Din 2614

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, Page 4 DIN 2614 5.1.2 Type N or Smortar shall be used with steel pipes and fittings. | @0 Use of type V, T or K mortar with steel pipes ‘and fittings shall be the subject of agreement at the time of ordering. 1.3 Blastturnace slag cement is usually used in the nt mortar for the lining of ductile iron pipes and fittings. 1.3.1 08 Use of type § or T mortar with ductile iron pes and fittings shali be the ‘Subject of agreement at the time of ordering, 1.3.2 Ductile iron fittings are usually ined with polymer ‘odified mortar, by means of procedure Il, 2 Mortar containing plasticizers fortar types 1-V, II-V and II1-V shall contain plasticizers to iprove compaction, the content of which is not to exceed 1% by mass of the cement. fs Polymer modified mortar lo improve their resistance to corrosion, mortar types I+ |I-K and III-K shall contain polymers, the content of which re to exceed 5% by mass of the dry mortar. 4 Mortar for water supply pipes 5.4.1 Only type N, S or T mortar shall be used with pipes fittings intended to convey drinking water, type K’also ing permitted for fittings. th drinking water pipes, provided the requirements spe- Ifledin subciause 63.5 are complied with, and shall be the bject of agreement. |S Repair mortar 5.4.2 ee Use of type V mortar shall be permitted for use : ‘The cement used in repair mortarshall be equivalent ; that of the lining being repaired. Repair mortar usually ontains suitable plasticizers or polymers. 5.5.2 90 If repair mortar is not to contain any organic Plasticizers or polymers, this shail be specified at the time of ordering 6 Requirements 6.1 General In accordance with article 31 of the Lebensmittel- und Bedartsgegenstindegesetz (German Foodstuffs Act), linings used with drinking water pipes shall not contain sub- stances which can be released into the water, except where such do not present a health hazard, nor impart any objectionable taste or odour to the water, and are neces- sary for technical reasons. The KTW-Empfehiungen (KTW Recommendations) issued by the Bundesgesundheitsamt (German Federal Health Office) shall also be observed, NOTE. The Bundesgesundheitsamt has not yet published recommendations regarding cement- bound materials and linings. Moreover, the KTW- Emplehlungen on the use of plastics in contact with Grinking water could not be applied here, since Plastics behave much differently than cement. How- ever, special measures are necessary for the com- missioning and charging of drinking water pipes lined with cement mortar. These measures are not covered here, but will be dealt with in a DVGW- Arbeitsbiatt at a later date (cf. Explanatory notes). 6.1.1 @ Where the fining Is intended for use in drinking water pipes (such intention being specified at the time of ordering), it shall also comply with the specifications given in subclauses and 6.35.22 The mortar shall comply with subclause 54. 6.1.2 @ Where the lining is intended for use in pipes conveying salt water, brine, or other waters that are aggres- sive to concrete (such intention being specified at the time of ordering), it shalt also comply with the specifications given in subciauses 65.4 and 6.62.7) 6.1.3 The tests specified in subctauses 7.2 to 766 shall be carried out in order to verity compliance with the require- ments specified in subciauses 6.2 to 6.6, With the exception +) Ct. Explanatory notes. Table 1: Types of cement mortar and corresponding symbols Symbols) T| Type of cement Admistures Centritugal “| Centrifugal]. Manual lining ‘spraying lining : oO. an ay ——. ment as in DIN 1164 Part 1 | None LN + IEN MEN Suifate-resisting cement as in IN T1684 Part None 1s Ks urs lumina cement?) None iW mT m-T3) jement as in DIN 1164 Part 1 “a | alumina cement2) Plasticizers4) Lv nev mv "ement as in DIN 1164 Part 1 : : c= ina coment Polymers) rk WK mk [arnet etal (.. service temperatures, long-term behaviour, corrosion resistance, wear resistance) are given in the Explanatory notes. . + AS specified, for example, in British Standard 918 Part 2. 5 1 oyrete this type is used as repsir mortar. a polymer is usually added, in which case the symbot is then i-Tk. Ct. subetause 3.1, : . ; Ct. subclause 3.2 ~~ TF - of the numbers 6 and 7, the numbers of corresponding sub- clauses (requirement/test method) agree, unless other- wise indicated, 6.2 Substrate All surfaces to be lined with cement mortar shall be tree from rust, scale, loose weld beads, grease, oll and other impurities. in the case of stee! pipes and fittings, standard preparation grade St2 as defined in DIN 55928 Part 4, for example, shall be deemed sufficient. Slight rust, such as that which inevitably results from hydraulic testing, is permitted. 6.3 Constituents 6.3.1 Cement ‘The cement used shalt be in compliance with the materials standards listed in table 1,5 a function of mortartype, and reported to the client. 6.3.2 Aggregates Aggregates shait consist of clean, natural, coarse or split quartz sand and shall comply with the requirements speci- fied in DIN 4226 Part 1. Grading ‘The fines content, as determined by sieve analysis using a sieving medium of 0,125 mm complying with ISO 3310 Part 1, shall not exceed 10%, The maximum particle size shall not exceed 50% of the minimum coating thickness: and, 25 @ departure from DIN 4226 Part 1, should not exceed a) 3mm for mortar applied by proceduré I; + b) 2mm for mortar applied by procedure Il; - €) 1.5mm for mortar applied by procedure Ill. ee it shall be agreed at the time of ordering whether the maximum particle size of aggregates used in ‘mortar for the lining of steet pipes may exceed 3mm. Cleanness of aggre In the case of linings intended for use in drinking water pipes. when tested in accordance with subclause 73.2.2, the extract in demineralized water shall not exceed 0,1 er kg of sand, and that in NaGH, 0,39 per kg of sand. 6.3.3 Mixing water The mixing water shall be in compliance with DIN 1045, be potable or of comparable quality, have a conductivity of less than 2000uS/cm and a KMnO, consumption of less than 10 mgit, 6.3.4 