Astronautics Homework

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ENGRMAE 146 Astronautics

Homework 2 due Friday 1/22, 5:00 pm

1. Do Problem 11.1 in Curtis 3rd edition.

2. Complete the provided MatLab codes and perform numerical

integration to compute the planar ascent profile for a rocket similar to

that described in Example 11.3 in Curtis 3rd edition. (The parameters
are already included in the files).
Use the following values for pitch over altitude and initial flight path
h_p = [90,100,110,120] m
_p = [89.84, 89.85, 89.86, 89.87, 89.88] deg
Report in a table the values for altitude, velocity and flight path angle
at burnout, and the altitude at apogee (when applicable) for each of
the 20 cases.
(modify only MAIN_2D_rocket.m and func_ODE_2D_rocket.m)
3. Select h_p and _p so that the burnout altitude is h_bo=1001km. Use

the conservation of energy and angular momentum, to predict the

apogee distance and velocity based on the conditions determined
numerically at burnout. Compare the values you get to the ones
generated by numerical integration which did not neglect drag. How
accurate are the predictions? Why?

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