Magazine Announce
Magazine Announce
Magazine Announce
1, N" 1
Executive Editor Bill Santos Editor: Ana Barbara Stina Assistant Editoi: Douglas Pereira, Fatima Madeira-Santos
Art Director: Ronaldo R de Oliveira Collaborators: Antonio Bueno, Bev Miller, Dan Jackson, Doug Bruce, Gerson Santos, Jared Keburi, Jean King, Leena Maattanen, Luiz Lefio, Pharolyn Perk, Philip Lee, Rebeca Pereira, Rivelino Montenegro,
Sasa Andelkovic and Viriato Ferreira Printmg: Maracle Press Limited
95 Clarence Biesenthal Drive, Osnawa, ON LIH 2H5
Phone (905) 404-6510 / Fax (905) 404-0256
1148 King Street East. Oshawa. ON LIH IH8 Phone (905) 433-0011 / Fax (905) 433-0982
President: Dan Jackson
VP Administration: Nilton Amorim VP Finance: John Ramsay
37541 Hwy 2, Red Deer County, AB T4E lBi Phone (403) 342-5044 / Fax (403) 343-1523
British Columbia:
Box 1000,1626 McCallum Rd_, Abbotsford, BC V2S4P5
Phone (604) 853-5451 / Fax (604) 853-8681
1004 Victoria Ave, Saskatoon, SK S7N OZ9 Phone (306) 244-9700 / Fax (306) 244-0032
121 Salisbury Rd, Moncton, NB EIE lA6 Phone (506) 857-8722 / Fax (506) 853-7368
Newfoundland and Labrador:
1041 Topsail Rd, Mt_ Pearl, NL AIN 5E9 Phone (709) 745-4051 / Fax (709) 745-1600
1110 King Street East, Oshawa, ON L IH IHB Phone (905) 571-1022 / Fax (905) 571-5995
940, ch. Chambly, Longueuil, OC J4H 3M3 Phone (450) 651-5222 / Fax (450) 651-2306
Canadian University College:
5415 College Ave., Lacombe, AB T4L 2E5 Phone (403) 782-3381 /
n Est EClit
C.P. 99 - Succursale Rosemont, Montreal, OC HIX 3B6
Phone (514) 729-3515 / Fax (514) 729-0033
Message of the president page 07
Viewer letters page 09
~ The true north, strong and free page 12
It Is Written evangelistic series page 14
~ A word from a partner page 17
Hope for Angola page 18
What's next? projects 2009 page 22
Eat well for your health page 26
In with the new you page 29
How long ago? page 30
[] Products catalogue page 32 1(((1))) 1 Airtime info page 35
hen I say the word "contagious" what comes to mind? The flu, SARS, an epidemic - how about yawning? Malcolm Gladwell in book the Tipping Point writes:
"Yawning is incredibly contagious. I made some of you reading thisyawn simply by writing the word 'yaum'. 1he people who yawned when they saw you yawn, meanwhile, were infected by the sight of you yawning. .. 1hey might even have yawned if they only heard you yawn, because yawning is also aurally contagious: if you play an audiotape of a yawn to blind people, they'll yawn too. "
This is one of the key principles of epidemics - people infect other people! If someone can make yawn just by having you read the word "yawn",
a.L UU .• ;; or hearing you yawn, think about the potential
u.u ,~ ... we have over those we come in contact with.
There is another interesting principle that governs - small actions can be responsible for huge ults! This is what is called in mathematics "geometric progression". An epidemic is an example of a geometric progression. Epidemics spread through a population doubling at every stage. Here is a puzzle in Gladwell's book - guess before you read the answer.
"I give you a large piece of paper, 1/]00th of a inch thick. (1hat's a typical thickness). 1 want you to fold it over once, and then take that folded paper and fold it over again, and then again, and again, until you have refolded the original paper 50 times. How tall do you think the final stack is going to be?"
Bow tall will it be? As thick as a phone
canada magazine
as a refrigerator? Here is Gladwell's answer: '~ .. the height of the stack would approximate the distance to the sun. .»
As humans we have a hard time wrapping our head around this kind of exponential growth because the end result seems out of proportion to the cause. The reality is that we need to abandon this idea of proportionality and prepare ourselves for the possibility that many times huge changes result from small actions and these changes can happen very quickly.
I am praying that this magazine triggers a "positive" epidemic in our church in the same way your yawning causes others to yawn. I am appealing that you begin that epidemic in your church. The virtue of an epidemic, after all, is that just a little input is enough to get it started, and it can spread very, very quickly. Are you available for that? It really does not take much.
You can begin by praying for It Is Written Canada and encouraging others in your church to do the same. You can watch the It Is Written program and invite others to watch. You can become a regular donor to It Is Written Canada - as either an It Is Written Canada Sponsor - making a minimum $30 monthly donation or by becoming an It Is Written Partner - making a minimum $100 monthly donation and again letting others know that! Anyone of these actions will get the epidemic started - will you be the contagion?
I am curious - when reading this, how many times did you yawn?
Bill Santos Speaker / Director of It Is Written
It Is Written Canada is a donor-supported ministry committed to proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to the whole world. Our donors, through their prayer and financial support, make it possible for It Is Written Canada to reach into the homes of thousands of people every day through our television programs, spiritual resources, live events and website. When you donate to It Is Written Canada, you help make an eternal difference in untold lives.
You may send a check to:
It Is Written Canada, Box 2010, Oshawa, ON, LIB 7V4
You may call us at the office:
(905) 404-6510
You may make a monetary donation at any time on our website:
famous person once quipped, "Life is what happens when we are doing other things." Silly in some senses - yet profound. The intense plans, the bustle of activity and the pressures of time and life-in-general almost overwhelm us. Life is like that. We can become so busy that we lose sight of what is really happening right around us. This can be especially true for busy Christians. It is easy for us to fail to fully understand and appreciate the privileges that we share as we open our lives to God because we are too busy receiving them to recognize them fully! It is an awesome and true thought!
We seldom allow our minds to dwell on the fact that God does not provide us with a little bit of anything. His generosity is almost beyond comprehension. He draws us into commitments of time, talents and asks us to give our lives to Him. Then, as we commit to Him he responds to us with His own commitment which includes the resources of eternity.
I am sure that as you read this you are thinking that this all sounds a little too philosophical and a lot like rhetoric. However, I want to challenge you to apply the thoughts contained in the previous paragraphs as you review the way that God has blessed the ministry of It Is Written Canada, especially in 2008. In this man's opinion one can only say, "God is good - all the time!"