Additions ‘Any additions used shall be in compliance with DIN 1045. Pozzoiana may be used only up to a content of 10%, Ron-pozzolanic additions, up to a content of 3%, by mass of the cement. The manufacturer shall inform the client of the type and amount of any additions used. 6.3.5 Admixtures ‘Types V and K mortar and repair mortar (ct. table 1) shall contain either plasticizers or polymers. Plasticizers Plasticizers shail be in compliance with DIN 1045, and satisty the requirements specified in subciauses and, Polymers Polymers shall comply with the requirements specified in Subclauses and Resistance to saponification When tested in accordance with subclause 735.2.1, the consumption of 0,1 mol/t HCI shall be greater than 45 mt : DIN 2614 Page S Behaviour on exposure to microorganisms Linings intended for use in drinking water pipes shall satisty the requirements specified in DVGW-Arbeits! with regard to their behaviour on exposure to microorgan- isms, 6.4 Fresh mortar - ‘The requirements specified for fresh mortar referto the con- dition of the mortar upon application, For testing purposes, ‘samples shall be taken immediately before the material is to be applied. All measuring equipment used shall permit ‘measurements to be made to an accuracy of + 3%. The specified amounts of all constituents shall be thor- oughly mixed by means of an electric mixer, this type of mixer not being necessary in the case of repair mortar. 6.4.1. Mixing ratio ‘The maximum value ofthe sand/cement mixing ratio, v, shall be calculated using equation (t) in subclause 7: in compliance with table 2. Table 2: Maximum vatues (as a percent: Cement mortar type ict. clause 5)| Procedure I | Procedure I! | Procedure Il] Maximum 25 ‘When tested in accordance with subclause 7.4, one single value may exceed the specified maximum value by 0,1. However, the mean determined for each pipe size, px batch, shall not exceed the maximum value specified, 6.4.2 Water/cement ratio The degree of compaction of cement mortar linings is a function of the method used to manufacture the mort The water/cement ratio, zo (ct. equation (2)), is a major fac- tor influencing the degree of compaction, and shal! be Setermined in accordance with subciause 74.1. Other factors of influence include the water requirement of the cement the mixing ratio, and the particle size distribution of the aggregate. Figure 1 illustrates the design water/cement fatio as 2 function of the; mixing ratio, where Portland ment or alumina cement’is used, and with aggre- gates having the grading specified in subclauge In figure 1: \ 2) line Azepresents mortar typas II-N, II-S, IIl-N and II-S where Portland cement is used, and types I-T and Mm b) line B represents mortar types II-V, IlI-V, Il-K and -K where Portland cement is used, and type I11-TK; ¢) line © represents mortar types i-N and I-S where Portiand cement is used, and type 1-7; ¢) line D represents mortar types I-V and I-K where Portland cement is used. The actual mean values determined for w shail not exceed the design values illustrated in figure 1. However, in the fol- lowing cases, the design values given shall be increased by 0.02: * a) mortar incorporating blastfurnace slag cement; b)_mortar incorporating aggregates with a low particle size (ie. up to about 1mm), Single values of w shalt not exceed 0,40 where vis less than 2,0, nor 0.42 where v is greater than 2,0. ee Woteroement ratio g 0.25 10 4s 20 2s Mixing ratio, 7 —= C Figure 1: Design water/cement ratio as a function } of mixing ratio (cf. subclause 6,4.2) where Portland é Cement or alumina coment is used in cement mortar |S Cured ning #51 Surface condition surface of cured cement mortar linings shall be as oth as possible, any irregularities being not more than im in depth when tested in accordance with subclause ‘1.1. Localized irregutarities in the fining of fittings shall fe not more than 2.5mm in depth, _'¢ hydraulic roughness, k, shall not exceed 0,1 mm, pon contact with water, When tested in accordance with }bclause, single cracks shall be permitted, provided {ey are not wider than 2.5mm and do not have an adverse fect on the convexity of the lining, pe cured lining shall not exhibit any chipping nor any loose /Rd particles. Protruding, firmly embedded grains of sand all be permitted. tested in accordance with subclause 75.1.3, inings Peis by means of procedure I shall have a layer of fines exceeding one-fo $e oflinings thicker than 8 mm or,in the case of those up ‘8mm thick, not exceeding 2 mm, F NOTE: During transport and pipelaying, it shall be ensured that any cracks in the lining do not cause it ; {© become displaced. Any zones or cracks wider than 1.5mm which form as a result of expansion in F ice shall be repaired, untess it can be assumed that they will close on exposure to water and heal by an autogenous process, Fe Design of pipe ends 72.1 Socket ends, flanged ends and threaded ends 2t8 Provided with ring-seal socket ends, of either the Ft type or those intended for welding, €0 in the end shall not be lined. Jining shall extend to the end of pipes provided with '9E0 OF threaded ends. “hall be permitted for the lining to be tapered slightly dard the end of the pipe, the tapered zone covering ince of not more than 50mm, Ihe Case of flanged socket pieces and collars, the lining 'llbe applied in such a way that itis possible i ie urth the total lining thickness in the .. 