Belzec Death Camp

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  Belzec Images
The Belzec gallery
Photos Circa 2000
Photos Circa 2004 The Belzec Death Camp
Remember gallery  
Belzec Paintings
The death camp at Belzec was located in South Eastern Poland, within the Lublin District, near the
Maps remote village of Belzec, on the Lublin – Lvov railway line.
  Transports In early 1940 the Germans set up a number of labour camps in and around Belzec, housing workers
building the so-called “Otto Line,” a series of fortifications on the border with the Soviet Union.
These Jewish labour camps were disbanded in October 1940.
The death camp was not part of, nor converted from any other recognised camp facility. The death
  Belzec Articles camp was built as part of Aktion Reinhard, solely for the extermination of the Jews.
Remember Me  
Belzec Excavation Belzec was chosen as a death camp purely for logistical reasons, Belzec railway station was
Reder Map of the Belzec Death Camp connected with the railway centre in Rawa Ruska (now in the Ukraine), located 14km from Belzec.
Gypsies at Belzec
The main railway lines from Lvov, Stanislawow in the East, and from Rzeszow, Przemysl, Tarnow
Cornides Report and Krakow in the South West all passed through Rawa Ruska.
Gerstein Report  
The site chosen for the death camp was on a railway siding, about 400 meters from the Belzec village
railway station and only 50 meters East of the main Lublin – Lvov railway line.
Belzec Escape  
Memorial The construction of the camp was supervised by an unknown red haired SS officer, known as “Der
Wilhelm Meister,” (the master). Skilled Polish manual workers from Belzec and the surrounding area built the
Pfannenstiel gas chambers and barracks.
The Polish workers who were well paid for their efforts, were replaced by Jews from the nearby villages
Sobibor of Lubycza Krolewska and Mosty Maly. Following the clearing of trees from the northern half of the hill,
construction began on the 1 November 1941 and was completed by the end of February 1942.
Treblinka   Entrance to the rail station at Belzec
The entire camp occupied a relatively small, almost square area. Three sides measured 275m, the
   A-R Leadership fourth on the southern side measured 265 meters. An adjoining timber yard was incorporated into the camp which was surrounded by a double
fence of chicken wire and barbed wire.
Odilo Globocknik
Death of Globocknik The outer fence was camouflaged with tree branches. During the later reorganisation of the camp, the space
Hermann Höfle between the two fences was filled with rolls of barbed wire. On the eastern side, another barrier was erected on a
Christian Wirth
steep slope by fixing the tree trunks to wooden planks. During the second phase of the camp’s existence, a
wooden fence was built along the side of the road at the foot of the steep eastern slope. A line of trees was
Wirth "Timeline" planted between the western outer fence and the Lublin – Lvov railway line.
Hans Frank  
Georg Wippern Four watchtowers were constructed: on the northeast and northwest sides, at the southwest corner and at the
Franz Stangl most westerly point of the camp. The north eastern tower was constructed on top of a concrete bunker at the
highest point of the Belzec terrain, providing an excellent vantage point over the entire camp.
Georg Michalsen
Ernst Lerch  A fifth tower in the centre of the camp overlooked the entire length of “the sluice,” also known as “the Tube,” the
Remnants of a section of
camouflaged barbed wire pathway to the gas chambers. The watchtowers in the corners were manned by
outer fence at Belzec
   A-R Articles Ukrainian volksdeutsche from the Trawniki SS- Training Camp, armed with rifles. The central tower was equipped
with a heavy machine gun and searchlight. In the camp’s second phase, further watchtowers were erected, including one positioned at the far
A-R Staff end of the ramp. 
Perpetrators Speak  
Work Kommando's The guardhouse, permanently manned by SS men and Ukrainians, was located close to the
entrance gate, on the west side of the camp. There was a compound for the Trawnikimanner to the
The Gas Chambers
at Belzec, Sobibor east of the main gate. The Ukrainian area included three barracks, comprising two large huts and
and Treblinka one smaller structure. The first large hut was used as housing for the Trawnikimanner. The second
Himmler & A-R large hut housed the sickbay, a dentist and a barber. The third and smallest of the structures was
used as the kitchen and canteen.
Train Transport
Belzec was divided into two sections, Camp 1 in the northern and western section, was the
A-R Staff Photos
reception area and included the railway ramp, which could only accommodate 10 wagons. Some
Recuperation from sources suggest that a disused siding was subsequently added to provide a second ramp for the
Mass Murder
latter phase of the exterminations.