I love the story that Pastor Bill shared with me last year. The It Is Written team was reviewing the finances and realized that within a few short days the payment for taping the broadcast was due. The invoice called
for a payment of roughly $100.000. As the team reviewed the finances they were not certain that they held enough funds in their accounts to cover
that amount. While they were discussing this they received a phone call from an It Is Written partner informing them that God had blessed him in a special way and that in turn he had a special gift to give to the ministry. He proceeded to tell them that he was going to make a contribution of $100,000. God is good! The story still gives me a thrill!
Across this beautiful land at the present time there is a great deal of anxiety. One cannot miss it. Yet I believe that as those who are committed to God and Who are aware of His commitment to us we may continue to place our confidence in a God Who does not let us down. He never leads us to where He cannot keep us. Amazingly enough His resources are not limited to a given amount of financial assistance nor can they be described by just one beautiful story. He holds in His hands the treasures of Omnipotence and I believe the best stories of His goodness are still waiting to be told.
I am grateful to God for the ministry of It Is Written and for the many dedicated men and women who have given of their time, talents and resources to ensure its' present and its' future. As you read through the pages of this magazine may God inspire you to enter into a partnership with Him that will be a blessing for now and forever. God bless you.
Dan Jackson President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada
the it is written canada magazine
All The I')III!!II!!!!~ King's ~,~n
Can use me?
"Christ can take a very common person and make them a very uncommon Apostle. Are you available for that today?"
All The
reetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May God Continue to shower you all with His riches and glory.
I've been subscribing to It Is Written for the past 10 years. I'm unable to help abundantly financially, but my prayers are ever ascending on high to our Heavenly Father who will never withhold His blessings.
Previously I wrote to you about my son Mark Jaikaran who is in Trinidad serving a life sentence for a crime of which he is innocent, he has already lost 10 years of being a father to his five sons. He is now 47 years old.
He has always loved the Lord, but became cold and did not attend church, even though he was very careful to see that his family continued to attend church.
I give glory to God for giving Mark a chance to renew his life commitment to Him. Since his incarceration, the prison ministry has revived. Five years ago his cellmate accepted the Adventist message and was baptized.
I sent the entire DVD and CD collection from the It Is Written Canada Evangelistic Series in Winnipeg, with Pastor Bill Santos, "To God Give Praise", and as a result 12 souls were baptized on November 15, 200S. Mark has always been a worker for Jesus, bringing in many souls and participating in crusades all over the island, until he became cold, but he never left the message.
I said to him: "like Jonah, you tried to run, but now, as if in the bowels of the whale, you are doing God's biding".
Would you kindly write a letter of encouragement for me? Thank you and God bless every one of you.
Your sister in Christ,
• I J"ilSI tJlI4/IO IY/IINI< YOil J'7)!f YOLf!f P{"ou{"IIM. II {"MLLY Y/lls DILIGJ//DIO ME IINlJ CY/IINUO iY/E COtl{"SE or MY LIrE. GO])
. :u Is W r;tien - !hanl( you J !hanl( you J !hanl( ye)!:/ J ror today 's ?ro:yW>7 on 7V. I truly was S?ellbound as I I,:$tened to all d those beau6./'ul, wonder./'ul youn3 ?eo?le as they san3 and ?Iayed the;r ;nstruff/entS. It ff/ade ff/e ?roud to be an Advent:st and be able to ?raise the SW>7e Lord as they were ?ra;s;n3' I surely w;11 be 1001(;":] ./'oTtvard to next Sunday so I can See theff/ Clfja;n."
• All ffIY' I;./'e I've watched It Is wr;tien on IV But I wasn't really hear-'n3 the ff/eSSClfjeS. !hen a cou?le o./'years Clfjo I had these thou3hts about read;n3 the B;ble. rhese thou3hts I(e;n COff/''':] bad ant:I I r'cl(ed u? the B;ble and started read;n3 ;t. rhen I reee;ved ;n./'orff/at;on about a Pro?hec.y seff/;nar, so I attended ;t and that :s when I real;zed that ;t waS the >7"01'1 Sr'r:t 3a,"d;n3 »te to all those truths. I attended all the ff/eeti":]s and coald ./'eel God's s?;r;t worl(;n3 :n me. I as/;:ed JeSaS to c.o-ne ;nto ffIY' I;./'e and was bqpt;zed ;nto the Seventh-day Advent;st church."
&imonton, AB
• I ""V'oy your tall(s about the SO;?tureS V«>''Y ff/UC!7. Your '<.Jhole ?ro:}rW>7 is v"'ry '<.Jell?r«>.s;>nted. I rec.~'v",d your bool( All Ih'" Kin3s Men and your cOff/ff/e.ntar;es sound 1;1(", l~ could ff/eet th",se ff/"'n today and tall( to th"'M. I hav", be"", r",ad,"n3 th", SCr;?tureS s;nc.", th", lat", 1'1~O 's so ;t ;S Mally th", beSt th;,,:] ",V",r to S"'''' tht".ffI on th", 711 Scr",e.n. I ;>s?",dally 1;l(ed th",. tall( on alcohol 3;ven by the you":] ff/an, I hav",. not b",,,,.n tau3ht any doetrine by any church, so I?ray ./'or the truth and the l,-,,'sdoff/ to I(nol<.J ;t wh"'n I hear ;t."
St. Ihoff/as, ON
• ])ear Pastor B;II SantoS, you have a ul1l'fue way to reach ?e0,Ple, your Icydiy to JeSus and the lVay you ,Prefch ma/(e ff/e refdiZe that I do not want to S?end one second ,vithout ffIY' Lord and Savior, JeSuS Chr;st. God the rather is bleSsin3 you allvayS. And, yes, I W>7 'vait:n3 ./'01' ff/y Lord to COff/e and ff/a/(e everyih;":] r'3ht."
I was born and raiSed ;n V::etnW>7. I CW>7e to Canada when I lVas only n,"ne years old. I'ff/ currently ;n ,Pr;son do;":] a six-year sentenCe on dru3 char3eS. Just one and a hal./' years Clfjo I acce,Pted JeSuS as ff/y Sav;our and Lord, and ;t's been such a bless;":] becauSe nOlv I have ,PeaCe and ho?e ./'or the ./'uture. I've diSCoVered your or3an;zat;on by ,vatchi":] your ,Pr03rW>7 on IV Your ,Pr03rW>7 has taa3ht me a lot about God and I than/;: your or3an;zat;on ./'01' he!;>;":] ff/e study ./'udher the word o./' God. I 'vill ?ra; I"or your or3an;zat;on to cont/nue the worl( that God calls us to do. As Soon as I'-,,:! out 01" ?r;Son I would I;/;:e to su??ort your or3an;zation."