65.22 Ends for welding Fipes of size DN 600 or more intended tor exposure to vehicular traffic are normally provided with butt-welded Pipe fitings as ilustrated in figure 2. The lining shal not be applied along a iength of about 25mm as measured from the pipe end: this zone shall be lined with repair mortar after the joint has been made, Lining applied Stee! pipe t Uning applied on site Figure 2: Butt-welded joint in steel pipe Intended for exposure to vehicular traffic (simplified) Irrespective of whether pipes and fittings are intended for exposure to vehicular traf ‘method of end preparation lustrated in figure 3 may be used. The lining shall extend to {he pipe end. and then cut back $ to § mm to comply with either lining type A or B. 60° Lining applied at works Lining type A Lining type B Figure 2: Butt-welded joint in steel pipe, respective of exposure to vehicular traffic (simplified) rapete lining type Als selected, itis recommended that he Nining thickness be a minimum of 8 mm, NOTE: Butt-welded joints which ate not subse- Quently made good shalt only be permitted in pipes Conveying water which acts in such a way that the Sealing ang closing of the gap in service is ensured. Such joints are not permitted for pipes conveying ‘salt water or brine, Lining applied Steel pipe at works Uning applied on site Sos Figure 4: Spiget/aocket Joint for welding Spigot/socket joints as iflustrated in figure 4 shall be used with pipes that will not be exposed to vehicular traffic, and where continuous internal protection is required (e.g.in the 1 of pipes conveying salt water or brine). To ensure con- tinuous intemal protection, repair mortar shatlbe applied to {the inside of the socket end prior to connection of pipes. ‘Any excess mortar which protrudes after connection shall be removed with a scraper. 65.3 Lining thiekhess Thetining thickness reters to the mean value obtained when the ining is measured along any cross-sectional plane, In the case of linings applied by means of procedure 1. the values specified in table 3 shall be complied with Single values shall not be lower than the minimum values speci: fied, and single values obtained for the ends of stee! pipes shall not exceed the values specified for maximum cross section. Single values obtained for the pipe interior (ie, not fon the ends) shall not exceed the maximum specified cross-sectional values by more than 3 mm. Values forcross section shall not be lower than the minimum values, not higher than the maximum values specified. tn the case of inings applied by means of procedure Il,the values specified in table 4 shall be complied with, Single values shall not be tower than the minimum valves, not higher than the maximum values specified. ‘The lining of tings shall be in compliance with the values given in table 5, Single values shall not be lower than the ‘minimum values,nor higher than the maximum values epect- fied, except inthe case of flanged socket pieces andeollars (cf. subclause 652.1) : DIN 2614 Page 7 The lining thickness shall be measured in accordance with Subclause 7.5.3, 85.3.1 ¢@ Inthe case ofductile iron pipes smallerthan size N80, orofsteai pipes smaller than size DN 100, used innon- ‘corrosive drinking water or untreated water pipelines, the fin- ing thickness may be lower than the minimum values speci- fied in tables 3 and 4 and shall be the subject of agreement. As @ departure from the specifications given in tables 3 to §, single values for lining thickness shall b minimum of &mm in the case of type A butt-welded joints (ct. figure 3) in steel pipes which will not be exposed to vehicular traffic. Tolerances on lining thickness shall be the subject of agreement. 6.5.4 Lining of pipes convaying salt water, brine or other waters that are aggressive to concrete In the case of pipes conveying salt water; brine or other waters that are aggressive to concrete, the requirements. Specified in subclauses 65.4.1 and 654.2 shall apply instead of those given in subclauses 65.1 and 6.5.3. In the case of sea water, the requirements specified in sub- clauses 6.5.1 and 6.5.3 shall continue to apply. Lining thickness ‘The lining thickness shalt comply with the values specified in tables 3 to 5, except fot single values, which shail not be fowerthan 6 mm, and cross-sectional values, which shall not be lower than 8 mm. Tolerances on lining thickness shail be the subject of agreement. The width ofany cracks (tested in accordance with subclause shall not exceed 0.5mm. Table 3: Thickness of lining applied by means of procedure I Lining thickness Nominal size (ON) Minimum Minignum Maximum Nominal value | Mim | eross-sectional | cross-sectional in value value’ Ductile iron [From 80]to 300, 3 15 25 7 Over 300|up to 600 5 25 45 8 Over 600 | up to +200 6 30 35 ui Over 1200 8 40 80 15 Steet From 100/to 150 5 3 4 8 Over 150]up te 300 6 4 5 8 Over 300]up to 600 7 5 & 10 Over 600]up to 900 2 L868 é 3 Over 900 |up to 1200 13. 10 2 15 Over 1200 15 1 4 19 *) Also apply for single values measured at the ends of steel pipes. Table 4: Thickness of fining applied by means of procedure IT Lining thickness Nominal size (ON) ; Pipe material range Minimum Maximum single value gle value ‘Smoothed ‘Smoothed by means Over | upto with a toot of rotation Ductile iron 250 3 6 7 250 600 5 8 9 600 800 5 a 10 900, é 8 1" Steel 150 3 6 @ 180 300 4 7 9 300 600 18 8 10 00 300 7 6 8 13 900 | 1200 2 " 8 1200 2 18 18 Table 5: Thickness of lining of fittings, apptied by means of procedure II or 111 Jé Properties of cement mortar jortar prisms shall be prepared for determination of the roperties described below, since samples of mortar as fied would be too small, Such prisms shall have the ime composition as the mortar under test, a water/ ment ratio in compliance with subclause 6.4, and be pre- 3d and conditioned as specified in DIN EN 196 Part 1. subclause 6.1 with regard to physiological safety irements and testing. 61 Compressive strength and flexural strength prisms as specified in subclause 6.6 shall be tested laccordance with DIN EN 196 Part 1, after naving been nditioned for a period of 28 days. They shall have a mini- 1um compressive strength of SON/mm? and a minimum ‘ural strength of 5 N/mm, 2 Corrosion resistance ‘ofrosion resistance need only be tested in the case of Tor K mortar (ct. subciause 5.1), where used in con- }ction with pipes conveying salt water, brine or other fers that are aggressive to concrete. tested as described in subclause 7.6.2, the mass (g) jabraded material per unit area (m*) shall not exceed aim? for type T mortar, or 100 g/m? for type K. 7 Testing 71 General 7.1.1 The manufacturer shall be responsible for verifying compliance with the requirements specified in subclau- ses 62, 63.2.1, 63.22, 633, 64, 65.1, 65.2, 65.3, 654 and 66.1. 