Delta Green - The Colony
Delta Green - The Colony
Delta Green - The Colony
The Colony copyright David Conyers 1991, 2002, 2004. All content, artwork, maps, photographs and design copyright David Conyers.
Editorial by Paul Maclean. Published by
This single session tournament adventure originally appeared in the Cthulhu Conglomerate Publication The Exquisite Cadaver and was presented at Aracacon IX, 1991 in Melbourne, Australia. Thanks go to Paul Maclean and Liam Routt who assisted with this scenario.
Call of Cthulhu is the Registered Trademark of Chaosium Inc., for their role-playing game of horror and wonder, and is use with their permission. Chaosium Inc. is the Registered Trademark of Chaosium Inc.
The intellectual property known as Delta Green is TM and the Delta Green Partnership. All material in this scenario is considered unofficial
and non-canon in the world of Delta Green, although every attempt has been made to check existing facts and conform to the published
world view. It is up to individual Keepers what material they shall incorporated into their view of Delta Green.
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The Colony
The Second World War has raged for two years. In Africa the
Axis are being forced from Egypt by the French and British
troops. For the Germans stationed in North Africa their position doesnt look good. In the last push through the desert the
German army discovered what seemed to be an ancient temple that had been buried for several hundred years. The remains of many artefacts from ancient times littered the interior, but being ordinary soldiers, most of the troop did not
know the value of what they had unearthed, except for one.
The Captain of the troop was a member of Karotechia and an
expert in occult matters. He quickly identified what were potentially items of great power. Word was sent to his masters
at German Command. Orders were transmitted back quickly.
A small troop was to stay behind to protect the site until experts could be flown in to evaluate the sites worth while the
rest of the unit moved on to more pressing matters involving
battles with British and French troops in the area.
It did not take long for the soldiers left behind to realize that the German forces were being pushed back, and very
soon they would find themselves in no-mans land. They sent
message again to German Command advising of their situation, but still the orders came back that they must stay and
protect the site. All they could do was sit tight and wait under
the hot Saharan sun.
The Spitfire
The adventure begins with the soldiers waiting in the desert
when an enemy plane flies overhead. Soldiers who make a
Know roll identify it as a spitfire with British markings
prominently displayed. It seems to be alone and must be shot
down before it can report back the location of its enemy. The
spitfire makes a pass shooting down two of their soldiers under heavy machinegun fire. The player soldiers are ordered to
man the MG34 machine gun to shoot it down.
The Spitfire has 50 Hit Points of hull structure and 5
points of armour. The pilot is also the gunner and since the
plane can only fire forwards, it can only attack every 1D4+3
rounds while it makes a pass over the German camp. Its machine-gun has a 35% chance to hit doing 1D10 damage.
For each successful hit, roll 1D6 for the number of bullets
which finds its target each doing 1D10 points of damage.
Soldiers on the ground have a normal chance to hit the plane
Investigator Introduction
Investigators play infantry soldiers of the Third Reich, stationed with eight other troops, their Sergeant, Frederick
Hesser, and a Lieutenant, Otto Kurts. Normal rules for gener-
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The Colony
the Spitfire
The player soldiers are volunteered by Lieutenant Kurts to
investigate the crash, and if the pilot survived, bring him
back for questioning. The soldiers march across the desert is
short and hot. Closer yet still from a distance they notice that
the spitfire wreckage is visible and half submerged in the
earth. A lone figure emerges from the cockpit, first running
from the flames and then waving his hands frantically as if
attempting to shoo away flies. He screams for a second then
falls to the ground. As the soldiers come closer they find the
pilot is on his feet again. Disorientated he seems oblivious to
the soldiers and will walk straight past them without see them
if he is not stopped with force. Restraining him will not be
difficult; he does not even seem to notice that he is now a
prisoner of war.
