Atomic Feng Shui Aetheric Diodes and Magnetization

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Atomic Alignment Aetheric Diodes and Magnetization

I have a theory on Why magnets function the way they do.

Feng Shui is all about arranging items and placing things in certain positions
so that the Natural energy can flow more easily in a room, temple, etc.
Lo Shus Magic Squares and John Searls Law of Squares is a method
of finding a way to arrange material objects, or the atoms making up an
object, in certain orders which result in diode / Uniform movement of
natural energies which normally bump randomly around us on various scales
at infinitum.
Magnets are Natures Feng Shui at the atomic level. --Jason Verbelli

Imagine a wind tunnel. It channels the current of air.

There is pressure in the atmosphere all the time and because there is varying
pressure, there is constant wind movement. There are many factors
contributing to the wind blowing in the many directions it blows.
Tunnels just give a path for that randomly bumping air to move in a more
uniform and ordered fashion.
A Brick wall doesnt survive in a hurricane because there is a lot of
resistance on the face of the wall. A Geodesic Dome will survive a hurricane
because it channels the already existing streams of wind in a more natural
motion around itself which reduces resistance and impedance.
A cubic tunnel is not as effective at channeling air as a rounded tunnel. A
tunnel shaped like a Phi Spiral would be Much more effective than a straight
lined tunnel. Sending water down a whirlpool is much easier than pushing it
through a pipe.
Nikola Tesla hinted to this regarding pushing electricity through wires..
Here is a picture of a microscope image taken of a butterflies wing. Next to
it is a desert. And under that is a close up of a fingerprint.
Notice the wind patterns in the desert match the wings and prints.

For every Chaotic action in Nature , there is a possible

inverse scenario that Man can consciously create which
will restore order and regulate the flow of Nature.
Regulating the flow of Nature in an ordered manner
yields the inverse results of Natures Chaotic Action.
The action of the wind makes the sand form patterns.
The inverse would be that if you arrange the sand to form patterns... the
wind must be channeled through that pattern.
So, if you were able to arrange the sand in a different pattern and retain that
shape... the surrounding wind MUST blow through there according to the
shape at which you consciously created.

If an electric current re-arranges the orientation of atoms... then the

orientation of atoms must regulate the flow of electric current..

Natures fingerprint again as seen in the sand, the wing and the thumb.

That which happens on a Micro scale also applies on the Macro Scale.

Atomic Feng Shui would be arranging the atoms making up a material so

that theyre in different alignments and then locking them in place so that the
natural currents of Aether are channeled through and around that material.
This is the basis of Professor John Searls magnetization process.
Aether is like the randomly bumping energy present everywhere in the
(As Paul Dirac and Nikola Tesla emphasized)
The Universe operates perfectly at Absolute Zero. (0 Kelvin)
ANYthing above 0 Kelvin is an EXCESS of energy.
0 Kelvin is absolute stillness.
Even in the depths of space, the lowest recorded temperature is about 4
Kelvin; therefore, there is an excess of energy Everywhere.
The atomic currents of random and subtle energies (Aether) becomes useful
when set in ordered motion.
(Coils make magnetic current useful. - Ed Leedskalnin)
Ordered (Uniform) motion is channeling something in 1 direction or a
constant flow rather than bumping around willy nilly.
The intensity of the wind at sea level is much less than at the top of the
The intensity of the wind in deep space is MUCH LESS... but STILL there.
We think deep space has no wind.... but it does on the atomic level.

That energy is so subtle that we cant feel it on our scale.... but atoms do.
(fluidal energies / fluidal forces)
Water crashing on the sea shore is random motion.
Water swirling in a whirlpool is uniform motion.
Water traveling through a pipe is also uniform motion but encountering
constant resistance along the way.
Remember Bruce Lees quote, water can flow, or it can crash. Be
Water my friend.
There is pressure everywhere in the universe, just like there is pressure
everywhere in the atmosphere.
Energy is in constant random motion.
When that excess of randomly moving energy all around us (Aether) is set in
motion, Science calls that an electric current.
If you have a wind tunnel with spikes sticking out inside the tunnel like
stalagmites, the wind will encounter resistance once you start a flow of wind
through the tunnel.
If you angle those spikes the right way in the tunnel, it will improve the
flow. This is an example of impeding flow on a macro scale. Randomly
placed stalagmites.

We want to imagine those spikes as atoms making up an object.

The wind blowing through the tunnel would represent the Random energy
all around us, set into motion.
As the wind blows through the tunnel it becomes ordered.
If you are able to orient the atoms making up a material in a certain way...
when you send an electric charge through that material, it will act as a diode
and ACCELERATE the electricity rather than impede it.

There is an example of channeling currents of energy on the micro scale.

The Diffusion of sound and heat from a porous material.

The same principle as when you have a bunch of straws in a bundle. As the
air passes through the different length and sized straws, the air is diffused at
different frequencies. But the straws are all straight pipes which is still
impeding a lot of current.

Imagine a movie theater or classroom.

All the people are sitting in the same direction in a theater or a classroom.
Thats order. Thats a magnet.

If all the atoms making up a metal (or any material) are facing the same
direction... thats called a magnet.

If everyone in the movie theater was facing different directions. There would
be no order.

Now imagine a dance floor. Here we have No order:

But here we have order:

When atoms are aligned the same way, they act as a diode for the natural
currents of energy randomly bumping around. The peoples arms on the
dance floor on the previous page are acting as wind tunnels, so any wind
current in the room will flow much easier than if people were randomly
Thats why it gets so hot on the dance floor.
If everyone moved the same way at the same time, the air would help keep
everyone cool.
Same concept in Shaolin, Aikido, the Military, etc.
Move as One.
Watch the video below.
From 1 second- 25 seconds, the atoms are aligned as if a material is a
From 30 seconds - 51 seconds, the atoms are in random order like a piece of
metal not magnetized.
The atoms are still there making up the object as a whole.
But when they are in a random spin... the object is not a magnet.
Just like the same people can be on a dance floor, but they can be situated
randomly, or uniformly (orderly).
When the sum of the parts are aligned, the object as a whole can act as a
diode for the surrounding currents on various scales.
Depending on the scale at which you align things, will determine the
intensity of Aetheric Flow (electric current). The smaller the ordered scale
relative to us... the more energy out and the higher the frequency needed to
order the smaller scales.

