Calendar: Calendar: Calendar: Calendar:: 10 February 2012

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Term 1 Week 2

Tena koutou katoa

10 February 2012

Pita Pit Orders Every Monday Sushi Orders $5 Every Tuesday Subway Orders Every Wednesday Sausage Sizzle Every Friday $1.50 each 16 FebHouse Captains Leadership Day 16 FebCamp Helpers Meeting 21 FebYr 5/6 Road Patrol Training 22/23 Feb Three Way Interviews 12 MarBOT Meeting 20 Mar Athletics Day 31 Mar or 1 April Southland Athletics Day

Welcome back to another exciting year of teaching and learning, we trust that your child has experienced a smooth and happy start to the academic year. The Salford staff attended 3 days of professional learning prior to school opening. We joined with Waverley Park and Bluff Community schools for a workshop with Karen Boyes titled Enhancing Effective Classroom Dialogue. This covered a variety of strategies and timely reminders for teachers about strategies to implement in the classroom environment to create more opportunities for students to learn. One of the key messages for parents and caregivers is that Repetition is King. We are planning parent information evenings on how you can help at home, our whole school homework programme will encompass repetition of Basic Facts, Reading and Spelling. The reading can be either you reading to and with your child, your child reading independently or to you. Flash Cards These are a precious resource and must be returned or you will be charged $5.00 per set. They will be repeated sets of Numeracy Knowledge, necessary for instant recall, speed and accuracy. This knowledge is vital for all students, to scaffold Numeracy operations and strategy on. Your assistance in revisiting these is vital. The National Standards that all New Zealand schools are required to report student achievement on, mean that we will require an effective working partnership with home and school. Please ask us at any time if you have questions about your childs learning. Homework should only ever be age appropriate. For example if your child is in year 1-2 they should spend 6 minutes maximum on learning. Remember Homework should NEVER be stressful. The brain requires rest time and down time to process the learning of the day. Stress and subsequent adrenaline is detrimental to storing and processing information. We are going to use a new spelling programme called Switched on to Spelling. Years 1 2 will be learning high frequency words, and then lists associated with the sound. Mr Hanna is testing Year 3 6 students, when the baseline testing is completed, All students will have words to learn weekly. We have started our school year with a 3 week Art Attack. Each teacher has selected an artist and they are analysing and discussing their techniques and style. You will hopefully hear about this from your child, as they are all engaged and excited about this new learning! Our Term 1 Inquiry will then begin, this is a Health & Physical Education throughline:


How does our body work?

The whole school understandings are: Ask questions about their health, growth, development needs and personal wants. Describe stages of growth, development needs and demonstrate increasing responsibility for self care. Identify factors that affect personal, physical, social emotional growth and development skills to manage changes. The senior classes will be covering some basic facts of pubertal change. If parents have any questions or concerns re the content to be covered, please see Craig or myself. Enjoy the weekend Marlene

STAFF 2012
Marlene Campbell Craig Tucker Paula Wheeler Emma Trotter Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 Room 8 Room 10 Room 11 Darryl Mulvey Sharon Faul Jo Turner Gaye, Julie & Angela Principal Deputy Principal Assistant Principal Senior Leadership team Emma Trotter/ Louise Rutledge Tracy Sherlock Tegan Smithies Jan Bartlett Nicole McMath Craig Tucker Tyler Allen Sharon Soper Monique Stevenson Paula Wheeler / Hayley Paterson (3rd Yr Student) Learning Support teacher Reading Recovery / ESOL Numeracy Support Teacher Aides


Thursday 16 February @ 7pm In the staffroom YEAR 6 CAMP27 February to 2nd March 2012 All students must pay in full, or make payment arrangements at the office before Camp Bannockburn. This event occurs significant expenditure to the school and is a user pays event. Health Profiles must be returned to school for all participants. Please ask if you have any questions regarding this.

Cost: $275.00 per child, $180.00 per Adult BOARD OF TRUSTEES

The Salford Board of Trustees met on Monday January 30 to approve the 2012 School Charter and send to the local Ministry office by the February 1 deadline. We await their feedback. If you wish to view the Charter please ask at the School Office. We welcome Chris Cole to the role of Chair while Brian Cowie is on leave, and Rowana Skelt as an appointed Member to the Board

Provisional Release teachers Phillippa Macdonald, Merv Hanna, Donna McKenzie, Heidi Gentle and Lisa Tou Office Manager After School Care Caretaker Judi Devine Gaye / Gaylene Norman Shaw

AFTER SCHOOL CARE REMINDER If your child is booked into after school care you MUST advise the school if they are not attending. STUDENT ABSENCES
If your child is going to be absent, please call the School Office and advise before 9:00am so the Class teacher can be advised for roll marking.


