Southeast Boulevard Feasibility Study Final Draft
Southeast Boulevard Feasibility Study Final Draft
Southeast Boulevard Feasibility Study Final Draft
January 2016
Executive Summary
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) evaluated the feasibility of transitioning a segment of
the former Southeast Freeway from 11th Street to Barney Circle into an urban boulevard more
consistent with the expected travel demand and the character of the adjacent neighborhood. This study
builds upon the Southeast Boulevard Planning Study prepared by the District of Columbia (DC) Office of
Planning (OP) and examines the Southeast Boulevard Project at a high level to understand the feasibility
of the overall vision outlined by OP in its study. Specifically, it reviews the feasibility of the concepts
prepared by OP and discusses the effort that would be needed to implement the project.
The feasibility evaluation considered ownership of the rights-of-way, future travel demand, the potential
for a transit garage, and the potential cost. A summary of each of the feasibility areas is below:
A preliminary review of land ownership of the site does not indicate significant obstacles to providing
the transportation elements of the project. However, it appears that at least two National Park Service
(NPS) parcels were acquired for and incorporated into the initial Southeast Freeway. As such,
coordination with NPS will be needed to determine their future use. Coordination will also be needed
with the Virginia Avenue Tunnel Project and the DC Water Clean Rivers Project.
Travel Demand
The future Southeast Boulevard will serve less vehicle traffic as compared to the previous Southeast
Freeway, but will remain an important vehicle connection between Pennsylvania Avenue and I-695/11th
Street Bridge. Four travel lanes and multiple connections to north-south streets for vehicles,
pedestrians, and bicyclists to cross the boulevard are needed to accommodate multi-modal
transportation demand and connections to the Anacostia River. Vehicular connections to north-south
streets would likely generate some additional vehicle traffic on these streets which are currently very
low vehicle volume streets. However it is these connections along with context sensitive design which
will lead to a neighborhood scale urban boulevard.
Transit Garage
A transit garage could be provided at Southeast Boulevard that takes advantage of the location and
topography of the site to minimize visual impacts to surrounding neighborhoods and so that vehicles
accessing the facility would not use residential neighborhood streets. Any of the illustrative concepts
prepared by OP could be advanced to include this facility. Excess land could be developed in a manner
that is generally consistent with the OP concepts, although some minor adjustments would likely be
needed to account for access to the garage.
Constructing the transportation elements of the project would cost between about $120 million and a
transit garage would add about $65-70 million in costs. These costs are represented in 2015 dollars and
are expected to increase each year beyond 2015.
the transportation facilities and an additional three years for potential land redevelopment
The project requires the participation and cooperation of multiple District agencies. DDOT would plan,
design, and implement the transportation elements of the project. The Deputy Mayor for Economic
Development (DMPED) and OP would partner with a third party developer to plan and implement the
construction of private development on any lands deemed excess from a transportation viewpoint.
Reviews and approvals from federal agencies, most notably the Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA), would be required in order to declare excess right-of-way for potential land redevelopment
purposes. Coordination with FHWA and consistency with DDOTs Right of Way Policies and Procedures
Manual would be needed to dispose right-of-way for development and determine whether
reimbursement to FHWA would be required.
In addition to evaluating feasibility and process, DDOT also identified important issues which should be
addressed in a future environmental review process. Such issues include the design of the facility and
potential ways to defray project costs.
Next Steps
This studys recommendation is to move forward with the federal environmental studies by re-initiating
the Environmental Assessment that began in 2013. The EA would advance the vision and modified
concepts established in the OP Study. Major elements of the EA include preparing preliminary designs
based on the OP concepts, more detailed traffic operations studies, and environmental studies. The
environmental studies, however, cannot be completed until a financial plan for project implementation
is identified and included in the regional Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan (CLRP).
Given the cost and duration associated with Southeast Boulevard, it will be important to continue
discussions with a broad spectrum of stakeholders during the EA to confirm community support for the
project, engage with AWI Signatories, and evaluate project costs and funding options.
As such, it is important for stakeholders to gain consensus for the overall project vision for the project.