The same chemical composition can have many different structural shapes.
The same atomic make up can be oriented differently.

A reason why a magnet is a magnet... is because the atoms making up the

metal are all facing the same direction, leaning at the same angle, etc.
When the atoms are aligned they act as a diode for the natural flow of energy
all around us.
Energy is normally randomly bumping everywhere.
No particular order.
A diode creates order and makes energy flow in 1 direction.

Now, if you align the atoms of a material to form a swirl like water down a
drain... then the energy will flow accordingly around that material in 1

Normal magnets have an atomic alignment in a straight line.

Like a crowd of people all facing towards a teacher in a classroom. (haha)

But what if the stage was in the center of the crowd and everyone was
leaning to 1 side?
The flow of energy would be toroidal and very different.

The world only believes in magnets where the atoms are aligned like an
audience facing a movie screen.
(Thus Platos Allegory of the Cave)

Ancient cultures give us clues.

Watch the Monkey Chant from Baraka
The people represent atoms making up a material and the flow of energy.

Atomic alignment carves a path for energy.

Humanity only believes in straight paths.
Like Aquaducts or irrigation ditches.
When you send an electric charge through a material, it Realigns the atoms
to face the direction of the electric current.
I think Professor John Searls magnetization process locks in the atoms to
lean in specific formations.
(Sine Waves at harmonic frequencies)
Like a serpents tail rather than a straight line like people in a theater.
That means all the atoms are leaning to form a wave. In order. And you can
always have More order.
Side by side, the material itself looks the same as any other magnet... but the
atoms are leaning differently and locked in place.
That process allows for the natural random bumping energy to start flowing
in those magnetic aquaducts on the atomic level. And there are deeper
channels in magnets made using higher frequencies which allow more
current to flow within it. Making the energy slither rather than run straight
like normal magnets.

Imagine a hose shooting out water.

Thats a standard electric current.
When the water comes out the hose it arcs before hitting the ground.
No matter where you are in the world... the water will always come out the
hose the same. This is Ohms Law.

But what happens if you shake the hose up and down while the water comes
Ohms Law still applies, but there is a harmonic resonance involved which
induces that current to form a sine wave to the frequency that you are
shaking the hose.

You would have to know the particular rate that the person is shaking the
hose, the intensity, the type of hose, the intensity of water, and MANY other
factors that the current industry does not account for.
What would you have to do, in order to get the water to duplicate a perfect
sine wave?
Youd have to modulate something with a computer that shakes the hose at a
certain frequency.
Everyone would shake the hose slightly different which makes the current
come out different.
But No One vibrates the current of electricity while magnetizing a material,
let alone at harmonic frequencies, chords or octaves.

Thats an electric engineering issue. Nothing is being created or destroyed.

All the magnetization process is doing is allowing for a current of random
energy to flow in an ordered fashion on a certain scale.
Normally, the energy is not harnessed on that atomic scale unless force and
violence is used to force the currents through the channels. (Nuclear)
Thats like trying to fit a square peg through a round hole. Way to go
Humanity when all else fails, use violent force seems to be the attitude.
This is nuclear technology FAIL!

In order to create atomic alignment to create sine wave shaped paths, you
would have to have timed charges in the right location, so as the current
comes out, it affects the path and induces a specific wave.
Thats a key to Johns Searls process. The magnetic rollers are magnetized
90 degrees out of phase to the stator.

And then having to loop that current in a donut (torus) and Also make it
form a sine wave in a circle.

As the rollers orbit the stator, they act like Helical Magnetic Gears with
skewed threads.

A material magnetized using Searls specifications will yield exponentially

more energy because an electric current is the ordered flow of heat on
various scales. More order, more output.
A normal magnet will experience Maximum eddy currents with Minimum
yield because those deeper atomic channels are shut or out of order.
While that normal magnet is in motion in front of a coil, it wont get much
as if you hade a structured and harmonic lattice acting as a diode.
While that same mass is in motion, it will yield MUCH more energy because
there is more flow within it. As the magnetic rollers orbit the stators, that
wind is throw outward from the centrifugal force.
Wind on our scale is plasma to an atom. And if you can generate a harmonic
atomic wind outward radially, you can catch that wind with conventional
Atomic wind is called an electric current when its in ordered motion in 1
If random wind is blowing Into an ordered lattice, it will have order on the
way out. (Coherent Currents)
Metals accept any shape charge sent through it.
Wood needs a specific shape charge or it burns!
same with brick.... or anything,

Once you apply Walter Russells Multiplication Principle, you can couple
that with John Keelys Laws of Sympathetic Vibration to align a material
according to its ideal lattice.

Fractal Answer to Square 4

Draw a line through all the numbers that add up to the same sum.
Draw a square where all 4 points land on numbers adding up to the same
sum. The 2D lines are as if you are looking through a 3D cube.

On the previous page was a 2D representation of a 3D crystaline structure.

See 2D, Think 3D and then always add Spin.
When the numbers are in order as we know: 1 2 3 4 etc, each row will add
up to the different sums.
In the perspective of the Universe, there is only order in Feng Shui.
We need to have things SEEMINGLY in random order so that no matter
how you add them up.... no matter how the wind blows through, it results in
the same uniform wave or the same sum from all directions.
Blow air through any part of that crystal and it will evenly diffuse.
Send a beam of light through any part of that crystal and it will evenly
disburse. Send an electric current through that lattice and it will evenly
Marcel Vogel was a man who helped IBM become the company it is today.
Walter Russell is a well respected name also. His work in crystallography
should be given much more consideration.

Mass DOES NOT Equal Energy. There are more variables not being
accounted for.
The ORDER of the atomic lattice dictates how much MORE energy you can
get from that SAME Mass in motion.
There are different scales of motion.
While you think you are stationary in your chair, your cells and atoms are
moving busily about.
You THINK and OBSERVE yourself as stationary in your room, but there is
always more motion than what you can see.
Stationary on our scale is 0.
But to an atom.... that 0 is more like Planck's constant.
If you have the lattice aligned deep enough in an atomic structure..the
parts making Up the atom.... the parts of the parts of the parts, etc.
then the mass would not have to exert the same amount of force to achieve
the same output.
YANG Outward.
YIN Inward.
The outward equation is that you would need to have more mass to get more
energy. F = ma
The inward equation is that you would need to align the lattice of the mass
you have to get more energy with the same amount of force.
This happens because of the atomic currents are filling a deeper channel
within the lattice of that aligned material.
The same chemical composition can have many structural orientations in the
You can't get more out than in.
But what IS the output?
It's a wind. Heat blowing through a lattice which = order.

