2013 Report Alternative Fuels

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IATA 2013 Report on Alternative Fuels

Effective December 2013

8th Edition
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2013-11-25 1:58:25 PM

IATA 2013 Report on Alternative Fuels

Effective December 2013

International Air Transport Association


8th Edition

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Senior Vice President
Safety and Flight Operations
International Air Transport Association
800 Place Victoria
P.O. Box 113
Montreal, Quebec

IATA 2013 Report on Alternative Fuels

ISBN 978-92-9252-259-9
2013 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.

Alternative Fuels Foreword 2013

Dear readers,
I am pleased to present this eighth edition of IATAs Annual Report on Alternative Fuels, describing the airline
industrys perspective on the exciting field of low-carbon jet fuel. We have known for several years that
sustainable biofuels could present a relatively simple solution to meeting increasing demand for air travel while
simultaneously reducing our industrys carbon footprint. Indeed, many of the perceived challenges have been
addressed, and the success stories continue to accumulate.
For instance, with South African Airways recently announced biofuel initiative, there is now renewable jet fuel
activity on every continent. This progress is truly amazing when you consider that it was only two years ago that
the first sustainable commercial flights took place. With the number of commercial biojet flights climbing into the
thousands since 2011, the question turns from whether or not biojet fuel is possible, to what can be done to
further accelerate its development. The answer is multifaceted, but certainly comprises at a minimum; reducing
costs, developing supply chains, and increasing production capacity.
This edition provides further insight, contributed by some of the foremost experts in aviation biofuels, into the
barriers to the deployment of biojet fuel around the world and what is being done to advance this cause. I would
like to express my sincere gratitude to our friends and colleagues at the International Civil Aviation Organization,
the Federal Aviation Administration, the European Commission, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and
various airlines, manufacturers, and non-governmental organizations that have provided material and without
whom this report would not be possible. With the spirit of cooperation that we have witnessed in pursuing
sustainable aviation solutions, I am confident our long term goals are already well within reach.
Best regards,

Gnther Matschnigg
Senior Vice President, Safety and Flight Operations


The alternative jet fuels sector has remained quite
active over the last year with new initiatives launched
for their promotion and development and with an
increasing number of countries expressing interest.
Airlines and major aircraft manufacturers have been
strongly involved in these initiatives, aiming at securing
a future supply of sustainable aviation fuels. Technology
developments are also increasing with an impressive number of technology companies at work and
numerous processes being developed or proposed
for approval.
Prospective alternative jet fuel producers spent 2013
generating the technical data necessary to support the
ASTM International qualification process for their new
fuels. Four of these producers or groups of producers
have made sufficient progress in the ASTM qualification process to issue ASTM research reports for
review by key aviation fuel community stakeholders.
These reports contain technical data describing the
fuel composition, properties, and performance in
aircraft engines and test rigs. It is anticipated that
the ASTM International process to review, ballot,
and issue annexes for the drop-in fuel specification,
D7566, will occur for one or more of these new pathways in 2014.


Different sustainability standards are in use for aviation biofuels, both regulatory and voluntary. Due to the
considerable differences between these standards,
there is a need for harmonization. A selection of three
important standards are reviewed in this report: the
Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB), the
International Sustainability and Carbon Certification
(ISCC), and US Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).
The RSB has recently certified the first biojet fuel
supplier (SkyNRG) and several aviation biofuel initiatives have recommended using RSB standards for
their biofuel supplies. The ISCC is the most widelyused of the voluntary certification schemes that are
recognized under the European Renewable Energy
Directive (RED). The US Renewable Fuel Standard
(RFS) provides a very effective incentive system based
on tradable certificates (RINs) that are generated for
each batch of biofuel.
Biojet pathways face significant cost challenges.
Depending on the details of the particular pathway, the
price premium of the biofuel over conventional jet fuel
could be the result of high feedstock costs, high capital
expenses, or some combination of the two. There are
incentive structures in place in certain countries which
help reduce these additional cost burdens for the fuel
producer. Energy technology is expected to improve
over time due to market competition, experience, and
innovation, which should drive down fuel production
costs, while conventional jet fuel prices are expected
to increase.

Quick Facts


Fuel specifications are defined by engine

and aircraft manufacturers and approved by
organizations such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Aviation Safety
Agency (EASA).
After Fischer-Tropsch (FT) jet fuel was approved
in 2009, the approval of Hydroprocessed Esters
and Fatty Acids (HEFA) in 2011 catalyzed significant commercial use of biojet fuel.
ASTM International is presently reviewing four
new research reports for alternative jet fuels:
(1) Alcohol to Jet Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene, (2) Direct Sugar to Hydrocarbons, (3) FT
Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene with Aromatics, and
(4) Hydroprocessed Depolymerized Cellulosic Jet.
Commercial flights have so far typically used
specially produced batches of biofuels, primarily
from existing hydroprocessing plants for vegetable
oils and animal fats that are mostly dedicated to
diesel fuel.
Fourteen new multi-stakeholder biojet initiatives were announced in 2012, and nine more by
October 2013, bringing the total to 48.
The average spot price of conventional jet fuel for
2013 is $0.75/L. Public data on biojet fuel prices
are scarce, but early indications show a premium
over biojet fuel. This difference is expected to be
reduced through a variety of mechanisms including
technological innovation.

Governments should level the playing field by

making biojet fuel incentives competitive with
road biofuels. Renewable energy policies in most
countries support the deployment of biofuels
through mandatory production quotas and fiscal
incentives. For biofuel producers to consider the
aviation market there is a need for policies that
also consider the use of biojet fuels with associated supporting measures. Long-term stability
is a key requirement to provide confidence and
attract investors.
Increased harmonization of sustainability regulations and the definition of mutual recognition
mechanisms between states would facilitate the
deployment of biojet fuels at the commercial
scale. Due to its global nature, international aviation is impacted by the emergence of a regional
patchwork of sustainability regulations that cause
additional challenges to this industry.
A key element for achieving deployment is to bring
cost down to parity with fossil fuel, which requires
efficiency improvements and reduced costs of
both conversion processes and feedstock production. This requires further support and investment
in research and development, including demonstration and scale-up of technologies as basic
elements of alternative fuels policy.


Table of Contents
Alternative Fuels Foreword 2013 ...........................................................................................1
Summary ................................................................................................................................................2
Quick Facts ..........................................................................................................................................................................3
Recommendations ..............................................................................................................................................................3

1. Overview of Biojet Fuels in 2013 ......................................................................................9



Chapter Summary ...................................................................................................................................................9

Background ..............................................................................................................................................................9
The Challenges .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Progress in Sustainable Alternative Fuels for Aviation ................................................................................ 11
1.4.1 Commercial Use of Alternative Fuels ............................................................................................... 11
1.4.2 Technology Developments ................................................................................................................. 11
1.4.3 States and Multi-StakeholdersInitiatives ....................................................................................... 12
1.4.4 Outcomes of ICAOs Assembly ........................................................................................................ 12
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................ 14

2. Technical Certification ........................................................................................................... 15




Chapter Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 15

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
ASTM Approval Process for Alternative Jet Fuel.......................................................................................... 15
ASTM Research Report Overview................................................................................................................... 17
2.4.1 Process Description............................................................................................................................. 17
2.4.2 Tier 1 and 2 Data Section .................................................................................................................. 18
2.4.3 Tier 3 Component/rig/APU Testing.................................................................................................. 20
2.4.4 Tier 4 Engine Testing ........................................................................................................................... 21
Current Alternative Jet Fuel Certification Activity ......................................................................................... 22
2.5.1 Approved Fuels ..................................................................................................................................... 22
2.5.2 ASTM Task Forces With Research Reports Currently Under Review ..................................... 22
2.5.3 ASTM Task Forces Currently Compiling Test Data ...................................................................... 23
2.5.4 New ASTM Task Forces .................................................................................................................... 23
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................ 24

3. Sustainability ............................................................................................................................... 25

Chapter Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 25

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 25
Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials ....................................................................................................... 26
3.3.1 First RSB-certified Biojet Fuel Now Available ............................................................................... 26
3.3.2 Biojet Fuel Feedstock Certified in Spain ........................................................................................ 26
3.3.3 Sourcing Sustainable Fuels ............................................................................................................... 26




3.3.4 Advocating Sustainability .................................................................................................................. 27

3.3.5 Midwest Aviation Sustainable Biofuels Initiative ........................................................................... 27
3.3.6 Brazil Biofuels Platform ....................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.7 Promoting Smallholder Production with Boeings Global Corporate
Citizenship Program ............................................................................................................................................ 27
3.3.8 Ensuring Low Indirect Impact Biofuels ............................................................................................ 27
3.3.9 Fast-track Certification of Fuels from Forest Residues .............................................................. 28
The US Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) ................................................................................................... 28
3.4.1 Renewable Identification Numbers under the RFS ...................................................................... 28
3.4.2 Biojet Fuel Under the RFS ................................................................................................................. 29
International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) .................................................................... 30
3.5.1 ISCC Organization and Stakeholders ............................................................................................. 30
3.5.2 Certification Scope .............................................................................................................................. 31

4. Economics..................................................................................................................................... 33
4.1 Chapter Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 33
4.2 Conventional Jet Fuel Price Development and Incentives for Alternative Fuels
as Points of reference ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
4.3 Actual Purchase Prices ..................................................................................................................................... 34
4.4 Theoretical Purchase Prices ............................................................................................................................. 35
4.5 Cost Drivers ......................................................................................................................................................... 36
4.6 Future Cost Reductions ..................................................................................................................................... 37
4.7 Concluding Remarks........................................................................................................................................... 38

5. National and International Biojet Support Programs ....................................... 39




Chapter Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 39

US Defence Logistics Agency (DLA) Energy Biofuels Initiatives ............................................................. 39
5.2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 39
5.2.2 Military Application ............................................................................................................................... 39
5.2.3 Promoting Commercialization ............................................................................................................ 40
5.2.4 Research and Development ............................................................................................................... 40
The EU Biofuels Flightpath Initiative ................................................................................................................ 41
5.3.1 Background............................................................................................................................................ 41
5.3.2 Objectives .............................................................................................................................................. 41
5.3.3 Flightpath 2020 Workshop ................................................................................................................ 42
5.3.4 Flightpath Blending Study .................................................................................................................. 43
The European Commissions Seventh Framework Programme ............................................................... 43
5.4.1 The EU ITAKA Project ......................................................................................................................... 44
5.4.2 Swedish Biofuels .................................................................................................................................. 47
5.4.3 BIOREFLY Project ................................................................................................................................ 48
5.4.4 The Spanish Bioqueroseno Initiative................................................................................................ 50




Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany (aireg) ..................................................................... 51

5.5.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 51
5.5.2 Feedstock development ...................................................................................................................... 51
5.5.3 Aviation as Part of the German Mobility and Fuels Strategy ...................................................... 52
5.5.4 Alternative Aviation Fuels Pavilion at Paris Air Show ................................................................... 52
5.5.5 Policy Statements ................................................................................................................................ 53
Flightpath to Aviation Biofuels in Brazil: Action Plan ................................................................................... 53
5.6.1 Feedstock ............................................................................................................................................... 53
5.6.2 Conversion and Refining Process .................................................................................................... 54
5.6.3 Sustainability .......................................................................................................................................... 54
5.6.4 Logistics.................................................................................................................................................. 55
5.6.5 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 56

6. Notable Developments ......................................................................................................... 57





Chapter Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 57

Midwest Aviation Sustainable Biofuels Initiative (MASBI) ......................................................................... 57
6.2.1 Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 57
6.2.2 Commitments by the MASBI Steering Committee ....................................................................... 59
6.2.3 United Airlines and AltAir Fuels Purchase Agreement................................................................. 60
Innovative Developments at KLM ..................................................................................................................... 61
6.3.1 New Partnerships ................................................................................................................................. 61
6.3.2 The JFK Series ...................................................................................................................................... 62
6.3.3 From Flight Series to Continuous Supply ....................................................................................... 63
Alternative Fuel Developments in the Nordic Countries ............................................................................. 63
6.4.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 63
6.4.2 Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Aviation (NISA) ........................................................................... 64
6.4.3 Key Stakeholders of NISA .................................................................................................................. 64
6.4.4 Feedstock Alternatives ........................................................................................................................ 64
SkyNRG ................................................................................................................................................................. 65
Airbuss renewable fuel activities ..................................................................................................................... 65
6.6.1 International partnerships and research projects .......................................................................... 65
Boeings renewable fuel activities .................................................................................................................... 67
6.7.1 Asia Pacific............................................................................................................................................. 67
6.7.2 Latin America ......................................................................................................................................... 67
6.7.3 Europe ..................................................................................................................................................... 67
6.7.4 Middle East and Africa ........................................................................................................................ 68
6.7.5 North America ....................................................................................................................................... 68

Glossary ............................................................................................................................................... 69
Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................ 71
Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................... 72


Report on



1. Overview of Biojet
Fuels in 2013


Chapter Summary

The alternative jet fuels sector has remained quite active

over the last year with new initiatives launched for their
promotion and development and with an increasing
number of countries expressing interest. Airlines
and major aircraft manufacturers have been strongly
involved in these initiatives, aiming at securing a future
supply of sustainable aviation fuels. Technology developments are also increasing with an impressive number
of technology companies at work and numerous
processes being developed or proposed for approval.
IATA gratefully acknowledges Jane Hupe and Philippe
Novelli at ICAO for their contributions to this chapter.



In under a decade, sustainable alternative fuels have

emerged as a promising solution to limit aviations
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Alternative fuels
are among the basket of measures considered by
ICAO Member States to contribute to the achievement of the global aspirational goal of stabilizing GHG
emissions from international aviation at 2020 levels.
Indeed, while reducing fuel consumption through
technological and operational improvements remains
instrumental to limiting the impact of aviation on the
environment, the anticipated gains in efficiency do not
fully offset the expected increase in fuel consumption
resulting from the forecasted growth of air traffic for
the next 40 years. When produced from renewable
sources or waste, alternative fuels have the potential
to bring substantial GHG emissions reductions on a
life cycle basis, and may thus close part of this gap.
Considering the potential benefits of using sustainable alternative fuels in aviation and the sustained
effort required for their development, ICAO convened
the Conference on Aviation and Alternative Fuels in

Rio de Janeiro in November 2009 inviting States to

further work together through ICAO to share their
efforts and strategies to accelerate the development
and deployment of alternative fuels for aviation. The
use of sustainable alternative fuels was endorsed as
an important means of reducing aviation emissions
and ICAO was tasked with facilitating and supporting
initiatives for the development and deployment of
these fuels, in particular the Conference adopted the
ICAO Global Framework for Aviation Alternative Fuels
(GFAAF) as a means of information exchange and
A major step for sustainable alternative fuels in aviation
was the approval in 2009 of the first drop-in fuels,
i.e. fuels that are fully compatible with existing systems
and that can be used just as if they were conventional fuel with no limitations in aircraft operations.
The effort to develop alternative fuels with molecules
and properties similar to conventional Jet A-1 ensured
compliance with the stringent aviation requirements
on fuel properties. As a result, the safety of operations was preserved, and any cost impact that may
have been incurred due to a change in infrastructure,
was avoided.
After the first approval of Fischer-Tropsch fuel in 2009,
the approval of Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids
(HEFA) by ASTM in 2011 opened the door to the first
commercial use of sustainable alternative fuels in aviation. The number of commercial flights using HEFA fuel
multiplied and, as of June 2012, more than 18 airlines
had collectively performed over 1,500 commercial
flights, including regularly scheduled flights.
The increase in commercial flights using alternative
fuels demonstrated the technical feasibility of these
fuels in aviation, and the strong interest of airlines.
However, the production of these fuels is still in its
early phase with only a limited volume currently available. There are still significant challenges to overcome


before these fuels can represent an appreciable

share of the global jet fuel supply. This article highlights the main challenges that need to be addressed
and provides an overview of the recent developments
worldwide toward commercial scale deployment.


The Challenges

While technical feasibility has been established,

the price gap with conventional jet fuel in the short
term is the major hurdle to stimulate the commercial
deployment of alternative fuels in aviation. Economic
assessments of alternative fuels for aviation converge
on an initial lack of competitiveness compared to
conventional jet fuel, which is likely to continue during
the initial development phase before best practices,
progress in production technology and economies
of scale can bring about meaningful cost reductions.
Incentives, or compensation mechanisms for the environmental benefits of using these fuels, are required
to bridge the price gap in order for airlines to want
to buy the fuels; in most cases they are nevertheless
not in place. This results in a lack of a clear market
perspective, which is needed to encourage investment
in an emerging sector which is still perceived as being
high risk.
An additional hurdle for alternative fuels in aviation is
that a level playing field does not exist with the road
transportation sector. Renewable energy policies in
most countries support the deployment of biofuels for
road transport through mandatory production quotas
and fiscal incentives. In order for fuel producers to
consider the aviation market, where technical requirements for fuels are more stringent, it is important that
policies also consider the use of supporting measures
for sustainable alternative fuels in aviation. In defining
such policies, the time frame and investments required
to develop the industry need to be kept in mind. Stability
and long term perspective are key requirements to
improving confidence and attracting investors.
Beyond supporting measures, a key to the deployment
of alternative fuels in aviation is to bring costs on par
with fossil fuels. This requires improving efficiency and
reducing the costs of both transformation processes
and feedstock production, which will necessitate
further support and investments in research and development, as well as the demonstration and scale-up
of technologies.



Ensuring the sustainability of deployment is also a

major concern for aviation. The potential of alternative fuels for GHG emissions reductions is a strong
motivator for their introduction into commercial aviation operations. Moreover, the aviation community has
demonstrated its commitment to the environmental,
social and economic pillars of the sustainability of
alternative fuels. A large number of aviation stakeholders are represented in organizations such as the
Round-table for Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) and
the Sustainable Aviation Fuel User Group (SAFUG),
which aim to promote sustainable practices in agriculture and energy biomass production.
The voluntary certification of alternative fuel production chains, as already initiated by some stakeholders
and biofuel projects, is part of the solution for the
development of sustainable alternative jet fuels. Yet,
not all of the impact of deploying alternative fuels on
a commercial scale can be measured at the individual
production-chain level. Therefore, there is a need for
sustainability issues to be addressed at a more global
level in States policies, including at the decisionmaking level, in the development and implementation of
sustainable biofuel policies and strategies, and in monitoring the impacts of the developments as promoted
by the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP), through
the definition of a set of sustainability indicators for
bioenergy production. Indirect impacts of developing
alternative fuels, such as on the global food market or
land use change in other regions due to displacement
of previously existing crops, also needs to be considered, which may require specific policy measures, as
well as additional methodologies and research, as
there is currently no consensus on these issues.
In the efforts to ensure sustainability, given the global
nature of international aviation, the emergence of
different systems and regulations may cause additional
challenges. Increased harmonization and the definition
of mutual recognition mechanisms would be desirable
to facilitate the deployment of alternative fuels on a
commercial scale.
Last, sustainability is an important aspect of the long
term challenge of producing sufficient quantities of
feedstock for the commercial scale deployment of
alternative fuels in aviation. Research in agriculture and
new feedstocks, as well as on innovative processes
such as those that eventually will not use biomass,
remains a major axis to pursue, together with improved

assessments of biomass potential, in order to establish

the roadmap toward making a significant contribution
to aviations objective to limit emissions.


