Quantum Physics: Dan Hooper Fermilab Saturday Morning Physics
Quantum Physics: Dan Hooper Fermilab Saturday Morning Physics
Quantum Physics: Dan Hooper Fermilab Saturday Morning Physics
Dan Hooper
Saturday Morning Physics
Physics in 1900
The ideas of Isaac Newton continued to provide the
foundations of physics
Our understanding of electricity,
magnetism, heat had grown steadily
over the past 100-150 years
Electrons are waves as big as the atoms they are part of!
Our Newtonian picture of electrons orbiting a nucleus like planets
orbiting the Sun is not really correct
Are You A Wave?
Instead of electrons being in planet-like orbits, they are unchanging
standing waves, “smeared out” over the volume of the atom
But What is “Waving”?
• Water waves are made up of water molecules;
peaks of the waves are where there is the most
Most Likely
Least Likely
Quantum Waves And Probability
Many quantities have probabilities that are described by the
wavefunction - location, velocity, energy, time
Particles are not, generally speaking, at one place at one time, nor
are they moving with a singular velocity, or possess a singular
quantity of energy
+ =
The Double Slit Experiment
If we shoot (non-wavelike) particles through two
slits in a barrier, and watch how they
accumulate on a far surface, we get the same
pattern that we would have gotten if we shot
particles through one slit at a time and added
them up
The same is not true for waves passing through
the double slit; the two waves interfere with
each other
The Double Slit Experiment
Which way do electrons and photons behave?
Like particles?
Like waves?
Like something else?
The Double Slit Experiment
Which way do electrons and photons behave?
Like particles?
Like waves?
Like something else?
Moral of the Experiment:
Even An Individual Particle-Wave
Interferes With Itself!
Unlike waves made of sound, water, sound, or on
a string, quantum particle-waves cannot be
described as patterns with more or fewer
Quantum Weirdness
A Thought Experiment
Lets imagine that we have an unstable atom. We know it will decay,
but do not know exactly when. In fact there is no way to predict
when it will happen. We only know the probability of it happening
at different times in the future:
Probability of Decay
The moment at which the decay takes place is smeared out over time.
A Thought Experiment
If we watch the atom carefully, we can quickly learn when it decays
A Thought Experiment
Now lets imagine that our decayed/not yet decayed atom had been
placed next to a device that releases poison whenever the decay
takes place. Until we open the box, the poison is a superposition
of both released and unreleased states
A (Strange) Thought Experiment
Now lets imagine that our decayed/not yet decayed atom had been
placed next to a device that releases poison whenever the decay
takes place. Until we open the box, the poison is a superposition of
both released and unreleased states
And, lets imagine that a cat is locked inside the box with the atom
and the poison.
Until we open the box, the
cat is in a superposition of
dead and alive states
•So, before you open the box, the cat is both alive and dead, but
after you open it, it is only one or the other. What makes this
change from smeared out wavefunction to well-defined state take
place? What is so special about the act of observation?
OK, Seriously, What The F**k?
Right now, you probably find yourself asking questions like:
•So, you are telling me that individual things are in multiples
places at one time? And that individual events take place at
multiple times? You can’t really mean that.
•So, before you open the box, the cat is both alive and dead, but
after you open it, it is only one or the other. What makes this
change from smeared out wavefunction to well-defined state take
place? What is so special about the act of observation?
If so, you are asking the same kinds of questions that were
being asked by the physicists who invented quantum mechanics
in the 1920s and 1930s
Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
(What does this all mean?)
Physicists debated hotly what these discoveries in quantum physics
really meant… in fact, they still argue about it today
One of the most common and most popular way to think about
quantum physics is called the “Copenhagen Interpretation”
(advocated by Niels Bohr among others)
Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
(What does this all mean?)
According to the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum
Mechanics, whenever an observation is made, the wavefunction of
particle collapses, and the particle takes on a single value of the
quantity being measured (position, time, energy, momentum, etc.)
Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
(What does this all mean?)
According to the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum
Mechanics, whenever an observation is made, the wavefunction of
particle collapses, and the particle takes on a single value of the
quantity being measured (position, time, energy, momentum, etc.)
Common objection: What is so special about observation? Why
does observation remove the quantum uncertainty that Heisenberg
showed in present in everything?
Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
(What does this all mean?)
Another interpretation of quantum mechanics that is popular
among physicists is based upon Everett’s Principle: a wavefunction
never collapses, but continue to evolve regardless of observation
Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
(What does this all mean?)
Another interpretation of quantum mechanics that is popular
among physicists is based upon Everett’s Principle: a wavefunction
never collapses, but continue to evolve regardless of observation
What does this imply? Well, before you open the box with
Schrodinger’s Cat inside, the cat is in a superposition of dead and
alive states:
Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
(What does this all mean?)
Another interpretation of quantum mechanics that is popular
among physicists is based upon Everett’s Principle: a wavefunction
never collapses, but continue to evolve regardless of observation
What does this imply? Well, before you open the box with
Schrodinger’s Cat inside, the cat is in a superposition of dead and
alive states.
After you open the box, you are
in a superposition of states in
which you are observing an alive
cat, and are observing a dead cat +
The wavefunction does not collapse,
but all quantum possibilities do occur
(although you perceive only one)
Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
(What does this all mean?)
Philosophically speaking, the Copenhagen and Many Worlds
interpretations of quantum mechanics are very different.
For example,
Copenhagen is indeterministic
Many Worlds is deterministic (all quantum possibilities happen)
*If you really want to give yourself a headache, ask yourself this: If two theories always
make the same predictions, what does it mean for one to be the “correct” theory. Could
two very different descriptions of nature both be correct? Might more than one version of
reality be “true”?