Progressivism Choice Board Final
Progressivism Choice Board Final
Progressivism Choice Board Final
The following table shows many different ways for you to demonstrate understanding for the era of Progressive Reform
(1890-1920). You must do each task in column 1, you can choose two tasks from column 2, and choose 1 task from column
3. You should complete each task on its own paper. The format is up to you, but the overall quality and attention to detail
will be factored in to the grade. (That means type all written sections, color all images, etc.)
1. Who benefits and who suffers during the times of profound economic change?
2. How can people change society?
3. Did this period of reform move America closer or further away from its founding ideals?
This document must be submitted upon the completion of the choice board. Please indicate clearly the choices you are
submitting to demonstrate understanding of the Progressive Era. Also, please provide a physical copy of all the items you
have completed. These must be printed and attached in advance of the due date.