Abu Bako 2016 Word From The Lord

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Prophecies for 2016 &

Abu Bako
3rd Edition

This document is not an official publication of the Logos-Rhema Foundation. It is
also a work in progress.
Segments are raw transcriptions and other segments were taken from tapes
and/or other documentation or websites or other sources affiliated with Prophet
Abu Bako, reformatted for easy navigation and shared.
Please note that transcriptions are subject to what the transcriber assumes is
being said and may not accurately reflect the encoded message the speaker was
trying to convey. The original transcription has undergone minor editing for
readability purposes. An example of such editing the introduction of
punctuations. These punctuations are introduced subject to what the editor
assumes is being said and may not accurately reflect the encoded message the
speaker was trying to convey. For the above mentioned reasons, it is always better
to listen to the actual tape for oneself. We encourage you to please contact the
Logos Rhema Foundation Headquarters for the actual tapes of the prophetic
Also be warned that in the interest of speedily making the document available to
the general public, some spelling errors may have escaped editors.
The Prophetic Words are interspersed with prophetic sermons based on scriptures
given for proclamations during the year 2016. These were added to illuminate
these scriptures for proclamation.
The unofficial blog of Prophet Abu Bako published by people who have been
positively impacted by his life and ministry does not warrant that the information
contained in this publication is complete and correct and shall not be liable for
any damages incurred as a result of its use. Information in square brackets are
not the original words of the author but introduced for readability purposes.


About The Vessel

Abu Bako is a man sent from GOD (John 1:6)and
functions in many capacities across the globe.
He occupies the offices of a Prophet and Apostle. He is
also the Founding President & International Director
NonGovernmental Organization registered in Ghana.
The Foundation is a multi-faceted organization
committed to serving as a leadership resource base. He
serves as the Global Coordinator of the Global Apostolic and Prophetic Network
He is also the Founding President of the College of Sustainable Transformation
and Development (COSTrAD)which focuses on the training and development of
the human resource base of leadership with the aim of recovering best practices for
sustainable living as well as reviving structures that have been neglected and have
been rendered obsolete but which are still useful and relevant.
The skills, knowledge and abilities of this Servant of GOD are multi-faceted and
multi/trans-disciplinary in nature, global in their reach, and kingdom-centered,
focused and driven. He is an Economist by professiona former lecturer in
Economics and Senior Researcher in Agricultural Economics.
All the above notwithstanding, Dr. Bako is primarily a people-builder, equipping
and developing quality leaders at all levels of public and private life, in all the 8
influence spheres (domains, gates, mountains) of society, namely: Family, Belief
System, Government, Governance and Leadership, Economy and Business,
Education, Science and Technology Media, Arts, Sports and Culture.
He is a regular speaker at international conferences and hosts and leads
international conferences of his own. He is a consultant to presidents and
governmental bodies, other leaders in the 8 influence spheres of society and their
organizations / institutions. Abu Bako serves on various boards, among which are
the Geneva Institute for Leadership and Public Policy and The Rebirth of Africa.


Table of Contents
Disclaimer................................................................................................................................................ ii
About The Vessel ................................................................................................................................... iii
PART I: December 31, 2015 ...................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2
The Beginning of a New Year .............................................................................................................. 2
A Year Where Youll See GODs Faithfulness .......................................................................................... 3
Psalms for 2016....................................................................................................................................... 4
Psalms by Days of the Week ............................................................................................................... 5
Blank Cheque .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Family Gate ............................................................................................................................................. 6
A Very Fast Year 7x Avoid Distractions ................................................................................................ 7
A Year of Excellence and Distinction in Life and Ministry ....................................................................... 7
A Year of the Supernatural...................................................................................................................... 8
The Year of the Explosion of His Almightiness ........................................................................................ 8
The Year of Giving and Abundance of Grace and Power ........................................................................ 8
Fasting Releasing Various Anointings ..................................................................................................... 8
Grace to Harness All Africas Resources (Human Resource & Youth) .................................................... 9
Restiveness............................................................................................................................................ 10
Anointing of the Overtaker for Recovery and Restoration ................................................................... 10
New Source of Protein & Unveiled Creatures................................................................................... 10
Luke 21 Message ................................................................................................................................... 11
Seventieth Jubilee ................................................................................................................................. 11
1 Samuel 30; Distress of Nations; Look Up, He is Here! ....................................................................... 12
Year Every Gate Lifts its Head for You .................................................................................................. 14
Promptness of Obedience & Strictness of Obedience.......................................................................... 15
The Time to Look Up for Recovery ..................................................................................................... 15
The Year of Pursuit, Surely Overtaking and Without Fail Recovering All ............................................. 16
America ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Nations Bound to Covenants ................................................................................................................ 17
Look Up, He is Here! ............................................................................................................................. 18
The Year of Excellence and Distinction Pt 2 .......................................................................................... 18
Our Light & Salvation is Here ................................................................................................................ 19
Gods BrandFor His Names Sake ...................................................................................................... 20

Gods Pen .............................................................................................................................................. 21

The Mystery of the Secret Place of The Most High .............................................................................. 21
Recovery & Restoration .................................................................................................................... 22
Dwelling In the Secret Place.............................................................................................................. 22
Revelations 4 & 5 Experiences .......................................................................................................... 24
No More Struggle .............................................................................................................................. 25
Adversity that Results In Promotion ................................................................................................. 27
Angelic Trumpeters ........................................................................................................................... 29
Eavesdropping on Meeting of World Leaders .................................................................................. 31
Prayer Needed for West: Challenges Ahead......................................................................................... 32
China in Africa ....................................................................................................................................... 32
Arab World & Africa .............................................................................................................................. 32
Final Take Off Into Full Flight ............................................................................................................ 33
Five African Presidents Leading Gods Way .......................................................................................... 33
Mass Protests ........................................................................................................................................ 34
Restoration, Recovery, New Foundations for Wealth, Innovative Patterns, Release etc .................... 34
Special Services for January, May, July and October ............................................................................ 34
Releasing Power for Wealth ............................................................................................................. 35
G8-18..................................................................................................................................................... 35
Group of Eight ................................................................................................................................... 36
Free Trade Area............................................................................................................................. 36
Group of Twenty-Four ...................................................................................................................... 37
Group of Seventy Two ...................................................................................................................... 37
Group of One Hundred And Twenty ................................................................................................. 37
Relocation. Relocation And Transplantation ........................................................................................ 40
Ministry of Fashion: For Beauty and Glory of GOD............................................................................... 41
Violent Dethronement of Evil ............................................................................................................... 43
Crossing Over, Translation, Ex-Hodus ................................................................................................... 46
PART II: January 1, 2016 ......................................................................................................... 47
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 48
Daniel 10 ............................................................................................................................................... 49
The Greatly Beloved .......................................................................................................................... 50
Release of Angels In Response to the Voice of His Word ................................................................. 50
Divine Perspective............................................................................................................................. 52

Arch Angels and Hijackers ................................................................................................................. 53

Angels Who Strengthen .................................................................................................................... 55
Angels and their Activities ................................................................................................................ 56
Malawian Example: The Word(s) Cannot be Stopped Once Released ................................................. 57
Daniel Was on Assignment Not in Bondage ......................................................................................... 59
Africans in DiasporaOn Assignment .............................................................................................. 63
RefugeesOn Assignment ............................................................................................................... 63
Africans in DiasporaLeap Frogging Agents for Africas Development ............................................... 63
Release of Processors for Africa ........................................................................................................... 63
Release of Arch Angels/ Princes............................................................................................................ 64
Altar to GOD in Africa............................................................................................................................ 64
PART III: January 2, 2016 ....................................................................................................... 71
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 72
Ancient Controversies Settled, Ancient Covenants Addressed ............................................................ 75
Prophecies............................................................................................................................................. 79
The Year ancient hostilities and strained relationships will finally be restored ................................... 79
Psalm 91 Sermon .................................................................................................................................. 81
Dwelling in the Secret Place .............................................................................................................. 81
Our Refuge & Chain Breaker ............................................................................................................. 81
Delivered from various Snares .......................................................................................................... 82
Safe under His Feathers .................................................................................................................... 83
Fear Not! Delivered from Terrors, Arrows, Pestilence & Destruction .............................................. 83
Safety in the Secret Place.................................................................................................................. 84
The LORD Our Dwelling Place ........................................................................................................... 84
Angels Given Charge ......................................................................................................................... 85
Treading Upon Lions, Serpents, Dragons, Scorpions & ALL the Power of the Enemy ................. 86
Malawi................................................................................................................................................... 87
Zambia................................................................................................................................................... 87
Zimbabwe.............................................................................................................................................. 87
Egypt ..................................................................................................................................................... 88
England.................................................................................................................................................. 88
Psalm 91 Sermon Continuation ............................................................................................................ 88
3 Arab Nations & 2 Latin Nations Lit ..................................................................................................... 89
Psalm 92 ................................................................................................................................................ 90

Evil Doers/Nations Thoroughly Disgraced ............................................................................................ 91

Three (3) Scrolls: Spirits Released Against Families .............................................................................. 94
Sufficiency for Families ......................................................................................................................... 95
Bloodline Covenants ............................................................................................................................. 95
PART IV: January 3, 2016 ....................................................................................................... 97
Morning - January 3, 2016 .................................................................................................................... 98
A New Thing Rivers in the Desert................................................................................................... 98
Job 42 ................................................................................................................................................ 98
Carriers and Couriers of Gods Presence .......................................................................................... 99
Jeremiah 33:9 .................................................................................................................................... 99
Prayer Decree.................................................................................................................................. 100
Year of Supernatural Operation - Divinely Inspired Ideas ....................................................... 100
Establishing Divine Patterns and New Frontiers ............................................................................. 100
Fast Year No Distractions ......................................................................................................... 100
New Patterns for Governance, Business, Education etc. ............................................................ 101
A New System of Resolution of Cases ......................................................................................... 102
Year of Restoration / Recovery / Laying New Foundations ........................................................ 102
New Curricula for Media Personnel Development ..................................................................... 103
Developing Curricula In The Area Of The Arts ............................................................................ 104
A New Capacity to Live Longer, Renewed Memory & Eyesight ...................................................... 104
Evening - January 3, 2016 ................................................................................................................... 105
Outworking the Word of God ......................................................................................................... 105
Urgency of the Time........................................................................................................................ 106
Nations of Africa ............................................................................................................................. 107
Nigeria ............................................................................................................................................. 108
Ghana .............................................................................................................................................. 109
Growth ............................................................................................................................................ 111
Innovative Ideas and Innovative Patterns ...................................................................................... 111
Armies of Heaven Released and Unleashed ................................................................................... 112
Seek New Level of Intimacy No Distractions................................................................................ 113
Governance: Shake the Foundations of Satanic Governmental Structures ................................... 114
Five Western Nations ...................................................................................................................... 115
America ........................................................................................................................................... 115
Exposing Posers............................................................................................................................... 116

Business and the Economy ............................................................................................................. 116

Science and Technology .................................................................................................................. 116
Media .............................................................................................................................................. 117
Arts, Sports and Culture .................................................................................................................. 118
Construction.................................................................................................................................... 119
APPENDIX 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 120


PART I: December 31,


Give it to the Lord, the King of kings. Is that the best you can give to The Lord? Come on
you can do much better than that. Give Him glory. Give Him glory. Give Him glory. Give
Him glory. You deserve all the glory; you deserve all the honour. Before we continue,
lets proclaim quickly psalm 100. Thats one of the psalms that we would be proclaiming
everyday of this year.

The Beginning of a New Year

Now you ask me this year? Yes, weve just entered the [new] year. [The year 2016
according to biblical reckoning began 6 pm of December 31, 2015].
Thats why I was asking you to give Him glory. For those of you that dont understand
why we [enter the year at this time], according to Genesis chapter 1, when you read
from verse 1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was
without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God
moved upon the face of the waters. And God said let there be light and there was light
and God saw that the light was good and God separated the light from darkness, and
God called the light day and the darkness He called night and there was evening and
there was morning the first day. [Hence the first day was made up of evening and
morning but started with evening].
So days are reckoned from evening! I dont want to go step by step like that. Verse 8
states, and God called the firmament heaven and there was evening and there was
morning the second day. Verse 13 you see again God says again and the evening and
the morning were the third day. Then you see the word says again in verse 19, this is
the last part, and the evening and the morning were the fourth day. Then you go to
verse 23, and the evening and the morning were the fifth day. And finally verse 31 of
that Genesis chapter 1, and the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Its only
on the seventh day you dont see evening and morning because He is not even talking
about work, Hes talking about REST. Meaning God reckons day from evening [not
That said, why dont we then do it [begin the year] in March [because it is the spring of
the year]? Why are we doing it nowon December? Because in terms of global reach and
coverage, it is the Gregorian calendar that is being used most widely right now.
Besides, when it comes to every nation, God said to Israel, this will be the first day in
your calendar, in Exodus chapter 12 verse 2the first of your months. [This was with

reference to] the month Abib1 which is supposed to be the first month[usually
occurring anywhere from the] middle of March to April. He [God] was talking to Israel.
If we were to say that concerning every other nation, they were talking about their
independence. [The New Year for the Jews was connected to their independence]. Thats
why every nation has its own independence anniversary. Are we together? Because
every nation has a place in Gods heart that God wants to use. In the case of Israel,
because hes a pattern as first born, thats why there are certain things that are peculiar
to it. Is everybody with me? So we do it because we are trying to cover as much grounds
as possible on this day. I hope I am clear? Now that we are through, we can go on with
our psalm 100 because then we will be ready. I dont know what version theyre using so
maybe we should just do it together.
Psa 100:1-5 KJV
(1) A Psalm of praise. Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
(2) Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
(3) Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
(4) Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful
unto him, and bless his name.
(5) For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all

A Year Where Youll See GODs Faithfulness

Hallelujah! Now what are we saying in essence? This is what you will be proclaiming
everyday of this year, now that weve entered this year. And I will let you know why God
wants that. Because you will see His faithfulness this year like youve never seen in any
other year.
Im starting very slowly before I even go ahead and pray and whatever God wants done.
Because I want you to get some things clearly. In fact let me pray first so that I can
release you to sit down.
Father we are grateful unto you that youve vaunted us worthy to see 2016. Were
grateful unto you that it has really gladdened your heart to usher us into this year
of leaping and taking off into full flight. Lord, let not be said that after you gave
us the opportunity to write whatever needs to be written as you show us what
should be written, that we did not write anything. Your servant being one that is

Abib: The first month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, corresponding nearly to the Gregorian April. After the
Babylonish captivity this month was called Nisan. 1st of Nisan, 5776 falls on April 9, 2016.

tuned into your radio station, talked about scribe, one that will write. And your
word said in psalm 45, my tongue is the pen of a skilful writer or ready writer. Let
each tongue here receive a new grace and anointing to become the pen of The Most
High God. But not only here, all over the world, wherever anybody is watching, we
release the same grace over them right now. In the name of The Lord Jesus. And
even for some of the glitches some of the people have to be able to hook on, I declare
those glitches removed right now as art of writing the cheque. We declare that
done. And Father we decree that from this day, no stone will be left unturned, that
needs to be turned before any of such important events and meetings with you. We
give you praise and we give you glory, because we know it is done. We dedicate
everything, we dedicate this whole platform afresh, we dedicate even this lectern
afresh, we dedicate even the people, we dedicate the service to you afresh. We
declare that it is now linked to the throne of God, and we declare an altar of
praise, altar of worship, an altar of righteousness, an altar of glory, an altar of
great grace, and everything else that you want to release now raised to you and
linked up with the golden altar before your throne. Let this service be one that will
leave people transformed forever, for the rest of time. In the name of The Lord
Jesus Christ and all the people say, amen.
You may be seated in His wonderful presence.

