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Recommended Practice No. The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc.Published by The American Society for Nondestructive Testing. Ine 1 Adlingate Lane PO Box 28518 ‘Columbus, OH 432. $0518 ans electron or mechanical includ pemnission of the publisher No pare of this hook may be reproduced o transmitted in any forms by 4 photocopying, recording. or otherwise, without the expressed prion writ Copyright © 2007 by The American Society for Nondestructive Testing. Ine, ASNT is pot responsible for the authenticity or f2ecuracy of informaiion herein, Proddaets oF services that afe advertised of mentioned do not carry the endarsement or recomntendation af ASNT wks of The American Society for 1 HT Shudy Guide. Maserials Evaluation, Nondesivactive Testing Handbook, teved tialemarks of The American Society for IRRSP.NDI Handdhoote hie NDI feeitnician Nondestraciive Testing, Ine. ACCP, ASNT. 1 Research in Nondestructive Bvalaaiion and RNDE aod ae Notilestraciive Testing, Inc es of nondestructive test ASNT exists to create a safer world by promoting the profession and teelmolog ISBN-13: 978-1-57117-143, Printed in the United States of America (02/07 fst priming i 16 SNT-TO-1A (2008)FOREWORD This Recommended Practice establishes document provides recommended educational, experience anal taining requirements forthe different test methods e general framework for a qualification and cenifeation program, In addition. the Supplementary documents include question and answer lists, which may be used in composing examinations for nondestructive testing persnnnel er. that contracts see upon This rocommended practice is not intended to be used as a stiet sp require programs, which meet the intent of this document, For such conacis, purchaser and supplier must scceplability of an sm. lover's pr The verb "Should has been used Umoughout this document to emphasize the recommendation presented herein. Isis the comiployer’s responsibility to adress specilie needs and to modify these guidelines as appropriate in a written practice. In the employer's writen practice, the verb “shall” is to he used in place of “should to emphasize the employer's needs, The 2006 Eeition of SNF-FC- 4 is annotated so that users of the 2001 edition can quickly an easily locate new and updated material. The sertcal lines in the margins ofthis «locument indicate that information in the text bas heen moditied Inquiries related to this recommended practice should be dinected to the chair of the SVP-7C.JA Interpretation Panel at tbe following address. ‘The American Society for Nondestructive Testing 17H Arlingaie Lane PO Box 28518 Columbus, Ohio 13 Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008) iREVIEW COMMITTEE Publication and veview of this Recomm rule! Practice was under the direction of the SNF-TC-1A Review Committee which is committee of the Methods Division. The Methods Division repors to the Technical & Education Couneil of the American Society for Nondestructive Testi, Review Committee Members: Roland Valdes, Chir Thom Sehater, Vice Chair Brut 8. Kienlen, Secretary Charlie Longo, Stall Secretary Claude D. Davis, Subeommities Chair Cal Bortmas Nitied Broz William Cabe Robert Cameron Steve Cargill Teary L, Clausing Tames E. Cox David Culbertson Gerald Hacker Darell Hanis Gary Heat Keith R- Holt Chester Jackson Jim Kelly Ron Kruse Kevin Kupivz Technical & Education Counci Morteza K. Jafari, Chain Thom Schafer, Vice Chain/Secretary iy Recommended Practice SNT-TC-14 (2006) Edward Macejak Joseph Meck n Walter Matulewies Ray Morasse Ricky Morgan Phillip Myers Mark Pompe Bod Potier Michel Radkly Andrew Skaggs Kit Smart Ray Tsukimura Jokn Tyson Dave Vigne Gury Workman,CONTENTS Foreword Review Committee ix Personnel Quali nd Certification in Nondestructive Testing 1 Scope i Definitions 1 Nondestructive Testing Methods 2 Levels of Qualifiestion 2 Written Practice 2 Education, Training. and Experience Requirements for Initial Qualifieation 3 Training Programs 3 Examinations 3 Comtifieation 7 Tecimieal Performance Evaluation 7 Inienrupled Serview 8 Recenttication 8 Termination 8 Reinsiaiement 8 Table 6.3.1. 9 Table 6.3.1 B 10 Table 6.3.1 € i Basie Examination 12 General Level III Reguirements 2 Basies of Common NDT Metboxls B Basic Materials, Fabrication, ane Product Technol 16 PDM Basic Examination — Predictive Maintenance (PDM) Examination Spocilicatior Is ndix 19 Example Questions — Level [and Level I 1 Acoustic Emission Testing Method Ww Electromagnetic Testing Method 20 Fildy Current Testing Method! 2» Flux Leakage Testing Method 0 Method a Bubble Leak Testing Method 21 Halogen Diode Detector Leak Testing Methox! 2 Mass Spectrometer Leak Testing Method B Pressure Change Measurement Leak Testing Method z je Penetsant Testing Method! 35 netic Particle Testin 2 Neutton Radiographic Testing Method 26 Radiographic Testing Methox! n ‘Thermal Infrared Testing Method 2s Ulwasonie Testi, 2s Vibration Analysis Testing Method 2» Visual Testing Method » i Answers to Example Questions Recommended Practice SNTTO-1 (2006)i Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008)1 Personnel Qua Scope 1 Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A ication and Certification in Nondestructive Testing Iris ree capabilities of the personnel who ane responsible for, and pertorm, NDT, This Recommend Practice has been prepated 1 establish guidelines forth wgnized that the effectiveness of nondestructive testing (NDT) spplications depends upon the ualification and certfieation of NDT personnel whose specific sobs require appropriate know ledge of the technical principles underlying the nondesinuctive tests they perform, witness, monitor, or evaluate 1.2. This document provides guidelines for the establishment of « qualification an certification program. 13 These guidelines have been developed by The American Society for Nosdestractive Testing, Inc. 10 aid ‘employers in recognizing the essential factors to be considered in qualifying personnel engaged ip any of the NDF method's listed in Section 3 J Tess recognized that these guidelines may not be appropriate for certain employers’ elreumstaneces anion applications, In developing a writen practice as required in Section 5, the employer should review the detailed recommendations presented herein and modify them, as necessary. to meet particular needs Definitions, 2.1 Terms inelusied in this document are defined as follows 2.1. Certification: written testimony of qualifieat on 2.1.2 Certifying Authority: ihe person or persons properly designated in the written practice o sign certifications on behalf of the employer 1.3. Certifying Ageney: the employer of the personne! being eeritied 1.41 Closed Book Examination: an examination administered w th except for materials supplied with or in the examination (See 2.1.5 Comparable: being at an equivalent or similar level of NDT esponsibility andl difficulty as dlosermined by the employer's Level II] 6 — Documented: tae condition of be! Employer: the corporate. private, or public entity. whieh employs pessonnel for wages, salary. fees, at aecess fo reference ma cor olber considerations 21.8 Experience: work getivitie vision includ ‘omplished ina specific NDT method under the direction of| qualities the performance of the NDT method andl related activities but not ding tin canized Wain imited Certification: norslestructive test methods may be famtber subdivided into linited disciplines or techniques to meet specific employer's