Progress in Sustainable
Alternative Fuels
for Aviation


Commercial Use of
Alternative Fuels

While the recent past was marked by a series of

commercial flights, the number of flights operated
with alternative fuels was noticeably lower over the
last year, corresponding to the fact that there is no
routine production of sustainable alternative jet fuel
at competitive price. To date, commercial flights have
operated with especially produced batches of fuels
(existing hydroprocessing plants for vegetable oils and
animal fats are mostly dedicated to diesel fuel).
Nonetheless, in March 2013, KLM initiated the first
series of regular intercontinental flights using a blend
containing 20% of HEFA, made up of used cooking
oil. In order to finance the price gap with conventional jet fuel, KLM launched the Corporate Biofuel
Program which provides KLMs business customers
with the opportunity to compensate their air travel footprint by contributing to the acquisition of sustainable
fuel, instead of purchasing carbon credits to offset
staff travel.
In addition, Colombia entered into the pool of countries
having performed commercial flights on alternative fuels
with a LAN flight from Bogota to Cali in August 2013.
Several airlines have also pursued efforts to promote
and support the development and deployment of
sustainable alternative jet fuels by signing supply
agreements with fuel producers (e.g. United Airlines
with Alt Air and Alaska Airlines with Hawaii BioEnergy) or direct cooperation agreements either for the
development of technologies (e.g. Avianca Brasil with
Byogy to support the alcohol-to-jet approval) or for
the set-up of a production chain. The ICAO GFAAF1
identifies eighteen announcements of such agreements over the last three years, five being signed
in 2013.

In the frame of its agreement with United Airlines, Alt

Air is now targeting the opening of a hydroprocessing
plant in 2014, with a capacity of 90 kt/y of HEFA.
This will be the first hydroprocessing facility capable
of routine production of both renewable jet fuel and
diesel. Similarly, Amyris announced the possible
delivery of its sugar based biojet fuel to GOL Airlines
from 2014, following regulatory approval of the fuel.


Technology Developments

While Fischer-Trospsch and HEFA fuels were the first

alternative fuels approved for use in aviation, numerous
additional conversion processes are under development and several are currently being considered for
approval by ASTM.
This includes the so called alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) family
of processes, which begins with ethanol or butanol in
order to produce jet fuel grade hydrocarbons (through
dehydratation, oligomerisation and hydroprocessing).
This route, being pursued by a number of companies
(Gevo, Swedish Biofuel, Biogy, etc.), provides access
to starch and sugar feedstock for the production of jet
fuel and, in a second step, to lignocellulosic feedstock
through enzymatic hydrolysis into sugar. In addition,
ethanol production is also possible through fermentation of industrial carbon monoxide (Lanzatech, in
particular, is developing such a process).
A second fermentation route from sugar, Direct Sugar
to Hydrocarbon (DSHC), currently under consideration
by ASTM, directly produces hydrocarbons (farnesene
molecules) that are upgraded in paraffins through
hydroprocessing (Amyris/Total). A demonstration flight
was performed in June 2013 for Paris Air Show by a
team including Total, Airbus, Air France and Safran,
using a 10% blend of such fuel with kerosene2.
Sugar can also be transformed into hydrocarbons
through a catalytic process. This process, developed in particular by Virent, is also being considered
by ASTM.
As for ATJ, all of the processes for converting sugar will
also allow for the production of jet fuel from lignocellulose, providing access to a wide range of feedstock.
Lignocellulose can also be transformed through the
pyrolysis process (e.g. Kior, UOP) which produces a
bio-oil which then needs to be further upgraded into
jet fuel. This process, Hydrotreated Depolymerized
Cellulosic Jet (DHCJ) is an additional process being
considered for approval.

1. Global Framework for Aviation Alternative Fuels (GFAAF): http://www.icao.int/environmental-protection/GFAAF/Pages/default.aspx

2. A first flight was achieved in June 2012 with an Embraer 195



While the first approved processes produced only

paraffins, processes that also produce synthetic
aromatics are also being considered. This will open
the door to the use of neat synthetic fuels. In late
2012, the Canadian company ARA demonstrated the
first use of a neat biofuel on a business jet flight (the
fuel was produced through hydroprocessing of vegetable oil with a preliminary catalytic hydrothermolyse
that creates cyclic molecules).

The spectrum of objectives covered by these initiatives includes:

It should be noted that approval does not necessarily

mean that a pathway is ready for production. Research
and development efforts are still underway for FischerTropsch fuels from biomass3, for which there is still no
operational production plant.

With a view to the contribution of new production

routes to the volumes of alternative fuels available for
commercial use, the time frame is generally considered to be no less than ten years for a biojet pathway
to reach established commercial production from the
demonstration step. The reported experience in the
development of advanced biofuels, such as cellulosic
ethanol, also demonstrates the difficulty involved when
scaling up production, both from a technical and financial point of view. Therefore, in the near term, emerging
production routes cannot be anticipated to contribute
large enough volumes of alternative jet fuel production.


States and

A remarkable tendency over the past years has been

the growth and expansion of stakeholder initiatives
and cooperation agreements worldwide. In addition to
direct agreements between airlines and fuel producers,
fourteen new announcements of initiatives were identified in ICAOs GFAAF as of the end of 2012, with nine
more being added as of October 20134 (including
States initiatives). Stakeholders initiatives are being
undertaken in all regions for the promotion and development of sustainable alternative fuels for aviation, and
notably, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed
recently between Boeing and South African Airways.

Networking and coordination of stakeholders

for promotion, information exchange and roadmapping for the development of alternative fuels;
International cooperation, such as the agreement
signed between the United States and Spain
and Germany, respectively (U.S.A. signed similar
agreement with Brazil and Australia in 2011);
Assessment of the regional potential and solutions
for alternative jet fuel production;
Research and development,
Setting of production value-chains;
Other activities such as for example stakeholders
coordination for fuel purchase (e.g. agreement
between DEC and A4A in the U.S.A.).

Currently, a majority of initiatives aim to coordinate

stakeholders for the promotion and development of
alternative fuel, and/or at assessing the feasibility and
the most suitable solutions for national deployment.
Twelve initiatives directly targeting the development
and establishment of a production chain have nevertheless been identified.
Moreover, a significant number of initiatives from
the private sector have been launched in addition to
the initiatives from governments or those carried out
through public-private partnerships. In particular, major
aircraft manufacturers have been very active in developing regional partnerships across many regions.
Regarding States initiatives in 2013, the Indonesian
Green Aviation Initiative was notable. Indonesia is
indeed the first country that has set legally binding
provisions for the use of biofuels in aviation, with
the target to include 2% of biofuels in aviation mix
by 2016.


Outcomes of ICAOs

Since the Conference on Alternative Aviation Fuels in

Rio de Janeiro in 2009, ICAO has carried out a number
of initiatives to promote and support the development
of sustainable alternative fuels in aviation. This includes
the development of the Global Framework for Aviation
Alternative Fuels (GFAAF), two dedicated workshops
and the launch of the Flightpath to a Sustainable
Future in June 2012. This symbolic initiative organized,

3. Today only production from coal and gas is operational

4. Only multi-stakeholders initiatives are accounted for (including those launched by States), iindividual fuel producers activity are not
included here nor States R&D contracts or procurement.



Figure 1 multi-stakeholder initiatives (from announcements referenced in ICAOs GFAAF database1). Situation as of October 2013.

for the first time, four connecting flights operated on

biofuel blended with kerosene from Montreal to Rio
for the Rio+20 summit. Also, in 2012, ICAO created
the Sustainable Alternative Fuels (SUSTAF) experts
group, with the mandate to issue recommendations
to be presented to the 38th Assembly with a view to
facilitating the emergence of alternative fuels in aviation and to supporting Member States and industry in
their efforts5.

In October 2013, the 38th Session of the ICAO

Assembly reaffirmed ICAO Member States support
for the development and deployment of sustainable
alternative jet fuels as part of a basket of measures
to reduce aviation GHG emissions. Assembly Resolution A38 18 requests States to develop coordinated
national policy actions to accelerate the appropriate
development, deployment and use of sustainable
alternative fuels for aviation, in accordance with their

5. SUSTAFs outcomes are available on the GFAAF website.



national circumstances. It also recognizes the need

for the sustainable development of alternative jet fuels,
according to the environmental, social and economic
pillars of sustainability, and requests States to adopt
measures to ensure sustainability.



The alternative jet fuels sector has proven to be quite

active over the last year with more initiatives being
undertaken to promote and develop these fuels, and
with more countries expressing their interest. Airlines
and major aircraft manufacturers have been strongly
involved in these initiatives, aiming at securing the
future supply of sustainable aviation fuels. Technology
developments have also intensified, with an impressive number of technology companies at work and
numerous processes being developed or proposed
for approval.
Although routine production of bio-jet fuels is expected
as of 2014, there is still a long road ahead before a
significant volume of fuel could be made available for
commercial aviation. This will require the expansion of
supporting policies by countries to address, in particular, the price gap with conventional jet fuels while
taking sustainability into account.
The reaffirmation of support from States through
ICAOs Resolution on climate change and the
increased number of activities and partnerships are
positive signs of the willingness to foster development
in this rapidly evolving sector. Cooperation among
aviation stakeholders and other players from the
bioenergy sector will in particular be key to addressing
sustainability issues and securing access of aviation to
sustainable fuels.



2. Technical Certification


Chapter Summary

Prospective alternative jet fuel producers spent 2013

generating the technical data necessary to support the
ASTM International qualification process for their new
fuels. Four of these producers, or groups of producers
have made sufficient progress in the ASTM qualification process to issue ASTM research reports for
review by key aviation fuel community stakeholders.
These reports contain technical data describing the
fuel composition, properties, and performance in
aircraft engines and test rigs. It is anticipated that
the ASTM International process to review, ballot,
and issue annexes for the drop-in fuel specification,
D7566, will occur for one or more of these new pathways in 2014.
IATA gratefully acknowledges Mark Rumizen at FAA
for his contributions to this chapter.



The design and operation of commercial aircraft is

regulated by national air safety organizations or agencies, such as the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) in the United States and the European Aviation
Safety Agency (EASA) in Europe. The aviation fuel
utilized by these aircraft must meet the property and
performance requirements defined by the engine and
aircraft manufacturers and approved by the air safety
As described in previous editions of the report, the
aviation fuel community has collaborated with the
FAA and EASA to develop a qualification and certification process for new, alternative drop-in jet fuels.
This process utilizes the ASTM International aviation
fuel subcommittee (Subcommittee J) to coordinate the
evaluation of data and the establishment of specification criteria for new alternative jet fuels. Subcommittee J
has issued two standards to facilitate this process;

ASTM D4054 Standard Practice for Qualification

and Approval of New Aviation Turbine Fuels and Fuel
Additives, and ASTM D7566 Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuel Containing Synthesized


ASTM Approval Process

for Alternative Jet Fuel

ASTM D7566 was issued in September, 2009. This

specification only includes fuels that possess essentially
identical compositions and performance properties
to petroleum-derived Jet A/A1 fuel. These fuels are
called drop-in fuels. The specification is structured
with annexes that define property and compositional
requirements for synthetic blending components that
can be mixed with conventional, petroleum-derived jet
fuel at specified volumes to result in fully-formulated
drop-in fuels. It currently includes two annexes for
approved drop-in fuels; Fischer Tropsch (FT) and
Hydroprocess Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA), that
can blended at up to 50% volume with petroleumderived jet fuel. D7566 includes a provision to allow
fuels meeting this specification to be re-identified as
conventional fuels when they enter the distribution
infrastructure. ASTM International Standard D1655,
Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels
defines the requirements for petroleum derived,
conventional jet fuel. This re-identification provision
allows the drop-in fuels listed in D7566 to be seamlessly integrated into the infrastructure and on to the
aircraft without the need for separate tracking or regulatory approval. This is because the infrastructure is
already designed to support D1655 jet fuel, and virtually all civil aircraft include ASTM D1655 Jet A/A1 fuel
as an operating limitation and are therefore certified to
operate with jet fuel meeting specification D1655. So,
once a new alternative jet fuel is added as an annex to
D7566, it is fit to fly on commercial airliners because
it meets the existing approved aviation fuel operating



limitation. Fuels that are found not to be drop-in fuels do not meet the existing approved operating limitation and
must therefore undergo a separate regulatory approval process following the ASTM International qualification
process (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 Certification of Alternative Fuels

ASTM D4054 was developed to provide the producer

of an alternative jet fuel with guidance regarding
testing and property targets necessary to evaluate
a candidate alternative jet fuel. D4054 is an iterative
process, which requires the candidate fuel developer to test samples of fuel to measure properties,
composition, and performance. The testing covers
basic specification properties, expanded properties
called fit-for-purpose (FFP) properties, engine rig and
component testing, and if necessary, full-scale engine
testing (see Figure 3). This is a rigorous process that
requires participation and input from many of the
stakeholders at ASTM.
Typically, a producer will be seeking approval of a
synthetic blending component for incorporation into
D7566 as a new annex. A preliminary specification
that lists the controlling properties and criteria for the
neat synthetic blending component should first be



established by the fuel producer prior to the initiation of the D4054 test program. The D4054 data is
used to demonstrate that the proposed specification
properties are sufficiently robust to ensure that all
synthetic blending components meeting those properties will be fit-for-purpose for use on turbine engines
and aircraft when blended with conventional jet fuel.
The D4054 data must also substantiate that the
proposed specification properties adequately control
the blending component performance when subjected
to the process variability that is expected to occur
during large-scale production. The D4054 data and
the proposed specification properties are then used
as the basis for development of a proposed annex
for incorporation into D7566 as a drop-in synthetic
jet fuel. The iterative nature of this process evolves
from the re-adjustment of the initial proposed specification properties that typically occurs upon review
of the D4054 test results by the ASTM membership.

Figure 3 ASTM D4054 Qualification Process


ASTM Research
Report Overview

There are currently four draft ASTM Research Reports

that are under review by key aviation fuel stakeholders in preparation for balloting to the entire ASTM
membership. The ASTM task forces that submitted
these reports are:

Fischer-Tropsch Synthetic Kerosene with

Aromatics (FT-SKA)
Alcohol to Jet (ATJ)
Hydroprocessed Depolymerized Cellulosic
Jet (HDCJ)
Direct Sugar to Hydrocarbon (DSHC)

The data contained in these reports provides the

information necessary to determine if the proposed
feedstock and conversion pathway produces a fuel
that is fit-for-purpose (FFP) for aviation use. In essence,
the fit-for-purpose of a new fuel is determined by
comparison to the existing, petroleum-derived Jet A/
A1 fuel. The following is a brief overview of the typical
content of these research reports with examples of
that content.


Process Description

ASTM Research Reports typically start with an overview of the pathway, or process that is used to produce
the new fuel. A description of feedstock requirements,
process steps, and intermediary products is provided
(see Figure 4 for an example). The process description
is important because it is used to establish the controlling definition of the fuel which will be specified in the
D7566 specification annex.

Figure 4 ATJ-SPK Process Description (extracted from ATJ-SPK ASTM Research Report Version-October 17, 2013)




Tier 1 and 2 Data Section

The data analysis section of the report typically

addresses the Tier 1 and 2 requirements of D4054
(see Figure 2). This section includes both tabular and
graphic descriptions of fuel composition, including
trace materials, of the neat, unblended synthetic fuel.
This testing can be completed with relatively small
volumes of test fuel ranging from 10 to 80 gallons.
Sources of the fuel samples are carefully identified to facilitate presentation of data throughout this
section. Figure 5 shows a chromatagram that shows
the size distribution of hydrocarbon molecules that
comprise the neat ATJ fuel samples. The distribution
of the hydrocarbon molecules is important to ensure

proper combustion in the turbine engine. This section

also provides data describing the specification and
FFP property test results from the laboratory tests
defined in ASTM D4054. Testing results for both the
unblended synthetic fuel and the blended jet fuel are
provided, as applicable. Figure 6 shows the viscosity
of blends of HDCJ fuel and petroleum-derived jet fuel
over the operating range of aircraft engines. As can
be seen in the figure by the location of the stars which
represent the HDCJ samples, the HDCJ fuel is within
the jet fuel experience base. This ensures that the new
fuel will flow and pump properly in engines designed
to operate on petroleum-derived jet fuel.

Figure 5 Composition of Neat ATJ-SPK Samples (extracted from ATJ-SPK ASTM Research Report, Version-October 17, 2013)



Figure 6 Viscosity of HDCJ fuel as a function of temperature (Extracted from HDCJ ASTM Research Report Version 4, November
2012). Stars represent HDCJ samples, which fall within the acceptable range.

The Research Report also includes a section describing

the compatibility of the blended fuel with both metallic
and non-metallic materials that are typically in aircraft
and engine fuel systems. Figure 7 shows the volume
change of three different elastomeric seal materials
when exposed to blends of ATJ fuel. The volume
change provides an indication of the sealing ability and
overall integrity of the o-ring seal.



Figure 7 Elastomeric Seal Material Compatibility of Blended ATJ Fuel (extracted from ATJ-SPK ASTM Research Report,
Version-October 17, 2013)

The FFP properties include data on many fuel performance properties, plus data on fuel handling and
storage and performance in ground filtration systems.
The Tier 1 and 2 data section typically concludes with
an environmental and toxicology assessment which
will assess the impact of the new fuel relative to petroleum-derived jet fuel.


Tier 3 Component/rig/
APU Testing

The fuel producers continually engage with the engine/

aircraft manufacturers and other key ASTM aviation
fuel subcommittee members throughout the process
to solicit input on test requirements. The Tier 1 and
2 data will provide important information on the new
fuel and allow the stakeholders to determine the Tier 3
test requirements. This is critical because the volume
of fuel required for Tier 3 testing can vary significantly,
from 250 gallons all the way up to 10,000 gallons,
depending on the test requirements.


Component/rig testing typically relies on test rigs

developed by engine manufacturers to evaluate fuel
system or combustion system components. Figure 8
shows a fuel nozzle atomizer test rig that evaluates the
fuels ability to atomize into small droplets necessary to
support combustion. Figure 9 shows droplet size data
that is produced by this test.


Figure 8 Honeywell Fuel Nozzle Atomizer Test Rig (extracted from

ATJ-SPK ASTM Research Report, Version-October 17, 2013)

Figure 11 Honeywell Lean Blowout Data (extracted from ATJ-SPK
ASTM Research Report, Version-October 17, 2013)
Figure 9 Droplet Size Comparison (extracted from ATJ-SPK ASTM
Research Report, Version-October 17, 2013)

Combustor rig testing is another key test that evaluates

the fuels ability properly combust under demanding
aircraft operating conditions. Figure 10 shows a
combustor test rig used for this purpose. One of the
most critical combustor rig tests is called the lean
blowout test, where the fuels ability to combust at
progressively lower airflows is evaluated. Figure 11
shows the results of this test.


Tier 4 Engine Testing

The initial versions of ASTM research reports frequently

do not include Tier 4 engine testing. The fuel producers
typically submit research reports with Tier 1, 2, and 3
data to the engine and airframe manufacturers and key
stakeholders to solicit feedback regarding the need
for additional testing. Depending on the Tier 4 testing
requirements, between 60,000 and 225,000 gallons
of test fuel could be required to support the engine
testing. There are several different types of engine
tests that may be included in a research report. Engine
performance tests and emissions tests are relatively
short duration and require the least amount of fuel.
Engine endurance or durability tests are much longer
duration and require the greatest fuel volumes. Figure
12 provides an overview of an engine durability test
performed to evaluate HEFA fuel. The data for this
test was not included in the HEFA ASTM Research
Report because it was performed after approval of
that fuel, but it is an example of the type of information
that would be included if the durability test is required
for approval.