Psalms for 2016

Now let me say upfront that I wont be able to go through everything that God
has downloaded to us so far, today. God helping us, I will take the rest of most of it
on the first day of the week. We would give you the rest of the details. But I was just
saying that God did say that Psalm 100 is supposed to be a psalm that we should take
every day of this year. That said, let me give you the rest of the psalms for the year so I
can take that out of the way. Now every week we would have the same psalms being
proclaimed weekly, meaning there will be a day of the week a particular psalm or set of
psalms would be proclaimed. So Im going to give you those psalms. You take them, and
I can tell you without any fear of contradiction, some things are going to change in
our life if you do it diligently. It doesnt matter how close you are to me, or how far
you are from me. If you dont do it, God will not bend rules. If you do it, God will do it.
Did you hear what I just said? Because God is that serious and thats why Im taking my
time to slowly make some things clear to us. Because God said something concerning
I was just saying that to say these psalms are not just psalms that were just chosen
anyhow. God gave them for a purpose so please, I am pleading with you; I beseech

you by the mercies of God that you do everything not to miss proclaiming

Psalms by Days of the Week

For the first day of the week otherwise known as Sunday by the Babylonians and some
others [like] Psalm 50.
For the second day of the week otherwise known as Monday by the Babylonians and
other are Psalm 75 and Psalm 76.
For the third day of the week otherwise known as Tuesday are Psalm 65 and Psalm 67.
For the fourth day of the week otherwise known as Wednesday is Psalm 112.
Then for the fifth day of the week otherwise known as Thursday, you have Psalm 121
and Psalm 125, Psalm 121 and Psalm 125.
Now for those of you that have seen praying through the gates of time, these are not the
psalms right, but these are the psalms God gave me for the days so take them seriously.
And then for the sixth day of the week, this is a very interesting one, is Psalm 48.
Thats the sixth day of the week otherwise known as Friday is psalm 48.
Finally for the seventh day of the week otherwise known as Saturday is Psalm 91. Now
its interesting that He gave us psalm 92. For those of you that know a little bit of the
bible, its even titled a psalm for the Sabbath day. And there are things that are said
there since God hasnt released me to go into details now God will help you to even
proclaim over your families every single week and take that seriously because when I
come to share on families and I might not be able to go into all the eight gates today but
I will do my best to try and get into that by the first day of the week which will be on the
third. I would God willing, God helping us be able to share those things that God has
said concerning each of the eight gates.

Blank Cheque
Now this is NOT for EVERYBODY, its for a FEW who are ready. He said He is giving
us a BLANK CHEQUE. 2 Now thats very very serious. But then what happened was,
yesterday somebody sent me a WhatsApp message from Kenya with three dreams and

A blank cheque or carte blanche (US: blank check), in the literal sense, is a cheque that has no numerical
value written in, but is already signed.

one of the dreams, actually two of the dreams saw something that had to do with me
being given a blank cheque. You knowa whole cheque book with blank cheque leaves.
Only three cheque book leaves had been used out of the entire booklet and according to
her, it was a very thick one, its not the regular one. Now thats quite serious. As if that
wasnt enough, then the next thing is this one because I havent said something too
personal, I can mention her name; Professor Willy Kalu now speaks to me from the U.S.
and she says to me that, you know, she doesnt know everything concerning this year
but one thing she can be sure of is that God told her one thing. What was the one thing
God said? I have given you a blank cheque, write. I am like okay now, I have heard
from God, this was one-time last year, well actually the year before last now but
preparing for last years 31st into last year. I happened to have prepared, taking honey,
you know, some tinge of lemon and water for the three days I wasnt seeing any human
being. This time, I believe God told me to do it without even the honey and I seem to
have had more strength and He showed me some things. Some of the things I wont be
able to share all including conspiracies where global leaders were meeting and I was
taken into their midst. When the time comes I will share with you.

Family Gate
I can tell you that one of the things He said concerning families is that, there will be
every attempt to make sure even family members are not in the same location.
You try and pray no matter how short and proclaim some of the things over your family
members especially fathers or parents, blessing the rest of the family members or family
heads. And thats not limited to Africa, wherever you are, it still applies to you.
All right, so Im going to run through very fast now for you to just cross check:

1st day of the week otherwise known as Sunday psalm 50,

2nd day of the week otherwise known as Monday psalm 75 and 76,then ...

3rd day of the week otherwise known as Tuesday psalm 65 and 67,

4th day of the week otherwise known as Wednesday psalm 112,

5th day of the week otherwise known as Thursday psalm 121 and 125, then

6th day of the week otherwise known as Friday psalm 48, and

7th day of the week otherwise known as Saturday psalm 91 and 92.

I have already told you Psalm 100 is for every day.

So it means some of the days you will have two psalms to proclaim, some of the days it
will be three psalms you will be proclaiming. I hope that is clear. Now if you can which I
will encourage, read five (5) psalms every day and one (1) proverb every day. If
you can, just read. If you cant, its not a must but if you can do that apart from really
reading as much of the Word as you can this year because there are a lot of things that
God is going to unveil. Since I havent gotten to belief systems I would want to just leave
it at that.

A Very Fast Year 7x Avoid Distractions

Now its going to be a very fast year, its going to be a very fast year. And He repeated
seven times. I am actually putting the microphone closer now to repeat that. He
repeated it seven times no distractions, no distractions, no distractions, not even things
that look positive. If it is not He leading you, dont allow that to become a distraction.
And there will be many attempts to distract you. Because its fast, if you are not
watchful, by the time you now return your gaze on that which God is showing you, you
have lost so much grounds. It doesnt mean you wont make progress but you have lost
so much grounds. So it is very important. No distractions!

A Year of Excellence and Distinction in Life and Ministry

He says its going to be A Year of Excellence and Distinction in Life and Ministry.
Now it means any area of service. You must every day before you start the new day pray
that God will help you to see how to distinguish yourself in Him through His help in
whichever area of operation.
So whatever you do, try to do it better on a daily basis. Its very important. Im going to
go into that because I am going to share the main scripture He gave me which will be
my message for the New Year.
Now He also did say that, when they say distinguished guest, it means they are
different from the rest of the guests.3
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen like they like to say in Nigeria. You know even on
airplanes and at some point senators did not want to just be called honourable so they

Distinguish defined as a feature or quality that distinguishes one thing from another causes the two things to
be regarded as different, because only the first thing has the feature or quality.
There is something about music that distinguishes it from all other art forms.

had to be distinguished senators. So because you are distinguished from the rest, there
is a distinction between you and the rest. Somebody didnt hear what I just said because
God is about to cause a distinction between you and the rest of the people.

A Year of the Supernatural

Its going to be a year of the supernaturalsupernatural especially in the area of
business and anywhere you represent God, because there will be things that you will
now be able to do only supernaturally.
If you want to do it naturally, you will be far far behind where He wants you to be.

The Year of the Explosion of His Almightiness

Now I like what He saidit is the year of the explosion of His Almightiness. Im still
trying to control myself. Its the year of what? Explosion of His Almightiness! This is
very serious.

The Year of Giving and Abundance of Grace and Power

And then He said: It is the year of giving and abundance of grace and power. Its the
year of what? Giving and abundance of grace and power! Well I have already started.

Fasting Releasing Various Anointings

One of the things that I am going to share on in a moment is 1 Samuel 30 and you
know EVERY MONTH we will be using these scriptures: 1 Samuel 30, Psalm 126, and
Psalm 46.
And that will be for the end of EVERY month that we will be fasting apart from the
whole of June and 3rd of September to 2nd of October that will be for fasting. End of
every month, there will be a fast then for December, it will be two different weeksthe
first week in December and the last week of December. You will get the details on the
first day of the week. I just want to move on but these are the scriptures that will be
used and today, you know I am going to share a little bit of 1 Samuel 30 but not from the
direction of 1 Samuel 30. The scripture God gave me, some of you already know, is Luke
chapter 21 verses 25 to 38.
And this one you will forgive me because I am going to go as fast as possible without
losing you. I pray for you that God would now somehow activate you and bring you into

the same wave length so you will not miss what is being passed across because I would
need to pass it across as fast as possible so that we do not end up losing too much time
because there is so much to be off-loaded and I do not want us to lose sight of what God
is saying. I hope I am clear so far.
So I said that you are having:

the last three days of every month for fast

the whole of June for a fast

3rd of September to 2nd of October is another fast

Another fast for first and last week in December

Thats what I heard very clearly. And there are specific things that each fast is
going to release.
But I am telling you that He gave three passages for the fast:
1. 1 Samuel 30
2. Psalm 126
3. Psalm 46
That means the anointing of the over taker is coming upon some people. And today there
will be the activation of the ANOINTING OF THE OVERTAKER. But there are other
anointings that God will activateat least two different anointings.
That said, I also did say that there are some things that God is about to release for the
rest of us in this place and those outside of this place.

Grace to Harness All Africas Resources (Human Resource & Youth)

One of the things that God will release for Africa this year is that level of abundance of
grace to harness all her resources especially her human resource and especially
her youth.
In fact, when I had the press briefing I didnt go into all of these details because I was
not going through the papers that I had jotted down of whatever God was giving me
while I was waiting for Him to give me instructions. Now one of the clear things He said
was that we will need to know how to access the abundance of grace that He is
releasing to Africa and its not only AfricaHe will do it for other continents and

other nations but He is releasing it for Africa for the purpose of harnessing these
resources especially the human resource and especially the youth.

And you are going to see because of some restiveness.4 Dont be too surprised if you see
restiveness. I did talk about that last year if some of you remember. And I said there
might be two or three nations that you will see such things unless we began to realign
properly. And we were praying that people will realign. You saw popular uprising in
Burkina Faso just next door and the government was changed. There will be some more
mass protests. Not necessarily only on the continent of Africa, and if we get things right,
God is not necessarily insisting that, that will happen, but if we do not [get things right],
that will happen because He wants to release some things.

Anointing of the Overtaker for Recovery and Restoration

So it is important because as we talk about the anointing of the overtaker for
recovery and restoration, it is important that we include that aspect and one of the
things for Africa is that God is going to help Africa to now be able to process
most of that which she produces because Africa is going to be one that will
help the rest of the world.5 Its going to take a three-year period for her to finally
enter her place in that.

New Source of Protein & Unveiled Creatures

But thats one of the things because God actually showed me a vision in a flash just like
that where some specific things were now being opened up to Africa including
something that will bring health; even a new source of protein that has been there
that Africa was accessing but people were laughing at Africa.
Now the world is going that way. After God has shown me the thing, just yesterday I
now decided to check because, what I am talking about was between the 27th; from the
night of the 26th into 29th night. That was when I wasnt seeing anybody. God showed me
these things. Just yesterday [ December 30 ], I prayed, God with your permission, can I
check the net and see if there is anything close to that which you showed me.

(Of a person) unable to remain still, silent, or submissive, especially because of boredom or dissatisfaction;
from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/restive
Gods industrialization timetable for Africa. Adding value to raw materials Africa produces by 2019


He showed me specific creatures; they are not birds and I wont go into details on what
until I am released to share with some specific people and I was shocked that even the
U.N. has started discussion on the general thing but they dont know this particular
mix. And I saw it. I saw one creature come up and then all of a sudden it
metamorphosed into another creature, and it was huge; bigger than the regular thing I
know physically. And I asked God what was that? and He told me that is the solution
to a lot of challenges.
And Dr. Asare, one of the things we are going to do is we will look at the anti-cancer
properties of that. I wont go into details yet but even in terms of protein it will become
one of the best sources of protein. I have said enough for now. Let me just go on and lets
go to our Luke chapter 21 verses 25 to 38...

Luke 21 Message
And we are reading, I am reading from the Old King James.
Luk 21:25-27 KJV
(25) And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the
earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
(26) Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are
coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
(27) And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great
And there shall be signs in the sun; this one is very serious. And in the moon and in
the stars and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity. And there has never
been a year that is actually a reflection of this more than the year that we just closed
and now the jubilee that we are in and I will explain that.

Seventieth Jubilee
Some of you will remember that we had the four blood moons. Remember? Tetrads. And
then you had two eclipses of the sun; full solar eclipses, you still remember? Now these
were actually bill boards, Gods bill boards announcing something. When you see a bill
board or a WhatsApp has been sent to you or you know a tweet, or a viber message or a
text message, SMS, whatever you want to call it, word pad all of the other things
because I dont want to go into all the detailsnormally it will be announcing something
to you or giving you a message. Now thats Gods own WhatsApp. Is anybody with me?
And God announced something that is so special and thats the reason why for this

particular year I am so excited because there has never been a year to the best of my
knowledge ever that has been a seventieth (70th) jubilee6 and it started on the 15th or
there about of September.
Seventieth jubilee: [T]his is a jubilee of jubilees.
If you dont know how much is in the bank for you to write a cheque and a person gives
you a blank cheque for you to fill in, what would you fill in?
You will fill in what you think will not bounce. But when you realize that now the one
that is giving you the blank cheque has limitless supply... Stop doing things like that.
Ask Him. For this one [need], how much was voted for it? And He will tell you. Thats
why I said its not for everybody because ... some of you will just waste His cheque
leaves. I am serious I am not joking.

1 Samuel 30; Distress of Nations; Look Up, He is Here!

Luk 21:25 KJV
(25) And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the
earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
I am going to go into the aspect of the sun, the moon, the stars announcing the
seventieth jubilee.
The other sign on earth will be distress of nations. Have you seen distress of nations?
Or could that be the handwriting on the wallthat something is about to change and it
is under the distress of nations that I said I will touch a little on 1 Samuel chapter 30
because there you will realize that somehow, you remember the story?
David and his men had left Ziklag and gone to battle and then while they were away,
the enemy i.e. the Amalekitesthose who lick up and leave nothing behind, came and
took their wives and their children, old men, everybody captive. They did not kill
anybody but they made sure they burnt everything down i.e. the city and they left. What
happened was that David and his men came back and they started weeping until they
had no strength left to weep. Is anybody in a situation where they have been weeping
lately? Good candidate, look up! Now I dont think some people heard what I just said. If
somehow it appears you are being pressed left right and centre, you are the right

Elul 29 of the Hebrew calendar (the very last day of the Shemitah Year) falls on Sunday, September 13th. This
day marks the beginning of the 70th Biblical Shemitah Jubilee. List of Jubilees found in Appendix 1.


candidate. He is here. If I were you, if my family is going through some things right now,
I just want to tell my family, Look Up! He is here. No, no, no, maybe my company is
going through some things, maybe the business is going through some things, this is the
time to say what? Look up, He is here! Maybe somehow my relationship with my
siblings, with other people, maybe with my co-workers has been going through some
challenges, well He is here. No I dont think some people heard what I just said. This is
the time you need to tell whatever it is that, He is here. Somebody talk to somebody,
talk to that situation, talk to that family, talk to that particular ministry, talk to that
particular anointing that seemed to have been going downwaning. Maybe it is your
prayer life, tell the prayer life, He is here.
Let me just move on now because somehow it appears that when people have just lost
everything, instead of asking Him, what do we do, [they cry]? How will the crying help
anything? Ask me or should I rather ask you. How will the crying help anything, how
will that help you recover anything? But is that not the thing we normally do? Stop
crying, look up! He is here. Come on, I say look up! He is here. Thats what you ought to
do. In fact tell your soul that because David encouraged himself in The Lord. When you
feel down, thats the time to say look up, He is here. And the good thing about He is here,
though I am talking about the end of time because His coming is so close and thats why
He wants to do a fast work, and thats why He is releasing so much so that those who
are ready will now begin to gather in the rest of the harvest. He will release all the
resources necessary for the final harnessing and the ingathering of the harvest. He
decided He was going to do it differently. He is going to give you supernatural
abilities to do things that which otherwise would have been impossible and what the
enemy might have gathered all this time, he has been gathering for you.
But when He says, Look up, He is here, it means at the very least you are telling the
situation God is inside here with me so I dont need to bother, I dont need to in any
shape or form even shake. Look up! He is here! Because when He told me that, I was
like, Lord, and then I realized somethingthat He is actually about to cause some
people to enter into a place of recovering everything the enemy has stolen
not only at the personal level but communal level.
If I were you I would want to tell even my community, Look up, He is here. I would tell
my neighbourhood, Look up, He is here. I would want to tell my city, Look up, He is
here. I would want to tell my nation, Look up, He is here. I would want to tell even the
entire continent, Look up, He is here.

Year Every Gate Lifts its Head for You

Let us read through and then I will come back to verses 25 to 28 okay.
Luk 21:25-28 KJV
(25) And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the
earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
(26) Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are
coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
(27) And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great
(28) And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads;
for your redemption draweth nigh.
Alright the sea and the waves roaring. Mens hearts failing them for fear, and for
looking after those things which are coming onto the earth: for the powers of heaven
shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power
and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up
your heads, look up and lift up your heads, look up and lift up your heads.
Let me say something here, if there has ever been a year that every single gate
will lift up its head for you, it is the year 2016. But you just need to know how to
enter because we are supposed to look up and lift up our heads because He is here. And
He is going to cause the gates to lift up their heads, so He can come in through you. And
literally during the year, there will be the ability to enter every gate in 2016 but
for now let me just go on quickly and finish reading.
He says for your redemption draweth nigh. So who is our redeemer? Who is our
redemption? The Lord! Ill come to that as I am speaking.
Luk 21:29-34 KJV
(29) And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees;
(30) When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is
now nigh at hand.
(31) So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of
God is nigh at hand.
(32) Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.
(33) Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
(34) And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with
surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you
Thats very important because for some of you thats what the devil tried to do to you.
The enemy would try to make sure, or satanas would try to make sure that there are

many things that are coming in for you to be so taken up with the concerns and the
cares so that you will not even realize what is happening around you. He says:
Luk 21:35-38 KJV
(35) For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
(36) Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all
these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(37) And in the day time he was teaching in the temple; and at night he went out, and
abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives.
(38) And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple, for to hear him.
...because anything He was saying was so important.