needs: these are Level I certifications, but t a bimited scope 21,10 Nondestructive ccomponenis and assemblies for meterials’ discontinuities, properties and machine problems without further impairing 's services ity, Throughout this document the term NDT applies equally so the NDT inspection metnods used for material inspection, flaw detection or 1 1 process that {nvolves the inspection, testing oF evaluation of materials, predictive maintenance (PEM) applications 24.11 Outside Agency: a company or individual who provides NDT Level HI serves and whose qualifications to proside these services have been reviewed by tbe employer eng or individual 2.1.12 Qualification: demonsuate skill, demonstrated knowledge, documented trai perience neguired for persrnne! to properly perfovm the dates ofa specie job 2.1.13 Recommended Practice: set al s procedures forthe qualification and cenificatios of NDT personne! t satisfy the emploger"s, aging the company and documented sidelines to assist the employer in developing uniform specific reouirem 21.64 Training anc qualification 2.1.15 Written Practice: a written procedure developed hy the employer that details the reguirements for qualification and cevtfieation of their employees. ized program developed ta impant the knowledge and skills necessary for commended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008) 13.0 Nondestructive Testing Methods 3.1 Qualifiestion und certification of NDT personnel ip aeconance with this Recommended Practies is applicable to each of the following methods, Acoustic Emission Testing Electromagnetic Testin Laser Testing Methods Leak Testi Liquid Penetrant Testing M Magnetic Panicle Testi Neuton Raciosrapic Testing Ragiographic Testi Thevmal/Intrared Testing Ultrasonic Testing Vibration Analysis Visual Testing lie Flas Leak, 4.0 Levels of Qualification 41 Th we are three basie levels of qualification. The witional levels a 4.2 While in the process of heing initially trained qualified, and certifi cone. A tiainee should work with a certified individual, The trainee shall noc dependently coneuct miployer may subvlivide these levels for situtions where ¥ for specitic skills and responsibilities ‘deemed neces ut inivihtal should he considered interpret, evaluate. or report Lae results of any NDT tes 43 The tne basic 43 1 cls of qualification are us Follow NDP Level |.An NDT Level [individual should be qualified to properly perform specie calibrations. specific NDT. and specifi evaluations for uevepiance or rejection determinations «cording 0 written instructions ae to recond results. The NDT Level [shoul reese the necessary instruction and supervision from a certified NDT Level IT or HL individual NDT Level I]. An NDT Leve! Il individual should be quai an to interpret ankl evaluate resuls with respect 10 to set up and calibrate equipment plicable coves, standards, an! specifications, The NDT Level II shou! be thoroughly familiar wich the seope and limitations of the methods for ‘which qualified and should esercise assigned responsibility for on the job training and guidance of trainees and NDT Level I personnel, The NDT Level IT should be able to organize and report the revalis of NDT ests NDT Level Ill. An NDT approvin specifications. ane procedures; and desigtatin procedures 10 be used. The NDT Level IIL sh qualified and assigned and shoul be eapable of interpreting tn evaluatin existing codes, staan, ane specifications, The NDT Level IIT should have sufficient practical background in applicsble materials, fabrication, snd prealuctsechnology to establish techniques and lo assist in establishing acceptance eriteria when none are oxherise available. The NDT Level IL should have general familiarity with other appropriate NDT methods, as demonstrated by an ASNT Level Il Basic examination or other means. The NDT Level II] in the methods in which eerified soould be eapable of uaining anu! examining NDT Level I and Il personne! for ceitifieation in those methods vel IIT individaal should be eapuile of developing. qualifying. and procedures, establish techniques, interpreting codes, standards the puuticular NDT methods, techniques, and JA ne responsible for the NDT operations for which resulis in terms of 5.0 Written Practice 5.1 The employer shall establish a written pructice for the control and administration of NDT personnel taining. exam nation, and certification 5.2 The employer's written practice should describe the responsibility of each level of certification for determining the acceptability of mat als or components in aecordance with the applicable codes, stands specifications, and procedures. 5.3 The employer's writen practice shall describe the raining, experience, and examination requirements for exch level of certification 2 Rocommenced Pr The employer's written practice shall be reviewed and approved by the employers NDT Level II The employer's written practice saall be maintained on lle NT-TG-1A (200860 and Experience Requirements for Initia! Qualification GAA Candidates for certification in NDT should have sufficien: educssion, wining. and es} {qualification in those NDT methods in wiieh they are bein prior cenification may be used by an employer as evidence of qualilieation for comparable levels of ‘onsiderad for eerification, Documentation of sentifieation 6.2 Documented training andior experience gained in postions and activities comparable 10 those of Levels 1. lor TH prior (© establishment of the employer's written practice may be considered! in saisfying the criteria of Section 6.4 6.3 Tobe considered for certification, a candidate should satisly one of the followit NDT level 63.1 NDT Levels ane I Table 6.3.1 4 lists the recommended rainin employer in establishing written practices for initial qualification of Level Land Level I siteria for the upplicable and experience factors to be considered by the individuals Table 6.3.1 B lists aliemate training employer in establishing wrsten practices for initial qualification of Level Land Level I incividuals. (The SNF-TC-JAReview Committee pans to remove Table 6.3.1 B with the next Table 6.3.1 C lists intial trainin factors whic may be considered by the employer for specitic limited applications as defined in the employer's written practice. 632 NDP Level IT w experience factors whieh may be considered! by the and expert -aated front a minimum four-year eolk 632) Have for university curriculum with dlograe in engineering oF science, plus one taditionsl year of experience beyond the h T requirements in NDT in an assignment comparable to that of an NDT Level IL in the ipplicable NDT methox(s), 01 63.2.2 Have completed with passing grades at least wo years of engineering or seienee study at 1c, 0F teehinieal sehool. plus 60 adeitional years af experience beyond the level HL requirements in. NDT in an assignment at least comparable to that of NDT Level I in the applicable NDT methods). or 63.2.3 Have four years experience beyond the level I] requirements in NDT in an assignment at least comparable to that of an NDT Level I i the applicable NDP methods) ‘The above Level II] requirements may’ be partially replaced by experience as a eentfied! NDT Level IT ‘or by assignments at least comparable to NDT Level Ifas defined in the employer's written practice 7.0 ‘Training Programs 7.1 Personnel being considered for inital vetfication should complete sufficient organized taining w become thoroughly familiar with the principles and practies of the specified NDT method related 10 the level of| certification