Aug Newsletter 2011
Aug Newsletter 2011
Aug Newsletter 2011
Our mission is to reach out in worship, education, fellowship and service to all.
Fountain Hills, AZ
From Our Pastor
And the Word became flesh and lived among us. . . (John 1:14) So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great exploits. (James 3:5) This afternoon I became viewer number 9,777,257 to watch a YouTube video called The Power of Words by Purplecontent*. In it a poor beggar sits waiting for passersby to put alms in his can beside a sign which reads: IM BLIND PLEASE HELP. The response is pretty lackluster until a young woman comes by and changes the wording on his sign to: ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY AND I CANT SEE IT. Stunned by the sound of coins hitting his can, the sightless man asks the woman, What did you do to my sign? She responds gently, I said the sameIn different words. The video ends with a screen bearing this inscription: CHANGE YOUR WORDS CHANGE YOUR LIFE As one who makes his living stringing together words for 20 minutes at a time each week, I am deeply invested in the belief that the words we choose to live by and share with one another have the power to change lives. The gospel writer John underscores this creative power of language in referring to Jesus Christ as the Word: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . . All things came into being through him. . . and what has come into being in him was life (Jn. 1:1-4). John was bent to a blank page: he could have said, In the beginning was the Idea, or In the beginning was the Being, or even In the beginning was the Power. -- but, he didnt. In the beginning, he said, was the Word. . . We have all experienced the remarkable potency of words. Their delightful capacity to create is only equaled by their fearsome faculty to destroy. Words can be cool water or searing napalm: they have that kind of power. During these summer months many of us will find ourselves once again gathered with our families. These settings will still resound in some measure with words long since gone out but not gone by -- some life-giving, some otherwise. The words that we say to family members tend to have a remarkably long half-life. If the echoes around your family circle sound out in a minor key, perhaps its time to change the tone. The Word himself came to show us that its never too late to do our part to change the narrative of our lives and our relationships. Old words cant be recaptured; but new ones can be sent as healing emissaries. Even if the personal dynamics have not changed notably (after all, your mother may still be a nag and your brother-in-law may still be a stuffed-shirt), the opportunity still exists to change the conversation without sacrificing the truth. Remember what the wise young woman said to the blind man I said the sameIn different words. CHANGE YOUR WORDS CHANGE YOUR LIFE Grace and Peace,
August 2011
Family Fun Night Save the Date Wednesday, August 10, 2011 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Center
We will serve dinner and have a magician, bounce area, as well as air hockey, ping pong, foos ball and Wii games. We will be asking for RSVPs so we will know how much food we will need. Be looking for more information in the Sunday Bulletins and Presb-e-News (emails).
In Touch
Pastor/Head of Staff
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Focus on Finance
June Income June Expense $ 31,278 $ 33,433 Budget Budget $ 28,036 $ 34,760
Debby DeBernardi
Director Christian Formation
Marta Ludwig
Administrative Coordinator
Yr to date Income
$ 198,569
Budget Budget
$ 178,319 $ 174,287
Debbie Fisher
Director of Music Ministry
Dorothy Parris
Lynn Medley
CHURCH TREASURER Bud Fuls CHURCH SESSION Class of 2011 Norm Collins Peggy Linkin Helen Roesch Class of 2012 John Brockelman Susan Phillips Terri Schmidt John Wyman Class of 2013 Charlie Eberspacher Susan Owens Jim Roy Donna Yordy BOARD OF DEACONS Moderator: Ruby Pearson Class of 2011 Ralph Berry Bud Fuls Linda Maples Chandler Roesch Class of 2012 Ben Fast Ruby Pearson Bev Watters Chris Young Class of 2013 Yvonne Ellingson Sandy Heunisch John Schopbach Donna Sims ****** Rev. Glenn Atchinson
Pastor Emeritus
At the half way point through 2011, our finances remain strong as we move through the usual summer slump as many members enjoy cooler climes and attendance from visitors becomes more sparse. While our June monthly income fell below the monthly expenses, the year to date numbers show a comfortable margin of income over expenses. We are very grateful to all who keep their pledges during these lean months, and commend our Session leaders in being good stewards in their areas of financial responsibility. Respectfully, Bud Fuls, Treasurer
Make Haste
Life is short, and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the journey with us. O be swift to love, make haste to be kind Henri Frederic Amiel
-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc
On the Inside:
From Our Pastor. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . Focus on Finance .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . Stewardship& Finance .. .. . .. ... . .. .. Mission Ministry . . . . Presbyterian Women .. ... What Did You Do This Summer? .. .. .. .. . VBS Photos .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . Christian Education .. . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . ... New Director Christian Formation .. .. . .. . . .. Nursery Ministry .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Music Ministry.. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . Library Footnotes.. .. . .. . . . . . . .. Need Accurate Addresses .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. Necrology for 2011 .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . August Birthdays . . .. .. .. .. Note from Anabelle Good .. .. . . ... .. .. . . .. .. . . .. 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 10 12 13 14 14 15 15 16