0 to us is like the "speed of light" to an atom.

Room temperature heat to us is plasma to an atom.
There are different scales.
All the math for physics is referring to outward actions which reap outward
results. We need to have an equation to refer to the alignment of the atomic
lattice correlating with energy output.
Different alignments = different outputs.
Raw elements as we use are MINUMUM OUTPUTS.
You can only create so much order on a given scale.
And then you can cube the square and get exponentially more. Infinite
You can always create more order and detail to reap more potential.
The more order on the atomic and interatomic level.. the more output.
A charged particle is a particle whos atomic lattice is structured in a way as
to allow an even atomic airflow through it. That = an electric charge /
ionization. The deeper the alignment, the higher the charge of that same
particle of mass; therefore, the farther and faster it can go with the same
amount of force.
Once it's in motion, you can calculate the rate it dissipates as normal.
That is what an electron IS. An electron is a measurement of the conversion
of energy. Its not some fallacious particle orbiting the non existent nucleus
of an atom. Are there calories orbiting your fat cells? No.
A calorie is a unit of measurement for the conversion of energy on a
particular scale.
Conversion of energy means diverting some of that current. On the atomic
level, more order allows for more air flow through the lattice. More air =
more power. Ordered Air flow on the atomic level is called an electric
current on our scale.
Any material aligned and locked in that state would be electric with a
constant even flow of energy all around it. Like a battery that never runs out.
If the alignment was deep enough, it might even shock you if you touched it.

The electron theory invented by Neils Bohr was never substantiated or

observed and still has not been to this day. No One has ever seen an atom or
its so called parts as they show in the cartoons and text books.
The original model slowly shifted from a ball orbiting an atom to an
anomalous cloud with balls popping in and out of existence.
I highly encourage people to look into the wise work of Dewey B Larson.
The Case Against the Nuclear Atom.

And also the Electric Universe Model:

Scientists are seeing charged magnets on extremely small scales. They dont
know how to account for Neutrinos and all these things particles popping in
and out of existence because they have no conception of the inner order of
things. They only know outward order.
John Searl's Law of Squares is a way to find the ideal inner order structure
of a given element, and can also calculate a lot more. Its so involved, John
Searl literally wrote over 30,000 pages in 100 different book sets with even
more books of data.
Each square is representative of a type of material on a micro scale
If you can send an electric charge through that material according to the
fractal lattice structure of a given element, you will ALTER the structure of
that element to form a perfect crystal.
Atoms align according to the shape of the electric charge sent through that
So if you send a fractal shaped electric charge through the material, you will
create it's Ideal structure and it will be Much more reactive and pure than
any other like particle.
There is a theoretical battery from 1980 that can run forever called
Electrinium. Another battery in Romanian Museum called Karpens Pile.
John Hutchison created a crystal battery as well as Marcus Reid. Theres an
unlimited amount of options because you can restructure any atomic lattice
given that you have the code, or harmonic scales and overlay them in phase.
Also look into the Kowski-Frost Experiment with crystals and manipulating
the lattice, and the patents developed by Lonnie G Johnsons Battery and
JTEC Engine.

There is a company called Correlated Magnetics Research that is the only

other people experimenting with different magnetization processes.
Here is a video demonstration and explanation of their work.
Programmable Magnets:
Non Linear Magnetics:
Max Field Magnets:
Correlated Magnetics Research has a very unique magnetization process
which realigns the atomic make up of a material to create a unique array.
Here is a gaussian graph of CMRs magnet to see the shape of the unique
magnetic imprint.
Notice the divets Just like the ground in the Egypt desert pictures.
The Lower right hand picture is of a microscopic image taken of a Beetles
Elytra. (Hydrophilus Triangularis)
The holes in the desert floor are mimicking the Same image as seen on a
SCARABs Shell.

To talk about the Attraction / Repulsion factor of magnets, we have to look

at Walter Russells Twin Opposing Vortexes and the analogy of Snake
Scales / Slinkys, or even 2 raging rapids running parallel.
If both stream run the same way, that is attract. If they run against each
other, that is repel.

The repulsion comes from the alignment of atoms which create moving
streams of atomic / aetheric currents in 1 direction. Going against the current
is repel. Going with the current, is attract.
Imagine snake scales.
The snake scales are all facing 1 direction so when the snake slithers, it
moves the snake forward.
If you try to rub 2 snakes together against the grain, the scales will dig into
each other. (repel)
If you try to rub 2 snakes together so the scales allow for a smooth glide...
that would be attract.

These are some pictures of microscopic ordering of;

A Fox Tail, Snake Scales, A Beetles Antenna, Porcupine Quill, Wasp Leg
and Arrowhead.

All of these things show the flow of energy in a particular direction.

Thats why they grow like that. And like the concept of an arrowhead only
goes In. Tough to pull out because youre fighting against a diode or oneway valve.
Channeling the subtle currents of Aether / Random Ambient Energy is like
carving a path for water or wind.
Nature meanders.
Guide the naturally occurring streams in perfect sine waves and the energy
will accelerate along those channels. Straight lines is Most resistance.
There is nowhere in the Universe that doesnt have a rotating frame of

All direction is curved and all motion is spiral. -- Walter Russell

Nature was my teacher. -- Viktor Schauberger
Schaubergers Implosion Repulsine which sucked in air through helical
slots. It pushed the air at tangential angles which induced a spiral flow.

Nothing ever travels in a straight line unlike Mans Laws, or rather Rules.

But if you have fractal or repeating patterns where the water falls naturally,
it will enhance the quality, reduce impurities, have lower surface tension and
much more.

Imagine 2 slinkys corkscrewing through each other.

The slinkys are 180 degrees Out of Phase and pushing forward with a Right
Hand Twist.
This is what people observe as attract:

Here is a moving graphic to help visualize.
The slinkys represent Waves.
Waves can pass through other waves (given they are in the right phase)
But Mass cannot pass through other mass.
Mass flows Around a wave.
The mass collects where the waves go through, which gives the false
impression that the mass is attracting.
Its not.
The mass is seeking to Repel THROUGH each other.
There is Repel away... and there is Repel THROUGH.
The inward thrust of repel is misinterpreted as attract / gravity / pull.
Inward Repulsion is a Vortex, and a vortex is ALL pushing forces.
Man Made Magnets are cylindrical because of the sloppy magnetization
process currently used the industry.