This includes neighbors in communities immediately surrounding the site, people who depend on the
existing facility for access, District agencies (including DDOT, OP, and DMPED), AWI signatories, and
decision makers. A substantial effort should be invested to identify how a project of this scope and
magnitude could be funded.
Executive Summary.............................................................................................................................i
Contents ........................................................................................................................................... iii
Site Overview ................................................................................................................... 1-1
Anacostia Waterfront Initiative ....................................................................................... 1-1
DDOT Planning Work ....................................................................................................... 1-2
Land Use Study................................................................................................................. 1-3
Need for an Evaluation of Feasibility ............................................................................... 1-6
Feasibility of Concepts....................................................................................................................2-1
Land Ownership and Restrictions .................................................................................... 2-1
Travel Demand ................................................................................................................. 2-2
Transit garage .................................................................................................................. 2-5
Project Costs .................................................................................................................... 2-7
Overall Feasibility of Concepts......................................................................................... 2-8
Future Efforts .................................................................................................................................3-1
Project Development Process & Schedule....................................................................... 3-1
Future Considerations...................................................................................................... 3-4
Conclusion & Next Steps .................................................................................................. 3-7
The area envisioned as the future home to the Southeast Boulevard roughly bounded by L Street to
the north, the CSX rails to the south, the 11th Street Bridge to the west, and Barney Circle to the east is
currently home to the former Southeast Freeway. The former freeway is below the elevation of L Street
and acts as both a visual and physical barrier between the neighborhoods to the north and the
Anacostia River to the south. At the same time, the site has many characteristics that lend it to be
redesigned in a way that overcomes the current designs shortcomings and positively contributes to the
adjacent neighborhoods and District as a whole.
1 Anacostia Waterfront Initiative. The Anacostia Waterfront Framework Plan. November 2003.
DDOTs role under the AWI is to implement transportation projects that would improve access to the
waterfront and spur economic development within the communities along the waterfront. Based on the
AWI goals, DDOTs transportation agenda for the AWI Program includes 2:
Providing continuous pedestrian and bicycle access along the entire waterfront.
Creating distinctive bridges that serve as gateways across the Anacostia River.
In 2012, DDOT coordinated with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to withdraw the portion of
I-295 between I-695 and Barney Circle from the Interstate Highway System. This action transitioned the
designation of the roadway from an Interstate Highway to a city street, setting the stage for more
detailed planning work for the transformation of the facility.
In 2013 DDOT began an Environmental Assessment under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
to further study the facility and prepared concepts for the Southeast Boulevard. The initial phase of
work included the preparation of design concepts for the roadway, which DDOT presented at
community meetings. Public reaction to the concepts revealed a need to understand how the land
around the new boulevard could be developed. To address these concerns, the Office of Planning (OP)
completed a land use study which addressed transportation along with urban design issues and began
the conversation about potential the land uses and density which the site might be able to
The Study developed options at a concept level, and did not include detailed land-use planning, site
analysis, or economic analysis. Therefore, the three concepts are subject to further refinement as the
project moves forward. Of note, OP heard community input suggesting that a hybrid land use concept
should be developed incorporating more usable open space within a development program like the one
shown in Concept A. Figures 2 through 4 illustrate the concepts prepared by OP. The following
summarizes key elements found in each concept.
Surplus right-of-way used for row homes and multi-family buildings with ground floor retail
Figure 2: Land Use Concept A, Southeast Boulevard Planning Study (DC Office of Planning)
Two-lane Southeast Boulevard. Southeast Boulevard and L Street could potentially operate as
one-way couplets, each with two travel lanes
Figure 3: Land Use Concept B, Southeast Boulevard Planning Study (DC Office of Planning)
Figure 4: Land Use Concept C, Southeast Boulevard Planning Study (DC Office of Planning)
Feasibility of Concepts
The concepts developed by OP offer a glimpse at how the site could be transformed from its current
condition to something that achieves multiple District and neighborhood goals. DDOT evaluated the
feasibility of the concepts advanced through the OP Land Use Study. This evaluation consisted of a
review of four subject areas:
Travel demand
Transit garage
The goal of this evaluation is to determine if the concepts as proposed are feasible related to these
areas and to outline major future considerations that should be addressed if the concepts are found
Land Restrictions
The Southeast Freeway was built as an Interstate Highway. While the Interstate designation is no longer
associated with this roadway, the conditions of the original federal investment from the purchase of its
land remain. These conditions require the right-of-way to be utilized for transportation purposes
consistent with requirements of Title 23 Highways of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). However,
if DDOT were to potentially excess a portion of the right-of-way, the property would be required to be
disposed by FHWA per the requirements in 23 CFR 710.409 and proceeds diverted to Title 23 eligible
A new Southeast Boulevard is generally consistent with Title 23. However, the private land use
envisioned as part of the concepts is not. Thus, to realize the vision of these concepts, DDOT right-ofway would need to be disposed.
