Lesson Plan - Magnet

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LESSON PLAN Subject: science

Trainee: Khawla Ali Topic or Theme: discover magnets

Class: grade 2 Date & Duration: 18th April

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: classroom management.

Lesson Focus

What do magnets do, what are magnetic objects and non-magnetic objects.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to identify what items are attracted to a magnet.

21st Century Skills

 Critical Thinking

Group work and sharing resources during the activities will reinforce the following skills:

 Collaborating
 Communicating
 Social Skills

Key vocabulary




Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Not be able to understand some English Use picture to clarify some ideas and translate some
vocabularies. words to their mother tongue language if needed.

Resources/equipment needed

 A projector to show the PowerPoint

 A computer to play the PowerPoint
 Worksheets
 pencils
 For the groups’ activities you will need:
- wiggly eyes
- erasers and sharpeners
- small piece of paper
- paper clips
- clothespins
- color pencils
- coin
- Scissors
- Plastic bottle caps
 The activity worksheets are enough for each group.
 Make sure every group has enough pencils.

& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
 Greet the students, ask what day is
Time:  Answer the questions that the today
teacher asked.  Let them read your rules and show
10 minutes them what they’re getting in return.

Recourses:  Show the students a magnet picture
 Ask questions like;
- Who knows what is this?
Projector - Do you see any magnets in the
and classroom?
- What do we use them for?

Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

Time:  Answer the questions.  Play the PowerPoint slides introduce

 Predict which objects magnets the topic “Magnets”, the PowerPoint
25 minutes attracts and what doesn’t will contain; what magnet do, the
objects that magnet can and cannot
Recourses:  sort the pictures and say attract.
weather the objects are
Projector magnetic or non-magnetic.
and ask questions while presenting (why do
magnets attract some objects and some

 after explaining, using a flash cards,

ask the students to classify the pictures
of objects to objects that are attracted
to magnets and that are not, based on
what they have seen in the PowerPoint.

After sorting the pictures and hearing

the students answers, test the objects
attraction to the magnet using real

Differentiation activities (Support)

Before you send the students to their groups, give them instructions about what should they do.
Each group will have a plastic cup with different objects in it, every child will have a piece of
magnet to test the objects.
For high level students:
Test ten objects attraction to magnets, in the worksheet write down under each object’s
picture yes if it is magnetic and no if it is non-magnetic.
For mid- level students:
Test eight objects attraction to magnets, in the worksheet write down under each object’s
picture yes if it is magnetic and no if it is non-magnetic.
For low level students:
Test eight objects attraction to magnets, cut the objects’ pictures and glue them where
they belong if they’re magnetic or non-magnetic.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

Students will Teacher will

Display their worksheets and Ask the students about what they have
describe it and tell the other students done during the activities time.
what they did. Ask them to describe what they did and
what they have learned.



☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral ☐ Peer assessment

assessment questioning

☐ Quiz ☐ Student ☐ Written work ☐ Verbal feedback

presentation and feedback


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