02 - The First Vertebrates. Oceans of The Paleozoic Era PDF
02 - The First Vertebrates. Oceans of The Paleozoic Era PDF
02 - The First Vertebrates. Oceans of The Paleozoic Era PDF
Thom Holmes
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To be curious about the future, one must know something about
the past.
Humans have been recording events in the world around them
for about 5,300 years. That is how long it has been since the Sume-
rian people, in a land that today is southern Iraq, invented the first
known written language. Writing allowed people to document what
they saw happening around them. The written word gave a new
permanency to life. Language, and writing in particular, made his-
tory possible.
History is a marvelous human invention, but how do people know
about things that happened before language existed? Or before hu-
mans existed? Events that took place before human record keeping
began are called prehistory. Prehistoric life is, by its definition, any
life that existed before human beings existed and were able to record
for posterity what was happening in the world around them.
Prehistory is as much a product of the human mind as history.
Scientists who specialize in unraveling clues of prehistoric life are
called paleontologists. They study life that existed before human
history, often hundreds of thousands and millions of years in the
past. Their primary clues come from fossils of animals and plants
and from geologic evidence about Earths topography and climate.
Through the skilled and often imaginative interpretation of fos-
sils, paleontologists are able to reconstruct the appearance, life-
style, environment, and relationships of ancient life-forms. While
paleontology is grounded in a study of prehistoric life, it draws on
many other sciences to complete an accurate picture of the past.
Information from the fields of biology, zoology, geology, chemistry,
meteorology, and even astrophysics is called into play to help the
paleontologist view the past through the lens of todays knowledge.
Preface 7
8 thefirstvertebrates
I would like to thank the many dedicated and hardworking people
at Chelsea House. A special debt of gratitude goes to my editors,
Shirley White, Brian Belval, and Frank Darmstadt, for their sup-
port and guidance in conceiving and making The Prehistoric Earth
a reality. Frank and Brian were instrumental in fine-tuning the fea-
tures of the series as well as accepting my ambitious plan for creat-
ing a comprehensive reference for students. Brian greatly influenced
the development of the color illustration program and supported
my efforts to integrate the work of some of the best artists in the
field, most notably John Sibbick, whose work appears throughout
the set. Shirleys excellent questions about the science behind the
books contributed greatly to the readability of the result.
I am privileged to have worked with some of the brightest minds
in paleontology on this series. Ted Daeschler of the Academy of
Natural Sciences in Philadelphia reviewed the draft of The First
Vertebrates and made many important suggestions that affected the
course of the work. Ted also wrote the Foreword for the volume.
The excellent copyediting of Mary Ellen Kelly was both thought-
ful and vital to shaping the final manuscript. I thank Mary Ellen
for her valuable review and suggestions that help make the books a
In many ways, a set of books such as this requires years of prepa-
ration. Some of the work is educational, and I owe much gratitude to
Dr. Peter Dodson of the University of Pennsylvania for his gracious
and inspiring tutelage over the years. Another dimension of prepa-
ration requires experience digging fossils, and for giving me these
opportunities I thank my friends and colleagues who have taken
me into the field with them, including Phil Currie, Rodolfo Coria,
Matthew Lammana, and Ruben Martinez. Finally comes the work
10 thefirstvertebrates
The Paleozoic Era witnessed a dramatic and far-reaching revolution
in the history of life on Earth. Near the start of the Paleozoic Era,
500 million years ago, backboned animals were no more than small,
wriggling ribbons of muscle specialized for life on the sandy shoals
of shallow marine ecosystems. By the end of the Paleozoic Era, 250
million years later, vertebrate life had diversified into a wide range
of complex forms that filled ecological niches throughout Earths
biosphere. This new diversity of vertebrates included organisms
with a wide range of body plans, some of which would survive the
test of time and others of which would disappear, leaving fossilized
remains but no living descendents in the modern world.
Many people are interested in the wide diversity and seemingly
bizarre nature of past life. This volume of Thom Holmess series The
Prehistoric Earth delivers a menagerie of early vertebrates and offers
a detailed account of the fascinatingly quirky origin of backboned
animals and the rise of fish. The First Vertebrates provides impor-
tant lessons in the nature of the evolutionary process as it makes
a comprehensive examination of early experimentation with the
vertebrate body plan. From todays perspective, life in the Paleozoic
oceans may seem strange; but the features that developed in the
first vertebrates that lived in those oceans and in their subsequent
lineages are crucially important to the history of life. The features of
those Paleozoic vertebrates determined the basic design that verte-
brate groups would carry forward through evolutionary time.
In The First Vertebrates, Thom Holmes sets the stage for the
Paleozoic explosion of vertebrate life with a review of the changing
physical conditions on Earth during this crucial interval. Conti-
nental drift and changing climates had a profound influence on
the ecosystems where early vertebrates lived. Sometimes conditions
Foreword 13
The bony fishes, which are divided into ray-finned and lobef inned groups, round out the cast of characters in The First Ver
tebrates. As usual, Holmes provides an up-to-date review of these
important lineages and includes the latest discoveries.
Evolutionary change in vertebrates is always constrained by the
fundamental design features of the vertebrate body, many of which
were first established in Paleozoic fish. The First Vertebrates pro-
vides a firm foundation for understanding the great profusion of
fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals that derived from
Paleozoic fish. It is no exaggeration to say that we can trace the ori-
gin of some of the basic traits of our own bodies back to creatures
that swam in the watery cradle of the Paleozoic oceans.
Ted Daeschler
Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia
June 2006
The Cambrian Periodthe first of the Paleozoic Erawas notable
for its remarkable explosion of multicelled organisms with hard
parts such as shells and exoskeletons. The Cambrian saw the begin-
ning of an escalating confrontation between predator and prey. An
explosion of diverse life-forms during the Cambrian laid the foun-
dation for all major animal phyla that exist today. Yet as remarkable
as it was, life during the Cambrian Period was only the beginning of
a biological drama that would extend for another 237 million years
of the Paleozoic Era.
The First Vertebrates begins the story of the vertebrates, some
of the most familiar of all animals. Humans are just one of about
45,000 living species of vertebrates. The prehistoric past was popu-
lated by hundreds of thousands of vertebrate species (now extinct)
only a fraction of which are currently understood from the fossil
record. Vertebrates of one form or anotherbeginning with the
fishes and extending through amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs, birds,
and mammalshave played an important role in ecological niches
worldwide for nearly every time span of their existence.
The denizens of the Paleozoic oceans are the subject of The First
Vertebrates. They are the first players in the unfolding drama of
marine and terrestrial vertebrate evolution that occupies the stage
throughout the rest of the saga of The Prehistoric Earth.
introduction 15
Page 18
The Paleozoic Era stretched back from 251 million to 542 million
years ago. It marked the rise of plant and animal species that eventu-
ally led to the kinds of life we see in todays world. These formative
years were marked by dramatic changes to the geology and climate
of Earthchanges that triggered the development of thousands of
species of organisms. The struggle for survival and the ability to
adapt were played out against a backdrop of radical flux in Earths
habitats. This chapter explores the geological and climatic changes
that affected the evolution of life in the Paleozoic Era.
(millions of years)
251 to 299
299 to 359
359 to 416
416 to 443
443 to 488
488 to 542
The geography of land and sea masses is not the only natural phe-
nomenon that influences the survival and evolution of species.
Climate plays an equally vital role in determining the direction that
life on Earth can take.
The study of prehistoric climates is known as paleoclimatol-
ogy. Scientists draw on a variety of data sources to determine past
climates. Among the leading lines of evidence are the distribution
of climate-sensitive plant and animal fossils, the occurrence of cer-
tain kinds of rock strata known to be restricted to certain kinds of
climates, and a variety of paleoclimate indicators derived from the
study of particular natural phenomena. Among those indicators
are the examination of tree rings (dendrochronology), the study
of the shape and surface area of fossil leaves, and the examination
of ice cores, lake sediment, cave deposits, and the oxygen isotope
content of marine shells. Evidence derived from such studies can
(continues on page 24)
global thermometer. Oceans not only absorb heat, but they also
distribute it widely across the planet through ocean currents. What
we can deduce from this is that the planet will be warmer when the
ratio of ocean to land surface is greater, and cooler when the reverse
is true.
Reflectivity of Earth Surfaces Affecting
the Global Heat Budget
Reflectivity (Percentage
Surface Type
of Solar Radiation Reflected)
carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas. About 3.5 billion years ago, singlecelled cyanobacteria found a niche for themselves by using energy
from the Sun, carbon dioxide, and water to reproduce their cells.
The waste product of this process was free oxygen; that oxygen was
released into the sea and atmosphere, making cyanobacteria the
first photosynthetic creatures.
The process of photosynthesis, used by plants, is the major
source of atmospheric oxygen. Photosynthesis is also the basis for
the essential exchange of chemicals that takes place between plants
and animals. Plants consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen;
animal respiration consumes oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.
The oceans are part of a complex exchange of life-supporting ele-
ments. Under normal conditions, oxygen and carbon dioxide from
marine plants, animals, and the atmosphere dissolve in seawater in
a proportion equal to that found in the atmosphere. Seawater has the
ability to absorb carbon dioxide, making the ocean a vast reservoir
of this vital molecule. If seawater becomes depleted of an important
element, it draws more of that element from the solid earth or from
sediments where chemicals are stored naturally. Carbon dioxide,
in turn, helps regulate the pH range of seawater: The CO2 acts as
a check to keep the ocean from becoming too alkaline or too acid,
thus maintaining the chemical components of seawater at an opti-
mum level to support life in the ocean. Through these processes, the
chemical balance between the oceans and the atmosphere remains
in equilibrium.
Oxygen can be added to the ocean only through absorption at
the surface or as a byproduct of photosynthesizing marine plants.
Concentrations of oxygen adequate to support ocean life can reach
depths of 2,600 feet (800 meters) or more through the circulation of
ocean currents, although mostly enriching shallower ocean depths.
In the early history of the Earth, the availability of oxygen meant
that life, as we understand it, could exist. The explosion of life in
the sea and the rise of marine and land vertebrates were synchro-
nous with the increasing abundance of oxygen in the Precambrian
and Paleozoic Eras. The first photosynthesizing creatures were the
30 thefirstvertebrates
These graphs show changes to climate, atmosphere, and sea level during the Paleozoic
Era. Extreme rises and falls correspond with mass extinction events.
ContinentsandClimatesofthePaleozoicera 31
The combined effects of changes in geology and changes in climate have
a ripple effect on Earths marine habitats. During the Early Cambrian
Epoch, rising seas spread out to form immense expanses of shallow
water across the surface of the continents. With rising oxygen levels,
invertebrate life in the oceans grew and diversified rapidly. During the Late
Cambrian and Early Ordovician Epochs, sea levels retreated and then rose
again; temperatures cooled; and marine habitats became increasingly
tiered. There were more and varied places for sea life to live.
The shelled, bottom-dwelling, and crawling creatures that dominated
the Cambrian Period were gradually replaced during the Ordovician by a
diverse collection of swimmers, stationary filter feeders, drifters, and
burrowing creatures that occupied every level of habitat in the ocean.
These Ordovician organisms are typified by corals, swimming cephalopods, brachiopods, bryozoans, and plantlike crinoids.
During the Silurian and Devonian Periods, invertebrate life on the
seafloor diversified even further, occupying extensive reef habitats in
shallow seaways that ran along continental margins. Ammonoids and
fishes were widespread during the Devonian Period. On land, the first
vascular plants were diversifying into forests, and a wide assortment
of terrestrial arthropods became the first important animals to invade
the land.
During the Carboniferous Period, great tropical forests spread across
a wide equatorial band around Earth, and vertebrates began to inhabit
the land. In the oceans, ammonoids, mollusks, crinoids, bryozoans, corals,
and fishes were abundant.
By the end of the Paleozoic Era, cyclic drops in sea level and fluctuating temperatures on land and sea were capped by a catastrophic period
of volcanic eruptions and runaway greenhouse warming that led to the
worst mass extinction event in history.
The changes of Earths geology, oceans, and climate during the 291
million years of the Paleozoic Era made possible a growing diversity
of organisms on land and sea. Substantial movements of the conti-
nents formed entirely new ecological niches. The first explosion of
life in the Cambrian seas was followed during the rest of the Paleo-
zoic Era by an ever-widening variety of shelled marine creatures.
The first fish evolved during the Cambrian Period and diversified
during the Middle Paleozoic Epoch. An increasingly inviting ter-
restrial environment first drew bacteria and then plants to the land,
followed soon by arthropods and amphibians. The greening of the
continents with vast tropical forests forever changed the ecology of
Earth as the processes of weathering, erosion, and sedimentation
began to transform what was once a barren planet into an inviting
world for many kinds of organisms.
While the Paleozoic Era is known for the development of new
habitats and an explosion of species, it is also notorious for having
hosted some of the worst mass extinction events of all time. This era
Evolution of major marine and terrestrial organisms during the Paleozoic Era
This chapter explored the geological and climatic changes that af-
fected the evolution of life in the Paleozoic Era.
million years ago and marked the rise of plant and animal
species that eventually led to the kinds of life we see today.
2. During the first half of the Paleozoic Era, which included the
Cambrian, Ordovician, and Silurian Periods, the Earth was
a world that consisted of the large southern landmass Gond-
wana and warm oceans in the Northern Hemisphere.
34 thefirstvertebrates
The fossil record confirms the fact that no species lasts forever.
Every species eventually becomes extinct. Extinction is a normal
process; it is affected by the biological traits of an organism as well
as physical and biological conditions of the world around them. In
the ebb of flow of life on Earth, extinction irrevocably denies the
continuance of some species even as it creates new opportunities for
those species left behind.
Sometimes the cause of an extinction is so vast and so sudden
that hundreds, maybe thousands, of species are affected. A rapid
change of this nature that wipes out significant numbers of species
is called a mass extinction. Mass extinctions occur rapidly by geo-
logic standards, killing off more than 25 percent of all species in a
million years or less.
The subject of mass extinctions often brings to mind the demise
of the dinosaurs and visions of Earth being pummeled by a gigantic
asteroid. In the history of mass extinctions, however, the geologic
events that wiped out the last of the dinosaurs rank only fourth on
a list of the five worst mass extinctions. The top three all took place
during the Paleozoic Era, long before dinosaurs walked the planet.
would release thick smoke into the atmosphere. The longterm effects would include such climate changes as a shift
in the average global temperature for many hundreds of
years. Although asteroid or comet strikes are not currently
considered the leading causes of mass extinctions during
the Paleozoic Era, they have been implicated in some mass
extinctions as a contributing factor, as explained below.
