Light Phenomena

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Experiment 9: Light Phenomena

Alexandra Rebosa, Jan Sanchez, Murielle Santiago

Department of Psychology
College of Science, University of Santo Tomas
Espaa, Manila, Philippines
This experiment deals with the
scientific concepts behind light, such as
refraction and reflection. In this experiment,
the index of refraction of glass was
determined, along with the lateral
displacement of different light rays going
through a glass plate. Angles of incidence,
reflection, and refraction were also obtained
in the experiment. The relationship between
light intensity and distance was also
determined in the experiment with the help
of Logger Pro. The relationship between
intensity and distance was found to be an
inverse square relationship.
1. Introduction
Light is very important to humanity
and the world. It is what enables a person to
see and make sense of the world. It is also
the medium in which the sun sends out its
energy[1], which makes life on earth possible.
Without light, a person will not be able to
see anything or make sense out of his or her
world. Life will not be possible without
light, or more importantly sunlight, since it
gives energy to living objects such as plants
and animals.
The study of light is known as optics.
Optics is a branch of science that studies the
important properties of light.
A subtopic in optics includes one of
the most important properties of light,
known as reflection, refraction, and intensity
of light (brightness). The principles of

reflection, refraction, and intensity will be

further discussed in the experiment.
This experiment aims to determine
the index of refraction for glass and to verify
the laws of reflection.
2. Theory
Light does not always go through a
smooth straight path when it travels around
through different mediums. Thus, it
experiences bending when it travels through
a denser medium, such as when light travels
from the air through a glass. This
phenomenon is called the refraction of light.
The formal definition of the refraction of
light is the bending of the light, when light
arrives through a different medium where in
its speed is different [1]. Moreover, light can
also be reflected through the use of mirrors,
where in its speed remains constant, since it
did not pass through a medium. This
phenomenon could be most likely compared
to an echo in sound, though in this case the
light bounces from a smooth and glass
coated surfacea mirror.
Light can be understood through its
model of a ray and wave front. The model of
a ray can be seen through a focused sample
of light where in it concentrates through a
straight line; while the model of the wave
front can be seen through the circular like
projection of light from the sun [2]. Mainly,
the wave front connects the rays of light that
travels form a source, like the sun. Though
most the sample of light that the
experimenters have experimented, is

extrinsically can be seen with the form of a

The laws that govern when light
passes through different mediums, such us
mirrors and glasses, are the laws of
refraction and reflection.
The law of refraction, which is also
known as the Snells law, states that the
angle of incidence (1), and the index of
refraction (n1) where the angle of incidence
have occurred is directly proportional to the
angle of refraction (2), and the index of
refraction (n2) where the angle of refraction
occurred. This is further stated by this
equation below.
n1 sin 1=n2 sin 2
Basically, the said index of refraction
in the aforementioned statement is based on
the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum (c)
to the speed of light in the medium (v). This
is correctly represented by the equation


Furthermore, the Snells law can also

be expanded and applied through the
application of solving for the lateral distance
(d) of light. The lateral distance of light is
the 2 parallel lines formed by the emergent
ray and the continued line of the incident
ray. The lateral distance just describes the
deviation of the ray of light or an image to
the supposed distance that the incident ray
will have if it were not for the two different
mediums. The lateral distance can be best
explained through the diagram given below.

Figure 1: The Location of the Lateral

Distance of Light
Thus, the lateral distance of light can
be solved through this equation below.
d=tsin 1 (1

n1 cos 1
n2 cos 2

The law of reflection is different

from the law of refraction; because the
speed of light does not change throughout its
reflection on the medium. This is so because
the medium of mirrors are smooth, glassy,
and not transparent in nature. For which it
would not have any influence of the change
of speed in light. Therefore, the angle of
incidence (i) and the angle of reflection (r)
will be just the same with each other [3].
This is seen through this equation below.
i = r