AR Conclusion   SS Man Fichtner walks out of the
Post War Trials Together the two ramps would have provided unloading facilities for many more wagons. However, administration office at Belzec
according to other testimonies, every transport was divided into segments of 10 wagons. Initially,
  A-R Labour Camps only the first segment of the transport was pushed into the camp.
The subsequent segments waited at the railway station until the preceding segment had been
Leo Freitag processed. A 200 meter long railway spur led through the gate on the north western side of the
Statement camp. A secondary inner gate was constructed at the point where the two sidings inside the camp
Lublin Airfield Camp diverged, close to the beginning of the second ramp.
Modern Photos  
An enclosed yard was a holding pen at the far end of the second ramp was used for the “overflow”
  Trawniki from the huge later transports. In the second killing phase there were two undressing barracks, one
for women and children, and the other for men.
Trawniki Staff  
Trawniki Images Camp II, the extermination area, included the gas chambers and large rectangular burial pits. The
Court  Interrogation Area where the Belzec camp stood with pits had an average size of 20 meters x 30 meters x 6 meters deep. These mass graves were
the rail tracks on the left, the camp was located in the north eastern, eastern and southerly sections of the camp. Later two barracks
Malagon Statement
just to the right of the dirt mounds consisting of living quarters and a kitchen, were erected in Camp II for the Jewish prisoners who
Modern Photos worked there. 1/7
25/3/22, 16:47 Belzec Death Camp
  Action Erntefest  
Camps I and II were separated by a camouflaged fence with two gates, one east of the SS garage, and the other close to the far end of the ramp.
Jakob Sporrenberg
From this point a path led up the hill and through the forest to an execution pit.
Sporrenberg  # 2  
Orders A narrow passageway called “die Schleuse,” (the sluice) was constructed, 2 meters wide and 100 meters long, enclosed on both sides by
camouflaged barbed wire fences. This passageway connected the undressing barracks in Camp I to the gas chambers in Camp II. A camouflage
  Modern Research net was stretched over the roof of the building housing the gas chambers, in order to prevent aerial observation.
Bełżec Excavation Stanislaw Kozak, a Pole, who participated in the building of the first gassing shed in Belzec, described
its construction, as well as that of two other barracks and the initial construction phases. He testified
   on the 14 October 1945 in Belzec.
    “There arrived in Belzec in October 1941, three SS men who demanded 20 workers from the Belzec
  community. The municipal office appointed 20 inhabitants of Belzec as workers – I was among them.
  The Germans selected the area to the South East of the Railway station, where a siding ended.
  Alongside the siding ran the railway to Lemberg (Lvov). We began work on 1 November 1941 with the
  building of barracks at the end of the siding.
  Jewish Prisoners at Belzec labour during
  One barrack – which stood right next to the siding – was 50m long and 12.5m wide: it was a waiting fortification construction
  room for the Jews. The second barrack – 25m long and 12.5m wide – was appointed for the Jews to bathe in. Near this barrack we built a third
  barrack which was 12m long and 8m wide.
  This barrack was divided into 3 parts by wooden walls – each part being 4m wide and 8m long. The
heights of each section was 2m, the inner walls of this barrack were so constructed that we nailed planks
  to them and filled the empty space between with sand.
  The interior walls of this barrack were covered with pasteboard and the floor and walls – to a height of
  1.10m – were covered with zinc sheeting. From the first barrack to the second barrack, about which I
  have already spoken, there led an alleyway of barbed wire fencing 3m wide by 3m high. The side of the
fence nearest the siding was specially covered with pine and fir branches, so that nothing was visible
  from the siding. 
  SS man Rudi Kamm outside the From the second barrack a covered passage 2m wide, 2m high and about 10m long led to the third
  barracks at Belzec barrack. Through this passage one arrived at the corridor of the third barrack, which led via 3 doors into
  the 3 parts of the barrack. Each part of this barrack had a door on its north side – about 1.80m high and
1.10m wide. These doors, as well as those in the corridors, were sealed with rubber. All the doors in this barracks opened outwards.
  The doors were very strong – constructed of planks 75mm thick and fastened from the outside by a wooden bar which fitted into 2 iron hooks. In
  each of the 3 parts of this barrack there was a water pipe fixed at a height of 10cms from the floor. The water pipe branched from each corner
  along the wall of each part of this barrack to the middle of the wall, and ended in an opening at a height of 1m from the floor. These water pipes
  were joined to a main pipe at a junction under the floor.
