Report 1: Performance Analysis of A Finite Aspect Ratio Wing
Report 1: Performance Analysis of A Finite Aspect Ratio Wing
Report 1: Performance Analysis of A Finite Aspect Ratio Wing
Aerodynamics 2
Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering
1 Introduction
One of the fundamental aspects of aerodynamics is the characterization of lift generation on
wing surfaces and its dependence on angle of attack. In this report, we explore lift generation
and its dependence on the angle of attack using a combination of computational techniques, th
and wind tunnel experiments.
The Vortex Lattice Method stands as a well-established approach for assessing the steady
aerodynamic performance of wings. This method discretizes the wing into a grid of panels
and utilizes the principles of potential flow theory to compute lift and other aerodynamic
characteristics. By employing the Vortex Lattice Method, we aim to numerically evaluate the lift
distribution on a specific wing geometry and its sensitivity to variations in the angle of attack.
Complementing our numerical analysis, we conducted wind tunnel experiments to empirically
validate our findings. The wind tunnel testing provides experimental means to quantify the
effects of angle of attack on lift generation, offering a valuable benchmark for comparison with
computational results.
The central objectives of this study encompass the determination of the lift distribution along
the span of the wing and the evaluation of the total lift generated by the wing. Additionally,
we seek to compare our computational results with the wind tunnel experiments, which helps
validate the numerical approach and identify any potential discrepancies between theory and
The report unfolds with an exploration of the methods employed in our project, offering
justifications for our choices, followed by a detailed presentation of results, and concludes with a
discussion that addresses the specific questions raised in this study.
Report 1: Performance analysis of a finite Aspect Ratio Wing Report I
2 Methods
2.1 Wind tunnel experiment
A model wing with a span of 12 cm was created and placed into a set-up bench. Some wholes
were drilled in the wing holder, such that the wing can be set to different angles of attack. The
wing and the set-up bench are placed in a scale, which is then put in the measuring point of the
wind tunnel. Then, the weight difference is measured for different angles of attack, taking special
care of making sure the measurement is made once the flow around the wing has stabilized.
Having these settings, the following measures are got on the wind tunnel in three different
angles of attack, where for each angles it is written down the maximum and minimum value to
have a mean value of it:
Now, in order to get an estimation of CL (α) with the experimental data, few things need to
be consider:
1. Equating lift to the weight of the airplane
2. The computation on every formula, some treatment in the data for the velocity and mass
are need to be consider:
xmax + xmin xmax − xmin
x̄ = and ∆x =
2 2
3. And the equation for the lift coefficient are the following:
C¯L =
ρŪ 2 S
Report 1: Performance analysis of a finite Aspect Ratio Wing Report I
5. In the previous formula, density of the air used is ρ = 1.293 and the wing area is
S= = 23, 96cm2
With all the necessary equations, now it is proceed to do the computation of those values
which gives the following results:
α Ū ∆U m̄ ∆m C¯L ∆CL
5º 9.88 0.03 4.4 0.6 0.285 0.0406
10º 9.6856 0.145 7.95 0.05 0.536 0.01942
15º 9.72 0.04 10.6 0.1 0.709 0.0125
Now, having these results, the slope of the two variables can be obtained by applying a linear
regression resulting in the following figure:
Where the slope in this case is = 0.04246; notice that this value of slope is for AoA
when it is in degrees, and so in the following sections, the computation of the slope need to be
consider this condition or transform it for AoA in radians.
Report 1: Performance analysis of a finite Aspect Ratio Wing Report I
Number of panels
20 0.0771
40 0.0759
80 0.0761
160 0.0761
Which it can be seen how the precision to get the slope is nearly negligible when the panels
increased from 80 to 160 panels.
Report 1: Performance analysis of a finite Aspect Ratio Wing Report I
However, VLM shows some underlying limitations. It is most applicable in subsonic, incom-
pressible flow regimes and may not capture all complex flow phenomena accurately. Moreover,
the effect of the thickness of the airfoil profile is not accounted. In addition, VLM is part of
potential flow theory, which has no ability to compute viscous drag due to its assumptions.
Therefore, VLM is often used as an initial design and analysis tool, with more advanced methods
required for detailed analysis.