DDOT conducted a preliminary review of parcel ownership for the Project area and compared that to
the land development concepts from the Southeast Boulevard Planning Study to understand potential
conflicts. DDOT also compared the OP concepts with other major construction projects occurring within
the Project area, including the DC Water Clean Rivers Project and the CSX Virginia Avenue Tunnel
Project. Figure 5 illustrates constraints to development parcels in the Project area discovered during
these reviews.
DDOT found that the project area includes two National Park Service reservations along with a drop
shaft and ventilation chamber being constructed near Barney Circle for the DC Clean Rivers Project.
After comparing the parcels in question with the basic concepts, it is possible to largely avoid the DC
Clean Rivers Project parcel. However, it is not possible to avoid the National Park Service (NPS) parcels.
It does seem possible to incorporate the NPS parcels into the transportation portion of the project as is
the case in existing conditions. This would not likely present a fatal flaw to completing the project, but it
is clear that there would be significant process requirements and challenges to disposing the NPS and
incorporating them into private development. Of note, transportation uses could be broadly defined
to include things like open space and recreational trails, and it is possible that the reservations could be
made into neighborhood parks without needing to dispose of the land. Ultimate determination of what
is classified as a transportation use would be determined in consultation with FHWA.
Overall, the NPS and DC Water lands represent a small fraction of the overall site, and the land
development shown in each of the Concepts could largely be realized with minor revisions. However,
the ability to develop land as part of the project is dependent upon the ability to surplus excess land not
needed for transportation purposes. This process is governed by FHWA, and the ability to dispose of
land cannot be assumed at this stage.
Figure 6 shows changes in traffic volumes between today and 2040 if no changes are made to the
existing conditions of Southeast Boulevard as a grade-separated four lane facility. Even if the roadway
stays in its current configuration, traffic would be less on the roadway than it is today.
Figure 6: No Build; Growth in Traffic between Today and 2040 with Existing SE Boulevard Configuration
Southeast Boulevard Remains in Current Configuration; AM Peak Period
Figure 7 shows what would happen if Southeast Boulevard remains as a four lane street but is
connected to 13th, 14th, and 15th Streets. Several local neighborhood streets would see increases in
traffic. The connections to Southeast Boulevard may encourage some level of cut through traffic on local
I 395
East Capitol St
I 395
11th St Local
Southeast Blvd
11th St Freeway
Figure 7: Change in Traffic with a 4 Lane Section and Connections to Local Streets Versus No Build
Southeast Boulevard: 4 Total Lanes; Connections at 13th, 14th and 15th Streets; AM peak period
Figure 8 illustrates what would happen to traffic if Southeast Boulevard becomes a two lane street with
connections to 13th, 14th, and 15th Streets. Under this configuration, Southeast Boulevard would serve
less traffic but Pennsylvania Avenue and local streets in the vicinity would see higher traffic. Compared
to the four lane scenario depicted in Figure 7, a two lane section would result in increased traffic volume
in a larger area. The two lane configuration would shift to Pennsylvania Avenue and local streets and
would not result in less overall traffic for the neighborhoods surrounding Southeast Boulevard.
