Industrialization Tic Tac Toe

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Industrialization Tic Tac Toe

Directions: Choose one assignment from each row of the Tic Tac Toe Board below.
Your choices DO NOT have to make a line. Make sure you consult to due dates and
understand the rubric on the back page. Assignments MUST be turned in ON TIME.
Complete more than three for extra credit!
Due Dates:
Top Row December 4th
Middle Row December 10th
Bottom Row December 18th
Industrialization Flip

Big Businesses Then

and Now

Interview a Captain of

Create a flip book with six

flaps and label them:
Inventions, Rise of Big
Business, Captains of
Industry, Examples of Big
Business, Growth of
Industry, and Life on
American Farms. Support
each topic with
appropriate illustrations.

Choose a one of the big

businesses learned in class
and compare it with a big
business from today (e.g.
Apple). Start by
comparing each big
business using the
essential information from
the rubric. Display your
information on a poster or
using charts and graphs.

Construct a series of
interview questions to give
one of the Captains of
Industry. Focus on the
essential information from
the rubric and then go
further by researching
background, business ethics
(treatment of workers),
philanthropy, etc. Turn your
interview into a Podcast.

Faces Perspective

Wild Card

Public Debate

Like the Project last year

with Native Americans and
Explorers! (See
examples). On each flap
explain each reformers
views on racial
segregation, Jim Crow, and
education. In the middle

Your choice for an

assignment, but it must be
approved by the teacher
and include the
requirements from the
Rubric for objective USII.4c

Jacob Riis Lantern Show

Progressive Movement
Flip Book

Suffragette Wanted

Create a flipbook with five

flaps and label them:
Negative Effects of
Industrialization, Efforts to
Solve Negative Effects,

Create a Wanted Poster for

the three main leaders of
the Womens Progressive
Movement. Make sure you
include on your poster

Create your own lantern

show like that of Jacob Riis
that shows the negative
effects of industrialization
(use power point, Prezi, or
another program). You

Washington and Dubois are

coming to a town near you!
It is your job to advertise
the debate they will have.
You may create a poster or
commercial (your choice)!
Make sure you include and
EXPLAIN the views of each
reformer accurately.

must also include

information on efforts to
solve these problems.

Rise of Organized Labor,

Suffrage Movement, and
Temperance Movement.

essential knowledge and

primary sources to support
your content.

Industrialization Objective


USII.4d EXPLAIN the factors that led to

changes in American life in the areas of Big
Business, Industry, and life on American
farms in your assignment.

1. Complete research for your

assignment using the textbook,
supplemental readings, and online
sources. Provide at least ten facts
summarized to use for your

USII.4c EXPLAIN racial segregation, the

rise of Jim Crow, and African American
responses in the post-Reconstruction

1. Complete a double-bubble map

before you begin your assignment.
Use your class notes, textbook, and
other readings to complete your

USII.4e EXPLAIN the impact of the

Progressive Movement on child labor,
working conditions, the rise of organized
labor, womens suffrage, and the
temperance movement.

1. You may not choose the Flipbook



2. Complete a tree map before you

begin your assignment to organize
information you research from your
notes, online resources, textbook,
and other readings.
1. Effort is demonstrated by the student
who provided relevant images and
took time to make their product neat,
colorful (if applicable) and turned in
on time.

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