7oronto, ON
• I W>7 a born /(off/an Cathol,"c ffOff/ Sr;-Lanl(a and I Caff/e to Cana.da toJoin ffI'/ ch;ldren in 1993. It was only when I started I;v;":] ;n a Sen;ors /(eS;dence that I had the o??ortun;ty to watch your telev;Sed ?ro:}rW>7S. I have watched the It Is wr;tten ?ro3rW>7 ./'or the last ./'our years. I was I(een to learn the Bible the wayyoar ff/;n;stry del;vered and so I contacted your ff/;nistry. I W>7 enjcyi":], ?N.y;n3 and thanl(i":] the Lord ./'01' th;s ?ro:}rW>7. Your b;ble study CoUrSe has chan3ed ""0/ I;./'e."
• I hav~ watched your 'pro:}rW>7S ./'or the ,Past 12 ff/onths and they have really chan3ed ~;L was not 'Ser;ous w;th "0/ ./'a.;th now II;'ni:::how ff/uch I;ttle t;ff/e there ;s ./'or Me to 3et ready ./'or the tr;,P to heaven. No dOUbt yoar 'pro:}rW>7S are a bless;":] to the world. God bleSS ."
• Ihanl( you vt"ry ff/LLch. I would I;/;:e to say how ff/uch I o/?r;>dat",. your ?r03rW>7 and the ./'act that ;t ;S ,Presented in a CUN"'.nt and res?ect.f'::!Aff/anner. !han/;:s Clfja;n."
KW>7loo,Ps, BC
• 70day and last weel(s 's ?ro:}rW>7S lVere absolutely I"abulous. We o./'ten listen to your Serff/onS and ;./' we weren't already eVan3el;ca.l Bo/6sts we would a.lff/oSt be cOH1f'elled to becoff/e Seventh-day AdventistS!, COff/?I;ff/ents to all who are inVolved ;n theSe?r ,ramsJ" '. t Ca.l3at;/, A B
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his befitting reference to Canada, contained in our National Anthem, applies in a very special way to the northern regions of the Ontario Conference where the said designation acquires the character of a mission statement: we must work diligently to help the northern Ontario congregations be strong in the Lord, and the northern Ontario communities be free from the burden of sin.
by Antonio Bueno
Early in 2007, the administration of the Ontario Conference took up that ever-present challenge with renewed determination, deciding to target major cities in northern Ontario, where we have an active Adventist presence, for focused evangelistic outreach over the following decade: Sault Ste. Marie in 2007, North Bay in 2008, Sudbury in 2009, Timmins in 2010, Elliot Lake in 2011, Thunder Bay in 2012, Haileybury in 2013, Iron Bridge in 2014, Cochrane in 2015, North
prayer in our heart, we initiated meaningful dialog with the evangelistic team of It Is Written Canada, under the leadership of Speaker-Director, Pastor Bill Santos. The rationale was as follows: We have right here, in Ontario, an outstanding evangelistic team whose mission statement focuses on outreach efforts within the territory of Canada. That successful team could insure the necessary continuity to the proposed schedule. By joining hands with It Is Written Canada, the Ontario Conference would be much more effective in the task of reaching the northern regions for Christ and His kingdom. As we shared this vision with Pastor Santos and his associates, it became immediately evident that they were willing to embrace it with a matching commitment and determination, which strengthened in our hearts the conviction that the Lord was leading in these plans.
Last year, as per schedule, the first evangelistic effort was held in Sault Ste. Marie, with the full support of our congregation there and its pastoral team, resulting in an average nightly attendance of forty interests, and concluding with a baptismal service in which six precious souls sealed their commitment to Christ as their Savior and Lord.
This year, it was North Bay's turn to host the evangelistic event, from October 17 to November 15. Our local minister, Pastor Sasa Andelkovic, did an excellent job in preparation for the event. The local congregation, along with numerous members from the South River congregation, exhibited the highest level of commitment in preparation for and in support of the evangelistic meetings, evidenced by an average nightly attendance of twenty-five interests, most of whom were
At the close baptized,
wit seven more remaining for classes.
Three additional young pastors were also involved in these evangelistic efforts: Pastor Matthew Feeley, Assistant at Kingsview Village; Pastor Jagos Ivanovic, from Sudbury; and Pastor Philip Lee, Assistant at Toronto Korean. Their contagious enthusiasm and dedicated work made a Significant contribution to the success of the meetings. They visited people, gave them Bible studies, led them to make their decision for Christ, sang at the meetings, and supported the It Is Written evangelistic team in countless ways.
All attendees commented with appreciation on the clarity and persuasiveness of Pastor Santos' messages. I attended several of the meetings at both locations and was blessed by his SCripture-based presentations where "It Is Written" was at the core of each sermon. Pastor Santos knows God's word. He is also an effective communicator. Combined with that, he is motivated by a sense of urgency to reach the lost for Jesus in preparation for His soon coming in glory. The other members of the IIW evangelistic team, which includes Pastor Douglas Pereira, did an outstanding job in preparation, coordination and implementation of the effort, which utilizes modern, high-tech means of communication that appeal to the modern mind.
We are grateful to God for His abiding presence and blessings, and to It Is Written Canada for its dedicated service. As we face the future, we are confident that success will crown our efforts to help northern Ontario be truly strong and free.
Antonio Bueno, Executive Secretary Ontario Conference ofthe Seventh-day Adventist Church
the it is written canada magazine
I t
Is Written Evangelistic
rhe Be$t /h/"j that has Ever Ylo/'pened to North .80/!
ast year, in December 2007, I was assigned my first church district that includes churches of North Bay and South River, Ontario. I just came fresh out of the Andrews University hungry to apply what I was taught in the seminary. However, I never dreamed that the Lord would address my hunger so early.
Just a couple of weeks after I began my work as a pastor I was told by the conference that they planned to send It Is Written Canada to do evangelism in North Bay in the fall of 2008. My feelings were divided. I considered it a big blessing from God to be able to get such a huge outreach opportunity at the very beginning of my pastoral career, but on the other hand I felt really insecure for two major reasons.
First, I had just arrived to North Bay. I did not know even my church members, not to mention the community. I knew that ten months was barely enough time to prepare the field for evangelism. Besides that, we were just a small church with 22, mostly elderly members, who regularly attended Sabbath service (37 on the books). I was definitely not sure that we could pull off a major evangelistic effort.
bySaSa Andelkovic
Second, I was not a firm believer in public evangelism. I didn't think it still worked. When I heard that the conference wanted to send It Is Written to my church in North Bay, I was on one hand excited to get such a huge opportunity, but on the other a bit skeptical because of the past experiences with public evangelism.