desired and applicable 1 Uae progesses to be used an the produets to be tested 7.2. The taining program should include suificient examinations to ensuse understanding of the necessary information 7.3 Recommended taining course outlines and references for NDT Levels 1.1, ane TIT personnel, whieh may be used as technical source material, are contained in ANSLASNY CP-105 — apical Oualines for Qualification bf Nondestructive Testing Persone 7A The employer who purchases outside uaining services is responsible for assuring that sue services meet the requirements of the employer's written practi 8.0 Examinations 8.1 Administation and Grading 8.11 Ap NDT Level IIT shall be responsible for the administiation snd grading of examinations specified in Section 8.3 through 8.8 for NDT Level I-11, or other Level III personnel, The administration and jinling of examinations may be delegated to a qualified representative of the NDT Level Il and se recorded, A quulfied representative af the employer may perform the actual administration and grading of Level TIT examinations specified in S 8.1.2 For Level | and Il personnel, composite rae shoukd he determined by simple averaging of the resulis ofthe general, specific, andl practiesl examinations described below. Vor Level HL personnel the composite grace should be determined by simple aseraging of the results of he bas'e, method and specific examinations deserihed below 8.1.2 Examinasions administered for qualification should result in a passing composite graae of atleast Si percent, with no individual examination has ng a passing grace less than 70 percent ommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008) 3 Rev8.14 When an examination is salminjstered any outside del forthe employer by an ouside agency and the iy issues grades of pass or fail only, on a certified report, then the emplayer may accept the pass grade as 80 percent for that particular examination 8 The employer w ho purchases outside services is responsible for ensuring tha the esamination services meet the requirements of the employer's written practice 82. Vision Examinations Near Vision Acuity. Tae examination should ensure natural or corrected near distance acuity in at least one eye such that the applicant is capable of resling a minimum of aeger ‘equivalent type and size lower atthe distance designated on the chart but not less than 12 inelies 30.5 cm) oF a standard Jaeger test chat, The ability io pereeive an Ortbw- Rater minimam of § or similar test pattern is also acceptable. This should be salminiscered annually Color Contrast Differentiation. The examination shoulé lity of distinguishing ind cifferentiating enntrast among colors or shades af gra by the employer, This should be conducted upon initsl eerification and at five year intervals thereafter: General (Writen - for NDT Lovels F snd TH 83.1 The general esaminations should address the basie principles of the applicable method uring the examinations. the NDT Level TIT should scle be applicable method to the dey the Appendix for example questions The minimum number of questions that should be given is as follows monsirae Lhe 6 1 or devise appropriate questions jee required by the employer's writen practice. Number of Number of Level I Level IT ‘Test Method Questions, Questions, Acoustic Emission Testing 40 40 Electromagnetic Testing 0 0 1. Altemating Current Field Measurement 20 40 2 Eddy Current 4” 3. Flux Leakage Testing 0 40 4. Remote Fieid Testi 40 0 Laser Testing » 30 Leak Tesi 2» 20 Liguid Penetrant Testi 40 io Magnetic Flux Leakage 2% 20 Magnetic Particle Test 40 40 Neation Raviographie Testing 40 0 Radingraphie Testing 0 20 Film Interpreter (from trainee) NiA 40 Film Interpreter (from Level 1 NiA Digital Radioscopy Nis ‘Thermal Infrared Testing 40 Ultasonie Testing 40 Digital Thickness Measurement NIA A-Sean Thickness Measarennent NA Vibration Analysis 0 i Visual Testi 40 40 NJA: Nov Allowed Specitie (Written - for NDT Levels Land 11) SoL1 The spveitic examination should saklress the equipment, aperating procedures, and NDT techniques that the individual may encounter during specitie as employer's writen practice required by the 8.2 The specific examinasinn should also cover the specifications or codes and acceptance criteria used in the employer's NDT procedures. 8o.3 The miniman number of questions that should be given is as follows 4 Recommended Practic NT-TO-1A (2008)Number of Number of Level I Level IT ‘Test Methods and ‘Techniques Limited Certification Questions, Questions, Acoustic Emission Testin 2» 2» Electromagnetic Test 1. Alternating Cament Field Measurement 2» 2%» 2. Eally Cument » 20 3. Fly Leakage Testi » 2» 4. Remote Field Testing » 20 Laser Testing 1. Profilomety 2» 2» 2. Holography Shearugraphhy » 2» Leak Testing 1. Bubble Tes Is Is 2. Absolute Pressure Leak Test (Pressure Change 15 15 3. Halogen Diode Leek Test 15 15 4. Mass Speetrometer Leak Test 0 en Liquid Peretrant Testing » 20 Magnetic Flux Leakage 2 15, Magnetic Particle Testing » 20 Nealon Ragiogeapbie Testing 15 15 Radiographic Testing 2» 20 Film Interpreer (from trainee NiA 9 Film Interpreter (from Level 1 NA 15, Digital Radioscopy NA 20 Thermal!Infrared Testing 2» 2» Ulnsonie Testing 2» 2%» Digital Thieknoss Testing NiA io A-Sean ‘Thickness Testing NiA 15 Vibration Analysis 20 ow Visual Testing » 20 NYA: Not Allowed -erequite, wested and the rwesuits of the NDT analyzed proved hy the NDT Level IIT neck pints. and the results of the se of esponsibility as described in the employer's written mionstraied in selecting and reting and evaluating the of NDT variables and the employer's 85 Practical (for NDT Love! I and Th SS.1 The candidate should demonstrate familiity with and ability 10 aperate the necessary NDT ‘equipment record, and analyze the resul:ant information to the S852 Atleast one flawed specinien oF component should be by the candidate 85.3 The description of the specimen, the NDT procedure, including ‘examination should be documented SSA NDT Level | Practical Esamination. Profieieney should be demonstrated in pe applicable NDT on oe or more specimens or machine problems and av evaluating the vesulls to the d practice. A least ten (10) differen: checkpoints requiring an understanding of west variables and the temployer’s procedural requirements should be included in this pract eal examination, 833 NDT Level Il Practical Examination, Proficiency should be pevforming the applicable NDT technique within the method snd inserp Fesulis on one oF more specimiens or machine problems approved dy the NDT Level IIE \t least ten 1) different checkpoints requiring an underscandin procedural requirements should be included in this practical examination 8.6 Sample questions for general examinations are presented in the so obtained! fiom ASNT Headquarters. These questions an parate question booklets that ean be intended as examples only and should not be used verbatim for qualification examinations. The Follow ing is list of the booklets: Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008) 5‘Question ‘Test Method Booklets Acoustic Emission Testing G Electromagnetic Testing E 1. Altemating Cunent Field Measurement EA* 2. Eudy Current EE* 3 Flux Leakage Er 4, Remove Field Testing FR Laser Tesins 1. Profilomewy LP’ 2. Holography/Shearography LH Leak Tesing 1. Bubble Test HB, 2, Pressure Change Measurement HP ¥ Halogen Diode Leak Test Hn 4, Mass Spectrometer Test 1M Liquid Penetrant Testing D Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing MP Magnetic