The validity of the equality of the

angle of incidence to the angle of reflection
can be solved through the equation given

|( )|


x 100
i + r

Light also behaves like sound when

projected through a long range. Thus, for the
instance when sound is projected in a long
range, its intensity changes. So as light, the
intensity of the light also changes
throughout a certain distance. Obviously,
when the observer of the light is near from a
source, the intensity of the light is high;
though when the observer is far from the
source of light, the intensity of the light
tends to gradually disappear or be low.
Actually, there is a law that governs this
phenomenon, and it is called the inverse
square law of intensity, where in it states
that the intensity of a constant intrinsic
luminosity of light source from an observe
point is calculated through, the square of its
distance from the point of the source of light
to its observer [4]. This is portrayed in the
equation below.
I = r2
3. Methodology
Activity 1: Refraction
The first activity of the experiment was
divided into three parts: Index of Refraction
for Glass, Refraction through Parallel Plate,
and Refraction through a Spherical Surface.
A. Index of Refraction for Glass

The first part of this activity

deals with the refraction of certain
materials such as glass. The index of
refraction for glass was determined
by using a rectangular glass plate and
a protractor.
First, the angle of refraction
was determined for each of the
following angles of Incidence: 10,
15, 25, 30, 35. Next, a sine of angle
of incidence versus a sine of angle
refraction was plotted. The index of
refraction was then determined based
on the data obtained from the graph.
The theoretical value for the index of
refraction of glass was obtained.
Lastly, the percent error of the
activity was computed.
B. Refraction through Parallel Plate
First, a rectangular glass plate
was placed at the centre of the paper.
The outline of a glass plate was
traced with a pencil so it may return
to its original position when moved.
Light from a laser pointer struck the
glass along ray AB. Points C and D
were marked along the emergent ray.
Next, the glass plate was removed.
The incident ray, the normal to the
plate, the angle of incidence, the
refracted ray, the angle of refraction,
and the angle of the emergent ray
was traced. Next, the angle of
incidence and the angle that the
emergent ray makes with the normal
were measured. The
difference was computed. Next, ray
AB was extended until it was sideby-side with ray CD. The lateral
displacement of ray AB was
measured, and by using a little
displacement was computed. Lastly,
percent difference was computed.

C. Refraction through a Spherical

A Converging lens with a ray
box or two laser pointers pointed
parallel to each other was
illuminated. The observations in this
activity were drawn. The entire
procedure was also repeated using a
diverging lens.

Activity 2: Reflection
For the second activity of the
experiment, the angle of incidence and angle
of reflection were measured in the
experiment using a laser beam and plane
First, the laser beam was point at
three different angles of incidence to a plane
mirror. The angle of reflection was
measured for each angle of incidence.
Lastly, the percent difference between the
angle of incidence and the angle of
reflection was computed.

The activities to study the behavior

of light in the experiment had been divided
into three activities, these pertained
activities are: Activity 1: Refraction;
Activity 2: Reflection; and Activity 3:
Inverse Square Law for Intensity.
Activity 1: Refraction
For activity one the experimenters
has subjected the laser pointers to different
angles from the normal line. It is observed
that the angle of incidence and refraction are
only directly proportional up to some point,
because when the laser pointer deviated
away from the normal line, and go closer to
the horizontal of the glass plate, it got
reflected to a certain extent from the glass
plate. This just means that at a certain
degree of deviation from the normal line,
light will have a hard time to penetrate an
opaque or transparent medium. Thus, it will
result to the reflection of light to that
medium. This is greatly exemplified to the
graph below.

Activity 3: Inverse square Law for

For the third activity of the
experiment, the relationship between the
distance of the light source and its intensity
was determined. A computer with Logger
Pro, a light bulb, and a metrestick was used
for this activity.
First, the intensity of a light source to
sensor distances of 25 cm, 50 cm, 75 cm,
100 cm, 125 cm, and 150 cm was
determined using a sensor. The intensity
versus distance graph was plotted.
4. Results and Discussion

Figure 2: Graph of the Sine Angle of

Incidence (on the y-axis) versus Sine
Angle of Refraction (on the axis)
Since, the experimenters have
already experimented upon the behaviors of
light rays to different degrees of deviation
from the normal line; the experimenters

verified next the validity of the Snells law

through the application of computation
through different angles.
The experimenters achieved this
verification through preciseness of the
computed index of refraction of the glass
plate through different degrees of the angle
of incidence. The index of refraction of the
glass place was solved through the equation

sin 1 n1
sin 2

It is observed in the table below that

the experimenters have incurred a 3.74
amount of percent error with the verification
that they conducted. Thus, this indeed just
proves that the values computed for was
nearly accurate. And the percent error
incurred in the experimental results was due
to the parallax errors in reading the
protractor, and the minor unnoticed
movement of the glass plate during
throughout the actual experiment.
Table1. Index of Refraction of Glass
Angle of Incidence
Angle of
in Degrees
Refraction in
Index of
Theoretical Index
of Refraction
Percent Error



