Spot Weld Parameters HLS

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Design-guideline for spotwelding of steel sheet metals

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1 General Items
1.1 Force of Electrodes

• The values for the electrode forces as shown in the table (page 3 to 5) are
standard values (as also the values for welding time and current), which
correspond to prior art. These standard values can be adjusted for the actual
connection. For this it has to be considered, that a change of the electrode
forces also requires a change of the welding current and perhaps of the
welding time. Besides the welding range is reduced with low electrode forces
and the possibility of sparks will grow. This can be compensated with longer
welding times.
• The values for the electrode forces shown in the table (page 3 to 5) are valid
for standard sheet metals with good fitting
• For bad fitting, the electrode force has to be increased depending on the sheet
metal thickness, the material and the fitting (up to 10%)
• For zinc-coated sheet metal with or without additional organic coating, the
mentioned electrode force has to be increased by approx. 10%
• For high-strength ZStE-sheets, the electrode force has to be increased as
following: ZStE 260: 10%; ZStE 340: 15%; ZStE 420: 20%
• Different welding connections (different sheet metal combinations) are welded
with one electrode force, if the electrode forces of the single weldings show a
difference up to 30%. If the difference is higher, the weldings have to be done
with two electrode forces.
Sheet metal combination 1:
t1 = 1.25 mm, ZStE 340
t2 = 1.25 mm
electrode force 3300 N (see table)
500 N (15 % for ZStE 340)
3800 N
Sheet metal combination 2:
t1 = 1.50 mm, zinc-coated, ZStE 340
t2 = 2.00 mm, zinc-coated, ZStE 260
electrode force 3900 N (see table)
390 N (10 % for zinc-coated)
585 N (15 % for ZStE 340)
4875 N

3800 N + 30% = 4940 N > 4875 N à one electrode force: 4875 N

• For special requirements for electrode depressions and/or gaps, the
mentioned allowance of up to 30% has to be reduced accordingly.
• The advance time (pressure time) has to be chosen (if necessary with
measuring instruments), so that with the start of the flow of the welding current
the required electrode force is available.

1.2 For the dimensioning of the of the force generation systems it has to be taken
care, that the required electrode force is reached at approx. 75 bar (HFA)
Design-guideline for spotwelding of steel sheet metals
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respectively 4.5 bar (pneumatics), to make sure that the electrode force can be
increased in case of bad fitting.

1.3 The dimensioning of the welding elements has to be done for the maximum
possible forces (100 bar for HFA, 5 bar for pneumatics)

1.4 The pneumatic welding cylinders in the welding equipment are generally
adjusted to 5 bar, that is that the welding is done with 10% more electrode force
compared to table values. The other welding parameters have to be adjusted
accordingly. If a lower electrode force is required, a pressure reduction valve
has to be installed.

1.5 For the dimensioning of the welding transformers, a sufficient reserve for the
stepper function has to be considered.(I nominal + 4 kA).

1.6 For organic coated sheet metals tip dressers have to be provided, if one or both
electrodes touch the coating.

1.7 Copper plates, that touch a coating, have to be avoided

1.8 Visible spots on organic coatings have to be avoided.

1.9 Sufficient cooling of the electrodes (min. 2 l/min per electrode) and the
transformers (manufacturer data) has to be guaranteed. The flow amount is
more important than the temperature. Which should be max. 30°C.

1.10 With adhesive or sealer in one or two joining plains, usually the advance and/or
welding time has to be increased according to the actual situation.

1.11 Isolation
• For multi spotweld facilities the copper plates have to be isolated, if necessary
also against each other
• The isolation should be as close to the welding position as possible.
• Locators, guides and holding-down-devices must not be on the same potential
as copper plates and electrodes.
Design-guideline for spotwelding of steel sheet metals
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2 Welding parameters for 2-sheet-spots

welding time
current (kA)

min. spot

min. spot

force (N)