Checking his possessions finds a Browning automatic
(Shots per round: 2, damage: 1D10, Jam: 99-00, Ammo: 8), a
parachute, a picture of a pretty girl and a dog tag, identifying
him as Flight Lieutenant William B. Mallard of the British
Army. A First Aid or Medicine skill roll notices that Mallard (the pilot) has a few cuts and bruises, including a nasty
gash across his head, but otherwise seems unharmed. A Spot
Hidden notices little black holes a little like rabbit warren,
found around his forearms, chest and neck prompting a Sanity loss of 0/1D3.
The spitfire quickly begins to burn making it impossible to approach. If the player soldiers do not think of it first,
Lieutenant Kurts will order them to cover the plane in sand
so the flames do not alert their enemy to their position. Doing
so take 2D10 minutes before the flames are put out.
There is little for the soldiers to do except return to the camp
with Mallard. Kurts asks the British pilot a few questions to
no response. Player soldiers who make a Psychology or
Medicine skill roll identify that the man is in severe shock
and trying to make him talk right now will be fruitless. Kurts
disagrees, but since the enemy wont talk, he has the soldier
bound and left out in the heat of the sun to soften him up
for later interrogation.
Meanwhile Sergeant Frederick Hesser has the player
soldiers dig graves for their dead compatriots while the other
remaining soldiers are ordered to further investigate the plane
wreck (Kurts does not believe that the players were thorough
enough). Last rites are given for the dead soldiers as the afternoon begins to settle in.
A Missing Soldier
During the interrogation, from the wreckage is heard scream-
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In the morning, Kurst orders the player soldiers to investigate
the wreckage to see if anything has changed. If they can and
it is safe to do so, they should investigate the cockpit of the
spitfire in an attempt to work out what happened to Mallard.
He does not listen to player soldiers protests.
Returning to the Spitfire they find that it has almost
disappeared intro a huge hole has opened up in the sand.
Through the gap they can see the remains of Boris and the
other soldiers who were sucked through. Player soldiers
could use the spitfire to clamber down requiring a Climb roll
or they will fall for 1D6 damage. A successful Jump roll
reduces this damage to nothing. Alternatively they can return
to the camp to obtain ropes, torches and other basic equipment they might need.
Inside the soldiers find themselves in a large, triangular shaped room with an exit leading out to a central room of
four more doors to other locations. The five rooms form a
First Room Fungus: The floor is smooth, black obsidian
rock where the wrecked plane has not caused structural collapse to the roof. Strange fungus growths grow everywhere,
as if out of control. To avoid touching or brushing any fungus
requires a Luck roll while exploring the cavern. If failed,
spores fill the air causing coughing and teary eyes reducing
all physical skills by 20% for 1D10 rounds until the spores
settle again.
Boris and the other soldiers are dead. Touching them,
their skins collapse away into nothing releasing more spores.
Their insides have been eaten out by some kind of rotting
matter leaving only skin behind costing 0/1D3 Sanity. (This
special fungus is designed by the Mi-go to create skins of
humans use when impersonating them. This fungus however
grows here of its own accord.)
There are four more triangular rooms to be explored.
Second Room Nursery: This room opens up to a samesized room emitting loud buzzing and clicking noises like a
swarm of wasps. Inside are more of the baby Mi-go, clambering around eating spores and growths from massive toadstools and other fungal growths that fill the chamber, while
little black worm larva crawl everywhere else costing 0/1D4
sanity points to see. An organic, transparent membrane stops
the baby Mi-go from escaping their pen. The membrane requires ten points of damage all at once to rupture it.
Because of its nature, it heals 1 point of damage per
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Mi-go Agents
The player soldiers come round a short time later, back on
the surgical tables, complete once more and cured of any injuries that might have sustained earlier. They find that they
are also free of their bonds. Stacked in piles at the end of
their beds are their clothes and equipment. Studying these
items reveal that they all seem to have been recently pulled
apart and then reassembled. Some items behave strangely,
such as a watch running backwards, or a grenade making a
high-pitched whistling noise when the pin is pulled, but otherwise function as normal.