Promptness of Obedience & Strictness of Obedience

And one of the things that will happen this year is, you need to have promptness of
obedience and strictness of obedience. Please let me repeat that; promptness of
obedience and strictness of obedience. Thats why I went to the end because thats one of
the things He said to me. Promptness of obedience, strictness of obedience.
Promptness of obedience meaning that anything He says, you will obey as promptly as
He enables you and then whatever He says you will obey it as strictly as He has shown
Dont say well let me change it a bit. Are we together?

The Time to Look Up for Recovery

Luk 21:25-28 KJV
(25) And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the
earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
(26) Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are
coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
(27) And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great
(28) And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads;
for your redemption draweth nigh.
Distress of nations! Now when it comes to the aspect of distress of nations, as I have
already said, there are so many things that could have happened like the case of David
where its all of your children, all that you have ever lived for in life, has been taken and
not only that, you have no roof over your head. Everything is burnt.


What would you do?

Normally you would say okay, look, forget it. I will not even bother serving this God.
Where was God when these things were happening? Am I talking to real people here?
But God actually rather wants that time for you to look up! And thats the time you
should begin to rejoice, because your redemption has finally come. No I dont think some
people heard what I just said. Maybe it might have been that everything that you have
struggled over the years for is gone. And some of you have struggled over forty years,
fifty years for some things and all of a sudden it looks like you just lost that in one day.
And God says this is the time of recovery.

The Year of Pursuit, Surely Overtaking and Without Fail Recovering

For the sake of those of you that have not heard me say this because I have said it over
and over again. God said the year 2016 is the year of pursuit, surely overtaking
and without fail recovering all.
I have even preached a message on that. I am not going into too many details but I am
just saying, for the sake of those of you that have not heard this. 2016 is the year of
what? Pursuing, surely overtaking and without fail recovering all.
So what you need to do is that the anointing of the over taker is going to come over you
and you are going to receive that today, in the name of The Lord Jesus for those who
have not received already. For those who have received, we just activate it on a higher
level of expression and manifestation, in the name of The Lord Jesus.
He says distress of nations with perplexityand for the aspect of distress, this one you
dont need to be a prophet per say to know that there is intensification of some of the
things that are called natural disasters. But you will see it here. Its actually going to
increase unless there are changes.
When God said some things concerning Europe being shaken in that respect, some
people were like what would it be likefloods and all? They have what it takes to
handle them. Have you seen what has happened to England just in the week? When it
comes to God, God is beyond any of us and all of us put together. Thats why I said then
and those of you that were watching me from America then, I made it clear that dont
think that because you are in America it will not affect you. Its going to affect you.


In fact, there are certain things that have not happened in 50 years in the history of
America that without appropriate prayer, they will happen very seriously. I think Im
already going into nations when Im supposed to be just going ahead with this message.
Alright, and there shall be signs in the sun. I have already finished with that, excuse
me. Distress and perplexity of nations, the sea and the waves roaring. Now even when
it comes to the aspect of the sea and the waves roaring, it is important for us to get it
because there are all kinds of things that will happen in terms of floods. And some of
them are to correct some things that have been done over fifty years.

Nations Bound to Covenants

Now listen very attentively. Not every flood will be for that but there are certain floods
that will have to wash away certain things that had been put there by ancient covenants
in certain lands that have held nations bound.
When I was sharing something in South Africa with some people from Zambia, they
actually said that, that particular week unknown to me; they knew I didnt know about
it, the former president Kenneth Kaunda had just come out publicly to say that he was
releasing the nation from things he had bound the nation to and he was releasing the
party that he was leading from what he had bound it to, he was releasing the citizenry.
Can you imagine that? Specific things, but thats not what Im talking about now so Im
just letting you know there are things that people have bound nations to and if we dont
do something about it, God Himself is going to do it and it will be by flood in some of the
places. Mens hearts will fail them because of fear and for looking after those things
which are coming upon the earth because there are things now that people are talking
In fact global warming and all that, there are things that can be done easily to cut all
the gas emissions if they will be really serious and God is about to help some people with
the political will and also the forthrightness and the boldness. Three thingspolitical
will, forthrightness and boldness to finally take the decisions that need to be taken.
For lack of a better word, like as it were, bite the bullet. Now let me continue, He says
for the power of the heaven shall be shaken then and only thenthat aspect we havent
seen yet. Thats not what Im teaching onwill you see the son of man coming verse 27
of Luke 21.

Luk 21:25-28 KJV

(25) And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the
earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
(26) Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are
coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
(27) And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great
(28) And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads;
for your redemption draweth nigh.
Alright. For the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and then you will see what?
Come on, help meThe Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And
when these things begin to happen, they begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up
your heads for your redemption is HERE.

Look Up, He is Here!

Now thats where I want to break it down quickly because Im also being conscious of
how much time we have to start giving the prophetic words specifically and there might
be one or two people that God will want me to give specific things to but for now when
he says, Look up! He is here, what are we talking about?
What we are saying for example is that by wisdom a house is built. What are we talking
about? It means that, Look up, your wisdom is finally here. No, some people didnt hear
what I just said because when it comes to the aspect of wisdom, you are talking about
The Lord Jesus.
According to 1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 30, the bible says Hes been made unto us
wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. What we are saying in essence is
that when you see things happen like that, when these things begin to happen, look up!
Your wisdom is here. When these things begin to happen, Look up, Your righteousness
is here. When these things begin to happen, Look up, Your redemption is here. For when
these things begin to happen, every word that you see in 1 Corinthians 1 verse 30; you
know thats what they are saying is here.

The Year of Excellence and Distinction Pt 2

If I were in your shoes, what I would want to do is begin to rejoice because now when I
see more of these things happening, (and more of these things will happen in 2016), you
need to remember that this is for your redemption, it is for God to make a distinction

because it is the year of excellence and distinction. So it means, it is for your

distinction so you should actually rather rejoice. You say my righteousness and
vindication is of Him and He is here. Some of you have been crying that nobody actually
is willing to listen to your case. They are falsely accusing you and doing all kinds of
things. This year, look up! No no I didnt hear somebody, I said look up! That means it
looks like everything had been lost; it looked like everybody was against you; it looked
like some people decided against you that your case is sealed; it looked like you are dead
man or dead meat I want you to remember, look up, because your shield and your
buckler is Him. Not only that, He is my rock, the rock. Are we together? So when it
comes to things like everybody is coming, it appears like a whole nation is coming, it
appears even a whole army is coming, shall I pursue this troop? Will I overtake them?
Yes, pursue the troop, for you will surely overtake them and without fail you will recover
all. Thats on one side. Another side, the troop is coming against you.

Our Light & Salvation is Here

Psa 27:1-3 AMP
(1) [A Psalm] of David. THE LORD is my Light and my Salvation--whom shall I fear or
dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid?
(2) When the wicked, even my enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh,
they stumbled and fell.
(3) Though a host encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against
me, [even then] in this will I be confident.
Youre my light and my salvation, though a troop comes against me, I will not be afraid,
A whole armylet the armed forces of nations come, and I mean what Im saying. I have
seen a few things before, where it is literally three different groups after me. I mean
three different groups including military, including different other groups. For a whole
nation, just one man, combing bushes, they want to shoot on sight. For real. And Im
still here. This is twenty eight (28) years later. Why? Because when it comes to God, God
is greater than any man and all men put together. So when He says look up, He is here,
it means He has come in as your light. Are you looking for light? He is here.
Maybe you have been sitting in darkness and you dont understand what Im talking
about. Im talking about Luke chapter 1 verse 78 down to about verse 83 or there about
where He talks of the fact that a light has risen for those that sat in darkness. Maybe
youve been sitting in darkness, maybe there has been confusion, and maybe you dont
even know what to do in life Some of you young people, you dont know what to do.

Look up! Finally your LIGHT is here, your salvation is here, your direction is here, your
director is here.

Gods BrandFor His Names Sake

He is the one who is your shepherd and you shall not want. He leads you besides the
still waters. He leads you in the paths of righteousness. He is not leading you because of
you. He is leading you for His name sake. Because He has stamped His brand on you.
He doesnt want to be disgraced. He doesnt want people to say so where is your God? So
did you say you are serving that God? So how come you are like this? No No No for
His name sake. Thats why some people when they actually have their brand in terms of
just a sign, a little sign on the back of a phone like apple and some of those other people,
they say I have given you a warranty for their name sake. They dont know what you
look like. They dont even know anything about you. They could care less whether you
are black, brown, yellow, or red, whatever but its their product in your hands. Is
anybody with me?
I was talking of the fact that you need to know that for His name sake, He leads me
beside the still waters. I mean He leads me down the paths of righteousness for His
name sake. Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no
evil. For thou art with me. That means even if it looks like where you are going to is
looking like one of those places that you will not be able to make it, tell yourself He is
here. And I know Im going through. Nothing is going to stop me. I will fear no evil for
thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. If you dont understand that,
what it means is the fact that He is here means that anybody that wants to come and
try to misbehave around you, there is a rod. It also means that if I am about to stray out
of the path His staff.
Tell your neighbour again, look up! Not only that. If you are talking about something
like that, even in terms of He is your rock and your salvation, I could have gone into all
the other scriptures concerning the rock of our salvation but let me use the last one
which is:
Some of you, you noticed 2 Samuel chapter 22 and psalm 18 are the same.
2Sa 22:18 KJV
(18) He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me: for they
were too strong for me.

Read them for yourself. You will see that He talks about being rock of salvation; in one
case its verse 2 the other one verse 3. And then you have verse 46 and 47.
2Sa 22:46-47 KJV
(46) Strangers shall fade away, and they shall be afraid out of their close places.
(47) The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and exalted be the God of the rock of my
We are talking of what? 2 Samuel chapter 22 and psalm 18. I am leaving that.
Let me just move on quickly to the one that I said I wanted to use as the last for the rock
of salvation and then I am going to shift gears a bit into something that God said I
should let you know. After you get that, I think your 2016 is okay.

Gods Pen
But let me just finish with this one. That aspect of Deuteronomy chapter 32, most of you
Deu 32:1-4 KJV
(1) Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.
(2) My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain
upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:
(3) Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God.
(4) He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and
without iniquity, just and right is he.
Now He says first of all, hear O heavens and I will speak and harken O earth to the
words of my mouth or my lips. Now first of all, it means from now, God wants you to
become what? His pen! He will be writing on the heavens, writing on the earth, writing
everywhere. May God cause you this very day to enter that level of operation, in the
name of The Lord Jesus.
Alright. Deuteronomy chapter 32, verses 3 and 4. Ascribe greatness to our God the rock,
His work is perfect and all His ways are just. A God of faithfulness and without
injustice, good and upright is He.

The Mystery of the Secret Place of The Most High

Even so we declare the activation of our recovery and mystery in life. Let
everything that must be recovered now be recovered. But particularly, one of the
things that God said concerning this year, the mystery of the secret place of

the most high and they did not know what I was going to talk about and brought
a note. From this moment, I declare that everything that has stolen whatever is
supposed to have been released to you is arrested now.

Recovery & Restoration

Now I am giving you exodus chapters 22 to 25; even just 22 and 23 will do it but up to 25
because of some of the other things. But you will notice there that if you catch a thief
that is breaking in, you are supposed to take double; when you catch him. If its in his
hand when you catch him, he has to return double. If you catch him with it. If on the
other hand he had taken it away and gone and he has to restore. How many times?
Okay four is for restitution. But if it is a cow, it is supposed to be five times, if it is
sheep, its four times. You didnt hear what I just said to you. That is the reason why
anybody that will actually steal from the people of God this year, and they know what to
do, that person is in trouble. Not only would you have a situation where everything is
being recovered and restored, but they will end up losing so much and some of them will
end up with the challenged that you see Zechariah chapter 5 talks about. I wont go into
the details on that. There are some very serious things that are going to happen this
year. In fact there was something that happened last year that Im praying for the
person that God will help the person to quickly repent because within maximum a
month and a half, people will begin to see such things being manifested in the persons

Dwelling In the Secret Place

Now talking about that last bit, we are looking at dwelling in the secret place of the
Most High. Dwelling In the secret place of The Most High because there are secrets that
God is about to share with people in 2016 that will require that mystery of the secret
place of the Most High speaking.
Especially because of the things God wants to show in 2016. It will be very important for
you to actually discover the mystery of the secret place of the most high because there
are things that God will show you supernaturally that you would have required 10, 20,
30, 40, in some cases 50 years to ever gain access to. And He is going to show you in one
year2016. Some of you are going to change the face of business; the way business is
done because there will be divine patterns that God is going to show.
Remember, divine patterns are divinely inspired ideas for new frontiers in life and
business and ministry. Now this is a secret, thats one of the secrets; the mystery of the

secret place of the Most High. It is what happened to people like Peter and John. What
When they did something extra ordinary that nobody ever thought [of]. They had not
been to school. They are unschooled ordinary men. They say howbeit that these people
can do things like this. What was the answer? They realized they had been with Jesus.
There is a mystery of the secret place of the Most High. When you come out from the
secret place of the Most High like Moses did, something happened because He says look
up He is here. It is at a higher level now. He is not just here to meet your needs. How
many of you know that song? :
Jesus is here right now
Jesus is here right now
He is here to meet your needs
To set the captives free
O Jesus is here right now
He is here for me to see, what Hes always wanted done
O Jesus is here right now
He is here to show to me, the mystery of the secret place
O Jesus is here right now
Maybe I better repeat that
He is here to show to me, the mystery of the secret place
O Jesus is here right now
What kind of mystery?
He is here to show to me, the mystery of The Most High God
O Jesus is here right now

So when it comes to the aspect of, you know He is here, look up, one of the things He is
coming to do from what He was showing me is actually to take you into the secret place
of Most High so He will activate the mystery. Please if there has never been a time
you sought God, let this be the year you seek God. If there has ever been a time that you
fasted, let this be the year you truly fast. If there has not been a year that you really
dedicated to God everything of yours including the aspect of times that otherwise, you
would have used for your business, for your work, for you regular things, this is the year
you must do that.


I am saying what God said concerning the aspect of the mystery of secret place of the
Most Highthat there will be things that will be released. Part of His coming, look up,
He is here is for Him to activate the mystery of the secret place of the Most High.
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High God, shall abide under the shadow
of The Almighty. I will say of The Lord He is my what? He is my refuge and my fortress.
And what else? I like the fact that a mighty fortress is our God. A bulwark never failing.

Revelations 4 & 5 Experiences

Key point is that actually in that particular realm of operation, we are going to see
Revelation 4 and 5. This one I wrote down specifically. That means you are going to
have an experience of Revelation chapter 4 and Revelation chapter 5. Revelation chapter
4 most of you know that because He said come up here and what happened? A door,
a portal was opened in heaven and immediately I was caught up into heaven.
May God cause some of you to be caught up into heaven. May God cause you this year to
be caught up into another realm of operation. May God raise you to another level where
you begin to operate in the supernatural at levels you have never dreamt of before. May
God cause some of you to be caught up in the spirit and begin to see things in the spirit
youve never dreamt you will see. May God cause some of you to be caught up in the
spirit and receive patterns and receive specific instructions and receive designs and
receive even some models. You know because I can see the fact that as I am even
speaking, some people right now are downloading. I see some scrolls coming down from
heaven right now, scrolls are coming down right now from heaven and I see some things
happening right now.
The point I am making here and you might be watching wherever you are, all over the
worldBermudayou know, let me not go into names of the specific nations because I
know about some of you that are watching.
I say wherever you are right now as I pray this prayer and as I release this, whatever is
supposed to come your way, I declare released to you right now. Let that which is
supposed to be released to you now come down because as I saw the scrolls you know
just rolling out, its like a machine, a printing machine just releasing all kinds of things
and its almost like the old fax machine where the thing was being printed in rolls and
the things were coming out. I see things coming out and for those of you who dont
understand those ones. For example, if you went to a teller in a shopping mall,
sometimes you see the roll coming out being printed. Now imagine a bigger type of that.

Thats what I see happening right now. God is releasing some things coming down and
the scrolls will be given to you. And you will be able to read the scrolls. And you will be
able to interpret the scroll. And there will be the ability to also see some things that you
never imagined you could see.
I release that grace. I release that anointing. I release that ability. I release that
capability. I release that capacity to you right now in the name of The Lord Jesus. Let
God arise in your life and let His enemies be scattered. Let God arise in your life and let
His foes flee before Him. As smoke that is driven before the wind, I declare them blown
away now. As wax that melts before the fire so let the wicked perish in the name of the
presence of the Lord right now. Arise O God and let your enemies be scattered. Arise O
God and pull your people up into their place. Arise O God and raise your people to the
platforms that you ordained for them. Arise O God and cause each one of them to begin
to soar on the wings of the eagle according to your original plan and purpose in the
name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We give you praise and we give you all the glory Lord
because we know youve heard and done beyond our wildest imagination. In the name of
The Lord Jesus, I declare an activation right now of everything that is necessary for
some of the people to at least be able to download and interpret what is supposed to be
interpreted right now. For the ones that we are yet to do on the first day of the week,
Lord we would do it. But for now Lord, given what youve shown me, I declare an
activation right now of whatever needs to be activated for your people. Speaking in the
spirit. In the name of The Lord Jesus. Everything that is keeping anybody from rising
into their full potential, today I declare it judged. I declare it cleared. I declare it taken
out of the way. I declare it burnt, I declare it melted. I declare it completely blown away,
never again to be found by the power that is invested in the name and the blood of
Jesus. I declare right now that every spirit that has stood in the way of people, that is
actually having to do with your family lineage, with your background, with whatever it
iswith whatever things you have touched in the past, I declare from this day that
those things are being dealt with right now in the name of The Lord Jesus. They are
being given quit order now. GO! Never again to return. In the name of The Lord Jesus.