End-Cambrian Extinction
The first great extinction of the Paleozoic Era came in the oceans,
before the rise of vertebrates and the colonization of the land. The
Cambrian was the time of the trilobites, bottom-feeding arthro-
pods with a segmented exoskeleton. A trilobite could roll up like a
pill bug to defend against attacks by swimming predators such as
nautiloids. Trilobites varied widely in size, from a few millimeters
to three feet (90 cm) long. They and other creatures represented
in the Burgess Shalea significant deposit of Cambrian fossils in
British Columbia, Canadalived in shallow ocean environments
and on reefs. Trilobites evolved during the Early Cambrian Epoch
along with early crabs, marine worms, sea pens, and various other
mysterious shelled creatures that remain unclassifiable using todays
extant (existing) phyla. Trilobites were particularly robust, and they
A trilobite fossil
grew in diversity and oceanic range until well into the Permian
The end of the Cambrian Period saw violent shifts in Earths
tectonic plates and widespread volcanic eruptions. These geologic
effects caused several drops in the level of the sea. Over many hun-
dreds of years, this transformed the shallow-water habitats occupied
by some of the most plentiful and wondrous Cambrian creatures.
Some near-shore environments dried under the Sun as ocean waters
retreated time and time again. While many phyla of animals adapted
successfully to the changing conditions, nearly half (42 percent)
could not and became extinct. Among those that became extinct
were the oldest species of trilobites, some brachiopods, early reefbuilding organisms, and some species of early eel-like vertebrates
known as conodonts. The end-Cambrian mass extinction brought
the end of a way of life that had reigned supreme in the oceans for
many millions of years. Although the trilobites continued to pros-
per in various forms, their reign as one of the most successful ocean
creatures was gradually diminished by the development of other
more mobile and diverse life-forms.
Ordovician-Silurian Extinction
With the coming of the Ordovician Period, the oceans ecosystems
were vastly reshaped from what they had been during the Cambrian
Period. By the start of the Ordovician Period, sea levels were sub-
stantially higher over those of the Early Cambrian. The oceans were
still warm, but they were deeper and more varied in the kinds of
habitats available than they had been during the Cambrian Period.
In addition to near-shore environments, oceans developed tiers
of habitable domains at various depths, thereby encouraging the
evolution of a diverse community of new creatures. Among these
were corals; cephalopods (mollusks, including the first species of
nautiluses); the stalked, bottom-feeding crinoids; the mosslike and
branchlike colonial-living bryozoans; gastropods (single-shelled
creatures such as snails); and bivalves (two-shelled creatures such
as clams). The Ordovician was also a time of gradually increasing
diversity of the first vertebrates, including conodonts and the first
fishes, known as jawless fishes.
The appearance of nautiloids and jawless fishes marked an esca-
lating race of predatory, free-swimming creatures. The nautiloids,
especially the coiled species, were active hunters. They fed on trilo-
bites, further decimating the lines of surviving trilobites with roots
in the Cambrian era.
The end of the Ordovician Period witnessed the second most
devastating mass extinction on record, second only to the extinc-
tion that ended the Paleozoic Era. The cause of the OrdovicianSilurian extinction event was probably global cooling, most likely
precipitated by major glaciation on the southern part of the Gond-
wana supercontinent. This cooled the shallowest parts of the sea,
killing off many species in tropical ocean regions. One-third of
the bryozoans and brachiopods were killed off. Conodonts and
trilobites took additional hits. Crinoids and other reef community
invertebrates were greatly reduced, and many families of nautiloids
disappeared. Across the planet, more than 100 families of marine
invertebratesabout 85 percent of all marine animal species
perished at that time. Supporting the theory that the OrdovicianSilurian extinction was caused by global cooling is the fact that the
survivors of this devastation were either from deeper, colder waters,
or from colder climates where the species had already become well
adapted to cooler temperatures.
Permian-Triassic Extinction
The worst mass extinction of all time occurred 251 million years
ago, at the end of the Permian Period. Fossil evidence shows that life
on Earth nearly came to an abrupt halt at that time. As many as 95
percent of all ocean species were erased. Gone from the seas were
most crinoids, brachiopods, reef-building bryozoans, nautiloids,
and ammonoids. Nearly every marine invertebrate group suffered
huge losses; most groups never regained the diversity that they once
had. Land animals were hit nearly as hard. By the end of the Perm-
ian Period, 75 percent of all terrestrial vertebrate taxa had been
wiped out. Among them were six families of archaic vertebrates
representing early amphibians, reptiles, and synapsids, including
several families of formidable saurian predators.
mobile and was equipped with a more robust gill system for extract-
ing what little oxygen was left in the water.
Mass Extinctions of the Paleozoic Era
Extinction (Millions of
Years Ago) Extent
Most Dramatic
About 42% of
marine animal
species perished.
Brachiopods, conodonts,
and trilobites
About 85% of
marine animal
species perished.
Trilobites, echinoderms,
and nautiloids
About 70% of
Glaciation and
marine animal
global cooling, partly
species perished.
resulting from tectonic
plate movements
About 95% of
marine animal
species and 75%
of terrestrial
animal species
Ammonoids, trilobites,
gastropods, reef
community fauna,
armored jawless fish,
and placoderms
Extensive volcanic
activity, lower sea levels,
oceanic methane belches
causing anoxia in the
oceans and massive
release of CO2
This chapter reviewed mass extinctions of the Paleozoic Era, their
causes, and their effect on the direction of life.
Page 52
Every individual fossil is a rare and revealing artifact. It reveals
secrets about the form, structure, and perhaps even the lifestyle of a
long extinct organism. That, however, is not the whole story. An indi-
vidual fossil is also part of a long history of evolutionary life. A fossil is
like a single domino in a long series of dominoes. Each one is affected
by the one that came just before it. Our knowledge of past life greatly
expands when we can connect individual fossils with other, similar
kinds of fossils and the habitats in which they once lived.
The work of a paleontologist does not take place entirely in the
field, with rock hammer in hand. Although many thousands of
scientists have collected vast numbers of fossils from sites all across
Earth, the job of studying and comparing these artifacts and pull-
ing together the information they impart is even more daunting
than the initial collection. Without such analysis, individual fossils
remain as single, isolated dominoes, detached from the mainstream
of lifes evolutionary story.
Paleontologist J. John Sepkoski Jr. (19481999) was a leading
figure in the field of paleobiology during the past 30 years. He had
a passion for data analysis. Sepkoski attacked the fossil record not
with a pick and shovel, but with a computer and a genius for recog-
nizing patterns among vast stores of information about fossil speci-
mens. By assimilating data from many fossil discoveries, he was
able to fill gaps in the rich history of life and shape an increasingly
cohesive picture of the evolution of organisms.
Sepkoski conducted exhaustive and comprehensive studies of
the fossil record. He pioneered the use of statistical analysis and
computer modeling to extrapolate data about the diversification of
vertebratetraits 55
life over the millennia. In the early 1980s, he began to release find-
ings that documented the ups and downs of life on Earth over 600
million years. Sepkoskis data were applied, by himself and others,
to a wide range of paleontological disciplines, including evolution-
ary theory, studies of paleohabitats, animal diversification, and
mass extinctions. So influential was Sepkoskis work that during the
1980s and 1990s, many of his colleagues regularly included his data
and figures in their own studies.
Some of Sepkoskis greatest work was focused on the animal life
of the Paleozoic. Through his data, he originated the idea that the
planet has been dominated by three important and distinct faunas,
which he called the Cambrian, the Paleozoic, and the Modern.
The Cambrian fauna lived at the beginning of the Paleozoic Era
and included the archaic invertebrates that formed the roots of most
subsequent animal species. Typical Cambrian fauna included trilo-
bites, early mollusks, and other arthropods.
The Paleozoic fauna took over in the Ordovician Period, after
the extinction of many Cambrian species. The Paleozoic fauna were
marked by the adaptive radiation and diversification of many suc-
cessful and enduring marine invertebrates. Moving into a broader
range of ocean habitats, the Paleozoic fauna were at home in coastal
shallows as well as in tiered and open ocean environments. Bottom-
feeding brachiopods, crinoids, and bryozoans were complemented
by predatory nautiloids and other early cephalopods that swam
freely. Many species of Paleozoic fauna came and went, but together
they dominated the marine fauna of the planet until the great
Permian-Triassic extinction.
The Paleozoic fauna were followed, in the Mesozoic and Ceno-
zoic Eras, by what Sepkoski called the Modern faunathe kinds
of animals that still exist in the oceans and on land. Among the
Modern fauna are the vertebrates. Although the vertebrates did
not begin to dominate life on Earth until the early Mesozoic Era,
their roots are found in the Paleozoic. This chapter introduces the
anatomy of the vertebrates, their origins, and their first successful
adaptive radiation in the sea as fishes.
Vertebrates are members of the phylum Chordata, a group of organ-
isms with roots in the Early Cambrian Epoch. At some time in their
life, all chordates have an internal, rodlike supporting structure
known as a notochord, a nerve cord running on top of the noto-
chord, and gill slits or lungs for breathing.
Phylum Chordata is made up of three subphyla: the Urochor-
data, Cephalochordata, and Vertebrata. Both the Urochordata and
Cephalochordata are chordates that lack skulls.
Typical living urochordates include sea squirts, tunicates, and
ascidians, all of which have larvae that are free-swimming and
adults that are benthicseafloor dwelling and stationary. The
adults measure from .04 to 4.9 inches (1 to 120 mm) long; they have
a bulbous, plantlike appearance and lack most affinities with the
other chordates. These baglike animals use muscles to contract and
expand their bodies; they suck in seawater to trap nutrients in the
form of phytoplankton. As unchordatelike as adult urochordates
seem, their larval, tadpolelike young have typical chordate features,
including a notochord, a dorsal hollow nerve cord, and gill slits. All
urochordates are marine creatures; they make up 90 percent of the
chordates without backbones. There are about 1,250 living varieties
of urochordates.
The cephalochordates measure from 2 to 6 inches (5 to 15 cm) in
length. They are small filter feeders and live on sandy, shallow sea-
floors. The three defining traits of chordatesa stiff notochord, a
dorsal nerve cord, and gills slitsare retained by cephalochordates
even in adulthood. One familiar group of cephalochordates are the
lancelets. They feed by darting into the sand and burying their bod-
ies with only the head end exposed. Tiny tentacles on the head grab
nutrient particles from seawater. Only 23 species of living cepha-
lochordates are known, making them the least populous members
of phylum Chordata. Although cephalochordates lack a backbone,
comparison of their gene sequences to that of vertebrates confirms
Vertebrate Traits 57
A sea squirt
A branchiostoma
that lancelets and their kind are the closest invertebrate relatives to
animals with backbones.
Vertebrates make up the largest subphylum of chordates. There
are more than 48,000 living species of snakes, fish, monkeys, rodents,
and other familiar backboned animals, compared to only about
1,275 living species of invertebrate chordates. Even so, vertebrates are
vastly outnumbered by other invertebrate creatures in the world and
make up only about 5 percent of all known living species of animals
on land and sea. Despite being outnumbered, the relatively large size,
mobility, and intelligence of vertebrates allows them to dominate
any ecological niche in which they naturally occur. So, even though
invertebrate fossils are readily more obtainable and outnumber
vertebrate fossils by a large percentage, many paleontologists are
irresistibly drawn to ponder the history of vertebrates because these
organisms represent the roots of humans and the other backboned
creatures with which we most commonly interact in the world.
Vertebrate Traits 59
Vertebrate Traits 61
v ertebrate taxa are similar in many ways. From this realization comes
the principle of homology. Homologies are traits that different species
of organisms have inherited from a common ancestor. Homologies
are the basis for our knowledge of how organisms are related.
Understanding the anatomical characteristics and homologies
that unite all vertebrates provides greater insight into the nature
of extinct members of the subphylum Vertebrata. This knowledge
allows a paleontologist to surmise about the skeleton of an extinct
animal even if major portions of that skeleton are missing. Under-
standing living vertebrates provides basic information about the
physiology of extinct taxa and how they may have behaved.
62 thefirstvertebrates
The bilaterally symmetrical body plan of vertebrates provides paleontologists and zoologists with an opportunity to share common terms and
effectively communicate with one another as they describe the anatomy
direction and overall structure of such animals. These terms allow precision in the description of the location of an organ, a bone, or even just a
part of an organ or bone.
In most animals, the head and tail ends also indicate the direction in
which the animal moves. The terms anterior (or cranial) and posterior (or
caudal) are normally used to describe the head and tail ends respectively.
The upper and lower surfaces of an animalthe back and bellyare
described as the dorsal (back) and ventral (underside) surfaces. The
terms cranial and caudal are also used to indicate the proximity of a part
to either the head or tail, as in a caudal vertebra, which would be located
in the tail region of the spine.
Humans, by standing upright, require a slightly modified version of
these terms because humans cranial endthe headis not the end that
represents the direction in which humans move. Instead, the term superior (or cranial) has been adapted to describe the upright head end of a
human and the term inferior (or caudal) is used to describe the lower, or
foot end. In humans, the terms anterior and ventral are synonymous, as
are the terms posterior and dorsal.
Two additional, though less precise, directional terms are used to better describe the positional relationship that a given part of the anatomy
has to the whole body. The term proximal describes a part that is closer
to the center of the body of the animal; the term distal describes a part
that is positioned toward the outside of the body. A bone in the leg, for
example, has a proximal end and a distal end. These terms are widely
vertebratetraits 63
This chapter introduced the anatomy of the vertebrates, their origins,
and their first successful adaptive radiation in the sea as fishes.
Vertebrate Traits 65
To accept J. John Sepkoskis calculations regarding the diversification of marine taxa over time is to accept that vertebrates are truly
evolutionary latecomerssophisticated creatures that crashed the
party of invertebrates that had reigned for 291 million years of the
Paleozoic. Sepkoski showed that the Paleozoic was dominated by a
great diversification of animals without backbones and that verte-
brates were waiting in the background for their opportunity to rise.
Until recently, the best fossil evidence suggested that the first ver-
tebrates appeared during the Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician
Epochs. The rise of fishes in the Late Ordovician, about 450 million
years ago, was considered the first significant radiation of animals
with backbones. Recent discoveries, however, have now pushed the
appearance of the first known vertebrates back to the Early Cam-
brian, about 525 million years ago, near the explosion of life at the
dawn of the Paleozoic. The earliest of these backboned animals was
discovered in 1999. Ironically, its remains may have been uninten-
tionally overlooked for many years by paleontologists who scoured
the same rock formations in China in search of specimens of larger,
more abundant invertebrate remains. It is now clearly evident that
ancestral fishes lived in the watery shadows of an invertebrate
world, cowering in the presence of crabs, giant sea scorpions, hun-
gry ammonoids, and a seafloor crawling with trilobites.
vertebrateOrigins 67
the existence of these creatures was far less common than fossils
of invertebrates from the time, but scientists hailed specimens of
these chordates from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang formation of
southern China and the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale deposits
of western Canada as the earliest traces of animals within the same
phylum as animals with backbones. These ribbonlike creatures
swam the shallow Cambrian seas and included such species as Haik
ouella and Yunnanozoon from China and Pikaia from the Burgess
Shale of western Canada.