Particle Testing B Neution Radiograpie Testing F Radiographic Testing A ‘Thermal Tnfiared Testing i Ulwasonie Testing c Vibration Analys's kK Visual Testing 1 hk Level 1 87.1 ind II Written Examinations ‘course of preparation Additional Written, Specific and Practical Examination Criteria All Level [I], and IIT ysitten examinations should be elosed-book except that necessary dla, such as graphs. tables, specifications, procedures, cades, ete, may’ be provided with for in the eXamination. Questions utilizing Sue reference materials should require sm understanding of tbe information rather than merely locating the appropriate answer. All questions used for Level Land Level TT examinations should be approved by the responsible Level I] A valld endorsement on an ACCP Level IL centificate fulfills the comesponding examination crite graphs 8.3 and 8.5 for each applicable NDT ethod Level [and I] Specific Examinations The employer may delete the specific examination if the candidate has a valid ACCP Level IL cetificate in the method and if documented experience exisis to permit such Practical Examinations Successful completior described in pay fan ACCP Level IT general hands on practical examination may be considered as fulfilling the requirements of paragraph 8.5 88 NDT:PUM Level II Examinations Basic Examinations 88.1 88.1 NDT Basic Examination (equited only once when more than one method examination is luken). The minimum rumher of qaestions that should by SLL S812 fen is as follows: the SNIETE-34 document 10) questions relating to applicable materials, fabvivation, and Fifteen (15) questions relating to uaderstandi Twenty product technology SA8.L1.3 Twenty (20) questions that are similar o published Level TI. questions for ‘other appropriate NDT metoes. NT-TG-14 (2008PaM Basic Examination (requited only once when more than one method examination is token). The minimuon number of 4 SS.L21 Fifteen (15) questions relating to understand n is as follows. 1g the SNT-TC- fAdocument Twenty (20) questions relating to applicable muchinery technology Thirty (30) questions that are simikar (© published Level TEquestons for other appropriate PAM mets. ions that should by 88.2 Method Examination (for ech metho! 88.21 Thinty (30) questions relating to fundamentals and prineiples that ave similar 10 published ASNT Level IIL questions for each met hon ad Fifteen (15) questions relating to application and establishment of techniques and procedures that are similar to the published ASNT Level Ill questions for each method. and Twenty (20) questions relating to capability for interpreting eodes, standards, and specifications relating to tse micthoxl 88.3 Specific Examination (lor each method S8..1 Twenty (20) questions relating to specificutions, equipment, techniques, and procedures ipplicable to the employer's proxluet(s) anal methods employed and to the auiminisiation of the employer's written practice. 883.2 The employer may delete the specific examination if Uae candidate has a valid ASNT NDT Level IM or ACCP Professional Level IIT certificate in the method! and if documented esidence of experience exists. including the preparation of NDT procedures lo codes, standanels, oF specifications and the evaluation of test results SSAA valid endorsement on am ASNT NDT Level IL certificate fulfills the examination criteria described in 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 for exch applicable NDT metog 88S Avalid encirsement af an ACCP Professional Level ITT certificate fulfils the examination criteria dleserihed in 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 for exch applicable NDT methog 89 — Reexamination Those failing o attain the regained grades should wait at least thirty (30) days or receive suitable adlitional taining as determined by the NDT Level III bolore reexamination. 9 ication Cenification ofall levels of NDT personsel is the responsibility of the employer Centication of NDT personnel shall be based on demonstration of satisfactory qualification in accordance with Sections 6, and 8, as described in the employer's written practice. 93 Atihe option of the employer, an outside ageney may be engaged to provide NDT Level III services. In such insances, the sonsibilty of certification of the employees shall he retained hy the employer 94 Personnel certification reconds shall be maintained on file by the employer for the dasation specified in the 4 942 943 948 948 946 yaa 948 949 94.10 941 942 sitven practice and should include she followin, Name of certified indivicual Level of certification and NDT metiod Fulucational background and experience of certified individuals. ‘Statement indicating sutistactory completion of taining in accordance with the employer's written practice Results of zhe vision examinations prescribed in 8.2 for the current certification period ‘Curren: examination eopy(ies} or evidence of successful completion of examinations, Other suitable evidence of satisfactory qualifications when such qualifications are used in Lew of the specific examination prescribed in 88.3.2 rales} oF suitable evidenee of grades. rescribed in the employer's written practice Composite Signature of the Level I that verified qualifications of candidate for certification Dates of verification andor recertification andl the dates wf assigoments (© NDT Coniication expiration date Signature of employer's eottifying sathority. 10, Technical Performance Evaluation 18,1 NDT personnel mi he reexamined any time atthe diseretion of the employer and have their cemtifieaies extended or revoked 10.2 Periodical as defined in the employers written practice, the wechnical performance of Level Tan 1 personnel should be evaluated and documented by a NDT Level IT, The evaluation ane! documentation should follow the format and guigelines desersbed in section Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008) 711.0 Interrupted Serviee 111 The employer's written practice should include rules covering d types and duration of inzerrupted service that requires reexamination and recertification 11.2 The writen practice should specify the requirements for reexamination andior recertification for the interrupted service, 120 Recer n 121 All levels of NDT personnel shall be rweertified periodically in accordance with one of the fallow 121 Evidence of continu Jnnical performance. 12.12 Reexamination in those portions of the examinations in Section 8 deemed necessary by the employer's NDT Level IIL Recommended minimum recertification intervals ane S years forall certification levels, satisfactory te 122 13.0 Termination 13.1 The employer’s cetification shall be deemed revoked when employment is terminated 18.2 Level 1, Level Il.or Lovel IIT whose certification has been terminated may he certified wo the former NDT level by 3 new employer hased on examination, as deseribed in Section 8, provided all of the following conditions are met o the new employer's satisfaction: 13.2.1 The employes has proot of prior centification 13.2.2 Tae employee was working in the capac ty 1o which certified within six t6) months of ter 13.2.3 The employee is being recertified within six (6) months of termination 1324 Prior to heing examined for certification, employees not meetin receive addtional taining as deemed appropriate by the NOT nination the above requirements should evel IIL M0 Reinstatement LLL A Level [Level I].or Level III whose cerification has been terminated may be reinstated to the former NDT level, without a new examination, provided all of the following conditions are met 14.1.) Tae employer has maintained the personnel certification records required in section 9.4, 14.1.2 The employee's centfication did not expire during terminatior 14.13 The employee is being reinstated witht six (6) months of termination 8 Recommended Pr NT-TG-1A (2008Table 6.3.1 A: Recommended Initial Training and Experience Levels ‘Completion with a passing grade of at | Minimum least2 yearsof | Required ‘engineering or ‘Work science study ata | Experience | ‘Total Examination university college | in Method | Hours in Method | Level | ‘Technique ‘or technical school_| (hours) NDT. ‘Acoustic T 40 32 210 400, Emission it 40 0 630 1200 1 AC Field 40 24 210 400, TM |_ Measurement 40 20 630 1200. in EG] ae Cument 2 a is Plectromagnetic 1 | Flux Leakage #2. 