That was about a year ago. Now I can talk about the series from a different perspective since we have gone through it. There is no more fear or feeling of insecurity but just an exuberant joy because of what God has done for us here. I can boldly state that the It Is Written - Canada evangelistic series was the best evangelistic effort that has ever happened to North Bay SDA Church, to the residents of North Bay, and to myself for several reasons.
This opportunity was a big thing for the members of the North Bay church. In the history of their existence they have never had a famous evangelist come to town to do a major outreach program. They felt very special because It Is Written was coming to their church to help them. Since the church had been going through successive periods of decline and stagnation for years, they were excited about an opportunity for
VIsitors and new members
a new beginning, perhaps the last opportunity. This is why they were ready to cooperate from the very start.
Early in the spring of 2008, Bill Santos and Douglas Pereira came to our church to explain to us what it is involved in successful evangelism. They had a perfectly developed plan for the series down to the smallest detail, and they casted out a powerful vision which fired up all of us to work for the Lord.
Throughout the year church members were visiting their neighbors, friends, and former church members and used every opportunity to make new friends for the Lord (strongly suggested by IIW). We also decided to utilize four outreach ministries with the purpose of establishing and maintaining new contacts: health screening, Healthy Living Club, cooking school and free guitar lessons. I have started crafting the sermons in a way to create the mission mind set among the members and to train them for evangelism. We have tried to apply everything that was suggested by It Is Written, trusting in their experience and expertise.
The D-day came. It was Friday, October 17, the first day of the series. Evangelist Bill Santos started on a high note. The very first sermon was carefully crafted and passionately presented. That continued to be the rule night
Pr. Sasa and family
Throughout the year
church members were visiting their neighbors, friends,
and former church members and used every opportunity to
make new friends for the Lord
after night. His preaching was not only passionate, but very dear, informative, friendly, but at the same time sharp and straight forward and always true to the Adventist message. He also mingled with visitors and became friends with them from the first night, which inspired and encouraged church members to do the same.
As I mentioned before, It Is Written had a welldeveloped plan for everything. We were asked to contact interests during the day, especially those who filled out decision cards. The goal was to become their friends, to encourage them to come again and to talk with them about their decisions made during the previous night. Those who accepted the visit were visited on a regular basis. We were also given DVD-s and other materials pertaining to lectures to deliver to the people who missed some of the nights. All of that seemed to function well and bring good results.
Besides everything above mentioned, the music program was of an excellent quality, the stage was professionally designed, presentations were technically superior and everything else was very well organized. More importantly, all the members of It Is Written staff continually exemplified a positive attitude, highly cooperative and humble spirit, and brotherly love.
the it is written canada magazine
Our Team
All these factors contributed to what we see as the high percentage of retention of interests throughout the series. Numbers that r will mention here may not be big for you but for our small church (22 attending members), and relatively small town (54,000 residents) are huge .. We got 8 new church members, 2 returning old church members (who were non-attending before), and 8 candidates for baptism who attend church regularly. Let me put it this way, we experienced 37% of an increase in membership, and 77% in attendance.
Besides that we have 71 other contacts established during the series. I classified them into three groups: 17 very good contacts (people who gladly accepted phone calls and visits, came fairly regularly, and wanted to stay in touch with us), 13 good contacts (people who accepted some kind of contact or came more than a few times), and 41 other contacts.
Not long ago only a few people in North Bay really knew about the Seventh-day Adventist Church, now the town talks about us. We got such a good exposure through these meetings. Even those that do not agree with us heard that we are a friendly people who love God and the Bible. I consider that a seed that will bring fruits in the future.
I cannot describe to you how huge a leap this is for our church. Just a few months ago I was desperately
trying to find somebody to give a Bible study to. Now, I am so busy that I get barely enough sleep. But this was not the only benefit. What is even more important to me is that the church is now on fire. They have seen that evangelism works, and they learned about successful methods. Now they are willing to continue in the same fashion. They are attending church regularly, especially during the week. Attendance during the week (Tuesday meeting) increased by 500% (from 3 to 15). They are now so encouraged that they are trying to reach out to friends and neighbors to bring them to our follow-up meetings.
Personally, I had never experienced such a success in doing public evangelism. Thanks to It Is Written Canada I was able to learn about proper methods and witness their success. As a pastor I feel more equipped and much more encouraged to continue. with the public outreach programs in my district, especially with the church that is now fired up. We praise the Lord for It Is Written Canada and the privilege that He gave us to have them in our little town.
Sasa Andelkovic, MDiv North Bay/South River SDA Churches, Ontario Conference ofthe Seventh-day Adventist Church
ne of my favorite songs from the Adventist Hymnal says: "Proclaim to every people, tongue, and nation that God, in whom they live and move, is love; tell
how he stopped to save his lost creation, and died on earth that we might live above". This song makes me think that we're living in the most momentous time on earth where Christ's full gospel has been proclaimed to everyone in this world, and. I truly. believe that "It Is Written Canada" has been used by God in such a mighty way that people in the most remote places have been touched by God's word.
Almost a year ago, God placed in my heart a strong desire to become a partner of the program, and since then, I've experienced many blessings. The last blessing was the establishment of our first LusoBrazilian Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Montreal in November 2008. My mother tongue is Portuguese, and I'm so glad that we have a place where our families could get together every Sabbath to worship God in our language. This is such a wonderful blessing and
I long may it continue.
I pray to God that others like me can also be . encouraged to become a partner, and experience God's blessings in their lives.
God bless you!
by Luiz Leao
Luiz Lelia, Senior IT Consultan t Montreal, OC
hank you, thank you, I don't have words to thank you - today I can lift my head and dream of heaven, thank you!"
Ignacio, (not his real name) like so many other Angolans, had spent most of his life knowing nothing but war. For more than 30 years Angolans witnessed the horrific consequences of war, first a war for independence then a civil war. Ignacio buried loved ones, victims of the armed conflict, his home and all his belongings were either destroyed or taken. All that remained for Ignacio was hatred towards those that he felt were responsible for all his pain. That hatred motivated him to enlist in the military - it would be the release for all his anger and hatred.
What in theory seemed like a viable coping mechanism served only to exacerbate his pain as he
by Bill Santos and Douglas Pereira
witnessed atrocities committed in the name of war. It robbed him of his ability to sleep as the horror was replayed in his head as if it was on a continuous loop. This drove him to find an escape - and he found one, in the bottle.
'1 would rather be unconscious than have to face reality!"