Figure 10 Honeywell Combustor Test Rig (extracted from ATJ-SPK

ASTM Research Report, Version-October 17, 2013)



Figure 12 Honeywell HTF7000 Engine Durability Test (extracted from 2012 CRC Aviation Fuel Meeting Presentation,
USDOT / RITA / Volpe Center Alt Fuels Propulsion Engine Durability Evaluation, May 2, 2012)


Current Alternative Jet

Fuel Certification Activity

There are currently nine active task forces in the aviation fuel subcommittee of ASTM International that are
in various stages of the D4054 qualification process
(see Figure 13). The following is an overview of the
status of each of these task forces.



Approved Fuels

FT-SPK (Fischer-Tropsch SPK6): The FT-SPK

process converts coal, natural gas, or biomass
to a synthesis gas, followed by FT processing
to either long-chain paraffins or olefins. This fuel
was approved as Annex A1 to ASTM D7566 in
September, 2009.
HEFA-SPK (Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty
Acids SPK): The HEFA-SPK process converts
plant and animal fats and oils to hydrocarbon fuel
by deoxygenation and hydroprocessing. This fuel

6. SPK: Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene


was approved as Annex A2 to ASTM D7566 in

July, 2011.


ASTM Task Forces With

Research Reports Currently
Under Review

ATJ-SPK1 (Alcohol to Jet SPK): The ATJ-SPK

process converts an alcohol feedstock to a
hydrocarbon fuel. The process key steps are
dehydration of the alcohol to an olefinic gas,
followed by oligomerization to longer chain length
liquid olefins, hydrogenation and fractionation. The
research report includes a complete set of Tier 1
and Tier 2 data, along with combustor rig, fuel
atomizer and engine performance test results. It is
currently under preliminary review by the OEMs.
DSHC (Direct Sugar to Hydrocarbons): The
DSHC process converts sugar to a pure paraffin
molecule that can be blended with jet fuel. The
process utilizes an advanced fermentation process

Figure 13 ASTM Alternative Fuel Task Forces

to accomplish the conversion. The research report

is currently under preliminary review by the OEMs.
FT-SKA2 (FT Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene with
Aromatics): This is similar to the already approved
FT process, but also produces synthetic aromatics
along with paraffins. The research report includes
Tier 1 and Tier 2 data and is currently under
preliminary review by the OEMs.
HDCJ (Hydroprocessed Depolymerized Cellulosic
Jet): The HDCJ process converts lignocellulosic
(woody) biomass to a hydrocarbon fuel product.
This is a thermal-catalytic, or pyrolysis process
that converts the biomass feedstock to a crude
bio-oil. Subsequent process steps include hydroprocessing and fractionation. The research report
includes a complete set of Tier 1 and Tier 2 data,
along with combustor rig and engine performance
test results. It is currently under preliminary review
by the OEMs.


ASTM Task Forces Currently

Compiling Test Data

ATJ-SKA (Alcohol to Jet SKA7): This is a similar

process to ATJ-SPK, but it produces synthetic
aromatics along with paraffins.
CH (Catalytic Hydrothermolysis): This process
is similar to HEFA but utilizes water as a catalyst to convert plant and animal fats and oils to
hydrocarbon fuel comprised of both paraffins and
SAK (Synthetic Aromatic Kerosene): This is a
catalytic process that converts soluble sugars to
an aromatic stream in the kerosene range.
SK (Synthetic Kerosene): Similar to SAK, but it
produces a paraffinic stream.

7. SKA: Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene with Aromatics




New ASTM Task Forces

Co-Processing: ASTM D7566 envisioned alternative fuels to be comprised of a petroleum-derived

jet fuel blended with a separately produced and
tested synthetic blending stream. This approach
is reflected in the annex structure of this specification which requires testing of the synthetic
blending stream to the annex criteria prior to
blending with jet fuel. However, prospective fuel
producers have initiated a task force to evaluate
blending of the crude oil and bio-oil upstream in
the production process at the hydroprocessing
stage of the process. The proposed concept
relies on conducting the hydroprocessing of
crude petroleum with crude bio-oils in parallel to
improve efficiency.



Prospective alternative jet fuel producers have made

notable progress in 2013 towards completion of
their respective ASTM qualification programs. As the
aviation fuel community compiles more test data, the
understanding of aviation fuel properties and composition and their effect on aircraft and engines will grow.
This will lead to greater efficiencies in the alternative
fuel approval process.
The aviation fuel community also eagerly anticipates
the commercial deployment of these new alternative fuels, as this will also provide valuable feedback
regarding the qualification process utilized to approve
the fuels.
ASTM fuel specifications such as D7566 continually
evolve as new experience and information is gained.
The ASTM aviation fuel subcommittee looks forward
to incorporating improvements in this specification as
it gains more experience.



3. Sustainability


Chapter Summary

Different sustainability standards are in use for aviation biofuels, both regulatory and voluntary. A selection
of the most relevant standards is described in more
detail in this chapter. Due to the considerable differences between these standards, there is a need for
The three standards reviewed in this chapter are the
Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB), the
International Sustainability and Carbon Certification
(ISCC), and US Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The
RSB has recently certified the first biojet fuel supplier
(SkyNRG) and several aviation biofuel initiatives have
recommended using RSB standards for their biofuel
supplies. The ISCC is the most widely-used of the
voluntary certification schemes that are recognized
under the European Renewable Energy Directive
(RED). The US RFS provides a very effective incentive
system based on tradable certificates (RINs) that are
generated for each batch of biofuel.
IATA gratefully acknowledges Rolf Hogan at RSB and
Andreas Feige at ISCC for their contributions to this



Throughout the history of aviation there has been a

continuous improvement of fuel efficiency, driven by
the necessity to save weight and costs, and increasingly by environmental considerations. Only in the last
decade have possibilities emerged to replace conventional jet fuel by more sustainable alternatives.
Following developments in land transport, biofuels
became a promising choice of a sustainable alternative energy for aviation because of their reduced net

carbon dioxide emissions compared to fossil fuels.

For aviation there are no other sustainable alternative
energies available in the near-to-mid-term, contrary to
the automotive sector which already offers solutions
using electric batteries and fuel cells. It is however
essential that, in addition to greenhouse gas savings,
other environmental, societal and economic aspects
of sustainability are also respected in biofuel production and use. Influenced by the experience with poor
sustainability of various first-generation biofuel feedstocks for land transport, the aviation industry has
been focusing on sustainability as a main requirement
from the beginning of their engagement in biofuels.
There are a variety of regulatory and voluntary sustainability standards that are applicable to aviation biofuels.
The present chapter reports on the latest developments in some of them.
Biofuel sustainability regulations in force in various
countries show considerable differences in scope and
procedures, especially between the EU RED and the
US RFS. An example of this are the methodologies
used to determine lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions.
For aviation as a global activity it is essential to remove
obstacles stemming from such regulatory differences
to enhance the uptake of biofuels by airlines.
The United Nations International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) supports this need, and its Sustainable
Aviation Fuels Expert Group (SUSTAF) has made
respective recommendations to the 38th ICAO
Assembly, held in Montral in September / October
2013. The ICAO Resolution A38-18 on Climate Change
strongly promotes the use of sustainable alternative
aviation fuels and contains a number of requirements
to ensure the sustainability of these fuels.



A landmark agreement on Climate Change was

reached with the ICAO Resolution 38-18. The agreement commits ICAO to developing a global market
based measure that will be an essential enabler for
the industry to achieve carbon neutral growth from
2020. The agreement will set in motion the detailed
design elements for the monitoring, reporting and verification of emissions and the type of scheme to be
implemented. It was agreed to apply the ICAO guiding
principles when designing MBMs in an effort to avoid
duplication, carbon leakage and market distortions
and address non-discrimination. Full resolution details
can be found elsewhere8.


Roundtable on
Sustainable Biomaterials

2013 has seen steady progress on biofuel sustainability in aviation through wider commitment to the
RSB standard and the first RSB-certified biojet coming
online. The Natural Resource Defense Council called
for stronger commitment to the RSB by the sector
and Midwest Sustainable Aviation Biofuels Initiative
(MASBI) recognized the standard in its findings. The
RSB multi-stakeholder process has also endorsed an
approach to address the indirect impacts of biofuels
which will allow airlines to identify RSB certified fuels
that have not displaced food production or led to the
destruction of natural habitats. The months ahead look
set for further progress on sustainability as the RSBBoeing initiative to encourage certification of small
farmers picks up speed.
It has been a busy year for RSB with a newly independent secretariat being established in Geneva,
the expansion of scope of the standard into biomaterials and the adoption of a new name Roundtable
on Sustainable Biomaterials. The expansion of scope
allows the certification of other forms of bioenergy such
as biogas as well as a range of materials produced
from biomass including bio-plastics and lubricants.
The new Secretariat has been busy streamlining the
standard to make it more user-friendly and revising the
standard in line with the expansion of scope.

Since the RSB has been extensively described in

previous IATA Reports on Alternative Fuels (available
on IATAs website), the following sections describe
some notable developments that have taken place
over the past year.


In March 2013, for the first time ever, RSB-certified jet

became available with the certification of SkyNRG and
its supplier Dynamic Fuels. Dynamic produces drop-in
fuels from animal fats, greases, and vegetable oils and
SkyNRG supplies more than 15 carriers worldwide
including KLM. It provided the biofuel for a series its
transatlantic flights from Amsterdam to New York also
inaugurated in March.



Biojet Fuel Feedstock

Certified in Spain

Camelina Company Espaa (CCE) a joint venture with

Great Plains Oil & Exploration became RSB-certified in
October. The certification covers over 150 farmers as
well as several of Camelina Companys facilities. The
camelina is grown as a rotation crop in arid regions of
Spain where it does not replace food crops or cause
direct or indirect land use change. CCE is part of ITAKA
(Initiative Towards sustAinable Kerosene for Aviation)
which aims to speed up the commercialization of aviation biofuels in Europe. Other ITAKA partners include
RSB members Airbus, Neste Oil and SkyNRG.


Sourcing Sustainable Fuels

In a purchasing deal for 57 million litres (15 million

gallons) of biojet fuel signed in June, United Airlines
stated their support for AltAir Fuels efforts to incorporate internationally recognized sustainability standards,
such as the RSB. In July, Alaska Airlines and Hawaii
BioEnergy announced an agreement for the carrier to
purchase sustainable biofuel. The feedstock for the
biofuel was announced as woody biomass-based and
is consistent with RSB sustainability criteria.

8. https://www.iata.org/pressroom/pr/Documents/agm69-resolution-cng2020.pdf


First RSB-certified Biojet Fuel

Now Available


Advocating Sustainability

The Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC) urged

the aviation industry to step up its commitment to
purchasing RSB-certified fuel to ensure true sustainability in the sector. The NRDC report Aviation Biofuel
Sustainability Survey, published in March 2013,
provides a detailed independent review of sustainability
issues across the sector including potential indirect
impacts associated with the supplies of biojet fuels.


Midwest Aviation Sustainable

Biofuels Initiative

In the USA, in June 2013 the Midwest Aviation Sustainable Biofuels Initiative (MASBI) published its findings
recommending the use of sustainability criteria consistent with international credible standards such as the
RSB. This initiative, led by United Airlines, Boeing,
the city of Chicago, Honeywells UOP and Clean
Energy Trust, echoes the findings of similar initiatives
in Brazil, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and the US
Pacific Northwest.


Brazil Biofuels Platform

RSB Services Foundation, the organisation created

and licenced to implement the RSB certification
system, has joined with other stakeholders in the
Brazil Biojet Platform (BBP) including GOL Airlines,
Boeing, Amyris, Solazyme and others as the sustainability partner. The goal of the BBP is to bring together
stakeholders for integration, optimization and development of a sustainable biojet fuel supply chain in Brazil.
Stakeholders representing technology, feedstock
production, airlines, and fuel producers who have
joined the initiative will also serve as the private sector
interface for US-Brazil Biojetfuel Bilateral Agreement.


Promoting Smallholder
Production with Boeings
Global Corporate Citizenship

With the help of Boeings Global Corporate Citizenship program the RSB has launched an initiative to
promote the integration of the RSB standard into rural
development. The program should lead to an increased
production of sustainable biofuel while supporting

the livelihoods of small farmers. RSB certification is

meant to increase the access of smallholders to export
markets and to promote sustainable production. The
program kicked-off in Southeast Asia with the preparation of a series of case studies to identify difficulties
that smallholders experience in becoming certified,
and testing a new version of the RSB standard for
A workshop in Kuala Lumpur in December 2013 will
bring together development agencies and governments
to look at how they can integrate RSB certification into
rural development programs and improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers. A similar initiative for
Latin America will be launched in Mexico in November
2013 and continue in 2014 along with work in Africa.
National development agencies in Norway and Switzerland are contributing to the smallholder initiative as
well as RSB members such as the National Wildlife
Federation and the Inter-America Development Bank.
Boeing and RSB are seeking additional partners for
this initiative.


Ensuring Low Indirect

Impact Biofuels

In March 2013, the RSB approved an approach

to recognise biofuels with low indirect impact The
Assembly of Delegates, which represents the RSBs
diverse membership, approved the use of the Low Indirect Impact Biofuels (LIIB) methodology9 developed
jointly by WWF International, Ecole Polytechnique
Fdrale de Lausanne (the former institutional home
of the RSB) and Ecofys. The methodology promotes
practices that reduce the risk of displacement and
competition with food production and biodiversity
conservation. Approaches include: the use of wastes
and residues, increasing yields, intercropping, and the
use of abandoned lands.
Indirect impacts of biofuels (and biomaterials) have
been under discussion for some time with little
consensus on how to best address them. Indirect
impacts include conversion of natural habitat to agriculture or increased food prices as a result of biomass
being diverted for energy. While the existence of such
effects is generally accepted, the scale and exact
contribution of biofuels in the recent surge of food
prices are heavily disputed. This is why attempts to
quantify or model indirect impacts as in the case of
iLUC factors are subject to controversy.

9. http://www.liib.org



The issue stimulated considerable discussion within

the RSB membership and led to an extensive consultation process in 2012. The decision by the RSB
membership will allow for operators undergoing certification to opt for a voluntary module that will verify
that their fuel or biomaterial has low risk of causing
indirect impact.


Fast-track Certification of
Fuels from Forest Residues

The certification of biofuel production from forest residues will be facilitated by a simplified audit process for
forest management certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Thanks to a comparative analysis
of the RSB and FSC standards, which identified gaps
and areas of overlap, FSC-certified operators will be
able to receive RSB certification by demonstrating
compliance only with those RSB requirements which
are not already covered by their FSC certification.
The main gaps are greenhouse gas calculation and
food security. Similar comparative studies are nearing
completion for the Bonsuccro standard and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Sustainability
Framework Performance Standards.


The US Renewable Fuels

Standard (RFS)

The US Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for developing and implementing regulations
to ensure that transportation fuel sold in the United
States contains a minimum volume of renewable fuel.
The RFS was created under the Energy Policy Act
of 2005 and expanded in the Energy Independence
and Security Act of 2007 (EISA). The expanded RFS
(referred to as RFS2) established a mandate objective
of 36 billion gallons of biofuel use by 2022. While the
program is focused on ground transportation, entities
producing biomass based jet fuel can qualify for financial credit under the system.
RFS2 has the following three key properties:
1. The total renewable fuel requirement is divided
into four separate, but nested categories, each
with its own volume requirement.

2. Biofuels qualifying under each category must

achieve certain minimum thresholds of lifecycle
greenhouse gas emission reductions.
3. All renewable fuel must be made from feedstock
that meets an amended definition of renewable
biomass, including certain land use restrictions.
RFS2 includes four biofuel categories, each with a
specific volume mandate and lifecycle GHG emissions
reduction threshold. To qualify under RFS2, each must
reduce GHG emissions relative to its fossil equivalent
according to the following schedule:
Biofuels category

Threshold reduction10

Conventional biofuel


Advanced biofuel (cellulosic)


Advanced biofuel (biomass-based diesel)


Advanced biofuel (unspecified)


Table 1 EISA-mandated reductions in lifecycle greenhouse gas

emissions (percent reduction from 2005 baseline for gasoline or
diesel fuel)


Renewable Identification
Numbers under the RFS

Currently, only gasoline and diesel fuels are subject

to quota requirements, which is a deliberate design
strategy. However, renewable jet fuel can generate
Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) if there is
an approved fuel pathway and all other requirements
are met. A RIN is a unique 38 character number that
is issued by the biofuel producer or importer at the
point of biofuel production or the port of importation.
It derives a value based on supply and demand fundamentals for each biofuel category, and whether the
blending mandate is binding.
RINs can only be generated if it can be established
that the feedstock from which the fuel was made
meets EISAs definition of renewable biomass. A key
financial facet of the RIN system is when a renewable
fuel is blended for retail sale or at the point of embarkation for export, the RIN is separated from the fuel
and may be used for compliance or trade. Given the
challenges of financing large scale biojet fuel supply
infrastructure, the RIN system is one tool that can
potentially accelerate the development of renewable
jet fuel production.

10. Source: Regulatory Announcement EPA Finalizes Regulations for the National Renewable Fuel Standard Program
for 2010, EPA-420-F-10-007, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, EPA, February 3, 2010.




Conventional Biofuel

Advanced Biofuel: Cellulosic Biofuel

Advanced Biofuel: Biomass-Based Diesel
Advanced Biofuel: Unspecified


Billoin Gallons












Source: US Environmental Protection Agency









Figure 14 RFS2 renewable fuel volume requirements


Biojet Fuel Under the RFS

In March 2010 RFS2 final rule included pathways

for jet fuel from several different feedstocks. These

The non-cellulosic portions of separated food

Cellulosic Biomass from crop residue, slash, precommercial thinnings and tree residue, annual
covercrops, switchgrass, and miscanthus
Cellulosic components of separated yard waste
Cellulosic components of separated food waste
Cellulosic components of separated MSW

Recently, in March 2013, the EPA approved several

new biojetfuel pathways which include:

Jet fuel produced from camelina oil using a

hydrotreating process. This qualifies for biomassbased diesel and advanced biofuel RINs
Clarified the definition of renewable diesel to
explicitly include jet fuel.

Jet fuel produced from soybean oil, oil from annual

cover crops, algal oil, biogenic waste oils/fats/
greases, and non-food grade corn oil now qualifies for biomass-based diesel and advanced
biofuel RINs.

A number of additional pathways remain under consideration and are likely to evolve in the medium term.
The EPA has set up a petition process for evaluation
of new renewable fuel pathways. Pathways currently
under review through the petition process include the

Hydrotreated hetrotrophic algal oil

Hydrotreated jatropha oil

As both the RED and RFS continue to mature and

evolve, and particularly in the context of the ICAO
resolution of Sept/Oct 2013, it becomes increasingly
relevant to address cross recognition of sustainability
standards and possible harmonization.




International Sustainability
and Carbon Certification

International Sustainability and Carbon Certification

(ISCC) is described as the worlds first staterecognized certification system for sustainability
and GHG savings that can be applied to all kinds
of biomass, waste and residues related biofuels and
biojet fuels. The ISCC certification system became
operational in 2010 and has been developed with
the involvement of more than 250 stakeholders from
Europe, America and Southeast Asia since 2006.
ISCC headquarters are located in Cologne, Germany.
ISCC is employed by more than 2000 system users in
81 countries worldwide. It certifies that biomass was
produced in compliance with high environmental and
social standards, providing reliability and credibility
for system users. ISCC was officially recognized for
biofuels by the German authorities in 2010 and by the
European Commission in mid-2011. In addition to the
system for biofuels, ISCC PLUS was launched in 2012
and offers market participants and producers from the
food, feed, chemical and pharmaceutical industry the
opportunity to achieve sustainability certification for all
types of bio-based products.

