Properties of Light
Properties of Light
Properties of Light
Presented by:
Master of Arts in Teaching Science
Nature of Light
a form of energy (also known as radiant
transverse, electromagnetic wave that
are visible to humans eyes
can travel through an empty space or
travels in a straight line in one medium
also known as visible light to contrast it
from "ultraviolet light" and "infrared light"
Nature of Light
speed of light in a vacuum is at
299,792,458 m/s or approximately 3.0 x
108 m/s (A.A. Michelson)
speed of light depends upon the medium
through which it travels.
white light can be dispersed into different
colors known as color spectrum
particle-wave duality (Louis de Broglie)
of Light
of Light
Dispersion of Light
The splitting up of white light into
seven colors on passing through a
transparent medium like a glass
prism is called as dispersion of
white light. Visible light is actually
made up of different colors. The
band of colors produced by light
when dispersed by a prism is called
a color spectrum.
Dispersion of Light
Dispersion of Light
Each color bends by a different
amount when refracted by glass.
That's why visible light is split, or
dispersed, into different colors when
it passes through a lens or prism.
Shorter wavelength, like violet, bend
the most. Longer wavelength, like
red light, bend the least.
Dispersion of Light
of Light
Reflection of Light
When light rays traveling in a
medium reaches the boundary of
other medium, they turn back to the
first medium. This phenomenon of
turning back of light into the same
medium after striking the boundary of
other medium is called reflection of
Reflection of Light
Laws of Reflection
1. The angle of incident is equal to the
angle of reflection i.e. <i = <r
2. The incident ray, the reflected ray
and the normal lie on the same plane.
Reflection of Light
of Light
Refraction of Light
Refraction, or bending of light,
occurs as light passes from one
medium into another medium with a
different refractive index. Light
travels faster in a less optically
dense medium than in a denser one.
Refraction of Light
Refraction is an important
characteristic of lenses, allowing
them to focus a beam of light onto a
single point, and is also responsible
for a variety of familiar phenomena,
such as the apparent distortion of
objects partially submerged in water.
Refraction of Light
Laws of Refraction
1. The incident ray, the refracted ray,
and the normal to the interface, all lie
in the same plane.
2. Snells Law: For the given two
media, whatever the direction of the
incident light, the ratio of the sine of
the angle of incidence (sin i) to the
sine of the angle of refraction (sin r) is
the index of refraction n.
Laws of Refraction
n = sin i/ sin r = v1/ v2 or
sin i/ sin r = n2/ n1
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2
where 1 is the angle subtended
between the incident ray and the
normal to the interface, and 2 is the
angle subtended between the refracted
ray and the normal to the interface.
Laws of Refraction
The quantities n1 and n2 are termed
for the refractive indices of media 1
and 2, respectively.
Thus, the law of refraction
predicts that a light ray always
deviates more towards the normal in
the optically denser medium: i.e., the
medium with the higher refractive
Laws of Refraction
Laws of Refraction
Light travels faster in a less optically
dense medium than in an optically
denser one. As a consequence, light is
bent towards the normal as it moves
from the less optically dense medium to
the optically denser one. A mediums
optical density determines the speed of
light in that medium. A measure of the
optical density of a material is its index
of refraction.
Laws of Refraction
The index of refraction of a material is
the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum
to the speed of light in the material or
n = speed of light in vacuum = c
speed of light in material v
Thus, the higher a mediums optical
density, the higher its index of refraction.
The index of refraction indicates the
extent of the bending of light ray.
Refraction of Light
Total Internal
Total Internal
Diamonds and other cut glass
present many angular surfaces,
and light entering them is
repeatedly reflected by the
different facets before it finally
emerges. This internal reflection of
light gives these stones the glitter
that adds beauty to them.
One very important application of
the principle is in FIBER OPTICS.
Optical fibers are very thin glass
and fine plastic tubes which are
Optical fibers are used to trasmit
telephone conversation. Demo
decorative lamps use threadlike
plastic fibers to carry light from a
source at one end to the other
end, producing many tiny thin
strands of light that sway in the air
of Light
Diffraction of Light
Diffraction is the slight bending of light
as it passes around the edge of an object
or small openings. The amount of bending
depends on the relative size of the
wavelength of light to the size of the
opening. If the opening is much larger than
the light's wavelength, the bending will be
almost unnoticeable. However, if the two
are closer in size or equal, the amount of
bending is considerable, and easily seen
with the naked eye.