The remarkable preservation of these creatures in finely grained
mudstone shows soft tissues and the unmistakable traits of chordate
anatomy: an elongate body plan with an axial notochord and band-
like muscles. Conspicuously absent from these chordates was a true
backbone and any evidence of cellular bone; this suggests that their
skeletons were cartilaginous. Measuring only one to two inches (28
to 50 mm) long, these sliverlike animals were free swimmers that
wriggled along in the water powered by the bands of muscles encir-
cling their bodies. They fed by scooping food into their mouths as
they swam. In a world dominated by armor-plated arthropods and
vicious predators with a startling array of claws and jaws, the early
chordates were remarkable because of their conspicuous lack of
protection. How they managed to survive is unknown, but one can
surmise that they were able-enough swimmers to elude often the
clench of attacking predators.
Pikaia was the first of these slivery creatures to be recognized as
a chordate. This little creature was first misidentified as an extinct
segmented worm in 1911 by Charles Walcott (18501927), the dis-
coverer of the Burgess Shale fossil beds in which it was found. Addi-
tional specimens of this two-inch (51 mm) worm popped up from
the Burgess Shale over the years, sometimes revealing more detail
than that which Walcott had at his disposal. Over time, Pikaia was
provisionally thought to be an early chordate, but it was not until
1979, when thengraduate student Simon Conway Morris (b. 1951)
was given the task of classifying the Burgess Shale worms, that
Pikaias true status as a chordate was substantiated. By 1991, similar
The transition to the Modern fauna of vertebrates was well under-
way during the Middle Paleozoic with the evolution of the first
marine animals with backbones. With some exceptions mentioned
in this chapter, the earliest vertebrates are known only from scant
fossil records of the Cambrian and Ordovician Periods found in
western Scotland, North America, South Africa, Australia, and
Bolivia, and consist largely of dermal armor, feeding apparatus, and
bony plates. These creatures are classified as the earliest Agnatha
(no jaw) or jawless fishes, a collection of all known early marine
vertebrates that predate the development of bony jaws. The evo-
lutionary relationships among the Agnatha are sketchy and little
known due to the scarcity of their fossils. What is plain is that fishes
without jaws developed before fishes with jaws, and paleontologists
continue to work on finding evolutionary links between them using
available fossil evidence.
The best known specimens of the extinct fishes from the Cam-
brian Period are from the groups Myllokunmingiida and Con-
odonta. Both provide a glimpse at the earliest form of ancestral
vertebrate creatures.
The Myllokunmingiida
In 1999, paleontologist Degan Shu and his colleagues at the China
University of Geosciences in Beijing announced the spectacular
Vertebrate Origins 69
The Conodonta
Another long-lived group of early vertebrates was the conodonts, a
taxon that was largely a mystery for more than 125 years because
the remains of these creatures consisted only of tiny, toothlike
structures made of calcium phosphate. These structures were pre-
sumably held together in life by soft tissue that was not preserved
in the fossil record. The presence of calcium phosphate structures
alone was a tantalizing hint that the conodonts possessed hard
Vertebrate Origins 71
Vertebrate Origins 73
Conodont structures
Vertebrate Origins 75
Vertebrate Origins 77
This chapter discussed the origins of the first vertebrates.
2. Vertebrates first evolved in the Cambrian oceans as jawless
3. The earliest known vertebrate is Myllokunmingia, from the
Early Cambrian of China.
4. Conodonts were another group of early vertebrates from
the early Paleozoic. They had a bilateral, eel-like body with
a notochord, V-shaped muscle bands along the body, and a
clearly defined head and pharynx region with paired eyes.
5. The first vertebrates were predatory animals.
6. The rise of fishes in the Paleozoic oceans led to the diversity
of backboned animals on land and sea that included the evo-
lution of amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds.
Following the origin of early fishesthe first vertebratesin
the Cambrian Period, the evolution of fishes underwent several
dramatic developmental episodes. These episodes were marked by
the appearance of many diverse groups, extinctions, and success
stories. Fishesthe most long-standing and successful group of
vertebrateswere also the stock from which land animals evolved
later in the Paleozoic Era.
It is assumed that the group of early fishes known as the Agnatha
evolved from a single ancestor. Because the class Agnatha probably
does not include all of the descendants of that ancestor, however, the
evolutionary relationships between different clans of jawless fishes
are not understood. All other fishes are members of the group Gna-
thostomata, which includes all jawed vertebrates, fish or otherwise.
Classes of jawed fishes within the gnathostomes, living and extinct,
include the Placodermi (flat-plated skins); Chondrichthyes (car-
tilaginous fishes); Acanthodii (spiny sharks); and Osteichthyes
(bony fishes). The rise of the jawless fishes from the Late Cambrian
Epoch and Ordovician Period to the close of the Devonian Period
(488 million to 359 million years ago) is the subject of this chapter.
Jawlessfishes 81
jawless fishes from late in the period. Other suspected fishes from
the Ordovician are known from little more than fragmentary pieces
of body armor and scales. Not until the fossil record of the Silurian
and Devonian Periods do significant body fossils of many kinds of
early fishes become apparent.
As of yet, there is a lack of definitive fossils to document an
evolutionary transition between the first Cambrian vertebrates
and the agnathans of the later Paleozoic. What we do know is this:
Sometime during the 80 million years between the rise of the earli-
est, eel-like vertebrates and the Late Ordovician Epoch, an entirely
new kind of animal had begun to populate the oceans. Instead of
having a slight and sliverlike body that wriggled through the ocean
currents, this creature was an armored plated, finless torpedo that
probably dwelled near the ocean floor, sucking up sediment for
scraps of food. One such fish was Astraspis.
These distinct clans of jawless fishes shared several characteris-
tics. Instead of having jawsa hallmark feature of later vertebrates
agnathans had simple mouth openings that they used to dredge up
food from silt or capture floating organisms in the water as they
swam. The agnathans skeletons were cartilaginous, composed
of gristle, and so left behind little fossil evidence of the creatures
internal body structure. Jawless fish bodies were protected by an
array of bony armor plates, or scales, or both. Most agnathans had
no fins and only a simple tail that could be wagged back and forth.
Agnathans had paired eyes in the head region, usually to the sides
or just above the mouth cavity.
Agnathans were small creatures; the largest types averaged only
about 12 inches (30 cm) long. Jawless fishes were mere small fry
in the waters of the Middle Paleozoic, which left no question as to
the need for protective outer armor. Agnathans had to guard against
significantly larger invertebrate predators, including water scorpi-
ons (eurypterids) and crustaceans, some of which reached lengths
of nine feet (2.5 m).
Even with their variety of body shapes and outer coverings, this
collection of early vertebrates succeeded in building, generation
after generation, taxon after taxon, a general direction for the body
plan of animals with backbones. The head became increasingly
defined as an important part of the anatomy. Encapsulated in pro-
tective outer bony plates, the brain of these early fishes began to
increase in size over the millennia of their evolution. The bilateral
symmetry of agnathans resulted in a well-defined body plan with
a sense of direction: Forward and backward motion were relative
to the anterior (head) and posterior (tail) ends of the animal. The
jawless fishes bodies could also be described as having upper and
lower surfaces and sides. Jawless fishes swam in one direction, head
first, propelled by a tail. Eyes at the front, adjacent to the mouth,
enabled jawless fishes to effectively locate and sweep food into their
suckerlike mouths. Taken as a whole, these anatomical develop-
ments were gradually perfecting the status of jawless fishes as cau-
tious background predators that combined a mobile body plan with
sharp senses, nerve structures, and the acumen needed to compete
successfully for food in the living ocean.
The fact that most jawless fishes were extinct by the end of the
Devonian Period is a testament to the benefit of having jaws: the
ability to grasp and consume a wider variety of prey more efficiently.
Although agnathans were highly successful for many millions of
years, they found it difficult to compete once their toothed brethren
had diversified. The only living descendants of agnathans are lam-
preys and hagfishes, two varieties of eel-shaped parasites that hitch
rides on larger fish. The ancestors of these living relics found a niche
for themselves that was unoccupied by jawed fishes, adapting over
time to the life of a parasite. A lamprey latches onto a host using a
tonguelike appendage equipped with prickly teeth and then sucks
the hosts blood or slowly eats its flesh. The agnathan Jamoytius,
found in Silurian deposits, was quite similar in form to the modern
lamprey. Although Jamoytius was probably not a parasite, it had an
elongate body with a pair of laterally placed, forward-facing eyes,
small rows of gill holes behind the eyes, and vertically oriented fins
running along the top and bottom of its body. This tubelike creature
Jawless Fishes 83
appeared to have suckers for a mouth and may have been an early
line of agnathans leading to the modern lampreys.
Aside from the exquisite examples of early vertebrates, fossils of
other jawless fishes from the Cambrian and Ordovician Periods are
extremely rare and fragmentary. Prior to the discovery in China of
Myllokunmingia and other early vertebrates from the Early Cam-
brian, the most provocative fossil of an early vertebrate had been
a scrappy specimen known as Anatolepis. Found in Spitzbergen,
Norway, the fossils were described in 1976 by paleontologists Tove
G. Bockelie and Richard Fortey (b. 1946). While examining marine
deposits for microfossils, the two paleontologists were surprised to
find what appeared to be tiny scales. The specimens were miniscule,
ranging from a mere 0.39 to 0.78 inches (1 to 2 mm) long. Closer
examination revealed that the specimens consisted of small sections
of scales attached to pieces of hard dermal skin. The microscope
also revealed tiny porous channels, which the scientists interpreted
as being evidence of apatite, along with spaces for nerves or blood
vessels. Since its discovery, additional specimens of Anatolepis have
been found in sedimentary rocks dating from the Late Cambrian
to Early Ordovician in North America, Greenland, Norway, and
Australia. A reexamination of all available Anatolepis specimens in
1996 established that the dermal material contained dentine, a hard
tissue unique to vertebrates.
There is not enough evidence to describe the appearance of
Anatolepis. The small size of the scales suggests an equally tiny
fish, probably only a few inches long. When Bockelie and Fortey
first described it, they considered Anatolepis to be a heterostracan,
a member of the first widely diverse group of fishes. Even with the
affinity of Anatolepis in doubt, however, its existence shows that
this fish appeared around the same time as the first conodonts. This
indicates that the development of early vertebrates was well under
way in several directions by the start of the Ordovician Period.
Jawless Fishes 85
One of the most diverse and abundant groups of agnathans is from
the order Heterostraci. Numbering about 300 species, the heteros-
tracans thrived from the Early Silurian to the Late Devonian Epoch
(430 million to 370 million years ago). Heterostracans have been
found in such widespread Northern Hemisphere fossil localities as
North America, Greenland, Great Britain, Germany, Norway, Bel-
gium, Siberia, and China.
Like the astraspids and arandaspids, the heterostracans pos-
sessed a head shield that consisted of large upper and lower plates
and one or more smaller plates on the sides of the head. The head
armor was composed of dentine and noncellular bone and was
sometimes ornamented with sharp spines and ridges that ran
lengthwise along the body. The armor on the side of the head had
holes for gill openings. The armor plating of the head could grow
as the animal got older and larger. Heterostracans were generally
Jawless Fishes 87
small. They measured between 6 and 12 inches (15 and 30 cm) long
except for one group with a paddle-shaped body that measured up
to 3.33 feet (1 m) long and 50 inches (1.5 m) wide.
Heterostracans had little more than a tail fin to propel their
heavily armored bodies through the water, so swimming did not
come easy for them. Except for a few members of the group, most
heterostracans had about as much maneuverability as giant tadpoles
wrapped in chain mail. Heterostracans were most likely bottom
dwellers, taking in free-floating organisms along the sandy bot-
toms of near-shore marine environments and freshwater lakes and
streams. Despite many similarities with the astraspids and aranda
spids, the heterostracans were distinguished from them by having
several unique variations in the shape and size of the head armor
and by having single, rather than multiple, gill holes on either side
of the head for respiration.
Even with their design limitations, heterostracans were a longlived clade of vertebrates. The heterostracans spanned the Silurian
and Devonian Periods and reached their peak of diversity during
the Late Silurian and Early Devonian. The simplicity of their form
relied on external armor for protection, single gill openings that
minimized the number of invasive openings to their bodies, and
jawless, suckerlike mouths defined by a bony ridge that helped
scrape up food from the seafloor.
Heterostracans fall into four groups: the cyathaspids, the am
phiaspids, the pteraspids, and the psammosteids.
The cyathaspids had a long body that was entirely covered with
armor plates. The head was protected by large, single dorsal and
ventral plates. The gill openings were shielded by a bony strip on the
side of the head. Behind the head shield, the entire cyathaspid body
was covered by overlapping rows of diamond-shaped plates and
scales that somewhat resembled modern fish or reptile scales. The
cyathaspid tail, as seen in the species Athenaegis, was vertically ori-
ented and could be wagged from side to side. The jawless, suckerlike
mouth was quipped with a fanlike lower plate and bony upper plate.
These jawless fish had a streamlined body but no fins of any kind.
This had led to speculation that they may have propelled themselves
by spurting out jets of water from their gill openings. The cyatha
spids were one of the longest surviving groups of heterostracans;
they thrived from the Late Silurian to the Early Devonian.
The amphiaspids were not around as long as the cyathaspids.
Amphiaspids have been found only in rocks that date from the Early
Devonian Epoch. Specimens from Siberia show that the amphiaspid
head was entirely encased in a solid armor shield. The tail was verti-
cally oriented, with a fin divided into rays by several tapered rows
of scales. Because amphiaspids such as Ctenaspis and Eglonaspis
had smaller eyes than other heterostracans and what appeared to be
a branchial opening (a gill opening) on top of the head shield, it is
thought that these fishes may have lived half-buried in bottom sedi-
ment. Completing the picture of this sedentary feeder was a bony
tube that led to the jawless mouth. Presumably, an amphiaspid such
Jawless Fishes 89
as Ctenaspis lay half buried in the mud, unable to see but able to
breathe and suck planktonic food through a bony mouth tube that
protruded upward.
The pteraspids lived from the Early to Middle Devonian and are
represented by many good specimens. In these jawless fishes, the
dorsal head shield was composed of several separate plates that var-
ied widely in shape and size. Hind scales on the body were smaller
than those of the cyathaspids, and the body was sometimes adorned
with spines and sharp ridges on the top and sides. Tails varied
among the many species of pteraspids. Pteraspid tails had two or
three vertically oriented joined fins that could be moved from side
to side. In some species, such as Pteraspis, the bottom tail fin was
markedly longer than the top fin. Notably, there were several rein-
forced bony structures of the head, including plates around the eyes,
the branchial opening, the mouth, and a long, pointed, snoutlike
rostrum (projection). Behind the head shield, the rear of the pter-
aspid body was covered with smaller scales that resembled those of
modern fish. This suggests that the fanlike tail could be swung back
and forth by a muscular body. The combination of a powerful tail
with bony, winglike side fenders made the pteraspids more maneu-
verable than other heterostracans. Assuming that these fish were
decent swimmers, the pteraspids probably roamed in moderately
deep water to feed on planktonic animals suspended in the water.