7.1.2 Compliance with the requirements specified in sub- clauses 6352.1, and 6.62 shall be verified once bya test house. 7.4.3 The supplier shall be responsible for verifying com- pliance with the requirements specified in subclauses 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.4 and 63.5, such verification being stated on the delivery note. Te Where agreed at the time of ordering, a DIN 50049 inspection document (either a certificate of compliance with the order or a test report) shall be issued. The client shall be given access to such documents upon request. 74.5 @e Subject to agreement at the time of ordering, a DIN $0049 inspection certificate covering any or all of the tests specified in table 6 may be issued, Table 6: Properties to be tested and scope and frequency of testing Grading of aggregate 7321 _ | Each supplier, twice a year, Cleanness of aggregates 7322 _ | Each supplier, twice a year. Mixing water 733 ‘Once per mixing site and year. Fresh cement mortar (w and ») 74 Once a week. Surface condition Width of cracks | Each pipe or fitting. 751.2 — | Each pipe or fitting. Structure _| Once a year per nominal size range (cf. table 9) Design of pipes ends 782 Each pipe or fitting. Thickness of lining 788 ‘At least § times a day, or at least on 10% of a batch of up to about 50 pipes or fittings. Lining of pipes conveying sait water, brine, etc. 753 Each pipe or fitting, 75.1.2 __| Each pipe or fitting. ‘Compressive strength and flexural strength 7.8.1- | Twice a year per cement mortar type (assuming Identical materials and mixing ratios), Nominal size (ON) Lining thickness e q Fitting material range i Nominal value Minimum single value | Maximum singfe value From 40/to 300 3 18 8 ‘Over 300]up to 600 5 25 9 ' Over up to 1200 5 3 9 Over 1 6 3 10 steel up to 300 5 3 10 Over 300]up to 600 7 5 10 . Over 600]up to 900 10 8 12 i Over 900] up to 1200 12 10 15 Over 1200] - 15 12 19 I ' Testing Property ot item to be tested asin ‘Scope and frequency of testing subclause | + ‘Stibstrate 72 Each pipe or fitting. \ —S SSC DE TLTeeee 7.2 Substrate ‘The condition of the inner surtace of pipes and fittings tobe fined shalt be visually checked. 7.3. Cement mortar constituents 73.1 Coment ‘The cement shall be tested in accordance with DIN EN 196 Parts 2 and 21. Where the cement is in compliance with DIN 1164 Parts 1 and 2, proof of quality shalt be deemed provided. 73.2 Aggregates ‘The supplier shall be responsible for the testing of aggre- gates, in accordance with DIN 4226 Part 1. 73.2.1 Grading The grading of aggregates shall be tested in accordance with DIN 4226 Part 3. Cleanness of aggregates To test the cleanness of aggregates. 50g of aggregate (sand) and 500ml of test solution (either demineralized water of 0,1 mol/l NaOH) shall be boiled for 1h using a ‘Soxhlet apparatus. After the solution has cooled, dilute sul- turic acid shall be added to tne filtered material, the KMnO, consumption determined in accordance with DIN 38409 Part 4, and expressed in g per kg of sand. 7.3.3 Mixing water The conductivity of the mixing water shall be determined in accordance with DIN 38 404 Part &, and the KMnO, con ‘sumption, in accordance with DIN 38409 Part 4. The test need not be carried out where the water used is potable. 73.4 Additions Compliance of additions with the specifications of DIN 1045 shall be tested in accordance with relevant ‘standards, or verified on the basis of a certificate of approv- al or test report issued by the Institut fUr Bautechnik (Insti> tute of Building Technology)-*) 78,5 Admixtures ‘The supplier shall be responsible for verifying the com- pliance of admixtures with the specifications given in DIN 1045. 73.5.1 Plasticizers Compliance of plesticizers with the specifications of DIN 1045: shall be deemed provided where a test report has been issued by the Institut fir Bavtechnik. The tests specified in subclauses and shall also be carried out, - 73.8.2 Polymers Resistance to saponification ‘To test the resistance ofa plasticizer or polymer to saponifi-. cation, mix t with 5g of a polymer whose pH value has been adjusted to 7, 104 of water, and 50 mt of 0.1 mol/l NaOH, and condition for 48h at a temperature of 60°C. Back titration shall be performed potentiometically using 0,1 mot/t HCI ‘The consumption of HCI is @ measure of resistance to Saponification and shall be expressed in ml. Behaviour on exposure to microorganisms ‘The behaviour of mortar on exposure to microorganisms shall be tested in accordance ‘with DVGW-Arbeitsbiatt W270, using specimens as described in subclause 6.6. Im the case of mortar which does not contain piasticizers or polymers, this property need not be tested. DIN 2614 Pageo 7.4 Mixing ratio and water/cement ratio of fresh mortar 7.44 Method of determination ‘The mixing ratio, z, and the water/cement ratio, w, of fresh ‘mortar shall be calculated using the following equations: SuMy =" __ ste: ’ Sawa a W2|M2 Wally (+R) @) where Sy is the mass of sand as part of sample mortar mass M; (ct. subclause 7.4.3); W Is the mass of water as part of sample mortar mass Mz (ct. subclause 74.4); Is the plastics/cement ratio. 74.2 Sampling Within 15 minutes of application ofthe lining, about 300 g of fresh mortar shall be taken from a zone that is about 30 cm ‘away from the pipe end. Care shall be taken to ensure that ‘the composition of the sample is representative and that ‘the material is taken from about the entire circumference of ‘the pipe. This sample shall be thoroughly mixed, so that two subsamples weighing about 200g (M;) and 100g (Mz) can be obtained for the purpose of determining the S/M_ and WM ratios. In the case of mortar applied by means of procedure Il or Ill, the sample may be taken directly from the mixer, 7.4.3 Determination of sand content Using sample mass M, (weighing about 200 g), $y Is to be determined. Immediately following sampling and weighing, the sample material shall be placed in a 0,09 mm sieve complying with 1SO 3310 Part 1. The oversize shall then be rinsed into a porcelain dish, followed by the addition of 20 to 30 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid. The