No More Struggle
One of the things that would happen with the mystery of the secret place of The
Most High is that all of a sudden, youre going to see things that you had to struggle and


struggle and struggle to get a little bit of, come to you literally in droves and it will be so
much that you would have to look for people that you can share with.
And listen, thats just the beginning stage. There are some of us that God is literally
going to help to now help nations. What that will mean is that its not just going to be
one area. And its not just going to be in the area of the economy but every area; the
eight gates of society. God is about to bring people to that level. In fact, there are certain
things that God told me concerning a group that Hes going to raise here today that
would actually help them enter another level of covenant expression of His altars for
those platforms; the eight gates of society. And its going to be, you know through many
expressions but there will be one expression that you will see today. When He says, lets
go to the psalm 91 quickly please because He is about to take many of us into another
realm of operation. In fact you remember that there is a rest that remains for the people
of God. He said there are some of you that will enter that this year. And I said Lord,
may I be one if I have not already entered. Glory to God.
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the
shadow of the almighty. I will say of The Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress.
My God in Him will I trust.
Yes, Surely He shall hide me, He shall deliver me.
He shall deliver from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence.
Thats for deliverance.
Lets go. He shall cover you with His feathers and under His wings shall you
trust. His truth shall be your shield and your buckler.
Now there is so much in each one of those verses. We dont have the time to unpack all
of them. I just want you to see that the mystery of the secret place of The Most High is
including all of these things; including covering. So all the people who might have
decided they want to kill you because you are standing for God, they should wait and
You shall not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flies at day.
And then for the pestilence that walks in the darkness, nor for the destruction


that works at noonday. A thousand shall fall by your side and ten thousand at
your right hand, but it shall not come nigh you. You will only behold with your
eyes and see the reward of the wicked because you have made The Lord which is
your refuge, even The Most High your habitation.
Thats the aspect I want. I want you to get something. It means from now you will
actually not only be quoting a scripture. In him I live and move and have my being. You
will be an expression of the scripture. No no I dont think some people heard me.
Ok maybe you want me to say from today, glory to God, it will not only be a quotation
from the scriptures, but you are going to be a manifestation, you are going to be a
physical expression, you are going to be one of those bundles of expression of the
manifestation of the reality of the scripture; that in Him, I live and move and have my
being. Hallelujah. I didnt hear somebody shout hallelujah. Glory to God. Well its the
same thing I said.
Are we together? So the point I am making is that everyone of us needs to get to that
place where it is no more a quotation. Its a reality of expression. That every day you
move, you are actually moving in Him, you are living in Him, you are having your being
in Him; everything, you are just an expression of that reality.
And one of the things, the secrets for entering the mystery of the secret place of The
Most High, I already told you. It was there in Revelation chapter 4 and Revelation
chapter 5. What was the difference?
It is the RHEMA. I have just given you the secret. The Rhema. Come up here That
was a Rhema. I show you something and you are weeping because you dont know what
to do. Because you know, you are there and nobody is able to open the scroll, break the
seals and read what is in the scroll. And you hear weep not, behold the lion of the tribe
of Judah, the root of David, He has triumphed. He is able to break the seals, open the
book and to read therein. And then I looked and I saw as it were, a lamb that had been
slain stand.

Adversity that Results In Promotion

Oh oh. I dont think some people heard what I just said. It is when I am killed that I will
stand. If you dont know what you are doing, you decide you want to destroy me, it is in
your attempt to destroy me that you will promote me. You think that everything of
yours is now to ensure that you put me under. While you are going down and you still

think you are pushing me, you are pushing something that is just a figurine of me. Im
already standing up there, much taller than you. I dont think some people heard what I
just said. And thats the reason why it is important for you to get to the place where you
know that when God has spoken concerning the mystery of the secret place of The
Most High God.
You need to enter into the expression of the mystery of the secret place of The Most High
God by making The Lord your habitation. If I were you, even before we get to the end of
this message, Id want to pray right now for at least a minute or two and enter into the
mystery of the secret place of The Most High as it pertains to The Lord being my
Lord right now I lay my hands on my head, Lord I cant do with the two hands
because I am using the microphone but I declare concerning everyone here now, as
many as are ready to respond to your word. Lord as many also that are ready,
that you have prepared over the years and because they have walked with you and
they are ready for this particular level of operation where they have entered the
rest that remains for the people of God, where they have entered the mystery of the
secret place of The Most High God, Lord let there be an activation now of the
ability to really make you the reality of habitation. Not just one that we will see
from time to time, not one that will just believe he is but we are a true expression
of on a daily basis and the reality is evident to all. And is becoming more and
more real not only in the areas that people talk about mundane things that have
to do just with this earth, because they are things that pass with the using, but
even eternal things. That people will see indeed that eternally we are inhabitants
of The Most High God as it were for lack of a better word; if they are looking for
address, they will have to come to you. Many times people want to send things to
our address. You know sometimes people want to send all kinds of messengers,
emissaries, murderers, all of that. As they come they see you they see you they see
you they see you. When people send all kinds of arrows, fiery darts, missiles,
spears, javelins, they will see you. But at the same time Lord also because of our
address, when they say where are you coming from God, everything that hitherto
would have been impossible, it will be open. Doors that had been impossible will
be open this year to your glory. We declare because we were coming from your
presence, we are coming from your presence, because when it came to somebody
who stands before The Most High God, he ended up just saying look I have come

to give the message, not only to Daniel but also when it came to the various groups
like the case of Mary the mother of Jesus. It was the one who stands in Your
presence like Gabriel that came because from now on let every trumpet of the
angels that must be blown be blown. Not the ones that are the last seven trumpets
but any trumpet that is supposed to be blown for a particular time, let that
trumpet be blown right now in the name of The Lord Jesus.

Angelic Trumpeters
I better explain something before I finish praying because some of you might be
wondering about the last trump of God. No no no no, and its not also the last seven
trumpets in the book of revelation. Because when it came to Moses, before the revelation
because this is the thing, it is the secret place of The Most High. There was a loud blast
of the trumpet that made the whole earth tremble. Is anybody with me? There was an
earthquake just because of that trumpet blast. Are we together? And it was the trumpet
of the angels because it was not Moses, it was not the Israelites blowing the trumpet. Is
anybody with me? In the book of Exodus. And it was only after that, that God now said
Come up to the mountain. Remember? All right, so so so it means that when I am
praying for the angelic trumpeters that are assigned to your case, that are assigned to
your family, that are assigned to your neighbourhood, that are assigned to your
community, that are assigned to your city, that are assigned to your nation, that are
assigned to our continent, that are assigned to other continents, that are assigned to the
body of Christ worldwide. I really mean, now that some people are going to begin to
hear, come up to the mountain, and when they come at that level, its going to be a
different level altogether, some things are going to be unveiled to you, because many
times people think he went to the mountain for the ten commandments. Actually he had
received the Ten Commandments before that, but God now was writing that in terms of
the tablets plus other commandments. Is everybody with me? And including even
lifestyle laws, hygienic laws, there were other laws that had to do with economics;
economic laws and all that. Is anybody with me? What I am saying is that when you get
to that level of operation with God which I am about to pray you into, you are going to
now become somebody that people will wonder that they cannot figure you out, they
dont know where you are coming from, they dont know where you are going, they dont
know what exactly is happening with you and they are just wondering what, so how
come we dont even know, we really think weve got a hang of what is going on in this
life so we can cut it off but we cannot even find, we cant fathom any more, and they will
rather hear, if I were in your shoes I would rather join him. I will rather join her. So that

the prayer I am praying. By Gods mercy and grace I dont pray prayers just because I
brought a prayer list. It is the prayers that God has given me. So I am praying the
manifestation into being. Is anybody with me?
So now that God has said look pray that the angels because I was already praying
then I felt stop stop stop, the people dont fully understand because some people were
even struggling in their heads. Eii, angelic trumpeters at this time? Eii maybe then the
end has come O, because in the book of Revelation the last seven trumpets, that was the
end. No no no! Yes we are going towards the end but the thing we are talking about is
different. It is the angelic trumpeters over your case.
Israel did not cease to exist after that. It rather began to live, it began to really rule, it
began to make impact, it began to become more relevant, it began. I dont know if some
of you realize what happened. When God has encountered you, like the case of Moses,
where He encountered him in the burning bush and he came back. And then each time
he would go back to the secret place of The Most High. Is anybody following now? When
he came out towards the end, what did they say? They used to call them Hebrew slaves,
please go and check your bible. In spite of the fact that the very first message was let my
people go, I am The Lord God of these people, He says Israel is my first born, thats
chapter 4. Chapter 7 is the beginning of the plagues right? Ok so thats Exodus for those
of you that dont know what I am talking about. Now if Hes already said it in chapter 4
verses 22 and 23 that Israel, Israel; thats how He introduced and then again Hebrew
slaves, Hebrews, Hebrews slaves. Do you know what happened? By the time God now
begun to show them the difference between who is God and who is not true God, what
did they say? The God of Israel. Go and read, go and check. Even when they say that
small boy, O that guy, he doesnt know where he is going O that guy, the one who is in
that place behind trade fair? Hallelujah, glory to God forever more. By the time God
begins in 2016 to do some things, theyll say I always knew hell make it. No no some
people didnt hear what I just said. I have always known. You know he is one of those I
really respect. Hallelujah! Some of you didnt hear what I just said. So so so the prayer
Im about to pray for you and youre watching through live streaming, I want you to
know that this live streaming is not just about your watching, you are a partaker, you
are a participant, you are receiving because God is not limited by time nor by space.
Right now you are going to receive the same kind of anointing, you are going to receive
the same kind of impartation. Yes I know there is a whole three days of impartation and
activation but this one is actually for this mystery of the secret place of The Most High.

That is something beyond the regular. So receive that right now because the mystery of
the secret place of The Most High is about to be released to you right now and I am
going to pray that prayer as I said to God, just as a token of He Himself laying a hand
on me. If you dont understand what I am doing by that, its not just the doctrine of
laying on of hands, no He is actually by His Spirit, and His Spirit is the finger of God. So
the Spirit, He took Ezekiel by the lock of his hair. That means He laid His hand on his
head and pulled him up and He took him in the spirit into the place that is called the
valley of dry bones and all of that in Ezekiel 37 and also we see it in Ezekiel chapter 1,
we see it in Ezekiel chapter 10, we see it in so many other places.
Let everything that is necessary today, Lord as I bring the people before you and
declare the activation of everything that has been lying dormant in our lives, that
had to do with the mystery of the secret place of The Most High especially the
aspect of your being our habitation, right now I declare that activated, especially
by the trumpet of the angels, the trumpet of the angelic trumpeters, the angelic
trumpeters that are assigned to our lives, that are assigned to our families, that
are assigned to our neighborhoods, that are assigned to our communities, that are
assigned to our cities, that our assigned to our nation, that are assigned to our
continent, that are assigned to the body of Christ, that are assigned to Logos
Rhema Foundation for Leadership Resource Development, that are assigned to
even the nations of Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa. Let everything that must be
released be released right now. We declare that settled according to your original
plan and purpose. Arise and defend your cause, arise and defend your stake, in
the name thats above all names; Jesus Christ The Lord, and I declare those
angels activated now, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
There are a few things that God wants activated right now.

Eavesdropping on Meeting of World Leaders

There are serious things that are going to be happening concerning various parts of the
world. I said I was just going to share one or two. I was taken into a meeting where I
saw Putin, Erdoan, Obama, the king of Saudi Arabia, then somebody I couldnt quite
figure out but was representing Iraq and Iran at the same time. And there were things
that were being discussed. And it was like a meeting that was to solidify certain things
that had been discussed somewhere already. And dont be surprised if you see people or
have even seen people that have been working against their own nation because they
have sworn an oath to each other to do certain things.

Now God did say we should watch Russia, watch Turkey, remember last year? But this
time, there are all kinds of things that will be happening and sometimes they will even
become a little confusing.
The whole thing is about energy. Its about energy. But God says its time for people
to stop seeking energy that is not sustainable, because sustainability is the key word. In
fact, energy, agriculture and water resources.
God said sustainability, sustainability, sustainability. So anything youre going to do
that is related to this, you must look at sustainability aspect. I am saying that before I
finish what I was saying concerning those meeting because these people are actually
trying to focus everything now on the Middle East.
Initially I was asking, why am I seeing Obama? I thought he has finished, then I
remembered oh no, he hasnt finished his tenure of office until 2016; end of 2016. Or is
he not finishing? I dont know. But the point I am making here is the fact that whatever
it is, what God is saying for those of you that are watching, you could even be
representatives of the White House and all that, what God is saying is, it is time to seek
Him and rather do things according to His pattern. If you dont, what Hes already
released as part of the judgment for the nations will still come.

Prayer Needed for West: Challenges Ahead

In fact, there are things that will require the body of believers to pray to mitigate
because there are some serious challenges that are coming on the nations, when it
comes to Europe, comes to America and all of that.

China in Africa
And many people have been trying to fight China coming to into Africa and India and
some of those places. God did say it how many years back? 2009 or 2006, 2008, at least
2007 he started talking about the fact that there will be transfer of technology. 2009 it
was very strong, and He said we should welcome people. And then I believe it was 2010

Arab World & Africa

He said even when it comes to the Arab world, we should rather seek ways we to
harness that [relationship] for His glory.


So if God gives you people that are supposed to be your partners, then you [should]
rather try to point them to His glory because the Arab world belongs to Him. By the
way, one of the things God said, yes its here, was the fact that the year 2016 is going to
be the year for the manifestation of Genesis 16, Genesis 22 and Isaiah 19 verses
23 to 25 in the same year, manifested. Let me take that again. Itll be the year of
Genesis 16, Genesis 22, Isaiah 19 verses 23 to 25 manifested in the same year. Meaning
we are going to see where, even in the Islamic world, Ishmael, the Genesis 16 becoming
a realitywhere his hand will be against everyone, everyones hand will be against him,
and even amongst his own brethren. And weve already seen a bit of that, but dont be
surprised if you see intensification.
Currently its just being a fight against Saudi Arabia and Iran mainly, and their allies.
In the case of Yemen and even Iraq, when you see people talking of Sunnis and Shiites
it is mainly those two. Is everybody with me? But there might be an intensification
where even they themselves will get confused a bit. Thats what I saw. And thats
because of the manifestation of Genesis 16, Genesis 22, because of the covenant of God
with Abraham, which is a good preparation.

Final Take Off Into Full Flight

I can already see why this is the final take off into full flight. He didnt say you have
reached your destination because for Africa, it means Hes going to help us if we really
get it right. We would then be the ones who can be the peace makers, and also giving
direction. Is anybody with me? Because we are the ones equipped to help both the sons
of Ishmael and the sons of Isaac. Come on, thats the Isaiah 19. So it will be both.

Five African Presidents Leading Gods Way

So it is very important, and if you are a president listening to me, and by the way, there
will be at least five (5) presidents on the continent of Africa this year that will begin to
lead the way God wants. They will be leading with the welfare of the people at heart,
they will be leading with justice, they will be leading with righteousness, they will be
leading with truth and integrity. Five (5) You will see it clearly. I already have gotten
three clear locations but I wont say yet. Of course, I mean you know one is not too far
from us. And it is important for everyone to realize that when it comes to God and He
begins to speak like that, you either shape up or be shifted out. In fact, shape up or you
will be shaken out. So it is very important for us to make sureno distortions of Gods

Mass Protests
Now I already said that I did see that if people dont begin to sit up and do the right
thing, there will be mass protests. I wasnt only talking about Africa; I was talking about
the world. Dont be surprised if you see quite a bit of that in the West. And some of it
will just start small and then it will really grow. And what God wants, please if you
havent heard anything else dont lose sight of this onewhat God wants concerning this
one is that His people will be able to seek Him with the mystery of the secret place of the
Most High speaking to them, letting them know what to do, how to direct the rest of the
world, because the world is looking for direction. Are we together? Thats very very
important. That said, I want to now change gear quickly and tell you something that is
coming out of the mystery of the secret place of the Most HighHis power for wealth.