The large and paddle-shaped psammosteids were a departure in
many ways from other heterostracans. In cross section, the psam-
mosteids resembled rays with a bony outer covering. The psammo-
steids bodies were flat; this made them well suited for scavenging
through mud for food. The psammosteid head had a more complex
matrix of shield plates and scales than the heads of other heterostra-
cans. On top was a bony cap surrounded by rows of smaller, scale-
like plates. Separate bony plates protected the eyes, the gills, and
the mouth area. The sides of these fishes were covered by scalelike
rows of dermal armor; these joined with a belly plate equipped with
a yachtlike keel. The side gill openings were protected by a bony
Two outlying groups of jawless fishes whose evolutionary relation-
ship with other agnathans is not entirely understood were the ana
Jawless Fishes 91
spids and thelodonts. Both groups had less body armor than other
jawless fishes, particularly around the head. Without much armor,
their fragile skeletons were not readily fossilized.
Anaspids were small- to medium-sized jawless fishes; they mea-
sured from 4 to 11 inches (10 to 27 cm) long. The body plan of such
anaspids as Pharyngolepis and Pterygolepis was more reminiscent of
modern fish than was the body plan of other agnathans. Anaspids
had a long, slender body that was shaped somewhat like a tube flat-
tened inward from the sides. The head region was made up of a large,
round mouth opening at the anterior; small eyes on the sides of the
head; and a row of 6 to 15 small gill openings that slanted downward
behind the eyes. Just behind these branchial openings was a spiny
point that is found in all anaspids. Although these fishes had no fins
on the upper side of the body, most had one small fin on the bottom,
near the anal opening. A long, finlike fold ran along each side of the
body from behind the gill openings to the tail. These side fins were
not stiff or muscled, so they did not serve as stabilizers while the fish
were swimming. Paired tail fins rose vertically along a downwardly
pointed tail. At least one taxon of advanced anaspids, Rhyncholepis,
had paired fins about midway along the belly side, just behind the
head region. This was a foreshadowing of anatomical improvement
in later jawless fishes and resembles somewhat the design of modern
lampreys, to which it is thought the anaspids might be ancestral.
The anaspid body was covered with long, thin scales that formed
a chevron pattern (^). These scales might disclose the location of
segmented muscles that would have helped these fishes to wriggle
through the water. Because the anaspids lacked dorsal fins and
strong side fins, however, they probably were poor swimmers.
The best known anaspids lived during a relatively short span of the
Late Silurian (430 million to 410 million years ago), but some possible
members of this group have been found in Late Devonian deposits.
The most complete anaspid specimens, including whole body impres-
sions, have been found in Silurian deposits in Norway and Scotland.
The anaspids thrived in marine coastal habitats of Europe and North
America and also made their way into fresh waters.
Because the thelodonts lacked outer bony armor, they are known
primarily from one common physical feature that they left behind:
tiny, thick dermal scales that measure about 0.39 inches (1 mm)
long. The design of the scales is distinctive; they have a round or
oval shape with a ringlike edge and a pulp cavity. A few, rare body
fossils such as that of Archipelepis, from the Silurian of Arctic
Canada, show that the thelodonts had the general body plan of
other fish. The elongate body was somewhat flattened and covered
by its characteristic scales. Body armor was completely absent. The
anterior mouth opening was round and large, there were two small
eyes on the sides of the head, and eight gill slits ran along the side of
the head beneath a bony flap. The thelodonts also had small, finlike
flaps on the dorsal and ventral surfaces near the base of the tail. The
tail fin was long and projected downward.
One unusual group of thelodonts, including Furcacauda from
the Silurian and Devonian of the Canadian Northwest Territories,
broke the thelodont mold by having a tall, deep body that was
flattened vertically. This gave Furcacauda a humpbacked profile.
Furcacauda also had large eyes and a large, nearly symmetrical
forked tail. Most interesting, perhaps, is evidence for the presence
of a stomach in these Canadian thelodonts, an anatomical fea-
ture previously thought to have evolved later with the coming of
true jaws.
Thelodonts were small; they averaged about 7 inches (18 cm)
long. The earliest scales are found in the Middle to Late Ordovician
Epochs, but specimens of the entire body have been restricted to
younger deposits ranging from the Early Silurian to the Late Devo-
nian (430 million to 370 million years ago).
Jawless Fishes 93
94 thefirstvertebrates
One of the most abundant sources of fossil Devonian jawless fishes, placoderms, acanthodians, and lobe-finned fishes is the Old Red Sandstone
formation of northern Scotland. This area, rich in fossil deposits, was
once the site of an expansive subtropical lake. A periodic cycle of natural
fish kills in that lake is now revealed by thousands of fish fossils laid bare
in various red sandstone deposits across various parts of Scotland.
Chemical analysis of the deposits suggests that the fish kills occurred
during times when the oxygen content of the lake was at dangerously low
levelslevels that literally suffocated many of the lakes fish inhabitants.
Anoxic events of this kind can occur during a severe bloom of lake algae.
The same effect can occur when the anoxic deep waters of such a lake
are stirred to the top, perhaps as a result of a violent storm or tectonic
event. Whatever the cause, it seems that about every 10 years, a large
number of the lakes inhabitants died off, floated to the middle of the
lake, and then sank into the deepest, anoxic waters, where they became
covered by fine sediment. Because the carcasses were so deep in the
lake, where the oxygen content was so low, they were spared from being
scavenged. This left many of their skeletons wholly intact. Over several
thousands of years, many layers of fossils built up on the lake bottom,
laminated in thin layers of mud and stacked with intervening layers of
sandstone that lacked fossils. Eventually, the layers built up to thicknesses of up to 33 feet (10 m). The Old Red Sandstone gets its name from
the rusty color of the sediments.
Hugh Miller was a Scottish stonemason, amateur geologist, and
poet who opposed the idea that life-forms evolved over time to generate new species. Miller scoured areas near his home for fossils and collected a vast number. Miller did not believe that humans evolved from
earlier, ancestral life-forms. Restricting his observations to the fossil
fauna of the Scottish red sandstone, Miller was unable to see obvious
connections between earlier forms of life and later ones. He stated at
Jawlessfishes 95
96 thefirstvertebrates
By the mid-1850s, the stonemason poet had become a popular
speaker on subjects related to religion and the fossil record. Unfortunately, Millers health deteriorated, as evidenced by severe headaches and
apparent bouts of depression and hallucinations that the doctors of his
day were unable to diagnose. Miller died in 1856, after completing the last
of his works to be published. Millers extraordinary collection of Devonian
fossils and his inspired style of discourse influenced many people to take
an interest in science and examine the natural world as revealed by geology and fossils.
Jawlessfishes 97
98 thefirstvertebrates
This chapter described the rise of the jawless fishes from the Late
Cambrian Epoch and Ordovician Period to the close of the Devo-
nian Period.
The evolution of early vertebrate anatomy took many small but
incrementally significant steps during the time of the jawless fishes.
It was during the time of the agnathans that the vertebrate body
plan evolved; this involved, most importantly, the formation of the
head region, a cartilaginous skeleton, a brain center, eyes, body
armor, jawless feeding mechanisms, and the ability to maneuver
with some skill in the water. These early fish, although considered
predatory, were filter feeders and mostly dwelled on the ocean
floor. Filter feeders are limited by the size and kind of food they can
take in. This limits their ability to become larger, more dominant
By the Late Silurian Epoch, about 420 million years ago, another
innovation was taking place in the anatomy of the vertebrates. This
was the appearance of the first fishes with jaws and a transition
from filter feeding to biting food. The development of the first jaws
was nothing short of a revolution for backboned creatures. Without
jaws, vertebrates may have been relegated to the backwaters of Earth
history and may never have left the shallows of the ocean to conquer
the land. Other dramatic anatomical innovations also led to the
expansion of backboned creatures into many new modes of life.
102 thefirstvertebrates
Some kinds of fishes still survive without the benefit of jaws. The only
living relatives of the extinct agnathans are jawless fishes from two recognized subphyla: the Hyperotreti, or hagfishes, and the Cephalaspidomorphi, or lampreys.
There are about four genera and 20 species of known hagfishes. Hagfishes range in length from about 18 inches (46 cm) to 45 inches (116 cm).
Considered the most primitive group of living chordates, the hagfishes are
found in cold-water marine environments in both hemispheres. Hagfishes
lack paired fins and vertebrae; they rely on a slender notochord for support
along the axis of their bodies. Hagfishes are blind but have a strong sense
of smell. Long and eel-like, the hagfish has a frill-like fin at the anterior end.
The creatures round, open mouth is encircled by four pairs of sensory
tentacles. Hagfishes live buried in the bottom sand or mud of their marine
environment. They feed on soft-bodied invertebrates but also scavenge
dead or dying fish in a most remarkable way. They enter the open mouth
vertebrateinnovations 103
of a weakened or dead fish and eat the body from the inside out, leaving
behind an empty carcass that consists only of skin and bones.
Lampreys are commonly found in temperate waters of lakes and
oceans. There are about nine genera and 40 species of living lampreys.
The eel-like body of the lamprey can range from 5 to 40 inches (13 to
100 cm) long. The lamprey has a tail fin but lacks paired appendages.
Unlike hagfishes, lampreys have eyes. All lampreys breed in freshwater, but some species migrate to the sea at maturity. Lampreys include
parasitic and nonparasitic varieties. The lampreys most notable anatomic
features are a round, suckerlike mouth encircled by numerous teeth and a
tongue with filelike rasps. Parasitic species of lampreys use their suckerlike mouths and teeth to attach themselves to the outside of a fish and
then use their rasping tongues to scrape away the bony scales on the skin
of their prey. After it clears a spot with its tongue, a lamprey will puncture
the skin of its prey and suck the fishs blood.
The osteostracans were the first fish to have true paired fins
on their sides. Anaspids such as Rhyncholepis had a pair of fins
positioned closer to the bottom side of the body, just past the head
region. Both of these experiments hinted at numerous improve-
ments to fin and tail anatomy that bloomed fully in jawed fishes.
Some agnathans also had remarkably streamlined bodies; but no
known agnathan exhibited the entire array of adaptations required
for highly maneuverable swimming: the fins, tails, and streamlined
body that are so familiar in todays fishes. These traits came together
for the first time after the appearance of jawed fishes.
The presence of jaws intensified the evolution of fishes in direc-
tions that made them more active and mobile. Traits that favored
improved maneuverability were paramount in this development
and marked yet another significant milestone in the evolution of
The bodies of jawed fishes became increasingly more stream-
lined than those of their agnathan predecessors. Water is a thick
medium, and a creature must have a low-resistance profile to glide
through it easily. The streamlining of the fish body began with the
anterior or snout end. Jawed fishes did away with the heavy dermal
armor plates of the agnathans and developed a narrow, pointed
anterior that could slice through the water like a wedge. Just behind
the head of a jawed fish is the thickest, largest part of the body. From
there the body narrows significantly, further reducing resistance to
the water and minimizing turbulence.
Having a streamlined body was a significant improvement for
jawed fishes, but their full potential as active, agile swimmers was
not completed until they developed a full complement of fins. There
are several requirements for becoming an active swimmer in the
world of the jawed fishes:
One or two dorsal (back) fins. Without a dorsal fin, a fish would
roll over when the tail thrust was forward. A dorsal fin is a
stabilizer that prevents a fish from rolling over uncontrollably.
Ventral (anal) fin. This fin is positioned on the underside
of a fish, near the base of the tail (the location of the anus).
Like the keel of a boat, the ventral fin is a stabilizer. It is used
for changing direction.
Paired pectoral fins (at the shoulder) and pelvic fins (at the
hip). These two pairs of fins are positioned anywhere from
the lower to the middle side of a fish. Working together,
paired fins provide the lift necessary to help a fish go up and
down, put on the brakes, or even (in some species) move
backward. Paired fins are also like rudders; they help a fish
make quick turns to the side. The first fishes to master the
seas as superb swimmers were the fast-moving ancestors of
sharks and bony fishes.
Not all taxa of bony fishes developed swim bladders. The mostly
extinct group known as lungfishes developed lungs for breathing
air, like land animals, as well as gills for breathing in water.
The first vertebrates to have jaws were the Acanthodii, or acantho-
dians, also known by the popular name of spiny sharks or spiny
skins. Acanthodians were mostly small fish; they measured from
4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) long. Despite their popular name, they
were not related to the sharks. The name spiny shark refers to the
acanthodians sharklike, streamlined body and their long upturned
tail that resembles that of a true shark.
The body of an acanthodian was slender and tall, with one or
two dorsal fins, an anal fin, and as many as six pairs of additional
fins along the underside. The eyes were large and perched far for-
ward on the head. The jaws were long, but most acanthodians lacked
teeth. These fish probably thrived at middle depths, where their
large eyes enabled them to see quite well in the dimmer light. Those
species that lacked teeth probably gobbled up smaller fish that could
be scooped up in pursuit, gnashing them with their bony jaws or
swallowing them whole.
The bodies of these small fishes appear to have adapted in ways
that provided them with some degree of protection from larger
predators. The fin design of acanthodians was an elegant evolution-
ary experiment. Most of the fins were composed of a sharp spine to
which a web of skin was stretched into a triangular shape. With most
of the upper and lower surfaces protected by these spines, acanthodi-
ans were probably a distasteful surprise to larger fish that tried to eat
them. The backward-aiming spines along the bottom of the acantho-
dian would most certainly have stuck in the gullet of many a predator.
At least one species, Acanthodes, may have been able to flex the spines
upward when attacked, furthering its chances of escaping.
Although the remains of acanthodian endoskeletons are rarely
seen, it is presumed that those skeletons were composed of cartilage
like those of earlier jawless fishes. The acanthodian body was covered
with tightly fitting scales composed of bone and dentine. Behind the
jaws on either side of the head were five gill slits. Depending on the
species of acanthodian, these slits were protected by one or more
bony flaps. Acanthodians were most abundant during the Devonian
Period and lived in saltwater and freshwater habitats.
Looking much like their armored jawless predecessors, the placo-
derms were a diverse collection of armored jawed fishes. The name
placoderm, meaning plated skins, refers to the large, interlock-
ing bony plates that protected the heads of these fishes. The plates
were curved and articulated at their joints to provide flexibility,
especially where the head shield met the trunk shield. The body
Placoderm anatomy
behind the trunk region was not armor plated and sometimes had a
fine bony mesh protecting it or no scaly covering at all. These com-
mon characteristics aside, placoderms came in many sizes, ranging
from the diminutive Groenlandaspis (19 inches, or 50 cm, long) to
the truly monstrous Dunkleosteus (30 feet, or 10 m, long), a bigeyed, axe-jawed top predator of the Devonian oceans.
