particles:
- irritate air passages ---> inflammation + increase mucus production --->
chronic bronchitis.
- presence of smoke particles in alveoli + coughing = emphysema
- a carcinogen: increase risk of lung cancer ( cell division out of control)
- lines air passages:
- increase mucus production
- paralysing + damaging cilia
---> bronchitis
Common misconceptions
Remember that only nicotine and carbon monoxide enter the blood. Tar and
smoke particles do not they stay in the lungs.
Sample question
The table shows the percentage of haemoglobin which is inactivated by CO
present in the blood of taxi drivers in a city.
City taxi drivers
Daytime drivers
Percentage of Hb inactivated by CO
Night-time drivers Non-smokers
i) Suggest two sources of the CO inhaled by these taxidrivers
ii) Some daytime drivers have 5.8% of their Hb affected. Using information
from the table, explain which source contributes most to this effect.
[2 makrs]
iii) Suggest a reason for the differences, shown in the table, between
daytime and night-time drivers.
[1 mark]
Studens answer
i) 1. cigarette smoke
2. breathing by passengers
ii) It must be cigarette smoking because non-smokers have less of their Hb
iii)Therer could be less car exhaust fumes, containing CO, at night.
Examiners comments
In part (i), the second answer if biologically incorrect (we breath out CO2,
not CO. The other correct answer was car exhaust gases.
In part (ii), the answer and the explanation were correct.
Part (iii) war a good answer.
Two set of intercostal muscles are attached to the ribes. They are
1. Breathing in (inhaling)
Ribcage moving
Thorax volume
Air pressure in
thorax cavity
air rushes
muscles contract
muscles contract
Muscles respire aerobically when they are working so fast that they
cannot be supplied with O2 quickly enough. The lactic acid that is made
is transported to the liver, and later is broken down by combining it
with O2. This extra O2 is breathed in after the exercise has stopped,
and it is known as the oxygen debt.
All gas exchange surfaces need to be thin, have a large surface area,
be kept moist, and have a good supply of O2. In larger animals,
a transport system is needed to carry away the CO2 and bring O2.
The air we breath in travels down the trachea and bronchi, through
the bronchioles and into the alveoli.
Some of these tubes are lined with goblet cells which make mucus,
and ciliated cells. The mucus traps dirt, bacteria and other particles
and the cilia sweep the mucus up and away from the lungs.