Ques Nebosh
Ques Nebosh
Ques Nebosh
Woodwork on the exterior of a two-storey office building is to be repainted during July this year. Preparation work will be carried out from
a mobile tower scaffold using blowlamps, scrapers and an electrical hand-held sander.
(i) Identify the physical and procedural measures that should be adopted in order to protect against the dangers of people and/or materials
falling from the scaffold. (8) page 56
(ii) Outline the practical measures to reduce the risk from electricity when using the portable sander. (8)
(iii) List FOUR other hazards arising from the preparation work and, for EACH hazard, state the possible means of protection.
A computer operator has complained of neck and back pain. Outline the features associated with the workstation that might have
contributed towards this condition. (8) page 100
With reference to the fire triangle,
(a)outline TWO methods of extinguishing fires. 4 page 270
(b) State the ways in which persons could be harmed by a fire in work premises. (4)
For EACH of the following types of non-ionising radiation, identify a source and state the possible ill health effects on exposed individuals:
(i) infra-red radiation (2) (ii) ultra-violet radiation. (2) page 375
(b) Identify the general methods for protecting people against exposure to non-ionising radiation. (4)
Outline the precautionary measures to be taken to avoid accidents involving reversing vehicles within a workplace. (8) page 84
Define the term target organ within the context of occupational health. (2)
(b) Outline the personal hygiene practices that should be followed to reduce the risk of ingestion of a hazardous substance.(6) page 293
Identify the main dangers associated with excavation work on construction sites. (8) page 62
Outline the factors to be considered when undertaking a manual handling assessment of a task that involves lifting buckets of water out of a
sink. (8) page118
Identify FOUR mechanical hazards presented by pedestal drills and outline in EACH case how injury may occur. (8) page 178,183
(a) Describe, by means of a labelled sketch, a chemical indicator (stain detector) tube suitable for atmospheric monitoring. (b) List the
main limitations of chemical indicator (stain detector) tubes. (4)
List EIGHT items to be included on a checklist for the routine inspection of a fork-lift truck at the beginning of a shift. page 138
A store man is required to place boxes of metal components by hand on to shelved racking.
List FOUR types of injury to which the employee may be at risk while carrying out this task. (4) page 97
Outline the factors in relation to the task and the load that will affect the risk of injury. (10) page 118
Outline a good manual handling technique that could be adopted by the employee when required to lift one of the boxes from
ground level page 121
Outline the precautions that should be taken in order to ensure the safety of employees undertaking maintenance work in an underground
storage vessel.(8)
(a) Explain, using a suitable sketch, the significance of the 'fire triangle'. (4)
(b) List the types of ignition source that may cause a fire to occur, and give an example of EACH type. Page 247
Outline the precautions to be taken when carrying out repairs to the flat roof of a building. (8) page 39
For EACH of the following types of hazardous substance, give a typical example and state its primary effect on the body:
(i) toxic (2) (ii) corrosive (2) (iii) carcinogenic (2) (iv) irritant. (2) page 295
Outline the sources and possible effects of FOUR non-mechanical hazards commonly encountered in a woodworking shop. (8) page187
(a) Outline the dangers associated with electricity. (4)
(b) Outline the emergency action to take if a person suffers a severe electric shock. (4) page 239
An employee is engaged in general cleaning activities in a large veterinary practice.
(i) Identify FOUR specific types of hazard that the cleaner might face when undertaking the cleaning. (4)
(ii) Outline the precautions that could be taken to minimise the risk of harm from these hazards.(4)
Explain the meaning of the term daily personal noise exposure(2) page345
(b) Outline the actions required when employees' exposures to noise are found to be in excess of 90 dB(A) LEP,d. (6) page 351
Identify the THREE types of asbestos commonly found in buildings. (3)
(b) Explain where asbestos is likely to be encountered in a building during renovation work. (5)
Identify FOUR different types of hazard that may necessitate the use of special footwear, explaining in EACH case how the footwear
affords protection.
Battery-powered fork-lift trucks are used to move palletised goods within a warehouse.
(i) Describe FOUR hazards associated specifically with battery powered fork-lift trucks_ (4)
(ii) Outline the precautions that may be needed to ensure the safety of pedestrians in the areas where the fork-lift trucks are operating_ (8)
( i) Outline EIGHT rules to follow when a fork-lift truck is left unattended during a drivers' work break
In relation to the ill-health effects from the use of vibrating hand-held tools_
(i) identify the typical symptoms that might be shown by affected individuals (4) page361
(ii) outline the control measures that may be used to minimise the risk of such effects_ page367
Outline the precautions that may be needed when carrying out repairs to the flat roof of a building.
In relation to machinery safety, outline the principles of operation of
(i) interlocked guards (2) (ii) trip devices_ (2)
(b) Other than contact with dangerous parts, identify FOUR types of danger against which fixed guards on machines may provide
Outline measures that should be taken to minimise the risk of fire from electrical equipmentOutline the possible risks to health associated with the use of display screen equipment (DSE). (4)
(b) Identify the features of a suitable seat for use at a DSE workstation.