Ignacio grew more and more bitter and began down a steep slope of depression that brought him to the point of suicide. When all seemed lost, his neighbour, an Adventist lady invited him to watch a DVD, he accepted. The Canadian preacher talked about Jesus' unconditional love for his disciples and how he forgave and used those twelve very common men.
A few months before It Is Written arrived for the Hope for Angola project hundreds of DVD sets were
the it is written canada magazine
forwarded to Angola - the goal being that church members would use the DVD's as a way of outreaching to their neighbours, friends and family and to introduce them to the Canadian preacher.
While watching the ':All the King's Men" DVD, Ignacio began to think of a possible alternative for his life - a life with jesus! He was not happy watching only one episode - he watched all 9, in one sitting! "It was almost too good to be true - that someone could love me unconditionally - forgive everything that I had ever done. For the first time in a long time I had hope!"
Ignacio decided that day that he needed to get to know this Jesus. Something was happening in Ignacio's life - that hatred and anger in his heart was being displaced by God's love and His grace. Ignacio was told that the Canadian preacher he had watched on those DVD's was coming to Luanda - Ignacio could not believe his ears!
On December 6,2008, Bill Santos began an evangelistic effort in the Luanda Central Seventh-day Ad-
ventist Church - 3500 people came out the first night, including a young man who had peace where before he had only known rage. Ignacio that night decided that a complete surrender to Jesus is what he needed to do.
Getting to the Central church every night was going to be areal challenge for Ignacio given the distance from his home however, another It Is Written Canada evangelistic effort was going on in his community headed up by Douglas Pereira. Ignacio committed to coming out every night - and he did!
On Tuesday December 9, 2008 Pastor Douglas presented the message of God's gift to mankind - His Son! In whom we can all find peace, hope and forgiveness, Ignacio could not contain himsel£
"It all became very clear for me at the moment - how terrible my sin is and how wonderful His love for me is. I had no other choice then to surrender to the One who had done so much for me. "
Ignacio came forward, tears streaming down his face as he surrendered his life to Jesus.
Ignacio was one of 800 decisions made at the two evangelistic efforts - more than 230 were baptized on December 13, 2008 with the remainder being baptized over the following weeks.
Along with the two evangelistic efforts, It Is Written Canada also trained more than 1200 church leaders and conference officers (Luanda North Conference). These training sessions happened during the day and in the evening many of the leaders would practice what they had learned in the classroom as they helped out at the evangelistic meetings.
"This is exactly what we needed - we wanted to do more but we did not know how. I can tell you that my church will conduct two evangelistic efforts next year (2009) we will begin the spiritual revival next Sabbath. Our goal will be to see a majority of our members involved in some way in these efforts, greeters, prayer warriors, ushers, small group leaders and many other outreach efforts. "Elder & Personal Ministries Director, Vila Estoril Seventh-day Adventist Church - Luanda, Angola
It Is Written Canada also donated resources to assist in these efforts. At the end of the training, representatives from the Luanda North Conference received resources and materials including video projectors portable DVD players, DVD sets and computers to help maximize the efforts of the churches.
Two television programs were taped, one in English and the other in Portuguese, that will be aired later this season.
Your generosity has made it possible for Hope to come to Angola - please remember Ignacio in your prayers. Thank you for helping make this project a reality.
Bill Santos, Speaker / Director of It Is Written Douglas Pereira, Evangelism / Portuguese Mimstries It Is Written Canada
the it is written canada magazine
he Great Commission is God's eternal purpose that all people everywhere have the opportunity to become disciples of Jesus
Christ. Jesus states, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go and make disciples of all nations". In spite of some similarities between Jesus and other ancient Hebrew leaders that were removed from their people by their death, Jesus would live on in an exalted new position from which He would continue to impact His followers. He promised something never done by any other leader - His continued presence: '1 am with you always".
by Gerson Santos
All four Gospels confirm that Jesus' followers are to share the good news through the Holy Spirit. All four Gospels present that Jesus' disciples are to take the life of God that they experience in the church and carry it to the world. All are to share the good news that through the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the living Lord of both church and world, meet and join with His followers in the church. The life that God intended is already available here and now, and as long as time lasts: "1 am with you always, to the very end of the age".
The Great Commission is repeated five times in the Bible. The most basic for understanding strategic
components is Matthew 28:18-20, /lnd Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the
'A "
age. men.
The authority given by Jesus through the Holy Spirit was given in order to equip His disciples as witnesses (Acts 1:8)' This text imparts an important key to Christ's expectations of his disciples. The "verb in this command is actually in the declarative form. Had Christ used the imperative verb to be, it would have implied a conscious activity or planned action. Rather, Christ meant that being his witness was to be a natural, assumed part of the disciple's lifestyle. This normal dimension of the disciple's lift is God's secret to fulfilling the Great Commission!" 1
Therefore making disciples is not optional, it is the main goal of the great commission. All other things we do as a church is part of the main commission, but it will not be fulfilled if disciples are not made.
As I participated at the partnership program in Toronto last November, Pastor Bill Santos reminded us of the thirty-five years of It is Written Canada. I had the opportunity to hear again stories of how God blessed this ministry through Elder Feyerabend as its pioneer, and now under Bill's leadership. It is amazing
Therefore making disciples is not optional, it is the main goal of the great commission
to see how the world has changed, and to be sure that God is still providing for His children.
The mission of the Church is to announce salvation through Jesus Christ. In order to fulfill this goal, the primary function of the church is to train their members to reach out to the world and call in new disciples for Jesus. "The Holy Spirit urges us to find a ministry whereby the gift can be used to serve others and attract them to Christ. Under this plan there is no hierarchy. Everyone is a minister peiforming some ministry for which he or she has been specially gifted" 2
The church in North America is taking the initiative ofleading 100,000 people to Christ in 2009. According to Ron E.M. Clouzet, North American Division Ministerial Secretary, "we would like to awaken interest, enthusiasm, and sense of urgency for evangelism among pastors and lay people. When it comes to evangelism, I am convinced three factors make it successjul: the power of the Spirit through God's Word. the persistent, loving prayer intercession of soul winners, and the undivided commitment of God's people to do the work to sow in order to reap. "This initiative can "become an actual reality if we choose to surrender our lives to Christ each and every day of our lives, and trust the Holy Spirit to do what we are not capable to accomplish. "
Every year hundreds of people have been brought to Jesus through the ministry of It Is Written Canada. Evangelism is not only about the preaching, it involves the whole process of bringing someone to Jesus. Even
the it is written canada magazine
Pastors of the Portugues Ad . .
e VISOry m the planning of NET 2009
though we expect results of conversion through the evangelistic efforts, we cannot evaluate its effectiveness just by the number of baptisms. The influence of the It Is Written ministry of bringing people to Jesus goes far beyond the territory of Canada, including the United States, Bermuda, Brazil, Africa, and God knows how in many more lands this ministry has helped sincere people to come closer to the Lord.