I 395
East Capitol St
I 395
11th St Local
Southeast Blvd
11th St Freeway
Figure 8: Change in Traffic with a 2 Lane Section and Connections to Local Streets Versus No Build
Southeast Boulevard: 2 Total Lanes; Connections at 13th, 14th, and 15th Streets; AM peak period
Based on the travel demand analysis, a neighborhood-sensitive four lane section offers the best balance
between accommodating anticipated travel demand, achieving increased multi-modal connection as
envisioned in the areas strategic planning documents, and respecting the sites context within the Hill
East neighborhood. Connections to 13th, 14th, and 15th Streets would result in increased volumes on
those streets, which may require traffic calming measures to deter cut-through traffic. Southeast
Boulevard would function as a minor arterial. These streets serve short to medium length trips and
provide a balance between mobility (serving through traffic) and access (providing connections to
homes and businesses).
Each of the OP concepts could accommodate four vehicle lanes. Both Concept A and C include a four
lane boulevard, while Concept B could be adapted to provide four lanes by creating a two way couplet
with L Street providing two westbound lanes and the new boulevard providing two eastbound lanes.
This feasibility study did not evaluate which option should be pursued and acknowledges that there
may be concerns from stakeholders with one or more of the options. A future environmental process
would more fully address boulevard design and incorporate community preferences.
As discussed in the Background section, the site offers several opportunities that are highly conducive to
including a transit garage as part of Southeast Boulevard. Most notably, an at-grade Southeast
Boulevard would need to be raised to the elevation of L Street, thus potentially creating a large
underground storage facility under the boulevard with ample vertical clearance for transit vehicles. Such
a facility would be out of sight from adjacent neighborhoods, and access points could be designed from
the edges of the site near the 11th Street Bridge and at Barney Circle, thus keeping buses away from
residential neighborhood streets.
Given the sites topography, the vertical difference between L Street and M Street would need to be
reconciled in any scenario that creates an at-grade Southeast Boulevard. As discussed in the Project
Costs section below, this could be done through structure (essentially building Southeast Boulevard on a
bridge) or through fill (filling in the depressed roadway with dirt and other materials). A storage facility
could be relatively easily accommodated within the structure option. Thus, including a vehicle storage
facility would make the most of a difficult topography while simultaneously meeting a District-wide need
to provide transit vehicle storage.
Figure 9 illustrates potential access locations to the storage facility. A primary access point at the
proposed intersection of Southeast Boulevard and 12th Street would achieve the goal to establishing a
storage vehicle facility under the facility while keeping bus traffic from cutting through the adjacent
neighborhoods. This location provides easy access to the Southeast Southwest Freeway and the 11th
Street Bridge. A secondary access point could be provided from Barney Circle that would provide access
to and from Pennsylvania Avenue. These access points are conceptual, and other options for access
exist. More detailed design options for a possible transit garage would be explored during the
environmental review and design process. The potential storage facility footprint indicates one
possible envelope in which a facility could be located and does not necessarily indicate the full size of
the potential transit garage. The transit garage design will be more fully studied as part of a future
environmental process.
The storage facility could be accommodated in any of the concepts prepared by OP. While Southeast
Boulevard would provide a unique opportunity to accommodate potential storage needs with minimal
impacts to adjacent neighborhoods, it could limit potential development footprints and would likely
complicate the construction of private development, and the OP concepts would need to be revised to
accommodate access points to the garage. Figures 10 and 11 illustrate changes that may need to occur
in order to accommodate access to a potential transit garage for each concept.
Table 1. Estimated Conceptual Transportation Project Cost (millions of dollars in 2015 dollars)
Concept A
Concept A
Concept B
Concept B
Concept C
Concept C
Roadway Construction
Roadway Contingency
Transit garage
Roadway Contingency estimated at 40% of Roadway construction cost. Engineering estimated at 8% of total
construction cost. Construction management estimated at 10% of total construction cost.
The costs do not constitute an official engineering or legal estimate. Rather they are an initial cursory
assessment for feasibility discussion purposes. More refined costs estimates would be developed during
the preliminary and final design processes. All costs are represented in 2015 dollars and are expected to
increase each year beyond 2015. The costs represent the effort needed to reconstruct Southeast
Boulevard consistent with the project goals outlined in this section. It includes the cost to:
Construct a four lane street that includes sidewalks, bike facilities, and traffic signals.