38 aw. i ua 40 30, 72007 1 a0. 24 400 4 Remote Field a 28 a i 5 4 130, Profilometry i 2E iz 260 Taser Methods [7 Holography? 40 36 400. T_|_Shearography 40 36 T2007 1 2 2 + A] Bubbie Testing 7 z = 1 24 16 200 i n_| Peeue chee 16 12 230 520 Leak Testing +] Halogen Diode a - ue 24 i 7 = 6 280 320 7 Taw a0 ae 280 520 I] _Speetrometer 24 16 20 ‘800 1 4 4 70. 130) Liquia Penetrant. | —> 4 + ae aD Magnetic Flax |_| i6 1 7, 130, Leakage 2 3 20 400, Magnetic Particle 2 + a = Neutron 1 2a 20 0 ‘300 Radiography 1 40 40. 16807 24007 1 0 30 210 400, Radiography [77 40 35 630 7200) 1 32 32 210 400, “Thermalliatrare! [ir cy 32 T2607 T3001 1 20, 30 210 400 Mireentles 40 40. 630 1200 Vibration 1 24 24 320 500 Analysis Wt 7 ae 6807 2400) imal 1 = 4 70. To i 16 8 10) 270 Notes: il experene sl ens sare ete ie for Leslie amd equ ty sl eso he oe ae plein. The rae ead es 0) Leng ours mye aie sof se it fr ese Tan Le as aio ean 3 Tend Lee Mogens ay orl smal uti kc mth cnr ion Fae ssl imine sper ener pace ding on te caret elation sel eer 40° —Traieg sal te inst mabe employers arten pase. Magetic Parte toms hos ay he coud oaunls Maun Flas Leake i So Transl scuneny cote a as ET tegen ll couse oma ws sel eee ai gus enigioun mies ‘nun Et sor qi sponse lor sober ET eb esa sc or ese Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008) 9Table 6.3.1 B: Alternate Initial Training and Experience Levels ‘Tho intent is to eliminate this table during the next revision. Capleton vith pone penne! High least 2 years of shoot | engineering or sence aduate | “Shayatatiniversiy” | Experience seiaate or | ‘caldgeortecical | ""Eevel ‘method | tevet | Tecinigue | equivatent ‘school canons) feousie [1 a0 . foes [i a ra 1) ner a0 3 I] _esurenen_[-—ap = Itsy Coren | —2 2 ecommerce Ea ro 11 Fiextzaage | 22 2 1 a0 a 11 nemaeriaa | —22 2 1 : t o.oo “ teds | 1 aap [a 3 | skwspenty [in 3 TJ ute Tesing | —2 7 i 2 ie 1—| Frese Changs | —2 i teak Testing ig B : 1 agen Dae | —2 5 Ls 1 as 0 2 rl 1] _speemeer_[-3t te a ge entrant |b 4 4 i ‘agree [1 Ts iz 1 riamtssiage [1 5 . z Magnetic Parte | 2 5 1 a 3 20 a Radiography i 40 4 24 1 a0 30 zi Rashography u 40 35 o i 3 3 z ThermaVintared | 2 3 3 1 i % i tires | 0 3% 3 Vion [1 a 3 ‘nase | B ra 2 “Views i 16 s 2 sats 20 Hecate dhl ss of esa of he ine eit Lee Tan Les! as aon! I nes The eid fr Le eee eT ee ee ser pane 10 Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008)Table 6.3.1 C: Initial Training and Experience Levels For Level Il Limited Certifications Minimum Required Work Examination Limited Technicians Formal Experience in Method Method Certification | _ Starting Point Training (Hours) Film Interpretation Trainee 18 2 Radiography [Film Inespretation evel z a Digital Raioscop Trainee 32 175 Unawnne [Digital Thickness Trainee = 30 Trainee 2a TS NON-RADIOGRAPHERS Taesptaton of Raiagraphs ta = 22 hous Castings — hots Weldments 1H hous RADIOGRAPHERS (Coritied BE Level I Refresher inst ius tacoma unhirpnss raiograhic raingtphie cos, ln contrast, bjt cunts defini, expose echnigues. natch pucesss ak sci Sistine. © stake a pws) Tepito sangre 22 hors Recommended Practice SNT- 1 (2008) "BASIC EXAMINATION General Level Ill Requirements The Basic Examination will cover three (3) main tnpieal anes 19 Personnel Qualification and Certifeation Pi Ll SNFICIA 12 ANSHASNE-CP-189 13 ASNT Level III Program 20° General Familiarity with other NDT Methods, 30 Genetal krowled f materials. fabrication, and puiuctvelanology Separate Method examinations will be given to cover each of the following NDT Meihoxls Acoustic Emission Testing Electromagnetic Testing Laser Methods Leak Test Liquid Penetwant Testing Neution Raciographie Test Rauiographie Testing Trermal Infrared Testing Ulwasonie Testing Visual Test | Bach of the Method! examinat ‘Methuo funéamentals and principles General knowledge of techniques within the Methods General interpretation of coves, standard, andl specifications relating vo the Methox os is divided into three main topical areas: 1 The Basie examination and one or more Method examinations oust be taken and passed to qualify for an ASNT Level ID Contficate. The endorsements on the ASNT ‘erificate il lst the various Methods, whieh the appheant passed The following topical outlines further subdivide the main topical areus of both Busie and Method examinations. cite itera ture references, and have sample questions typical of those in the examinations Recommended Practice No, SNETCIA 10 Scope 20 Definitions 30 Nondestructive Testing Methods 40 Levels of Qualification 59 Witten Prictice 60 Eudueation. Training. and Experience 7.0 Training Programs 80 Examinations 90 Centfieation 10.0 Termination ASNT Stand NSHASNE-CP 189 19 Scope 20 Deinitions 30 Levels of Qualtieation 40 Qualification Requirements 50 Qualification ane Cenification 60 Examinations 74) Expiration, Suspension, Revocation, an Reinstsiement of Employee's Certification 80 Employer Recertifieation 90 Records 12 Recommendea Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008)10.0 Referenced Publications 10.1 ASNT Level Ill Cenifieatio Program 10.2 ASNT Document Number 103 CP-3-89) 104 CP-L-86 ws CPS 10.6 CPS References “General Information, ASNT Level II Program: A Review of the ASNT Personnel Certs Evaluation, Nol. 43, No. 3. (Redi Reference Guides 1984), pp 566, Hardison, RR. (1991, June). ASNT Standard. Materials Evalwation. Vol. 49, No. 6, pp 798-806, Handison, R.R. (1991, Februcry), Position Paper on ASNT Centfications, Starslards, and Recommended Practices, Materials Evalnation, Nol. 49, No. 2, 9p 286-289. Wheeler. G.C.A Guide 1 Personnel Que Nondestructive Testing, 1991," tion Program,” Materials fication «and Certification. Columbus. OH: The American Society for Availabe Gon The Areva Saity for Nendesttive Testing, Colaba, OF, Basics of Common NDT Methods 10 Acoustic Emission ‘Testing 11 Fundamentals LLL Prine Sources of acoustic emissions 113. Eguipment ard material der selection of aeouslie emission tecanigue lesithoory of acoustic emission testi Instrumentation ands 1 Cables (types) 2 Signal conditioning 4 si Noise diserimination 5 Electronic technique % —Abeniaton materials Data fikering techniques 1.3. Interpretation and evaluation of test results 1 neti fleld generation 1.2 Properies of edly current 1.3 Efecis of varying frequency 1 Phase discrimination lecttomagnetic testing Sensors Basie types of equipment: types of read out Reference standards Applications and test result interpretation 224.1 Flaw detection 2242 Conductivity and permeability sori 2243 Thickness gazing 2244 Process control 3.0 Leak Testing 31 Fundsmentals 1) Babble detection Pressure change 13 Halogen diode detector 14 Mass spectrometer NT-TG-1A (2008) 1840 60 2 Leak testing 3.2.1 Systems