  In each of the 3 parts of the above mentioned barrack stoves were placed weighing 250 kilos. One must
  surmise that the water pipes were later connected to these stoves. These stoves were 1.10m high, 55cm
  wide and 55cm long. Out of curiosity I glanced into the stove through an open door, I did not see any
  grate there. The interior of the stove was – so it seemed – lined with firebrick. I could not ascertain what
  the other stoves were like. The stove opening was oval, with a diameter of about 25cm, placed about
50cm above the floor.
  Along the north side of this barrack a 1m high ramp made of planks was erected and along this ramp a
  narrow gauge railway track was laid which led right to the grave right in the north east corner, which had
  been dug by the ‘blacks’ (Ukrainian guards). This grave was excavated by 70 ‘Blacks.’ It was 6m deep,
20m wide and 50m long. Volksdeustsche stationed at Belzec
  pose in front of the guardhouse
  This was the first grave in which the Jews who were killed in the death camp were buried. The ‘Blacks’
  took 6 weeks to dig the grave during the time we were building the barracks. This grave was later extended to the middle of the northern
  The first of these barracks I mentioned lay 20m from the siding and 100m from the southern boundary.
At that time, when we Poles were building these barracks, the ‘Blacks’ erected the fencing around the
  death camp, which consisted of wooden posts between which was strung barbed-wire.
  After we had built the aforementioned 3 barracks, the Germans released us from our work on 22
  December 1941. As far as I remember in January or February 1942, the Germans built 3 watchtowers
  around the camp. Further building work in the camp was carried out by Jews under German
  The western and north eastern borders of the camp were planted with big fir trees and pines to hide the
  Belzec SS men assembled by the interior of the camp. The camp was divided from east to west in 3 parts. In the first part were the Jews
  Kommandatur employed in burying the corpses of other murdered Jews: in the second part, the sorting of clothing and
  other belongings of the Jews: and in the third part, those employed as workers in the camp.
  I know the Germans baked 500 loaves of bread a day, sometimes more, for the Jews employed in the camp throughout the whole time it was in
  operation. At the moment of disbandment of the camp these Jews were taken away by train in the direction of Rejowiec.” 
  The stoves described were used to heat the shed’s rooms, thus allowing the bottled carbon monoxide gas and Zyklon B used in the early stages
  of the camp’s killing activities to work more efficiently in cold weather. It was in this manner that the camp operated in the early weeks, but not
without some difficulties. The gas chambers were in fact, nothing more than a wooden barrack adapted and constructed to give the impression of
  a bathing facility.
  To enhance this deception, the false showerheads were fitted by SS-man Erich Fuchs were installed
  and signs indicating a bath-house displayed. Despite all their efforts, the construction team were unable
  to make the building airtight.
According to SS-man Werner Dubois at each gassing operation in the wooden barrack, sand had to be
  piled up against the outer doors to rectify this problem. After the gassing, the sand had to be removed to
  allow access to the corpses. It became apparent that major alterations were necessary, particularly
  since the gas chambers were proving inadequate in size.
  Towards the middle of March 1942 Belzec death camp was ready to receive the first transports of Jews Jews arriving at Belzec
for extermination. A number of local villagers testified about the first transport that arrived in Belzec.
  Alojzy Bereszowski testified on the 5 November 1945 in Belzec:
  “The first transport of Jews arrived towards evening sometime in March 1942. It consisted of about 15 wagons. This train was taken on to the
siding. Later, during the evening of the same day, at about 9 o’clock, I heard from outside my house – which was in the station – the dreadful 2/7
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  screaming of children, women and men, mingled with occasional rifle fire and machine-gun fire.
How many people arrived on this transport, I cannot specify, only that with my own eyes I calculated that in
  each wagon there were about 40 people. They were covered wagons.”  
  Viktor Skowronek testified on the 16 October 1945 in Belzec:
  “The first transport – 15 March 1942, in the evening one heard howls and screams and sporadic shooting.”
  On the evening of the 16 March 1942 the mass round-up of Jews in the Lublin ghetto commenced. The
  commanding officer for the first resettlement transport to Belzec was Hermann Worthoff.
  German officials examine luggage
  left on the platform after the
SS and Trawnikimanner seized 1,400 Jews from the ghetto, they were kept overnight in one of the large
  synagogues therein. The following morning they were marched to the Lublin slaughter yard near the railway
departure of a deportation train on
station on the outskirts of the city, and about 3km from the ghetto, where they were loaded onto 19 wagons.
  its way to the Belzec death camp
  On the morning of the 17 March 1942 the transport left for Belzec, there were no survivors and by the end of March 1942, over 18,000 Jews from
  the Lublin ghetto were buried in the pits of Belzec. A further 8,000 Jews from Lublin were transported to the death camp in April 1942.