Natures magnets are Cones or 3D Phi Spirals.

Leonardo Da Vincis drawings.

This is the Flower of Life image, laser burned into a granite stone at the
Temple of Dendera, over 12,500 years ago!
The black and white picture is a cymatic pattern of dye in water.
The glass of water is vibrated at a certain harmonic, and a 3D shape forms
expressing the shape of the currents.

AS the conical energies pass through each other on the Z axis, a ring begins
to expand radially outward on the X and Y axis.
All Science observes is the Ring (Bloch Wall) which is a mere
representation of 2 Conical streams of energy converging.

Look at the scientific piece of equipment called a Vortex Mixer.
The water is NOT being pulled down.
The electricity from the power source is pushing through the wires.
The magnetic field from the wires is pushing the stir bar in the bottom of the
glass of water.
As the electricity goes through the coil of wire in the black box and there is
an Alternating Current back and forth.
That makes the magnetic stir bar spin in the glass.
All of this is pushing forces so far. No pulling involved.
That magnetic stir bar is Pushing on the water around it which induces a
All that water is being Pushed to form that vortex.
All we Observe is the illusion that the tip of the vortex is being pulled
down to the bottom of the glass.
There is no pull.
But what is the vortex?

The water isnt the vortex.

The water is merely taking the shape of the vortex.
Remember Bruce Lees quote.
Be shapeless, formless, like water.
Put water in a cup, it becomes the shape of the cup.
Put water in a tea pot, it becomes the teapot.
Now water can flow... or it can crash.
Be water my friend.
Water doesnt have any shape.
It takes the form of whats around it.
So when you see a vortex, youre seeing the shape of the uniform energy
The water is not the vortex.
The body is not the mind.
The metal is not the magnet.
The alignment of the water allows for a larger vortex to express itself.
The alignment of the body allows for the mind to express itself.
The alignment of the atoms making up a metal are allow for the subtle
currents to express themselves.
The water is being PUSHED to expand outward radially at the equator
which then condenses at the poles and PUSHES inward according to Phi.

The inward thrust of electricity is mislabeled pull or attract.

Its an illusion of observation.
Man has developed countless equations and branches of PSYENCE, dealing
with the ASSUMPTION of pulling forces.
So called experts and geniuses made up fake concepts like dark matter
to justify their failed model of the Atom, the failed model of the Solar
System, failed model of gravity and light, and a lot more.

One person can see Twin Opposing pushing forces in Nature and develop
MANY practical and beneficial technologies.
The rest of people will see a pulling force originating from no where that
can never be proven.
Technologies made from the foundation of pulling forces include
Rocketry, Nuclear Bombs, and standard electro-magnetics.
Technologies made from a foundation of Twin Opposing Pushing Forces
includes: Rife Frequency, Teslas wireless electricity, UFO flight
capabilities, Force Fields, Biomagnetism and more beyond comprehension.
Those who made up the equations and models will defend them with their
lives. Those who profit from the indoctrination of such equations will claim
that anything other than their models is pseudo-science because their
credibility and books sales depend on it...
But who will listen to the information offered for Free?
Too many geniuses in the Scientific Community and not enough Wise Men.
All it takes to become a genius is to surround ones self with fools.
Better to be a wise man then a genius.
A wise man has logic of Nature regardless of who surrounds him.
A genius can just be the village idiot who the masses hoist onto an infallible
Einstein was CONSIDERED a genius.
Walter Russell WAS a wise man.
Tesla WAS wise man.
Ed Leedskalnin WAS a wise man.
Stephen Hawking is CONSIDERED a genius.
Pier Luigi Ighina WAS a wise man.
Dewey B Larson WAS a wise man.
Viktor Grebbenikov WAS a wise man.
John Searl IS a wise man.

The point is that there exists Completely different methods of magnetization

that No One seems to be studying, funding or experimenting with other than
John Searl and this CMR company.
SEG Mock Up vs SEG Prototype (Document):
1st Visit to Searl Magnetics (March 11, 2011):
Q&A December 3, 2011 at Searl Magnetics:
Theory of Operation:
SEG Background
Russian Validations
Searl Sites

BioMagnetism of Insects and the Cavernous Structure Effect (CSE) as

discovered by Viktor Grebbenikov.
This is a picture of the shell from a water beetle (Hydrophilus Triangularis)

Ancient Egyptian structure outside of a Temple

Here is a hieroglyphic of 2 half spheres.I feel that the half spheres represent
each half of the Scarabs Shell (Elytra)

Here are 2 screen shots taken from a video uploaded by someone in Russia.
The same location as Viktor Grebbenikov.
Viktor claimed that when he accidentally dropped 1 half of the shell from
the tweezers onto the other half... it levitated for a few moments before the
eddy currents were disturbed.

I encountered a Very similar phenomenon while doing that with a Bee.

It was running away from my tweezers slightly and when I went to lift my
hand away, the bee body followed as if a cob web was attached.
But no string, nothing. I used a paperclip to separate the thorax from the rear
end of the bee and when I let go, they snapped together like 2 magnets.

I thought it was a fluke but kept playing. When I retracted the paper clip, the
body followed and remained hovering underneath.

I got frustrated with the quality of the photo while hurridly trying to take
pictures with one hand and holding the paper clip in the other steady.

So I changed the setting on the camera to Macro and took more pics.
I did Not kill the bee. I found it dead on my front door step after a rain.
Treat Nature with respect and it will offer you clues.

I took some video too but didnt have it on the macro setting.
By the time I figured out the macro setting on the camera I had broken up
the nanoscopic parabolic array and it wouldnt duplicate the same effects.
The man at the podium speaking is Jerry Decker of and
Vanguard Sciences. My name is Jason Verbelli and Im just a guy who is
interested in all this, trying to piece it together because I see validity.

How does a seagull stay floating over a mountain range?

How does a person stay floating while Parasailing?
They catch the updraft.