Placoderms arose in the Silurian, were most abundant in the
Devonian Period, but died off sharply by the Early Carboniferous.
Placoderms consisted of six clades: Acanthothoraci, Rhenanida,
Antiarchi, Petalichthyida, Ptyctodontida, and Arthrodira. Four of
the most diverse groups were the rhenanids, the antiarchs, the ptyc-
todontids and the arthrodires.
The flattened, rounded bodies of the rhenanids disclose a bottomdwelling life. One of the earliest groups of placoderms, this unusual clade appears superficially very much like the modern rays.
The antiarchs were small. Most reached only about 1 foot (30 cm) in
length. They were the most heavily armored of the placoderms, with
dermal shields that covered the head and about half the length of the
body. Behind the dermal plates, the body was more normally scaled;
this made these creatures appear somewhat like normal fishes but
with their head in a box. The best known and most widely distrib-
uted antiarch species, Bothriolepis, is represented by more than 100
specimens from around the world that date from the Late Devonian.
Bothriolepis had a slender, somewhat flattened body. This indicates
that it was a bottom feeder. The creature also had a most unusual
pectoral appendage. Just behind the head on either side, Bothriolepis
had a pair of crablike pectoral fins with tiny spines. Bothriolepis
presumably used these to help it move about as it hovered on the
seafloor or lake bottom.
Ptyctodontids such as Ctenurella, from the Late Devonian of Aus-
tralia, were small fishes about 5 inches (13 cm) long. Ptyctodontids
had less armor than any other placoderms. The wide, roundish head
of Ctenurella featured large eyes close to the dorsal surface. Behind
the head, Ctenurellas body tapered quickly to a long, narrow tail
with a large dorsal fin. Ctenurella also had pairs of sizeable pectoral
and pelvic fins, indicating that this small fish probably had aboveaverage maneuverability. Its small but sturdy jaws were equipped
with bony tooth surfaces for grinding up shellfish. Ctenurella prob-
ably roamed over the seafloor, eating tiny urchins and shellfish.
The most abundant and varied clade of placoderms was the arthro-
dires, or jointed neck fishes. Arthrodires species numbered about
200 and make up about 60 percent of all known placoderms. The
diversity of this group is surprising; it is represented by small,
armored taxa that measured only 1 foot (30 cm) long and by the
largest predator of its time, Dunkleosteus, which measured up to
30 feet (10 m). Coccosteus, from the Middle and Late Devonian of
North America and Europe, was about 16 inches (40 cm) long. It was
equipped with light trunk armor, large pectoral and pelvic fins, and
a long finned tail. All these features indicate that Coccosteus was a
good swimmer. Instead of teeth, the arthrodires had sharp, beaklike
plates of bone in their jaws that could crunch and slice even the larg-
est prey. A key, unifying trait of arthrodires was an unusual ball and
socket joint that articulated the shoulder and head. This allowed an
arthrodire to rotate its head backward, giving its formidable mouth
an even wider gape.
This chapter explained how jaws evolved in vertebrates and de-
scribed some other dramatic anatomical innovations that led to the
expansion of backboned creatures into many new modes of life.
The Chondrichthyes, or cartilaginous fishes, including sharks,
were some of the first vertebrates with jaws and bony teeth. About
60 families of sharks and their kin arose during the Paleozoic Era
and became the top ocean predators during the Devonian and Car-
boniferous Periods.
The Chondrichthyes are so named because all members of this
clade have skeletons made of cartilage (gristle), a noncalcified skel-
etal material. Cartilage is a firm but flexible tissue that does not
stretch. Unlike cellular bone, cartilage is not infused with channels
for blood vessels or nerves. Cartilage is alive, however, and its cells
grow by absorbing oxygen and nutrients from surrounding blood
vessels. Cartilage is also present in vertebrates with bony skeletons
in the form of connective tissue. Examples of cartilage that can
readily be seen in humans include the outer ear flap and the tip of
the nose. Cartilage also forms much of the skeleton of vertebrate
embryos and young but is calcified into bone over time as the ani-
mal matures.
The chondrichthyans are divided into two groups, the Elasmo-
branchii (plated gills), a group that consists of sharks, dogfishes,
skates, and rays, and the Holocephali (whole head), a group that
includes ratfishes and chimaeras. Of these, only the sharks and
Holocephali are known from the Paleozoic Era.
Cartilaginousfishes:thesharksandrays 115
Paleozoic Era was their ability to swim. The ability to swim effec-
tively involves several interrelated anatomical and physiological
specializations. These include having a streamlined body, having a
tail and fins for power and maneuverability, and having control over
buoyancy in the water. Although the evolutionary link between the
earliest cartilaginous fishes and bony fishes is not known, it appears
that they were related to a common ancestral line of jawless fishes
that seeded their separate lineages with the fundamental character-
istics of swimmers. From these jawless vertebrates, the sharks and
bony fishes inherited their bilaterally symmetrical body plans and
rudimentary fin and tail configurations. Sometime during the Silu-
rian, however, the cartilaginous fishes and bony fishes took separate
evolutionary paths. Each developed increasingly efficient improve-
ments on the basal vertebrate body plan for survival in the water.
Even the earliest sharks had a streamlined, elongate shape and a
rounded, tapered snout for cutting through the water. The blueprint
for shark fins was similar to that for the fins of the first bony fishes,
although the construction and size of shark fins differed consider-
ably. All sharks had paired pectoral and pelvic fins. Dorsal fins
numbered one or two, and in some species the dorsal fin closest to
the head was oversized and reminiscent of the signature dorsal fin
seen in modern sharks. The anal fin is not always present in fossil
The tails of early sharks came in various shapes but most often
were heterocercal, or asymmetrical with the upper portion being
larger than the lower. The heterocercal tail design appears repeat-
edly in the fossil record of vertebrates; it begins with the jawless
fishes and continues in the acanthodians and placoderms, the
sharks, and some early ray-finned and lobe-finned fishes. In most
cases, including that of the shark, the upper part of the tail is the
stiffened end of the bony or cartilaginous vertebral column of the
fish. In sharks, the asymmetrical tail fin became a large, powerful
source of propulsion.
The task of remaining buoyant in the water is handled differently
in sharks than in bony fishes. The shark formula for success in this
Jaws of the great white shark showing replacement teeth in place behind
outer teeth
flatter teeth inside its mouth. The spiral of teeth did not shed older
teeth but instead continued to grow outwards, adding newer and
larger teeth to the outmost surface of the whorl as the shark matured.
Specimens of this tooth whorl range in size from 10 to 18 inches
(25 to 45 cm) in diameter; they belonged to a sizeable shark that
measured up to 20 feet (6 m) long. How did this shark use such an
unusual dental battery? Despite the fact that many fossil specimens
of the tooth whorl have been found, there is still much debate about
how it was affixed to the jaw of Helicoprion and how it was used.
One possible scenario for the feeding habits of Helicoprion was
that it waved its head from side to side to snag soft-bodied squid or
mollusks as it swam among them, dragging the invertebrates into
its mouth, where the flatter, inside teeth chewed or crushed the prey
before the shark swallowed it.
age, 418 million years ago. This makes the earliest chondrichthyans
contemporaries of the armored jawless fishes and the most primi-
tive jawed fishes (acanthodians and placoderms) and predates the
rise of bony fishes by about 10 million to 15 million years.
In 2003, a team of Canadian and Australian paleontologists led
by Randall Miller of the New Brunswick Museum announced the
recovery of the earliest known articulated shark remains. Found in
New Brunswick, Canada, and dating from about 409 million years
ago, the shark specimen contained a jaw with two rows of teeth
lodged in place. It also included one of the oldest known braincases
of a chondrichthyan and preserved the presence of paired pectoral
fin spines, a feature not previously observed in cartilaginous fishes.
The shark measured about 20 to 30 inches (50 to 75 cm) long, about
the size of a river salmon. This Canadian specimen predated other
previously known fossil sharks by 15 million years.
Even such an important new specimen as this cannot fill many
gaps in the evolutionary history of early sharks, however. In some
ways, the name of this specimen says it all. Originally described
in 1892 on the evidence of a single tooth, it was called Doliodus
problematicus, a problematic deceiver. As this name implies, pale-
ontologists have a long way to go before the ancestry of the earliest
sharks is better understood.
Most groups of sharks and other cartilaginous fishes of the early
Paleozoic bore little resemblance to modern-day forms. It was not
until the end of the Paleozoic Era that the line of modern sharks
and rays was established, in the group known as the Neoselachii.
The Neolselachii were a family of sharks derived from the earlier
The shark Helicoprion had a disc-like whorl of teeth affixed to its lower jaw.
The shark Edestus had unusual dentition, which consisted of two jaw
bones that protruded straight out of its mouth.
124 thefirstvertebrates
Paleozoic fossil fishes are rarely found fully inscribed in rocks, yet even
the most fragmentary specimen often yields obvious clues to the nature
of the creature that left it behind. Fish scales, tails, fins, skulls, and vertebrae, even when found in isolation from other skeletal parts, can still
reveal much about the size, anatomy, and lifestyle of the associated fish.
Every once in a while, however, a fossil appears that tests the know-how
of even the most meticulous and imaginative paleontologist. Such was
the case of Helicoprion, a fossil shark from the Early Permian.
The first described specimen of Helicoprion was discovered in the
Ural Mountains of Russia in 1898 and described in 1899 by paleontologist
Andrzej P. Karpinsky (18471936), the director of the Imperial Russian
Geological Survey. The specimen consisted of a single, spiral-like structure that, on closer inspection, proved to be a whorl of sharklike teeth.
There were 156 teeth in the whorl, which measured about 10 inches (24
cm) in diameter. The teeth were largest on the outside of the spiral and
diminished in size toward the center of the spiral. Unlike the teeth of
other sharks, these teeth were not shed and appeared to be permanently
embedded in a spiraling ribbon of bone. Despite having nothing but the
tooth whorl to go by, Karpinsky immersed himself in the task of deciphering the mystery of this fossil. He named the shark Helicoprion, meaning
spiral saw, and wrote a 110-page paper describing the historical, geological, chemical, histological, and biological aspects of this fossil and its
relationship to other sharks. The only things he was at a loss to explain
were how the teeth had been attached to the shark and how the shark
had used them. Karpinsky offered some ideas in the form of sketches
that variously placed the tooth whorl in such unlikely places as the tail,
the lower jaw, and as an upward spiraling extension of the upper jaw, like
the nose of an elephant.
Karpinsky was a respected scientist, yet his fellow researchers
could not resist jumping into the Helicoprion guessing game. In 1900,
Cartilaginousfishes:thesharksandrays 125
the American Edwin T. Newton favored a dorsal fin location for the
whorl, making it a means of defense. The debate continued long after
Karpinskys death in 1936. In 1952, Russian paleontologist Dimitri Obruchev suggested that the tooth whorl would have been an obstruction
in the lower jaw; he favored a location in the upper jaw, where it could
have served as a defense mechanism. In 1962, another American, Theodore H. Eaton Jr., suggested that both the upper and lower jaws were
equipped with a tooth whorl.
By the 1990s, many specimens of the Helicoprion tooth whorl had been
discovered in widely dispersed Permian deposits in Russia, Spitsbergen,
126 thefirstvertebrates
Japan, Australia, the Canadian Arctic, British Columbia, Idaho, California,
and Nevada. The largest specimens measure more than three feet (1 m)
in diameter, suggesting that they belonged to a large shark that may have
measured as long as 20 feet (6 m).
Although significant remains of the rest of the body of Helicoprion are
yet to be discovered, the Danish paleontologist Svend E. Bendix-Almgreen
recovered fragments of the skull along with a tooth whorl in 1966. These
fragmentsthe best clues that we have to the position and utility of the
mysterious spiral sawplace the tooth whorl at the front of the bottom
jaw. Unlike Karpinsky, who imagined an elephantlike, scrolling jaw, BendixAlmgreen pictured the tooth whorl as a kind of buzz saw fixed within
the mouth and used to snag soft-bodied prey suspended in the water.
The upper jaw appears to have been equipped only with a grinding tooth
surface against which the tooth whorl could pulverize whatever food it
had snagged.
Cartilaginousfishes:thesharksandrays 127
Belantsea was a tall and bulbous shark with a short head and large eyes.
The eel-like shark Xenacanthus dates from the Early Permian of Europe.
Iniopterygians (neck fin) date from the Late Devonian and had a bizarre
suite of anatomical shapes and features underscored by a pair of long
pectoral fins positioned high on the neck.
later chimaerans from the Mesozoic Era, which more closely resem-
ble modern-day forms of sharks. Helodus measured about 1.5 feet
(45 cm) long. Like other chondrenchelyiforms, it had moderately
large pectoral fins that were placed more toward the lower side of
the animal. This is unlike the iniopterygians, the pectorals of which
were oversized and placed higher up on the side of the body.
Deltoptychius. This Carboniferous chondrenchelyiform from
Ireland and Scotland had the more ratfishlike features associated
with later chimaerans from the Mesozoic. These included large eyes,
pointed tails, a small skull with a pointed snout, large pectoral fins,
and a set of tooth plates, rather than individual teeth, for grinding
hard food. Measuring about 18 inches (45 cm) long, Deltoptychius
was probably a dweller of the seafloor, where its large eyes could help
it see in the dim light. It had a large dorsal fin with a tall spine at
its base, which suggests that this early line of chimaerans may have
been equipped with a poison-tipped spike like some extant species.
food in the form of bony fishes. Sharks of all kinds became more
numerous and occupied many different kinds of habitats, including
lagoonal, intercoastal, and open ocean environments. This radia-
tion was so successful that sharks exhibiting the characteristics of
modern faunas were firmly established by the Early Cretaceous
The other important groups of fishes that rose to fill the Paleo-
zoic seas were the Osteichthyans, or bony fishes. The bony fishes
eventually became the most plentiful vertebrates of all.
This chapter traced the Paleozoic evolution of sharks and their kin.
sharks, were some of the first vertebrates with jaws and bony
2. The chondrichthyans are divided into two groups, the Elas-
mobranchii (plated gills), consisting of sharks, dogfishes,
skates, and rays, and the Holocephali (whole head).
3. Even the earliest sharks had the blueprint for shark anatomy.
This included a streamlined, elongate shape with a rounded,
a tapered snout for cutting through the water and fins that
were similar in configuration to those of the first bony fishes,
although the construction and size of shark fins differed
4. Sharks have self-replacing teeth; some early taxa, such as
Helicoprion, developed uniquely complex adaptations for this
replacement, including spiral-like tooth whorls.
5. The best evidence of the earliest sharks comes from fossil-
ized scales from the Late Ordovician Epoch, 455 million
years ago.
