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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Teachers: Ms. Fitzpatrick, Ms. Lopez

Subject: Science

Common Core State Standards:

SO4-S5C3-04 Investigate the characteristics of magnets.
Objective (Explicit):
SWBAT define magnets and explain their different properties.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
Include a copy of the lesson assessment.
Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
Assign value to each portion of the response.
80% of students will complete exit ticket with 100% mastery.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?
SWBAT define attract and repel
SWBAT determine the material of certain objects
Key vocabulary:
Magnet fishing handout
Exit ticket
Teacher made power point
Fishing materials
KWL chart
Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)
How will you activate student interest?
How will you connect to past learning?
How will you present the objective in an engaging and student-friendly way?
How will you communicate its importance and make the content relevant to your
TW hold up a magnet in front of the class
TW ask students What is this object?
TW ask students What is it for?
Call on a few students to share their input
TW ask students How do you know when something is a magnet? How can you tell if an object
is magnetic or not? Give students 15 seconds of think time, then 30 seconds to discuss at their
tables starting with PB
Call on a few students to share their ideas.
Tell students mirrors on Today we will.define what exactly magnets are..and talk about

Instructional Input

their different properties mirrors off.

Teacher Will:
How will you
model/explain/demonstrate all
knowledge/skills required of the
What types of visuals will you use?
How will you address
misunderstandings or common
student errors?
How will you check for
How will you explain and model
behavioral expectations?
Is there enough detail in this
section so that another person
could teach it?

Student Will:
What will students be doing to actively
capture and process the new material?
How will students be engaged?

TW inform students that they have 5

minutes to complete the K and W
section of their KWL chart.

SW complete their K and W section of their

KWL chart, if they finish early they may
discuss what they know and wonder about
magnets with their table groups.

TW hand out magnets to students,

Explain that they will have 3 minutes to
explore their properties. Be prepared to
share something you notice about
magnets with the class.

SW explore the magnets, using them to try

and pick things up, seeing if they stick
together, etc.

TW call in students to share what they

discovered about the magnets. Let
about 5 students share something they

SW share what they noticed about

magnets and things they discovered
during their exploration.

Explain to students that when the

SW copy down the vocabulary words into
magnets were sticking together they
their science notebooks and write a
were attracted to each other like when
definition for them.
a bee is attracted to pollen in a flower.
When the magnets were pushing away
from each other they were repelling like
when you smell something really bad
and youre trying to get away from it.

Guided Practice

Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
Ms. Lopez will monitor a group of students who may need additional
assistance/behavior monitoring at the back table. (One teach, one assist)
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
For my two students who cannot read I will have copies of these two words with
their definitions for them to paste into their notebook.
Also, those 2 students as well as my 2 who are on behavior plans will be seated with
Ms. Lopez at a table in the back.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
How will you ensure that all
How will students practice all
students have multiple
knowledge/skills required of the
opportunities to practice new
objective, with your support, such that
content and skills?
they continue to internalize the sub What types of questions can you
How will students be engaged?
ask students as you are observing
How will you elicit student-to-student
them practice?
How/when will you check for

How are students practicing in ways

How will you provide guidance to all
that align to independent practice?
students as they practice?
How will you explain and model
behavioral expectations?
Is there enough detail in this
section so that another person
could facilitate this practice?
TW ask paper passer outers to hand
SW ask any questions they may have
out the materials for the day. Explain to about the lesson or about the procedures.
students that they first must complete
their predictions for the materials they
SW make predictions about the items
think the items are made of. They must material at their tables as well as share
decide on the materials that
their ideas with their tablemates.
correspond with their seat numbers
and justify their ideas to their table
mates. Students will have 5 minutes.
TW go over the items on the list and
inform students of what they are really
made of clarifying any confusion.

SW fill in the correct information on their


TW inform students they must predict

what items they think will be attracted
to the magnet. After 1 minute for
predictions they may begin the activity
working with the rest of their table

SW write in their predictions silently on

their own. Then use the magnets and
materials provided and decide which are
attracted to the magnets labeling their
sheet as they go.

TW ask students the three discussion


SW write down answers to the discussion

questions on their worksheet while
participating in the class conversation.

What did we notice about the

items that were attracted to the
Did anything repel or push
What did this investigation tell
you about magnets?
Call on students to share their ideas
and thoughts.
TW ask students to think for 30
seconds based off what you know
come up with a definition for magnets.
PB share first J agree or disagree and
tell why.
TW give students the definition for the
word magnet

TW give students 3 minutes to fill out

the L section of their KWL chart.

SW create a definition for the word magnet

and discuss it at their table.

SW add the word magnet and its definition

to their science notebooks.

SW fill out the L on their KWL chart

silently at their tables

Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
Ms. Lopez will walk around the room listening to students definitions for magnets
and make sure they are following procedures. (One teach, one assist)
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
How can you utilize grouping strategies?

Independent Practice

2 students who are not able to write will be able to give answers verbally.
Students are seated in groups of high/low pairs.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
How will you plan to coach and correct How will students independently practice
during this practice?
the knowledge and skills required by the
How will you provide opportunities for
How will students be engaged?
remediation and extension?
How will you clearly state and model
How are students practicing in ways that
academic and behavioral
align to assessment?
How are students using self-assessment
Did you provide enough detail so that
to guide their own learning?

How are you supporting students giving

another person could facilitate the
feedback to one another?
TW inform students they now must
SW complete exit ticket.
complete their exit ticket quietly at their

Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
One teach, one observe
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
2 students who are unable to read will circle items they believe a magnet would be
attracted to and have the directions read aloud to them.
Most students will circle items they believe a magnet would be attracted to and
explain why.
6 gifted students will circle items they believe a magnet would be attracted to and
explain why and tell what material they believe the item is made of.
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:
How will students summarize and state the significance of what they learned?
Why will students be engaged?
TW go over the definition for magnets and ask students to recall what they learned from
todays lesson based off what on the L section of their KWL chart.

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