  Transports to Belzec arrived from two directions: from the Lublin District and from eastern Galicia, with
deportations from the Lvov ghetto in the period March to August 1942. Within a period of three weeks after the
  arrival of this transport, almost 30,000 Jews had been deported to Belzec from Galicia. Among them were 15,000
  Jews from the city of Lvov deported during the so-called ‘March Action,’ 5,000 from Stanislawow, 5,000 from the
Kolomea ghetto, and others from Drogobych and Rawa Ruska.
Transports arriving at Belzec station marshalling yard were held on spur lines in strict order of entry. In rotation,
the wagons were uncoupled in blocks of 10 and shunted into the camp. Deportations arriving late in the evening
were held overnight. The driver of the train shunting the wagons into the camp was Rudolf Gockel, the German
stationmaster of Belzec, who was described by Polish Railway workers as being both cruel and sadistic.
The first contact the deported Jews had with the SS occurred after they were offloaded at the reception yard.
Bemused and frightened, anyone showing anguish or defiance was removed by the guards to the execution pit in Rudolf Gockel, the German
Camp II, where the Jews were shot in the back of the neck with a small calibre pistol. stationmaster of Belzec
The SS attempted to lull the deportees with calming words, Christian Wirth or Fritz Jirmann welcomed incoming
transports through a loud-speaker, saying, “This is Belzec. Your stay is temporary – you will move onto work
camps where your skills are needed. There is work for everyone. Even you housewives are needed to feed your
families and to keep the houses clean. First I must have your co-operation so that we can get you on your way
There was often a ripple of applause and shouts of “Thank you Mr Commander.” Then Wirth mentioned the
crucial part of the deception, “We must have order and cleanliness. Before we feed you, you must all have a bath
and have your clothes disinfected. It is necessary for women to have their hair cut.”
Wirth then instructed the duty NCO’s to continue the process. Men were requested to remove their shoes and tie
them together with pieces of string handed out by Jewish workers. The men, now separated, were marched off in
blocks of 750, five abreast. Supervised by the SS, at various points they handed over clothing, personal property
and money, until they stood completely naked at the entrance to the ‘Tube,’ in a well – rehearsed operation, the
Ukrainians, armed with whips and bayonets, prodded and forced the men into the chambers and closed the
Jewish deportees to Belzec doors.
With a signal from the escorting Scharfuhrer the gassing engine was started and after approximately 20 minutes, an inspection through the
peephole in the chamber door confirmed that all inside were no longer living, and the engine could be turned off.
Now the Jewish Sonderkommando led by Zugfuhrer Moniek was instructed by the SS to remove the bodies at the rear of the gas chamber. The
doors were opened and the corpses were thrown out. Straps were fastened to the bodies in order to drag them to the trolleys in which they were
to be ferried to the mass graves.
Each corpse was searched for valuables and any gold teeth removed before the bodies were lowered into the pits. Another commando cleaned
the gas chambers, whilst others raked the sandy pathways to the building.
The women, having had their hair cut, together with the children,
all awaiting their ‘bath’ feared the worst. By now they were in the
‘Sluice’ and their fate was sealed. If weeping and cursing took
place, the Ukrainians stepped in to brutally chase the victims into
the gas chambers.
Those found dead on arrival at the camp were piled to one side
on the ramp, sick, elderly, infirm or ‘troublesome’ Jews were
taken to the execution pit in Camp II and shot.
All of these ghastly scenes were accompanied by the camp Rutherford Map Belzec, May 1942
orchestra, which played the favourite songs of the SS staff, ‘Drei
   Rutherford Map Belzec, Dec. 1942
Lillen’ and ‘Highlander do you have no regrets.’
  * Billy Rutherfold Maps used with the exclusive  (click photo text for full version of the image)
Chaim Hirszman one of the few survivors of Belzec permission of the author.
“A transport of children up to three years of age arrived. The workers were told to dig a big hole into which the children were thrown and buried
alive. I cannot forget how the earth rose, until the children suffocated.
Now is the time to describe the SS men who had created and operated this hell on earth:
Christian Wirth the first commandant of Belzec was the most dominant figure, he ruled Belzec with an iron hand. He was known by his fellow SS
men as ‘Savage Christian.’ The Ukrainian guards nicknamed him ‘Stuka.’