ISCC Organization and


ISCC e.V. membership is voluntary, i.e. users which

apply for ISCC certification do not have to become an
ISCC member. The ISCC System GmbH is responsible
for the day to day business ranging from registration of
new system users, verification of certificates, training of
auditors, quality management to developing the system
further in order to better respond to user needs.
Currently ISCC cooperates with 23 certification
bodies and more than 800 auditors and professionals
have been trained during the last few years. The ISCC
System GmbH also operates an integrity management system where independent auditors perform
surveillance audits of already certified system users.
Selection either takes place on a random basis or
when evidence was provided that ISCC requirements
might have been violated by users or certification
bodies. During the years of operation this governance
structure and respective measures and sanctions have
strengthened the ISCC brand significantly in terms of
credibility and reliability.

250 stakeholders involved in system development

operational since Jan 2010
3,800 certificates issued
2,000 system users in 81 countries

Figure 15 ISCC footprint (in green)





Certification Scope

Biofuels which are brought to market within in the

European Union must comply with the requirements of
the Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC (RED).
The RED requirements embrace protection of environmentally sensitive areas, greenhouse gas (GHG)
emission savings of 35 percent and traceability and
mass balance within the supply chain. Compliance with
the RED requirements can be demonstrated through
one of several voluntary certification systems recog-

audit by


Veg oil


Chain of custody
audit by

nized by the European Commission, including ISCC.

Within ISCC the entire supply chain from agricultural
level down to the quota obligated party is audited by
independent certification bodies. Positive audit results
of the individual element of the supply chain qualify for
an ISCC certificate which is valid for twelve months.
This enables the certificate holder to participate in a
sustainable supply chain and to take in and to pass
on sustainable products and issue respective sustainability declarations.

Chain of custody
audit by





Chain of custody
audit by

Positive audits results





Figure 16 Illustrative example of a sustainable supply chain

Generally ISCC distinguishes between two types

of audits. One is the sustainability audit on farms or
plantations which includes a wide range of ecological, economic and social sustainability criteria and
farm-related GHG emissions. The other, a chain of
custody audit, covers traceability of the product,
GHG emissions and the mass balance calculation for
the operational unit (e.g. the hydrogenation plant in
Figure 16).
ISCC audits are on-site audits. For conversion units
like oil mills, hydrogenation plants, biodiesel plants or
refineries, every unit must be audited and receives an
individual certificate. Farms and plantations can be
audited on a sample basis. In the example above the first
gathering point is the oil mill (vegetable oil producer).
However, it is also possible for farms or plantations to
get audited individually on voluntary basis.
ISCC audit requirements do not differ for bioethanol,
biodiesel or biojet fuel; the audit process and criteria
are generally the same. ISCC is also recognized for
the certification of waste and residue-based biofuels.
In this case, the same principles are applied, with the
difference that the originator of waste is not subject to
an audit and the waste or residue material is assigned
zero GHG emissions.

ISCC system users have the choice whether they

would like to perform an individual GHG calculation or
use a default value as listed in the RED. Current default
values for most biofuels are sufficient to meet the
GHG emissions saving target of 35 percent. However,
the default values will not be sufficient for palm-based
biodiesel (without methane capturing technology) and
soy-based biodiesel. In these cases individual GHG
calculations are required. It is also important to note
that not every certification system recognized by the
European Commission is eligible for individual GHG
calculations. User of soy and palm based biofuels
fuels therefore need to be certified under systems that
are recognized for individual GHG calculation, such as
ISCC. This issue becomes even more important as the
RED targets for GHG emission savings will increase
to 50 and 60 percent in the coming years. By then,
many of the conventional biofuels will require individual
GHG calculations in order to meet these targets.



ISCC sustainability criteria go beyond the RED requirements, which mainly focus on land use change after
the year 2008. The ISCC sustainability requirements
also cover the protection of areas with high biodiversity value, areas with high carbon stock and peat land
as well as land use change of protected areas after
January 2008. In addition to the land use requirements,
farms and plantations must comply with good agricultural practices, measures for environmental protection,
provide safe working conditions and social sustainability as well as compliance with laws and regulations.
Further details on the individual sustainability criteria
can be found within the ISCC document 20211.

11. http://www.iscc-system.org/en/certification-process/certification/basics/



4. Economics


Chapter Summary

Biojet pathways face significant cost challenges.

Depending on the details of the particular pathway, the
price premium of the biofuel over conventional jet fuel
could be the result of high feedstock costs, high capital
expenses, or some combination of the two. There are
incentive structures in place in certain countries which
help reduce these additional cost burdens for the fuel
producer. Energy technology is expected to improve
over time due to market competition, experience, and
innovation, which should drive down fuel production
costs, while conventional jet fuel prices are expected
to increase.
IATA gratefully acknowledges Mitch R. Withers,
Matthew N. Pearlson, and Robert Malina of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for their contributions
to this chapter.


Conventional Jet Fuel

Price Development
and Incentives for
Alternative Fuels as
Points of reference

Alternative aviation fuels compete with conventional

jet fuel from petroleum. Airlines operate in a highly
competitive, low-margin market and can be expected
to refrain from large-scale usage of alternative fuels
if they are not cost-competitive with the conventional
counterpart. This does not necessarily imply that
these fuels need to be competitive on their own in the
short term, since there are policies in place that give

incentives to produce and use alternative aviation fuels.

One example is the revised Renewable Fuels Standard
(RFS2) described in Chapter 3 of this report. Although
the renewable volume obligations (RVO) specified by
RFS2 do not require production of renewable jet fuel,
it can qualify for a renewable identification number
(RIN)12, which can be traded and used by obligated
parties to satisfy renewable fuel mandates. At current
prices, RINs can offset the cost differential between
alternative and conventional jet fuel by $0.26/L
($1/gal). However, because separating jet fuel from
diesel fuel requires additional processing, RFS2
is more likely to incentivize biomass-based diesel
production over biojet13.
While there is considerable uncertainty about the
future price of conventional jet fuel, prices are generally expected to increase in the coming decades due
to increased global demand for crude. The U.S. Energy
Information Administration has published past and
current jet fuel prices in the United States as well as
price projections for jet fuel for the next three decades
(see Figure 17)14. As shown in the figure, baseline EIA projections suggest that the price of jet fuel
will continue to increase steadily over the next thirty
years. In the high price scenario jet fuel sells at around
$1.59/L ($6/gal, all prices in 2012 U.S. dollars), in
the low scenario it sells at around $0.53/L ($2/gal).
The average spot price of jet fuel for 2013 (JanuarySeptember) is $0.75/L ($2.82/gal).

12. U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Renewable Fuels Compliance Help

13. Winchester N, McConnachie D, Wollersheim C, (2013): Economic and Emissions Impacts of Renewable Fuel Goals for Aviation
in the US, in: Transportation Research Part A, forthcoming.
14. U.S. Energy Information Administration, (2012): Annual Energy Outlook 2012.




Jet fuel price per gallon


Actual Purchase Prices

Alternative jet fuels are currently produced in small

quantities compared to both petroleum jet and corn
ethanol: Over the last 5 years, the U.S. military has
purchased 1.9 million gallons of jet fuel through its
procurement agency DLA Energy, which gives reliable
data regarding the actual purchase prices of biofuels.
These are shown in Table 2.






Figure 17 EIA price projections for jet fuel in the United States
from 2012 Annual Energy Outlook. All values in year 2012
U.S. dollars.


Quantity in L

Total Cost

Average Cost $/L


Min $/L

Max $/L





































Table 2 Alternative fuel purchases made by the U.S. Department of Defense shown by fuel pathway, from 2007 to November 2012.
Source: DLA Energy. Some prices may be artificially high, as contracts may also include R&D costs in addition to production costs.
Note 1 gal = 3.785 L

HRJ/HEFA fuels are produced by hydroprocessing

esters and fatty acids, such as edible (soybean, canola)
and non-edible (camelina, jatropha) plant oils, algal oil,
yellow grease (rendered used cooking oil), and tallow
(rendered animal fat). The maximum price of $149/
gal corresponds to fuel produced from algal oil, the
economics of which have been discussed in previous
editions of this report20. Between 2007 and 2012, the
U.S. military procured 1 million gallons of HRJ/HEFA
jet fuel at an average price of $10.04/L ($38/gal).

Fischer-Tropsch (FT) jet fuel is derived from gasification of carbonaceous feedstocks and the subsequent
conversion and upgrading of synthesis gas to liquid
fuels via a catalytic process. The U.S. military bought
730,000 gallons of FT jet fuel at an average price of
$0.99/L ($3.76/gal), though not from renewable feedstocks. The cost difference to conventional jet fuel in
DLAs procurement is the lowest for FT jet fuel.

15. Hydroprocessed Renewable Jet/Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids from camelina, algal oil, used cooking oil, tallow
16. Fischer-Tropsch Jet Fuel from natural gas, coal
17. Alcohol to Jet from alcohols
18. Direct Sugar to Hydrocarbon from sugar fermentation
19. Hydrotreated Depolymerized Cellulosic Diesel from lignocellulosic biomass
20. International Air Transport Association, (2012): IATA 2012 Report on Alternative Fuels, Montreal Geneva.



Alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) processes use commodity alcohols (ethanol, butanol) as platform molecules for
oligomerization or catalytic synthesis reactions.
Alcohols can also be produced from biomass via
advanced fermentation processes. So far, less than
378,500 L (100,000 gal) of ATJ were purchased by
the U.S military from a single supplier at a price of
$15.59/L ($59/gal).
Direct sugar-to-hydrocarbon (DSH) pathways rely on
genetically-engineered microorganisms that digest
sugars and produce hydrocarbon fuel components
(as opposed to alcohols, which are upgraded
in a separate process). DLA Energy procured
163,755 L (43,000 gal) of DSH jet fuel at a price of
$6.80/L ($25.73/gal).
Hydrotreated Depolymerized Cellulosic Diesel
(HDC-D) fuels are produced by hydrous pyrolysis
of biomass feedstocks followed by hydroprocessing
of the pyrolysis oil. So far, only 24,600 L (6,500 gal)
of HDC-D fuel have been purchased, at a price of
$2.34/L ($8.85/gal).
For commercial aviation, there is limited data available on costs of alternative fuel purchase agreements.
In 2011, Alaska Airlines purchased 105,980 L
(28,000 gal) of renewable jet fuel from used cooking
oil at an average price of $4.49/L ($17/gal)21.
In mid-2013, United Airlines entered into a purchase
agreement for 56.8 million L (15 million gal) of jet fuel
from agricultural waste and non-edible oils. There is no
data publicly accessible on the purchase price of this
renewable fuel. However, both parties state that the
fuel will be sold at prices competitive with conventional
jet fuel, which is likely inclusive of monetary incentives
through RFS222.


Theoretical Purchase

Competitive markets should lead to selling prices

decreasing over time. This is especially the case for
new technologies where significant cost reductions
can be achieved through learning. Among the alternative fuel technologies considered herein, FT is the

most mature, having been used for decades with coal

(Sasol) and for several years with natural gas (Shell).
Biomass gasification is largely based on mature coal
gasification technology, but additional biomassspecific treatment methods are less mature. Learning
effects can be significant, especially in the early years
of technology deployment. In a study conducted for
the U.S. Department of Energy, for example, it was
estimated that costs for HDC-D should decrease by
~50% over the course of five years due to improvement in achieved process efficiencies23.
Theoretical purchase prices for mature industries have
been calculated in literature using minimum selling
price (MSP) approaches24. These prices are meant
to be representative for fuels which are produced
in several refineries using a certain technology, with
lower contingency, start-up costs and risk premiums
than first of its kind plants. These N-th plant studies
rely on technoeconomic analyses to estimate capital
expenses and operating costs for fuel production facilities. Plant economics can be assessed by employing
a discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFROR)
model, which is standard practice for chemical engineering cost analysis. These models capture the net
present value of discounted cash flows related to loan
interest payments, direct and variable operating costs,
sales revenues, and taxes. Other financial parameters are included as necessary, such as construction
time, production ramp up, depreciation, and inflation
to model various production scenarios. The minimum
selling price is determined from this information and
represents the price at which the fuel must be sold in
order for the project to achieve a specified internal rate
of return (with a net present value of zero). If multiple
products are produced, the prices of the co-products
are either held constant at market value (isolated cost
burden) or varied relative to the jet fuel price (distributed cost burden).
Table 3 gives price estimates for HRJ/HEFA, FT, and
ATJ fuel pathways. Price estimates are based on current
technologies, and major technological advancements are not factored in. The MSP is a plant gate
price and excludes transport, taxes, and retail markup.
Baseline scenarios reflect average efficiencies and

21. http://seattletimes.com/html/businesstechnology/2016719598_alaska09.html
22. http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/united-airlines-and-altair-fuels-to-bring-commercial-scale-cost-competitive-biofuels-toaviation-industry-210073841.html
23. Jones S, Male J, (2012): Production of Gasoline and Diesel from Biomass via Fast Pyrolysis, Hydrotreating and Hydrocracking:
2011 State of Technology and Projections to 2017, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, report PNNL-22133.
24. Pearlson M, Wollersheim C, Hileman J, (2013): A techno-economic review of hydroprocessed renewable esters and fatty acids
for jet fuel production, Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 8996.



intermediate plant sizes, while low and high scenarios

are determined by varying feedstock costs, plant sizes,
efficiencies, and capital expenses within reasonable
bounds. The estimates show that HRJ/HEFA, FT jet
from biomass and ATJ fuels are expected to significantly decrease in cost compared to prices currently
being paid. Current coal and natural gas FT purchase




prices are close to the estimated MSPs already due

to the maturity of FT technology. Based on N-th plant
estimates, all fuels considered can potentially become
cost competitive to conventional jet fuel. It should be
noted the input experience cost curve assumptions
used and developed my MIT are essential for achieving
the forecast prices in table 3.


Minimum selling price estimate (MSP)

Low ($/L)

Baseline ($/L)

High ($/L)

Soybean oil








Yellow grease




Natural gas












Sugar cane




Corn grain








Table 3 Theoretical fuel prices for alternative jet fuels from different feedstocks and pathways.
Sources: Footnote 24 and ongoing MIT research.

However, it should be emphasized that these price

estimations represent future steady-state values. We
note again, that aviation biofuel markets are not fully
developed yet and that current production costs would
be significantly higher than steady-state costs. Furthermore, even small price premiums over jet fuel have a
large financial impact. For example, an increase in the
jet fuel price of just $0.10 per gallon adds $7 billion
globally to the airline industry fuel bill each year.


Cost Drivers

ability it can be shown that up to 500 million gallons

of HEFA jet fuel, 240 million gallons of HEFA diesel
and 80 million gallons of naphtha could be produced
annually if all tallow and yellow grease rendered in the
US were used. This would account for ~3% of current
jet fuel demand in the US.
It is well understood that capital expenses are the
main drivers for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis25. Specifically, the gasifier, air separation unit, and FT reactor
are the most expensive components. One advantage
of FT synthesis is its ability to use syngas derived from
a variety of inexpensive feedstocks.

HRJ/HEFA fuel prices are driven by high feedstock

costs. The feedstocks shown in Table 3 (soybean oil,
tallow, and yellow grease) are often more expensive
in their raw forms than conventional jet fuel. Soybean
oil is more expensive but more readily available than
tallow or used cooking oil, which are available only in
small quantities, limiting the scalability of commercial
production. Using USDA data on feedstock avail-

25. Carter N, Stratton R, Bredehoeft M, (2011): Energy and Environmental Viability of Select Alternative Jet Fuel Pathways, AIAA 20115968, 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, San Diego, CA, August 2011.



Percent Contribution to Minimum Selling Price


Feedstock OpEx

Non-Feedstock OpEx



Figure 18 Percent contributions of operating and capital expenses to minimum selling prices.
Sources: Footnote 24 and ongoing MIT research.

ATJ pathways have higher relative capital costs than

HEFA fuel pathways, but still lower than FT. However,
the sugar-yielding feedstocks considered are less
expensive than oily feedstocks, especially in the case
of sugars derived from lignocellulosic biomass such
as switchgrass.


Future Cost Reductions

Even in mature industries, there is continued learning

and technological improvement. There have been
recent advancements in proprietary technologies (e.g.
Sundrop, Primus Green Energy) that aim to reduce
the high capital expenses related to biomass gasification and natural gas reforming. Moreover, some
companies are taking advantage of low-cost natural
gas as a process fuel and a feedstock (H2 source)
to offset the cost of biomass. Disruptive technologies, such as genetically-engineered microorganisms
and plant species, may generate new pathways for
biofuel production, improve process efficiencies, and
decrease feedstock costs.

As has been shown above, feedstock costs play a critical role for the economics of biofuels, especially in the
case of HEFA jet fuel. Waste oils and animal fats are
cheaper feedstocks that lead to relatively lower fuel
prices but are limited in availability. Alternative low-cost
feedstocks for HEFA processes include oilseed crops
grown in rotation with other crops on land that otherwise would have been left fallow, thereby increasing
the efficiency of land use. Two promising rotation
crops in the US include pennycress and camelina.
As long as oilseed rotation crops do not impact pest
control, moisture, and nutrient content of the soil in
comparison to fallow land, there are no opportunity
costs associated with using this land for these crops.
Costs are only incurred during the actual cultivation.
In a recent study, Winchester et al. (2013) estimate
that HEFA jet fuel from rotation crops in the U.S. such
as camelina and pennycress could be produced at
around $0.98/L ($3.70/gal)26. This paper also states
that these rotation crops could potentially be grown
on ~43 million acres in the U.S. per year, which could
yield up to 12. 1 billion L (3.2 billion gal) of renewable
jet fuel per year.

26. Winchester N, McConnachie D, Wollersheim C, (2013): Economic and Emissions Impacts of Renewable Fuel Goals
for Aviation in the US, in: Transportation Research Part A, forthcoming.



Another significant avenue for cost reduction is the

possibility of producing high value chemicals along with
jet fuel. This can be achieved via different biochemical
and thermochemical routes. For example, aqueous
phase processing of lignocellulosic feedstocks can
produce furfural, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), and
acetic acid in addition to fuel products. These high
value chemicals can be sold at market prices to
internally subsidize the cost of the biofuels. Ongoing
research at MIT on this pathway indicates that having
biofuels as a by-product of chemical production has
been shown to reduce the MSP of the biofuel by 77%
compared to a case in which the biorefinery is set up
to maximize fuel output. This would make the fuel costcompetitive with conventional jet fuel, with or without
RINs. However, limitations in terms of the size of the
chemical markets need to be taken into account, since
flooding of these markets with renewable products
will drive the price down, therefore reducing the value
of the non-fuel part of the refinery output and driving
up the required selling price of renewable jet fuel.
Therefore, the bigger the market for the renewable
chemicals being produced, the smaller the price effect
of additional production and consequently, the bigger
the benefit from co-producing fuels and chemicals.