Diffraction of Light
of Light
Polarization of Light
Polarization is a process by which a
transverse wave is made to vibrate in
one direction only.
The most common method of
polarization involves the use of
a Polaroid filter. Polaroid filters are
made of a special material that is
capable of blocking one of the two
planes of vibration of an
electromagnetic wave.
Polarization of Light
Color may be defined as a
property of light waves which
depends on their frequency and
wavelength. The colors of objects are
the result of the interaction of light
with the materials. The color of
opaque objects is the color they
reflect and which reaches our eyes.
On the other hand, the colors of
transparent materials are the colors
Color Subtraction
Color Combinations in
Pigments and Dyes
Color Phenomena
in the Sky
Rainbow is formed due to dispersion,
reflection, and refraction of light rays
from the sun. When the suns rays strike
drops of water, a color spectrum
(ROYGBIV) can be formed. The drops of
water act as prism where white light is
disperse into different colors carrying
different wavelengths and frequencies.
Colors of a primary rainbow follows the
sequence of red - orange - yellow - green blue - indigo - violet.
As a ray of light enters the water drop, it is
first refracted and then dispersed in a water
drop. When light rays are internally reflected
once, a primary rainbow is formed.
Double internal reflection will result to
formation of larger rainbow or secondary
rainbow but with the red and violet colors
reversed. Because of the two internal
reflection within the falling raindrops, more
light is absorbed; as a result, the
secondary rainbow is always fainter than
the primary. In most cases, the upper arc is
the secondary rainbow and the lower arc is
the primary rainbow.
Blue Sky
Blue Sky
Most of the color formations are
the result of subtraction and addition
of light. In the blue sky, the blue color
is a result from selective scattering of
the colors of light from the sun by
gas molecules in the atmosphere
(Rayleigh scattering effect). The
color scattered by these molecules
depends on the size of the molecules
Blue Sky
Our atmosphere is chiefly made up
of nitrogen and oxygen molecules.
These molecules have the property to
scatter colors based on their
wavelengths. Among the different
colors in white light from the sun,
violet is scattered the most by oxygen
and nitrogen molecules because it
has the shortest wavelength.
Blue Sky
The least deviated color is red
because it has the longest
wavelength. Since our eyes are most
sensitive to the primary colors red,
green and blue (RGB), the violet color
will be hardly recognized by the cones
of the eyes retina predominating the
blue color over the violet. This
scattering effect explained the
phenomenon of blue sky.
Red Sunset
Red Sunset
Red sunset follows the rule of color
subtraction. As the day progresses, the sun
moves lower in the sky resulting longer
path of light to travel in the atmosphere
going to the Earth. Sunsets are reddened
because for sun positions which are very
low or just below the horizon.
Consequently, the light passing at grazing
incidence upon the earth passes through a
greater thickness of air than when it is
overhead like noon time.
Red Sunset
As a result, more and more blue
and violet colors are scattered in the
atmosphere. The removal of violet
and blue colors leaves light that
reaches the Earths surface redder
and redder. Just before the sun
disappears from view, its actual
position is about a diameter below the
horizon, the light having been bent
by refraction to reach our eyes.
Red Sunset
Since short wavelengths are more
efficiently scattered by Rayleigh
scattering, more of them are scattered
out of the beam of sunlight like violet,
indigo, and blue lights, before it
reaches our eyes. The sun progresses
color from yellow to orange and finally
to red at sunset.
This phenomenon can also be seen
at sunrise.
God bless!
Navaza, Delia C. and Bienvenido J. Valdes. You and the Natural
world Series - Physics. 2nd ed. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing
House, Inc., 1996
University of the Philippines National Institute for Science and
Mathematics Education Development. Physics - Science and
Technology Textbook for Fourth Year, rev. ed. Mandaluyong City:
Book Media Press, Inc., 2004