Draw a labelled sketch that shows the main components of a local exhaust ventilation (LEV) system. (5)
(b) Outline the statutory requirements for the examination and testing of an LEV system.
Outline the hazards that might be encountered by bar staff working in a busy town centre public house.
(i)the dangers associated with electricity (4)
(ii) the emergency action to take if a person suffers a severe electric shock. (4)
Identify the types of hazard against which gloves could offer protection. (4)
(b) Outline the problems that may be encountered when using protective gloves at work.
Identify the information that should be included on a manufacturer's safety data sheet supplied with a hazardous substance
Provide sketches to show clearly the nature of the following hazards from moving parts of machinery:
1)entanglement (ii) crushing (iii) drawing-in (iv) shear.
(b) Outline a hierarchy of control measures that may be used to prevent contact with dangerous parts of machinery. (4)
(c) Identify FOUR non-mechanical hazards that may be encountered on woodworking machines and outline the possible health and safety
effects from exposure in EACH case.
Explain the meaning of the term `hazard'. (2)
(b) Outline the main hazards associated with demolition work. (6)
Outline a range of checks that should be made to ensure electrical safety in an office environment
(a) Describe the differences between `acute' and `chronic' heath effects. (
(b) Identify the factors that could affect the level of harm experienced by an employee exposed to a toxic substance. (4)
Outline the precautions that might be taken in order to reduce the risk of injury when using stepladders.
(a) Explain, using a suitable sketch, the significance of the 'fire triangle'. (4)
(b) List FOUR types of ignition source that may cause a fire to occur, giving a typical workplace example of EACH type. (4)
Outline EIGHT rules to follow when a fork-lift truck is left unattended during a driver's work break. (8)
An employee is required to install glass-fibre insulation in a loft.
(i} Identify FOUR hazards connected with this activity. (4)
(ii) Outline the precautions that might be taken to minimise harm to the employee- (4)
An assessment has concluded that the person carrying out a particular manual handling task is fit and capable of lifting the loads involved.
Outline the factors associated with the task and the work environment that would need to be considered in order to complete the assessment
Other than those associated with the physical environment, outline EIGHT possible causes of increased stress levels amongst employees. (8
Identify EIGHT safe practices to be followed when using a skip for the collection and removal of waste from a construction site_ (8)
(a) Identify TWO occasions when a thorough examination of a fork-lift truck is required under the Lifting Operations and Lifting
Equipment Regulations 1998. (2)
(b) Outline a range of circumstances that may cause a fork-lift truck to become unstable..(8)
Outline the factors to consider when assessing the adequacy of lighting within an open-plan office.(8)
For EACH of the following agents, outline the principal health effects AND identify a typical workplace situation in which a person might
be exposed:
(i) isocyanates (2) (ii) asbestos (2) (iii)leptospira bacteria (2) (iv) lead.(2)
(a)With reference to the 'fire triangle', outline TWO methods of extinguishing fires. (4)
(b)State the ways in which persons could be harmed by a fire in work premises. (4)
Other than those relating to the physical environment, outline the options that might be available to an organisation to reduce stress levels
amongst its employees. (8)
(a)For EACH of the following types of non-ionising radiation, identify an occupational source and state the possible ill-health effects on
exposed individuals: (i) infrared radiation(2)
(ii) ultraviolet radiation.(2)
(b) Identify the general methods for protecting people against harmful exposure to non-ionising radiation.(4)
Outline the precautions that may be needed when carrying out repairs to the flat roof of a building.(8)
(a) List FOUR specific types of injury that may be caused by the incorrect manual handling of loads.(4)
(b) Outline the factors in relation to the load that will affect the risk of injury.(4)
An employee is to use a petrol-driven chainsaw to fell a tree from ground level. Outline the hazards faced by the employee in carrying out
this task.(8)
In relation to electrical safety, explain the meaning of the following terms:
isolation (2) (ii) earthing(2)(iii) reduced Iow voltage (2) (iv) overcurrent protection. (2)
Identify the information that should be included on a manufacturer's safety data sheet supplied with a hazardous substance. (8)
An organization uses small quantity of toxic chemicals.
(a) Identify FOUR possible routes of entry of toxic substances to the body (4)
(b) Explain the difference between Acute and Chronic health effects
(c) Identify the sources of information which could be used in the assessment of risk of toxic substance
(d) Outline the control measures that might be required in order to minimize risk to workers.
Outline EIGHT precautions that should be taken when leaving a fork-lift truck unattended (8)
Outline FOUR main types of guards and safeguarding devices that may be used to reduce the risk of contact with dangerous part of the
Outline the main hazards that may be present in demolition of building.
(a)Outline the possible risk to health associated with the use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
(b)Identify features of a chair to ensure it is suitable for use at DSE
Outline requirements to ensure safe evacuation of persons from a building in the event of a fire. (8)
Identify FOUR mechanical hazards associated with the use of a pedestal drill. (4)
Outline FOUR control measures to reduce the risk of injury to operators of pedestal drill.