Concluding Remarks

Cost challenges for several biojet pathways have

been examined, and price premiums have been found
to originate from different sources depending on the
fuel pathway. Incentive structures and technological
improvements can reduce these cost burdens. As
a result, aviation biofuels may have the potential to
become cost competitive with conventional jet fuel in
the near future.



5. National and International

Biojet Support Programs


Chapter Summary


US Defence Logistics
Agency (DLA) Energy
Biofuels Initiatives



This chapter provides description of recent biofuel

developments from state and industry stakeholders.

In the US, the Defence Logistics Agency are

involved in numerous initiative supporting the
certification and commercialization of alternative aviation fuels and the provision of technical
and contracting support in an Advanced Drop-In
Biofuel Production Project.
The EUs Biofuels Flightpath initiatives primary
aim is to mobilize all stakeholders, ensuring that
two million tons of sustainable biofuels are used
by the EU aviation sector by 2020.
In Spain, the ITAKA (Initiative Towards SustAinable Kerosene for Aviation), project integrates a
full production and use value chain.
Swedish Biofuels AB will coordinate an international consortium over the next five years with the
goal of producing paraffinic biofuels for use in
In Italy, the BIOREFLY project will construct a
paraffinic aviation fuel plant at industrial scale
production chain through the chemical valorization of secondary streams.
In Germany, the year 2013 for aireg was marked
by the initiation of concrete projects to support
airegs strategy for a prompt market introduction
of alternative aviation fuels.
The Sustainable Aviation Biofuels for Brazil
published Flightpath to Aviation Biofuels in Brazil:
Action Plan highlighting the gaps and opportunities for the implementation of a new sustainable
aviation biofuels industry.

IATA gratefully acknowledges Pam Serino (DLA), Kyriakos Maniatis (EC), Stefanio Pescarolo (Biochemtex),
Alexander Zschocke (DLH), Cesar Velarde CatolfiSalvoni (ITAKA), Angelica Hull (Swedish Biofuels),
Marcelo de Freitas Goncalves (Embraer) and Lukas
Rohlder (aireg) for their contributions to this chapter.

The United States Military Services along with DLA

Energy are currently involved in multiple initiatives
supporting the certification and commercialization
of alternative aviation fuels. Investments in alternative aviation fuels aim to improve the reliability of the
Department of Defenses overall fuel supply in terms
of resilience against supply disruptions, reduction in
the impacts of petroleum price volatility and increased
options for fuel supply sources.


Military Application

DLA Energy has supported the services in their alternative fuel certification and approval efforts through
numerous procurement actions. During 2007 and 2008
DLA Energy awarded three contracts for 730,000
gallons of Fischer Tropsch aviation fuels derived from
both coal and natural gas feedstocks, fulfilling the
quantities required by the Air Force for testing and
certification. In 2009 and 2010 DLA Energy established seven contracts totaling 800,000 gallons for
delivery of hydrotreated renewable (HR) JP-8, JP-5
and F-76 for Air Force, Army and Navy certifications
programs. These fuels were derived from a variety
of feedstocks including camelina, tallow and algal
oil. Currently undergoing certification is fuel derived
from the dehydration and oligomerization of alcohols.
Over the past couple years DLA Energy has awarded
five contracts for alcohol to jet (ATJ) JP-8 and JP-5
for a total of 73,000 gallons. Lastly, DLA Energy has
supported other Navy certification efforts by awarding
contracts for alternative marine fuel F-76 derived
from direct sugar to hydrocarbon (43,000 gallons)
and hydroprocessed depolymerized cellulosic diesel



pathways. While these alternative F-76 fuels are not

aviation fuels, the conversion technologies used to
produce them are currently moving through the ASTM
International certification and approval process for
inclusion in the ASTM D7566 specification for synthesized hydrocarbons.


Promoting Commercialization

For the next step, DLA Energy is focused on bridging

the gap between certification and commercial scale
production by supporting a variety of demonstration
programs and initiatives through partnerships with
other government organizations and industry. These
efforts help promote a competitive industry, potentially providing the military a supplier base capable
of producing operational volumes in order to meet
future goals. These include the Air Forces goal to be
prepared to cost competitively purchase 50 percent
of its domestic aviation fuel requirement from an alternative source by 2016 and the Navys goal to satisfy
50 percent of all energy requirements with alternative
sources by 2020.
In addition, DLA Energy is currently involved in the
Green Initiative for Fuels Transition Pacific (GIFTPAC),
which is a working group of over 30 member organizations and commands, co-led by United States
Pacific Command and the United States Department
of the Navy. The group aims to purchase and use
cost-competitive domestically produced advanced
biofuels by 2018 to displace at least 25 percent of
the fuel used by the Department of Defense in Hawaii.
The estimated requirements for aviation and marine
diesel fuels in Hawaii are 78,550,000 gallons of JP8,
7,180,000 gallons of JP5, and 42,250,000 gallons
of F76.
Lastly, DLA Energy is providing technical and
contracting support in an Advanced Drop-In Biofuel
Production Project being established under the
authority of Title III of the 1950 Defense Production Act
(DPA). DPA Title III allows the Government to provide
appropriate incentives, including funding, to enhance
the production capabilities of domestic industrial
resources to ensure Government access to critical
technology items. The Government intends to form
an Integrated Biofuels Production Enterprise (IBPE)
comprised of partnerships with commercial facilities
capable of producing drop-in replacement biofuels
certified to be military specification JP8, JP5 and/or
F76 blend equivalents. Up to five bio-refineries, each
capable of producing in excess of 10 million gallons



of advanced biofuels by 2016, would result from the

initiative. In May 2013, three contracts totaling $16
million were awarded to Emerald Biofuels, Natures
BioReserve and Fulcrum Biofuels for the initial design
phase of the program. A second phase, which would
be funded out of FY 2013 and later years funding,
would award up to $180 million in additional contracts
to accelerate the construction of one or more biorefineries to meet the Navys Great Green Fleet plans.
Economics and environmental Sustainability challenges, such as greenhouse gas emissions, water use,
land use, particulate emissions, nutrient depletion and
competition with food have also come to the forefront
of the biofuels discussion. The relevant regulation
requires the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of
government-procured alternative fuels, other than for
R & D testing, be less than or equal to that of conventional petroleum. Currently, DLA Energy is working with
other government agencies, academia and commercial
industry through the Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI) Environmental group, to
develop guidance and compliance mechanisms for
lifecycle greenhouse gas emission regulations like
section 526 of the EISA.


Research and Development

To further expand previous work regarding environment

and economics, DLA Energy along with the Federal
Aviation Administration and the Air Force Research
Lab through the FAAs Partnership for AiR Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction (PARTNER)
program continue to fund research and development
into the areas of lifecycle greenhouse gas analysis for
which data generated will be used to further modify
the GREET model and also to assist the U.S. Environmental Protections Agency in qualifying alternative
fuel pathways under the Renewable Fuels Standard
program; techno-economic analysis to provide insight
into the commercial viability of various alternative
fuel feedstock sources and conversion technologies;
water usage to investigate impacts alternative aviation fuel pathways would have on regional water
resources; and long term scenario analysis to assess
what alternative aviation fuel feedstocks and pathways
would be optimal for achieving various agency goals.
Conversion pathways under investigation include
alcohol to jet, direct conversion of sugar to jet through
microbial fermentation, pyrolysis, catalytic hydrothermolysis, algae to jet, and aqueous phase reformation.

Pursuant to the concerns of biofuel feedstock availability, DLA has commissioned a study that is assessing
the factors related to their complete logistics chains
(including production, harvesting/recovery, oil extraction
and transportation to a refining/processing location).
The goal of the study is to develop sustainability metrics
for domestically produced, next generation (non-food
related) feedstocks to allow DLA Energy to establish
a foundation for assessing the further development of
feedstocks and feedstock processing. The metrics will
be used to evaluate existing feedstocks to assist in
determining which have the most viable sustainability
in order to enhance DoD acquisitions of biofuels; identify and evaluate new feedstocks; and identify areas
in renewable fuel production (feedstock growth, oil
extraction, oil processing etc.) in which improvements
can be made. The metrics address such elements
as land requirements; water requirements; economic
viability; greenhouse gas/carbon and other emissions;
current feedstock oil extraction methods/capabilities;
and environmental impacts and related concerns. The
study, initiated in 2011, was completed in early 2013;
the architecture developed by the project contractor,
LMI Government Consulting, addresses the sustainability of accepted biofuel production pathways,
specific to feedstocks used, by evaluating the risks
of a production enterprise to the existing Class III B
supply chain into which biofuels would be incorporated. Using technical indicator sheets developed by
LMI which address key measurable metrics, a total risk
assessment of a production enterprise can be determined, and with it an acceptability rating of contracting
for fuel from the enterprise, particularly for long term
contracts (which many start up enterprises desire in
order to justify initial capital requirements).
Through partnerships across the biofuels stakeholder
value chain, DLA Energy aims to assist the alternative fuels industry to grow into a strong supplier base.
With such a base, DLA Energy could then continue
doing what we have done for decades: buying fuel
for its customers, no matter how the product may
have changed.


The EU Biofuels
Flightpath Initiative



The Biofuels FlightPath is a private-public initiative

amongst the EU aviation sector, leading companies
developing technologies for advanced and sustainable
biofuels and the European Commission. Its primary
aim is to mobilize all stakeholders, ensuring that two
million tons of sustainable biofuels are used by the EU
aviation sector by 2020. Five organizations from the
aviation sector, five leading advanced biofuel organizations and the European Commission28 comprise
the core team of the Biofuels Flightpath that lead all
actions related to it. This ambitious but achievable
target was set on 22 June 2011 during the International Airshow at le Bourget, Paris. This exciting new
industry wide initiative aims to speed up the deployment and commercialization of sustainable aviation
biofuels in Europe.



The following points outline the Biofuels Flightpath

1. Facilitate the development of standards for drop-in
biofuels and their certification for use in commercial aircraft
2. Work together with the full supply chain to further
develop worldwide accepted sustainability certification frameworks
3. Agree on biofuel off-take arrangements over a
defined period of time and at a reasonable cost
4. Promote appropriate public and private actions to
ensure the market uptake of paraffinic biofuels by
the aviation sector
5. Establish financing structures to facilitate the realization of second generation and advanced biofuel
6. Accelerate targeted research and innovation for
advanced biofuel technologies including algae
7. Take concrete actions to inform the European
citizen of the benefits of replacing kerosene by
certified sustainable biofuels

27. The background and objectives were first presented in IATAs 2012 Report on Alternative Fuels.
28. Airbus, Lufthansa, Air France/KLM, British Airways, Neste Oil, Biomass Technology Group, UOP, Chemtex Italia, UPM
and the Directorate General for Energy




Flightpath 2020 Workshop

The main rationale behind the use of bio kerosene is

the reduction of CO2-emissions, plus having an alternative to fossil fuels. However, a switch to biofuels
should not result in an increase in harmful emissions
other than CO2. For this purpose, a Flightpath 2020
workshop on non-CO2 emissions was held in Brussels on 25th April 2013, investigating the relationship
between fuel composition and emissions.

The main workshop results were:

The main non-CO2 environmental effects related

to the fuel composition are ultrafine particles, NOx
and induced contrails.
Ultrafine particles are a ground issue directly
effecting human health. In general the effects of
ultrafine emissions from aircraft are dwarfed by
the ultrafine particles emissions from road transport, but for locations directly on the airports high
concentrations are possible, potentially creating a
workplace issue.
NOx emissions are primarily a low altitude issue.
NOx is potentially dangerous to human health,
both directly and via low-altitude ozone formation. There also is a higher altitude effect. NOx is
not itself a greenhouse gas, but is causing ozone
production with greenhouse impacts. However the
effect is more complex as NOx reduces methane,
which is another greenhouse gas.
Contrails are a high altitude issue with a potential
climate impact. Contrails can contribute to greenhouse effects by blocking the radiation of energy
from earth back into space, both directly and by
inducing cirrus cloud formation. The radiative
factor of contrails is however still subject to high
uncertainty levels.
The evidence so far for the already certified
Fischer-Tropsch (FT) and Hydroprocessed Esters
and Fatty Acids (HEFA) drop-in biofuels is that they
can have a benign influence on ultrafine particles
and on contrail-inducing emissions, as they have
far less aromatics and far less impurities. This will
however not necessarily be true for other production pathways still undergoing certification, some
of which also include the formation of aromatics.
Effects of FT and HEFA fuels on NOx are less

The following research requirements were identified:



There is currently a practical limit to the extent to

which FT and HEFA fuels can reduce aromatics
content since fuel specifications require a
minimum aromatics content of 8% for any blend of
conventional and synthetic kerosene. This requirement exists because aromatics are required for
seal swell, keeping fuel seals and valves tight.
However, the requirement is conservative, and will
need refinement in the future.
The properties of any blend of conventional and
synthetic kerosene will depend not only on the
synthetic kerosene, but also on the properties of
the conventional kerosene, which are quite heterogeneous. In some cases, the relationship between
the properties of the fuels and the properties of
the blend is linear and well explored, but in other
cases it is non-linear and / or little researched.
Likewise, the relationship between a parameter like
aromatics content and soot-formation behavior is
not necessarily straightforward, but depends on
fuel composition.

Research into contrail impact on cloud formation,

and into the radiative factor of contrails needs to
be reinforced in order to get a scientific consensus
in the near future. Particular research needs are
improved model building, modeling of natural ice
clouds and verification of theoretical models by in
flight measurements.
The relationship between fuel properties and
emissions has so far only been explored for individual cases, typically looking only at one given
engine. This relationship should be systema-tically
explored covering all common engine families.
This will be even more important for novel biofuels
containing synthetic aromatics.
The relationship between aromatics composition and seal swell needs to be explored further,
in order to identify the absolute minimum amount
of aromatics needed. At the same time, the relationship between aromatics composition, sooting
tendencies and interrelation with other fuel properties needs to be researched for the common
engine families.
Research is required to understand the chemical composition impact on blend properties,
specifically for those parameters where blend
relationships are non-linear and complex. This will
require significant work.
A worldwide inventory of fuel properties should
be taken, to understand what kind of conventional
kerosenes are actually available for blending.

In conclusion, ultrafine particles affect human health at

ground level, while NOx (an issue at low attitude) and
contrails (an issue at high altitude) may have effects
on climate change. Bio-kerosene may ameliorate
some of these effects. Significant research efforts are
needed to better understand the issues related to non
CO2 emissions.


Flightpath Blending Study

In February 2013 a consortium consisting of Lufthansa

and WIWeB (the German Armed Forces Research
Institute for Materials, Fuels and Lubricants) signed a
contract29 with the European Commission to conduct
a study into the blending behavior of biofuels with
kerosene. This study, financed by the Commission as
part of the Flightpath 2020 initiative, will investigate
how the properties of a biofuel blend are affected by
the properties of both the conventional kerosene and
the biofuel with emphasis on blends above 50%.
The rationale behind this study is the recognition that
the properties of conventional kerosene are highly
variable, and in practice constitute a limiting factor for
blending ratios. In principle, blending ratios of up to
50% are certified for HEFA and FT fuels, and ASTM as
the certifying body has expres-sed its intention to relax
this restriction in the future. However, the blend needs
to meet the target parameters of the conventional
kerosene specification, and this often limits achievable
blending ratios well to below 50%, and will become
the sole constraint once the 50% limit is removed by
ASTM. It therefore is important to know which types of
conventional fuel are suitable for high blending ratios,
and which are not. The study will also explore to which
extent the achievable blending ratio can be increased
by adding aromatics.
The study focus will be on lab analysis, but a number
of engine rig runs for emission measurements are also
planned. It was initially expected that the study would
only cover HEFA fuels, due to a lack of availability
of other fuels. However, recent progress with other
production pathways means that other fuels will also
be included in the study.


The European
Commissions Seventh
Framework Programme

Funding programmes created by the European Union

in order to support and encourage research in the
European Research Area (ERA) are called Framework Programmes for Research and Technological
Development, also called Framework Programmes or
abbreviated FP1 through FP8. FP7 covers the period
from 2007 to 2013. The European Commissions
Community Research & Development Information
Service describes FP7 as follows:
Knowledge lies at the heart of the European
Unions Lisbon Strategy to become the most
dynamic competitive knowledge-based economy
in the world. The knowledge triangle research,
education and innovation is a core factor in European efforts to meet the ambitious Lisbon goals.
Numerous programmes, initiatives and support
measures are carried out at EU level in support of
The Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) bundles
all research-related EU initiatives together under a
common roof playing a crucial role in reaching the
goals of growth, competitiveness and employment;
along with a new Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), Education and
Training programmes, and Structural and Cohesion
Funds for regional convergence and competitiveness. It is also a key pillar for the European
Research Area (ERA).
The broad objectives of FP7 have been grouped
into four categories: Cooperation, Ideas, People
and Capacities. For each type of objective, there is a
specific programme corresponding to the main areas
of EU research policy. All specific programmes work
together to promote and encourage the creation of
European poles of (scientific) excellence.
What follows is the description of four aviation biofuel
initiatives resulting from FP7: ITAKA, Swedish Biofuels,
BIOREFLY and the Spanish Bioqueroseno Initiative.

It is expected that the study will be finished in the

second half of 2014, with the results to be published

29. High Biofuels Blends in Aviation, Tender Contract ENER/C2/2012/420-1/SI2.643219




The EU ITAKA Project

SENASA and 12 partners from 9 different countries

are developing the project ITAKA (Initiative Towards
SustAinable Kerosene for Aviation), integrating a full
production and use value chain.
The project links supply and demand by establishing
a relationship between the feedstock growers and
producers, biofuels refiners, distributors and airlines.
In parallel, the project investigates the sustainability
of all processes according to international standards
(Roundtable for Sustainable Biomaterials EU-RED). ITAKA Objectives
The overall objective of ITAKA in the field of Research
and Innovation is to develop a full value-chain in Europe
to produce sustainable Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene
(SPK) at large scale enough to allow testing its use
in existing logistic systems and in normal flight operations in Europe. ITAKA will assess its sustainability,
economic competitiveness and technology readiness,
in order to identify and address barriers to innovation.



In order to achieve this in the most efficient way ITAKA

will has identified camelina oil as a possible feedstock
that can be produced in a timely and sustainable
manner and in adequate quantity within Europe. In
particular, the agricultural model explored in Spain is
expected to demonstrate its minimum potential Indirect Land-Use Impacts (ILUC) as it is produced in
otherwise unproductive fallow land in low-quality agricultural lands.

Being the first of its kind collaborative project in the

EU, ITAKA will address challenges in two main areas
of Research and Technology Development (RTD):

Development of commercial scale production and

study implications of large-scale use.
Research on sustainability, economic competitiveness and technology readiness.

knowledge base that must exist in order to produce

more certified biofuel: ITAKA will draw recommendations to solve any existing sustainability certification
barrier considering a large-scale use framework.