Contingency is an added cost typically included in preliminary cost estimates. For projects in the
conceptual stage without initial design work, cost estimates are normally inflated by an additional 40
percent to account for unknowns that may arise once more detailed design work begins. Additional
costs beyond the construction of the transportation infrastructure are expected to be necessary and
have not been estimated.
The costs associated with the transportation component of the Southeast Boulevard project are
substantial. As a point of reference, DDOTs annual federal-aid budget is approximately $180 million
dollars, including FHWA funds and required local match. This total includes capital projects as well as
operations, maintenance, and programmatic funding for the Districts Federal-Aid highway network.
Although the project could be funded over multiple years, it still represents a substantial piece of
DDOTs budget and, if paid for out of DDOTs budget, could preclude other priority transportation
projects from being constructed.
It is important to underscore that the cost estimates included in this report are for the transportation
portion of the project only additional costs may be associated with a potential land development
component of the project.
accommodate the project goals outlined in this report. While there are no apparent significant
constructability concerns, the high project cost is a significant inhibitor to moving the concept forward
into a project.
Future Efforts
Advancing the Southeast Boulevard Project from a vision to a completed project will require a multiagency effort spanning many years. The process will require partnerships between the public and the
AWI Signatories involved in making these decisions and funding the planning and construction. The
project is actually two projects in one a transportation project that would be implemented by DDOT
and a redevelopment project that would be planned and implemented by others after an excess
determination and disposition by DDOT with FHWA. This section outlines the project development
process that would advance the Southeast Boulevard project from vision to reality and identifies future
considerations to address as the project advances. It concludes with next steps for partnering agencies
and the public.
The OP Concepts were generally well-received by ANC 6B when they were presented in Spring 2015.
Given the cost and duration of the project, support from a broader spectrum of the community should
be confirmed. At the same time, decision makers and AWI Signatories should begin to engage to
formally coordinate on the project and to commit to advance the vision of the project. A substantial
effort should be invested to identify how a project of this scope and magnitude could be funded. This
could include contributions from AWI signatories and local funding sources.
During the project planning efforts, DDOT, in partnership with OP and DMPED, would perform the
federal environmental studies required by NEPA for the transportation project and begin preliminary
design. The environmental study and preliminary designs would establish the right-of-way necessary to
complete the transportation project. The layout and use of the proposed underground vehicle storage
facility would also be defined in this study. Project planning is anticipated to take approximately three
Because the entirety of the study area is currently designated for transportation purposes, only land
determined to be excess may be eligible for land development. Excess land means land that is not
needed for transportation purposes, and is determined through a process by FHWA. This process can
only be initiated when firm designs have been completed for the roadway and other transportation
elements. Preliminary transportation facility designs could be designed with potential land development
in mind. While FHWA process requires that transportation facilities be designed to achieve
transportation purpose and needs as defined by the EA, careful attention would be paid to designing a
transportation facility that preserves and facilitates the land development goals for potential excess
The designation of excess land is at the discretion of FHWA, and no land may be used for purposes other
than transportation until an official designation has been made declaring the land excess. DDOT
developed the Right of Way Policies and Procedures Manual (June 2011) in order to establish a fair and
efficient manner to complete the acquisitions or transfers of property that is consistent with FHWA
process requirements as well as local polices and laws. If there is excess right-of-way that could be
developed, DDOT may need to conduct additional federal environmental studies to transfer or dispose
the right-of-way.
The schedule to complete final design and construction of the transportation project would depend on
how the projects are procured and delivered. Traditional procurement and delivery methods would take
at least four years.
If there is excess right-of-way as determined by FHWA, OP and DMPED would coordinate in partnership
with DDOT on the local regulatory processes for land development, possibly to include the creation of a
master plan, small area plan, or Comprehensive Plan amendment, to further define the land use for any
excess right-of-way. OP would then begin the rezoning process for the excess right-of-way.
Once the transportation project is completed, DMPED could initiate the process to construct potential
land redevelopment. DMPED could hold a procurement for a master developer to construct the
redevelopment portion of the project. Land development construction could take one to three years
and would likely include additional costs to prepare land for redevelopment.