Gottfried Schwarz acted as deputy commandant with Johann Niemann in charge of Camp II. Niemann was transferred to the death camp at
Sobibor, where he met his death in the revolt in October 1943. Lorenz Hackenholt was in charge of the gassing engines, with two Ukrainians
subordinated to him.
Josef Oberhauser and Gottfried Schwarz were involved in the construction of the camp, and welcomed Wirth when
he arrived in Belzec shortly before Christmas 1941.In the early days under Wirth’s supervision, Hackenholt and
Siegfried Graetschus converted a Post Office parcels van into a mobile gas chamber.
Schwarz and Niemann supervised the gas chambers during the first phase, and Werner Dubois or Karl Schluch in
the second phase. Heinrich Unverhau oversaw the sorting depot in the old locomotive building from July 1942. In 3/7
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phase I, the same role had been performed by Rudolf Kamm. All of the SS men were given assignments in the
camp administration and were in charge of specific activities, some having several duties, and from time to time
these were changed.
The SS garrison was located in two stone houses across from Belzec railway station on Tomaszowska Street. In
the house nearer the camp, Wirth had his living quarters and his office, known as the Kommandantur.
The second house was used solely as housing for the SS, with a small 10-12m x 6m stable at the rear. The
complex was surrounded by a wooden fence and barbed-wire, with the exception of the roadside area, which was
manned around the clock by sentries.
Adjacent to Wirth’s quarters there was a one- storey wooden cottage known as ‘The Pavilion,’ used for the camp’s
general administration. It also served as accommodation for other members of the SS garrison such as Gottlieb
SS officer Gottfried Hering and Erwin Fichtner.
Schwarz, deputy  
commandant of Belzec A barrack was constructed to the left of the Kommandantur and at right angles to the main road to accommodate
the additional T4 personnel who arrived in July 1942.
The Trawnikimanner were under the overall command of Gottfried Schwarz for their orders and for disciplinary purposes. In the initial phase there
were about 60 -70 of these auxiliaries. This number was later increased to 120 men in two companies organised into four platoons, three on duty
and one on standby.
The training instructors for these men were Kurt Franz, Werner Dubois, Reinhold Feix, and Fritz
Jirmann. The platoon and squad commanders were mainly Ukrainian Volksdeutsche and like the other
members of this unit, had formerly been soldiers in the Soviet Army. They had titles like
Hauptzugwachmann (Senior Platoon Leader) and Zugwachmann (Platoon Member).
Rudolf Reder recalled SS-Oberscharfuhrer Reinhold Feix and Heni Schmidt:
“It was said he came from Gablonz on the Neisse and was married and the father of two children. He
spoke the way intelligent people speak. He talked quickly. If someone failed to understand him at once,
he beat him and screamed to the high heavens like a madman.
Once when he ordered the kitchen painted, and a Jewish doctor of chemistry was doing it, standing right Oberhauser, Jirmann and Franz
at the top of the ladder just under the ceiling. Feix ordered him to come down every few minutes and outside the SS Compound
beat him across the face with his riding crop, so that the man’s face was swelled up and covered with blood.
That was how he did his job. Feix seemed abnormal, he played the violin, he ordered the orchestra to play the Polish melody “Highlander have
you no regrets?” until they dropped. He commanded people to sing and dance and he toyed with them and tortured them. The beast went amok.”
“The young Volksdeutsch Heni Schmidt did not like spending a single day away from the camp. Nimble, quick on his feet, thin, with the face of a
blackguard, always drunk, he raced around the camp from four in the morning until evening, inflicting pain, gazing meditatively on the suffering of
the victims and revelling in the sight.
He was always there for goading the unfortunate victims along to the chambers, he listened
closely to the women’s piercing air-splitting screams escaping the chambers. He was the “soul” of
the camp, the most degenerate, monstrous, bloodthirsty.” 
The Ukrainians manned the guard positions in the camp, at the entrance, in the watchtowers and
on patrol. Some of them assisted in operating the gas chambers. Before the arrival of a transport,
the Trawnikimanner took up guard positions around the railway ramp, the undressing barracks and
along the ‘Tube.’
During the experimental killings and initial phase they were also given the task of removing the
bodies from the gassing barrack and burying them. When transports arrived at the railway station
Trawnikimanner at Belzec village in Belzec, the Trawnikimanner also guarded the train containing the deportees. From the railway
station they also conveyed the bodies of people who were shot trying to escape from the transport.
The Trawnikimanner were mainly Ukrainians, until March 1943 most of them were from eastern Ukraine, but in these units there were also
Russians, Tartars, Georgians and ethnic Bulgarians, most did not speak German.