Outline precautions that should be taken to reduce the risk of harm from electrical equipment in a workplace.
Outline the possible health effects from exposure to high levels of noise.
Give TWO examples of noise control techniques, other than Personal Hearing Protection, that would benefit all workers.(2)
Identify safe working practices for the use of Mobile Elevated Working Platform (MEWP) (8)
Identify types of hazards that may cause slips or trips at work.
Outline how slip and trip hazards in the workplace might be controlled. (4)
Give the meaning of the term Ergonomics
Identify the possible health effects that may be caused by the poor ergonomic design of DSE work statio (3)
Identify the main factors to be considered in an ergonomic assessment of DSE (14)
Absorbant mats and granules have been used to soak up a chemical spillage
Outline the issues that will need to be considered in relation to the handling , temporary storage and final disposal of the waste material(8)
Identify the main hazards associated with the demolition work
a) Identify the types of hazards that may cause slips or trips at work
b) Identify control measures to reduce the risk from slip and trip hazards in the work place (4)
Outline the factors that may lead to occupational stress amongst workers
A worker is manually loading boxes of components on to metal shelves
a) Identify Four types of of injury that the worker could suffer while carrying out this activity (4)
b) Identify factors in relation to the task that will increase the risk of injury
Identify two forms of hazardous substance
Outline personal hygiene controls to be followed that reduce the risk of ingestion of a hazardous substance
Outline the hazards and risks to which a worker could be exposed when cutting down a tree using a petrol driven chainsaw
Identify Eight safe working practices that should be considered to reduce the risk when using a mobile tower scaffold
a) Identify the effects on the human body from a severe electric shock
b) Identify four factors that could affect the severity of injury resulting from contact with electricity
Identify eight common causes of fires in the work place
Outline the specific hazards associated with the use of battery-powered forklift trucks AND state the precautions necessary in EACH case
Identify precautions that should be taken when leaving a fork lift truck unattended.
(a)Identify the risk factors that could affect manual handling activities in relation to the LOAD and INDIVIDUAL
(b) Identify four types of injury that the worker could suffer while carrying out this activity.
(c) A worker is manually loading boxes of components onto metal shelves
Identify factors in relation to the TASK that could increase the risk of injury.
Outline four main types of guards and safeguarding devices that may be used to minimize the risk of contact with dangerous parts of
(a) Identify the effects on the human body from a severe electric shock (4)
(b) Outline how earthing can reduce the risk of receiving an electric shock (4)
Identify the principles of fire triangle.
Identify three forms of biological agents.
(b) Identify possible routes of entry in to the body for a biological agent
(c)Give two control measures to reduce the risk of exposure to a biological agent.
Identify the information that should be included on a manufacturers safety data sheet supplied with hazardous substances. (8)
Outline four types of engineering control that may be used to reduce noise in the workplace and give an example of EACH. (8)
(a)Identify four types of ionizing radiation.
(b) Outline the main principles of control for ionising radiation.
Identify precautions that should be considered to prevent accidents to children who may be tempted to gain access to a construction site.
Identify the main hazards that may be present during the demolition of a building.
Airborne measurements have identified that a local exhaust ventilation system (LEV) is no longer adequately controlling worker exposure
to airborne dust. A risk assessment has identified that respiratory protective equipment (RPE) can be used as an interim measure to protect
workers while engineers repair the LEV system.
(a) Identify the main components of the LEV system. (4)
(b) Outline factors that may have reduced the effectiveness of the LEV system. (8)
(c) Outline factors that should be considered when selecting the RPE to protect the workers while engineers are working on the LEV
system. (8)
Identify health risks associated with exposure to wood dust. (2)
(b) Outline control measures to reduce the health risks from exposure to wood dust. (6)
Outline how the following two protective measures reduce the risk of electric shock AND, in EACH case, give an example of its
application: (a) reduced low voltage; (4)
(b) double insulation. (4)
Outline factors that should be considered so that persons with sensory impairments and/or physical disabilities can safely evacuate a
workplace in the event of a fire
Identify possible hazards that could cause workers to be injured when walking through an external storage area of a workplace.
(a) With reference to mechanical hazards of machinery, describe how harm may arise from:
(i) entanglement; (1) (ii) shearing; (1) (iii) drawing in; (1) (iv) crushing. (1)
(b) Identify non-mechanical hazards associated with the use of machinery. (4)
A dental surgery has installed an X-ray facility.
(a) Identify the health effects associated with exposure to X-ray radiation. (4)
(b) Outline control measures that could be taken in order to help reduce the risks to the operator from exposure to X-ray radiation. (4)
To reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and back injuries, postal workers have been provided with manually operated trolleys to
carry post during their delivery rounds.
Outline factors that would need to be considered when carrying out a manual handling assessment of the use of the trolley. (8)
(a) Outline control measures that could be used to reduce the exposure of construction workers to high levels of noise from cement mixers.
(b) Identify other noise hazards that may be present on construction site. (4)