material shalt be re- turned to the sieve and rinsed with water to remove all acid residue, then transferred to an oven having a temperature of 105°C, and dried to constant mass. Mass Sy shali be obtained by weighing, and the result cor- rected by adging the mags of fines. ‘744 Determination of water coptent ‘Using sample mass Mz (weighing about 100), W2is to be determined: Either method described in subclause or may, be used to determine the content of water, except in the case of polymer modified mortar, where the method given im subclause 744.1 is to be used, Drying to constant mass ‘The principle of this method (cf, DIN 1048 Part 1) is to determine the content of water by calcullating the differ- ‘ence in mass of the sample before and after drying. ‘The test apparatus involves a scale and a sufficiently large hot-plate. ‘The sample of fresh mortar shall be uniformly distributed over the preheated hot-plate, then quickly and contin- uously stirred until lumps are no longer visible. It shatl be allowed to cool, then reweighed. The difference between weighings corresponds to the water content, W3. *) Institut fiir Bautechnik, Reichpietschufer 74-76, D-10785 Berlin, This method serves to determine the content of water by re the water in a sampte of fresh mortar mixed with ler test apparatus involves a scale and distillation equip: jent as specified in ISO 3733, mediately after preparation, 100g of fresh mortar shail Placed in an air-tight distilation vessel (‘stil for short) ich has been previously Weighed. The still shall be re- ighed to determine the mass of the fresh mortar, then ut 120 ml of xylene poured over the mortar, The compo- ts of the distilation equipment shall be assembled, ang he stil! heated, The xylene co-distils with the water in the ‘imple and, after cooling, these are continuously separated trap. The water settles in the graduated section of the P due to its higher density and its immiscibility with lene. This amount is then expressed as W, st Quality of cured fining 1 Surface condition he Surface condition of cured linings shall be visually ed. Mr Irregular surtace fe presence of anyirregularitiesin the surface ofthe fining I be checked by placing a 30cm straightedge on the . along the pipe axis. The distance between the ruler i any lining zones which do not touch it shall be meas. ed. [| f-2 Cracks - @ width of cracks shall be measured with the aid of a tying glass or with @ suitable gauge. } fie case of pipes conveying salt water, brine or other | Fis that are aggressive to concrete (ct.subclause 6.5.4) where such will not be exposed to vehicular traffic. the th of cracks shall be measured with the aid of an endo- + pe or a television camera, ‘Structure of the lining shall be checked with the aid of a. 3 Structure pores Glass on either a fracture face ora micrographic pn. 1.4 Hydraulic roughness ) Pygot be necessary to determine the hydraulic rough- | J(ct. Explanatory notes). Design of pipe ends "sigh of pipe ends shall be visually checked. 75.9 Lining thickness ‘The thickness ofthe freshly applied fining shall be tested by the coins Peat Measurement, which constitutes piercing the ‘coating with @ hardened steel point provided witt, graduation marks, in the case of pipes conveying salt water, brine or other Waters that are aggressive to concrete (cf.subciause 6.54), sreaaurements shall Be taken at any point along the length ot pipe. 7.6 Compressive strength, flexural strength and corrosion resistance of mortar Test pieces as specified in subclause 6. shall be used for testing the compressive strength, lexural strength and cor- fosion resistance of mortar. 76.1 Compressive strength and flexural strength The compressive strength and flexural strength of mortar shall be tested in accordance with DIN EN 196 Part 1. and the mean calculated trom three measurements each, 2.6.2 Corrosion resistance The corrosion resistance ot mortar shall be determinedbya fest house accredited for this purpose."") and expressed as the mass (in g) of abraded material per unit area (m?) Mortar prisms having a side fength of at least 2 cm shall, or the purpose of decalcification, be placed in a still acetate buffer solution of acetic acid and sodium acetate,each with a concentration of 0.1 mol/ (which gives a pH value of 45) The ratio of the volume of solution to the surface ares of {he specimen shall be 5 to 10. The specimens shallbe condi tioned at ambient temperature for a period of six months, and the solution repiaced twice a week during this time. After conditioning, the specimens shail be dried in air to Constant mass. Following drying, the decalcified surface of the mortar is able to flake and crumble. Loose particles of Sand and other mortar constituents shall be removed by means of @ nylon brush, collected, weighed, and the result expressed i g/m? of specimen surface area. A list of competent test houses may be obtained from the DVGW. DIN 2614 Page 11 Standards and other documents referred to DIN 1045 DIN 1048 Part 1 DIN 1164 Part t DIN. 1164 Part 2 DIN. 2460 DIN 4030 Part 1 DIN 4030 Part 2 DIN 4226 Part 4 DIN 4226 Part 3 DIN 19690 DIN 19691 DIN 19692 Part 1 DIN 19692 Part 2 DIN 19603 DIN 19804 DIN 19.805 DIN 19806 DIN 19807 DIN 28600 DIN 28610 Part 1 DIN 28614 DIN 28615 DIN 28622 DIN 28623 DIN 28624 DIN 28 625 DIN 28625 DIN 28627 DIN 28628 DIN 28629 DIN 28630 DIN 2862 DIN 28634 DIN 28697 DIN 26638 DIN 28639 DIN 28643 DIN 28645 DIN 28646 DIN 28648 DIN 38404 Part 8 DIN 38409 Part 4 DIN 50048, DIN 59800 Part 1 DIN 50990 Part 2 DIN 55928 Part 4 Structural use of concrete; design and construction Testing of conorete; testing of fresh concrete Portland, Portland blastfurnace, blastturnace slag and trass cement; concepts, constituents, require ‘ments and supply Portiand, Portland blastfurnace, blastfurnace slag and trass cement; inspection Steel water pipes Assessment of wi and gases for their aggressiveness to concrete; principles and limiting values Assessment of water, soil and gases for their aggressiveness to concrete; collection and examination of water and soil samples ‘Aggregates for concrete: aggregates of dense structure (heavy aggregates): terminology, designation ‘and requirements ‘Aggregates for concrete; testing of heavy and lightweight aggregates Ductile iron pressure pipes and fittings for use with drains and sewers; technical delivery conditions Ductile iron pressure pipes and fittings for use with drains and sewers; dimensions Ductile iron socket pipes for use with drains and sewers; rectangular access pipes; assembly Ductile iron socket pipes for use with drains and sewers; rectangular access pipes; components Cast iron fittings for use with asbestos-cement pressure pipes: flanged fittings Cast iron fittings tor use with asbestos-cement pressure pipes; transition pieces Cast iron fittings for use with asbestos-cement pressure pipes; bends Cast iron fittings for use with asbestos-cement pressure pipes; branches Cast iron fittings for use with asbestos-cement pressure pipes; connectors for cast iron pressure pipes Ductile iron pressure pipes and fittings for use with gas and water pipelines; technical delivery conditions Ductile iron pressure pipes with socket and with cement mortar lining for use with gas and water pipe- lines; dimensions, mass and application Ductile iron pipes with cast-on flanges for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile iron pipes without cast-on flanges for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile Iron flanged socket pieces for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile iron flanged spigot pieces for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile iron collars for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile iron double socket 90° bends for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile iron double socket 45° bends for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile iron double socket 30° bends for use with gas and water pipelines: dimensions and mass Duetile iron double socket 22'%° bends for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile iron double socket 111° bends for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile iron double socket tees with flanged branch for use with gas and water pipelines: dimensions and mass . Duetile iron double socket tees with socket branch for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile iron double socket tapers for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile iron doubie-flanged 90° bends tor use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile iron double-flanged 90° ducktoot bends for use with gas and water pip mass es; dimensions and Ductile iron double-fianged 45" bends for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile iron all-fiaaged tees for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile iron double-flanged tapers for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Duetile iron blank flanges for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass Ductile iron 90" duckfoot bends for use with gas and water pipelines; dimensions and mass German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; physical and physico- chemical parameters (group C); determination of conductivity (C8) German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; parameters characteriz- ing effects and substances (group Hf; determination of oxidizability inspection documents for the delivery of metallic products Corrosion of metals; general concepts Cortosion behaviour ot metallic materials in contact with water; assessment criteria for unalloyed and tow-allow ferrous materials Corrosion protection of steel structures by the application of crganic or metallic coatings: preparation and testing of surfaces je 12 DIN 2614 TUN EN 196 Part 1 Methods of testing cement; determination of ‘strength EN 196 Part 2 Methods of testing cement; chemical analysis of cement ZN EN 196 Part 21 Methods of testing cement; determination of ‘chloride, carbon dioxide and alkali content of cement “50 9310-1: 1890 Test sieves: technical requirements and testing; test sieves of metal wire cloth 3733: 1976 Petroleum products and bituminous materials; determination of water; distillation method {PGWeArbeitsblatt W270 Vermehrung von Mikroorganismen aul-Materialien 1Ur den Trinkwasserbereich; Prillung und “ Bewertung (Microbial growth on materials in contact with drinking water; testing and evaluation) ?) ‘W-Arbeitsblett W348 Zementménelauskieidung von erdverlegien GuB- und Stahirohrieitingen; Einsatzbereiche, Anforderungen und Pritungen (Cement mortar lining of buried ductile iron and steel pipes, areas Cc of application, requirements and testing)2) 3s ee Standard BS 915 Part 2_ Specifications for high alumina cement Part 2: Mettic units) ensmittel und Bedartsgegenstiindegesetz 5) Emplehlungen onthe use of plastics In contact with drinking water issued by the Bundesgesundheitsamt: Gesundheit- iche Beurteliung von Kunsistoffen und anderen richtmetallisehen Werkstofien im Rahmen des Leber. mite und Bedarfsgegenstindegesetzes fur den Trinkwasserbereich (Assessment of the standacd of | fysiene of plastics and other non-metallic materials according to the terms of the German Federst Foodstuffs Act as applied to drinking water), Bundesgesundheitsblatt (German Federal Health Ga: zette) 20, 19775) Ther relevant standards and documents “HIN 1986 Part 3 Site drainage systems: operation and maintenance 36404 Part 10 German standard methods for the examination of water, waste waterand. Sludge: physical and physico- chemical parameters (group C); calcium carbonate saturation of water (C10) IN 28405 Fart 8 German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; anions (group D); Getermination of released carbon dioxide ({ree carbonic acid) and of carbonate and hydropencarbec nate ions (D8) J 98408 Part 1 German standard methods for th 1e examination of water, waste water and sludge; determination of ‘the tolal amount of released carbon dioxide (G1) 50928 Part 1 Probability of corrosion ot metallic materials when subject to corrosion fromthe outside; general 50930 Fart! Corrosion behaviour of metallic materials in contact with water; general ‘PGW-Arveltsbiatt W302 Hydraulische Berechnung von Rohrleitungen und Aohetzen; Druckverlust-Tafein fir Rohrdurch- fpesser von 40-2000 mm (Hydraulic design of pipelines and pipework systems; pressure loss tables 1 for pipe diameters of 40 to 2000 mm)2) GW Arbeitsblatt W342 Werkseitig hergestellte Zementmértelauskleidung forGut- und Stahlrohre; Einsatzbereiche, Anfor- Gerungen und Pritungen (Cement mertar lining applied at the works to ductile iron and steel pines, | areas of application, requirements and testing)2) WArbelisblatt W344 Zementmételauskleidung von Gu8- und Stahlrohren nach dem Verfahren des Anschleu rns an ein nicht rotierendes Rohr; Einsatzbereiche, Anforderungen und Prifungan (Cement mortar inves tor ] Guctila iron and stee! pipes applied by means of centrifugal spraying onto stationary pipes: arces of application, requirements and testing)2) Arbeitsblatt (ATV Instruction sheet) A110 Richtlinien fir die hydraulische Dimensidnierung und den Leistungsnachwels qaAbwasserkandlen und -eitungen (Guidelines for the hydrautie design and performance testing of = drains and sewers) . fArbeitsblatt A118 Hinweise fur das Einleiten von Abwasser in eine Sttentiiche-Abwasseranlage (Instructions on the discharge of waste water into public sewerage systems) und Werlagsgesellschatt Gas und Wasser mbH (disteibuter) (previously Z/WG-Veriag GmbH), Zur Degens- 7 miihle 3, 53347 Aifter. : (CH-Verlagsgesellschatt mbH, Boschstra6e 12, D-68469 Weinheim. ‘uth Verlag GmbH, BurggratenstraBe 6, D-10787 Berlin. 7 Deutsches Informationszentrum fir technische Regeln (DITR) im DIN, BurggratenstraBe 6, D-10787 Berlin, i il J Explanatory notes ‘Scope and fleld of application The design of cement mortar linings as covered here has been based on the results of research as well as on DVGW- Arbeltsblater W342 and W344, in order to meet the Fequirements regarding corrosion resistance and hygienic and hydraulic properties to be met by water and sewer pipes, i Although the present standard does not specify require- ments and tests for the mechanical properties and chemi- cal composition ofexisting cement mortarlinings,a number of such properties are described below. As regards pipe- Jaying, the manufacturer's instructions shall be followed, ‘Cement mortar lining is expected to pertorm different func- tions as compared to mortar and concrete andis therefore characterized ditferentiy, ie. the concepts and require- ments used in other technical fields maynot apply here. For example, the term ‘hydraulic’ as used here is to be under- Stood strictly in the hydrodynamic sense, although itis used otherwise in cement technology. Most of the mortar constituents covered here are to comply with DIN 1045.The alumina cement specified here is under stood to have @ content of alumina between 38 and 45% and shall comply with the generat requirements specified, for example; in BS 915 Part 2. Cement mortar with a higher content of alumina would be adequately resistant to corro- sion, but would not be suitable for lining purposes, Hydraulic roughness - ‘The specified hydraulic roughness of 0,1mm for pipes lined with cement mortars based on practical experience and measurements to date. Given the number of possible factors which could intluence the hydraulic roughness of a pipeline, including its reaction on exposure to water, the surface roughness of lined pipes and fittings in the condition on supply may not be an ade- ‘quately characteristic parameter. In accordance with DVGW-Arbeitsbiatt W 302, the hydraulic Gesign of pipelines and systems conveying water shall account for a hydraulic roughness, kj, of 0.1 mm, 0.4mm or 1.0mm, as a function of the pipeline type. in accordance with ATV-Arbeitsblatt A110, the hydraulic design of pipe- lines and systems for drains and sewers shall account for a hydraulic roughness, ky, of 0,25mm, 0.50mm, 0.75mm or, 1,50 mm, as a function of the service conditions, Corrosion behaviour Mandatory requirements regarding the corrosion behav- Jour of the cement mortar linings covered here are not yet ‘able to be specified, but it can generally be said that their Protective effect will be largely influenced by the material {tselt, the conditions under which they are transported, and the service conditions (including interruptions in service). Since such parameters wil! vary greatiy, it can only be said that the Srobability of cement mortar finings providing pro- tection is given. This also applies to other ways in which the ‘material_behaves regarding corrosion and corrosivity (ct, DIN 50829 Part 1 and DIN 50930 Part 1), Long-term behaviour Cement mortar linings have been used for many years in Pipelines conveying untreated water, industrial water,drink- ing water and brine.as well as in sewers. Long-term observa- tion of such pipelines has shown that cement mortariinings - efectively prevent the settlement of deposits and the for mation of incrustation overa period of several decades, and that the integrity of the lining is maintained. DIN 2614 Page 13 Properties of the water conveyed Pipes lined with cement mortar in compliance with table 1 are suitable for the conveyance of water having the follow- ing properties. 2) In the case of lining types N, $ and V, the minimum content of COz, HCOs- and CO5"" ions, Q. (as deter mined in accordance with DIN 38 408 Part 1), shall be greater than 0,25 mol/m®, and that of Ca®* ions, greater than 0,02 mol/m? (or about 1 mg/l). (Very soft water or Gemineralized water is likely to dissolve the lining) 'b1) In the case of fining types N and V, the SO,2- ions content shall be less than 4 mol/m3 (or about 400 mall), 2) In the case of ining type S, the S04?" ions content shall be less than 20 mot/m® (or about 39/1). €) ftems c1) and c2) apply for lining types N, § and V, €1) The water shall have a pH value greater than 78. ©2) By way of departure from item 1), the pH value ‘may be 7,8 or less, where the carbon dioxide content, Ac(CO,),does not exceed 0,15 mol/m? (orabout 7 mg/l). ‘The excess carbon dioxide content shall be calculated from the following equation: A¢(CO2) = (C02) (1-105), @) To this