Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Learning Intention:
Explore Cleopatra’s background, including her family, relationships and ethnicity.
Success Criteria:
Students can name some historical background of Cleopatra in primary state according to their prior
Points to Remember: Key Learning and Teaching Strategies
Introduction (10 minutes):
Show students the plan of the term and mention there will ICT: Digital pedagogy: Teaching, learning
be few short answer test, one big essay and one quiz for and assessment with the aid of computer
the topic Cleopatra and Egyptian Civilisation throughout driven digital technologies, which enrich
this term. Hence, students are clear about they are going teaching, learning, assessment and the whole
to learn ancient history and clear about the goal for the curriculum. (Kivunja, 2015)
term. Show students the success criteria of the lesson so
they’re aware of the sequence and goal of the lesson. Cooperative Learning: Thoroughly
implemented cooperative learning offers
Main body (25 minutes): students opportunities to engage in critical
Show power-point presentation introducing Cleopatra. thinking, teamwork and cognitive process at
Then would like students to work in groups and have a higher-order levels. (Roger, Johnson, Slavin,
brain-storming activity under the questions what you & Stahl as cited in Kivunja, 2015).
know about Cleopatra. After the brainstorming activity,
each group has to present their results to the class. At the Hands-on learning: learning happens when
end the teacher will continue with the power-point it is reinforced with hands-on experience. The
presentation to give out the information of Cleopatra such hands-on experience gives learners the
as her family, her social status, some of her crucial history opportunity to examine the new information
and so on. Students have to complement their note. and see how its parts link together to make
sense as a whole.” (Kivunja, 2015)
Student Activity:
Divide students into groups of 3-4. Provide each group
with A4paper. Groups are required to write down Visible Learning: Whole-class discussion,
whatever they know about Cleopatra in 8 minutes. as a direct teacher instruction strategy has
Students have to category the information such as family, great potential to facilitate students’
power, or years. After 5 minutes, each group must send a construction of meaning for themselves.
student to present the results of their brainstorming map. (Kivunja, 2015).
Conclusion (5 minutes):
Reflect on today's lesson and answer the questions:
What went well / What do you like in this lesson?
Event better if / Where to improve?
What you would like to know more in the next
Resources: Learning Support:
Notebook *Monitor ESL students
Pens *Check in with EAP and low literacy students
Pencils in case of misunderstanding or issues with
Erasers starting task.
Ruler *Question and answer time throughout lesson
Coloured pencils
*White board (with markers) & Projector for classroom
collaboration and note taking.
*Classroom desks arranged into groups of 3 or 4 for
collaborative group work.
Classroom Observations: General capabilities & Cross Curricular
Monitor classroom, check for understanding and ask key priorities
questions such as: English (language and literacy
What does this mean? comprehension)
Can you tell me anything about Cleopatra? Geography (location)
What do you think of her experiences? Ethical Understanding (exploring values,
Can you describe how she influenced certain events? rights and responsibilities and also points
of view of woman in society)
Behaviour management
Next Lesson: Students will begin to discuss
RTC Questions (Responsible thinking Centre)
the importance historical of Cleopatra. In a
Time out/classroom break/drink break (5 minutes)
timeline format.
SOD if behaviour persists (Senior on Duty)