sheet thicknesses
t1 t2 standard values ** ***
0.50 1500 6.5 - 8.0 5 15
0.63 1550 6.6 - 8.1 5 16
0.80 1600 6.7 - 8.2 6 16
0.88 1700 6.8 - 8.3 6 17
0.50 2.9
1.00 1800 7.0 - 5.8 7 19
1.15 1850 7.0 - 8.5 8 20
1.25 1900 7.1 - 8.6 8 20
1.50 2000 7.2 - 8.7 10 21
0.63 1800 7.5 - 9.0 6 15
0.80 1900 7.6 - 9.1 6 16
0.88 2000 7.7 - 9.2 7 17
1.00 2050 7.9 - 9.4 8 19
0.63 3.2
1.15 2100 7.9 - 9.4 9 20
1.25 2150 8.0 - 9.5 9 20
1.50 2250 8.1 - 9.6 10 21
1.75 2300 8.2 - 9.7 11 22
0.80 2200 8.1 - 10.6 8 16
0.88 2250 8.2 - 10.7 8 17
1.00 2300 8.4 - 10.9 9 18
1.15 2350 8.4 - 10.9 10 19
0.80 1.25 2350 8.5 - 11.0 10 20 3.6
1.50 2400 8.6 - 11.1 12 23
1.75 2450 8.7 - 11.2 13 25
2.00 2500 8.8 - 11.3 14 27
2.25 2550 8.9 - 11.4 14 28
0.88 2400 8.5 - 11.0 9 17
1.00 2450 8.9 - 11.4 9 19
1.15 2500 8.9 - 11.4 10 20
1.25 2500 9.0 - 11.5 10 21
0.88 1.50 2550 9.1 - 11.6 11 23 3.8
1.75 2600 9.2 - 11.7 12 26
2.00 2650 9.3 - 11.8 13 29
2.25 2700 9.4 - 11.9 14 31
2.50 2750 9.5 - 12.0 14 34

* additions for bad fittings, for coated sheet metals, for ZStE-sheet metals etc.
have to be considered (page 1)

** Minimum spot distance for direct welding without side current compensation.
With side current compensation, smaller distances are possible

*** Minimum spot diameter = 4 x t1

Design-guideline for spotwelding of steel sheet metals
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welding time
current (kA)

min. spot

min. spot

force (N)



sheet thicknesses
t1 t2 standard values ** ***
1.00 2800 9.4 - 11.9 10 20
1.15 2850 9.5 - 12.0 11 21
1.25 2850 9.6 - 12.1 11 22
1.50 2900 9.7 - 12.2 12 25
1.75 2950 9.8 - 12.3 13 27
1.00 4.0
2.00 3000 9.9 - 12.4 14 28
2.25 3050 10.0 - 12.5 14 29
2.50 3100 10.1 - 12.6 15 31
2.75 3150 10.2 - 12.7 15 34
3.00 3200 10.3 - 12.8 15 36
1.15 3150 9.6 - 12.1 11 22
1.25 3150 9.7 - 12.2 12 24
1.50 3200 9.8 - 12.3 13 25
1.75 3250 9.9 - 12.4 14 27
1.15 2.00 3300 10.0 - 12.5 15 29 4.3
2.25 3390 10.1 - 12.6 15 30
2.50 3400 10.2 - 12.7 16 32
2.75 3450 10.3 - 12.8 16 35
3.00 3500 10.4 - 12.9 16 37
1.25 3300 10.5 - 13.0 12 25
1.50 3350 10.6 - 13.1 13 26
1.75 3400 10.7 - 13.2 14 27
2.00 3450 10.8 - 13.3 15 29
1.25 4.5
2.25 3500 10.9 - 13.4 15 31
2.50 3550 11.0 - 13.5 15 33
2.75 3600 11.1 - 13.6 16 36
3.00 3650 11.2 - 13.7 16 38
1.50 3800 11.6 - 14.1 15 27
1.75 3850 11.7 - 14.2 15 29
2.00 3900 11.8 - 14.3 16 31
1.50 2.25 3950 11.9 - 14.4 16 33 4.9
2.50 4000 12.0 - 14.5 17 36
2.75 4050 12.1 - 14.6 17 38
3.00 4100 12.3 - 14.7 17 40

* additions for bad fittings, for coated sheet metals, for ZStE-sheet metals etc.
have to be considered (page 1)

** Minimum spot distance for direct welding without side current compensation.
With side current compensation, smaller distances are possible