Beyond this main technological and research objective, ITAKA also aims to contribute to the achievement
of a further EU objective: the need to coordinate efforts
and complementarities among European Initiatives on
sustainable aviation fuels, highlighted in the Flightpath
section above, and identified in the EU SWAFEA Study
(2011) recommendations: Setting up a knowledge
and test capability network within the EU to provide an
EU-based fuel evaluation capability.
ITAKA has been built aiming to engage key stakeholders participating in different EU initiatives in the
field, to make a first significant step in the establishment of such European network.
The project is framed in the implementation of the EU
policies, implementation of the EIBI of the SET-Plan
and specifically aims to be a contribution to the fulfilment of some of the short-term (2015) EU Flight Path
objectives and to the implementation of the EIBI of the
SET-Plan. Technological/Scientific Impacts
The outcome of this project is significant since a negative result would impede large-scale commercialization
whereas a positive impact would support the case for
further development.
One of the most important technological steps taken in
ITAKA is testing the supply of aviation biofuel through
the normal logistic channels. Currently, aviation biofuel
is moved through dedicated systems, but when
existing infrastructure can be used as a result of nondedicated system improvements and tests, significant
cost reductions can be realised in the down-stream
logistics. This will bring the economic viability of biojet
fuel a step closer to reality.
One of the potential barriers to large-scale commercialisation in the EU market is the limited supply of
EU RED-certified biofuel (see Chapter 3). This project
will help overcome that barrier by conducting the first
full supply chain certification and by solidifying the

ITAKA shall demonstrate if camelina oil is a viable,

large scale sustainable feedstock. Integration of biodiversity and soils aspects will enlarge the camelina
environmental footprint and other biofuels could have.
Assessment is the only way to make sure that no major
detrimental effects are brought by camelina oil in the
production of biojet. In this matter, ITAKA will be of first
relevance by producing an up-scaling model based on
its results acquired directly from the partners in charge
of each step of the process. Policy Impacts
Ultimately, policy, legislation and governance will be
the key to balancing ethical principles with technological opportunities and the conflicting array of human
needs. However, the development of good effective
policy will need to be underpinned by good evidence,
and the dimensions of the ITAKA project are such that it
represents an opportunity to gather a meaningful datasets from which consequential conclusions may be
extracted. For the aviation biofuel industry, sustainable
socio-economic development and the rural revitalisation may be the key policy drivers in the future.
The practice-based analysis of potential indirect
impacts of biofuel production will serve as basic
state-of-the-art findings for the European biofuel
sustainability policy in the arena of indirect impacts,
concretely in the EU RED.



The main barrier to surpass in certifying larger quantities of sustainable biofuel is the psychological
barrier associated with subjecting a production facility
through the process of certification. The initial reluctance to certify stems from a lack of experience with
the certification process. The certification of the whole
chain will raise scientifically sound information that
will help to improve and further develop the regulatory

The development of the first of a kind large-scale RSB

certified sustainable camelina plantations in Europe
will provide the required input, data and results in
order to clearly determine the economic, social and
environmental sustainability of camelina as a European
feedstock for biojet fuel production. Additionally, the
project will demonstrate the scalability of the feedstock at a European level using or fine-tuning existing
infrastructure and equipment, mainly on the agricultural and processing/crushing areas. ITAKAs activities
examine some important aspects of sustainability that
go beyond the EU RED mandate.
The creation of a guide for good camelina agricultural
practices will help overcome the greatest barrier today:
the farmers reluctance to explore a crop unknown to
them. The diffusion of the crops name at a European
level will serve to that goal if the successful results of
the project are duly publicized.

Complementary to GHG balance and certification

focus, LCA will enlighten other key environmental
parameters such as water, soils or biodiversity topics
which are not quantitatively assessed in present regulatory framework. Economic, Environmental
and Social Impacts
For aviation biofuels to gain any appreciable market
share, they will need to be produced at industrial scale.
However, industrial agriculture based on monocultures
bring with them their own share of dilemmas and tradeoffs. Producing biofuels that are economically viable,
whilst maintaining socio-economic and environmental
sustainability, is crucial.



RSB certification, coupled with an analysis of indirect

impacts of production of the proposed biokerosene
production value chains, will provide an ambitious and
thorough assessment of the biofuel across its production chain, taking both direct and indirect sustainability
impacts into account. Furthermore, full LCA with
additional soil and biodiversity focus are essential to
demonstrate sustainability.

In conclusion, ITAKA will help to demonstrate the readiness of the technology to produce aviation biofuels in a
socially, and environmentally sustainable manner. With
a scale-up model under development by SENASA
(Section 5.4.4), these results will be extrapolated to
the 2020 scenario to further understand the impact in
the medium-long term.


Swedish Biofuels Overview
The EU has demonstrated increased interest in the
greening of the aviation industry with substantial financial support for the Swedish Biofuels technology
that converts biomass to jet fuel via alcohols. A precommercial industrial scale plant with an annual
capacity of up to 10,000 tonnes of aviation fuel and
diesel will be constructed. International Consortium
Swedish Biofuels AB will coordinate an international consortium over the next five years with the
goal of producing paraffinic biofuels for use in aviation. The project will be performed with the support
of the European Commission under the Framework
Programme 7.
The consortium consists of organisations with the
capability of supplying raw materials, designing,
constructing, and operating a pre-commercial industrial scale plant for the production of fully synthetic jet
fuel. Consortium members will also offer the possibility
of testing the biofuel in aircraft systems. Within the
scope of the project, environmental Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) will be carried out. The members of the
consortium are Swedish Biofuels (SE, jet fuel production process), Abengoa (ES, municipal solid waste
to ethanol), Lufthansa (DE, engine testing and flight),
SkyNRG (NL, marketing), E4Tech (CH, life cycle analysis), SCA (SE, raw material supply), Rameski Keskus
(EE, equipment), Perstorp (SE, industrial site), LanzaTech (UK, syngas to ethanol) and Vrije Universiteit
Brussel (BE, policy studies).
The capacity of the plant will be 10,000 tonnes per
year, of which 50% consists of jet fuel, the rest being
the byproducts aviation gasoline (AVGAS) and diesel.
The jet fuel produced will be compatible, without
blending, with in-service and envisaged jet engines for
both civilian and military applications. It will consume a
variety of sustainable raw materials focusing on wood,
municipal solid waste and biogas. Biomass to Jet Fuel Via Alcohols

Less than ten years ago, any suggestion of producing
jet fuel from biomass was met with incredulity. At
that time Swedish Biofuels considered jet fuel as a
possible, but risky, extension to its product development of drop-in diesel and gasoline. This changed
in 2006 when the Defence Advanced Research
Project Agency (DARPA) contracted Swedish
Biofuels to demonstrate its technology for producing a
100 % biological equivalent to JP-8 jet fuel. By 2008,
Swedish Biofuels demonstrated this technology, at
laboratory scale.
A central feature of the technology is that cellulose,
lignocellulose, or some other carbon source, is used
as the starting point, the pathway to jet fuel includes
the production of alcohols (C2 C5) and synthesis
gas as intermediate products. The key technology
achievements are catalysts and processing units
capable of producing the complex end product. It
was necessary to find ways of producing hundreds of
hydrocarbon compounds in order to mimic the properties of military spec jet fuel (JP-8). Systems were
developed for synthesizing highly branched paraffins,
mono-aromatics and cyclic compounds with particular attention on minimizing the projected cost of full
scale production.
Today the alcohol to jet concept is in operation at a
pilot plant, which has been in continuous operation for
the past two years, producing fully synthetic paraffinic
jet fuel. The pilot plant is located at Swedish Biofuels
laboratories at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
in Stockholm, Sweden. The pilot plant has a capacity
of 10 tonnes per year of production of the final products of jet fuel 4.8 tonnes per year, gasoline 3.5 tonnes
per year and diesel 1.7 tonnes per year. Certification
The jet fuel produced at the pilot plant, under the code
name SB-JP8, is currently being tested by the US
AirForce (USAF), as part of a large scale programme
to introduce and certify alternative fuels. SB-JP8 has
successfully passed all tests to date and the data has
been submitted to the relevant ASTM International
committee for certification of the fuel for commercial
use (see Chapter 2).


47 A Wide Range of Feedstocks

Swedish Biofuels AB patented technology is designed

to convert woody biomass to jet fuel and other drop-in
transport fuels. The technology is not restricted to wood
as the primary source of raw material. As the intermediate products of the process are mixed alcohols
and synthesis gas, the Swedish Biofuels technology
can be equipped with different front end technologies
fully integrating with the overall process. The flexibility
provided by having a choice of front end technologies
considerably widens the feedstock beyond wood and
offers the possibility of implementing the technology
globally. Both an alternative front end technology and
alternatives to wood as raw material, namely, biogas
processing and solid municipal waste, will be demonstrated as part of the project. Convince the Market
The overall goal of the project is to demonstrate that
the alcohol to jet technology can be scaled up and
so provide the necessary confidence for the aviation
market to switch to synthetic jet fuel and to invest
in plants to meet market demand. Detailed targets

Demonstrating the production of fully synthetic

paraffinic jet fuel meeting the Jet A, Jet A-1 and
JP-8 specifications;
Using a variety of raw materials;
Evaluating the environmental aspects of the
process from a life cycle perspective; and
Evaluating the economic and commercial aspects
of the processes and products.
Reduced carbon dioxide emissions.

The successful completion of the EC project will

accelerate the commercial implementation of the technology and the availability of alternative aviation fuels
on the market.


BIOREFLY Project Overview
The BIOREFLY project is expected to be a 2000 ton
per year industrial scale demonstration biorefinery in
lignin-based aviation fuel.
The European Commission supports advanced
biofuels research and innovation, particularly in order
to improve production processes and to lower costs
for biofuel deployment. One of the principal measures



is the Seventh Framework Program for Research and

Development, maximizing the full use of second generation biomass and biofuels (i.e. originating from the
processing of lignocellulosic feedstock such as agroand forest residues). BIOREFLY Project to Support
EU Objective
The BIOREFLY project will receive the support of
European Commission, under the EU Call FP7.
ENERGY.2013.3.2.1 Pre-commercial industrial
scale demonstration plant on paraffinic biofuels for use
in aviation with the development and construction of
an industrial demonstration jet fuel plant from renewable biomass, including key innovative process units
for the conversion of lignin co-product in cellulosic
ethanol biorefinery into a green biofuel.
The project target is the construction of an industrial
demonstration plant, owned by Biochemtex S.p.A. and
situated in Italy, that will produce 2,000 ton/y of jet
fuel by 2017. The feedstock supply is strictly linked
with the industrial production of cellulosic bioethanol
in the 40,000 ton/y plant of Crescentino, Italy (see
Figure 19), through the innovative second generation
Beta Renewables-PROESA technology, invented
by Biochemtex.
The key to the success of the second generation technology depends on the assumption that the production
of biofuels from renewable sources and environmental
concerns can, and must, become a firm and indivisible
combination. Therefore, the complete valorization of all
lignocellulosic biomass fractions (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) is a key point for the definition of a
complete value chain sustainable biorefinery, in combination with the selection of the most promising and
environmental-friendly technologies of conversion. The
project will focus on demonstrating the chemo-catalytic conversion of lignin into jet fuel in an integrated
industrial demo scale plant, including innovative, tailor
made and cost-effective downstream process. Innovative engineering solution combinations will be tested
at industrial scale during operative conditions and
the product tested in dedicated engines of the aviation sector.
The present project pursues the objectives of the
European Union in terms of reduction of environmental
impact and contribution to anti-climate change policies; in fact with the promotion of 2nd generation
aviation biofuel at commercial scale, it supports the
EU Renewables Energy Directive (2009/28/EC on

Figure 19 Biochemtex-IBP 40,000 ton/y second generation bioethanol plant Crescentino, It

the promotion of the use of energy from renewable

sources) and, with a reduction of CO2 emissions in
transport, it sustains the EU requirements and also EU
Kyoto targets. Goals of BIOREFLY Project
The main goal of the BIOREFLY project will be the
construction of the first paraffinic aviation fuel demo
plant at industrial scale completing the lignocelluosicto-bioethanol production chain through the chemical
valorization of secondary streams. Other goals of
BIOREFLY project can be summarized in the following

Validate the process technology improvements

achieved during the course of demo operations
and realize the scaleup to commercial plant.
Incorporate all components designs into an integrated and techno-economic sustainable process
Confirm the economic viability of process design.
Ensure that the environmental, safety, health and
security requirements are fully incorporated and
properly implanted into projects design and
execution and can be readily implemented for plant
construction in different locations worldwide.
Test of the jet fuel use in turbines and aviation
Disseminate the project results to a technical/
non-technical audience. Innovative Technology of the

The feedstock of the BIOREFLY process is produced
from the conversion of dedicated lignocellulosic energy
crops and agriculture residues, not in competition with
food sector. The lignin cake derives from the innovative Biochemtex-Beta second generation PROESA
technology, which implements the use of steam for
the biomass pretreatment in order to separate lignin
from cellulose/hemicellulose, avoiding the addition of
chemicals. PROESA lignin shows very low sulfur and
halogens content as compared to other types of lignin
(e.g. obtained from pulping processes). This represents an advantage for the BIOREFLY process, being
sulfur a poison for catalysts. Finally, the PROESALignocellulosic biomass Pretreatment technology
efficiently separates lignin from the plant sugar polymers, producing a very fine lignin and characterized
by a micrometric size distribution, that is of key importance for the subsequent catalytic operations.
With the objective to valorize this biorefinery co-product
into biochemical, Biochemtex has developed an innovative chemo-catalytic technology for the conversion
of PROESA lignin into hydrocarbon jet fuel, now
operative in the Sharon Center pilot plant from June
2012 (Ohio, US see Figure 20).


49 Project Implementation

A strong and multidisciplinary consortium, covering

regionally the whole of Europe from South to North,
consists of key research institute and industrial players
in Europe in renewable energy research and production, aviation transport, has been gathered to reach the
objective of the BIOREFLY project: i.e. to accelerate
the implementation of the second generation biofuel
technology at commercial level and use in the aviation sector. The consortium includes small, medium
and large enterprises and also research institutes that
have an important role in the project for the successful
realization of the industrial initiative. Biochemtex Spa is
the leading industrial partner of the BIOREFLY Project
responsible of the R&D activities, and of the EPC and
operation of the 2,000 ton/y jet fuel facility in Italy.
For any information, please contact: Ms Stefania
Pescarolo BIOCHEMTEX SpA Phone +39
335-1756841 E.mail: stefania.pescarolo@gruppomg.com www.biochemtex.com

Figure 20 Biochemtex lignin-to-jet fuel pilot plant shc, Ohio, US

30. www.Bioqueroseno.es
31. www.obsa.org




The Spanish
Bioqueroseno Initiative

The Spanish Initiative for the Production and Consumption of Biokerosene for Aviation30 has its origins after
the first International Conference on Alternative Fuels
for Aviation that ICAO held in 2009, in which urged
States to encourage the development of sustainable
alternative fuels for aviation.

After two years of work with stakeholders, the Biokerosene Initiative was formalized in 2011, with the signing
of an agreement between the Spanish Ministries of
Industry & Energy, Transport (through the Civil Aviation
Authority) and Agriculture & Environment. SENASA,
a State-owned company linked to the Civil Aviation
Authority, coordinates this through the Observatory
of Sustainability in Aviation31 and several stakeholders
involved through the value-chain have joined.

The initiative aimed to act as a bridge between the

public sector and the private agents to facilitate industrial synergies that would drive the development of
aviation biofuels in Spain and Europe.
The Seventh Framework Program of the European
Commission requested in 2011 the demonstration
of commercial-scale production of alternative fuels
for aviation, as well as the study of the implications of
large-scale use.
Framed in achieving the objectives of the Spanish
Bioqueroseno Initiative, but also as a contribution
to the EU objective, SENASA proposed to launch a
project involving key actors from different States and
regions committed with the deployment of aviation
sustainable biofuels.


Aviation Initiative for

Renewable Energy in
Germany (aireg)



aireg Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in

Germany e.V. has made considerable progress in
2013. Whereas 2012 was essential in raising awareness and determining the initiatives goals, 2013 was
marked by the initiation of concrete projects to support
airegs strategy for a prompt market introduction of
alternative aviation fuels in Germany.

5.5.2 Cameroon
A third feedstock that aireg is pursuing is Jatropha.
Together with the German Federal Ministry of Economic
Development aireg is investigating the set-up of a
lighthouse project in Cameroon that shall incorporate
the latest seeds and agricultural best-practices. As an
integral part of the project, the local community is to
benefit from a strict adherence to sustainability criteria
and rural development goals. By demonstrating the
economic viability of Jatropha as a feedstock for the
production of alternative aviation fuel, the project
would serve as a reference for a subsequent expansion of Jatropha cultivation in the region. Russia
The vast amounts of underused land in parts of
Southern Russia and the suitability of camelina for
the local climate led aireg to support a conference
on the crop in Penza/ Russia. Farmers and agricultural conglomerates interested in cultivating camelina
founded the Association of Russian Camelina Growers
on-site. As a result, several thousand tons of certified
camellia oil was already available in 2013. The new
Association will foster the cooperation between the
agricultural sector and research institutions to provide
a significantly larger amount of camelina oil in the years
to come.

Feedstock development Germany
A consortium of aireg members is assessing and developing several algae-based jet fuel pathways as part
of the AUFWIND project coordinated by Forschungzentrum Jlich. In order to prepare an industrial-scale
algae production, 5.75 million have been awarded
by the German Federal Ministry of Agriculture. The
project includes economic and ecologic analysis
of the entire value chain and will optimize different
photobioreactors to local conditions. After the 3-year
project phase with three pilot plants it is intended to
build at least one integrated demonstrator of the bestperforming pathway.

Figure 21 Penza Camelina Conference 2013 (from left to right):

Mr. Joachim Buse, Deputy Chairman of aireg e.V. and VP Aviation
Biofuels at Lufthansa German Airlines, Mr. Vladimir Volkov, Deputy
Governor of Penza Region and Mr. Vasiliy Bochkarev, Governor of
Penza Region



Figure 22 AUFWIND project structure


Aviation as Part of the

German Mobility and
Fuels Strategy

The German Federal Government made a tremendous

effort in 2012 and 2013 to draft its Mobility and Fuels
Strategy. Each mode of transport has been evaluated regarding its fuel efficiency and carbon reduction
potential. With a clear commitment to liquid drop-in
fuels for aviation the strategy is calling for a National
Action Plan for Alternative Aviation Fuels which is
to contain a 10,000 t biojet program. The German
Federal Ministry of Transport is discussing further
implementation with aireg. An important step was a
visit by a delegation of the ministry to Washington D.C.
to meet with FAA and CAAFI in order to get a firsthand
impression of the public support given to alternative
jet fuel in the U.S. The existing partnership of CAAFI
and aireg is beneficial to this ongoing dialogue, which
is supported by a bilateral U.S.-German Government
agreement signed during ILA Berlin Air Show 2012.



airegs market deployment strategy calls for an ambitious public support for alternative aviation fuels from
now until at least 2020. The initiative is confident that
the ecological and economic benefits can only be
realized with initial sizable funding for feedstock development and capacity building for refineries.


Alternative Aviation Fuels

Pavilion at Paris Air Show

The most significant gathering of the growing alternative jet fuel sector in 2013 occurred during the Paris Air
Show. As in Paris 2011 and in Berlin 2012, the global
initiatives of CAAFI, aireg, AISAF and GIFAS put on
a remarkable presence with their Alternative Aviation
Fuels Pavilion (AAFP) run and organized by Kallman
Worldwide. With numerous international exhibitors
and an attractive presentation program throughout the
week, the AAFP drew significant crowds. Given its
previous success, AAFP will once more be the center
of gravity for all value chain partners during Berlin Air
Show 2014.