Restoration, Recovery, New Foundations for Wealth, Innovative

Patterns, Release etc
Because there will be restoration, there will be recovery, there will new foundations for
wealth, there will be innovative patterns, there will be release.
Ive already told you about divinely inspired ideas for new frontiers for life and for
business generally.

Special Services for January, May, July and October

And because of that, we would even have special services for the last first day of the
week of the month for four of the months of this year namely January, May, July and
January, May, July and October, because they have five weeks. We will have those as
praise, worship and testimony services.
We will even have situations where people give testimonies and then people break out
into praise and worship in terms of singing, in terms of poetry, in terms of dance, terms
of any other way God wants it. It could be clapping, it could be shouting, all the other
ways of the expression.
The last first day of the week and like you already know, for the ones that fall within the
fast, they would then be with the fast. The ones that fall outside the fast because one or
two might fall outside of the fast; they are without fasts unless God specifically tells you
to do that.

Releasing Power for Wealth

All of these will all be geared towards releasing power for wealth. Hear me and
hear me very clearly, power for wealth, not power just for riches, not power just for
money. We are talking of wealth, we are talking of strength, you are talking of Gods
ability, you are talking of Gods power, you are talking about Gods army being released
to you, you are talking about Gods health. Is anybody with me here? So all of these
things being released and then of course if Gods ability is there, that includes ability to
also make riches, make money, whatever. Is anybody with me? So please dont limit
God. Remember [the] blank cheque [God has given us this year 2016]? Dont go writing
money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money everywhere. No, no, no
begin to write what God wants you to write.
And because of what God wants to do, its very interesting, very interesting; Ive seen a
few things that God is releasing. I will talk about that when its just family. And I was
just reminded of some I had even noted down with specific names that had to do with
changes that are coming to this house, transformations coming to this house, promotions
coming to this house, propulsions coming to this house, but then there is this aspect that
has to do with the power for wealth.

God gave me a group, a special group that will be called G8-18, that means G then 8,
hyphen 18 and thats because they are going to operate in the spirit of Deuteronomy
chapter 8 verse 18, but they are a group that goes beyond the regular.
Deu 8:18 KJV But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth
thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto
thy fathers, as it is this day.
And you are talking about a group that is something beyond the regular. I am repeating
that because there are two hundred and twenty four (224) [members] in that group. Now
the rest of you can join them. Are we together? And some of the people might not be here
[but then] some of the people might be here. You might be watching by live streaming
and you want to join, just send a message. We would make sure you are included. This is
what is going to happen. We are not calling people forward today.
Now for the G8-18, they are going to be used by the Lord to become the altars and
preservers and activators of the covenant for the eight gates of the society. Thats the
first group. Now the two hundred and twenty four will be made up of [a group] of 8

[persons], plus [a group of] 24 [persons], plus [another group of] 72 [persons], plus [a last
group of] 120 [persons]. Is anybody with me? Ok. 8 plus 72 is what? 80, plus 24 is what?
104, plus 120 is what? 224.
Is that clear? So that is the special group. Others can join them both in prayer and in
giving. Remember its the year of giving, and abundance of grace, and what? Power. So
this is what is going to happen.

Group of Eight
The group of eight, will be people that will give minimum of USD3000 every month for
the whole of 2016. What happens thereafter, I will hear. If I havent heard, I am not
going to start telling you what I havent heard. Did you hear what I said? If He says
anything after that, I will let you know but I do know that this fund will be reaching far
far beyond 2016. But its not necessarily the contributions. Alright... And to show that I
believe it, I already asked The Lord to permit me to be the number one and leave only
seven slots for others. So we give God glory for His mercies. I already told you Im not
calling you forward. Its dollars! Its U.S. dollars or its equivalent in Cedis.
And by the way, after the three and a half years that God had spoken about, you know
about two months ago, some of these so called hard currencies might not be anything
when you compare them. Ok. Its alright, some of you didnt get that but dont worry
because youre going to see the difference.
For now thats what I heard. I am just doing that because if you asked me I would have
probably gone the way of an African currency. And its going to come.
Free Trade Area
In fact there are certain things that God had released and I saw as if there were some
spirits that had been sent to keep them from coming down including the Free Trade
Area. During these three days, first three days of 2016, one of the things well release is
that because I wont go into all the details of what we will be doing. So that it wont be
like Im advertising so you will come. You let God speak to you. Is that not what we
agreed we will be doing? So let Him speak to you. So the eight, thats only seven slots
left, so if God speaks to you, write your name with your details. When we are going
through the time of the communion, you would now come and just drop that in my hand
and then we would then call you for a meeting, then we will tell you specific things that
God wants to do.


Group of Twenty-Four
Then the next group of twenty four will give a minimum of USD1000 a month or its
equivalent in Cedis. Thats the group of twenty four.

Group of Seventy Two

Then you have the next group which is seventy twominimum of USD250 or its
equivalent. Thats for the seventy two.

Group of One Hundred And Twenty

And then the group of one hundred and twenty will be doing minimum of USD120 each.
And those of you that were actually very attentive will notice before, what God had said
was the aspect of hundred when it was CWF. But this one I heard 120 very clearly and
the explanation will be given when the time comes.
Im just finishing that so that we now understand what it is that we are dealing with
and I am going to introduce some three people that will be managing. Nobody knew
about this until I came today. But I decided to speak. You know what, I hope I am not
embarrassing you. Aunty Dinah, where are you? Please come. Give her a microphone.
Now she is the one that God has chosen. I wasnt too sure initially because her name
just popped up. I talked about two possible groups, but I told the people I was meeting
with, her name popped up in my spirit and then I was asking her whether she was
willing to accept that responsibility because of the seriousness of the responsibility.
Because I gave her explanations beyond what you are hearing publicly. Because the only
thing I know about the use, its only 20% of it that I know what it will be used for, the
80% up till now I would be lying to you if I said I know. Are we together? Because I dont
do things just anyhow, I do only what God has told me to. Now what did you tell me?
Aunt Dinah speaking I told pastor that I dreamt last night around 2am that, in fact I
didnt tell you this, before then, I was a chairperson of a certain meeting. Then the
second dream was that you called me and some others for a meeting and that was
around trade fair walking down towards this place 2am this morning.
Are we together? Now I just want you to realize that its not one of those gimmicks, Im
not doing it for, I mean those who have known me for a very long while, they know that
I am not doing it as a gimmick. Thats what I have heard from God. And when it comes
to God, He only knows what He is doing. And normally, to be very very sincere, there
are certain things I say, if somebody is very new, I do not want to give the person a
responsibility and all that. But when God decides, thats His own thing. And there could

have been all kinds of reasons why I would not call the two assistants, but God gave
reason for them to be called. I met with people, initially, I thought just one of them but
it turned out the two of them, and we finally realized the thing about the youth and the
explosion in Africa is what God is already [confirming] from the mouth of two or three
witnesses, a thing shall be established, so the minimum is coming. So we now have
Andy Botchway as the one coming to assist. Come because we are going to pray over
them and then the other person is Christiane Osei. Yea thats why the explanation. And
thats why hes in the middle. We are praying over them, they are going to handle the
CWF, CIF, whatever God wants to still do with it. Ken is there with his group,
But this one, G8-18 that is what this is about. And like I said I only know about the use
of 20% of it. The rest I do not know yet and to show you there is no gimmicks. Some
people know here its not because I have something I am always drawing every month
that I am relying on but I believe it enough to know that haba, blank cheque, there will
be more than enough. So I have taken the first slot. Only seven slots left. So if you come
in the category of the 24 and you want to join the group later, thats your own thing,
discuss it with God, transact, you know negotiate, thats your choice. I have said my
part; I have done my part. That is it. The reason why I want you to pray for these ones is
because if they manage it properly, every gate of society in Africa is about to finally be
released. There will be no lack, there will be no insufficiency, there will be no frustration
unnecessarily, there will also not be such things like, well were not too sure we can find
our way because everything that is needed to now put people in the path that they
should be going would be in place. Is everybody with me? How God is going to do it, I
dont know. That I heard, and its going to affect the rest of the nations of the world.
How that will happen, I wont tell you now. If God releases me to share it generally, I
have a few people that I will share with how its going to affect the rest of the nations of
the world and if you go asking people, they are permitted to tell you they dont know
even if they knew because that is the official version from God for them. They say I dont
know. Im saying that upfront so you dont go asking people, so eheh, so that thing
about affecting, so how is it going to affect the nations? Please! Especially because you
have now seen these ones. And I can tell you without any fear of contradiction that these
people are not people who are going to do things just anyhow.
This woman, shes been here for how long? So 1999 or 1998? 1999. Okay so shes been
here for at least sixteen years, no no no twenty six years. No no no sixteen, I was correct
the first time. Now we have not done this, shes had different positions given her by the

nation even long ago but we havent done this. But this time, this is what I heard. You
are looking at her, for those of you that dont know her, she is somebody even on Bank of
Ghana board. So its not somebody that wouldnt know how to handle what is being
handed to her. But we will leave it at that for those of you that dont know from out
there, thats the central bank of Ghana. Alright back to the point.
Im just saying were going to pray for them so that they would do exactly what God
wants because we would also help them to ensure that things are being done the right
way. I wont tell you about the other people because each one of them by Gods grace are
properly exposed. I mean one of them I think, its energy commission right or what?
GNPC. Okay thats even more. GNPC handling their issues in that respect to a large
extent. And they have developed all kinds of software, financial software for various
applications in the nation. And this one at the appropriate time we will introduce her
fully. But lets just say that she is well exposed. Even at international levels, global
levels. Both at the levels of UK, US and here, and even South Africa. I will leave it at
that. Having said that, we want to pray for them that God will help them, and this is
still very spiritual because believe it or not, the things that are going to be released
through this, you have no idea.
The people that will be part of the [Group of] eight, you are literally actually releasing
the ministry of the Holy Spirit for wealth because He is part of the three that bear
record in heaven, part of the three that bear record on earth. So there will be some
things that you will activate of the three witnesses both in heaven and on earth. But
that one I leave it for another time. Alright so we are just going to go ahead and pray.
All I said earlier was you are raising an altar for the eight gates of society and I will give
you just one little bit more. And thats why we going to do it here and we are ready to
move on to higher levels of expression of God. Because after today, when you go out of
this place, you are going to become a different man, different woman. Oh the amen was
too weak. I say you are going to be a different man, a different woman, by the grace of
The Most High God.
There are some of you that are crying that you have lost your positions, your jobs. You
didnt lose the jobs, the jobs lost you. There are five people like that here now. If I were
you Id want to stand up and lay my two hands on my head. Ok. At least five so, its
more than five already so. Are we together? Father, according to that which you showed
me, especially for the ones that you want to give this job, which is no more a job, but

they are now the ones that would create jobs for people because they are no longer doing
jobs, they are now creating jobs. In fact there are three people here, you were doing jobs
for people. Your own was not that you were doing one job, but you were doing jobs for
people. And somehow it appears that in the case of two of you, some people went and
actually cooked up a cock and bull story and decided to mess things up and now there is
a lot of controversy surrounding your jobs. God says you will actually begin to create
jobs for people because you will become a consultant for those people who are seeking for
people that will do jobs for them. Those particular three people, keep your right hand on
your head but keep your left hand up. Please I say you were doing jobs, not for one
person, jobs for several. It could be contractual job, it could be other kind of job and all of
a sudden some people went and messed things up for you. God wants to change that.
Now Lord, I thank you because this is even before we pray for these ones. Already
you are showing that you are serious about this whole thing. I told them Lord that
it was a spiritual exercise, You have just proved yourself. And Lord because
indeed you have said you are going to help nations, let these ones be helped now at
levels that they have never dreamt of because the anointing for nations is greater
than an anointing for one individual, in terms of measure of expression. Therefore
let that anointing be released right now and as you cause them to live right, as you
cause them to live in integrity, as you cause them to live keeping in step with the
Spirit, let each one of them be realigned, reassigned by your spirit to the place that
you want for them.
And now I see relocation. relocation and transplantation.

Relocation. Relocation And Transplantation

I have seen that before, transplantation, relocation. I believe it must have been two
years ago but I just saw that now again.
Now Lord I declare concerning each one of these ones that they enter into the place
prepared for them and from this night each one of them will keep in step with your
spirit. And I declare that they will become those that can create jobs. At least
twelve of them. At least twelve of them. I see that happen, I see that happening, I
see that happen, I see that happening, I see that happen, I see that happening, I
see that happen, I see that happening, I see that happen, I see that happening, I
see it has happened. To your glory. In the name of The Lord Jesus. I declare from


this day, each one of these shall do things to your glory and your glory alone.
Thank you for helping them. In the most excellent name of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Now which three of you, hold on, which three of you have something that has to do with
fashion or beautification? Which of you? Thats one, two, three there. Ok, four, five. I
would have to ask God which three but anyway Im just going to pray, Im not going to.
Let Him decide which three He was talking about. The thing here is that three of you,
you have not understood that ministry.

Ministry of Fashion: For Beauty and Glory of GOD

That its for glory and for beauty. Again please, when you go to Numbers, read. You will
notice that when they were told to make garments for priests, it was for glory and for
beauty. So any garment you make, and its just for beauty but no glory, it is not
Godly. Did you hear what I just said? It is for glory and for beauty. That will be for
another teaching. So Im going to pray and declare from this day, that those of you that
had not understood it that way, God will restore you, and recover and bring you to the
place where you will begin to enjoy the reality and you will actually come up with new
patterns for doing design. You will see it. Latest by September some of you would be
clearly openly seen to have brought new patterns. Unless it is not God I heard. Did you
hear what I just said? Unless it is not God I heard.
Latest by the end of September, 2016, you will see clearly the difference. You would
have been brought forth as somebody that clearly has brought new patterns for design
when it comes to that. So lets understand that because the distinction is finally here.
Even so Lord I thank you for all of these people. And I declare that what you have
spoken, because if I allow, it will continue. But Lord the spirit of the prophet is
under the control of the prophet. Weve already said that we were going to do it on
the first day of the week, which is just a few days from now, a couple of days
actually. My prayer is that everyone here will finally get into that place of
operating in the secret place of The Most High because thats more important than
all the words including scripture and all. When we operate in the secret place of
The Most High, everything including the scriptures, rhema, logos and all that will
be rolled into one and released. We thank you because we know it is done. And
now Lord we pray for these ones. Just stretch your hands towards these ones
quickly. Those of you that I prayed for you can sit down or. No actually all of you


stand. All, everybody just stand. Stretch your hand towards them. As you stretch
your hands towards them, whichever position you are supposed to occupy in God,
in life, in this season and in this generation this year, I also declare you ushered
in as you pray.
If your prayer is small, you will also get small. If your prayer is proper, you will get
proper. If your prayer is another way, you will get another way. Whichever, and I am
not saying that to try and intimidate or you know, I am telling you because certain
things are being activated. So just go ahead and make sure that you are praying
properly and you are praying as The Lord Himself is truly leading you.
Father we declare concerning these ones, that today they are being commissioned.
Im just waiting for the oil. They are being commissioned into this work right now.
As they are commissioned into the work, Lord we dedicate this oil afresh as holy
sacred anointing oil that will be used for sacred purposes not for culinary or
cosmetic purposes. In fact some of it might be used for the people tonight, we
declare that the ministry of the seven fold Spirits, the ministry of the seven eyes of
the lamb, the ministry and the mystery at the same time of the seven horns, the
seven eyes, the seven winds and the seven Spirits of God and the seven flames
before your throne are all activated. The seven sealed title deed of the universe,
they are all activated right now, in the name of The Lord Jesus. As this oil is
utilized, I declare from this moment that every single thing that has been lying
dormant in each one of these lives, that even at national levels people will say ah,
how come all of a sudden you have such ,wisdom you have such ability to solve
knotty problems. And people will wonder, but weve know you for these years, how
come all of a sudden, so is that how youve been? Youve just sat on these solutions
all these years and you didnt say anything? Because God is releasing some things.
From this day, I declare you turned into a different woman according to Gods
original plan and purpose into the original that God meant for you to be. And you
will download specific patterns for managing the fund. And funding for nations,
in the name of The Lord Jesus. I declare from this day, you are turned into a
different man and you receive ability to become the kind of person that will have
new patterns that no man had seen before. I declare you turned into a different
woman in the name of The Lord Jesus. And by this singular act, I declare you
dedicated right now. I declare you raised to another level of operation. I declare
from this day that everything that had been a limit that had covered your heads,

from this day that covering is removed. The ceiling is removed. Limitless
possibilities, you are ushered into right now.
Ah, I see three people that had met and were cursing you. Im talking about you. That
curse is broken. In fact, par adventure if any of them is watching this, listen God has
given you only up to the end of March. If you dont repent and stop, you will end up with
the very things you wanted to happen to her happening to you. Thats the beginning
because there are things that are going to speaking in tongues. I have told you I am not
doing any gimmicks, because there are some things that spiritually are going to happen.

