Lab Questions

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Regulations R- 2013
Second Semester
EE6211 Electric Circuits Laboratory

Time : 3 Hrs Maximum

Marks : 100

1. Verify the Kirchhoffs voltage law theoretically and practically for the given circuit.

2. Verify the Kirchhoffs current law theoretically and practically for the given circuit.

3. Convert the given circuit into a single voltage source with a series resistance by using
suitable theorem.

4. Convert the given circuit into a single current source with a parallel resistance by using
suitable theorem

5. Find the current flowing through each branch for the given circuit.

6. Apply Superposition theorem to find current flows through 1K resistor and verify it
practically by conducting suitable experiment.

7. (a) Conduct an experiment to find the frequency response of RLC Series system.
(R=500, L= 30mH, C=0.01F)
(b) Determine the total impedance, current and voltage across each element.
8. (a) conduct an experiment to find the values of L and C for RLC parallel system.
(R=100, resonant frequency=7.7 KHz)
(b) Determine the total impedance, current and voltage across each element.

9. Calculate RC time constant of a given circuit and compare it with practical value and
plot charging and discharging waveforms

10. Design a series resonance circuit for a resonance frequency of 3 KHz with R=1K,
C=0.5F and simulate it using any one of simulation tool.
11. 10. Design a parallel resonance circuit for a resonance frequency of 2 KHz with R=1K,
C=0.6F and simulate it using any one of simulation tool.
12. Compute the real power, reactive power and apparent power in a three phase ac circuit
connected with resistive load.
13. Conduct an experiment to measure the single phase energy using high resistance loads.
14. Compute the current in the branch AB of the network shown in Fig. 3 using
Superposition theorem. Verify the same practically.

15) Obtain the Z and Y parameters for the network in Fig. 11. Verify the results

16. Simulate the high pass filter circuit with suitable simulation software.

17. Simulate the high pass filter circuit with suitable simulation software.

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