The angle that the experimenters

used for the computation of the lateral
distance is the angle of 40 degrees of the
incident ray and emergent ray. As one can
see, the angle of incidence and the angle of
emergence are equal with each other. This
just means that the experimenters performed
the most accurate way in doing this, and
they have obviously incurred a zero percent
error in the comparison of both. (Note: the
angle of incidence and angle of emergence
are theoretically equal with each other.)
Though, even if the angle of
incidence and the angle of emergence are
correctly equal with each other, the
computed lateral displacement still incurred
an error of 13.33 percent. This percent error
is mainly caused by the possible parallax
error in reading the measurement or,
incorrectly tracing the incident ray.
Table2. Refraction through Parallel Plate
Angle of Incidence
in Degrees
Angle that the
Emergent Ray
makes with
Normal in Degrees
Percent Difference
Measured Lateral
Displacement in
Computed Lateral
Displacement in
Percent Difference
The figure below shows the behavior
of light through a spherical surface. The
spherical surfaces that the experimenters
used are the convex and concave glass.
Thus, in the convex glass all of the lights
from the laser pointer were refracted to the
middle of the focal point; though, in a

concave glass all of the light rays diverge

from one another. This is exemplified
through the image below.

from the light source, the lower the intensity

or brightness that it will have. This is
exemplified and proven by the graph below.

Figure 3: Refraction through Spherical

Figure 4: Inverse Square Law


Activity 2: Reflection
The table below explains the
comparison of the angle of incidence and the
angle of reflection. It is theoretically
assumed that the angle of reflection should
be equal with each other. Though, through
the data below there are still percent
differences in the comparison of both. This
is so because the mirrors might have been
moved in an unnoticed manner by the
experimenters, or the light source was not
that focused enough (the rays is still
scattered in some way) to actually draw an
accurate line of the angle of incidence and
angle of reflection.
Table3. Reflection
Angle of
Angle of
in Degrees in Degrees


Activity 3: Inverse Square Law for Intensity

This activity just proves that the
farther away the light sensor or the observer

5. Conclusion
experimented upon the behaviors of light in
different situations. First, it has been
experimented on how light will react
through different mediums, and spherical
surfaces. Second, the intensity of the light
was observed through the varying distances.
The varying experiment has proven
that laws of refraction, reflection, and
inverse square law can be experimentally
verified. These laws are experimentally
verified through the determination of the
index of refraction of glass, the
measurement of the angle of incidence and
the angle reflection, and through the logger
pro and light sensor.
Though of course the actual
experiments have incurred percent errors
because of parallax errors, unnoticed
movement of the instruments during

drawing measurements, and the seemingly

unfocused light rays since the room was not
totally dark.

3. Cite some practical uses of refraction

and reflection of light.

1. Show mathematically that a ray of light

in passing through a parallel sided glass
plate emerges parallel to its incident path.

In disco clubs, a mirror ball with

uniform pieces of mirrors reflects lights onto
the people on the dance floor and the
surrounding and fiber-optics also uses the
principles of reflection. As for refraction, it
is used for lenses in contact lenses, glasses.

Lets say that 1=18, nair=1, nglass=1.52

7. References

nairsin1 = nglasssin2

[1] Refraction of light. (n.d.) Retrieved May

15, 2014, from

6. Application

Part 1
(1) (sin18) = sin2 (1.52)
sin2 = [(1) (sin18)]/ 1.52
2 = 11.73
2. As a ray of light enters a piece of glass
plate, some it is reflected and some
refracted. If the incidence is 18 degrees,
what is A) angle of reflection B) angle of
refraction? The index of refraction of
glass is 1.52
A.) the angle of reflection is 16
B.) the angle of refraction is 13

[2] Refraction and reflection of light. (n.d.)

Retrieved May 17, 2014, from
[3] Snells law. (n.d.) Retrieved May 16,
2014, from
[4] Intensity: Inverse square law. (n.d.)
Retrieved May 17, 2014, from

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