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August 2011
Finance Committee
Report from the Finance Committee
By Norm Collins
FHPC has reached a cross roads in the recovery process that began almost three years ago. Weve made such great progress since then. However, despite a feeling of euphoria, we are not yet where we need to be. On the plus side we are financially healthy and it is obvious that we are once again a happy and vibrant congregation. But, we have a challenge a very serious one that must be recognized and addressed aggressively. This article is intended to describe both our predicament and our planned response. Specifically, we are challenged by our age demographics. The first half of this year is a good example of the problem we face due to natural attrition. Consider the number of members who have passed away in this period. This trend will continue and get worse unless we do something about it. If we do not start bringing in a significant number of new members to reduce the average age of our congregation, we face the possibility of losing our vitality as a church in the coming years. On the positive side we probably have a three to five year time window in which to take actions to reverse this adverse trend. Another positive is that we have a pastor who is ready, willing and able to lead us as we address this challenge. In fact, Pastor Bill has already initiated one of the most important actions. It involves bringing in a professional to direct the development of a viable Christian Formation program which will help us attract new members with children. We have recently
been successful in recruiting Debby DeBernardi, a highly qualified individual who will become a fulltime member of our staff in September (see elsewhere in this Newsletter (page 10) for further information on Debby and her ministry). This first step toward solving our problem is both necessary and exciting. However, it does present a potential dilemma. While the anticipated increase in numbers of members will eventually yield greater contributions, in the near term we may face a period when our costs exceed our income from the contributions of our existing congregation. This will almost certainly happen if contributions stay at current levels. This means we will be taking some calculated financial risks as we move forward toward 2012, and beyond. But if we wait too long, we will almost certainly lose the chance to remain a viable church. We all must remember that this coming year offers a golden opportunity for us to assure the future of our church. What will be required is for us to be generous of our time, talent and financial contributions. May our path be brightened by Gods Holy Light.
Happiness is . . .
Knowing you make a difference.
The churchs success depends on the various talents of its members. Seize the moment: Each of us has something special to offer. Take a personal inventory and see what you can contribute in helping FHPC do Gods work.
In Touch
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Mission Ministry
Mission Ministry Committee
Lisa Kern
Linda Maples
Terry Martin
In this economic time it is challenging to figure out where to cut costs and stretch finances. A familys grocery food bill can put them over budget in no time, especially as the cost of food continues to rise. The Treasure Box has developed a solution to the high cost of feeding today's family. The Treasure Box provides families and individuals with a substantial box of grocery store quality food retailing between $60-$85 for just $34 each. The Treasure Box cultivates relationships with more than 500 major food manufacturers across the country to purchase and provide top quality, nutritious food at sizeable volume discounts to the general public. You can help in many ways with this outreach ministry:
See next page...
Pentecost Offering
Thank you for your contributions for the Pentecost offering! We have received $ 781.00. 40% of that figure is used to support our Compassion International child. 60 percent goes to the Presbytery Mission Council.
Things to remember to bring to the Mission Table on Sunday mornings..... Box Tops for Education Betty Crocker Coupons Campbell Soup Labels (UPC label only) Small toiletries Gently used clothing
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Buy a gift box for someone you know is in need. Try a box for yourself to stay on budget. Join the Box Team and lend a hand in distribution. Pray for the Mission Unit ~ Thank you. Call the church office or Terry Martin 480-600-2065.
August 2011
FH Senior & Boomers Group, and three local churches. We delivered two of the boxes to the Extended Hands Food Bank, from which Bob, Jack and Tom returned with a Rhubarb pie! It was Mary's 91st birthday and we all enjoyed keeping up with her energy. Many thanks to all of you for everything you do! We will welcome even more volunteers for July and August. Oh - yes, more boxes, too. :)) More than gratitude for Marta Ludwig, Admin and Linchpin at FHPC for manning the cash orders desk during the week at the church office and doing a superb job. Thanks Marta! We promise to get it situated by next week. Really. Things are not slow for the Treasure Box Ministry, Church of the Ascension, The Fountains and Four Peaks Community Church have joined us in this community effort. In September the Christian Life Center will come on board to support this ministry and get food to all who EAT! Many thanks for the love, support and prayers to make this ministry a true blessing. How wonderful that we can all feed one another. Celebrate! Tom, Terry, Lisa and the Box Team!