In the first phase the Jewish work brigade consisted of 100-150 men. In the second phase, a total of 500 prisoners in Camps I and Camps II were
utilised. It was the task of these work brigades to remove the corpses from the gas chambers and bury them.
They also collected and sorted the clothing, suitcases and other goods left behind by the victims, which were sorted in the locomotive sheds
located outside the camp. During the first phase, Jewish workers were executed after a few days, although after July 1942, Wirth organised
permanent work brigades in which each member knew his part.
This was initiated in order to ensure that the entire process could function without disruption. There was
also a group of women among the prisoners of the Sonderkommando. Most of these women spoke
fluent German, some worked in the Commandant’s quarters or those of the SS –men, others in the
camp laundry or in the camp kitchen, included within this group were Czech and Polish Jewesses.
Franz Suchomel who served in Treblinka was interviewed by Claude Lanzmann in the film Shoah,
he described Belzec as the ‘laboratory’ and this indeed would seem to have been the case:
It was at Belzec that the system of mass murder was conceived and refined. Wirth carried out
experiments to determine the most efficient method of handling the transports of Jews, from the time of
their arrival until the time of their murder and burial.
He developed basic concepts for the process of extermination and for the camp structure. The aim was Jewish Sonderkommando at Belzec
to give the victims the impression that they had arrived at a transit camp from where they would be sent
onward to a labour camp. The deportees were to believe this until they were enclosed within the gas chambers.
In addition, everything was to be carried out with the utmost speed. The victims had to run, having no time to look around, to reflect upon or to
comprehend what was happening to them. According to Wirth’s annihilation scheme, the Jews themselves would carry out all physical work
involved in the liquidation of each transport.
The SS men were allocated their respective duties prior to the transports entering the camp, from reception to
extermination and burial. These duties included the shooting of those unable to be taken to the gas chambers,
supervision of the unloading on the ramp, others were present at the undressing barracks. Another group was at the
‘Tube’ and at the gas chambers and burial pits.
All of them carried horsewhips and all of them were very cruel toward their victims. Possessions were sorted in the
sorting depot, which was located outside the camp, in the locomotive area, adjacent to Belzec station, after being sorted
the possessions were sent to the Aktion Reinhard warehouses in Lublin, at the Alter Flugplatz (The Old Airfield). 4/7
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In April 1942 Franz Stangl visited Belzec for a briefing by Wirth concerning Stangl’s duties as Commandant of
Sobibor death camp, prior to receiving transports. Stangl recalled in an interview with Gitta Sereny in 1971:
“I can’t describe to you what it was like. I went there by car. As one arrived  one first reached Belzec railway station on
the left side of the road. The camp was on the same side, but up a hill.
The Kommandantur was 200 meters away, on the other side of the road. It was a one-storey building. The smell… Oh
God, the smell. It was everywhere. Wirth wasn’t in his office I remember they took me to him.
He was standing on a hill, next to the pits…. the pits… full, they were full. I can’t tell you; not hundreds, thousands,
thousands of corpses…. oh God. That’s where Wirth told me – he said that was what Sobibor was for, and that he was
putting me officially in charge.”  
During mid-April 1942 Wirth temporarily closed the camp and left for Berlin, taking
Franz Stangl
with him his deputy Schwarz, and his gassing expert Lorenz Hackenholt. Before
leaving Belzec, the entire Jewish workforce was shot. Wirth visited Berlin in order to receive orders for the
expansion of the camp and the construction of larger gas chambers for intended future transports. When he
returned to Belzec the re-construction of the death camp took on a new sense of urgency.
In the last week of May 1942 three small transports arrived in Belzec; on the 22 May 1,000 Jews from
Tyszowce, on the 23 May 1,000 Jews from Komarow and on the 27 May 500 Jews from Laszczow.
In June 1942 transports from the Krakow district arrived at the camp for the first time. Three trains with 5,000
Jews from the Krakow ghetto arrived between the 3 and 6 June 1942. From the 11 to the 19 June 1942 an
additional 1,600 Jews were transported from the Krakow District.
Also in June 1942 the first big transports from Tarnow arrived in Belzec, carrying to their death about 10,000
Jews. Because of the increasing number of transports, the three existing wooden gas chambers were
considered totally inadequate to deal with the number of potential victims. New chambers with larger killing Christian Wirth
capacity were necessary.
The old wooden gassing barrack was dismantled, and in a more central location a larger, more solid structure was erected. The new gas
chambers were located behind a copse of trees. Due to Belzec’s high elevation, this copse shielded the gas chamber from observers outside the
camp area.
