Darton College: Unlocking Potential .Changing Lives

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8th January 2016

Issue 16

Unlocking potential .Changing lives

Principals News

that Y11 have continued to

CTLs to produce the options

Happy New Year! I hope you

demonstrate and many of them

booklet and the Year 9 Options

all had a great Christmas; it

are now engaging in additional


already seems like a distant

interventions both within the

Thursday 21st January.

memory, although not for my

school day and after school. We

could I ask all parents and

waistline! We are entering a

look forward to seeing Year 11

carers to continue to support us

really busy period in school with

parents next week at our Year 11


two very short half terms. Year

parents evening. This will be a

uniform and kit policy as we

10 have come back and been

key opportunity to

discuss your

start a new year. Although the

straight into their mock

childs progress with their

minority we do continue to

examinations which will

teacher and ensure that we are

have skirts being worn that are

p rovide t hem an d us w ith

working in partnership to ensure

not the appropriate length, PE

useful information about where

they reach their full potential


they are currently at and also

during their summer exams. It is

school and too many learners

t o gi v e u s e f u l ex p e ri e n c e

also an important term for our

not coming to school equipped

t ak i n g e xa m s u n d e r m o r e

Y9 learners as they make their


formal conditions. I have been

GCSE subject


really impressed with the focus

Mr Guy has been working with

option choices.

will take











pens, rulers, calculators




Have a lovely weekend!

In this issue
Page 1: Principals News
Page 2: Up-coming events / Attendance
Page 2: Snippets

Check out our website: www.dartoncollege.co.uk

Kate Davies

Page 2
Important Dates


Year 11 Parents Evening

Thursday 14th January 2016

Good school attendance is critical if learners are to achieve their full

potential. We will always strive to support learners in gaining a 100%
attendance, which many do. However we recognise that there will be
occasions when learners will miss days off school as a result of illness, or
other significant events.

Year 10 visit to Sheffield Lyceum

Thursday 14th January 2016

Our school attendance target is set by the LA at 95.5%. For learners to

achieve 95% attendance they can only have 10 days absence within a
school year. There is clear evidence that learners who achieve 95%
attendance are much more likely to meet their academic targets.
Likewise it is important that learners arrive to school and to lessons on time,
this ensures that they do not miss out on key elements of their learning. It is
critical that we work together to maximise the attendance of all learners.
If you require additional information, support or have an attendance
query do not hesitate to contact us.

Year 9 Options Evening

Thursday 21st January 2016 - 6pm
Primary School Performance
Wednesday 27th January 2016
Year 10 Mock Examinations
Monday 11th January 9.00am Art
Monday 11th January 1.15pm Art
Tuesday 12th January 9.00am Graphics
Tuesday 12th January 1.15pm Graphics
Wednesday 13th January 9.00am
- Spanish Listening
Wednesday 13th January 9.40am
- Spanish Reading
Friday 15th January 1.15pm Core
Year 11 Vaccination Men ACWY
Thursday 4th February 2016

Here are just a few snippets from the great learning this week

Wonderful learning from Year 8 learners Cameron, Ash and Emily in French
- brilliant work!
Great work from Year 7 learners Leah, Lauren also in French this
week - great work!

Please visit our website http://dartoncollege.co.uk to check out an

array of articles or scan the code here to visit the school blogs.

Follow us on twitter: @darton_college

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