Policy Statements

The European discussion about amending the road

transports biofuel mandate has impacts on the aviation sector, as well. It is contemplated to introduce a
penalty for indirect land-use change (ILUC) for various
feedstocks. This is meant to account for an assumed
diversion of food production to land deserving protection. The penalty would e.g. be identical for all plant
oils regardless of their origin, thus negatively impacting
their carbon life-cycle analysis. In a policy statement
aireg is urging German and European administrations
to apply a sound differentiation as regards feedstock origin and to allow for a project-specific ILUC
assessment. In the long-term, the entire agricultural
production, not just the production of feedstocks for
biofuels, should need to be certified with respect to
land history, thus accounting for direct rather than indirect land-use changes.
aireg welcomes ICAOs decision to introduce a global
market-based mechanism to achieve carbon-neutral
growth from 2020. However, a net reduction of carbon
emissions is only possible through the use of alternative aviation fuels. It is therefore essential to act now
and pave the way for truly climate-friendly aviation.


Flightpath to Aviation
Biofuels in Brazil:
Action Plan

The Sustainable Aviation Biofuels for Brazil project, a

collaborative effort of FAPESP, Boeing and Embraer,
reached a significant milestone, the publication of
Flightpath to Aviation Biofuels in Brazil: Action Plan.
The project main objectives were:

To develop a roadmap to identify the gaps and

barriers related to the production, transportation
and use of biofuels for aviation;
To create the basis for a research and commercialization agenda to overcome the identified barriers
to the development of a sustainable aviation
biofuels supply chain with significant greenhouse
gasES (GHG) mitigation potential;
To establish the foundation to launch a new and
innovative industry in Brazil to produce sustainable biofuels for aviation.

The study, conducted by UNICAMP (the State University of Campinas), encompassed eight workshops in
Brazil with the collaboration of more than 30 stakeholders with strong focus on feedstock, refining
technologies and logistics. Sustainability as a critical
issue was considered throughout the supply chain.
Polices to implement this new industry was one of
the outcomes. In addition, there were three regional
outreach workshops, conducted by EPFL and 4CDM,
which helped broaden the range of perspectives on
challenges and opportunities.



There is no single, perfect feedstock to produce a

jet biofuel in Brazil but rather a wide range of feedstocks. Eucalyptus and pine grown in lands with high
slopes, sugarcane in tropical and subtropical zones,
while different crops are suitable to different latitudes
such as dende in south Para state, while starch and oil
crops can be grown in most of Brazil. There is also an
abundant supply of residues such as lignocelluloses,
tallow, used cooking oil, municipal solid wastes, and
industrial waste residues.
Brazil is the worlds largest producer of sugarcane,
second of soybeans, and has the lowest cost of
production of eucalyptus. Several other crops will
require some additional efforts in R&D to become
commercial crops with high yields (jatropha, camelina,
sweet sorghum), reduced costs (jatropha, camelina,
sunflower, peanuts, castor beans, palm, and other
oil-bearing crops), as well as to solve harvesting problems (jatropha, grasses). For crop residues (straw,
sugarcane bagasse, and forest by-products) collection and transportation costs, and questions of removal
rates to preserve soils are the main gaps and barriers
that must be overcome. Industrial waste residues are
widely available in the Brazilian steel industry. Tallow,
another by-product, is already widely used to produce
biodiesel in Brazil, but the other residues require
considerable efforts to solve collection and/or separation problems.



Figure 23 Land use and planted area with some biofuel feedstock in Brazil and potential for expansion.


Conversion and
Refining Process

Current technologies allow conversion of agricultural

feedstocks to drop-in jet fuel. Figure 25 below depicts
the identified pathways for the production of sustainable aviation biofuels in Brazil. All these technologies
have potential to be considered for the production of
jet biofuel.
In Brazil, fermentation of carbohydrates (sugars) to
hydrocarbons or to lipids is reaching commercial stage,
with first-of-a-kind installations getting into operation.
Figure 24 Feedstocks and their relative position according to
costs and technical efforts to be converted to aviation biofuel. For
illustrative purposes only. Feedstock prices and technical efforts
will vary significantly.32

Considering the 2020 horizon, the most productive

sources of bioenergy from the standpoints of crop yield
and energy balance are sugarcane and forestry. These
would be the option of choice for aviation biofuels if
this was the final criteria. However, the optimization of
the countrys ample land resource may contemplate
other crops as well.

Promising short-term possibilities include the use

of sugarcane sucrose and ethanol, since they can
benefit from low sugarcane production costs and
good sustainability indicators in Brazil. However, in
the medium to long term, it appears that fiber cellulosic feedstocks such as wood-derived products and
sugarcane trash and bagasse will have better competitive possibilities due to their high sustainability values,
and less competitive existing markets. Several other
feedstocks may have medium and longer term potential for cost effective production.



The sustainability assessment for the production of

feedstocks in Brazil was carried out according to the
principles and criteria of the currently available and most

32. This Figure does not represent the views of all stakeholders in the Project.



well-known international sustainability standards for

biofuels production, namely Bonsucro and Roundtable
on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB See Chapter 3).
Although there are important differences among the
feedstocks, some general common conclusions can
be made regarding biofuels production and the gaps
to comply with sustainability requirements.
In the social sphere, the main positive impacts are the
high potential for job creation, income generation and
regional development. Regarding the gaps for compliance with sustainability requirements, the following
aspects were common: great number of laws and
rules, sometimes stricter than sustainability standards;
different interpretations and lack of knowledge on how
to apply laws; uneven enforcement and certain labor
laws not adapted to the rural context. There is also a
need for qualification and training of workers.
Regarding environmental aspects, the main potential
positive impact generated by compliance with requirements is GHG emission reductions compared to fossil

fuels, especially in the sucrose and cellulose groups,

although there are still some difficulties with calculations and data.
Brazilian laws are quite strict to protect natural
resources, water and biodiversity. The Brazilian
Forest Code is among the most restrictive legislation
on land use. Labor laws are equally severe. The real
issue is how to improve the sustainability of agriculture in general, which requires economic resources to
promote the farmers necessary cultural change.



Logistics improvements will be needed for most crops

in the transport infrastructure. Most feedstocks are
bulky material or have low unit value. The improvement
of feedstock and jet biofuel logistics is a significant
need for the economic competitiveness of the various
pathways for the production of jet biofuels. It is necessary to develop logistic studies for investment on

Figure 25 Identified pathways for the production of sustainable jet biofuel in Brazil33

33. [Note: HEFA Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids; CH Catalytic Hydrothermolysis; DSHC Direct fermentation of Sugars
to Hydrocarbons; ATJ Alcohol to Jet; FT Fischer-Tropsh hydroprocessed synthesized paraffinic kerosene; HDCJ Hydrotreated
Depolymerized Cellulosic to Jet].



railways and waterways taking into account feedstocks

for biofuels in general and jet fuel specifically and
make sure that the cost advantage of Brazilian agriculture products in international markets is reflected in
aviation biofuels production similarly to other biofuels.



The main policies and actions required are as follows:


Establish the drop-in sites as far as possible

downstream in the distribution chain without
compromising fuel quality and technical certification requirements of aviation;
Establish legal mechanisms to ensure that incentives for aviation biofuels are only available where
demonstrated to fully implement national laws
and regulations, especially environmental and
social safeguards, natural forest and other habitat
protections, land use zoning and worker protections;
Observe closely and anticipate regulatory actions
by ICAO in such a way to take advantage of
international regulations to promote a jet biofuel
industry in Brazil;
Establish a governmental long-term program for
integrated use of biofuels in all transportation
modes in the country, to neutralize the cost difference of producing a drop-in fuel versus a product
for biofuel-adapted engines as is the case for road


6. Notable Developments


Chapter Summary


Midwest Aviation
Sustainable Biofuels
Initiative (MASBI)



While many notable developments have occurred in

alternative aviation fuels over the past 12 months, a
few examples are highlighted in this chapter.

In mid-2012 the Midwest Aviation Sustainable

Biofuels Initiative (MASBI) was established. This
group has effectively gathered more than 40
public and private organizations representing the
entire biofuels value chain with a specific focus on
mid-western United States.
As part of an agreement with AltAir Fuels, United
Airlines will purchase five million gallons of biofuel
per year over a three-year period, totaling 15 million
gallons of sustainable biofuel.
After multiple demonstration flights and several
commercial flights (including the longest transatlantic flight on sustainable biofuel), KLM introduced
a series of weekly flights for a period of 6 months
from New York to Amsterdam.
Activity in the Nordic regions is represented by The
Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Aviation, NISA
which is established by Nordic stakeholders within
the aviation sector and are now joining forces to
facilitate the development of a sustainable aviation fuel.

IATA gratefully acknowledges Jimmy Samartzis (United

Airlines/MASBI), Robert Arendal (NISA), Fokko
Kroesen (KLM), Maarten Van Dijk (SkyNRG), Darrin
Morgan (Boeing) and Frederic Eychenne (Airbus) for
their contributions to this chapter.

In June 2012, United Airlines, Boeing, Honeywells

UOP, the Chicago Department of Aviation and the
Clean Energy Trust, launched the Midwest Aviation
Sustainable Biofuels Initiative (MASBI).
The initiative involved more than 40 public and private
organizations representing the entire biofuels value
chain, including an Advisory Council chaired by
Argonne National Laboratory. MASBI strategy and
program management support was provided by Oliver
Wyman, a global leader in management consulting
with recognized expertise in energy and aviation.
According to the final report, issued by the group in
June 2013, the commercial aviation industry has a
clear path toward cleaner, more economical and more
secure energy alternatives. Participants and Advisors
in MASBI included organizations such as the Departments of Navy and Agriculture, the NRDC, the Farm
Bureau, Airlines for America, CAAFI, GE Aviation, Iowa
State and Purdue Universities, Virent and Monsanto.
The group concluded that the Midwestern United
States is a natural fit to advance aviation biofuels given
that it is home to one of the worlds largest airlines. The
region also offers feedstock availability and viability, a
concentration of clean technology leaders, a vibrant
funding community, airports supporting sustainability,
and policymakers focused on advanced biofuels.
MASBI leveraged the expertise of stakeholders from
across the aviation biofuels value chain to develop
an action plan to accelerate the development of the
advanced biofuels industry. That plan highlights
several opportunities and recommendations to support
and advance commercial-scale development of aviation biofuels.



MASBI produced the report following a year-long
analysis of the benefits that could be delivered from
a robust sustainable aviation biofuels industry in the
Midwest. Noting the progress made in developing
biofuels, including its use on more than 1,500 commercial aviation flights globally, the coalition agreed
that more must be done to achieve the sustainable
production of commercial-scale and cost-competitive
advanced biofuels from sources such as non-food
crops and waste products. MASBI issued its report
in Chicago at a summit of aviation and energy experts,
biofuel developers, environmental organizations,
government officials and research institutions.
The aviation industry is interested in the development of alternatives to petroleum-based jet fuels to
address its largest operating cost and most significant
impact on the environment. The benefits of building
this industry extend beyond aviation. Developing a
commercial market for aviation biofuels has the potential to create jobs, generate economic growth, and
further contribute to innovation.



The report recommendations include the following:

1. Improve feedstock production through agricultural
2. Tailor agriculture products such as oil-seed crops
for jet-fuel production
3. Investigate the impacts of uncertainty on production
4. Advance technologies to convert lignocellulosic

5. Identify means to expedite approvals by the ASTM

International and the Environmental Protection
6. Allow producers to optimize product portfolios
7. Pursue deal structures that balance risk and
reward for early adopters of technology
8. Demonstrate industry demand with aviation jet
fuel purchase guidelines
9. Create pool of capital to invest in biofuels
10. Create longer-term policies that enable investment and production
11. Level the policy playing field for advanced biofuels
with the conventional petroleum industry
12. Fully fund the Defense Production Act Title III for
the production of biofuels
13. Build regional demonstration facilities supported
by municipal and state policies
14. Incorporate sustainability standards and advance
In addition to endorsing the reports recommendations, the MASBI Steering Committee leadership and
stakeholders announced concrete commitments to
help secure a robust future for biofuels. Since making
these commitments, the members have already made
significant progress toward achieving them.


Commitments by the MASBI

Steering Committee

Together with the Chicago Department of Aviation,

United signed a Memorandum of Understanding
to initiate a cooperative effort to identify opportunities to develop advanced alternative fuels for
aviation use with a particular focus on converting
waste streams in the Chicago area into lowercarbon aviation fuel.
Along with Honeywells UOP and Boeing, United
Airlines provided funding for Purdue University to
research ways to convert corn stover leaves and
stalks left in fields after the corn harvest into jet
fuel. The companies funding supports existing
research and development funding from the
Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Iowa Corn
Growers Association.
On September 17, United issued a Request for
Proposal for the development and purchase of
cost-competitive, sustainable, renewable jet fuel
and renewable diesel to supply one of Uniteds
hub locations. Using guidelines and technical
requirements presented by MASBI Advisory
Council member Commercial Aviation Alternative

Fuels Initiative (CAAFI), the intent is to emphasize market demand, spur innovative approaches
to partnership across the value chain, and obtain
delivery of renewable fuel to be used in daily
In partnership with Boeing and Honeywells UOP,
United is funding the development of a $50,000
prize at the Clean Energy Trusts 2014 Clean
Energy Challenge. The prize will be directed
towards advanced biofuels projects in the
Midwest. The Clean Energy Challenge has been
a catalyst in jump-starting innovation within the
Midwest by allowing clean energy entrepreneurs
at varying stages of development to compete for
funding and to receive other resources for growth,
improving their chances of success.
Steering Committee members supported the
awarded group of Universities in their bid for the
Federal Aviation Administrations (FAA) new Air
Transportation Center of Excellence (COE) for
alternate jet fuels and the environment. Steering
Committee members Boeing, United, Honeywells
UOP and the Clean Energy Trust were all organizational partners for the Center of Excellence
and are committed to supporting this ongoing
research, which is critical for the future sustainable growth of the aviation industry.



The MASBI Final Report can be found at www.masbi.

org. For additional information regarding MASBI, please
contact Meg Whitty at Margaret.whitty@united.com.


United Airlines and AltAir

Fuels Purchase Agreement

In 2013, United Airlines became the first U.S. airline

to sign a definitive purchase agreement for sustainable, advanced aviation biofuels, representing a
major milestone for the aviation biofuels industry. This
agreement is significant not only in that it is a firstof-a-kind agreement of this scale, but also because
the fuel is being purchased at cost-competitive prices
with conventional jet and diesel fuels. As part of the
agreement with AltAir Fuels, United will purchase five
million gallons of biofuel per year over a three-year
time period, totaling 15 million gallons of sustainable
biofuel for the airline. The AltAir refinery is located
outside of Los Angeles and will convert non-edible
natural oils and agricultural wastes into low-carbon,
advanced biofuels and chemicals. United will use the
biofuel on flights operating out of its Los Angeles hub
(LAX). The first delivery of the fuel is scheduled for
2014. AltAir has partnered with an existing oil refiner
for the operation of its first commercial facility and use
of the refiners existing refinery near Los Angeles, Calif.
The partnership involves taking idled refining equipment and retooling it to increase the nations energy
supply positively impacting the southern California
economy and providing the opportunity to sustainably
power LAX flights.
Through process technology developed by Honeywells UOP, AltAir is retrofitting an existing refinery
to produce renewable biofuel. AltAir has worked
extensively with Honeywells UOP to demonstrate
the commercial viability of the Honeywell Green Jet



process. Utilizing this technology, licensed from UOP,

the AltAir facility will be the first refinery internationally
to be capable of in-line production of both renewable
jet and diesel fuels. The facility will convert non-edible
natural oils and agricultural wastes into approximately
30 million gallons of low-carbon, advanced biofuels
and chemicals per year.


Innovative Developments
at KLM

In 2013 KLM took new steps to stimulate a continuous

supply of sustainable biofuels for civil aviation. After
demonstration flights followed by several commercial flights including the longest transatlantic flight on
sustainable biofuel, KLM introduced a series of weekly
flights for a period of 6 months from New York to
Amsterdam. By doing so the company made further
progress in developing the biofuel value chain and in
promoting the importance of a breakthrough for scalable, affordable and sustainable biofuels.
KLM has entered into new and innovative partnerships both with corporate clients as well as suppliers,
airports and logistic partners to encourage multi-hub
operations and share expertise next to developing new
markets for sustainable biofuels.


New Partnerships

KLM believes that cooperation is key for the future

of sustainable biofuel in the aviation industry, in order
to make a real impact on lowering the environmental

These advanced biofuels are drop-in replacements

for petroleum-based fuel, requiring no modification
to factory-standard engines or aircraft, with which
they are fully compatible. This fuel provides the same
performance as conventional, petroleum-based jet
fuel. AltAir Fuels renewable jet fuel is expected to
achieve at least a 50 percent reduction in greenhouse
gas emissions on a lifecycle basis.
United will support AltAir Fuels efforts to incorporate
internationally recognized sustainability standards,
such as those being developed by the Roundtable on
Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB). RSB is an international, multi-stakeholder initiative that brings together
farmers, companies, non-governmental organizations,
experts, governments and inter-governmental agencies concerned with ensuring the sustainability of
biomass production and processing.

In June 2012, KLM launched the worlds first Corporate bioFuel programme for contracted corporate
accounts. This allows the staff of the contracted
companies to fly a part of their company travel or their
travel on specific routes on sustainable biofuel. The
programme aims to stimulate the further development
and production of biofuels and as such reduces the
aviation industrys carbon footprint. In one year, the
number of programme partners has more than doubled
to fifteen. KLMs BioFuel Programme now includes the
City of Amsterdam, Loyens & Loeff, PGGM, FMO,
Delta Air Lines, Siemens, TomTom and CBRE Global
Investors. They followed initial customers including
Ahold, Accenture, DSM, Heineken, Nike, Philips and
Schiphol Group who have been supporting KLMs
BioFuel programme from the very beginning.
In 2013 KLM, Schiphol Group, Delta Air Lines, and the
Port Authority of New York initiated a joint project and
expanded cooperation resulting in the series of flights
from New York with sustainable biofuel.

For additional information regarding AltAir, please

contact Greg Kozak at Gregory.kozak@united.com.




The JFK Series

This first intercontinental series of biofuel flights

from New York to Amsterdam again proves KLMs
pioneering role in the development of sustainable
biofuel. 8 March 2013 marked the start of the 26-week
series of flights from JFK. This also provided the Port
Authorities of JFK to gain expertise on the logistics and
regulations regarding the use of biofuel, thus creating
a dual biofuel port next to Schiphol.
The sustainable jet fuel used for the weekly flights on
B777-200 aircraft was 100% US-based fuel made
from used cooking oil (UCO) and camelina oil sourced
and supplied by SkyNRG. SkyNRG is the first fully
renewable jet fuel supply chain certified by RSB and
is partly founded by KLM. RSB has set the worlds
highest standards that respect people and the environment when producing biofuel.



KLM and SkyNRG have introduced a variety of

measures to guarantee and monitor the supply chains
sustainability, SkyNRG has installed an independent
Sustainability Board consisting of leading NGOs and
scientists who provide advice about feedstock and
technology decisions.
The lifecycle greenhouse gas emission reduction from
pure bio-derived aviation fuel varies depending on
extraction and processing arrangements, as well as
on the type of feedstock used. In general sustainable
jet fuels made from UCO can provide a reduction in
overall CO2 lifecycle emissions up to 80% compared
to fossil fuels; for sustainable jet fuels made from
camelina, this is currently 70%. These figures include
the emissions from the production of the fuel, such as
transportation and refining.