The Feather has a nanoscopic array of funnels which contribute to the birds
flight. Same with the bees.
This is what they Really mean by teaching people about the birds and the
bees. When it flaps the wings, it not only blows the air on our scale but
atomically as well. If Leonardo Da Vinci had the nanotechnology to create
that array of feathers within feathers within feathers like a fractal. Then
the same amount of force you flap your arms would create lift.
How does a bee levitate even though its wings arent big enough to
aerodynamically create lift?
Its atomic structure is catching the atomic updraft from the Earths heat
which radiates outward on the atomic scale.
Look at the very symbol we use for Radiation. The circle symbolizes the
Earth which projects heat out from all directions.
The Earth is a Giant Radiation Area.

And if you catch the updraft on various scales, the mass in its entirety will
lift. And if you create an array of mountain ranges on the atomic scale,
youre going to float.

We keep seeing this same shape and concept OVER and OVER.

The Twin Opposing Vortexes. Or Intersecting Cones.

The upper left is the picture of Egypts desert with those strange divits in the
The upper right is a microscopic picture of the inside of that Hydrophilus
Triangularis shell (Elytra)
That grid / array of geometric shapes is on a concave surface to focus the
Aetheric currents.
That concave surface is a Cavernous Structure. The resulting effect is what
Grebbenikov labeled the CSE, or Cavernous Structure Effect.
The lower left corner is Bashars rendition of Walter Russells coils.Next
to that is the Hindu Sri yantra in 3D which is representative of intersecting
When a water drop hits the meniscus of a fluid, it creates the same shape as
all the others pictures.
Something is going on here!

I think we need an array of these intersecting cones lining a concave surface

on the microscopic, or even atomic scale. And need to be a dielectric

Bugs are made out of Chitin, which is cellulose based and dielectric.
Like the Casimir Plates.
The Casimir Effect is between 2 flat plates.

But thats like a cubic wind tunnel.

We want Sinusoidal wind tunnels. Helical / Conical as to catch and Reflect
the energy. Thats on a micro scale.

What about "Casimir Tubes" where the atomic wind (electricity) can blow
through the lattice more efficiently and we would reap much more energy on
the other end because you aren't impeding the current.
There is LIMITLESS potential in every wire. Meaning, if you align an
atomic lattice orderly enough on small enough scales, you will allow for that
same wire to have less impedance.
Combining the concept of the Casimir Plates and Joe Cell would reap a
Casimir Cell with concentric nanotubules, allowing for specific sized
harmonic waves to blow through the lattice, yielding exponential results.
I think solid wires are impeding electric current.
Electricity is ATOMIC WIND.
Wind needs to blow Through the lattice of atoms.
So if you were to make copper nano tubes.. it would give the energy more
room to breath. The wires wouldn't get as hot and you'd get a lot more
energy because it's the scale of the wind tunnel that directs the flow of
Smaller tubes, better efficiency.
Solid wires are like a cave with stalagmites sticking out everywhere.
The copper tubes need to be a small enough diameter so that there is an arc
of plasma within each tube.
Copper nanotubes would be exponentially more conductive than carbon
It's the tubular structure that is generating efficiency, not the material.
Normal carbon can't conduct electricity because of the ordering of the
atomic lattice, giving science the false impression that carbon isnt as
conductive as copper.
By nanoengineering it... the carbon acts as a diode for that energy at smaller
scales. That nanoengineered carbon will be much better than standard
But if you nanoengineer the copper... you're getting ridiculous power.
Its all about order. The more order on smaller scales, the more energy you
will reap with the same amount of force.

Natures slow duplication on the macro scale. Not as uniform. But there
must be some harmonic within the Earth contributing to the formations like
a geologic Cymatic (Chladni) pattern over the course of time.

Viktor Grebbenikov

The Earth is radiating heat from within.

The heat is pushing outward away from the Earth.
The heat is a wind.
Its a Very strong wind on the atomic level.
So if we can align these suction cup looking things on the bottom of a
surface... and they have that grid of cone shapes... I think if that grid was
small enough, it would catch that ambient wind spiraling up from the Earths
surface and lift that object from Aetheric Wind.
Science would OBSERVE that as an object riding a magnetic wave.
They can make up all the equations they want and all the cartoon models
they can draw. Its Aetheric Wind. Atomic currents. Period. Aether is sexy.
Its time to bring sexy back.
My World By Viktor Grebbenikov
And 30 other books by BRILLIANT Wise Men and suppressed Sciences.

Leonardo Da Vinis drawings followed by the work of Dan Winter.


In reality, there is no magnetism like they teach.

We are observing are electric PUSHING forces.
Catch the outward atomic wind and you float.
LIGHT is true Magnetism.
Light is rest.
All things in motion seek to achieve a state of rest.
The still magnetic Light of One.

Ed Leedskalnin was a BRILLIANT and mysterious fellow from Latvia who

built Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida using Very unconventional means
of lift.
He also carved the stones, quarried them and moved them by himself.

Coral Stone has many cavernous structures.

If you arent familiar with him watch this documentary hosted by Leonard

When mass is in alignment, it allows for that Aetheric Wind to flow.

If you are trying to cross a raging rapids, you will be pushed along with the
stream. If that stream is on a small enough scale, people call that a Magnetic
Current or Magnetic field. Its a stream of air on a different scale.
And if you try to touch that stream with your huge hand relative to the atoms
making up your hand. You will not affect the stream because its on
another scale. Another dimension or frame of reference.
The stream on that scale is going between the atoms making up our hand,
therefore when we pick up a magnet it just feels like a regular piece of
If you could consciously shift the alignment of your hand (chi) you can alter
the flow of energy and attract or repel matter.
Flow is alignment. Alignment is healthy.
If youre body is aligned the energy will flow accordingly and you will reap
the energy on the scale at which you are aligned.
Why does a star shine?
Because there is so much order on the atomic level, it allows for the still
light already present to shine through the lattice of Mass and Energy shifting

The Light is already there. But its being obstructed by the motion of energy
on various scales around us.
Create order and the light can shine through the channels you create in the
medium of space.