Violent Dethronement of Evil

There are some people that have sat on things that belong to you. God is going to more
or less for lack of a better word, violently unseat them. I see dethronement going on.
Dethronement, dethronement, dethronement. I see certain things happening. And there
are some of you here that actually people had conspired against because of the work you
do. You in your own case you even have an office. But some people have decided they
want to take the office from you. And God says you are actually going to end up
employing them in the future. At least in terms of their services because you are on a
higher plain. And it wont take more than three years, these things will happen. Those
of you that God is speaking to, I am talking about you right now, then just note it down
and make sure you mark at the latest three years from now. Look at the date and mark
it down. Latest three years from now. Everything would have happened, to Gods glory
unless its not God Im hearing from. You will be employing them or at least their
services. And they will come asking. Can we have a little piece of the action? I told you I
better stop. Because you know, its flowing. Thats why I believe God, honestly when He
said tomorrow, the day after and then first day of the week, can I confess? I was like God
how many days, I mean please.
And then to now say its going to be prayer, prophetic activation, and all that specific
things, and also some things that happened to do with dealing with that which has been
hanging that was supposed to have been coming down for AfricaFree trade Area and
all that, I was like ok, makes sense.
And then now as I see that Ive not even started prophetic activation, things are flowing,
I can already see some things happening. So I was saying that to say this, everything
that was meant for tonight, I am activating it now so that I dont have to wait for


tomorrow, but at the same time I wont take any more time. Is that okay? Whether its
not okay or not that your own challenge. Please, congratulations, you are released.
Now this is whats going to happen because we are going to do it as fast as possible. We
are going to have I think about three right? Ushers can we make up to three, Or just
two? Four, ok perfect. Were going to have four, four different places, Im going to come
down in a moment and pray over that. This is what is going to happen. Youre going to
have people that are going to serve. Im going to just stand down here right in the
middle. Those of you that God has laid something on your heart concerning the two
hundred and twenty four people, you will come and then you would bring the piece of
paper with your name, with the amount, with your details. Just hand that over to me,
and then we will contact you. If you are here for the meeting tomorrow, we might give
you more details. If not, we will call you, but certainly latest by the 4th, you would here
what is there. They are going to give you the account details so that you can pay directly
into the account. They will also for those who are paying cedi equivalent, they would
give you the cedi account on the 4th of January because thats the first day of work. The
dollar account, God helped us, there was an account that was already there that was no
longer being used for the purpose it was supposed to be used, so that one is being
converted to this use. So the account number is already available for the dollar. But for
the cedi it has to be opened because we dont want that mix with anything. Is everybody
with me? Were not mixing it with anything because thats what God said. We are only
going to have 20% percent of it for a particular use that is supposed to be there. The rest
is just going to be a case of, look, we are putting the thing down until He speaks. So
thats why you have the account number given to you just for dollar today. For those
who are paying in cedi equivalent, they will do that aspect that has to do with 4th of
January. You will receive a text or whatever massage with the account details and you
pay. Those who want to now see them, we are trying to discourage their being
overwhelmed so that they are only keeping records and making sure they are accounting
properly. Thats the three people that were brought here. Then they dont have to be
burdened with collecting, collecting, collecting every time. So Im going to be here, you
bring those details, you now know the use for those details. Im going to pray over the
emblems of the communion first before I now come to stand.
Lord, just like it was on the night that Jesus was betrayed that he took bread and
gave thanks, today its not just like that, it includes the aspect of the exodus, it
includes so many other things including revelation chapter 4 and 5 being

activated along with the mystery of the secret place of The Most High which goes
beyond psalm 91 though it is included. That as people come, there will be an
activation of the mystery of the secret place of The Most High as they partake of
the emblem of this communion. At the same time, let that which is supposed to
release them in every area of life, to enter into every gate, every door that is meant
for them in 2016 be released in the name of The Lord Jesus.
Alright. Please bring the oil; we would need four of the pastors quickly to come. You are
going to anoint everybody that partakes of the emblems of the communion because God
just reminded me the aspect of the anointing of people, being anointed for what? Oh
youve forgotten so fast. Because the anointing of the over taker which will bring
recovery and restoration. Remember? I said that at the beginning. You see, God
reminded me. And then there is also this other aspect of take of into full flight. Thats
2016 for you. So thats what is going to happen. So it will be anointing of the over
taker, anointing for take-off. Thats all. So those of you that are going to pray over the
people, make sure that thats what you do. Is that clear? Alright so lets have four
people, four of you quickly. Yeah, to do the anointing. I would need to actually first of all
pray over the four of you. Ok, alright.
Father by reason and this anointing, I declare them ushered into the level of
operation that the anointing of the over taker will not only flow in and through
them, but they will be carriers and couriers of that anointing. And as a result of
being couriers, they will be able to deliver it to others. Receive that grace, receive
that ability to deliver that anointing to the people. In the name of The Lord Jesus.
And I declare from this moment, you have entered another level altogether. I dont
know what it is that is happening,
I dont know if you felt the presence of somebody standing in front of you? You did. I saw
an angel actually come right now to stand in front of you. Just between us right now
because its like there was something being released upon your shoulders. He actually
felt somebody stand in front of him and those of you that are here, you can see Im not
right directly in front of him. Please we are before The Lord, did you feel it?


Crossing Over, Translation, Ex-Hodus

Ive told you God is doing some very, its not one of those things, its not just a 31st
December service. It is a serious thing that is happening. Its literally like crossing
You are being translated, I dont know how, transfigured, I dont know what other
thing to use. Its like an exodus. For those of you that dont know, exodus is Greek
actually, meaning going out of. Ex, out and hodus.7 So you are going out of, moving.
Move is hodus. So thats what is going to happen. And by the way I dont have to see an
angel, I dont have to see anything standing in front of you. God has done it. Tell your
neighbour God has done it.
I dont like the way some of you are doing it. God has done it, like God has done it. If you
believe it talk like you know God has done it. Hallelujah. Glory to God forever more.
Alright. So thats what is going to happen. Those of you that are having to now bring, as
for this time this wouldnt be distraction. Ive seen my phone showing that some
messages have come in, as soon as I finish and say ok start, I will look because there
might be some people from outside who are joining and they dont want to be left out.
Alright. Ok. By reason of that which God Himself has spoken, I declare each
person ushered into that which he is supposed to be ushered into, she is supposed
to be ushered into. But not only that, your families, even before we pray for
families tomorrow and the day after and some of the other things that will
happen, let there be the beginning of manifestation of some of the recovery and
restoration. Because I noticed I didnt go into the eight gates, families, the
restoration of relationships, all those things they will happen. But receive right
now in the name of The Lord Jesus. Amen.
The service continues.

from Greek exodos literally "a going out," from ex- "out" + hodos "way"


PART II: January 1,



Along with the psalmist we say.
Psa 103:1-5 KJV
(1) A Psalm of David. Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his
holy name.
(2) Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
(3) Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
(4) Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness
and tender mercies;
(5) Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the
We are grateful, because you fill our mouths with good things so that our youth is
renewed like the eagles. Let this night mark the beginning of new levels of expression
since we have taken off, having leapt into full flight.
Let everything that is supposed to be seen from a different perspective, be seen from
your perspective from this night on. In the name that is above all names, Jesus Christ
our Lord, and all the people say? You may be seated in His wonderful presence after
greeting at least two or three people. Just welcome them and make sure you have taken
your rightful seats, meaning no empty seats in front of you. Alright. Hallelujah.
We give God all the glory. What a wonderful God we serve. I dont know how many of
you realize how serious God is about this year.
When God said this year was take-off and leaping into full flight, He did say that He
was changing everything, and where there had been confusion He was bringing clarity.
And He said also, where there had been any haziness, He was bringing clarity. Of course
He did say that He would give signs. Did anybody see the sign, at least locally here? Not
necessarily for everybody there and some of you that are watching the live stream,
maybe you have seen clear signs even in the weather patterns. You can let us know. But
at least here it happened. It was hazy yesterday, but today it was very clear. Not only
that, it rained in some parts. Now we do not follow the signs, the signs follow us. But I
just want you to know how serious God is about what He has spoken, because tonight I
want to spend quite a bit of the time on drawing down everything that God has already
released into your life, into your family, into your neighborhood, into your community,
into your city, into the nations, into the continent or onto the continent of Africa, and
every other place where you represent and into the body of Christ most importantly.


Daniel 10
But I am going to focus mainly of Daniel chapter 10. Because I want to make the most of
the time, I want to take verses 10 to 21 and we will read through first, and then I will
get back to that and we would take a few verses and see what is there. Now I am
reading from the King James Version.
Well you can go ahead and stand and read along with me. As soon as we finish reading
you can sit down, and I am just going to go ahead and read from my King James on my
Dan 10:10-21 KJV
(10) And, behold, an hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the
palms of my hands.
(11) And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I
speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had
spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling.
(12) Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set
thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were
heard, and I am come for thy words.
(13) But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo,
Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the
kings of Persia.
(14) Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter
days: for yet the vision is for many days.
(15) And when he had spoken such words unto me, I set my face toward the ground,
and I became dumb.
(16) And, behold, one like the similitude of the sons of men touched my lips: then I
opened my mouth, and spake, and said unto him that stood before me, O my lord,
by the vision my sorrows are turned upon me, and I have retained no strength.
(17) For how can the servant of this my lord talk with this my lord? for as for me,
straightway there remained no strength in me, neither is there breath left in me.
(18) Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he
strengthened me,
(19) And said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be
strong. And when he had spoken unto me, I was strengthened, and said, Let my lord
speak; for thou hast strengthened me.
(20) Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to
fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia
shall come.
(21) But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none
that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince.
And, behold, a hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my
hands. Forgive me, forgive me. For the sake of those that need to be brought up to speed

with the particular story, what had happened was that in chapter 9 of [the book of]
Daniel, Daniel started praying asking God questions because he believed it was time for
Israel to be delivered, for Israel to be released from bondage to Babylon. And it appeared
that the 70 years the prophet Jeremiah had prophesied had come and passed. What was
happening? God was waiting for some people like us today to pray and draw down
something that needs to be drawn down. And Daniel begun to pray and for twenty one
days, he knew it was time, but twenty one days nothing seemed to have happened. And
then all of a sudden, while he is on his face, a hand touches him, which set him on his
knees and upon the palm of his hands.

The Greatly Beloved

Now lets go ahead with verse 11. And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved,
understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright. First of all, tell your
neighbor you are greatly beloved.
No, I dont like the way some of you are saying. You are greatly beloved. Some of you
dont even believe. Okay then say to somebody I am greatly beloved. Ah so now you are
saying it very well. Now tell somebody you are greatly beloved.
Hallelujah. For unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken -- this word unto me, I
stood trembling. Havent there been times when God spoke to you and it looked like still
its a bit difficult for you to fully believe and sometimes you even believe, but somehow
the physical circumstances are contrary to what you believe in your heart. Even your
body is saying are you sure?

Release of Angels In Response to the Voice of His Word

Then said he to me. Glory to God. Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that you set
your heart to understand, and to chasten yourself before God, your words were heard,
and I am come for your words. There are angels that are released for your words and
they are coming, and they have come. There are angels that are released for Africa and
they have come and they will come and more will be coming. There are angels released
for our families.
We declare those angels released right now. Every angel that must be released for your
neighborhood, even if you are watching the live stream, we release those angels right
now. We activate them, in the name of The Lord Jesus. And every angel that must be
released for your nation, we declare that angel released right now. Every angel that
must be released for the continents we declare released right now, every angel for Logos

Rhema Foundation for Leadership Resource Development, we activate you and we

release you right now. Every angel that must be released for every single persons
mantle, assignment, calling, commission, we declare that angel released right now, in
the name of The Lord Jesus. We declare every angel that must be released concerning
the works of your hands released right now, in the name of The Lord Jesus.
So he said for your words I am come. May God put some words in your mouth that
will release the angels. Because sometimes you dont need to actually go into groaning,
all you need to do is speak the right words; the words that God puts in your mouth.
Isaiah 51:16 says:
Isa 51:16 KJV
(16) And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of
mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and
say unto Zion, Thou art my people.
May every single expression of the various constellations and any of the constituents of
the heavens that must be repositioned by the words of our mouth from this day, begin to
draw the anointing that has been resident in each one of us right now, in the name of
The Lord Jesus.
Some of you didnt understand that prayer but thats alright. Because when it came to
Joshua, Joshua ended up saying I am speaking to The Lord in the presence of Israel.
Joshua 10:10. You can read it from verse 10 to 12.
Jos 10:10-12 KJV
(10) And the LORD discomfited them before Israel, and slew them with a great
slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way that goeth up to Bethhoron, and
smote them to Azekah, and unto Makkedah.
(11) And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to
Bethhoron, that the LORD cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto
Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom
the children of Israel slew with the sword.
(12) Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the
Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand
thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
It says there that he spoke to The Lord in the presence of Israel, and he said sun stand
thou still over Gibeonmeaning when he spoke to The Lord in verse 12,8 The Lord put

Joshuas words went to GOD and GOD put His Words in Joshuas mouth


the words in his mouth. sun stand thou still at Gibeon and thou moon over the valley of
And the sun and the moon according to verse 12 stood still for about twenty three hours.
You can go up to verse 13, you will see that until they had defeated their enemies.
Actually some people say 23 hours and there was a residue of 40 minutes that was
discovered in 1969 which came from Hezekiahs case.
Hezekiah also could end up praying and asking the Prophet to ask The Lord to do
something. Why? Because according to psalm 103 verse 20, the bible said there:
Psa 103:20 KJV
(20) Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments,
hearkening unto the voice of his word.
Its the voice of His wordAll it takes is for me to speak the words He has put in my
mouth and then the angels will hearken to those words. I have come because of your
word. Now lets get back to our Daniel chapter 10 because I want us to finish and then
we could sit down.
I did tell you that it was going to be a time of prayer and drawing down some things that
will be released, and God is doing it, God is not joking. I mean nobody would have
believed as at yesterday that by today everything would be clear. Usually its gradual
isnt it? But when it comes to God, He is serious. I told you its not business as usual.

Divine Perspective
And if you dont understand take off into full flight. When youve reached your cruising
altitude, then what you SEE at that level is different from the way you are SEEING
things when you are on the ground. Is anybody with me? Everybody say DIVINE
PERSPECTIVE, God is going to give you divine perspective.
In fact from now on you need to operate from divine perspective, a DIVINE POSITION.
This is very important because there are certain things that God is going to show you,
that you will start doing but it has to be from HIS PERSPECTIVE and from HIS
If you dont do it that way, you will end up missing a lot of things. I know some
of you are taking notes, but I want to finish with this so that we can go into the rest of
the issues because when God said He was doing some things, and shaking things and
even the aspect of the centre of attraction currently being the Middle East and all that,

some of the issues concerning Luke 21, you saw some of them happening last night. Just
one hour after the service. Thats all right, let me not go into too many details now. Let
me just move on. I mean some of you know about the aspect of the tallest building. The
worlds tallest building in Dubai, but thats just one tiny aspect. There were other
things. And we want to leave that for now. The most important thing is what God wants
done is going to be done. I just pray that some of you will finally understand the
seriousness of the season you are in. Its a different season. It doesnt matter
whether it feels different, whether it doesnt feel different, what God has said, it is like
that. See if God says it is daytime and you are in your own room with all the curtains,
thick curtains drawn, and it doesnt feel like daytime, it doesnt change the fact that it is
daytime. May God give you understanding!

Arch Angels and Hijackers

Dan 10:13 KJV
(13) But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo,
Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the
kings of Persia.
Just pause there. It means that look, it is possible for God to release an Arch Angel if an
Arch Angel is needed in this case. Because it is one of the Arch Angels that was
Father I thank you because every angel, every living creature, every entity, every creature
that is necessary, every part of creation that is necessary for this warfare is being released
right now, and we thank you because it is done. In the name of The Lord Jesus.
I better move on so that I can finish because when we get into the fullness, its going to
be very good. Hallelujah. Because they might have had some prince of the kingdom of
Persia that is there trying to withstand whichever angels have been released, and
somehow things are being held up including things that have to do with the Free Trade
Area9 and so many other things that are supposed to be released for the sake of the
world, for Africa and through Africa.

The Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) was officially launched on June 10 and brings together three of Africas
major regional economic communitiesthe Southern African Development Community (SADC), the East
African Community (EAC), and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).
Once completed, it will stretch from Egypt to South Africa, almost completely covering the eastern and
southern parts of the continent. It will cover an area of 17.3 million square kilometers (similar to the size of
Russia and more than four times the size of the European Union.


