Progressivism Choice Board Final

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Choice Board for Progressive Reform DUE Friday 11/15

The following table shows many different ways for you to demonstrate understanding for the era of Progressive Reform
(1890-1920). You must do each task in column 1, you can choose two tasks from column 2, and choose 1 task from column
3. You should complete each task on its own paper. The format is up to you, but the overall quality and attention to detail
will be factored in to the grade. (That means type all written sections, color all images, etc.)

Must Do Choose 2 Choose 1

Complete a Field Investigation Primary sources on a political Writing Prompt
spectrum. Using the information you learned in
Create a muckraking notepad from 2 Find 5 primary sources attacking and/or this unit, evaluate the following
sheets of paper or in your S.S. Journal. defending Progressive issues (suffrage, statement
 Conduct the field investigation prohibition, etc.) Progressives were successful at
in class (11/4) solving many of the problems they
1. Summarize each source in 4-5 sentences.
 Read corresponding sections in saw in American cities.
2. Arrange the summaries on a spectrum,
Ch. 16 of History Alive showing what you believe to be the most
 Record four facts about each liberal to the most conservative arguments. Your response should be 4-6
problem. 3.Write one sentence under each summary paragraphs in length (organized any
explaining why you placed it where you did. way you choose that is effective) and
contain a works cited in MLA
Read Chapter 17 in History Alive Progressivism Photo Journal Create a Public Service
As you read 17.3-17.5 complete a flow Stage an original photograph that shows one of Use a digital program of your choice
chart in your Social Studies journal the problems of the industrial time period. (Think to create a PSA. Your PSA should
about our muckraking activity).
that evaluates the reforms of Your photograph can be exaggerated and
focus on a current financial, political,
Progressives. humorous, but should show an issue addressed by or social issue facing America. In
Finally assign them a letter grade for Progressives. your PSA, reference the Progressive
their actions. (Template posted on movement and how society could
class webpage.) Write one paragraph describing in detail how your learn from the changes of 1890-
photograph demonstrates a historical problem 1920.
from chapter 16, and post it on the appropriate
coursesites forum in addition to turning it in with
this project.
Step Notes for Progressivism on the Modern Day Muckraker Progressivism short story
National Stage
Be a muckraker in Tamanend Middle Write a short story about a character
Read chapter 18 in History Alive and School! Choose one problem you would you create to show the details of the
explain complete the step notes for Ch. like to change within the school and Progressive movement. Your short
18 (attached). Then, explain the four write a persuasive article, pamphlet, or story should follow a story map and
goals of progressivism, giving an other persuasive material approved by ultimately answer an EQ from the
illustration and a slogan for each. the teacher (approx. one page). Include unit. See materials on the website.
at least one photograph of your issue of
 Political Reform choice.
 Social Reform
 Moral Reform
 Regulation of Big Business Include one paragraph explanation of
how this activity helped you answer one
of our Essential Questions.
The Progressive Period
Based on the unit terms on the board, sketch a picture(s) about what you expect this unit to

Things I already know

about this topic:

Essential Questions: (Why am I learning this?)

1. Who benefits and who suffers during the times of profound economic change?
2. How can people change society?
3. Did this period of reform move America closer or further away from its founding ideals?

Enduring Understandings: (What should I understand?)

1. Industrialization had positive and negative impacts, not only on the economy, but the
entire culture in the U.S.
2. Individuals and groups can influence the government and reform society, but are often
opposed by those who want to keep things the same.
3. Social differences are a product of society, not just individual differences.

Three things I will most remember:

20-18 17-16 15-12 11-0
Quality of content Elements show Elements show Elements require Elements lack
detailed content historical content more content historical content.
with little to no with few historical and/or contain
historical errors. errors. significant
historical errors.
10 9-8 7-6 5-0
Quality of product All elements show Elements show Elements show a Elements show a
& required exemplary evidence of effort, basic of effort, lack effort, detail,
elements evidence of effort, detail, and quality detail, and quality and quality
detail, and quality


This document must be submitted upon the completion of the choice board. Please indicate clearly the choices you are
submitting to demonstrate understanding of the Progressive Era. Also, please provide a physical copy of all the items you
have completed. These must be printed and attached in advance of the due date.

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