One Mi-go remains in the room preparing pieces of
more strange equipment consisting of a small transparent
cylinder containing a baby Mi-go. It gives each player soldier
a long staff with a small egg-shaped cylinder on the end, plus
a large (SIZ 8) metallic cylinder similar to the brain cases. It
demonstrates how to use the staff by holding the egg shape
away from him and pointing a baby Mi-go that it releases
from a cage. The egg shape opens and then sucks in the baby
unharmed. The Mi-go then pushes the staff into the top of the
cylinder releasing the baby into the cylinder.
<Go/capture/collect and return/report for your stomachs/
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Alien Artefact:
Collection Rods
These devices are used by Mi-go to collect small live specimens. They open automatically next to any independent
mobile life form of SIZ 3 or less (for example, not plants)
and attempt to suck them into the translucent egg-shaped
ends. Base chance to use such a device is 30%.
Mi-go are driven away, the soldiers shot down wake up 1D4
hours later, otherwise those that are captured find themselves
inside a Mi-go brain case on the moon, Yuggoth or anywhere
else inaccessible in the solar system. Mi-go are not perturbed
if Mallard is killed. Investigators need to collect at least
twenty of their young for the Mi-go to be satisfied.
Death Camp
Returning outside the player soldiers find that it is nighttime
and that the camp is very quiet. There are signs of a recent
battle, tell-tale signs of shelling and the dead bodies of their
fellow Germans, blown to pieces by shrapnel. No-one has
survived. It seems the British or French air force found them
after all and shelled the camp.
A quick examination of the camp reveals that every
one is dead and accountable, except for Mallard who has disappeared. A Spot Hidden skill roll shows that some kind of
acidic fungus causing 1D3 points of damage to touch ate
through his ropes. A track shows a trail of spores leading out
into the desert.
Finding Mallard in the desert is easy. Multicoloured
flashing lights plus clicking and buzzing noises surround
him; these are the growing baby Mi-go. If approached, he
attacks, as do the baby Mi-go. Mallard, now covered in
spores and fungus that grow everywhere from his body is
barely, if at all human and attacks everything, even the Mi-go
that feed off him. Seeing him this way costs 1/1D6 Sanity
points. Three older Mi-go have taken the risk to venture out
into the humans war zone and are watching from a safe distance, so if the player soldiers start to kill any of the babies,
they will attack the soldiers with their bio-guns. If the older
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The Colony
STR 14
CON 14
SIZ 13
DEX 14
APP 01
INT 03
POW 02
Idea 15%
Luck 10%
Know 0%
Hit Points: 14
Magic Points: 02
Damage Bonus: +1D4
DEX 17
APP n/a
SAN n/a
Hit Points: 06
Magic Points: 05
Move: 9 flying
Damage Bonus: +1D4
DEX 17
APP n/a
SAN n/a
Hit Points: 13
Magic Points: 14
Move: 7/9 flying
Damage Bonus: +1D4
INT 17
POW 14
EDU 30
Idea 85%
Luck 70%
Know 100%
INT 03
POW 05
EDU 01
Idea 15%
Luck 25%
Know 05%
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The Colony
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The Colony
David Conyers
works in the
field ofinmarketing
communicaUpon completing
a degree
tions and career
desktop inpublishing
Western Australia on remote
Outback mining and
He is thepipeline
He then took
time off to backpack through
has before
Africa and
and Europe
to Melbourne where he now lives.
the upcoming
Since then he has worked in marketing
and communications. David
articles and
is therole-playing
stories have
and the DREAMING
upcoming HAWKMOON
role-playing game. His
online at
articles haveand
the magazines THE BLACK SEAL, BOOK OF
His webpage
and online at YOG-SOTHOTH.COM. Right now he is
writing a CALL OF CTHULHU supplement for CHAOSIUM INC.
A HANDFUL OF DUST is the second part in THE WITCH CYCLE, the
first being DEVILS CHILDREN, also availab le from
YOG-SOTHOTH.COM. Both adventures are independent and can be
played separately.
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