6. The earliest articulated shark remains are from New Bruns-
wick, Canada, from about 409 million years ago.
7. Sharks were the only members of the Elasmobranchii to
appear in the Paleozoic Era. The earliest skates, rays, and
134 thefirstvertebrates
sawfishes are found in rocks that date from the Late Jurassic
Epoch of the Mesozoic Era.
8.The only surviving descendants of the holocephalians are the
chimaeras or ratfishes. Extinct forms include members of two
known groups, the Iniopterygiformes and Chondrenchelyi-
formes. All date from the Late Devonian and spread during
the Carboniferous Period.
9.Modern sharks, the neoselachians, first appeared in the Late
Paleozoic but did not gain a dominant position as ocean
predators until the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods.
The most numerous members of the jawed vertebrates are the
Osteichythes, or bony fishes. This is the last major group of fishes
to appear in the fossil record and accounts for more than half of
the living groups of vertebrates on land or sea. The osteichthyans
date from the Late Silurian. They arose during the heyday of the
acanthodians and placoderms but by the Carboniferous Period sup-
planted them as one of two groups of dominant marine vertebrates.
The other new dominant group was that of the cartilaginous sharks
and rays. This chapter describes the anatomical characteristics of
the bony fishes and introduces prominent groups of these fishes that
thrived during the Paleozoic Period.
Two types of early bony fish fins: (a) ray-finned with bony rays leading out
from a bony base; and (b) fleshy or lobe fins in which bony rays emanate
from bones running along the axis of the fin.
success story if there ever was one. The importance of the lobef inned fishes to the evolution of terrestrial vertebrates is also signifi-
cant because it was the lobe-finned fishes lineage that gave rise to
the first limbed animalsthe tetrapods.
In addition to having a bony endoskeleton and scales, all bony
fishes share several other anatomical features. The skull is well
formed and heavily armored. Even the gills are protected by a bony
flap, unlike the exposed gill slits of the sharks. The teeth are fixed
solidly to the jawbones and become increasingly well developed and
sharp when compared to those of the acanthodians and placoderms.
Early bony fishes also had a pair of air sacks in the lower abdomen
that were used to control the fishes buoyancy.
There are more than 25,000 living species of ray-finned fishes. They
are found in freshwater and saltwater habitats. Their origins in the
Paleozoic were marked by rapid diversification until, by the Triassic
Period, they were already the most abundant vertebrate of the seas.
This success came at the expense of other, lesser sophisticated
fishes, particularly the lobe-finned fishes. The lobe-fins gradually
dwindled in numbers during the Mesozoic Era as the ray-finned
fishes spread.
Classifying the early ray-finned fishes of the Paleozoic has been
a challenge for scientists because these fishes roots are not entirely
understood. As a result, many varied species of early actinopteryg-
ians were at one time collectively grouped within the palaeoniscids
(ancient swimmer), a catch-all category that was paraphyletica
word used to describe a group of organisms that evolved from a
common ancestor but that does not include all the descendants of
that ancestor.
Another approach to classifying early ray-finned fishes is to
assign them to related groups according to the sequence of their
appearance in the fossil record. Using this method, three successive
radiations of fishes are recognized:
Basal Actinopterygians. This radiation spans the time from the
Carboniferous Period to the Triassic Period. It includes the Paleo-
zoic bony fishes discussed in The First Vertebrates. This group is
synonymous with fossil fishes once grouped as the chondrosteans.
Neopterygians. This radiation spans the time from the Triassic
Period to the Jurassic Period and has its roots in the Late Perm-
ian. The neopterygian (new fins) radiation includes fishes once
grouped within the paraphyletic category of holosteans. This means,
therefore, that this radiation includes some but not all descendants
of an inferred common ancestor, which does not provide a firm
basis for classification.
Teleosts. This radiation spans the time from the Jurassic Period
to the present. The teleosts are the most abundant fish species living
today; nearly all modern fishes are teleosts.
8 inches (5 to 20 cm) long. They had short snouts and the large
eyes characteristic of active predators. Unlike the thick and stiff-
ened fins found in sharks, the fins of the actinopterygians were
flexible, lightweight, and thin. This gave these fishes increased
The ray-finned fishes adopted the successful arrangement of fins
seen in the acanthodians and placoderms and that is still seen in
most modern fishes. They had pairs of pectoral and pelvic fins, one
or two dorsal fins, and an anal fin on the ventral side, just before the
tail. The tail, although found in various shapes, was strongly forked
and arranged in a vertical configuration. It was flapped from side to
side to power the fish. The way the tail was forked is a differentia-
tion trait between the early actinopterygians and later fishes. The
top fork was a bony spine to which a fin membrane was attached
to form the lower fork. The lower part of the fork was a lightweight
fin reinforced with bony rods. It reminds one of a sail attached to
a mast.
The thick, armored scales of basal ray finned-fishes were com-
posed of several bony layers, including dentine topped with a
shiny enamel. In some species, such as Cheirolepis and Moythoma
sia, the scales overlapped and were locked together by a peg and
socket design for articulation as the animal flexed. The scales were
arranged in long, vertically oriented or diagonal rows. Despite the
armored natures of the scales, the dermal covering was light enough
not to impede these rapidly swimming predators.
The jaws of Paleozoic ray-finned fishes underwent two distinct
evolutionary phases. The earliest actinopterygians had small but
strong jaws for snapping at prey. The top jaw was fixed to the skull,
and the lower jaw was hinged to open and shut against the upper
jaw. This gave the fish a kind of long, grinning jaw that operated
like the jaw of a ventriloquists dummy. These fishes relied on
powerful jaw muscles and a quick snap of the lower jaw to snag
their prey.
By the Late Permian Epoch, with the rise of the neopterygians,
the jaws of the ray-finned fishes took a dramatic turn. The top jaw
Basal Actinopterygians
Early actinopterygians had limited range in the oceans of the Late
Paleozoic; they were outnumbered by lobe-finned fishes and later
by more advanced ray-finned fishes, beginning with the neopte-
rygians. The early actinopterygians were, however, the most diverse
freshwater fishes of that time.
The only living relatives of the basal actinopterygians are the
heavily armored bichirs, found in equatorial Africa; the long-bodied
sturgeons, known as a source of caviar and found in freshwater river
systems, lakes, and coastal waters of Asia, Russia, Central Asia,
Europe, and North America; and paddlefishes, large, freshwater
fishes that have a large mouth and a peculiar paddle-shaped snout
and that are found in the southern United States.
Following is a guide to some of the best known species of basal
actinopterygians of the Paleozoic Era.
Cheirolepis. Cheirolepis, found in Middle Devonian rocks of what
today is Scotland, was an early form of ray-finned fish. Its body was
long and thin and measured up to 22 inches (55 cm) long. Cheiro
lepis was equipped with a strong tail and large pectoral and pelvic
fins; this design made it a fine swimmer. The downward-turning
tail had a sharp row of scales on its dorsal edge to help the fish
cut through the water more quickly. Cheirolepiss scales were small
suspended vertically inside the mouth. This allowed for a little more
room in the cheeks, enabled the fish to open its mouth wider, and
allowed it to pass more water over the gills. The gills of Canobius
became greatly enlarged over those of other early ray-finned fishes.
The experimental jaw arrangement not only improved the respira-
tion and activity level of this little fish, but also allowed it to suck in
more food from the surrounding water.
Amphicentrum. First described in the 1860s, this species was
found in Carboniferous deposits of England. Amphicentrum was
about 7 inches (18 cm) long and had an unusually deep, disc-shaped
and flattened body, with a rudimentary forked tail that consisted
of an upper bony spine from which a more delicate fin flap was
dropped. In general appearance, Amphicentrum is reminiscent of
modern reef fishes such as angelfish. Its paired fins were greatly
reduced and the dorsal and anal fins modified into long, ribbonlike
strips. Its teeth were blunted rather than pointed, which suggests
that Amphicentrum may have eaten food that required crushing,
such as small, shelled invertebrates or armored fish.
Guildayichthys. First described in 2000, this early ray-finned
fish dates from the Early Carboniferous of Montana. It shares some
where it was one of the most successful radiations of the basal acti-
nopterygians that dominated inland lakes and streams of the world
toward the end of the Paleozoic.
Following the radiation of basal actinopterygians, a new lineage
of ray-finned fishes arose in the Late Permian Epoch and became
prominent in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras. Neopterygians rep-
resent a second major wave in the evolution of ray-finned fishes.
Occupying both freshwater and marine environments, neopte-
rygians were distinguished from early ray-finned fishes by major
changes to the jaws, the shape of the skull, and the tail. In neopte-
rygians, the tooth-bearing maxilla and dentary bones jutted forward
from the face and were usually lined with sharp, pointed teeth.
The neopterygian mouth had a wider, gaping orifice which, when
opened, caused the cheeks to expand sideways, sucking in more
water. The tail was no longer supported by a dorsal bony spine but
had a more evenly forked design supported by a lightweight fan of
bony rods.
The neopterygians include four main groups of fishes. The
semionotids were early neopterygians, now extinct. The lepisoste-
ids include the living species and first appeared in the Cretaceous
Period. The bowfins, or halecomorphids, arose in the Triassic
Period and have a surviving member that lives in freshwaters of
North America. Most significantly, the group of the neopterygia
is also the stem group from which modern fish, the Teleostei,
arose. The teleosts include most of the bony fish familiar to us
The semionotids appeared in the Permian Period. The other
clades of neopterygians evolved after the Paleozoic. Semionotus is
the best known member of the semionotids. Members of this taxon
were small, streamlined swimmers that lived in freshwater and
marine habitats. Semionotus was about 5 inches (13 cm) long. It had
the jutting lower jaw of other neopterygians, but instead of sharp
teeth, Semionotus had peglike teeth. The jaws were relatively short
compared to the jaws of other neopterygians but projected forward
from the snout. The fishs tail was forked and fanned with delicate
bony rods. On the midline of the back, between the neck and the
dorsal fin, Semionotus had a series of bony spines that enabled the
Lobe-finned fishesthe sarcopterygiansarose during the Early
Devonian Epoch and were one of the first successful groups of
bony fishes. Their numbers dwindled by the end of the Paleozoic,
with the rise of the ray-finned fishes, but not before some members
of the sarcopterygian group successfully evolved to become the
first terrestrial vertebrates. There are still many questions about
which of the lobe-finned fishes were most closely related to land
For the purpose of this discussion, lobe-finned fishes will be
placed into the following categories:
Osteolepiformes: an early group of sarcopterygians, now
extinct, with ancestral roots to land animals.
Actinistia: the coelacanths, the only marine form of lobefinned fishes that survives to this day.
Dipnoi: the lungfishes, which are still represented by three
living freshwater species.
Compare the fins of lobe-finned fishes and ray-finned fishes. The fins of lobe-finned fishes
are more muscular and fanlike, which probably helped lobe-finned fishes hunt prey.
These early lobe-finned fishes existed only during the Devonian
Period; they are found in marine and estuarine deposits in Scotland
and North America. The porolepiforms had long bodies, short,
broad heads with small eyes, and several rows of teeth on the lower
jaw. Their scales varied from thick, rectangular types to larger,
rounded ones in some of the later species.
The biting power of the porolepiform jaw was improved by a
unique jointed skull. At the roof of the mouth, the skull was divided
into front and back halves by a joint. When the animal bit down on
its prey, more force was exerted by the downward-cleaving motion
of the top and front part of the jaw. This was a necessary adaptation
because the predominant prey of the porolepiforms may have been
smaller ray-finned fishes with thick, protective scales.
A characteristic member of this clade of lobe-finned fishes was
Gyroptychius, from the Middle Devonian of Scotland. Measuring
about 12 inches (30 cm) long, Gyroptychius had small eyes, a short
snout, and a long mouth. Its tail differed from those of later lobef inned fishes in that it consisted of a simple, central bony spine with
a triangular fringe on the top and bottom. The body of Gyroptychius
was long, and all but its pectoral fins were positioned on the rear
part of its torso.
The osteolepiforms are the best evolutionary link between terrestrial
vertebrates. The osteolepiforms had a more efficient arrangement of
fins than the porolepiforms: The fins of the osteolepiforms were
concentrated more toward the midpoint of the long body. An early
clue to the evolution of tetrapods is also seen in the consolidation
of anterior skull bones in the osteolepiforms. In more basal lobef inned fishes and lungfishes, the bones of the snout were an unpat-
terned mosaic of many small bones. As seen in the osteolepiform
called Osteolepis, these bones began to consolidate into a pattern
seen in later vertebrates, particularly those on land. Descriptions of
two important species of osteolepiforms follow.
Osteolepis. This fish was 8 inches (20 cm) long; it is found in
the Middle Devonian strata of Antarctica, India, Iran, Latvia, and
Scotland. Osteolepis had two large, posteriorly pointed dorsal fins
and a downward pointed tail with a larger fin lobe on the underside
of a bony spine. The scales of Osteolepis were square, and there is
evidence of tiny nerve canals running throughout the fishs dermal
covering. This matrix of nerves may have been able to sense vibra-
tions in the water and alert Osteolepis to the presence of predators
or prey.
Eusthenopteron. This large lobe-finned fish is a key player in
the understanding of the origin of terrestrial vertebrates. Several
intriguing anatomical features make Eusthenopteron an excellent
intermediate in this important transition. Most importantly, the
bones of Eusthenopterons pectoral and pelvic fins include many
of the important elements that would be needed by a walking
creature, thus giving it ancestral arms and legs in the form of fins.
Although there are gaps in the fossil record between Eustheno
pteron and early land vertebrates, scientists continue to find tran-
sitional phases that illustrate the transition from fin to limb. Other
features that unite Eusthenopteron with early land animals include
the makeup of its teeth, the design of its spine, and the arrange-
ment of bones in the front of its skull. Fossils of Eusthenopteron
have been found in Late Devonian rocks of Scotland, Central Asia,
and Canada. It was a large fish that measured up to 4 feet (1.2 m)
long. Its tail consisted of three strong supports joined by two rayed
membranes. Its long dorsal fins, pelvic fins, and anal fin were
near the rear of the body; its strong pectoral fins were close to
the head.
Actinistia (Coelacanths)
The actinistians include the coelacanths, living fishes with roots
in the Middle Devonian. Some smaller, early species lived in fresh-
water habitats, but most coelacanths were large marine creatures
that measured about 3 feet (1 m) long or more. Fossil species look
virtually identical to living species. Coelacanths typically have
short, broad bodies, large, fleshy fins, a tall skull, and a short snout.
Their teeth are short and sharp. The tail is divided into a three-part
structure that consists of a short, central support on the end of the
fishs spinal column that is flanked by larger, feathery, fanlike lobes.