end, thé free carbon dioxide shall be determi in accordance with DIN 38 405 Part 8, and the satur tion index, Si, in accordance with DIN'38 404 Part 10. ‘An excess amount of carbon dioxide of 7mg/t corre- sponds to a CaCOs content of about 12mg/l, deter mined in accordance with DIN 38 404 Part 10, ‘Where the pH value of water is between 7,0 and 78 inclu- sive, but does not comply with item ¢1) above, it ean be ‘assumed that it will cause the lining to lose sand parti- cles. Such a loss may be minimized, however, where: 1) the lining surface is kept constantly damp (ie, alse during interruptions in service); 2) there is no localized high water turbulence (e.9, as can usually be expected in fittings, bends, or changes in cross. section); 3) the density of the lining is high (i. a markedly tower water/cement ratio, cf. subclause 6.4.2): 4) the lining is not subject to other kinds of mechan- ical stress (e.g, resulting trom the use of scrapers) impairment of the fining can also be minimized, or at least postponed, where it is Gesigned to be as thick as possible (te. greater than 11cm) and where the adverse effects of loosened sand in the water are negligible. Investigations have shown that the flow rate of the water does not have an influefice on the adverse effect of carbon dioxide in the water. No information can be given here regarding water with a pH Value of less than 7.0 and which does not comply with the re= Quirements of item €2) above. Quantitative assessment of the effects (e.g. influence of excess carbon dioxide) of corrosive waters is not possible, since other constituents in the water will affect the corrosiv. ity ofthe carbon dioxide present. For example, deposits re~ sulting trom ferrous compounds will reduce the level of tack of carbon dioxide on the lining surface, but it may be assumed that such attack is very probable in sott water. {tems ct) ang ¢2) do not apply for lining type T or K, such being subject to suitability testing where the pH value ofthe water is under 4,5. Corrosion resistance . 2} Behaviour of cement mortar linings on exposure to waste water ‘Where linings comply with items a) to c) above,it canbe assumed that they are resistant to the corrosive effects r "Page 14 DIN 2614 of waste water in the sense of ATV-Arbeitsbiatt ANSand DIN 1986 Part 3. The Suitability of waste water which does not comply with either of these documents ‘shall be testes. 7 b) Behaviour of cement mortar. linings on exposure to ‘Salt water, brine or other waters that are aggressive to concrete (excluding sea water) | Lining types S,7,VandK are suitable foruse in pipelines | conveying brine oralkaline chloride ‘water containing no. <- oronly low amounts of alkaline earths. Types T and Kare i suitable for conveying other types of saline water and = brine containing substances that are aggressive to con- crete (e.g. magnesiumor sulfate ions). Type Vis also suit- a able, provided the mortar contains ‘Sulfate-resisting cement. The specifications given in subclause 65.4 shall also be complied with. Table 7 gives an overview of the types of water with which r™ different types of lining may be used. jervice temperatures The information given in table 7 is based on the assumption that the lining and the water are at ambient temperature, Experience has shown, however, that pipes convey brine in be used without difficulty at higher service tempera- fires.and ‘that other types of pipe can be used at tempera lures around the freezing point. Accounting for as many factors of influence as possible, it in be said that the lining types ‘specified in table 1 are suit- ible for the conveyance of waste water having a tempera- ure of up to about 50°C, eratures approaching the boiling point. Lining type K, for Table 7: Sultability of lining as 2 example, maintains its corrosion resistance when exposed to hot acidie media, but such resistance shall be tested in ‘the case of lining type T. Resistance to wear ‘The cement mortar linings covered here are resistant to wear, assuming the water flows at normal rates. Even where {he flow rate is high (e.g. the pipetine is installed on a slope. and the flowrate exceeds 10 m/s), the lining will resist wear, provided no cavitation occurs. ‘Theyare also resistant to wear when exposed todetritus,as {s likely in the case of pipelines conveying sewage Tests on lined pipe sections have shown that the amount of wear is. between 0.2 and 0.8mm after 105 wear cycles, Commissioning of drinking water pipelines ‘Special measures for commissioning drinking water pip lines willbe the subject of a future DVGW-Arbeltsbiatt,parti- ularly on how to avoid an increase in consumption of chlo- tine and alkalinity of the water during charging. Such a phe- ‘nomenon results from the required content of anorganic components in the cement, which react with chlorine, a8 well as from the release of calcium hydroxide trom fresh cement mortar into the water. The effects of both of these occurrences can be avoided or precluded by adding chlorine or by using adequately hard flushing water in sufficient amounts. Where the relevant KTW-Empfenlungen include specific tests, these willbe related to the specifications given in sub- clause 6.6 and covered in a subsequent edition of the pres- ent standard. It can already be said, however, that such re commendations will not only deal with the lining of water Pipelines, but also their commissioning and charging, function of type of water conveyed 2) For exception, see subciause 5.4, 5) To be used only in pressure pipelines, international Patent Classification C048 28/02 £03 8 7/00 ‘OS F 3/04 Fis. 58/06 O1N Type of water N | s T Vv K Drinking water + + + Oo 7) Acidic water - - + ~ + Sulfate-rich water - + + + + Waste water (ct. ATV-Arbeitsbiatt ANS) + + + + + Alkaline chloride brine 3) oO + + + + Brine rich in Mg? and $0,2-3) - - + e + Acidic brine 3) - = + - + — Not suitable + Suitable — ( ) Information given with reservation. 2 Subject to compliance with the requirements specified in subclause 63.5 and to agreement with client,

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