Social Studies Lesson Plan Template

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Social Studies Lesson Plan Template

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UH Email


September 8, 2015





Grade Level/
S.S. Strand

45 min
6th grade

Lesson Duration

Lesson Plan #

LP #1

Teaching in


Egypts Caste System


Central Focus and Enduring Understandings

A brief description of the key concept(s) to be learned, along with the important
understanding(s) that will be emphasized during the lesson that the students can apply to
their lives
The focus of this lesson is to learn about the organized classes that made up the ancient Egyptian
society and the duties of each class. Students will leave with knowledge of how these class systems are
similar to our own society today. Also, how social classes are maintained because of the belief system,
knowledge, and practices shared by a group.

Content Standard(s)
Both the S.S. Hawaii Content & Performance Standard (HCPS III), the Topic, AND the
specific Benchmark under that Topic that align with the central focus as well as a Common
Core State Standard (CCSS) in ELA or Math that can be met during the lesson
Standard 6: Cultural Anthropology: SYSTEMS, DYNAMICS, AND INQUIRY-Understand
culture as a system of beliefs, knowledge, and practices shared by a group and understand how
cultural systems change over time
Topic: Cultural Systems and Practices
Benchmark SS.6.6.1: Examine the ways in which different cultures have influenced families and

Student Learning Objectives

Outcomes to be achieved by the end of the lesson or end of multi-lesson learning segment
The learning objectives for this lesson are for students to understand the class system and duties of each
class that made up the ancient Egyptian society.

The procedures to gather evidence of students learning of lesson objective(s) including
formative (informal) assessments applied throughout the lesson and a summative
assessment (formal) of what students learned by the end of the lesson (include any
assessment tools)
Student Participation in discussions
Follows directions of activities
Icons of each class
shows a relationship
between the duties of
the class and the class
with detailed
explanations as to why
the icon was chosen.

Icons of each class
shows a relationship
between the duties of
the class and the class

One to two of the icons
do not show a
relationship between
the duties of the class
and the class.

More than two of the
icons do not show a
relationship between
the duties of the class
and the class.

Order of the icons

correspond to the
hierarchy of the class

One to two of the icons

do not correspond to
the hierarchy of the
class system.

More that two of the

icons do not
correspond to the
hierarchy of the class

Students Prior Academic Knowledge and Assets

The students content knowledge, skills, prior academic experiences, and
personal/cultural/community assets to draw upon to support learning
The students prior academic knowledge and assets include knowing the different aspects of culture.
Students will have a basic understanding that culture is made up of seven elements: social organization,
customs and traditions, language, arts and literature, religion, forms of government, and an economic
system. Students will also have a basic knowledge of how these different elements form to make our
own civilization and many ancient civilizations.

Academic Language
Oral and written language that the students need to learn and use to participate and engage
in the content
Social Class
Priests and Priestesses

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

A description of what the teacher will do, say and ask and what the students will do during
the lesson that 1) uses clear steps that convey the use of multiple strategies, supports, and
resources and 2) lists opportunities offered for multiple modes of participation
1) Have students talk to a neighbor about what the term, social class is for one to two
2) After discussing with one another, the teacher will choose students to say what their
partner discussed on what a social class is. The teacher will write down students
thoughts using a venn diagram on the white board under the label Today.
3) Teacher will then explain that in ancient Egypt, their society was broken up into a strict
social class that has some similarities to society today.
4) Have students take out their social studies notebook to take two-column notes, while
the teacher goes over the powerpoint on ancient Egyptian societies.
5) Teacher will go over in the powerpoint:
What a hierarchy and a class system are.
The permanence of belonging to a class system.
The pyramid of Egypts class system
Duties of each class
6) Students will then return to the venn diagram on the white board and the teacher will
write down what the similarities and differences between ancient Egypts social class
was and todays social class.
7) Have students answer these questions in their social studies notebooks after
What were the advantages and disadvantages of life as a priest? soldier? craftsman?
Do you feel that it would be harder or easier living in ancient Egypt than today?
What is an icon that can represent each of the ancient Egypts class?
o For example: Sun/Gold to represent Pharaoh, Wheat = Farmers/Slaves
8) Explain to students that after answering the last question in their notebooks; they will
now complete a social class pyramid using the icons they thought of. They should first
fill out the key that states all of the icons and which class they represent. Then add the
icons in the right place that shows the hierarchy of ancient Egypts civilization. Then
they will need to color the pyramid.
9) Project an example of the completed work on the projector of our own American
government system (i.e. president, judicial, etc.). Show students how to make the
pyramid and to divide the pyramid into six sections. Allow enough room for a box for a
key on the side of the pyramid.
10)Have a student pass out pieces of paper for all the students.
11) Give students time to complete the drawing and if it isnt finished to take it home for
homework and turn it in the next day.
12) Closing Question:
What do you think are the same problems that we face today that the ancient
Egyptians faced regarding social class?

Adaptations to instructional strategies, the learning environment, content, and/or assessments
to meet the needs of students who require further support (e.g., ELL/MLL, struggling,
accelerated, 504/IEP, etc.)
SPED - Follow IEP plans to accommodate students. If needed allow students to cut up pre made icons
and glue them in the corresponding area of their hierarchy. Students may also work with a partner to
complete their assignment.
ELL - If needed allow students to cut up pre made icons and glue them in the corresponding area of
their hierarchy. Students may also work with a partner to complete their assignment.
Accelerated Allow students to present their work to the class and explain how they came up with their
icon to represent the social class.

Instructional Resources and Materials

Books, texts, and other materials needed for the lesson

Color Pencils

Reflection of Lesson:
I feel that students were learning in an environment that was engaging and safe. I was respectful
and demonstrated rapport with students. I was also able to create a challenging learning environment
that allowed students the opportunity to promote mutual respect among students.
I feel that I was not anticipating having a discrepancy with my information. I miscounted the
amount of spaces on their pyramid posters and the amount of caste systems. By the time I caught on to
my mistake, it was already too late. Therefore, I allowed the students to choose which caste system to
put in as long as it was the right order.
What is evidence of a meaningful and relevant lesson, to me, is when students are able to take
something out of the lesson. I feel that when students are able to leave the lesson thinking about how it
impacts them, it is definitely a meaningful lesson. I felt that I saw this when I asked them in the
beginning of the lesson do we have a class system today? Many of them replied no in the beginning of
the lesson. However by the end of the lesson, many of the students felt unsure or felt like there is a class
system because many people that are powerful or well-known are rich and celebrities. I feel that the
lesson challenged their thinking since it was evident that students left the lesson with tools to form their
own opinion on everyday issues around them.
Overall, I feel that I could improve on making sure I know the directions of what I want my
students to do. I think its important to have a written visual for students to refer back to as they work on
their group work so that they will not get lost as to what to do.
This experience affects my teaching in the future because it showed me that my strength as a
teacher is being respectful towards my students and allowing all students to have the opportunity to
participate in the community. However, it showed me as a teacher to make sure that I know exactly what
I want and how it should look like. I feel that this lesson was a reminder to make sure that I know my
students to prevent from personalities clashing.

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