Question Paper Code: 12115: 15ISC02 Safety in Engineering Industry

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Question Paper Code : 12115


Second Semester
M.E. – Industrial Safety Engineering
(Regulations: Mepco – R2015)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks:100
Answer ALL Questions
PART A – (10  2 = 20 Marks)
1. What are the general safety principles to be followed in an Engineering Industry?
2. What are various hazards involved in handling the Saws used in wood working machinery?
3. List the elements of Electron Eye.
4. What is the importance of authorized entry system?
5. List out the common hazards of welding.
6. What is meant by flash back in gas cutting?
7. What are the possible hazards present in hot rolling mill operation?
8. Write briefly any two hazards of cupola with remedial measures
9. What is the role of Indian Boilers regulation in industrial safety?
10. What is meant by leak test?

PART B – (5  16 = 80 Marks)
11. a) i. What are the safety principles followed in Milling and grinding machines? (8 Marks)
11. a) ii. Briefly explain the Inspection and Maintenance of CNC Machines (8 Marks)
11. b) i. Write short notes on "Electrical guarding in wood working machinery". (8 Marks)
11. b) ii. Explain in detail about the various types of saws and its standards used in wood
working machinery. (8 Marks)

12. a) i. How will you design the machine guarding and explain the principle involved in
machine guarding? (8 Marks)
12. a) ii. How the Zero Mechanical State is established in the organization and what is its
impact on maintenance? (8 Marks)

12. b) Write the safety systems to be followed while handling of the following:
A. Shearing presses
B. Sprocket wheels
C. Chain pulleys
D. Belts. (16 Marks)

13. a) i. What are the different types of welding operations and explain the various
hazards present in welding operations? (8 Marks)
13. a) ii. How the workers are affected by the brazing and soldering operations? Briefly
explain. (8 Marks)
13. b) i. Describe the Explosive welding with a neat sketch and explain the various safety
precautionary measures to be taken in executing the work. (10 Marks)
13. b) ii. How the colour coding is helpful in ensuring the safety of cylinders in handling
of industrial gases? (6 Marks)

14. a) i. Explain the various steps involved in Power press setup and Die removal and
also explain the safety measures involved in transferring in Dies. (10 Marks)
14. a) ii. How the safety measures are implemented for the hot forging operation? (6 Marks)
14. b) i. How the safety measures are implemented in gas furnace operations and
elaborate the various stages of safety involved in gas furnace operation? (8 Marks)
14. b) ii. Explain the various stages of foundry operations and explain the safety measures
in each operation briefly. (8 Marks)

15. a) i. What are the various stages of heat treatment? Also explain the various safety
measures to be implemented in each activity. (10 Marks)
15. a) ii. What is meant by pressure vessels and what are the hazards existing in the
operation of boilers? (6 Marks)
15. b) i. Explain the various methods of monitoring the radiation hazards and also write
the controlling measures. (8 Marks)
15. b) ii. How the Engineering industry pollutes the environment? Discuss. (8 Marks)


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