Since its beginning, It Is Written Canada has been very involved with the Portuguese ministry. For the first time ever, the Portuguese Ministry in North America will hold evangelistic meetings via satellite. And Pastor Bill Santos was invited to be the speaker of the first satellite evangelistic series in Portuguese from North America.
This project is much more than a week of uplink meetings through satellite. It is a part of a detailed evangelism process that already started last August when the project was launched. Each one of the sixty Portuguese-speaking congregations in North America received a starting kit to promote the program. During the following months most of the churches have been involved in spiritual revival, intercessory prayer and community outreach. Several evangelistic rallies will take place for the next five months. Lay training and hundreds of small group meetings will help to reach the community with the gospeL
The reaping meetings will take place in October 10-17, 2009. Pastor Bill Santos, as the main speaker, will be preaching from Dallas, Texas. The meetings will be translated into Spanish and English to maximize
our efforts. The Hope Channel and the Esperanza TV will be transmitting the event. We already know that thousands of churches will be downloading the meetings from North America to South America, Africa, and many other countries.
The Portuguese speaking Adventist membership in North America is approximately six thousand. We are ready to get out of our comfort zone and take a huge step in sharing the present truth with three million plus that speak Portuguese in the United States and Canada. It is amazing to see the enthusiasm of pastors and members participating in NET 2009.
The main purpose of evangelism is to bring people to Jesus, and to equip disciples to lead growing churches. It is gratifying to see It Is Written Canada as an integrated ministry to support God's church reaching out to the lost.
I was amazed to see the quantity of new material It Is Written has produced recently extending the influence o fits ministry, helping its partners to facilitate the process of bringing men and women to Jesus.
Gerson Santos, North American Division Portuguese Ministry Director
1 Win Am and Charles Am, lhe Master's Plan for Making Disciples (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1998), 24.
2 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual (Silver Spring, MD: General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2000), 67.
It Is Written Canada is a donor-supported ministry committed to proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to the whole world.
Our donors make it possible for It Is Written Canada to reach into the homes of thousands of people every day through our television programs, spiritual resources, live events and website. When you donate to It Is Written Canada, you help make an eternal difference in untold lives.
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any people want to know what they need to eat in order to improve their health. We know that our health depends on much more than what we eat, however, a healthy diet does contribute immensely to our overall health and well-being!
Here are some important principles of a good regime that all people can benefit from:
• Eat more food of vegetable origin, specifically vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes.
• Eat less food of animal origin. A balanced vegetarian diet offers many health benefits.
• Have two and a half meals a day - a hearty breakfast and lunch, and a small dinner. We should eat like a king (or a queen) at breakfast, at lunchtime like a prince (or a princess) and in the evening like a pauper.
• Avoid eating fat of animal origin and limit your consumption of all other fats.
• God gave us taste buds in order to savor food. It is possible to prepare tasty yet healthy meals.
• Drink water between meals and avoid drinking water during meals.
by Viriato E. Ferreira
• Avoid alcoholic beverages of any kind and limit your consumption of soda pop, even the "natural ones". Avoid coffee. Replace it with cereal drinks, made with ingredients like chicory and barley.
• Do not eat between meals and do not snack.
Drink water instead.
"But in a practical way, how should we eat?" people ask. Each case is unique. Consult your doctor or nutritionist if you have any health problems that might require special attention. Infants, children, and pregnant women also require special attention.
It is important to note that one's cultural background can influence what we eat. In many parts of the world, there is a tradition to eat cereals for b eakfast and have a more elaborate lunch, where in other countries, the opposite is common.
Here is a suggestion for healthy eating habits for everyone even with a relatively sedentary lifestyle. This diet practiced in a wise and oalanced way, will benefit your health.
When you wake up: Start.the day by drinking 1 to 2 cups of water, preferably at room temperature.
25 %
of the Plate
Food rich in protein, preferably
vegetable protein
Beans I grains / lemils / peas I soybeans and soy produces like tofu, granulated soy / soy sprouts. If you eat meat or fish, give preference
to fish in low quantities. A suggestion for the non-vegetarians is to reduce your meat or fish consumption and instead replace them
with food rich in vegetable protein.
of the Plate Food rich in carbohydrates
Potato I rice, preferably
brown rice / whole grain pastas.
Do this immediately after waking before your personal hygiene regime. Wait at least thirty minutes before eating breakfast.
BREAKFAST (remember, eat like a king/queen)
• Fruit - one or two fruits (for example: one apple and one orange, two apples, one pear and one apple, two slices of pineapple)
• Whole grain cereals - the ones without sugar.
Hot cereals like oats or wheat and whole grain breads are also other great options.
Use vegetable margarine without hydrogenated fat, peanut butter, almond butter, soy cheese or fresh cheese (cottage for instance). Avoid yellow or cured cheese.
• Milk or yogurt - preferably soymilk. If you prefer cow's milk or yogurt, use the skim variety (low fat).
• Finally, a handful of nuts. (4 - 5 nuts or 8 - 10 almonds is all you needl),
LUNCH (now you are to eat like a princelprincess ... )
Imagine your plate of food. Fill the plate with the rule of halves. Divide your plate in the middle and then divide the other half in the middle again. Simple! See the picture at the top.
Eat just a little of sugar and fat. For example: a small fruit with maybe 1 - 2 healthy cookies.
of the Plate Food rich in vitamins and minerals
Salads / vegetables - prepared in any way you like but avoid
"salad dressings" with a lot of fae.
DINNER (remember, eat like a pauper!)
(Have your dinner as early as possible in order to
have an empty stomach when you go to bed).
• Vegetable Soup (avoid heavy soups at night).
• Bread
• Fruit
• You can complement with a yogurt, preferably a soy yogurt or a non-fat one.
• Consult your doctor or nutritionist if you have any health problems that might require a special diet.
• Commit to a balanced diet, which provides all nutrients and energy for your health. If you are a not a vegetarian, avoid as much animal fat as you can (including processed cheese) and eat meat or fish in small quantities.
• Similarly, vegetarians must commit to a balanced diet, making sure they are obtaining, for instance, vitamin B 12 in enough quantities. A balanced vegetarian diet has many advantages when compared to non-vegetarian diets.
• Remember, proper nutrition is only one component of a good lifestyle. Eat well ... for your health!