I declare today that every angel that is being held back is being released now.
Now I have come to you understand what shall befall your people in the latter
days Dan 10:14
Sorry I am reading the King James like present day English because I want to make it
easier for everybody listening out there.
For yet the vision is for many days, and when he had spoken such words to me.
Dan 10:15
First of all the vision is yet for many days. Sometimes God gives you a vision and it
looks like its already now and its not yet, and you now get to a point of giving up. But
the good thing about it is that when the fullness of time come, then suddenly. Everybody
say suddenly. In the fullness of time God sent forth His son.
Dan 10:15-16 KJV
(15) And when he had spoken such words unto me, I set my face toward the ground,
and I became dumb.
(16) And, behold, one like the similitude of the sons of men touched my lips: then I
opened my mouth, and spake, and said unto him that stood before me, O my lord,
by the vision my sorrows are turned upon me, and I have retained no strength.
May every dumbness, involuntary dumbness that might have come upon you because of
the enormity of the things that have come into your life, that have come upon your people,
that have come into your neighborhood, that have come upon your community, that has
come upon your city, that has come upon your nation, that has come upon our continent,
that has come upon Logos Rhema Foundation for Leadership Resource Development or
Global Apostolic and Prophetic Network or any other thing or any platform that is of
God, from this day, let that heaviness now receive the antidote by reason of one of those
that look like the sons of men, whether it is the Son of man Himself or any of the ones He
decides to send, I declare by the name of the one who is the first begotten from the dead,
even The Lord Jesus Christ, that from this day every dead situation in your life, every
dead situation in your family, every dead situation in your lineage, every dead situation
in your neighborhood, in your community, city, nation, continent, every dead situation
right now that is keeping things from rising to the place they ought to be, now receives the

It will include 26 countries (almost half the continent's countries) with a combined population of 625 million
and gross domestic product (GDP) of US$1 trillion, amounting to 58%
of the continent's total GDP.


injection of life from the resurrection and the life Himself, in the name of He who is the
resurrection and the life, the one that was given as the bread of heaven, the one who was
given for the life of the world, Jesus Christ the son of the living God.
I better move on. Everybody say:
Every dead situation, every dead thing that is supposed to be alive in my life, in my
family, in my lineage, in my ancestry, every dead situation, every seemingly dead word
that God had released from time immemorial over my life, over our lineage, over our clan,
over the neighborhood, the community, the city, the nation, the continent of Africa, and
every other continent that needs this prayer right now, I declare in the name of The Lord
Jesus, by the power of the resurrection and the life, that is invested in the name of Jesus,
in the blood of Jesus, in the person of Jesus, in the mystery of the Christ, even The Lord
Jesus Christ Himself, let there be resurrection, let there be life, I arise from the dead, and
Christ has given me life, and Christ has given me light, and I will shine forth with the
glory of God presence in and through my life, in the name of The Lord Jesus. I declare by
the mystery of the secret place of the most high, and my making God my habitation, from
this day, I begin to shine forth, and everywhere I go, death will be swallowed up in
victory by the life of God in me, in the name of The Lord Jesus, the resurrection and the
life, and by reason of the resurrection and the life, who lives in me, everywhere I enter,
where there is the need for resurrection, there will be resurrection. I command life back
into every dead situation, in every place, in everything, in every work that I come in
contact with, that The Lord Jesus comes in contact with through me, amen. Let me finish
this. Sometimes you might end up with the situation where there is no breath left in you.
We declare restoration of breath. Let the breath of life be restored right now. Let strength
be restored right now in the name of The Lord Jesus.

Angels Who Strengthen

Lets go to verse 18:
Dan 10:18 KJV
(18) Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he
strengthened me,
Turn to three or four people around you and say
Fear not, and whereever you are, imagine some people there. If you have people there,
tell them fear not, fear not, fear not, fear not, fear not, you are greatly beloved of The
Lord. Hallelujah.

Sometimes we dont realize the importance of these things. Remember what I just said?
Do you know if God is the one putting those words in our mouths this time, there will be
angels that will come and strengthen. Some people didnt hear what I just said.
Because Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane ended up with some angels coming to
strengthen Him. There are angels of strength.

Angels and their Activities

Im not going to teach on angels and the classes of angels tonight but for everything,
there are angels attached. There are specific angels for professions. There are angels for
situations. Somehow we seem to be more conscious of demons, and when things happen,
[some say.] you know a demon actually activated this, you know a demon instigated this,
a demon set this in motion. Hey there is an angel that will set some things in motion. If
you dont believe me, go to John chapter 5 and you will realize that even for waters that
were being stirred for people to enter and they get healed, it was an angel that stirred
the waters. There are angels not only in charge of healing but even stiring the waters,
and sometimes there are angels that are in charge of the leaves. Not only are they
supposed to ensure that those leaves are actually prepared well to apply to the poultice,
I mean to the boil, I was going to poultice of figs now, you know from the case of
Hezekiah, but you actually have situations where even in warfare, they [Angels] have to
move on top of some specific types of trees. There are angelic climbers just like there
are angelic hunters. There are angelic fishers. Now I am using the old English in
King James in Jeremiah 16:16. It says very clearly there that there will be hunters,
and there will be fishers, and they will go to every mountain, go to every crevice of the
rock, go to the caves and all of that, and they will go to also fish people out. You can all
see it.
Jer 16:16 KJV
(16) Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the LORD, and they shall fish them; and
after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain,
and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.
Alright? Behold, I will send for what? Many fishers says The Lord, and they shall
what? Fish them. And after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them
from every mountain and from every hill and out of?
So whether they are crevices or bigger holes or caves, no challenge, they can be fished
out. Do you know, I am not preaching, I am speaking forth. Do you understand? So get
something. Even if they were some little insects that were sent to go and hide in

some crevices to trouble the destiny, there are some angels that are being
released right now.
And some of you who understand what I am talking about, even if by accident you
happen to have chanced upon this particular website and you are seeing this and you
were part of that meeting where there was a conspiracy against Africa, hear me and
hear me very well. Everything that is hidden in any hole, God is going to dig it out
because the angels have been sent. You cant stop anybody because this is not somebody
you can see unless God opens your eyes. So we declare that they are activated NOW.
They are released. They are coming forth, and they are bringing out everything that
needs to be brought out, they are destroying everything that needs to be destroyed, and
they are now releasing everyone that needs to be released, and they are restoring
everything that needs to be restored, and they are establishing everything that needs to
be established, and wherever there is anybody sitting on any throne that you put there
as a stooge, we declare that within a few months, God shall uproot them in the name of

Malawian Example: The Word(s) Cannot be Stopped Once Released

I remember it was sometime in 1995 or there about in Malawi, God said something like
this while I was preaching and this one was just supposed to be like a crusade. And that
was Kwatcha International Conference Centre. And God said He was going to remove
Kamuzu Banda unless he repented and I said it ,,, God just told me He is going to
remove Kamuzu Banda that is the President unless he repents. And they came to me
after the meeting and said You Ghana-nians, you dont want to go back to you country?
I said. What did I do now? They said, You mentioned the mans name without
mentioning all his titles and the fact that he is life president. I said, I am sorry, forgive
me. But in case you want to arrest me like you have said, you can go ahead and arrest
me but it will be too late because the words have gone forth and you cant arrest the
word. So you will arrest me and the word will still do its work. Well thankfully I wasnt
arrested and I know some people in Malawi might be watching. You know the truth.
That [which was prophesied] happened. And six months exactly from that day God
removed the man and he was put under house arrest. And one year exactly from that
day, God took me back there. I wont go into the details of how God now brought me to
lead him to Christ but its on record. He made sure that they recorded it, and he gave his
life to Christ. Some of you know the kinds of things which, that man could do even with


his hat, hanging just like that. But I am saying that to say this. You cant stop the
words. They have already gone out.
In case you are planning anything and by the way let me announce to you, you cant stop
me from going wherever God wants me to go because the safest place to be and the
safest time I should operate is in the presence of God, in the will of God, in the
timing of God. So since I have heard from God, it is a little too late for you. Glory to
God. I pray that some of you also that are on The Lords side, that are hearing this would
actually now acquire that kind of attitude, not that you would now go and be haughty, or
you know be gawky, or any of those things, no no no, or cocky, no no no, but be somebody
that in your humility, there is the boldness of the lion of the tribe of Judah. Because The
Lion of the tribe of Judah actually has the humility of the lamb.
Alright! So I am just saying that you will now have that attitude that you can say well, I
have heard from God, I am going to do what He has said. It doesnt matter what you are
planning against me, it shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass. And thats one of
the things God has said concerning this year. Whatever anybody has planned, whatever
they have cooked up against the people of God that are ready to just obey God, it shall
not stand, neither shall it come to pass. Glory to God for ever more. I better try and
finish this now. Glory to God forever more.
Lets take that verse 18 again:
Dan 10:18-19 KJV
(18) Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he
strengthened me,
(19) And said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong.
And when he had spoken unto me, I was strengthened, and said, Let my lord speak; for
thou hast strengthened me.
Say to somebody be strong, yes be strong. Say it to another person again be strong,
yes be strong. Tell another person again be strong, yes be strong. At least five people.
One more person, no no two more. be strong, yes be strong. One last person, be strong,
yes be strong. Hallelujah. It means, be strong. Really? Yes! Be strong! Be strong! Me?
Yes! be strong! Be strong! Are you sure? Yes! Be strong! Hallelujah. I better try and
finish this. Glory to God.
And when he had spoken to me I was strengthened and said let my lord speak
for you have strengthened me.

May God open the ears of the people that are ready! May God cause us to hear!
Lord according to your Word in proverbs chapter 20 verse 12, you said it is you who gives
both hearing ears and seeing eyes, youve made them both. Make our eyes seeing eyes and
our ears hearing ears, we receive seeing eyes, we receive hearing ears. And concerning
Africa, we declare from this day, every person that is supposed to be part of the leadership
of Africa especially the think tanks, national think tanks, continental think tanks, we
declare each one of those think tanks now rejuvenated, overhauled, transformed where
there is the need for a total scrapping and reestablishment, we decree that done now in
the name of The Lord Jesus.
We declare that the counsel of The Lord shall stand.
Dan 10:20-21 AMP
(20) Then he said, Do you know why I have come to you? And now I will return to fight
with the [hostile] prince of Persia; and when I have gone, behold, the [hostile] prince of
Greece will come.
(21) But I will tell you what is inscribed in the writing of truth or the Book of Truth.
There is no one who holds with me and strengthens himself against these [hostile
spirit forces] except Michael, your prince [national guardian angel].
Also add verse one of chapter 11
Dan 11:1 KJV
(1) Also I in the first year of Darius the Mede, even I, stood to confirm and to strengthen
Let me stop there because we could go on with the rest of the things. Because even after
the Prince of Persia had been dealt with, it took three kings after.
Father even so, open the eyes of your people to see what they must see within the short
time of sharing and going back to praying. I ask that you would help us to grasp what it
is that you want to give us, in the name thats above all names, Jesus Christ our Lord
and all the people say, Amen.

Daniel Was on Assignment Not in Bondage

You may be seated in His wonderful presence. Now I dont know if you realize what
weve just gone through. Here is somebody, seventy years of bondage for his people. But
he was never one day in bondage. I like the way some of you are looking at me. Probably
even some of you have that look now. You are wondering, huuuh? How do you mean he


was never in bondage? He was definitely in bondage. I mean come on, Daniel was in
bondage. No he was not. No he was. No he wasnt. You want proof? When he was taken
to Babylon, it is written clearly in Daniel chapter 1 that he actually went on assignment.
God sent him. God sometimes can use circumstances to send you. It would look like you
have been taken captive.
My wife gave a testimony. It was talking about seeking refuge and all that. When it
came to us, we were offered all kinds of things and I am glad this is going around the
world so I cant lie. I dont lie. At least not intentionally. Now let me say, when it came
to that, we were offered even a passport. They were going to get us a passport for the
U.K. to go. And God said NO. We were offered all kinds of things, let me not go into too
many details, including aspects of a house waiting for us and all that. God said NO. I
asked so what do you want us to do? He said, I want you to go to Ghana. How about
that? And when God said I want you to go to Ghana. It was interesting. I dont know
anybody in Ghana. Thats the truth. At that time I didnt know a single soul in Ghana.
So what do we do? How do we go to Ghana? Cut the long story short. Somebody comes to
see us where we were, far away from his location. About how many hours drive? That
was from Kaduna to Nkar right? Thats quite long. O dont remember how many hours
but about six or seven hours drive. And he comes there and he says well good news.
What was the good news? I wish the man were not dead so he can talk himself. Not the
one who came for us.
Good news, there are all kinds of offers. And somebody else had come to talk to us about
this other person that is now dead. Thats the archbishop of the Church of God
MissionBenson Idahosathat they were ready to take us through and God said thats
not the way I want it to be. This is the way I want you to go. Drive from there all the
way to where this person came from in the north and now come down again from the
north through Lagos, pass through I dont know how many checkpoints, so I will show
that I am God. Even for Lagos, before coming out, its 12 different checkpoints just for
that one. And God did what He decided to do. When it is time. we will give the
testimony. For now all I am saying is that God sent us, so Daniel was sent. He was not
in bondage, he was on assignment.
Somebody tell your neighbour I am on assignment. Tell yet another person I am on
assignment. Tell one more person I am on assignment. Believe it or not I am on
assignment. Glory to God. So thats the reason why sometimes God might send you into


a seemingly tight spot on assignment. And you will be crying, God what sin did I commit
now? No its rather because youve been found righteous in your generation.
But God if indeed I am righteous, why are you doing this to me? Thats one of the
challenges that Hezekiah had. He said, now remember all the good things I have done.
He said for all the good things this is my pay? You are actually taking some of my years
away. God said, I am saving you from something I see coming in the future. Like one
time in my own case, it wasnt missing a flight. It was a case of God saying you are not
going on this flight. I was ready. I came from Abuja up to Lagos to now continue to
Accra. And actually we had said goodbye to each other with a brother, one of the young
prophets from this nation that was staying over in Lagos. And then God says you are not
going. Ah. Some of you know local airport to international airport. How many minutes
does it take? Without traffic maybe five minutes. If there is traffic, depending on how
thick 10, 15 minutes, maybe 20 minutes. Now it wouldnt take anything to get there.
God said you are not going. So I said alright. So the people who had come to pick me to
the airport; from this airport to the next airport, they said alright, are we ready? I said
we are not going to the airport. Sir, we thought you were checked in. Im going back
inside to change this aspect. And its not usual. Those of you in the airline industry, is it
usual? Youve been checked in that you may continue the journey, then you now come
back and change. Its not a usual thing. But I went in and explainedThere is
something that I need to do because I couldnt say, God told me, so I need to stay the
night here. Its very very important that I stay the night here. Can I tell you the truth?
I did not know why. I didnt. I just knew I wasnt supposed to fly. So I stopped and then
we went back home. Thankfully I had the favor because God, you know God will change
rules, I said God will change rules for you. Remember Joseph and Reuben. God changed
the rules of first born. Alright. But back to the point. So now, that night there were
assassins sent to my house. Four armed young men, right? Honey you were the one
there, I dont know. They went armed with guns. Apparently they had been sent to kill
me and none of the people in the house knew that. They thought they just came to rob.
But the interesting thing is that they didnt take any very serious thing apart from.
Okay she said there was a very important thing, they took her wedding ring, very
important, and laptops. Okay and this was very very important, I agree. The point I am
making is thatthey had taken this and after taking it, taking the ring and whatever
else, that was just a few things. They left quite some major things there in the house.
And they threatened to do some things but none of that happened. God just had mercy
and that was it. Then I now arrived the following day and I get a phone call from

Nigeria. Man of God, I want you to please pray because I realized that you know, God
just showed me a dream last night that some so-called prophets had gathered and
decided to send some assassins to your house. God is my witness. Thats what this other
prophet told me when he called me from Nigeria. So-called prophets have gathered and
theyve decided to send assassins to your house and I just want you to know so that you
can intensify your prayers and if God wants you to move out or something, just do that
for the period that God wants. And I said well I think you are calling a little too late.
What! I said it happened last night. The line went dead on the other end. The brother
didnt continue talking and that was it. Because he was so shocked, but now how come I
am speaking? He was speechless. So after about 30 seconds, no it was a bit more than
that. Maybe a minute, minute and a half of hanging on, hello, shalom, hello, shalom, I
just cut the line. It was much later the person met me and said you said it had
happened? I said yes. So what happened? I said actually, that night that I was
supposed to have been there, they went to the house. He said actually I did not give
you the details but you remember I said that they had been sent to kill you but if they
cant kill you, [they were supposed to] get your marriage. How can assassins get your
marriage? So that was the thingget the two wedding rings and then those prophets,
so-called would do whatever they would do with the rings. I said, O devil, so the ring
that I was even thinking of changing, you have fast forwarded the change. I mean one
of the sisters in the service, because I dont have her permission to mention her name,
she was with me when I had to choose the ring. My wife is telling me I should stop
pointing in her direction. Glory to God. If I say I dont have the persons permission
then I should not point in any direction. Glory to God forever more. Hallelujah! Thank
God for help mates. Hallelujah.
Alright so there is a sister in this service that was with me when we had to choose and
God did some things even in helping me with even the finances to get a much much
much much better ring. And this time it wasnt just changing the wedding ring, it was
the wedding and the engagement ring and everything put together. Glory to God forever
more. Somebody didnt hear what I was saying. You just thought I was giving you my
story. It is true. God knows it is the truth. But I am saying whatever it is the devil has
sent to kill you with, to destroy you with, he is only giving you promotion. This year is
your year of being ushered. Remember what I said. Its like he is actually fast
forwarding your promotion. Everybody say fast forward. Now let me get to the one I
am talking about. He said look, hey I wasnt taken as a captive from Judah. I came on

Africans in DiasporaOn Assignment

Africa might have actually experienced slavery and some of the people being taken
captive, but you were on assignment. If you are of African descent wherever you are in
the world because most times people only think of African American or Americans of
African descent, but I am talking about everyone, everywhere, it doesnt matter whether
you went as an asylum seeker or you went as some other reason or for some other
reason, or as somebody that was a refugee or whatever it is.