The ‘Sluice’ ran through the copse, a 2 meters wide, open air corridor enclosed within 3 meters high camouflaged
fences, it led from the undressing barracks to the door of the new gassing building. The new building was 24
meters long and 10 meters wide, it had six gas chambers, each of them 4m x 8m. Towards the middle of July 1942
the new chambers were operational, and Rudolf Reder, who was deported from Lvov in August 1942, and who
later escaped from the death camp, recalled the gas chambers:
“The building containing the chambers was low, long and wide, gray concrete, with a flat roof covered in tar paper,
and above that another roof of netting covered with foliage. From the yard, three steps, a meter wide and without
railings, led up to the building. A big vase full of different –coloured flowers stood in front of the building. On the
wall it was clearly and legibly written: “Bade und Inhalationsraume.”
The stairs led to a dark corridor, a meter and a half wide but very long. It was completely empty, four concrete
walls. The doors to the chambers opened to the left and the right. The doors, made of wood, a meter wide, were
Kurt Gerstein slid open with wooden handles.
The chambers were completely dark, with no windows, and completely empty. A round opening the size of an electric socket could be seen in
each chamber. The walls and the floor of the chambers were concrete. The corridor and chambers were lower than a normal, not more than two
meters high.
On the far wall of each chamber there were also sliding doors, two meters wide. After asphyxiation the corpses of the
people were thrown out through them. Outside the building was a small shed, perhaps two meters square, where the
‘machine’ was, a gasoline- driven motor. The chambers were a meter and a half above the ground, and at the same
level as the chambers was a ramp at the doors, from which the bodies were thrown to the ground.” 
At around the time the Lvov deportations were in full swing, on the 16 August 1942 Kurt Gerstein and Wilhelm
Pfanenstiel visited Belzec, they were both from the SS Technical Disinfecting Services, and they were sent to Belzec
to test the efficiency of Zyklon B for delousing lice infected clothing, and to see whether Zyklon B could be used to
improve the killing capacities. Kurt Gerstein, wrote a very detailed report of his visit to Belzec, Gerstein allegedly
committed suicide in Fresnes Prison, just outside Paris, and his report is covered on another page.
Christian Wirth was appointed to the post of Inspector of the Aktion Reinhard death camps at the end of August 1942,
and his replacement at Belzec was Gotlieb Hering, who was an old colleague of Wirth, and had served with him in the
Stuttgart Criminal Police (Kripo)
  Gotlieb Hering
The peak period of “resettlement” was from July to October 1942. Three to four transports per day arrived at
Belzec death camp, where conditions now were gruesome. In the month of August 1942, at the height of a very
hot summer, about 130,000 Jews mainly from Galicia and Krakow districts were murdered in Belzec. During the
next month about 90,000 Jews were deported to the death camp.
Piles of flea-bitten, evil smelling, putrefying corpses were simply dumped on the ramps, awaiting removal by the
Jewish work brigade. The next batch of deportees brought considerable numbers of yet more dead people, merely
added to the mass of corpses.
Robert Juhrs recalled how he was ordered by Hering to take those too sick or too weak to be gassed, “for a pill.”
This was a euphemism in the camp for them to be killed with a shot to the back of the neck. Despite the Germans
attempts to maintain secrecy, two reports from the Polish underground organisation concerning Belzec, indicate
that the Allies were aware about the camp’s murderous activities.
Hackenholt 1940 One report describes an act of resistance in the camp, when members of the Jewish Sonderkommando attacked
the Ukrainian guards in June 1942, and other reports regarding Belzec were published in the Polish Fortnightly
Review on the 1 December 1942.
The final resettlement transports to Belzec arrived on the 11 December 1942 and this accelerated the work of corpse burning, which had begun
in November 1942. The exhumation and burning of the corpses was carried out by Jewish workers rather than by Sonderkommando 1005, which
had been established by Himmler to eradicate all remains of the mass slaughter in the East.