Viriato E. Ferreira, MD (MEChE) President of the Portuguese Association of Preventive Medicine ,
the it is written canada magazine
dy, pi
"Someone once said, 'In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.' If you are looking for some very practical, easy to adopt practices that will contribute to living a healthier more abundant life, then this is the DVD for you."
're like most people, during the usually waist -enlarging Christmas Season, this January you will take pen in hand and nobly list all the wonderful
you are going to "do better" this new year. And then, re really like most people, you will inadvertently rn,""rppr! to neglect this worthwhile list as the days and weeks fly by in the mad rush of life. Yes, this scenario repeats without fail each and every year! I know most of you can say with me, "Been there, done that!"
What is it about New Year's resolutions that make them so hard to keep? Researchers tell us that it's just not within our nature to want to willingly change behaviours we've become fond of over the course of our lives, even if those behaviours are harmful to us. The apostle Paul had this same difficulty centuries ago when he lamented, "The things I know I should do, I don't do. And, those things I don't want to do, I do!"
You've heard the old adage, health is wealth? We all know it's true but, as Paul experienced, it's just so hard to do those things we know are good for us. Like renovating our diet so we're eating healthier, or, strapping on those winter boots for a brisk, invigorating walk.
Does God even care about your physical health?
Certainly, He cares about your spiritual health, but does it matter to Him what you eat and drink, or even if you exercise? Absolutely He cares! He knows all about our human idiosyncrasies - that some of us have a weakness for chocolate, or maybe it's ice cream, or soda pop, or a rich diet. He knows, and He promises in John 10: 1 0, "I am come that they might have life, and
by Bev Miller
have it more abundantly." Imagine having abundant life in 2009! Imagine living with a new you!
The good news is that with the promise of God's unlimited power to support you, moving towards a healthier lifestyle is not only a great idea for 2009, but it's totally do-able! Seriously, good health is as simple as doing the following daily:
• Eating mostly whole grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, and nuts; now is the perfect time to "take out the trash" - that is, get rid of the junky foods in your kitchen. Then, stock up on the good, wholesome stuff!
• Drinking eight cups of water; not fruit juice or vegetable juice, not milk, just water!
• Doing 45 minutes of something fun and physical; it's got to be fun, otherwise you know you won't do it! Do yourself a favour, though, and don't lose your money by joining an expensive health dub!
• Basking in God's sunshine and fresh air for 30 minutes; the kiss of the sun is the best way to get your vitamin D! Go on - get out there!
• Getting seven good hours of zzzz's; your Mom was right - early to bed, early to rise is always good advice!
• Making sure you're not going overboard (or under!) on any of the above; having a good balance in all aspects of life is important to our well-being.
Remember, though, it all starts with the God part - claiming God's unlimited power for your life. He's ready when you are. Get up and get going! Cheers to the new you!
J. Beverley Edwards-Miller, BASe, Registered Dietitien - Baycrest Centre
the it is written canada magazine
it take from"Lh1S person (who connects humans) tLnhe many different hleoI2k...
d ?_'.-
V(e see to ay,. ,._
This is-a-quite cna~glru?;j;lpe tio,nl!- -..I.~-o=;;;;~=
And far a long time a gJ;@,t-fJart--ef..the-seienl1ff-C'\'r---""" community had the opinion,,":tn-at-this-time One was tens of thousands of years, whith obvro--qslfi'i'la'Clealot
-ef people doubt the Bible since the sCrIpi:tl:1'~s.~gg,...e_st_s _
much shorter period of time in the otcGer:.o~~.~;;;.;st;_ __ ...;.;:,
few thousand years, which corresponds to the tim@ ... -o"f~ _
Noah. who-aceordtng to the Bible is ~most rece~t
-, -',
by Rivelino Montenegro
It is interesting to observe that very often when a scientific discovery is made, which seems to go against the biblical text, we see news everywhere putting this as a clear indication that the Bible is nothing but a fairy tale. But when a scientific discovery happens that supports the biblical text we do not see the same newspapers and TV stations saying that the Bible was right about that point.
Coming back to the paper about the most com-
mon ancestor! Irying to find when our most common ancestor lived through eQIUPuter simulation is not a trivial task due to the complexity of human population dynamics. The paper points out th1 mating, for example, is not a random pwcess in the real world which is influenced by geography, proximity, culture, \anguage and social class ..
These "details" can complicate the whole .
model. And we can also suggest some, other natural catastrophes such as earthquake, vU"L.dlJ.U
tion, (did I hear someone say flood?), as well "''''''_V''cl'-''H .... diseases that can influence dramatically . population size. Such ph~nO'mena .could
migration, isolation population
... when a scientific discovery happens that supports the biblical text we do not see the same newspapers and TV stations saying that the Bible was right about that point.
lived not tens of thousand years ago, but just a few thousand years.
Amazingly enough the biblical text, which was criticized and considered ridiculous for saying that our most common ancestor did not live tens of thousands of years ago but just a few thousand, is once again vindicated when new scientific light is shining upon its pages. And once again, we do not see the newspapers or TV stations apologizing for their criticism against the Bible.
The authors of the paper finish their work saying "no matter the language we speak or the colour of our skin, we share ancestors who planted rice on the banks of the Yangtze, who first domesticated horses on the steppes of the Ukraine, who hunted giant sloths in the forests of North and South America, and who laboured to build the Great Pyramid of Khufu."
I guess in the near future, when new scientific groups refine their models and get all variables together, they will find out that our most common ancestor not only lived just a few .tlipu~anc!.~years ago, bU,that h~
, was -~tualIy at ark~buildef-a:s the Bible describes
~, ,
ese is COl11il1q t
All The King's Men with Bill Santos (2 DVDs) $3
"Ihrist con toke a very common person and make them a very uncommon Apostle. Are you available for that today?"
(Avaible in DVD, Audio CD, Book ond Study Guide)
Bill Santos & Dr. Ben Carson (1 DVDs) $2
"He hod a childhood dream of becoming a physidon. Growing up in a single parent home with dire poverty and poor grades made that dream seem like an impossibility until his mother, who only had a third grade education, challenged her son to strive for excellence. Today he holds one of the most prestigious positions in the Aeld of medicine anywhere in the world. You will not forget his inspirotional story. "
Even These Believed with Bill Santos (2 DVDs) $3
"The num ber of people in (nnedo, who categorize themselves as atheists, agnoslics, humanists or no-religion rose to 16 .. 2% in the 2001 census, up from 12.3% in 1991, and 7.4% a decode earlier. Does believing in God require a huge leap of faith? Learn how these once proclaimed atheists took that step and came to know and love the God of the Bible."