*** Minimum spot diameter = 4 x t1

Design-guideline for spotwelding of steel sheet metals
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welding time
current (kA)

min. spot

min. spot

force (N)



sheet thicknesses
t1 t2 standard values ** ***
1.75 4100 12.7 - 15.2 3x6+2 31
2.00 4200 12.8 - 15.3 3x6+2 33
2.25 4300 12.9 - 15.4 3x6+2 36
1.75 5.3
2.50 4400 13.0 - 15.5 3x6+2 38
2.75 4500 13.1 - 15.6 3x6+2 40
3.00 4600 13.2 - 15.7 3x6+2 42
2.00 4400 13.5 - 16.0 3x7+2 36
2.25 4500 13.6 - 16.1 3x7+2 38
2.00 2.50 4600 13.8 - 16.3 3x7+2 40 5.7
2.75 4700 13.9 - 16.4 3x8+2 42
3.00 4800 14.0 - 16.5 3x8+2 45
2.25 4700 14.3 - 16.8 3x7+2 40
2.50 4800 14.5 - 17.0 3x8+2 42
2.25 6.0
2.75 4900 14.6 - 17.1 3x8+2 45
3.00 5000 14.8 - 17.3 3x8+2 47
2.50 5000 15.0 - 17.3 3x8+2 45
2.50 2.75 5200 15.3 - 17.5 3x9+2 47 6.3
3.00 5400 15.5 - 17.7 3x9+2 49
2.75 5400 15.5 - 17.5 4x8+2 50
2.75 6.6
3.00 5600 15.7 - 17.9 4x8+2 52
3.00 3.00 5800 16.2 - 18.2 4x9+2 54 7.0

* additions for bad fittings, for coated sheet metals, for ZStE-sheet metals etc.
have to be considered (page 1)

** Minimum spot distance for direct welding without side current compensation.
With side current compensation, smaller distances are possible

*** Minimum spot diameter = 4 x t1

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3 Minimum flange widths for 2 sheet metal weldings

sheet metal thickness t 0.50 0.63 0.8 0.88 1.0 1.15 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0
min. lens diameter dL 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.3 4.6 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.8 6.1
min. spot diameter dP 2.9 3.2 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.9 5.3 5.7 6.0 6.3 6.6 7.0
min. distance to edge v 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.9 5.3 5.7 6.2 6.6 6.9 7.2 7.6

electrode diameter dE 13 16 20

min. width of flange w 14.0 14.0 14.0 15.5 16.0 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 20.5 21.0

electrode diameter dE 16 20

min. width of flange w 11.5 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 15.0 16.5 17.5 18.5 19.0 20.0 21.5
special electrode
w exception!

electrode diameter dE 16

min. width of flange w 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.5 14.0 15.0 16.0 16.5 17.0

All values in mm
Mentioned are the required minimum flange widths (minimum overlapping of two
sheet metals) that are necessary for a faultless spot welding.
For additional adhesive application it might be necessary to have a wider flange width
For different sheet metal thicknesses the minimum flange width is defined by the
thinner sheet metal.
For a flange angle a < 90° the minimum flange width has to be defined in
coordination with the specialists. For r > 2 x t the flange has to be accordingly wider.
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t: sheet metal thickness

dE: diameter of
wtheo: theoretical flange
a: angle of flange

v v: distance from edge
a: interference free
v c: interference free

dE dE r: bending radius
dL: diameter of welding
v v lens
wtheo wtheo wtheo dP: diameter of weldspot

dL ] 3.5 x t dL ] 3.5 x t dL ] 3.5 x t

dP ] 4.0 x t dP ] 4.0 x t dP ] 4.0 x t
v ] 1.25 x dL v ] 1.25 x dL v ] 1.25 x dL
a ] + 1 mm wtheo = 2 x v c ] 4.0 + r
2 (for dE = 16mm)
r *2xt c ] 5.0 + r
a ] 90° (for dE = 20mm)
wtheo = v + a (final value for c depending
on electrode design!)

r *2xt
a ] 90°
wtheo = v + c
w: flange width
w w w
k: tolerance of flange
k k k k width
m: offset of electrodes
l: offset of flanges

l l
m m m

w = wtheo + k + m + l w = wtheo + 2 x k + m w = wtheo + k + m + l

k = 0.5 mm k = 0.5 mm k = 0.5 mm
m = 1.0 mm m = 1.0 mm m = 1.0 mm
l = 1.0 mm l = 1.0 mm
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4 3- and 4-sheet-metal-weldings
4.1 General:
4-sheet-metal-weldings are not allowed.
If a 3-sheet-metal-welding is possible or not, depend principally on the order of
the sheet-metals and on the relations of the thicknesses. The possibility for
welding gets more unfavorable with growing thickness of the middle sheet
metal. If the middle sheet metal is to thick, the welding lens only develops in the
middle sheet and the outer sheets are not welded.
Generally the following things have to be considered for 3-sheet-metal
• For special spots only by the way of exception
• Thickness of single sheet-metal 0.5 mm up to 3.0 mm
• Total thickness * 8 mm
• Electrode tip diameter ] 16 mm
• Eccentric electrode form not allowed
• Single side double spotwelding (indirect welding) not allowed