What is Enlightenment?
Its when the Human body is consciously aligned on the atomic level and
beyond which allows for the Still Magnetic Light to shine through the lattice
of your being. Literally glowing.
Not some esoteric tem to mean, I know more than you.
Its an alignment within.
The Light is within You.
Anyone aligned like that (Jesus Jmmanuel, Buddha, Krishna) will affect
the flow of energy of others, thereby restoring ease where there was disease.
This is the Science of Spirituality.
Religion is the commercialization of Spirituality and the bastardization of
Mass + and Energy Light is 0, the stationary fulcrum.
If you align the mass and energy according to Feng Shui on that scale... you
will achieve Light. Its the random motion of mass and energy that is
blocking the still magnetic light. Thats why we look into space and see
darkness. We are observing the fluctuations of space.
Light is the absence of all motion.
Both Time and Space are in motion.
Both Mass and Energy are in motion.
All positive and negative forces are in motion.
But Light IS. And its the absence of all motion.
Thought is motion. Seeking a desire.
Light is no desire. The Light is within you. Be Still. Be Centered. Be
Balanced. All these ancient sayings are more than clich.
According to Alchemy and Pier Luigi Ighina, the Sun is Black.
Or rather.... its a hole in time and space that is allowing the Light to Shine
through the lattice of alignment. The deeper the hole on the atomic or
aetheric scale.... the brighter the star. But its not just 1 hole.
Its like looking through a lattice.

This is a picture of a Quasicrystal. 5 Fold Symmetry thought to be

impossible in Nature.
Penrose lattice. A quasicrystal is 11 times harder than diamond.
This picture was taken by Pier Luighi Ighina using his Lenticular
Microscope he invented with Guglielmo Marconi.
The Microscope could see in real color, in real time... and could slow the
movement of an atom (magnet) to near zero.The microscope magnified 1.6
Billion times! It had an oval shaped lens that spun and another microscope
attached looking at the inverse reflection in pulses.
Like watching water fall in a darkened room only lit by a strobe light.By
adjusting the speed of the flash, you can SEEM to stop the water in mid air
or reverse it.
John Keely claimed to observe the same phenomenon with his microscopes.

The book Quadriuvium is a Must have for people interested in waves,

resonance, harmonics, art, etc.

This is a Cosmic Dehydration Device called Aquapol. Water will retreat

from the walls of a household even in humid areas next to the ocean.
There will never be any wood rot or wet molds.

Document and Brochure:

Ancient Egypt Clues to Energy and Aetherics

There is so much more to discuss and show, its

CERN, NASA, Plasma Study, Nuclear
Technology, etc This stuff takes FUNDING,

4th Law of Thermodynamics:

If you have enough evidence to create
reasonable doubt for any of the first 3 laws.
No funding for You!

You get what you pay for.

And you pay for what you want most.
The people of the world pay for gas, oil, radiation, and the carcinogens that
come with it. For war, for company bailouts, etc.
We must Really want all that stuff!
Money spent on war, gas, oil, nukes, bailouts ....
$1,864,592,488,503,009,778,021,599 (and rising)
Money spent on New Energy Technologies ... $0
Follow the money as they say.
If they are too big to fail, then we must be too small to succeed.
Rather than dropping another 25 million dollar missile on some poor
persons home in Afghanistan... why not hold off on 1 missile, give that
money to people like John Searl, John Bedini, Marko Rodin, Andrea Rossi
or SOMEONE who will try something new rather than spending BILLIONS
of dollars to repeat our actions expecting different results.
We all know Einsteins famous quote regarding Insanity.
All Im saying is... if the Pentagon spent $84 million dollars today... why
cant we get 1?
All Im saying is... if BP oil can make 5.6 BILLION dollar PROFIT after
spilling oil in the Gulf of Mexico.... Why cant we get 1 million?
All Im saying is... if the Federal Government can print fiat currency notes
out of thin air to bail out banks and car companies for BILLIONS of
dollars... why cant they just print some more out so WE can have some too?
If free energy technologies were given equal funding to NASA or CERN, we
would feed the world rather than bomb the world.
You get what you pay for.
So... what are YOUR tax dollars doing these days?


The SEG project needs to proceed in certain stages which each need their
own levels of funding.
For the 1st stage, we need to prove/ REprove every facet of the SEG every
step of the way and document it.
This means verifying the theory of operation in a number of ways.
If you were to sit a regular magnet next to a uniquely magnetized Searl
Magnet, there would be no way to tell the difference with your naked eye.
There are subtle differences between the SEG MOCK UP verses the
PROTOTYPE, and there are obvious differences between the two.
Everything people see in the videos on YouTube is the MOCK UP.
The MOCK UP is NOT a motor. NOT a generator. NOT a free energy
device. NOT a perpetual motion machine. Etc
The Mock Up demonstrator is a tool to verify the SEGs theory of
operation, to display basic magnetic interactions, spin forces and the
motorability of what the SEG PROTOTYPE Would look like if REbuilt
according to Professor Searl's specifications.
The MOCK UP is fed DC power FROM the coils.
1.5 volts @ .06 amps turns 8 pounds of weight 200 orbital RPM. At the
same time the rollers orbit, they spin on their Centripetal axis at 14,500

We can test the torque of the rollers and speed of rotation by using a
digital tachometer.

And if we orient the stator to spin 90 degrees to the axis in the previous
pic, we can see that after a certain RPM, a roller will create a stable
frictionless gap from the eddy currents between the copper and magnet.

Rather than having the stator ring remain stationary and the rollers orbit
around... we can inverse the roles and have the stator ring spin while the
roller remains stationary.
This is one of the units used to validate and isolate certain aspects of the
SEG theory of operation:

Video Showing Various Experiments:
The PROTOTYPE is made active as a generator from the harmonic
magnetization process and the combinations of resonance between the
materials making up the SEG.

There's about a years worth of R&D and tests to be done with the
magnetization process. Even when you have the correct frequencies, its
trial and error to get everything right and to be able to duplicate it
Only get 1 chance to magnetize a given piece of metal. Cant just
remagnetize something. Have to start from scratch and manufacture the
part again and try another time. When that aspect of research and
development is perfected, we can magnetize the first ring and first set of
This will make the magnetic reactions take place as Professor Searl has

The rollers will orbit the stator and operate as a frictionless magnetic
bearing and without conventional power.
No coils like people see in the videos of the SEG Mock Up.
The coils in the MOCK UP are to Deliver power TO the standard magnets.
The coils in the PROTOTYPE Collect power FROM the uniquely magnetized
The only thing maintaining the rotation of the magnets in the PROTOTYPE
is the ionized air being generated from the rollers orbiting the stator rings.
(Which a person initiates by pushing the magnets)
Pushing the magnets will initiate the magnetic reactions.
The ionized air is pushed outward from the centrifugal orbit of the rollers
(), but is then drawn back to the center from the centripetal spin
combined with the attraction of the electrons to the rare-Earth
Neodymium core. (+)
The ionized air forms a current which completes the toroidal circuit.
Once the circuit is complete the rollers will not stop spinning until an
outside force breaks the circuit.
The amount of electron pressure (atomic wind) inducing the rollers to
orbit is more than enough current to maintain rotation.
It's speculated there is 10^127 joules of energy per cubic centimeter of
The SEG generates a 3mm thick "vacuum" within that toroidal current. That
gap prevents oxidation, contributes to the frictionless magnetic bearing,
eliminates vibration and heat, etc.