God's World
with Bill Santos (2 DVDs) $3
"The Genesis story of creation does not contradict the evidences of creation that we see all arou nd us. Whot we see when we look up into the sto rry heavens harmonizes with what we read in sacred scripture. Nature and the Bible ore two books wrillen by the soma Author. 01 these two books we can truly say, 'My Father wrote them both'."
It Is Written Canada Classics on location in Brazil
with Henry Feyerabend (J DVDs) $2
"Brazil for Henry Feyerabend was more than a missionary field· it was his home away from home. Pastor Henry embrered Brazil and the country embraced him. On one of his rna ny visits to Brazil Pastor Hen ry filmed a series of plogro ms that are included in this collection. I know you will enjoy visiting Brozil with Pastor Henry and will be blessed by his powerful messages."
It Is Written Canada Classics on location in Hallifax
with Bill Santos (J DVDs) $2
"Located in the municipality of Hnlifox - Halifax Harbour is said to be the second largest ice free harbour in the world. Located 43 kilometres south of Halifax Peggy's (eve is one of the most beautiful fishing communities in the entire world. Both of these sites have seen tragedy! The messages on this DVD remind us that even in the midst of unbearable pain we can know God is near."
It Is Written Canada Classics on locution in Newfoundland
with Bill Sa;nlos (2 DVDs) $3
"The Island of Newfoundland was named by the Italio n explorer John Cabot -the nome means 'New Land' in Latin, Portuguese and Italian. Postor Henry Feyerobend choose that island us the perfect backdrop for his inspiring messages of hope- you ore in for a freotl"
It Is Written Canada Classics on locution in Russia
with Bill Santos (2 DVDs) $3
"The tearing down of the 'irnneunnin' presented unprecedented opportunities to spread the Gospel of Jesus to the people of the Soviet Union. Halls thot for centuries hod been used to tear Christianity down were now being used to lilt up the (fOSS of Jesus. Watch Paslors Feyerabend and Finley as they use the former communist stronghold as the backdrop to preoch a message of freedom that is only found in Jesus Christ."
Songs of Hope from the It Is Written Canada Ielemsl wilh the It Is Writlen Singers
(J DVD) $2
14 songs: Midnight Cry Hormony Singers Give .Me Jesus Poul Antunes larue Hashem, Adonai Isabel Santos Morning Trumpet Henry Feyerabend & F. McMiller All Hail The Power Sounds of Praise Male Chorus Come to .Me Baverley Nares I'm Still The Same Evaldo Vicente Jesus loves Me & I Surrender Medley David 5chwinghammer Swing low, Sweet Chariot Ministry Quartet He Knows You, He Loves You, He Cares Anabela 5i Iveiro The Lord's Prayer Alpha Rombaoa & Baverly Nares lamlt of Glory Michelle Morra Jesus Paid It All Henry Feyerabend & F. McMiller I Will Come Again Harmony Singers
Take The Risk
with Bill Santos (J DVDs) $2
"Franklin D. Roosevelt once sold, 'No one ever stubs his or her toe while standing still. It is tommon sense to lake a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly. But above all, try something!' The title of Dr. Corson's new book is 'Toke the Risk' which seems to fly in the face of everything we hove ever been told about risk. Listen while Dr. Corson gives pmcticol steps to help us assess situations that may appear quite risky but in fact provide a tremendous opportunity for our growth and development."
The Clash of Cultures with Bill Santos (2 DVDs) $3
"We are only temporarily in this world, we are not permanent citizens here. And so we hove the very difficult task of being in the world but not 01 the world, of being the chosen of God, redeemed by Jesus {hrist, set apart for holy living with the purpose of evangelizing our society and realizing at the same lime that we don't really belong in this so(iety.'"
Sola Scri.,tura .' . .
with Bill Santos, JelfPolls, Troy McQueen, John Wesley, John Fournier, Mathew Feeley, Daniel Jackson, . Nathan James, (yril Millett III and Jokov Bibulovic
(2 DVDs) $3
"Who are the Seventh-Day Adventists and whal do they believe." (Avaible in DVD, Audio CD and Study Guide)
It Is Written Interviews with Bill Santos & Guests (3 DVDs) $4
"One of the most enjoyable aspects of my job is gelling to meet some remarkable people who hove incredible stories to tel!. I learned something and was inspired by each 01 these guests and I know you will also be, Let God speak to you through the lives and stories 01 these loscinoting people.'
Jesus in Genesis
with Henry Feyerabend (2 DVDs) $3
"The book 01 Genesis is a Christ-centered message. In it we find fascinating pictures of Jesus, our Saviou r. May these simple messages rna ke Him more reo I in your life!"
Joseph Dreamer of Dreamers with Bill Santos (3 DVDs) $4
"Joseph shows us that the only way to nnd happiness in the grind of lile is to do so by faith. A faith·filled life means all the difference in how we view everything around us."
(Avaible in DVD, Audio CD and Book)
Live Healthy Volume 1
with Bill Santos & Guests (2 DVDs) $3
"Someone once said, 'I n order to chong e we must be sick nnd tired of being sick and tired: If you are looking lor some very practica I, easy to adopt prectites that will contribute to living a healthier more abundant life, Ihen this is the DVDlol you,"
leach Us 10 Pray with Bill Santos (3 DVDs) $4
"When Jesus gave a pallern for prayer He made it very brief. You see, il isn't how long your prayer is, it's whether your prayer touches on the vital and necessary elements. You con do it in 66 words or you con do it all night long, as long es it includes all the essential components. That is why I believe we need Jesus to 'Teach Us to Pray!'"
(Avaible in DVD rind Book) .
David Friend of God with Bill Santos (2 DVDs) $3
"God, not being impressed by physique or inlellect but by a heart completely comm iliad to ijim, sow in Do.vid the perlect Ihoite:' (Avaible in DVD ondBook)
Prairie V.ices
with Ht;Jlry.:teyerabend (2 DVDs) $3
"I am proUJIto call Pastoheyerabend my friend, my mentor, my POStOL" Bill Sarrtos
(Avaibfi in DVD and Book)
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~P - wif~ enry Feyerabend (2 DVDsJ $3
"I wont to invile you to come 10 the cross 01 Jesus (hrisl, who once a nd for all removed our names lrom the lst 01 the unforgiven:
(Avaible in DVD ontl Book)
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"The Reformation was a turning point in the history of the Christian church. The Reformers were guided by God to restore these beautiful truths back into the church after years of hiding. You will find tremendous strength from the experiences of the reformers and how they continued to stand for truth in the face of overwhelming opposition."
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