Term 1 2 3 4 Start date Wednesday 1 February Monday 23 April Monday 16 July Monday 15 October End date Thursday 5 April Friday 29 June Friday 28 September Friday 14 December


SUN HATS ARE COMPULSORY for all Students in Terms 1 and 4. Your child may be stopped from playing outside if they fail to bring their Sun Hat to school. There are number of hats available in the

Touch Football Competition commences
Wednesday, 15th February


All Parents are asked to follow the ruling when using the drop off zone. This is not a parking area while you walk in to collect your child.

Junior Flippa Ball Competition commences Friday, 17th February Senior Flippa Ball Competition commences Friday, 17th February Cricket: Competition commences Yr4/5/6 - Friday 17th February Kiwi 8sMonday 13th February Have a GoSaturday 18th February Thank you to everyone who has put in their registration for sport early. For organisational purposes this has been very helpful. If you still have to do thisthen this

Normie and Maisie are the proud parents of 2 baby Geckos! They have been in the wonderful care of Mr Melgren, our resident Gecko Expert ( AKA Steve Irwin). They are being kept in a separate house in case the adults eat them! We require live Moths for the Geckos, as long as you are in a spray free environment. We are seeking names for the babies! Place your suggestions in the box on the counter in the office. We dont know yet if they are girl/boy so think really hard for names that are very special. Competition closes Friday 24 February.

MUST be actioned by 9.00am Monday 13th of February.

Any registrations after that time will be taken only if there is space available.

Term 1 Week 2


10 February 2012

Term 1 Donation accounts along with Reading Log, and New Entrant Stationery accounts will be issued in Week 3. If you have any queries please contact the office.
Your support is appreciated by the Board of Trustees in bringing the many varied and extra programmes throughout the year.

From the PTA notebook:

The PTA Committee are excited to welcome everyone to another fantastic year as part of the Salford School community. We are looking forward to making significant progress with restoring the Jungle Gyms to a safe and user friendly standard and to supporting the Staff and Board of Trustees in providing awesome opportunities for our children and their families. We hope to continue to develop our focus on our Salford School community by helping, supporting ,caring for and having fun with our school families where we can. Of course fun and friendships and opportunities still top the list!!!! If you are willing or able to be involved or help in any small way or have any questions we'd love to know about it! Pick up the phone or send an email to any PTA member you may know or: Lyndal or Ph 2154777 Gillian or Ph 2170138 We were delighted to welcome so many thirsty Mums and Dads to our first ever "Cuppa and a Catch up" on the first school morning. It was wonderful to meet some new families in the Salford community and to have a long over due chat with current Salford parents and supporters. We intend to make this morning cuppa a regular First Day of the Term event so tell the boss you'll be a few minutes late or come a little earlier, take a deep breath and have a natter. Here's to a wonderful year for all! Lyndal


New Entrants Bethany Bennett Ella de Garnham James Fleming Miah McDonald Cyrus McKay Blake Patarana Grace Pilsworth Giana Wharf Nicholas Cowie Other Students enrolling at Salford for the first time Beau Bannister Australia Max Barrister Australia Hutch Brown United States Jackson Green Windsor North Hannah Corbett Myross Bush Emily Bennett Donovan Jahq Riki-Pennicot -- Ascot Community George Riki-Pennicot - Ascot Community Tian Chang St Theresas Phoenix McKay Fernworth Jessica RobertsonNewfield Park Joshua Thomas Seventh Day Adventist William Knight Christchurch
A very warm welcome to these students and their families. IF YOU KNOW OF ANY CHILDREN DUE TO ENROL AT SCHOOL IN 2012 OR EARLY 2013please encourage them to enroll early. An enrolment pack can be collected from the office.


There is a a very high demand for second hand uniforms and as the stocks are running low This is another form of donation to the school and greatly appreciated. If you have any uniforms you would like to donate please drop them into the office.


Please ensure your children bring their book bags and Home Read-its to school every day. They cannot take a book home or basic facts cards if they dont have their book bags. If the book bag is lost a new book bag can be purchased from the office for $10.50.

All forms, notices etc are loaded on the Salford School website. If your child misses a newsletter, class notice, or sports noticeplease visit and you will be able to down load.


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