Magnetic fields flow 90 degrees to an electric current.

The magnets in both the MOCK UP and the PROTOTYPE want to travel 90
degrees to the direction of the toroidal electric current; therefore, they
orbit the stator.

MOCK UP feeds power TO the magnets.

The coils in the MOCK UP send a charge FROM the Rim TO the Center.

The PROTOTYPE inverses the roles of the coils and magnets.

The PROTOTYPE receives power FROM the magnets and the charge travels
FROM the center To the rim.

The coils in the PROTOTYPE are present only to COLLECT the energy
delivered from the moving magnets.
The electric current in the SEG is donut shaped and loops up and down on
the Z axis. That ionized current induces the rollers to spin 90 degrees to
the direction of that toroidal current on the X and Y; therefore, the rollers
orbit and spin which maintains the shape of the circuit.
The rollers spinning without the presence of coils will be self evident proof
of concept.
Professor Searl says the rollers will accelerate to an idle speed of 2000
orbital RPM and spin on their Centripetal Axis of 145,000 RPM.
Achieving and documenting all of that is Stage 1 of Research and
Development. If we had full funding Today, it would take about a year to
complete all that.
Many people don't read the info and seem to think the claims made for
the SEG somehow apply to the MOCK UP seen in all the YouTube videos.
It takes conventional power to run the MOCK UP.
The magnets in the MOCK UP are standard.
The magnetic layers of the PROTOTYPE are magnetized using regulated
harmonic frequencies which the current industry does Not practice.

Magnets imprinted with harmonic variations do NOT behave the same.

We can see the difference between White Light and Blue Light.
But we cannot see the difference between isolated bandwidths of
Modulating specific frequencies during a magnetization process will result
in a uniquely magnetized material, specific to that frequency. It will
function and resonate like a tuning fork at that frequency, but in a
magnetic sense. Resonating with the very atoms composing the SEG,
which are also tuned to specific resonant frequencies. And when in
operation, other atoms begin to resonate to the SEG within the radius of
the projected harmonic fields.

The whole idea of the SEG is the magnetized Ferrite layer in the ring and
roller sets which attract each other. And like any other rare-Earth magnet,
the resulting system produces powerful magnetic fields. When in rotation,
they become like a giant magnetized iron atom. The neodymium rareEarth material acts as an electron reservoir for current flow which extends
radially through the layers of the ring and roller sets.
Nominal output of the SEG is 100 KV @ 1.5 milliamps.
There are multiple combinations of magnetic interactions taking place.
The uniquely magnetized layers attract each other between the Rings and
Rollers, acting as sprocketed helical gears. The points / pin pricks of
magnetism are symmetrically and evenly spaced around the circumference
of each stator ring and roller which create a sine wave. The magnetic
imprint on the roller is 90 degrees out of phase to magnetic imprints on
the stator rings.
MOCK UP has friction.
The PROTOTYPE is a linear motor operating on a frictionless magnetic
bearing. Its like a 2 phase induction motor. Rotation increases the effect
of current flow radially outward through the layers of the SEG. Like a
diode, rotation speeds up as output increases resulting in a tandem
temperature drop and weight-loss. Similar results were achieved by Viktor
Schaubergers Implosion devices; as well as, Floyd Sweets Vacuum Triode
Amplifier and Roschin & Godins experiments.
The SEG PROTOTYPE does NOT need coils for the magnets to maintain
rotation like the MOCK UP.

All the materials in the PROTOTYPE are in atomic resonance with each
other & manufactured to the micron. The resonance contributes to an
unprecedented synergistic outcome unlike conventional machines.

After Serious investors see the 1 Ringed proof of concept model, they will
obviously have incentive to fund the next stage of development which is to
manufacture the other 2 larger rings with the full sets of rollers.

It will take an additional few months to perfect the magnetization process

on the larger pieces. That will produce a fully working 3 Ringed SEG.
In order to REbuild a working PROTOTYPE that can display Searl's claims,
it will take about 8 - 12 months of R&D, trial and error with the
magnetization process & harmonic frequencies and a few other factors.

The cost of R&D for that year is about $500,000. For labor, materials,
shipping, energy required to run the facility and industrial equipment, etc.
The R&D for that year will produce 1 uniquely magnetized Ring and 1 set
of uniquely magnetized Rollers.
For a craft big enough to hold 3 people and demonstrate flight capabilities
with inversed inertia, that would cost about $25 million dollars after Stage
2 is complete.
Searl had plans for a 1000 foot diameter craft to hold 2000 people for
purpose of busing to the space station and then to the moon and back
for commercialized day trips. Just imagine the cost of that craft. Tens of
Millions if not more.

The amount of funding will dictate what can be brought to fruition.

But to get there or even think about those later stages, we still have to go
through the work of research and development to REprove Professor
Searls claims every step of the way.
That takes time, money and effort.

This would replace the grid. Your home's power box would be connected
to the SEG from within your own home.
So anything you plug into the sockets in your wall will be powered by the
SEG. And the SEG can handle the load of everything in your home.
You'd still use the same wall sockets, but you wouldn't have to pay anyone
for the power and you will never have black outs.
The smallest unit to display the Searl Effect (self regulating, frictionless
magnetic bearing) is an 18 inch diameter ring weighing about 150
The full 3 Ringed unit delivers 15 Kilowatts and would weigh about 350
pounds 36 inches x 36 inches and 8 inches high.

They can be scaled up from there, but have to be specific harmonic sizes
according the John Searl's "Law of Squares" also referred to as Lo Shu's
Magic Squares, or I-Ching Math / Vortex Mathematics.