From Flight Series

to Continuous Supply

In recent years, KLM has shown that flying on biofuels

can be done in a safely and sustainably. The next step
is to create a market for bio-jet fuel that complies with
strict environmental criteria while meeting economic
and social sustainability criteria. This should lead to a
significant increase of available bio-jet fuel in the years
to come. For this reason, KLM has signed a purchase
agreement with the ITAKA consortium. The collaborative programme is expected to demonstrate the
readiness of the large scale production of sustainable
Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene (SPK) in the EU.
Cooperation between all partners to invest and innovate in different aspects of the supply chain will be
further elaborated. KLM believes that the aviationindustry can establish a dominant position in the
fast-growing business of production, supply and
deployment of sustainable bio-jet fuels. That is why
KLM has engaged with the ITAKA project and platforms such as Climate KIC, BioBased Industries and
BE-BASIC. Most recently, KLM agreed jointly with
the Dutch government, Neste and logistics partners
on the next step to create a continuous supply of
sustainable biofuels and developing the first bioport in
the Netherlands.
Close cooperation between the stakeholders in an
open dialogue and with transparency to NGOs and
scientific organisations is a precondition in achieving
our goal. In 2011 KLM and WWF-NL signed a partnership to develop a more sustainable aviation industry
and encourage the market for sustainable biofuels in
order to reduce CO2 emissions. At present, KLM and
WWF-NL base the sustainability of the biofuels on the
strict criteria set by the Roundtable on Sustainable
Biomaterials (RSB) and the advice of the independent
Sustainability Board to SkyNRG.


Alternative Fuel
Developments in the
Nordic Countries



Climate Change, Global Warming, Pollution, Sustainability, Food Shortage, Growing World Population
and you-name-it-Green; subjects that we read about
almost daily in the media and issues that concerns
us all. Most human activities in our society and daily
life cause GHG emissions and pollution and aviation is no exception (2% to 3% of the total, global
manmade CO2 emissions). Consequently, we hear
voices stating stop flying, it pollutes and the world
is in financial crisis, we cant afford investing in a transition to alternative energy, away from a society based
on fossil fuels.
To quote James Hansen of NASA Global warming
is not a problem for the future; its a crisis for this
moment! Its a task for our generation! The good
news is that aviation is being extremely proactive in
efforts to reduce such CO2 emissions by introducing
new aircraft and engine technology as well as new
operational procedures and alternative fuels.
The latest IPCC report underlined and emphasized
that we are moving too slowly and we shall have difficulties to keep even the maximum 2 degrees Celsius
ceiling that the UN and many others have set as the
acceptable increase in average global temperature
before we reach a point of no return. This is further
recognition and confirmation of the seriousness of
this issue.




Nordic Initiative for

Sustainable Aviation (NISA)

The Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Aviation, NISA is

established by Nordic stakeholders within the aviation
sector and that are now joining forces to facilitate the
development of a sustainable aviation fuel. Among all
the actors it is understood that aviation must become
more sustainable and alternative fuel is one of the
means to achieve the goals.
The actors behind the initiative are the Nordic airports,
airlines and their associations as well as aviation
authorities. The initiative is supported by IATA as well
as aircraft manufacturers Boeing and Airbus.

The parties have come together to form a network

organization to facilitate this sustainability transition of
the aviation industry and voice the concern that aviation gets its share of the limited biofuel resources.
Sustainable crops, raw materials and surplus products
from forests, agriculture, industry and households are
increasingly in demand.
Technology to produce jet fuel is in its infancy but aviation is prepared to switch to the use of alternative fuels.
The internationally approved specifications mean that
products are fully in line with the current jet fuel used
today and certification also ensure that the drop-in
alternative fuels can be used in existing engines on all
jet aircraft in a mix up to 50%.
In the battle to secure their share of the limited
resources, the industry is concerned that the energy
sector and the road transport are prioritized. Furthermore, in contrast to the other types of transportation,
aviation does presently only have one choice to replace
fossil based liquid fuels, namely sustainable, renewable bio based alternative fuels also called biofuels.
The Nordic initiators will focus on bringing together
stakeholders throughout the supply chain to find the
best and most energy efficient solutions as well as at
the same time put pressure on policy makers to ensure
that aviation secure its share of the alternative fuels.
The task is quite extensive and involves stakeholders
from agriculture, technology suppliers, investors, regulators, producers and oil suppliers.
NISA believes aviation is not prioritized in the energy
policy discussions despite being an important part
of the regional infrastructure. Further, research and
development of alternative fuels for aviation should be
encouraged in the form of Public Private Partnerships.



Therefore, the Nordic initiative is in dialogue with

parallel activities in the EU and the rest of the world.
The support by Boeing and Airbus are of paramount
importance since both aircraft manufacturers have
participated in the establishment of similar network
organizations in other parts of the world.


Key Stakeholders of NISA


SAS, Finnair, Norwegian, Icelandair, Air Greenland, Malmo

Aviation, Atlantic Airways


Danish Aviation, SBN, Svenskt Flyg,

Svenska FlygBranschen, NHO, IATA


DK/Trafikstyrelsen, SV/Transportstyrelsen, FI/

Ministry of Transport.


DK/Copenhagen Airports, SV/Swedavia, NO/Avinor,

FI/Finavia, IS/Isavia


Boeing, Airbus


Feedstock Alternatives

The Nordic countries have various alternatives for

feedstock for alternative fuels; one such product is the
Nordic forests. By implementing a sustainable forestry
plan, the huge resources available can be managed
in a way that can procure feedstock for alternative
fuels and at the same time provide natural forests and
plants that absorb CO2 to reach a neutral balance of
the emissions that the production, harvesting, handling
and use of biofuels inevitably bring about. Forestry
products are available in abundance, are not in general
considered suitable for food and the process can be
managed in a way that fully respect biodiversity and
the environment.

While the stakeholders are presently reviewing and

analyzing technology options, feedstock sources and
availability, NISA believes test facilities will be available within 3-5 years and full-scale production within
a decade.
To achieve this, major stakeholders and government
commitments have to be agreed upon and investors
assured of the sound business of sustainable, alternative fuels.
Last but not least, the aviation industry is a responsible
and forward looking business; reduction of aviations
CO2 emissions and GHG is together with safety its
foremost concern. The use of alternative fuels must
reduce these emissions, must respect biodiversity and
the environment, not compete with human food requirements, minimize the use of fresh water while wisely
use present and future technologies for the limited
resources we have available. And mankinds wisdom
shall make this transition possible within acceptable
parameters all for a better world.



After enabling many of the first commercial bio jet fuel

initiatives in 2011 and 2012, the launch of innovative
co-funding mechanisms (e.g. SkyNRGs Corporate
Program) in 2012 and scaling up to structural green
routes in 2013 (e.g. KLMs green route to JFK) SkyNRG
is looking to the future. To take this market to the next
level the industry recognizes the need for dedicated
bio jet fuel production capacity. SkyNRGs efforts
will be directed towards achieving this. The SkyNRG
Bioport proposition and the Corporate Program will
play an important role in this.
In the last year SkyNRG has started to roll out its
Corporate Program beyond KLM, with selected airlines
around the world. SkyNRG expects the program to be
fully active during the first half of 2014.

During 2013 SkyNRG invested in its Bioport proposition, which essentially creates a demand centre at
the end of the supply chain (airport/airline combination) and from there helps to structure a regional bio
jet fuel supply chain. A regional effort, in which the
airline plays an instrumental role in enabling the supply
chain, has multiple benefits including significant GHG
reductions. For example, it reduces price volatility,
helps improve regional energy security, brings social
economic development to (rural) areas, stimulates
innovation and research & development, and creates
a basis for new industries to grow or existing industries to diversify. Furthermore it engages a wide range
of (local) stakeholders as well; government, farmers,
industry, investors, knowledge institutes, NGOs etc.
A first tangible result of this strategy was announced
in April 2013, when SkyNRG launched its first Bioport
with Virgin Australia and Brisbane Airport Corporation34. The partnership expects to have a commercial
scale, regional bio jet fuel supply chain up and running
before 2020.


Airbuss renewable fuel


Airbuss sustainable aviation fuel strategy is focused

around three central principles; to support the qualification and certification of new aviation fuels, to support
the large scale use of sustainable aviation fuels and to
target the sustainability of the solutions.


International partnerships and

research projects

Airbuss strategy is managed around the world through

partnerships and research projects. 2013 saw the
launch of an initiative with BioFuelNet Canada and
Air Canada to assess the solutions in Canada for the
production of sustainable aviation fuels for the Canadian aviation market. This partnership followed the
Perfect Flight completed by Airbus and Air Canada
in 2012, bringing together all best practices including
operational, maintenance, air traffic management and
the use of sustainable fuels to achieve an over 40%
reduction in CO2 emissions on a commercial flight from
Toronto to Mexico City. The collaboration between
Airbus and Air Canada was rewarded with the 2013
Eco-Partnership Award given by Air Transport World.

34. [http://www.virginaustralia.com/au/en/about-us/media/2013/VA_BRIS_SKYNRG_BIOPORT/



Airbus also came together in 2013 with Air France,

Total and CFM to perform a demonstration flight at
Le Bourget Air Show using an Airbus A321 with fuel
efficient sharklets and BioJet A-1 biofuel from Total/
Amyris produced through an innovative conversion
of sugar.
Further collaborations launched in 2013 included a
cooperation agreement between Airbus and Rostec
group in Russia to launch a large-scale analysis of
Russian feedstock and to evaluate how to speed up
the development and commercialization of sustainable
fuels in the region.

Airbus believes a key element of the development of

sustainable fuels for aviation is political support and
frameworks to ensure optimization, financial investment and sustainability. In this spirit, Airbus works
closely with the EU commission through ITAKA (Initiative Towards sustAinable kerosene for Aviation). This
collaborative project is framed in the implementation
of the European Union policies specifically and aims
to contribute to the short-term (2015) EU Flight Path
objectives. The ITAKA project is expected to support
the development of aviation biofuels in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner,
improving the readiness of existing technology and
infrastructures (see Section 5.4.1 for further details
on ITAKA).

Figure 26 Air Canadas Perfect Flight fueling operations.



In addition to ITAKA, Airbus participates in SAFUG

(Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group) in the USA,
SA (Sustainable Aviation) in the UK, and NISA (Nordic
Initiative for Sustainable Aviation) in Northern Europe.
Initiatives launched over recent years are now beginning to come to fruition. In 2012, Airbus launched
its collaboration with Tsinghua University in China to
complete a sustainability analysis of Chinese feedstocks and to evaluate how best to support the
development of a Chinese value chain to speed up the
commercialization of sustainable aviation fuels. This
value chain aims to produce and promote the use of
sustainable aviation fuel in China, the worlds fastest
growing aviation market. The first report from this
collaboration has been successfully delivered allowing
Airbus and Tsinghua to move forward in the next step
of this collaboration.
Airbus believes it is necessary to have both a longterm vision and short-term strategic actions to ensure
the development of sustainable fuels for aviation. The
achievements in 2013 will allow Airbus to prepare for
2014 and beyond to face the challenge of ensuring
large scale use of sustainable fuels in the future.

Figure 27 A KLM Boeing 777-200 is fueled at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. Photo source: SkyNRG


Boeings renewable fuel

Asia Pacific

Boeing sponsored and provided significant content to

an Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)hosted aviation biofuel workshop in Bangkok. This
event has generated significant interest in the topic
among regional airlines. Additionally, Indonesias
government announced the worlds first mandated use
of biofuel for aviation with a 2% target by 2015 and
3% by 2018. In Singapore, Singapore Airlines and the
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore have awarded a
contract to SkyNRG and Climate Solutions to conduct
a biofuel supply feasibility study for the island nation.


Latin America

Brazils Aviation Biofuel Platform was launched with

Boeing and many other parties, as a follow on from the
Flight Path for Aviation Biofuels in Brazil (FABB) road
mapping process. The platform, led by GOL, will drive
commercialization of aviation biofuel supply chains in
Brazil. Notably, on Oct 23, GOL flew first Brazilian
commercial biofuel flight from Sao Paulo to Brasilia
on a 737-800. Progress has been facilitated by the
Brazilian National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas,
and Biofuels (ANP), who approved a hydroprocessed
esters and fatty acids (HEFA) pathway for commercial
jet fuel.



Boeing participates on the steering board of the recently

launched Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Aviation (see
Section 6.4 above). Via the Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Users Group (SAFUG), Boeing and certain airlines
engaged European Parliament in their recent contemplation of indirect land use change (ILUC). A new rule
includes an amendment that incentivizes oil companies to supply jet fuel containing biofuels, which would
encourage production of aviation biofuels.




Middle East and Africa

South African Airways and their parent Department of

Public Enterprises signed an MOU for collaboration
with Boeing on biofuels, becoming the first airline in
Africa to formalize an effort on this topic. The Sustainable Bioenergy Research Consortium (SBRC),
founded by Etihad Airways, Boeing, Honeywell-UOP,
Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, and
SAFRAN is midway through its development of the
Integrated Seawater Energy and Agriculture System
(ISEAS) which utilizes salt tolerant biomass and aquaculture waste to produce both fuel and food from
arid lands.


North America

Together with United Airlines, Boeing and many

other stakeholders completed the Midwest Aviation
Sustainable Biofuels Initiative (MASBI see Section
6.2 above), which is a multi-stakeholder aviation
biofuel roadmap process focusing on the viability of
sustainable aviation biofuels production in Midwest
of the United States. Also, Boeing sponsored and
participated in the Algal Biomass Summit in Orlando,
FL. Steady progress on deploying algae for fuel, feed,
food, and higher value markets was on show to over
650 participants from around the world.



The applied definitions and acronyms in the report are mentioned in this glossary.

1st generation biofuel
2nd generation biofuel
Agricultural residues
Alternative fuel
Anaerobic digestion
ASTM D1655
ASTM D7566
Biojet fuel
Carbon footprint
Carbon neutral
Cloud point
Def Stan 91-91
Drop-in fuel
Forest residues
Freezing point
FT fuel
Fuel additive

= biofuel produced from biomass that may compete with food production,
degrade fresh water supply, cause deforestation and/or reduce biodiversity
= biofuel made from sustainable, non-food biomass such as algae, jatropha, etc.
= by-products from agriculture that are not or not well utilized
= fuel from non-petroleum source
= digestion in the absence of oxygen
= molecule with a carbon ring of unsaturated bonds
= ASTM Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels
= Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels Containing
Synthesized Hydrocarbons
= volume measure of 159 liters or 42 US gallons
= processing material with organisms or enzymes
= alkyl esters derived from fatty acids
= fuel produced out of biomass
= jet fuel produced out of biomass
= renewable biological raw material such as plants, algae, organic waste etc.
= mixing of different types of fuel
= alcohol with a 4-carbon atom based carbon chain
= net amount of carbon dioxide emissions addressed to the applied product
= with zero carbon footprint (CO2 emissions = CO2 absorption)
= material that facilitates a chemical reaction
= organic compound consisting of linked D-glucose units
= temperature at which solids (wax) begin to form and separate from the fuel
= UK Defense Standard for Turbine Fuel, Aviation Kerosene Type
= mass per unit volume
= the separation of liquids by means of difference in boiling points
= alternative fuel that is indistinguishable from conventional fuel, with no changes
of aircraft, engine or supply infrastructure required
= process to produce esters from fatty acids and alcohols, e.g. FAME and FAEE
= drinkable alcohol with 2 carbon atoms
= Fatty Acid Methyl Esters/Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters ester based biodiesels
= raw material such as biomass, oils, fats, coal and gas
= by-products from forestry industries
= physical separation through progressive evaporation of volatile components
= temperature at which a solid melts on warming
= fuel produced with the Fischer Tropsch process
= additive to fuel to improve a certain property
= process transforming feedstock into CO and H2 under high temperature
= 3.785 Liters
= molecules made out of carbon and hydrogen, used as fuels
= cutting down carbon chains under influence of hydrogen
= raw material upgraded by hydroprocessing
= saturating and removing impurities in hydrocarbons using hydrogen
= upgrading of oils with hydrogen, current technology in refineries



Industry residues
Marginal lands
Solid biomass
Specific energy
Sustainable biomass
Switch grass
Thermal stability


= by-products from industries that are not or not well utilized

= complex organic polymer commonly derived from wood and plant material
= lands with poor soils
= smallest alcohol with only 1 carbon atom and low specific energy
= plants that produces oil, palm oil, jatropha oil, soybean oil, etc.
= straight-chain alkane hydrocarbons with general formula CnH2n+2
= chemical process bonding together multiple small molecules
= heating in absence of oxygen resulting in thermal decomposition
= biomass in solid state, such as wood, switch grass, etc.
= amount of energy per unit weight or volume
= Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene, jet fuel substitute lacking aromatic compounds
= renewable and environmentally friendly biomass
= a perennial grass
= mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide
= measure for the chemical stability at elevated temperature
= solid long-chain carbon molecules



= Annual Emissions Monitoring Plan

= Annual Emissions Report
= Air Force Research Laboratory (USA)
= American Society of Testing and Materials (USA)
= Air Transport Association (USA)
= Biomass to Liquids (Fischer-Tropsch process)
= British Thermal Unit
= Civil Aviation Authority
= Commercial Alternative Aviation Fuels Initiative (USA)
= Carbon Dioxide
= Coal to Liquids (Fischer-Tropsch process)
= Defense Logistics Agency (USA)
= Department of Energy (USA)
= European Commission
= Environmental Protection Agency (USA)
= Emissions Trading Scheme
= European Union
= European Union Emission Allowance
= European Union Aviation Emission Allowance
= Fischer-Tropsch process
= Federal Aviation Administration (USA)
= Fatty Acid Ester
= Fatty Acid Ethyl Ester
= Fatty Acid Methyl Ester
= Gasoline Equivalent
= Greenhouse Gas
= Gas to Liquids (Fischer-Tropsch process)
= Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids
= Hydroprocessed Renewable Jet fuel
= International Civil Aviation Organization
= International Energy Agency
= Lifecycle Analysis
= Liters of Gasoline Equivalent
= Megajoule
= Original Equipment Manufacturer
= Partnership for Air Transportation Noise & Emission Reduction
= Public Private Partnership
= Renewable Energy Directive (EU)
= Renewable Fuel Standard (USA)
= Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels
= Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene
= Sustainable Way for Alternative Fuels and Energy in Aviation
= United States Air Force



IATA would like to express its appreciation to the following experts for their valuable contributions
to this report:

Robert Arendal NISA

Michel Baljet IATA
Robert Boyd IATA
Csar Velarde Catolfi-Salvoni ITAKA
Frdric Eychenne Airbus
Andreas Feige International Sustainability & Carbon Certification
Marcelo de Freitas Gonalves Embraer
Rolf Hogan Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials
Jane Hupe International Civil Aviation Organization
Angelica Hull Swedish Biofuels
Siegfried Knecht aireg
Fokko Kroesen KLM
Dirk Kronemeijer SkyNRG
Jorin Mamen IATA
Robert Malina Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kyriakos Maniatis European Commission
Darrin Morgan Boeing
Philippe Novelli International Civil Aviation Organization
Brian Pearce IATA
Matthew N. Pearlson Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Stefanio Pescarolo Biochemtex
Thomas Rtger IATA
Lukas Rohleder aireg
Mark Rumizen Federal Aviation Administration
Jimmy Samartzis United Airlines/MASBI
Pam Serino Defense Energy Support Center
Maarten van Dijk SkyNRG
Mitch R. Withers Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Alexander Zschocke DLH Deutsche Lufthansa



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ISBN 978-92-9252-259-9

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