Future Considerations
This document shows that the OP concepts are feasible. However, there are substantial decisions that
remain to be worked out, and will continue to be discussed if the project moves forward into more
detailed project planning. This section identifies two areas that require future attention.
DDOT is committed to the creation of a context-sensitive urban boulevard. A well designed boulevard
with four travel lanes can accommodate travel demand while still being sensitive to its context. To that
end, a Southeast Boulevard could provide:
wide sidewalks
on-street parking (the outer travel lane in each direction may serve as a parking lane during offpeak hours)
connections at intersections
While moderate levels of vehicle volumes and some additional cut through traffic are expected,
carefully crafted designs for intersections with existing streets in particular offer the opportunity to
mitigate cut-through traffic.
All design elements will be explored in future design efforts for Southeast Boulevard.
Figures 13 through 15 show several four lane streets within the District that serve as a model for the
type of street DDOT anticipates for Southeast Boulevard. The figures illustrate a range of potential crosssections that incorporate the proposed transportation elements for Southeast Boulevard. Both North
Carolina Avenue NE and New Jersey Avenue NE are minor arterials at the locations shown. Florida
Avenue NW is a principal arterial at the location shown.
Four lane minor arterial with wide sidewalks, row homes, and bus stops.
New Jersey Avenue NW and Florida Avenue NW, shown in Figures 13 and 14, illustrate what a minimized
cross-section for Southeast Boulevard could look like. Both streets provide four travel lanes during peak
periods. Curb side parking is provided during off-peak hours. The outer travel lane also includes bus
stops. The 1600 block of New Jersey Avenue NW includes wide sidewalks and row homes fronting both
sides of the street. The 500 block of Florida Avenue NW provides narrower sidewalks but includes street
level retail and public spaces. The cross-sections do no show provisions for bike facilities. North Carolina
Avenue NE, shown in Figure 15, illustrates what a potentially wider cross-section for Southeast
Boulevard could look like. The 1500 block of North Carolina Avenue NE includes four travel lanes
separated by a median, on-street bike lanes, and curb side parking. Row homes line both sides of the
Four lane principal arterial, with street level retail, public spaces and bus stops.
As discussed in the Asset portion of this report, the sites size, location, and topography make it a highly
valuable asset. The assets value has the potential to help defray project costs in the form of a transit
vehicle storage facility and excess land development.
Disposal of land for development purposes and a transit vehicle storage facility could help to defray the
project costs through rental fees charged to storage facility users or contributing storage facility capital
funding. DDOTs review of the feasibility of disposing land and constructing a vehicle storage facility did
not reveal any clear obstacles that would prevent the inclusion of these elements, but substantial
process and engineering challenges exist to implementing these elements.
Excess land could be developed in a manner that is generally consistent with the OP concepts, although
some minor adjustments would likely be needed to account for land that cannot be declared excess or is
needed for other infrastructure purposes. Even if the land envisioned for redevelopment in the OP
concepts is successfully designated as excess, DDOT does not anticipate that the value of the right-ofway that might be available for development would make a significant contribution to lowering the
overall Project cost. DDOT prepared an initial estimate of the land value based on the development
intensity proposed in Concepts A and B in the Southeast Boulevard Planning Study. This preliminary
estimate valued the developable right-of-way between $10 and $16 million. This estimate does not
constitute a formal appraisal of the right-of-way value. The value of any potential excess right-of-way for
development would be determined based on the market value at the time of the sale and whether the
surrounding area is improved or unimproved. In addition, value from the sale and development of land
is unlikely to be available until after transportation project funds need to be identified and expended,
creating a cash flow problem.
While the transit garage and land development have the potential to defray some project costs, the
transportation project remains a very expensive undertaking and a substantial gap would remain
between project costs and the funds generated by the offsetting elements. It is highly likely that a delta
upwards of 80-90% of overall project costs would remain after accounting for the disposal of land and
vehicle storage facility. This discrepancy between project costs and speculative project offsets serves as
a basis for discussions regarding project funding.