factors 32.1.1 Relative sensitivity 3.2.12 Evacuated systems 32.1.3 Pressurized systems: ambient fluids, tracer fluids 32.1.4 — Locating leaks 32.15 Calibration Test result interpretation Essentials of salty Test equipment Applications 32.5.1 Piping and pressure vessels Evacuated systems. — Low presse fluid containment vessels. pipes. and tubing 3254 Hemetic seals Plecivical an eleetionie components Liquid Penetrant Testing 1) Fundamentals 4.1.1 Inieraetion of penetrants und discontinuity openin 112. Fluorescence and contrast 2 Liquid peretrant tent 4.2.1 Penotrant processes Test equipment and systems factors Test result imerpretation; discontinuity indications Applications A241 Castings 1242 Webs 4.243 Wrought metals 42.44 — Machined parts 1245 Leaks 124.6 Field inspections Magnetic Particle Testing 5.1 Furnlamentals Magnetic field principles siization by means of electric current Demagnetization etic particle inspection Basie types of equipment and inspection materials Test results interpretation; discontinuity indieations 23 Applications S231 Welds 5232 Castings 52.33 Wrought metals 52 Machined parts 52.35 Field applications Neutron Radiographic Testing 6.1 Pondaonentals 611 Sources 6111 Xaay 61.12 Isatopic 6113 Newton Detectors 6121 Imaging 6122 Novin 6.1.3. Nature of penetra ng radiation and inceraetions with matter 614 Essentials of saiety 14 Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008)62 Neutron radiographic testing 62.1 Basie imaging consid 62.2 Test result interpretation; discontinuity indications, 6 Systems factors (soungevtest nbjectidetector interactions 62:4 Applications 62.1 Explosives and pyrotechnic devices 624.2 Assembled components 624.3 Bonded comporents 6244 — Comosion detection 6245 Nonmetallic materials 7.0 Radiographic ‘Testing 71 Furlamentals TAT Somes TLL Castings TI12 Welds THAR Assemblies T114 Electronic components TLL Field inspections 1 Detecions TI2L Imaging F132 Nonimaging TAS Nature of penetra TIA Essentials of safety 72 Radiographic testing 7.21 Basie imaging considerations 722 Testresalt in 724A Castings, Welds Assemblies 8.0 ThermaliInfrared Testing 8.1 Fundamentals Sc] Principles and theory of taermal/nftared west 8.1.2 Temperature measurement principles 8.1.3 Proper seleetion of thermal infrared technique 82 Equipmensimaterials 82.1 Temperature measurement equipment 82.2. Heat tluy indicators 82.3 Non-contset devices 83 Applications 83.1 Contact temperature indicators S832 Non contact pyrometers 83.3 Line-seanmers Sq Thermal ima 835° Hest tluy indicators 8.36 Exothermie or endothermic investigations 8.3.7 Friction investigations S38 Fluid flow anvestigations 8.39 Thermal resistance investigations 83.10 Thermal eapacitanee investigations 84 Imexpretation and evaluation Flectronie components Field inspections Fadiation and intersetions with master pretation: discontinuity indications Systems factors (Soureeites! objectidetector interactions) smmended Practice SNT-TG-1A (2008) 159.0 Ultrasonie Tes 1 Fandan 912 92 Uinase 934 sting metals Ulerasonie sand beams SLL Wave wavel modes 9.1.12 Refraction, reflection, scattering, and avenvation Transiucers and sound beam coupling onic testing Basie types of equipment Reference standards Test nesult interpretation; discontinuity indications System facions Applications 925.1 Flaw detection 9252 Thickness measurement 9253 Bond evaluation 925.4 Process control 92.55 Field inspection 10.0 Visual Testing 1.1 Fundamentals 10.1.1 Principles and theory of visual testing 10.12 Selection of coneet visual iechnique 10.1.3. Equipment and materials 10.2 Speci 102.1 Metal joining processes 10.22 Pressure vessels 1023 Pumps 1024 Valves 1025 1026 1027 102% — Extrusions 1029 Mieroeireuits 10.3 Interpretation andl evaluation 10.3.1 Cavles ar standarals 103.2 Environmental factors Basic Materials, Fabrication and Product Technology 10 Fundamentals of Material Technology 1.1 Propertios of materials 11.) Strength andl elastic properties 11.2 Physics! properties LLL3 Material propesties testing Origin of discontinuities and flame modes Tnincrent discontinuities 12.2 Process-incuced discontinuities 123 Servive-indaced discontinuities 124 Failres in metalic materials 125 Failures in nonmetallic materials 1.3. Statistical nature of detecting and characterizing discontinwities 2.0 Fundamentals of Fabrication and Product Technology 21 Rass materials processing 16 Metals processing Primary metals 1 Mecal ingot production Rocormendaa Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008)Green sand molded Metal molded Investment moleed Common processes, Hard-surtacn Solid State Brazing Soler Machining and material removal 22.6.1” Tuning. boring, and drilling 62 Milling 63 Grinding 6:4 Blectrochemieal 65 Chemical 66 — Gears anc bearings Fomng 7.1 Cold working 2 Hot-working processes ow ered metal processes Heat seatment Surface Finishing and cortosion protection 0.1 Shot pecning and grit blasting 10.2 Pain Plain: 04 Chemical conversion coat, 2211 Addesive joinit 23 Nonmetals and comiposive materials processin 23.1 Basie materials processing and process control 23.2 Nonmetals and composites fabrication 253 Adhesive joint 24 Dimensional mewology 24.1 Fundamental units and standards 2 Ga 243 Inverferometry References Barer. R.D..and BF. Peters. Why Metals Fai. New York: Gordon and Breach, Seienee Publishers. 1979, Dallas, Danie! B. ed. Too! aud Memujacturing Engineers Hanaibook, thin! edition. New York: Society of Manufacturing Engineers. McGraw Ili Book Co, 197% Materials & Processes for NDP Lechnology. Columbus, OF: Ameri Source Book in Failure Ana Society for Nondestructive Testing sis, Metals Park, OFL: Ameriean Society for Metals. 1974 Taylor, LL. ed. Basie Metallurgy for Nondestructive Testing, revised edition, Essex, England: The British Institute of Nondestructive Testing, 1988," Iispeerion Miami, FL: American Welding Suciety. Latest edition 1981. © vase fr The Aaneicay Soy oe Noes. Lest. Coluntas, OH, smmended Practice SNT-TG-1A (2008) 17PdM Basic Examination Predictive Maintenance (PdM) Examination Specification The PM Basic Framination, composed of 90 questions, will eoser taree main tapieal sneas: 10 Personnel Qualification and Certification Programs ~ 40 questions LL SNETCIA 12 ANSHASNECP.189 13 ASNT Level III Programs 20 General fumilizrty with other PUM Methods ~ 30 questions 30 General knowledge of machinery — 20 questions The PUM Basic examination and one or more PUM Method examinstions (wither Thermal/lnitaned Testing or Vibration Analysis) mast be taken and passed 10 qualify for an ASNT PAM Level II] Cetificate. The enslorsements on the ASNT Contfiente will lst the various Metboxls, which the applicant passed 1.0 Personne! Qualification and Certification Programs, 11 Recommended Practice No, SNETCIA 1 Scope 2 Definitions Nondestructive testing methods Ld i i 1.14 Levels of qualification LIS Written practice 116 Education, tainin Ld i i 1 and experience 3 Training programs 8 Examinations ) Certification 10 Terminacion 1.2 ASNP Standard ANSHASNE-CP-189 21 Scope 22 Definitions 2.3 Levels of qualification 24 Qualification requirements 35 Qualification and contification 26 Examinations 2.7 Expiration, suspension, nevocation and reinstatement of employee's certification 28 Employer receniication 29 Recoris 2.10 Referenced publications 1.3 ASNT Level III Centifeation Programs 2.0 Basics of Common PAM Methods (presuming 30 questions) Infrared Testing ~ 7 questions 22 Vibration Analysis ~ 7 questions 2.3 illLube Analysis — 7 questions 24 Motor Circuit