Basicsguideandassignmentfor 21 Things 4 Teachers

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Part I Technology Readiness and Targets for Improvement

Michigan K-12 Checklist

Student Tech Readiness Skills My Students Need
to Learn

I need to improve
this too
(place an X)

Students can search the internet to find and

summarize information

Students can copy and paste text

Students can drag items on a screen and drop

them in a different location

Students have a beginning understanding of

source credibility when searching for information

Students can move from one website/application

page to another by using buttons on the screen

Reflection: While many parts of technology and internet use are important to know, these are
the areas I think students need to know most, and that they may struggle with the most. I know I
need to improve some of these skills myself. Through the completion of these 21 things, I hope
to improve and build on my existing technology skills.
Part II Basics: Technology Skills


Reflection: Capturing a screenshot would be a useful skill to show students a multi-step

process on their computers. I would provide a screenshot of what their screen should look like
after each step and where to go next, providing a visual guide for students.
Keyboard shortcuts on a chromebook- ctrl, screenshot button for the full screen; ctrl, shift,
screenshot button and select the area for partial screen

Keyboard shortcuts on a macbook- command, shift, 3 for the full screen; command, shift, 4 and
select the area for partial screen

Browser Navigation

Reflection: By resizing a window, I made it possible to view two windows at the same time. This
would be useful in teaching in many ways, but the one that comes to mind first is the ability to
be looking at a student assignment with the grading rubric up right next to it. It would also be
useful in completing an online project or assignment- students would be able to view the
directions or an example and their work at the same time.
B. Browser Navigation (Part 2)

Reflection: Finding text in a document (on a macbook: command, f; on a chromebook: ctrl, f) is

useful because it can help me find specific things or sections in a text so I dont have to search
through the entire text to find what I need. It would also be helpful in writing a paper and finding
and changing any words or contractions I didnt want. In the classroom this could be useful in
teaching students how to proof-read their work. It would help them find those grammatical and
formatting mistakes that a spell check may not catch, like a double space. It would also help
them locate specific parts of their work that they needed to review- maybe a quote that they

needed to fix the citation on- and rather than searching through the whole document, they could
command/ctrl f a specific word or phrase and go right to it.
3. Basic Browser Shortcuts
Bold entries denote previously unknown shortcuts, all shortcuts are on a Mac:
Shortcut 1: (esc) Stop action
Shortcut 2: (command r) Refresh the Page
Shortcut 3: (command t) Open a New Tab
Shortcut 4: (command n) Open a New Window
Shortcut 5: (command f) Find on a Page
Shortcut 6: (command +, command -) Zoom In, Zoom Out
Shortcut 7: (command p) Print
Shortcut 8: (command, down arrow) Jump to the Bottom of the Page
Other Basic Shortcuts:
Bold entries denote previously unknown shortcuts, all shortcuts are on a Mac:
Shortcut 1: (command c, command v) Copy and Paste
Shortcut 2: (command x) Cut
Shortcut 3: (command z) Undo
Shortcut 4: (command y) Redo
Shortcut 5: (command a) Select All
Shortcut 6: (command s) Save
Shortcut 7: (command b) Bold
Shortcut 8: (command i) Italics
Shortcut 9: (command u) Underline
Shortcut 9: (command q) Quit (close the document)
My computer: I will be using a Macbook for the majority of the work for this course.
My favorite browser is: Chrome
My favorite, or most used keyboard shortcut is copy and paste (on a mac: command, c
(copy) and command, v (paste). The shortcut can be used to copy text or an image and paste it
in another document or in the Google search bar if necessary rather than having to retype the
text or download and insert the image.

Part III: Implementation

1. ISTE Teacher Standards

A. As you review these ISTE-T standards provide an example of at least one thing you do in
your teaching. See the sample provided below and then share the your own example:

Briefly describe an activity or lesson that meets one of the five ISTE-T standards you teach in
the table below:
ISTE Standard addressed by my activity or lesson: Standard 1- Facilitate and inspire
student learning and creativity
Performance indicator(s) addressed: I selected c.
Standard 1.c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify
students conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.
My lesson description:
I will have students analyze a poem on a Google doc, and other students when then read
what has already been written and add to the analysis by supporting the analysis that has
already been made, or by adding their own thoughts to the existing analysis.
Future Lesson:
Standard: 1.d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with
students, colleges and others, in face to face and virtual environments
I would expand the poetry analysis assignment to include a discussion of the poem with
other students or teachers either in person or through a tool like Skype to discuss the poem
with another classroom in another school.
B. How I would rate myself based on the ISTE-Teacher Standards at this point using a 5-point







Experienced and
proficient user
and integrator,

Awareness, the
integration of
at a high level of


have an idea
of what I
need to work

Awareness, feel
experienced &

Score/reflection: I have a beginning awareness of the standards, but had no previous

knowledge of them before doing this activity. I think they are an important thing to continue
gaining knowledge about so that I can incorporate them into my teaching and be a better

teacher. At the moment, I do not regularly use a lot of technology outside of Google Drive, web
browsers, and occasionally screencasting tools like Snagit.
2. Best Practice Connections
Best Practice

resource or tool(s)


Brief description of what I do

1 Setting
Objectives and

Rubistar, Google

Word processing
Rubric creating

A rubric will be provided with each

writing assignment, so that students can
see what is expected of them. The
completed rubric will include comments
as well as a score based on the
requirements of the assignment so that
students can see where their mistakes
were. I will provide an opportunity to fix
mistakes on assignments whenever

2 Nonlinguistic

Google Earth,
(animations, Prezi,


I will use graphic organizers wherever

relevant, as well as visual and physical
representations of things. Google Earth
for example will be very helpful when
teaching and learning about the Earth
and the countries, landforms and
oceans on Earth.

3 Identifying
Similarities and

Music videos with

on screen
and similes)

Video tools and

(Youtube, Vimeo,

As a class we will listen to an

appropriate song on Youtube with lyrics,
looking for examples of similes and
metaphors in the lyrics after a
discussion about what they are and
what to look for.

Reflection: Using multiple means of representation of concepts will help students gain a better,
stronger, understanding of that concept. Incorporating multiple means of representation into a
lesson also helps to reach more students and meet more learning styles of students.

3. Models of Technology Integration

Review your examples in the Question #2 above (Best Practice Connections). Explore the
SAMR and TPACK models and identify a strategy you use in a lesson or activity that fits one or
more of these models and list it in the table provided below.


SAMR level (Redefinition,

Modification, Augmentation,

TPACK Knowledge Level

Pedagogical, Content)

I will use graphic organizers

wherever relevant, as well
as visual and physical
representations of things.
Google Earth for example
will be very helpful when
teaching and learning about
the Earth and the countries,
landforms and oceans on



As a class we will listen to

an appropriate song on
Youtube with lyrics, looking
for examples of similes and
metaphors in the lyrics after
a discussion about what
they are and what to look



Final Reflection:
Technology, when used well, can be a great tool to use in the classroom. There is so much
students and teachers can do with technology in everyday learning. Students can use the
technology and the internet to research information quickly, to type papers, to create images,
and to connect with people all over the world. Technology can also be life changing for students
with special needs.Voice to text software is great, and so are teacher recorded videos walking
students through the steps of a math problem or reading an assessment aloud. But to use
technology well, its really important to know the basics of it, including keyboard shortcuts, tools
to supplement learning like Google Earth, or rubric creators, and how to create screenshots to
show exactly what you see. I look forward to incorporating technology into my future classroom
and helping my students discover just how helpful it can be.

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