This document is a bibliography or list of references for information on tuberculous peritonitis and abdominal tuberculosis. It includes 20 sources such as journal articles, book chapters, and textbooks published between 1970-2012 that cover topics like the diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment of tuberculous peritonitis. The references are listed alphabetically by author's last name and include information like title, journal, volume and page numbers to identify the source.
This document is a bibliography or list of references for information on tuberculous peritonitis and abdominal tuberculosis. It includes 20 sources such as journal articles, book chapters, and textbooks published between 1970-2012 that cover topics like the diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment of tuberculous peritonitis. The references are listed alphabetically by author's last name and include information like title, journal, volume and page numbers to identify the source.
This document is a bibliography or list of references for information on tuberculous peritonitis and abdominal tuberculosis. It includes 20 sources such as journal articles, book chapters, and textbooks published between 1970-2012 that cover topics like the diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment of tuberculous peritonitis. The references are listed alphabetically by author's last name and include information like title, journal, volume and page numbers to identify the source.
This document is a bibliography or list of references for information on tuberculous peritonitis and abdominal tuberculosis. It includes 20 sources such as journal articles, book chapters, and textbooks published between 1970-2012 that cover topics like the diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment of tuberculous peritonitis. The references are listed alphabetically by author's last name and include information like title, journal, volume and page numbers to identify the source.
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Ahmad M. Tuberkulosis peritonitis : fatality associated with delayed diagnosis.
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