Order Deadline: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 Pick Up Date: Saturday, August 27, 2011
Tom Martin, Brooks Benjamin, and Jim Judge drove Brook's truck to pick up boxes at the distribution center. They only got lost once so I think it worked fine. We will send them again. Thank you. The Adult Education Center at Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church was like a beehive and we were grateful for the church's support. Below we see - Jean Corp, Terry Martin, Jack Morris, Lisa Kern, Mary Morris, Brooks Benjamin, Ilene and Bob Berg. These wonderful volunteers put up signs, unloaded and loaded boxes, checked in orders, got all the right boxes to the right cars and even had time to sit and listen to a few hurting individuals whom they helped. We all enjoyed an uplifting time of fellowship. Denise Schlum dropped by to lend us a real treasure box to keep all our paper work organized. We had volunteers from the
June Treasure Box Crew: Jean Corp, Terry Martin, Jack Morris, Lisa Kern, Mary Morris, Brooks Benjamin, Ilene Berg, Bob Berg, and Tom Martin.
In Touch
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The 12 Summer Boxes for the Troops have been bagged, packed and taken to the post office. Many thanks and huge appreciation to all who have supported the summer project of sending boxes full of supplies, toiletries and snacks to deployed troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. This project could not have happened without the help of so many in our Church who were willing to donate needed items and/or funds to help with the shipping costs. Handwritten cards to the Troops done by the kids at our Daily Vacation Bible School were included in the boxes. You can see by the attached picture, the 12 boxes waiting to be taped shut and have the labels and forms affixed. Also attached is a picture taken June 19th following church services. I was thrilled and honored to meet LCpl. Michael Dallman, grandson of Dick Westphal, who had just returned from Afghanistan and is now stationed in TwentyNine Palms, CA. This was the first time I was able to meet personally one of the recipients of some of my boxes. I had never met Michael before, but I had met his family prior to his homecoming. Donna Sims
NEW FACEBOOK PAGE We have created a new Facebook page that is better than our initial trial site. PLEASE LOOK FOR THIS PHOTO OF THE CROSS IN FRONT OF THE ATRIUM for the correct page. Please sign up again as a friend there. When you are there also click on the like it icon. Hopefully you will like it. When you do that you will get news feeds directly from our site whenever anything new is added. It is just another way to stay connected.
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August 2011
Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team for 2010-2011 Moderator: Ilene Berg Mission Coordinator: Mary Alice Bivens Vice-Moderator (Program): Jan Hoff Search Committee: Donna Yordy Secretary: Linda Warren Membership/Yearbook Coordinator: Maria Berry Treasurer: Maria Berry Bible Study Coordinator: Evelyn Hrunek Publicity: Letha Neely Historian: Barbara Oakeson
Following is a summary, from Mary Alice Bivens, of the meeting held on May 12th, 2011. Church Women United was founded in 1941 and brings together women from 26 supporting denominations. The movement is dedicated to developing relationships and strengthening leadership among women.
PW trip to Winslow. October 21, 22nd, 2011. Subject: On Eagles Wings Speaker: Rev. Buddy Monahan Fall Gathering. October 24th A Place Called Home Coordinator: Sharon Morgan Church Women United. November 14, 2011 Winter Gathering. January 30th 2012 Investing (Its not about money) Presenter: Leota Didier Rummage Sale.March 3rd, 2012 Womens Sunday .March 18th, 2012 Spring Gathering. April 21st, 2012. A Visit from 19th Century Arizona Presenter: Barbara Wyman Churchwide Gathering.July 18-22, 2012 Orlando, FL
On May 12th, 7 women met to explore the possibilities of organizing a chapter of the Church Women United here in Fountain Hills. This group will hold its first gathering----World Community Day----on November 14th, 2011 at Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church. The guest speaker will be the Director of our very own Trendsetters. Mark your calendar.
Letha Neely
In Touch
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August 2011
Shake It Up Caf...VBS
In Touch
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Christian Education
As I sit here trying to stay cool and dry, I am so thankful for all of Gods blessing taking place in our Church today. We have had some exciting things happening all around us. I for one am thankful for answered prayers. There are still lots of things we here in the Christian Education department still would like to see to fruition, but God is providing an opportunity to learn (me especially) patience.