A brief summary of the theoretical background on the Vortex Lattice Method feels necessary
in order to properly explain the process.
Under potential flow theory, the velocity vector field can be expressed as:
⃗ = V⃗∞ + ∇ϕ
V (1)
The perturbation velocity of a given panel can be expressed as the sum of the contributions of
each of the panels.
∇ϕi = ωij Γj (2)
Where ωij is the corresponding term from the Aerodynamic Coefficient Matrix, whose contents
store the geometrical relations between panels i and j. By applying flow tangency at the panels
(Neumann BC), a system of equations for the circulation of each of the panels can be obtained:
Aerodynamic properties can be obtained once the circulation for all panels is known.
Report 1: Performance analysis of a finite Aspect Ratio Wing Report I
Another key consideration is where to place the panels in the z direction. When considering
lifting surface methods, two choices are possible:
• z = 0 surface (VLM1)
• Camber surface (VLM2)
In the case of a wing NACA 0012, both options are equal (symmetric profile). During the
developing stages of the algorithm, the team decided it was worth the effort to generalize the
code to allow placing the panels on a z =
̸ 0 camber surface. Even though it may be outside of
Report 1: Performance analysis of a finite Aspect Ratio Wing Report I
the scope of the homework, some guidelines and comments for the general implementation are
included in the report.
Γi = Ki U∞ α (5)
The obtained circulation distribution of the wing under study is: The lift distribution is found
by use of Kutta-Joukowski Theorem:
Li = ρU∞ Γi (6)
The total lift is obtained by integrating the lift values on each panel over the wing surface.
The sum of the circulations of every column of panels (x-direction) is calculated, so that the
result is a circulation distribution as a function of the wingspan only. Then:
Report 1: Performance analysis of a finite Aspect Ratio Wing Report I
L = ρU∞ Γ(yi )∆y (7)
Report 1: Performance analysis of a finite Aspect Ratio Wing Report I
The results capture some interesting phenomena. Notice the valley in y = 0. This is a deeply
understood effect of the Vortex Lattice Method in swept wings, arising from the fact that the
vortex lines are intersecting at an angle. The effect of the orientation of these vortex lines causes
the lift distribution to decrease at the intersection point.
Report 1: Performance analysis of a finite Aspect Ratio Wing Report I
Report 1: Performance analysis of a finite Aspect Ratio Wing Report I
4 Conclusion
In the figure 9 it can be seen how close the numerical methods VLM and 3D panel they are,
that is, both methods are sufficiently accurate for the wing analysis. This is due to the use of
NACA 0012 airfoil. If the wing were to contain a non-symmetric profile, the difference between
VLM and Panel Method would be much greater. Regarding the number of panels used in the
computation, it can be seen that when the panels increase, the lift coefficient slope also increases.
On the other hand, using the analytical expression of LLT, there is quite a difference with
respect to the numerical methods, because lift distribution of the wing is not elliptical as it can
be seen in figure 6, in which the lift distribution is similar as the circulation distribution from
the relation previously discussed. In addition, LLT is known to be more accurate as the aspect
ratio of the wing increases. As for the studied wing, the AR (6.01) is not large.
The only result which is really different from other methods is the experimental one, which
lift coefficient slope is almost is half of the rest of the methods; this difference could be because
on the errors made during the experiment such as; manual measure of the velocity, vibration of
compressor that create the airflow, imperfections in the wing model, accuracy of the weighing
scales, etc. Since a lot of errors could have been made during the experiment, it can be concluded
that the reliability in order to estimate the aerodynamics performances is very low or even it
cannot rely on this experiment, especially in the conditions that it was performed.
Even though the experiment was not carried out in a sufficiently controlled environment, one
needs to keep in mind all the limitations of the numerical methods that were discussed earlier,
like non-viscous flow, neglecting the effect of thickness (VLM), small angles of attack assumption,
etc... All in all, the fact that the numerical and theoretical methods yield larger lift coefficient
slopes than the experiment, seems to be in accordance with all the conservative assumptions
that were required in order to create the models.
5 Bibliography
[1] John D. Anderson. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2nd edition,