The magnetizers are DC coils with 1 turn of AC wrapped around it. The
AC and DC must be turned on and off simultaneously. Magnetization onoff duty cycle is normally less than 2 seconds.
Only the third layer of the SEG is magnetized. The Ferrite Layer.
The neodymium is not magnetized.
Some people used to argue that Professor Searl couldn't have build his
SEG back in 1946 because neodymium wasn't used as magnets until

But John Searl never magnetized the neodymium. It's always been raw.
The inner most material is the reservoir.
Only the "particle accelerator" layer is magnetized.
The whole idea of the SEG is the harmonically magnetized ferrous layer
relative to the plate and runner. The plate and run join to each other, and
like any other rare-Earth magnet, the resulting system produces powerful
magnetic fields.
While in rotation, it becomes like a gigantic crystallized iron atom.
The neodymium or any rare-Earth is the reservoir, or opening to the
Atomic Wind Tunnel.
This is for low frequency waves which flow radially through the layers of
the SEG from the inner ring out to the rim.
Nominal output of the SEG is 100KV @ 1.5 milliamps.
The magnetization process imprints tangential waves something like the
sprockets of a helical gear with points of magnetism regularly spaced
around the circumference of each plate and runner set.
This forms a "sine wave" around each plate and roller set. 90 degrees out
of phase on the 0 line of each cyclical sine-wave on the sets.
(this looks like a rotating spot on an oscilloscope) and yet the rollers are
forced to float by the resulting eddy currents and diamagnetic
The rollers rotate on their centripetal axis in the presence of a
paramagnetic element like copper, or aluminum.
The design of the SEG is simple, but you must have an understanding of
Lo-Shu's "Magic Squares"/ John Searl's Law of Squares/ Vedic Squares etc
If the sums of the squares are not correct and the DC / AC magnetization
isn't right on the layers, the system won't function.
The device is like Howard Johnson's 1979 permanent magnetic motor
patent and laws he called "Spintronics."
The SEG is also a source of mechanical torque.

The Searl Effect Generator is like a 2 Phase induction motor, with a RareEarth core on the rings and rollers. This makes each part of the device a
generator in itself.
Rotation increases the effect of current flow radially through the SEG to
the awaiting coils.
Like a diode, or gate or hydroelectric dam, but for ambient heat on the
atomic scale and beyond.
With more load draw, the magnets spin faster which generates more
atomic wind chill and harmonic order.
More order, more flow and the system perpetuates itself resulting in a
relative pressure drop IN and around the device.
We see the same dynamic in Viktor Schaubergers Implosion Repulsine
and Floyd Sweet's Vacuum Triode Amplifier.
More load placed on the devices and the colder it gets, more drastic drop
in weight, increase in speed, etc.

When investors see the rollers levitating around the uniquely magnetized
ring... silently, with no friction and "nothing" powering that will give
incentive to fund the other 2/3 of the device. The next phase.
That will need a few more months to purchase, ship and modulate the
larger magnetizers needed to complete the larger rings.
When all the industrial manufacturing is duplicated repeatedly and the
parts are magnetized to Professor Searl's specifications.... THEN we can
start to move into the next phase will be to manufacture 100 SEGs a week
for the first year.
Those units will cost about $8500. 1 time fee. Never any maintenance.
After the first year of production. Searl Magnetics will earn enough profits
to open a larger facility and manufacture 1000 SEGs a week.
The prices will drop because materials could be purchased in larger bulk.
The price of the second year units will be about $2500.
To get there... we've needed to establish a trustworthy team who won't
threaten, poison, rob or do illogical things to John Searl and his
information. (as people have done before)
In September of 2010, the Magnetics Facility was established in Southern,
All the industrial equipment has been acquired also.
The latest being the CNC precision lathe needed to shave the actual
materials and mold the pieces of the SEG.
This whole time since 1982, Professor Searl has tried to get the project
back on its feet.
I've been working on this for about 6 years.
People have wanted to help out for years, but it's been illegal to donate
because Searl Magnetics isn't a non profit 501c3.
All avenues to acquire major funding fell through. Been able to slowly get
the industrial equipment and facility now.
Over 6 years of legal battles and just the other day we WON!

I have been careful (sometimes a bit forceful) to dissuade people from

collecting monies illegally.
The inevitable trouble (IRS, SEC, etc.) would have been too much to
But now...
Below is the confirmed destination for "DONATIONS".
Fully compliant with SEC and IRS mandates.
Saturday March 3, 2012 marked the first time in history that Legal
protection has been established for Free Energy Technologies to get
Not just 1 technology But about a dozen.
Rather than donate to the Cancer Society, Unicef or other mainstream
charities.... why not donate to John Searl's Technology and all other free
energy technologies..... NOW THAT WE CAN!!!
We had been prevented from getting funding until Saturday.
Tell your investors, companies and friends that they can write it off on
their taxes like Any legitimate charity.
The money goes to BUILD THE SEG DEVICES and Market the devices of
others that are already built.
My personal choice is John Searl's Technology because I know the
implications and how close we are to bringing these devices BACK to
Here's the one for Searl. Everything is OFFICIAL!

Money to actually go to a Free Energy Project and not to line the pockets
of some CEO. It's a new world.
People have been saying that they WANT to fund, but can't.
Because there's no incentive and they can't write it off on the taxes.
Companies MUST donate at the end of the year to lower their bracket.
Now it's time for people to put their money where their mouth has been
so we can get this off the ground. Literally!
For a higher level of understanding regarding Searl Technology, please
visit these links below. As a people, we need to clear up the
misconceptions, semantics current terminology used to describe energy
and how it moves.

Add me on Facebook and ask me about the rest of the pics:
1st Visit to Searl Magnetics - March 2011:
2nd Visit - December 2011:
SEG Background:
Russian Validations:
Official Searl Sites:
Jason Verbelli Interview on Searl Technology and Magnets:
What a Magnet Is and Why (9 Parts):
Atomic Feng Shui - Aetheric Diodes and Magnetization:
James Gilliland of ECETI Interviews Jason Verbelli
Twin Vortexes - VBM - Winged Sun - Free Masons - (MAGNETS)
Magnetism On / Off Switch:
Multi-Polar Magnets - Nanomagnetic Engineering:

Utron and 120 Point Rodin Coil:
Pulsing Rife Frequencies via Dr. Bob Beck Circuit:
Correlated Magnetics Research - Non Contact Attachment:
Non-Linear Magnetics:
Max Field (600% Stronger w less mass):
ElectroCulturing Patents for Plants:
BioMagnetism Healing Properties:
skycollections youtube channel:
Lee Burtons youtube channel:

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