Our Vacation Bible School of 2011 was a huge success. You might say we really Shookem up at the Caf. We had close to 30 youngsters in attendance. Our teens from our Youth Connection were great helpers/aides. We were so glad to have the sound of young voices and laughter resounding on our campus. Some of you were probably in church on the Sunday the young chefs gave their performance. Hope you all enjoyed them as much as we did. I want to take this time to say a BIG THANK YOU to Shawn Uphoff for all her hard work in organizing this huge event. I also want to thank Sandie Guiney for all her help with the artwork, everything was so special. Thank you to all the teachers, helpers, kitchen staff, story tellers and runners who helped make our VBS such a success. I think I can safely say we ALL had a great time. We enjoyed Chef Basil as well as Scraps, they made it easy to remember the secret ingredient of the day. I look
Continued on page 11
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forward to next year to see what we can do to top this very special VBS. Thank you everyone, this truly was a church participated project. We appreciated the prayers, donations, and the physical help. It truly takes everyone to make a successful VBS.
August 2011
as air hockey, ping pong, foos ball and Wii games. We will be asking for RSVPs so we will know how much food we will need. We wanted to kick off our Wednesday nights earlier this year so the young people could get back into their routine. This first night will be more for fun than for scheduled programming. Be looking for more information in the Sunday Bulletins.
There were 22 of us who attended the Diamondback game on Faith and Family night. This was a fun way to spend a Friday night in June. We were able to get some discounted ticket prices and everyone had a good time. There were even fireworks at the end of the game. See photos on page 8. Be on the lookout for more of these excursions.
Please see the article on page 12 about Blessed Beginnings Nursery. If you are interested you can call the office and leave a message for either Debby DeBernardi or Terri Schmidt.
As I close for this month, I want you to continue to pray for us in the Christian Education department. We are planning to initiate new and fun ideas to bring in new people as well as keep the people we already have attending our Christian Education programs. Thank you again to all of you who have stepped up and helped us in so many ways. We love you all and your generosity.
Remember to recycle your papers, ink cartridges and cell phones! Our youth programming benefits. We receive over $1500.00 a year because of YOU! We know you have other options but if you can please help our programming. FHPC benefits!
How do you view God? In Americas Four Gods: What We Say About God and What That Says about Us (Oxford University Press), Paul Froese and Christopher Bader examine research into Americans perceptions of God According to research, 28 percent of Americans view God as authoritarian, 22 percent as benevolent, 21 percent as critical and 24 percent as distant. There remaining five percent are atheists or agnostics. The authors say peoples views of God affect their attitudes toward everything from love and war to economics and natural disasters. Those with an authoritative view, for example, believe God hands out punishments for misbehavior, while those with a benevolent view believe God is loving, not stern. How do you view God, and what Bible verses back up that view? How does your view of God affect your faith and life?
-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc
In Touch
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Nursery Ministry
Blessed Beginnings Nursery Change Lives...Not Just Diapers! by Debby DeBernardi
One of the most positive aspects of Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church I have witnessed is the focus on relationships. Regardless of the age or stage of life, the one common element in every healthy human and spiritual development is nurturing relationships. Healthy brain, spiritual and faith development of early childhood require relational contexts that this faith family is able to provide. This is why I am encouraging people to become Nursery FaithFriends serving alongside a Nursery Teacher to continue to offer a nursery ministry of foundational faith formation. Did Debby say nursery ministry? Isnt good child care good enough? I want everyone to know the significance of Christian formation at every age. The first few years of life are critical for a sense of trust to develop in little ones from which hope emerges. Hope is the seed of the adult faith. During this time a beginning concept of God forms (or deforms) along with the spiritual and brain developments. I guess you might say it is the infancy of faith and reason! We are planning orientation and mentoring in the fall to introduce routines, brain boxes and nursery curriculum ...yes, even for the babies. Parents, grandparents, singles and youth (over 16 years) will find it simple, enjoyable, natural and life giving! Learn how to redeem the routine of caring and teaching little ones for fostering their faith formation. Brain and spiritual developments take place within familiar, secure and nurturing relationships. So, for those who may like to be involved, please consider serving 12 times in a row rather than once a month. Experience how nursery duty becomes nursery ministry as you bond with other FaithFriends, parents and little ones! Nothing happens outside of relationships! For more information about becoming a Nursery Teacher or FaithFriend contact: the Church Office 480-837-1763 or Debby DeBernardi at 602-570-7340.
You brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you even at my mothers breast. From birth I was cast upon you; from my mothers womb you have been my God. (Psalm 22:9)
We are graced with new life at church. (Welcome Anabelle Grace!) What a blessed beginning for our nursery ministry ...until Christ is formed in you. (Galatians 4:19)
Dear Church Family, It was spoken of during Dicks memorial service that what one does for oneself dies with them, but what one does for others, lives on forever! Thank you dear church family and friends for your many prayers, calls, meals, visits, cards, and sharing in Dicks Celebration of Life. They all, through your kindness and caring, have brought us healing, strength and encouragement during our travels in the lowest of valleys. May God bless you as you bless others. With thankful appreciation in Christs great love, Mary Lou Dresser and family
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August 2011
Music Ministry
How wonderful it has been to experience the worship music that has filled our Sanctuary throughout the summer months! The individual styles, the heartfelt presentations, and the fitting selections have helped to bring joy into our worship experience. Our summer musicians are very much appreciated by all. I would also like to thank the sound booth engineers (Chandler) who have been particularly skillful in keeping the sound balanced, and for your extra time in attending individual rehearsals to make sure things go smoothly for Sunday morning. Chandler, I especially enjoyed the dance we shared together after you diligently traced every wire in the sound booth in search of the burned out connection that voided out the WHOLE sound system. Resolving that problem took 3 hours. Your perseverance is invaluable! Thank you again. "Committed" the Youth Band, is still meeting on Wednesday afternoons, practicing music that shines a new light on their Christian experience. Our young people are becoming stronger in developing a sound which reflects the experiences, concerns and dreams of our youth today. We often discuss these issues in rehearsal while seeking relatable Christian music to present in worship, and I do so respect their opinions as we work through each of the songs, deciding which one will best represent, what they wish to express while on their own faith journey. I'm proud to be working with such fine young people. By the time you read this I'll have just returned from the music directors conference at Zephyr Point in Lake Tahoe. I am preparing for it now to get the most out of the experience! I have no doubt it will be educational as well as inspiring. I look forward to the study. With our season of rehearsals beginning in the first full week of September for the Celebration Singers and the Celebration Ringers, I would like to extend an invitation to anyone who may be interested in joining us to please do so. You may call or speak to me, or any Choir or Bell choir member for details, and please know that you are welcome! You will find the schedule of our rehearsal times in the bulletin. With joy and peace, Deborah Fisher Director of Music Ministries My tongue will sing of Your promise, for all Your commandments are right. Let Your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen Your precepts.
Ps. 119: 172-173
Smack, prickle and gulp. No, thats not the name of a new breakfast cereal. Those are words called collective nouns. Collective nouns are special words that describe a particular group of things-in this case animals... A shrewdness of apes A colony of bats A wake of buzzards A bed of clams A gulp of cormorants A bask of crocodiles A murder of crows A brace of ducks A convocation of eagles A business of ferrets A stand of flamingos A business of flies A tower of giraffes A band of gorillas An army of herring A bloat of hippopotamuses A passel of hogs A cackle of hyenas A smack of jellyfish A troop of kangaroos An exaltation of larks A pride of lions A plague of locusts A richness of martens A labor of moles A romp of otters A muster of peacocks A prickle of porcupines A covey of quail A warren of rabbits An unkindness of ravens A crash of rhinoceroses A pod of seals (or whales) A shiver of sharks A nest of snakes A murmuration of starlings A streak of tigers A know of toads A gang of turkeys
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In Touch
Library Footnotes
Introducing a few of the recent additions to our Library CHECK THESE OUT! Blue Turquoise, White Shell, by Virginia Nosky This story opens in the Solomon Islands during World War II with a Corporal Cabot W. Chase, a doctor just out of school who had joined the Marines, and Corporal Nicholas Begay, a recruited Navajo code-talker. The two of them were paired together in charge of the radio communications for the assault on Viru Harbor. As they advanced through the jungle and the swamps, the two men shared personal stories and became close friends. When Nicholas was killed and had to be left where he lay, Cabot made a vow that he would visit Nicholas homeland and meet the lady Nicholas was planning to marry. Not only did he visit the Navajo Reservation, but he stayed and worked at the hospital at Fort Defiance, AZ. He eventually returned to Boston, married and had a son. His granddaughter became very close to him and her desire was to be a doctor. Chase made a bargain with her he would pay for all her expenses at Harvard Medical School and in return she would spend one year at Fort Defiance. When the time came for her to fulfill her part