4.2 Order of sheet metals

Regarding the order of sheet metals the following relations of sheet metal
thicknesses have to be considered (t = sheet metal thickness)

4.2.1 Equal sheet metal thickness

e.g.: 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0
no further limitations

4.2.2 Symmetric order, thin sheet inside

e.g.: 1.2 / 0.8 / 1.2
no further limitations

4.2.3 Symmetric order, thick sheet inside

t outer

e.g.: 1.0 / 1.75 / 1.0 : allowed

e.g.: 0.8 / 1.75 / 0.8 : not allowed

4.2.4 Asymmetric order, growing thickness

a) ≤2 and
t outer thin
t outer thick
b) ≤1
tinner + touter thin

e.g.: 0.8 / 1.0 / 1.5 : allowed

e.g.: 0.8 / 1.75 / 2.0 : not allowed – requirement a) not fulfilled
e.g.: 0.8 / 0.88 / 1.75 : not allowed – requirement b) not fulfilled
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4.2.5 Mixed order, thinnest sheet metal inside

t outer thick
touter thin

e.g.: 1.0 / 0.8 / 2.0 : allowed

e.g.: 0.88 / 0.8 / 2.0 : not allowed

4.2.6 Mixed order, thickest sheet metal inside

t inner thick
t outer thin

e.g.: 0.8 / 1.5 / 1.25 : allowed

e.g.: 0.8 / 1.75 / 2.0 : not allowed

4.3 Welding parameters

For the welding parameters for 3-sheet-metal-welding the outer sheet-metals
are decisive (exception: electrode force for welding with copper plates):

Electrode force: welding without copper plates:

Value for 2-sheet-metal-welding of the outer sheets + 10%
Sheet-metal-combination: t1 = 1,25 mm, ZStE 340
t2 = 1,75 mm, DC 04
t3 = 1,00 mm, DC 04 zinc-coated
electrode force for 1,25 / 1,0: 2850 N (see table)
+400 N (15% for ZStE 340)
+300 N (10% for zinc-coated)
3550 N
+350 N (10% for 3-sheet-metal)
3900 N

welding with copper plates:

Value for 2-sheet-metal-welding of the two thicker sheets + 10%
Sheet-metal-combination: t1 = 1,25 mm, ZStE 340
t2 = 1,75 mm, DC 04
t3 = 1,00 mm, DC 04 zinc-coated
electrode force for 1,25 / 1,75: 3400 N (see table)
+510 N (15% for ZStE 340)
3910 N
+390 N (10% for 3-sheet-metal)
4300 N

Welding time:
Value for 2-sheet-metal-welding of the outer sheets + 20%
Sheet-metal-combination: t1 = 1,25 mm, ZStE 340
t2 = 1,75 mm, DC 04
t3 = 1,00 mm, DC 04 zinc-coated
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welding time for 1,25 / 1,0: 11 Periods (see table)

+2 Periods (20% for 3-sheet-metal)
13 Periods

Welding current: For the welding current it is only possible to provide

approximate values. The welding current has to be selected so that, with the
given value for electrode force and welding time, the welding is close to the limit
for sparks.
Approximate value: Value for 2-sheet-metal-welding of the outer sheets + 10%

4.4 Minimum flange width

For the determination of minimum flange width for 3-sheet-metal-weldings the
outer panels are decisive. The values shown in the table “Minimum flange
widths for 2 sheet metal weldings” (page 6) have to be increased for 3-sheet-
metal-weldings by 1.5 mm due to the larger welding lens and the higher
tolerances of flange widths.

Sheet-metal-combination: t1 = 1,25 mm
t2 = 1,75 mm
t3 = 1,00 mm
flange width for 1.25/1.00: 16.0 mm (see table)
+1.5 mm (due to 3-sheet-metal)
17.5 mm

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