Hering delegated Heinrich Gley and Friedrich Tauscher to begin this work, assisted by Hackenholt,
who had at his disposal a mechanical digging machine for excavating the corpses. Jewish workers
of the so called “Death Brigade” assembled pyres, burned the bodies and re-buried the remains in
the mass graves. 5/7
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 The grates (pyres) were built by arranging standard gauge railway line sections on top of large
concrete plinths. Narrow gauge line sections were then placed crossways on top of the structure to
form a close-meshed solid grate. Three to four pyres – although Belzec villagers state there were
five – were constructed from early November 1942 onwards and were in continual use until March
The corpses were loaded onto the grates and soaked in heavy oil, then set alight, and for months
 whole area lay under a heavy pall of black oily smoke. The local inhabitants scraped human fat
from their windows. Attempts to destroy all the evidence were assisted by the use of a bone –
crushing machine brought from the Janowska Labour Camp in Lvov, which was operated by a
man called Szpilke. Jewish slave labour at Belzec
One incident worthy of note took place in March 1943, Heinrich Gley a member of the SS camp staff killed
a fellow SS man. At a bunker in a copse opposite the Kommandantur, two Ukrainian guards had been
imprisoned for stealing valuables.
In the darkness and confusion, Gley shot and killed Jirmann, mistaking him for one of the Ukrainians.
Wirth, his adjutant Oberhauser along with camp commandant Hering conducted a thorough investigation.
Jirmann was buried in the German Military cemetery at Tomaszow Lubelski, but was later moved to the
German Military Cemetery at Przemysl.
The decommissioning of Belzec commenced in the spring of 1943, the elaborate system of fences and
barriers, the barracks and gas chambers were all dismantled and items of use were taken to Majdanek (KZ
Gypsy couple sitting in an open area  
at Belzec The entire area was then landscaped with firs and wild lupines. The Kommandantur and the neighbouring
house, and outbuilding, which had been the property of the Polish Railway before the war, were not
demolished. The camp leadership decided to transport the remaining 300 Jewish members of the Sonderkommando to the Sobibor death camp.
Hering told the Jewish Kapo’s that they were being taken to Lublin.
Dining tables and bread for three days, together with canned food and vodka were placed in the wagons. Leon Feldhendler, a Jewish
prisoner, who led the prisoner revolt at Sobibor, recorded:
“On 30 June 1943 a transport of the last Jews from Belzec arrived under the supervision of SS-
Unterscharfuhrer Paul Groth, to be liquidated. Whilst being unloaded, the Jewish prisoners begun
to run in all directions, they were shot at random throughout the camp.”
With the exhumations and burning activities virtually completed, Hering left the camp, placing
Tauscher in charge of the final preparations, and when that was completed the Belzec SS garrison
was dispersed to other camps.
The local population descended on the former camp site, looking for gold and other valuables.
Whilst doing this they unearthed parts of decomposing bodies. The scavenging of the former death
camp site was witnessed by Werner Dubois, who had been sent back to Belzec from Sobibor by
Wirth, a few days after the SS had left. Post war photo of where Belzec once stood
Dubois reported his findings to Wirth, who discussed the matter with Globocnik. They decided to
plant trees and construct a farm for permanent occupation by a Ukrainian family in order to guard the area from scavengers.
In the summer of 1943, two small contingents of SS men and Ukrainians arrived to carry out this work. One contingent came from Treblinka, the
other from Sobibor. The Treblinka group was led by Karl Schiffner, the Sobibor contingent by Heinrich Unverhau.
A large Jewish house from the other end of Belzec village was demolished and then re-
constructed as a farm for the Ukrainian custodian to live in. In the summer of 1944 the Belzec
region was occupied by the Red Army and shortly after the liberation the local villagers
demolished the farm.
About fifty Jews escaped from Belzec death camp, only a handful survived the war, only Rudolf
Reder, Chaim Hirszman, and Rabbi Israel Schapiro from Lvov were able to provide eyewitness
testimony about the camp.
The most recent research, a decoded message from Hofle, intercepted by the British at Bletchley
Foundations of some of the structures that Park indicates a total of 434,508 victims for Belzec, which is a considerable reduction when
stood at Belzec (photo circa 2000) compared with earlier estimates, but like the other Aktion Reinhard camps of Sobibor and
Treblinka, it is unlikely the precise number will ever be known. 

Belzec, Sobibor Treblinka by Yitzhak Arad published by Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis 1987
The Holocaust – by Martin Gilbert published by William Collins London 1986
Archive of Belzec Memorial Museum
The Encyclopaedia of the Holocaust
Belzec Prototype for the Final Solution by Robin O’Neil
Belzec by Rudolf Reder published by Fundacja Judaica Krakow 1999
Into That Darkness by Gitta Sereny, published by Pimlico 1974
Belzec Death Camp by Michael Tregenza – Wiener Library Bulletin 1977
Belzec – Robert Kuwalek
Holocaust Historical Society
Regional Museum of Tomaszow Lubelski
Private Archives

Copyright Chris Webb, Victor Smart & Carmelo Lisciotto   H.E.A.R.T 2009

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