of the bargain she was very reluctant, and she felt there was an emotional tie between her grandfather and the Navajo that she did not understand. Lilly decided to use her middle name, Cabot, when she left for Navajo Land. As she met local people, the name was familiar to many who remembered her grandfather. She soon realized that she, too, admired the people and the surroundings. She was introduced to a young Navajo lawyer, Nicholas Nakai, who was running for Congress. They were drawn to each other and a relationship developed, but Nicholas election team did not think he should take a white woman for his wife and told her she should leave the reservation. She arrived back in Massachusetts, broken hearted, and soon realized she was pregnant. The story comes together and we learn the grandfathers long desire to return to the reservation, as well as Cabot and Nicholas learning of a common ancestor dating back to 1862. Claiming the Beatitudes, Nine Stories from a New Generation, by Anne Sutherland Howard Unbowed, a memoir, by Wungari Maathai, first African woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize I Shall Not Hate, a Gaza Doctors Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity, by Izzeldin Abuelaish Cutting for Stone, a novel by Abraham Verghese Tattoos on the Heart, the Power of Boundless Compassion, by Gregory Boyle -Vivian Virden
Independence overrated It might have been humorous, if it hadnt hurt so much. One moment I was on my front porch. The next I was lying flat on my side, wedged between a bush and the house. In a split second, my 13-pound puppy had taken off after a bird, yanking me off my feet. All it took was one ill-timed moment of distraction to transform me from a strong, reasonably healthy adult to a helpless, badly bruised victim of misfortune. Unable to move, I was pondering my dilemma when a strong hand reached down. My neighbor had rushed to my aid. Embarrassed but grateful, I accept his help. Im not as independent or self-sufficient as Id like to think I am. We were created to need and be needed. That isnt a bad thing. Kari Myers (adapted from Hometouch)
-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc
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August 2011
Hospitalized? Call the church! If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from illness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a congregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to assume, when we dont see someone, that they are simply vacationing away. The truth is that some of you are sick and we are not aware of it. You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of your situation. We have an excellent support system in place due to the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you by communicating your situation.
With deepest sympathy we list those members who have passed away in 2011 Jack Hrunek Dick Patterson Ruth Sherick Molly Pitcher Ron Behrends Thelma Blake Eric Blake Jim Rudack Paul Brisbane Maida Navis Walter Breidenbach Bob Hutchinson Dick Dresser Sheri Atchinson Rinfret
Well done, Thou good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy Of thy Lord.
Matthew 25:21
Its a small world...Emerson Uphoff was unexpectedly invited by our own Joe Peluso, Southwest Airlines pilot, to visit the cockpit on her return flight from vacationing in Chicago with her family. Of course it was well before the flight took off.
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church 13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
Non Profit Organ. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit NO. 299 Scottsdale, AZ
NEW FACEBOOK SITE... SEE PAGE 6 If anyone is not getting our newsletter or Presb-E-News and would like to, please let the church office know at 480-837-1763.
In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication. News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to Editor, Marta Ludwig; Assistant Editor, Carol Hencz; Proof Reader, Helen Roesch; Staff Photographer: Gary Oakeson; Production and Circulation: Mary Wernecke, Bobbie Dangremond, Ruby Pearson, Arlene Olsen, Marilyn Humes, Barb Hegwood, Vivian Virden and Joyce Stott. Travel to Bulk Mail Post Office: Mary Martinson.
Thanks SO Much! Mom and Pastor Dad are taking a nap at the moment. (I dont understand why they dont like to look at the cat in the middle of the night as much as I do!) So, since I dont have to keep them amused right now, I wanted to write and tell you how glad I am to be the newest member of the FHPC family. I cant believe how nice you folks have been to me. Ive gotten so
many cards and gifts that I cant even begin to send personal thank yous to
everybody. After all, I only have about 3 hours between meals! And, when I came to VBS and to church on Sunday so many people wanted to talk to me and hold me. . . I think FHPC must be what heaven is like! I am really looking forward to growing up with you. Theres so many things I want to do: I want to play on the playground set; and learn about Jesus in Sunday School; and sing in a Childrens Pageant. Maybe one day soon Ill even show you how loud I can cry during one of Dads sermons! Thank you again for loving Mom and Dad and me so much! Anabelle Grace Good
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church 13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729 OfficeE-Mail Address: Summer Office Hours: Monday Thursday : 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Pastor/Head of Staff Rev Bill Good email: cell phone: 480-329-8090