Analysis - 3 questions 25 Alignment ~ 2 questions 2.46 Thormial Testing ~ 2 questions System Performance — 2 euestions 30 Machinery Te ology (presi 12 20 question 31 Machine Design ~ 7 questions 3.1.1 Lube Sysiems 32 Electrical Components ~ 5 questions 33 Mainienance Concems ~ 3 questions 33.) Millwright Concerns 34 — Machine Components 3 guestions 3.5 Engineering Mechanies ~ 2 questions 18 Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008)APPENDIX Example Questions Level | and Level Il ‘The purpose of this appendis is to provide a guideline for the pparution of the General. Level I and Level II written exami nations. Eatensive examples of representative questions for degree of difficulty type. ete, are provided in separate question booklets, whieh can be obtained from ASNT Healquarters, These questions are injended as examples only and sould wot be used verbatim for qualification examinations Note: All questions and answers shoukd he referenced 1o 8 recognized souree, Acoustic Emission Testing Method 1. Aqualitative description of the sustained signal level proxhaced by rapidly aceurting acoustie emission events is the ssccepled definition for: burst emission ¢ acoustic emission signal © prone of the aboue 2. Attenuation of a wave js best defined by whieh statement? a Acdecrease in frequency with distance traveled. b A decrease in amplitude with distance traveled « ‘decrease in wave speed with distance taveled ‘ A change in direction as a function of time The number of times the acoustic emission signal eseceds a preset threshold daring any selected portion af a testis called the: a acoustic emission response. h acoustic emission cour € ‘ncoustic emission count rate « rome of the abou Level IT 1, When detecting impulsive aenustie emission signals on large objects, the peak of the signals normally decreases with increasing distance from the source. This alteration, dependent on distance, must be explained by shsonplinn: i. the elastic pals hb dispersion: ie. the pulse with dierent velocities ¢ the geometric factors: ie. che energy in the pulse is distributed into eser-f ly comveris nto be ‘radually spreads out in time because the different waves involved travel “ all of the above 2. Which af the following Factors will tend! to produce fow-imiplitude acoustic emission response during « tensile fest? a low temperature hb igh strain rate € plastic deformation a crack propagation 3. The Kaiser effeet is 2 valid only sehen testing composites b ‘physical law af nature that is never viokated € not applicable when an ems reconding is being made. d the absence of detectable acoustic emission until previously applied swess levels are exceeded smmended Practice SNT-TG-1A (2008) 19Electromagnetic Testing Method Eddy Current Testing Method 1. The impedance of an edly current test cwil will inerease if the b ductive reactance ofthe coil decreases « induetanee of the coil decreases. ‘ resistance of the coil decreases 2. Which of the following test frequencies would produce eddy currents with the largest depth of penetration? a 100 1 hb In kil ¢ Mile “ la Mz ale measusable edey currents in test specimen, the specimen must be: 1 conductor insulator ongiuctor ov an insalator etic material scion when 1.26 em) 0.5 in.) diameter bar is inserted in a 2.54 em {1 in.) dhameter coil is « 1.0 (100 percent) 4 0.25 (25 peteeni 2. I? the characteristic equency (fy) of a material is 125 Hz, the test frequency required to give an Ef ratio of 10 woul be a 125i b DS Hy € 254M d 25K, 3 ‘oy age-handened aluminum and titaniam alloys, changes in hardness are indicated hy changes in Flux Leakage Testing Method 1, Play leakage inspection ean normaly 2. The ratio B/N is equivalent to a meteial's a field sirength hb vetance, « mittivity 20. Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008),3 examination of tubular products, which of the follow a longitudically oriented b transversely oriented € slivers ‘ all of the above 1, The bighest sensitivity of a Hill generator is obtained when the divection of the magnetic field in velation to the st surface of the Hall probes paul! atan angle of 45 degsees. ¢ it an angle of 30 or 60 de é perpendicular © rane of the above 2. What particular type of defeet isnot indiated by flux leakage tochnigues? 2 cwvertap grain-boundary crack ¢ slag inclusion with erack é Sutkice contamination © congitainal sean 3. Inthe examination of tubular preaucts wheve the Hy sensor measures the leakage field a the outside surface of the tube outside -diameter discontinuities ane detected both outside diameter and inside diameter discontinuities may be detected © bosh outside-diameter and inside-dlameter discontinuities ean be deigcted but generally cannot be distinguisied from each other ‘ both cutside-diameter and inside-diameter discontinuities ean be detected and generally can be dis Lingaished trom each other Leak resting Method Bubble Leak Testing Method Level 1. Before porforming @ vacuum bos leak test thick ofthe following shoul be checked for regained ealivation? a jeak-detecior solution b. evacuation device or equipment ¢ lighting equipment ‘ pressure (or vacuum) 209 2. Which factor ean most affget the sensitivity attainable by a pressure buble leak test? a perator alertness and technique bsizeand Shape wf the est specimen ¢ time of day testing is performed é roumber of test technicians 3. The letters “psia™ mean: a pressure refered to Natio Institue of Standards and Technology's absolute pressure. b.—paseals per square inch absolute © pressure standard ip absolute units ‘ pounds per square tech absolute Recommended Practice SNT-TO-1A (2008) 211. Which of the following gircetly determines the size of the bubble formation when testing using the babble test method? a method of application of bubhle solution lampient temperatine and barometric pressure « amount of leakage from a defect ar leak 4 size of the Wt specimen 2 When vecunn measurement ae we is marked with a range of 0-30 with the notation “vacuum” on the face, the units of 2 inches of mereury hb pours per square inch « centimeters of vaeuun, d feet of water The type of leaks that are most likely to go undetected during a hubble leah test are very small leaks and very larg leaks oceurring ats comer configuration joints all of the above. joints. Halogen Diode Detector Leak Testing Method ing practice dictates tha’ the period of time to allow for warm-up of the halogen diode detector prior 1 calibrating is 31 minutes, hb 15 minutes € T hour d as recommended by the manufacturer While adjusting a reservoir-type variable-halogen standard leak, the operator accidentally vents the yas fromm the only stanard leak available, Which of the Following actions would quickly resolve the problem? 2 Replace the staat leak, b Replace the eylinaer in the standard leah € Recharge the standard leak. d Sem the standard leak to the manufacturer for recharging 3. While performing « halogen diode detector test the leak detector becomes dificult to zero, and the pointe leak rate meier repeatedly swings up seale, The most likely cause of the problem could be the use af (00 Sensitivity range, a shorted element, an excessive heater vall poor airflow b ‘a sensing element that is too ne « background é lty leak-rate meter 1 1 1 halogen sniffer tes: could have been detected and usually can be verified bs a a bubble leak tes h an ultnasonie examination € ‘a yisul examintion d fa pressure change tes 22. Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008),2. The presence of small tees of halogen vapors in the halogen dinde detector bh. decreases the emission of positive ios. ©. inereases the emission of postive ions. 1. eoreases the emission of negative ines 3. _Ahulogen standard leuk of a certain size produces known signal op halogen leak detector. To recive this same intensity signal on the instrument during the test of an object containing 2 2 percent by volume hat the size of the leak in the object causing the signal would theoretically have to be at least the stan’ leah limes I hb 3 « 40 Mass Spectrometer Leak Testing Method Level I 1. The sensiticiy of a mass spectrometer leak detection system is the mass flow rate af taeer gas 2 that gives maximum measurable signal. b that gives a minimum measurable sigeal © at stundayd temperatuse and pressure é ina leah, 2. The diffusion pamp and mechanical fore pump in & mass spectrometer leak detection system a use the same type of oil h use different types af oil © ‘operate using the same motor 4 use the same principle of operation. 3. The helium mass spectrometer detector-probe pressure-tes: technique is ‘a quantitative test a quitative te ‘ rome of the aboue 1 1. Atom is defined as a 147 psia hb 1mm of He. « 1/760 of s standard atmosphere é 760) min of Hy When conduct sshich type gage could be used 1 measure the pressure? a alphatron gage thermionic ionization gage r thermocouple 3. Helium standard leaks in the range of 10619 10 atm, ce's are known in general terms as: a reservoir stand leaks b. capillary standard Teaks. © ppetmeaiion standard leaks, rf sjustable stancard leaks. immended Practice SNT-TC-1A wr mixture isan helium mass speetrometer test of vacuum vessel in the pressure range of 10-410 108 mm Hg (2008) 23Pressure Change Measurement Leak Testing Method Level I 1. Appressure of 66.0 psig. in terms of absolute presse at sea level and stanlard temperature, would be approximately : 96.0 pia hb. 80,7 psia « 513 psia a 36.0 psi 2. When conducting a long-duration pressure change test, i is necessary 10 measure absolae pressure or gage pressure ause the barometric pressure will plus barometrie pressive b always rise € remain constant d tend 16 vary 3. Whieb one of the following is dhe convet relationship for converting temperature in degrees Rains (°R) 10 temperature in degrees Kelvin (R} a (59)°R b. SR + € 1604 °R d DVR 1, When a systenr’s internal dry bulb’s internal temperature and, in tur, total pressure, inerease during a pressure change leakage-ra’e test the water Vapor pressure in the system under test would normelly b remain the same: « decrease “ oscillate 2. For’ pnounatially pressurized constamt-volune systen at an incernal temperature of 27 °C, what approxima c change in the system absolute pressure can be expected for a system internal temperature change a 3 percent b 6 percent « 0.8 percent é 10 pereent 8. One set of internal diy bulb temperature data for pressure change leakage rate tests (it Ty Tey3 = TST F y+ 1522 2.32 °F Ut I) 68 °F Cg To Fg = 73.07 F For each of these four sections of this system, the respective weighting factors ane 0.27, 0.18,0.22. and @.33, The ‘mean absolute dry hull temperature of sysiem ait For this test data points a 53253 °R h MaSIK « 53248 a S328 K. 24. Racommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008),Liquid Penetrant Testing Method 1. Which of the following is generally the more acceptable method for eleaning parts prior to penetrant testing? sn las saturation capillary action 3. Whiel of the fallow from the surface of a is the most commonly used meth! for removing non-water-washable visible dye penetant st specimen? dipping ina solvent b sprayin € hand wiping d blowin 1. When coneueting a penetrant test, spherical indications on the surface of a par eould be indicative of porosity © weld laps hot rears 2. Acommonly used method of checking on the overall performance of a penetrant material system is by devermining the viscasity of the penetra b ‘measuring the wetability of the penetran € comparing two sections of antficially cracked specimens d allof the above, 3. Wiel of the following is discontinuity that might be fourad in a forging? a shrinkage erack hb lap ¢ vot tea “ lamination Magnetic Particle Testing Method 1. Which type of current has “skin effect” alternating current hb wineet current € boal-wawe rectified d full-nave rectified The best ype of magnetic field to use io inspect a tubular product for sunface defects along its Rent is Recommended Practice SNT-TG-1A (2008) 253. Which of the following is most often used for dy magnetic particle inspection? a full cycle direct current b half-wave alsernsting current € high-voltage, low amperage current d siteet current from electtulytie cells 1 bar with sn LiD ratio of 4 in a 10-tumn coil, the requined eunnent would be 15.0004, b tunknoovn more information is needed ¢ 18.000 A é IRSA. 2. Which of these cracks may’ appear as an inregalar checked, or scattered pattern of fine lines usually caused by local overheat 2 fatigue racks b ling cracks © rater onieks ‘ HAZ cracks 3. Waopper conductor is place Untough a ferrous cylinder and a eurent is passed through the conductor. ten the magnetic fel (lux density) in the eylinder will be: 3 the same intersty an pater as in te contr bh. greaer than nthe conductor © less than she concaotor 4. the same regardless ofits proximity 1 the eylinder wal Neutron Radiographic Testing Method Level f 1. Neutron penetration is grewtest in which of the following materials? 2 hydrogetous material b st ¢ lead &. boron carbide 2. Gadolinium conversion sereens are usually mounted in rigid holders calle! fil racks be cassettes phragm 3. Which clement is commonly used for direct neutron radiography’? rc btw ¢ Dy Gi Level 1. Which of te following conversion sersens has the longest half life? be ingin © eaminen ‘ eloinium 26. Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2008),2. Neution radiography ca be used for inspecting whieh ofthe following applcstions? b. presence af fore gn materials sch as oi © obicants in metal systems &—Aiydhogen content in metals © allot the above 3. Real time imaging of thermal neutron rliography can be performed with which ofthe following detectors? b.—Gysprosium © Fine solide tition faoride Radiographic Testing Method Level 1. The most widely used unit of measurement for messurng the rate at which the output ofa gamma ray source decays isthe b 2. am exposure time of 60 seconds were necessary using a 1.2 m (4 ft) sourceto-ilm distance fora particular exposure what ine would be necessary if 0.61 Q ft) source to film distance is used and all other variables remain the same? 120 seconds bh. 30 seconds © 1S seconds 240 seconds 3. The sharpness of the outline in the image ofthe raiograph is measure of a. subject contrast b. radiographic definition fim contrast Level 1. When radiograping o the 2-27 quality level, am ASTM penetismeter fr 6.85 cm £25 in. tel has thickness of 3 1.27 em (0. in b 63SuMOSN1O3ing ‘ Fm GX 105in3 é oyu 5 X102 in. Lively. IP itis ull require about the sane 2. The approximate radiographic equivalence factors for steel and enpper at 220 KV ane LO and 1A. resp, raph (1.27 cm) 0-5 in, plate of copper, what thickness oF sie desirable to rad ‘exposure characte 1.78
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Ben Horowitz
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Steve Jobs
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Bad Feminist: Essays
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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