The living genus of coelacanth is Latimeria. It has been found in the
Indian Ocean in areas that range from Madagascar, off the coast of
The lungfishes first appear in the fossil record of the Early Devonian
Epoch. Three freshwater genera survive today, in Australia, Africa,
and South America. Lungfishes have gills for breathing as well as a
set of lungs. The swim bladder, used for buoyancy in most fishes, has
been modified into a lung in the lungfishes. External nostrils, posi-
tioned low along the sides of the snout, are used by these fishes to
breathe air. Unlike some other lobe-finned fishes, lungfishes did not
have a jointed skull to improve their bite. The lungfish skull was solid,
and the teeth were replaced by dentine-covered bumpy plates on the
roof of the mouth and the lower jawbone. Among several known
species of Paleozoic lungfish are Dipterus and Griphognathus.
Dipterus. Dipterus dates from the Middle to Late Devonian of
Germany and Scotland. It was a lungfish of moderate size, measur-
ing about 14 inches (35 cm) long. Its jaws display the robust crushing
surface of dentine bumps that these fishes had instead of pointed
teeth. The tail of Dipterus was short and only moderately frilled.
The pectoral fins were long and narrow, with frills around their
bony core. The pelvic, anal, and pectoral fins of Dipterus were situ-
ated close to the rear of the body. It had thick, rounded, overlapping
scales. The endoskeleton of this fish was lighter and greatly reduced
over those of earlier lungfishes, a trend that continued in the evolu-
tion of the Dipnoi.
Griphognathus. This lungfish is found in Late Devonian sedi-
ments of Australia and Germany. Griphognathus had several
derived characteristics for a lungfish; these included a long, pointed
snout; small, toothlike denticles lining its jaws; and a longer tail
than Dipterus. Its gills were covered with muscular arches, the pur-
pose of which may have been to break off pieces of coral that it could
then grind with its small, rasping teeth.
(continues on page 154)
152 thefirstvertebrates
Finding a living lobe-finned fish from the 360-million-year-old Actinistia (coelacanth) taxon seems about as likely as finding a living dinosaur in South
America or a saber-toothed cat roaming central Europe. Yet that is exactly
what South African naturalist Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer (19072004)
found on the deck of a fishing trawler in 1938. Courtenay-Latimer was a
naturalist and curator with the tiny East London Museum on the east coast
of South Africa; she also was the friend of a fish expert named J.L.B. Smith
(18971968) at Rhodes University College in Grahamstown, South Africa.
Courtenay-Latimer routinely visited the docks to examine the hauls of fishing boats in search of a specimen or two for her museum. On one such
visit, on December 23, 1938, a trawlers promising load of sharks caught
her interest. As she examined the catch, Courtenay-Latimer saw something
unusual. At the bottom of the pile of dead fish, poking out just enough for
her to see, were the blue scaled fins of a large and queer looking fish.
After the mangled body was pulled out of the pile, Courtenay-Latimer knew
that she had found something truly strange. She hauled the heavy, smelly
127-pound (57 kg) fish to her museum to try to identify it. Unable to do so,
she drew a sketch of her find and sent it off with a letter to J.L.B. Smith,
a noted ichthyologist who had named many new species of fish. In the letter, Courtenay-Latimer described the fish as having heavy scales, almost
armour like, the fins resemble limbs, and are scaled right up to a fringe of
filament. The spinous dorsal, has tiny white spines down each filament.
Smith did not receive Courtenay-Latimers letter until after the Christmas holiday, but he was quick to reply with a cable message in which
He later said, My surprise would have been little greater if I had seen a
dinosaur walking down the street. By the time Smith replied, the inside
organs of the fish had unfortunately been discarded; but the skin and
skeleton remained in safekeeping until Smith arrived on February 16,
1939, to examine the fish. He knew from Courtenay-Latimers sketch that
she may have made the catch of the century, and he wasnt disappointed
bonyfishes 153
when he saw the specimen in person. Smith announced to the world that
the coelacanth, once believed to have been extinct since the days of the
dinosaurs, was indeed alive and well and living off the coast of Africa.
Though it was difficult to believe so incredible a thing, said Smith, I
identified the fish as a coelacanth and named it Latimeria in appreciation
of what Miss Courtenay-Latimer had done.
First described in 1836 by Louis Agassiz, a Swiss naturalist (18071873),
the coelacanth was known only from its fossils until this surprising catch
in 1938. Although Smith hailed from a small college and Courtenay-Latimer,
from a tiny, underfunded museum, the two knew an opportunity when they
saw one. Determined to find additional specimens, Smith put out a request
to local fishermen in the form of a wanted poster. Look carefully at this
fish, declared the poster. It may bring you good fortune. Note the peculiar
double tail, and the fins. . . . If you have the good fortune to catch or find
one DO NOT CUT OR CLEAN IT IN ANY WAY but get it whole at once to a
cold storage . . . On the poster, Smith provided his address and offered a
tidy sum of money for new specimens. Smiths efforts did not pay off until
1952, when a second specimen was caught. Since that time, more than 200
specimens have been caught in the Comoros Islands region of the Indian
Ocean; and another population of Latimeria has been discovered in Indonesia, where the fish have been videotaped in their own habitat for the first
time. The 1938 specimen is mounted and still resides in the East London
Museum, where Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer once worked as curator.
The biology of Latimeria tells us much about the living habits of this
ancient line of lobe-finned fishes. It is a large fish that measures up to
6 feet (1.8 m) long and weighs a robust 215 pounds (98 kg). Living species
dwell at great depths that range from about 490 to 2,200 feet (150 to
700 m); some groups of coelacanths have been observed living in underwater caves at depths that average 650 feet (200 m). It is thought that
these fish live to be 30 or 40 years old. Female Latimeria are larger than
males. Based on the examination of the stomach contents of caught
154 thefirstvertebrates
specimens, Latimeria feeds primarily on fishes and soft-bodied invertebrates.
Lantern fish, cardinal fish, eels, and even squid and octopus have been
found in the stomachs of caught specimens. Latimeria is a drift feeder; it
lurks with its head tipped downward, waiting for prey to swim by. It grabs
prey with a quick movement of its jaws, grasps the hapless animal with its
sharp, pointed teeth, and quickly gulps the victim down whole.
It was once thought that the coelacanths were closely related to the
first land vertebrates (tetrapods). The discovery of Latimeria brought hope
that the living coelacanth would provide direct information about the evolutionary transition from fish to tetrapods. The link between coelacanths and
tetrapods has not turned out to be so close, however, given the anatomical
and genetic differences that have been confirmed through close study of
the living fish. Latimeria has no functional lungs, no internal nostrils, and no
upper jawbones like those in tetrapods. These differences place the fish further down the evolutionary line of animals that led directly to land animals.
The diminishment of the coelacanths link to land animals does nothing, however, to diminish what is perhaps an even more puzzling mystery:
How did such a primitive group of fish remain virtually unchanged for
more than 70 million years?
The bony fishes occupy an unusual position in the history of life.
By the end of the Paleozoic, these increasingly diverse creatures
had established the supremacy of vertebrates in the worlds oceans,
lakes, and streams. With the passing of the Paleozoic Era, fishes
were at the vanguard of an evolutionary trend that put vertebrates
at the top of the food chain. It was the beginning of what J. John
bonyfishes 155
This chapter described the anatomical characteristics of the bony
fishes and introduced prominent groups of these fishes that thrived
during the Paleozoic Era.
156 thefirstvertebrates
The story of vertebrate evolution began in the Paleozoic seas with
the development of fishes. The first fishes were defined, in great
part, by the constraints of survival in the water. Fishes were among
the first organisms to evolve a body plan optimized for effective
swimming. These adaptations were born from the escalating needs
of both predatory and prey creatures to become mobile and agile in
the water. The resulting fish body plan has been fine-tuned many
times over in the subsequent evolution of many different kinds of
The origin and evolution of the fishes was also influenced by
fluctuating changes in Earths habitats. The Paleozoic Era is rec-
ognized as the most geologically and climatically changeable span
of the planets history. The atmosphere, oceans, and lands of the
Paleozoic went through several key formative stages. Dramatic
changes in sea level, oxygen levels, and global temperature affected
the existence of life time and time again and resulted in several
major extinction events. With each extinction came renewed oppor-
tunities for remaining species to diversify and spread into Earths
changing habitats.
The family tree of all vertebrates began with the fishes. It
branched out to terrestrial habitats by way of the lobe-finned fishes,
several taxa of which were able to breathe outside of the water. These
curious fishes, which are now considered rare and atypical members
of the community of extant fishes, spawned the rise of an entirely
new form of vertebratethe land-dwelling tetrapod.
Invertebrates Fishes Land Plants Amphibians Reptiles
Dinosaurs Human
& Birds Ancestors
absolute dating A technique for determining the age of a rock by
measuring the rates of decay of radioactive elements found in the
rock; also called radiometric dating.
adaptation Changes in a lineage of organisms in response to
environmental stress.
Agnatha Jawless fishes.
analogies Similar traits that arise in organisms that are not related to
one another.
anatomy Term used to describe the basic biological systems of an
animal, such as the skeletal and muscular systems.
annelids (Annelida) Animal phylum whose members have a fluid-
filled, segmented body, are worm-shaped, have a nervous system on
the underside of the body, and possess at least one pair of hairlike
bristles; annelids include worms that live on the land and in the sea,
and leeches.
anoxia Lack of oxygen; anoxia can causing suffocation; this condition
can occur in the atmosphere or in a body of water such as the ocean.
anterior Directional term indicating the head end of a vertebrate; also
known as the cranial end.
apatite One of the mineral ingredients of vertebrate bones; apatite is
composed of calcium phosphate, a building block of cellular bone.
appendicular Term used to describe limb elements of the vertebrate
arthropods (Arthropoda) Animal phylum whose members have a
segmented body, body regions dedicated to specific functions, a
jointed exoskeleton, and a nervous system on the underside of the
body; arthropods include trilobites, crabs, lobsters, brine shrimp,
barnacles, insects, spiders, scorpions, and centipedes.
average global temperature The combined average of air temperatures
near the surface of land and sea.
axial Lengthwise along the axis of the body, as in the direction of
growth of the vertebrate skeleton.
Glossary 161
background extinction A background extinction may occur suddenly,
or it may occur slowly over a long period of time; a background
extinction usually affects only one species at a time.
Bacteria One of the three domains of living organisms; it includes
members of the kingdom Bacteriasingle-celled organisms whose
cells do not have a nucleus (prokarotes) and whose metabolism is
oxygen based.
basal At the base or earliest level of evolutionary development; a term
usually used to refer to an ancestral taxon.
benthic Term used to describe a stationary, seafloor-dwelling creature
such as a sea squirt, tunicate, or ascidian.
bias Word used to describe natural circumstances that favor
fossilization, including the population, anatomy, size, and biology and
habitat of a species.
bilateral symmetry Form of symmetry in which one side of the body
is a mirror image of the other.
Cambrian Period Period of geologic time lasting from 488 million to
542 million years ago.
carbon-14 dating A form of absolute dating based on the decay rate of
the element carbon 14, which is taken in by living organisms from the
air; once an animal dies, carbon 14 begins to decay.
cartilage A noncalcified skeletal material; also called gristle; cartilage is
the primary skeletal component of sharks and rays.
cast A type of fossil made when a body mold from an organism is
filled with another element; a cast can retain the outer shape and size
of the organism.
caudal Directional term indicating the tail end of a vertebrate; also
known as the posterior.
cellular bone Form of bone that lives and grows as tissue, has channels
for blood vessels, and is made up of calcium phosphate; cellular bone
is found in all vertebrates.
Cephalochordata Eel-like members of a subphylum of chordates that
lack skulls and backbones.
Chordata Animal phylum whose members possess a notochord, a
nerve cord that runs on top of the notochord, gill slits for breathing,
and a tail; chordates include lancelets, salps, ascidians, and larvaceans.
clade A group of related organisms that includes all the descendants of
a single common ancestor.
Glossary 163
Fox but not widely accepted until 1996; the three domains of life
include Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
dorsal Directional term indicating the back side of a vertebrate.
ecosystem A population of all living organisms and the environment in
which they live.
enamel A crystalline covering of the crown of a tooth.
endoskeleton An internal skeleton, usually consisting of bones, such as
is found in vertebrates.
eon One of the three longest spans of geologic time; the Archean
(ancient) Eon stretched from the earlierst Earth, 4.5 billion years
ago, to 2.5 billion years ago; the Proterozoic (early life) Eon began
after the Archean and lasted from 2.5 billion to 542 million years ago;
the Phanerozoic (visible life) Eon began 542 million years ago and
still goes on.
epicenter The location on Earths surface directly above the point of
origin of an earthquake.
epoch a span of geologic time ranking below the period; the
Phanerozoic Eon is divided into three eras, 11 periods, and
34 epochs. The longest epoch is the Early Cretaceous Epoch,
spanning 46 million years; the shortest is the Pridoli Epoch (in
the Siluran Period), which spans only 2 million years. Epochs are
sometimes broken down further into smaller divisions of time
known as ages.
era A span of geologic time ranking below the eon; the Archean Eon
is divided into four eras dating from more than 4 billion years ago to
2.5 billion years ago; the Proterozoic Eon is divided into three eras
dating from about 2.5 billion years ago to 542 million years ago; the
ongoing Phanerozoic Eon is divided into three eras, the Paleozoic, the
Mesozoic, and the Cenozoic; the Paleozoic (ancient life) Era lasted
from 542 million to 251 million years ago; the Mesozoic (middle
life) Era lasted from 251 million to 65 million years ago; the
Cenozoic (recent life) Era began 65 million years ago and continues
to the present.
erosion The removal and displacement of Earths surface by the action
of running water, rain, wind, glaciers, and ice sheets.
Eukarya One of the three domains of living organisms; it includes
for kingdomsProtista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animaliaall of which
consist of multicelled organisms with a distinct cell structure whose
nucleus contains strands of DNA.
Glossary 165
gradualism Evolution through slow and gradual changes over a long
period of time that lead to major biological changes to a species.
greenhouse effect The trapping of reflected solar radiation by water
vapor in clouds, ozone in the lower atmosphere, and atmospheric
methane and carbon dioxide (CO2) gas.
heterocercal Term used to describe the tail of an aquatic vertebrate
that is asymmetrical and in which the upper portion is larger than the
lower portion; the upper portion is usually reinforced by a hard body
part, such as the caudal end of the backbone.
hind limb One of the two rear legs of a vertebrate.
homeostasis The natural biological stability of a living organism.
homologies Structural and behavioral traits that different species of
organisms have inherited from a common ancestor.
hybrid An offspring of two animals of different varieties, breeds, or
species, such as a mule.
igneous rock Rock that forms from the cooling of once-molten matter
from the interior of the Earth.
impact crater A crater in the crust of the Earth caused by the strike of
an extraterrestrial body such as an asteroid or meteorite.
index fossils Fossils that are widely distributed and easily recognized
but that are restricted to certain geologic strata; these qualities make
such fossils useful for dating related stratigraphic layers around the
kingdom One of the six major hierarchical classifications of life
at a taxonomic level just under domain; the six kingdoms are
Archaebacteria, Bacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.
long-term biological adaptation A physiological change that occurs
when an organism acclimates to long-term exposure to a new or
changing environment; long-term biological adaptations are not
passed on to offspring.
macrophagous Word used to describe a predator or scavenger, a
creature that preys on other organisms.
magma Hot, liquid rock in Earths mantle and crust; called lava when it
comes to the surface through a volcanic eruption.
magnetometer A scientific instrument that measures the strength of
Earths magnetic field.
mantle A layer of the Earth that surrounds the core and lies between
the core and the outer surface or crust.
Glossary 167
paleoclimatology Study of prehistoric climates through geologic
paleontologist A scientist who studies prehistoric life, often using
paraphyletic Term used to describe a group of organisms that
evolved from a common ancestor but that does not include all of the
descendants of that ancestor.
period A span of geologic time ranking below the era; the Phanerozoic
Eon is divided into three eras and 11 periods, each covering a span of
millions of years; the longest of these periods, including the three in
the Mesozoic Era, are sometimes further broken down into smaller
divisions of time.
pharynx The connection between the mouth and the throat through
which food and air pass.
photosynthesis A metabolic process in which an organisms cells
convert energy from the Sun, carbon dioxide, and water to reproduce
their cells; the waste product of photosynthesis is free oxygen released
into the atmosphere.
phyla The major subdivisions of organisms after one of the three major
kingdoms of life; the word phyla is the plural of phylum.
phylogeny The history of the evolutionary relationships among species,
which can be diagrammed; also known as the tree of life.
physiology The way in which an animals parts work together and are
adapted to help the organism survive.
population Members of the same species that live in a particular area.
posterior Directional term indicating the tail end of a vertebrate; also
known as the caudal end.
poriferans (Porifera) Animal phylum whose members have cells that
are not organized into tissues or organs; poripherans are composed
primarily of chambers for channeling water; they include the
Precambrian The unit of geologic time that lasted from the beginning
of Earth, 4.5 billion years ago, until 542 million years ago.
precipitation Rain or snow.
predation Feeding on other live animals.
predator An animal that actively seeks and feeds on other live
prehistory History of life on Earth prior to the written history of
humans; prehistoric time.
Glossary 169
suspension feeder Marine animal that catches, traps, and filters out
food particles floating through the water.
taxon A single unit of classification.
taxa A group unit of classification.
taxonomy The science of classifying living and extinct species of
tectonic plates Large, slowly moving slabs of crust that ride on top of
Earths semiliquid and molten mantle.
tetrapods Vertebrate animals with four limbs, or their evolutionary
descendents that have modified or lost limbs; includes all amphibians,
reptiles, mammals, and birds.
topography The physical features of a place or habitat.
trace fossil A type of fossil that preserves evidence of the presence of a
prehistoric organism but that does not include body parts; fossilized
trackways or feces are examples of trace fossils.
trackway The fossilized footprints or markings left by a prehistoric
transitional fossil A fossil that represents intermediate conditions in
the evolution of a species.
trilobite An extinct form of arthropod whose fossils are found in rocks
dating from the Early Cambrian to the Late Permian Epochs, with a
three-part body and a hard exoskeleton.
uniformitarianism A geologic principle originating with James
Hutton; it states that the geologic forces that can be observed in the
present are the same as the forces that shaped the Earth in the past.
Urochordata A subphylum of chordates with bulbous, baglike bodies;
the tadpolelike young have a notochord; a dorsal hollow nerve cord;
and gill slits.
Vendian Name assigned to a division of time, from 541 million to
630 million years ago, during which some of the earliest forms of
multicelled animals lived.
Vendian fauna Multicelled animals that lived during Vendian times,
from 541 to 630 million years ago.
ventral Directional term indicating the underside or belly of a
Vertebrata Animals with backbones; the largest subphylum of
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Web Sites
American Geological Institute: Constructing Understandings
of Earth Systems
This site is an interactive reference, provided by the American
Geological Institute, to the primary systems that work together
to make the world we know, including the geosphere, the
hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere.
Kazlev, Alan, and Augustus White. Palaeos: The Trace of Life on Earth
This site is a robust and growing reference about all kinds of
Maddison, D.R., and K.-S. Schulz. The Tree of Life Web Project
This site is hosted by the University of Arizona College of
Agriculture and Life Sciences and the University of Arizona
Library and provides a meticulously designed view of life-forms
based on their phylogenetic (evolutionary) connections.
180 thefirstvertebrates
Zwicker, Ken, and TERC: How Diverse Is Life on Your Site? Taxonomy
and the Five Kingdoms of Life
An introduction to the taxonomy and systematics of the kingdoms
of life can be found at this site.
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Acanthodes, 109
Acanthodians, 108109,
Actinistians, 146,
150151, 152154
Actinopterygians. See
ray-finned fishes
Agassiz, Louis, 153
Agnathans. See jawless
fishes (Agnatha)
Akmonistion, 121
Albanesi, Guillermo, 86
Aldridge, Richard, 72, 73
(ammonoids), 4142
Amphiaspids, 8889
Amphibians, 76
Amphicentrum, 142
Anal fin, 107
Anaspida, 9091,
Anatolepsis, 8384
Anatomical traits. See
also specific groups and
overview, 5861
fins and tails, 105107
jaws, origin and
development of,
swim bladders,
Anoxia, 48, 94
Anterior, 62
Antiarchs, 111
Bony fishes
overview, 135
evolution in two
directions, 154155
lobe-finned, 135,
origin of, 136137
ray-finned, 135,
traits of, 135136
Bothriolepis, 111
(halecomorphids), 144
Briggs, Derek, 72
Buoyancy, 107, 115116
Burgess Shale, 38, 67
Backbones, 59
Ball and socket joint,
Basal actinopterygians,
138, 139, 140144
Becker, Luann, 4748
Belantsea, 123126
Bendix-Almgreen, Svend
E., 126
Benthic organisms, 56
Benton, Michael, 44,
48, 49
Bichirs, 140
Bilateral symmetry, 59,
Bockelie, Tove G., 83, 84
Bone, cellular, 61
index 183
Carboniferous Period,
20, 2728, 31, 32
Cartilaginous fishes
cartilage, 114
Holocephali, 129132
longevity and radia-
tion of, 132133
origin of, 118119
tooth whorl puzzle,
traits, 107, 114118
Caudal, 62
Caudal fin, 106
Cellular bone, 61
5658, 6667
(lampreys), 82, 103
Cheirolepis, 139,
Chemostat, global, 37, 48
Chengjian formation, 67,
68, 69
Chimaerans, 130131
Chondrichthyes. See
cartilaginous fishes
Chordates, 5658,
Circulatory system, 60
Cladoselache, 120
Clarkson, Euan, 72
Claspers, 118, 129
Climate changes. See also
temperatures, global
evidence of, 21
extinction caused by,
extinction and,
Darwin, Charles, 44
Deltoptychius, 131132
Denaea, 120121
Denticles, 71, 74
Devonian Period, 20, 27,
31, 4142
Digestive system, 60
Dipnoi (lungfishes), 108,
146, 147, 151
Dipterus, 151
Distal, 62
Doliodus problematicus,
Donoghue, Philip C.J.,
74, 86
Dorsal, 62
Dorsal fins, 107
Drepanasipis, 90
Drift feeders, 154
Dunkleosteus, 104105,
110, 112
Earths surface,
reflectivity of, 2425
Eaton, Theodore H., Jr.,
Ecosystems, 31, 3536,
Edestus, 123
Eglonaspis, 88
overview, 119120
Akmonistion, 121
Belantsea, 123126
Cladoselache, 120
Denaea, 120121
Edestus, 123
Falcatus, 121
Helicoprion, 116117,
121122, 124126
Hybodus, 126127
Stethacanthus, 121
Electroreceptors, 118
extinction, 3840
Endoskeleton, 60, 135
Equilibrium, 29, 37
Erwin, Douglas H., 46
Eusthenopteron, 149150
agnathans and, 80,
8182, 97
of cartilaginous fishes,
114115, 119
conodonts and, 75
convergent, 111
of jaws, 100105
lobe-finned fishes,
importance of, 136
oxygen and, 2932
Paleozoic Era and, 14
vertebrates, evolution-
ary history of, 76
Falcatus, 121
Filter feeders, 99. See
also jawless fishes
Fins, 106107
Fish kills, 94
Forelimbs, 147
Forests, tropical, 31, 32
Fortey, Richard, 83, 84
Fossils and fossil record,
19, 5455, 71, 8081
Furcacauda, 92
Hagfishes (Hyperotreti),
82, 102103
(bowfins), 144
Harding Sandstone, 84
Helicoprion, 116117,
121122, 124126
Helodus, 130131
Hemicyclaspis, 93, 96
Heterocercal tails, 115
Heterostraci, 8690
Holocephali, 129132
Homologies, 61
Hybodus, 126127
Hydrodynamics, 116
Hyperotreti (hagfishes),
82, 102103
Galeaspida, 9293, 97
Gemuendina, 111
Geologic events and
fossil record, 19
Geologic time scale,
Gills, 60, 101, 147, 151
carbon dioxide and,
extinction caused by,
Ice caps, polar, 25
Ice sheets, 21
Idiognathodus, 74
Index fossils, 71
Inferior, 62
Iniopterygiformes, 129
Iniopteryx, 130
Interglacial period,
modern, 27
Internal skeleton, 5960
Jamoytius, 8283
Jawed fishes. See
also bony fishes
cartilaginous fishes
Devonian Period and,
evolutionary devel-
opment of jaws,
fins, tails, and swim-
ming ability,
first appearance of,
importance of jaws,
101105, 106
placoderms, 42,
radiation of, 112113
swim bladders,
Jawless fishes (Agnatha)
Anaspida, 9091
Anatolepsis, 8384
Astraspida and
Arandaspida, 8486
in Devonian Period,
earliest, 68
evolution of, 80,
8182, 97
extinction of, 105
as filter feeders, 99
fins, tails, and swim-
ming ability,
Index 185
Galeaspida, 9293,
Heterostraci, 8690
living relatives of, 82,
Miller and Old Red
Sandstone and,
extinction and,
Osteostraci, 9297
Pituriaspida, 9293,
swimming and,
Thelodonti, 92
traits of, 8083,
Jaws, evolutionary
importance of,
101105, 106
Jin Yugan, 46
Karpinsky, Andrzej P.,
82, 103
Lancelets, 5658
Land animals, roots of,
Late Devonian
extinction, 4142
Latimeria, 150151,
Lepisosteids, 144
Lindstrm, Maurits,
Liver, in sharks, 116
Lobe-finned fishes
overview, 146
actinistians, 146,
coelacanths, 135136
lungfishes (Dipnoi),
146, 147, 151
osteolepiforms, 146,
porolepiforms, 146,
ray fins vs., 135
traits of, 146147
Lungfishes (Dipnoi),
108, 146, 147, 151
Lungs, 60, 151
Lyell, Robert, 44
Magnetic fields, 118
Mantle, 20
Mass spectrometers, 24
Meishan formation, 46
Methane burp, 48
Miller, Hugh, 9496
Miller, Randall, 119
Mimia, 141
Modern fauna, 55, 68
Morris, Simon Conway,
Moythomasia, 139
Murchison, Roderick
Impey, 4344
Muscles, segmented, 60
Museum bias toward
vertebrates, 15
6870, 105
Nautiloids, 4041
Neeyambaspis, 97
Neopterygians, 138,
139140, 144146
Neoselachii, 119
Nerves in sharks, 118
Newton, Edwin T., 125
Notochord, 56, 59, 73
Obruchev, Dimitri, 125
Oceans, 21, 25, 29, 31
Old Red Sandstone, 43,
Onychodus, 137
Ordovician Period
agnathan fossils in,
average global tem-
perature, 27
ecosystem change and
organism diversifi-
cation, 31
jawed fishes, appear-
ance of, 108
Paleozoic fauna in,
time span of, 20
extinction, 4041
Osteichthyans. See bony
fishes (Osteichythes)
Osteolepiforms, 146,
Osteolepis, 149
Osteostraci, 9297,
Oxygen, 2832, 48, 94
Oxygen isotope readings,
Palaeoniscids, 138
Palaeoniscum, 143144
Paleoclimatology, 21.
See also temperatures,
Paleontologists, work of,
Ray-finned fishes
overview, 137138
basal actinopteryg-
ians, 138, 139,
lobe fins vs., 135
neopterygians, 138,
139140, 144146
teleosts, 138, 144
traits of, 138140
Rays, 110111. See also
cartilaginous fishes
Reflectivity of the Earths
surface, 2425
Reif, Wolf-Ernst, 132
Religion, 44, 95
Reptiles, 76
Respiratory system, 60,
Rhenanids, 110111
Rhyncholepis, 91, 106
Sacabambaspis, 8586
Sansom, Ivan J., 86
Sarcopteryians. See
lobe-finned fishes
Sedgwick, Adam, 43
Semionotids, 144146
Semionotus, 144146
Senses in sharks, 118
Seposki, J. John, Jr.,
5455, 66, 154155
Sharks. See cartilaginous
fishes (Chondrichthyes)
Shells, marine, 24
Shu, Degan, 6869
Siberian Traps, 47, 48
Sibyrhynchus, 130
Silurian Period, 20, 27,
Skeletons, 5960, 81, 96
Skull, 60
Smith, J.L.B., 152153
Solar radiation, 24, 26,
Special creation theory,
Spinal column, 60
Spinal nerve chord, 60
Spiny sharks
Stethacanthus, 121
Streamlined body, 106
Sulfuric acid vapor, 26
Superior, 62
Swim bladders, 107108
Swimming ability,
105107, 115116
Symmetry, bilateral, 59,
Tail (caudal) fin, 106
Tails and swimming
development, 106107
Tectonic plates, 20, 21,
36, 3940
Teleosts, 138, 144
Temperatures, global
overview, 2124
Index 187
average, 24
global heat budget
factors, 2427
oxygen and carbon
dioxide levels,
of Paleozoic, 2728
Tetrapods, 136, 149
Thelodonti, 92
Thies, Detlev, 132
Tooth whorls, 116117,
Trilobites, 3840, 41
Tsunamis, 37
Urochordates, 56
Ventral, 62
Ventral (anal) fin, 107
Vertebrates. See also
specific groups
clues to earliest,
directional terminol-
ogy, 6263
evolutionary history
of, 76
museum bias toward,
as subphylum of chor-
dates, 58
tropical forests and,
Volcanic eruptions
extinction caused by,
3637, 3940
Mount Pinatubo,
Siberian Traps, 47, 48
Walcott, Charles, 67,
Xenacanthus, 127128
Zhongjianichthys, 6970
Zhu, Min, 137