RefugeesOn Assignment
You might not even be from Africa, especially some of you that are refugees from the
Middle East in Europe right now. God sent you on assignment. You are about to be
transformed and sent back as people that will redeem in the name of The Lord Jesus. I
declare that process now set in full expression and full motion in terms of manifestation
in the name of The Lord Jesus. I declare from this day that everything that hither to has
kept you from becoming what God meant for you to become is now judged and is dealt
with permanently to the glory of God in the name of The Lord Jesus. Let me just go
ahead. And say also concerning Africa, your resources that might have been taken, they
were sent. Because the human resources were sent, they are on assignment. And they were
being prepared for a time like this.

Africans in DiasporaLeap Frogging Agents for Africas Development

Because one of the things that God said was that some of the Africans In diaspora are
coming back and they are going to actually, literally fast forward, there will be a jump
starting of Africas development. Thats why there is a leap frogging, and there will be a
leaping and taking off into full flight.
Because some of those that were considered, you know, they are already going to be
there forever, they would not be able to go anywhere else, God is about to release them,
and they are coming. God is bringing them. But not only that.

Release of Processors for Africa

There are some PROCESSORS that God will also send that might not necessarily be of
African descent that are on Gods assignment. And they will come for a season. Some of
them will be like Joseph. Some of them will be like Daniel. Some of them will be like it
happened with Joseph in Egypt, Daniel in Babylon and all of that. And they will come
not necessarily as people that people have seen as men and women of God but they will

be men and women of God on assignment. God is going to do that to His glory.

Release of Arch Angels/ Princes

Let me go back to verse 20.
Dan 10:20 AMP
(20) Then he said, Do you know why I have come to you? And now I will return to fight
with the [hostile] prince of Persia; and when I have gone, behold, the [hostile] prince of
Greece will come.
First of all, we are releasing every Arch Angel that is supposed to be released not only
on behalf of Africa but on behalf of every zone of the world that has any connection with
Africa entering her place right now.

Altar to GOD in Africa

Let me break that down. Lets go to Isaiah 19 verses 19 to 25, particularly verses 23 to
25 but well take verse 19.
Isa 19:19-25 KJV
(19) In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and
a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.
(20) And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of
Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors, and he shall send
them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them.
(21) And the LORD shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the LORD in
that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea, they shall vow a vow unto the
LORD, and perform it.
(22) And the LORD shall smite Egypt: he shall smite and heal it: and they shall return
even to the LORD, and he shall be intreated of them, and shall heal them.
(23) In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall
come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with
the Assyrians.
(24) In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in
the midst of the land:
(25) Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and
Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance.
V19 says In that day shall there be an altar to The Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt.
And by the way Egypt as at that time of Isaiah was the land of the Nile. And the Nile
has three sources basically; one source is from Ngozi which is on the mountain at the

border of Rwanda Burundi and Congo Democratic Republic and the other source is at
Njinja in Uganda which is lake Victoria, and then you have the other source; the blue
Nile in Ethiopia. So thats the land of the Nile. Is everybody with me?
Blessed be Africa, My people
Isa 19:19 KJV
(19) In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt
[Africa], and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.
Let me give you a little understanding. Thats why it appears that most Africans are
very spiritual. It doesnt matter whether they belong to The Lord or not. They easily
believe in spirits, they actually are very spiritually sensitive because God wanted the
people to now be prepared to establish that altar. Is everybody with me? God wants you
to be in a position where the altar that is supposed to be raised to Him is in place. So let
the people understand raising altars so that they will now know how to raise the
original. The original is being raised. Hallelujah. So an altar in the midst of the land
and a pillar at the border thereof to The Lord. Thats why you have all kinds of [fakes,
substitutes] including obelisks. And thats why at some point when they were going to
build worship places, they used obelisks as a signs or pillars and by the way, obelisks
are supposed to be those structures that are like bowls and they are tapered off at the
top. Have you seen them like that? Now if you go into the history of that, you will realize
that, that was supposed to be representing the male organ [a phallic symbol]. And it is
supposed to be for the queen of heaven to be having intercourse with the earth.
Let me tell you something here. The original is being released by God, not the one for
the queen of heaven, but the one for The Most High God. And yes in His own case He
will have communion with us because Koinonia is from the same root word for coitus
and thats the reason why the perverted form was made to look like that. I hope I am
clear enough--before you now [accuse me of saying] God is doing the same thing that the
queen of heaven is doing. All I am saying is that was the purpose, thats why God wants
it here and dont feel inferior that everything of yours, you are thinking spirit, spirit. Its
just that you need to balance it because you are a spirit, you live in a body, you have a
soul for consciousness of your environment, whether it be in the realm of the spirit, the
realm of the soul or in the physical. I hope I am clear.
Alright so verse 20 quickly.


Isa 19:19-20 KJV

(19) In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and
a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.
(20) And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of
Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors, and he shall send
them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them.
Again here, [Egypt is] with reference to Africa. It shall be for what? A sign! Could that
be the reason why every borough in the UK has an obelisk? Maybe its calling for some
things? We will not go into too many details. All I will say is that God himself is
establishing his counsel unfailingly. Whether the dragon likes it or not, whether any of
his surrogate spirits like it or not, whether any of their agents like it or not, God is
establishing His purpose and His counsel shall stand in the name of The Lord Jesus
because in the same vein, God will lead you to do certain things as a sign. Thats why
when it came to the aspect of the testimonies, at some point I was saying, well, I wish
they will not go into too many details but we give God glory. Because at the end of the
day there are signs that God will give and people will use. So that now people will not
start watching you too closely. Hallelujah. Alright! We go on. For they shall cry unto The
Lord because of their oppressors and He shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and
He shall deliver them.
So let every saviour that is supposed to have been released to Africa be released right
now... And some of you are wondering why I am praying that kind of prayer. Is it not
only one saviourThe Lord Jesus? Yes there is only one saviour; The Lord Jesus The
Saviour. Big S Saviour. But there are small saviours with small s saviours according
to Obadiah. Obadiah has only one chapter. Obadiah 17 says on mount Zion shall be
deliverance and holiness and the people of Jacob shall possess their possessions. Then
verse 21 says what? And from mount Zion. If you are reading from the NIV using the
footnotes, shall go forth deliverers and saviours. I am showing it in both King James
now and NIV.
Oba 1:21 KJV
(21) And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the
kingdom shall be the LORD'S.
Then the kingdom will be The Lords, and saviours shall come up on mount Zion (v17),
they shall come from mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau, and the kingdom shall be
The Lords. So it is that which I am talking about. Saviours, saviours, saviours. See its

So every saviour that God meant to govern the mountains of Esau in Africa, we release
them to go. We call them forth, come forth all saviours of Africa. Let me actually ask you
to use a minute or two to pray first. Let every saviour that must be released for the land of
Africa, let every saviour that must be released for your neighbourhood, for your
community, for cities, let every saviour that must be released, whether in the diaspora or
saviours from within the land of Africa and for those of you that are watching through
live stream, I want you to know it will be for your good to also pray.
It doesnt matter whether you are of African descent or not because it is actually out of
Africa that deliverance will come for the rest of the nations of the world, and the devil
cant stop it. The dragon cant stop it, satan definitely cant stop it. He cannot hinder
because God has said it is time. Therefore just pray for the release of the saviours
wherever they are. They could be in your own land currently, let them be released right
now and let the saviours that must be released also for your life, let the saviours that
must be released for your land, let the saviours that must be released for your family, let
the saviours that must be released for your neighbourhood, your community, your city,
your nation, and let the saviours that must be released for your continent, let the saviours
that must be released for even your ministry, the works of your hands, let the saviours
that must be released be released right now. I declare them released according to Gods
original plan and purpose right now, in the name thats above all names; Jesus Christ
the son of The Living God. Hallelujah!
Let me continue with what I was saying. We are in Isaiah 19, I was just finishing verse
20 and going, alright to 21.
Isa 19:21 KJV
(21) And the LORD shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the LORD in
that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea, they shall vow a vow unto the
LORD, and perform it.
We declare from this day that there is such ability for every average African to know
The Lord. Now notice here its Yahweh. So let that cause of the breath and the sustainer
of the breath of our nostrils, in our nostrils, now be unveiled and revealed to every
African, and by extension, let that become a reality very soon in the world because we
will go forth from Africa and link up with both the Arab world and Israel at the same
time in the name of The Lord Jesus. And the African shall know The Lord in that day
and shall do sacrifice and oblation. Could that be one of the reasons why God told us to
do sacrifice this year? Hallelujah!

Yes they shall vow a vow unto The Lord and perform it. Because thats one of the things
I was praying for, for everyone that has vowed that, that The Lord will grant you the
grace to perform and this time nothing will interfere with your ability to perform in the
name of The Lord Jesus.
Isa 19:22 KJV
(22) And the LORD shall smite Egypt: he shall smite and heal it: and they shall return
even to the LORD, and he shall be intreated of them, and shall heal them.
So wherever Africa has been smitten, we declare healing. They shall return even to The
Lord. We return to The Lord. We declare we [Africa and Africans] are healed.
Isa 19:23 KJV
(23) In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall
come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with
the Assyrians.
You know talking of the whole area that you have a lot of challenges right now [i.e.
Africa & the Middle East]. Could that be the reason why you have the challenges? So
that in the devils own way of thinking it will not be possible. But he has sent the people
out so that they will go back to their homes already prepared. Hallelujah! When its
Gods time, they are coming. Get ready, they are coming and we are taking over in the
name of The Lord Jesus.
And the Assyrian shall come into Egypt. So have some Arabs been coming into Egypt?
Some of you didnt hear what I just said. Have you noticed quite a number of nations,
the only thing is that we did not discern. People keep on saying, these Lebanese,
everywhere they go they want to take over the economy. Am I talking to real people
here? You did not discern. You were supposed to now know how to get them properly
introduced to The Lord and then now partner with them, and let there be transfer of
technology, of abilities, of capabilities and everything else because it is a highway so
that then by the time they go back to Lebanon, thats one place already. These Syrians.
Did you hear some people say things like that? Is anybody following? And some of you
watching from other parts of Africa, you know what I am talking about. Youve been
complaining about them instead of rather asking Lord what would you have us do?
Show us. And imagine that the Syrians, Lebanese and all of the other people, Yemenis
and all those people, Saudis, Iraqis and all of that. And sometimes even Pakistanis
though they are not necessarily there, but you know what I am talking about. Iranians,
some people say these people are always coming to do. Rather just ask The Lord and

let Him show you what you are supposed to do. And when you get it right and you do it
right, the rest is history. Are we together? Let me quickly try and finish that. And the
Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians. Did you see it now? Serve with! Serve with!
Serve with!
May God help you to identify your own Assyrian. May God help that Assyrian to identify
you in the name of The Lord Jesus. Because yesFree Trade Areatrue. It will be good
i.e. Africans [trading] amongst Africans. But how about also what is produced there
[within the Free Trade Area] now being linked to the rest of the world with the right
people being the distributors. We decree that established in the name of The Lord Jesus.
Isa 19:24 KJV
(24) In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in
the midst of the land:
Is that in your bible? Israel is supposed to be the third. It means build bridges with the
Arabs and build the bridges with Israel, because Israel will be the third along with
Egypt and Assyria. even a blessing in the midst of the land. Can you see why the
devil doesnt want that co-operation? And people fighting each other? But let me just
move on.
Isa 19:25 KJV
(25) Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and
Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel [the Jews] mine inheritance.
Is that clear? Alright! I want to quickly finish with that Isaiah 19. Well actually I have
finished with Isaiah 19.
Let us pray and begin to release every part of creation, activate every part of creation to
now go to war on behalf of Africa and anything else that needs this prayer right now.
Even so Lord we thank you because it is established. That indeed every part of creation
that is needed for anything that you want to accomplish in the earth in this season is
activated now. Particularly that which has to do with the continent of Africa because she
is supposed a blessing and the network rallying point for the three that should be a
blessing in the earth. I decree right now the release of everything that must be released,
and the angels and any other part of creation that is linked to family life, we declare
activated, that everything will be released, even by tomorrow things will become clearer.
And we also declare that because the mindset of the average African has been the bane of
Africa, let that wrong mindset be transformed and changed into the right mindset having

the mind of Christ in the name of The Lord Jesus. We decree from this day that every
part of creation that would aid and assist and enhance transformation of mindset for
positive transformation on the continent of Africa is hereby activated and released. We
give you praise and we give you glory because we know it is done. There will be other
things Lord that you will help us to address beyond this, even on mindset, as we continue
to pray, not only here but even all over the world and all over the places that we go from
now on that will decree that transformation has come, change has come and the mindset
to believe in the ability you have given us, the mindset for us to thank you for all the
blessings you have given us, the mindset for us to begin to recognize the grace you have
released upon us, the mindset for us to begin to believe in you and your grace in us, we
activate in us right now. And we thank you because that mindset is activated even in the
African in the diaspora so that he will have enough faith, the mindset to believe in our
systems, in our projects, in our processes, in our structures, we declare that activated
right now. And where there are faulty structures that were just taken hook line and
sinker from other places, we declare that now they are changed, they are replaced with
that which was given to us from heaven in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ. That from
this day leaders will begin to look for the Africa that is made in heaven. We decree that
established and we thank you because we know it is done. Help us from this day to
establish your counsel everywhere we go. Thank you the name that is above all names,
Jesus Christ The Lord of all Lords, The King of Kings, The head of all creation and all
the people say AMEN!


PART III: January 2,



Even so, we exalt You as the King of all kings, as the LORD of all Lords, the
Father of all fathers, one from whom all fatherhood derives its name, the identity,
its origin, its character, its function, everything else. We exalt You as the one that
is the progenitor of all thing. We are grateful unto You, because You are the
originator, You are the one who is, who was and who is to come, the one who the
beginning and the end of all things, the one who is the alpha and the omega, the
one who has no beginning of days, no end of days, because eternity itself finds
expression in You, finds its identity in You, finds its place in You, its contained in
You. Therefore Time does not even measure up to You We glorify Your name more
than ever before, and today as You chose to step into time, and came to redeem
mankind back to the original place, we are confident that Your purpose for tonight
will be unfailingly, definitely accomplished to Your glory; the most excellent name
of the king of glory Jesus Christ the Lord of glory and grace, who is the light of the
world that stepped into darkness, Amen!

Just before you sit down, let sing that song; maybe, just two, maximum three rounds,
Light Of The World You Stepped Into Darkness, Open My Eyes, Let Me See. Because
there will be very important song because of the things God is about to release tonight,
because if theres even been a night, that you ensured that everything you needed, you
gave attention to receive it, this is one night.
And if theres ever been a time, God changes history and re-wrote stories of people, this
will be the night; if theres ever been a time that God changed foundations of families
and restored them to the original purpose for which He created people; this is the night.
So it is important for you to make sure that you dont just take anything for granted
tonight that is why we are making sure that even right now, your prayer is a prayer
that is coming from your heart, because it doesnt matter whatever anybody is releasing,
it doesnt matter whether any institution is releasing anything against you, against your
family, against your root, against your clan, against your tribe, against anything;
tonight that thing is going to be dealt with by the power of the Most High God Himself.
That is the reason why it is important for you to realise the importance of what we are
about to get into; let this song be a reality of prayer from your heart that you will not do
it, just because well, we know the song, no, no, you are not just singing a song, you are
actually uttering something that you believe that you are also, you know releasing your

spirit into and say God, go ahead and open my eyes, let me see. And I am here to
worship, not only for this service, but for the rest of my life, the worship that must come
to You is coming to You and for the rest of the time of our family. The worship that must
come to You, will come to You, and whatever is contrary to Your will, contrary to Your
purpose, today is the day it is going to be uprooted, because according to Matthew 15:13,
whatever my Father has not planted will be pull out by the root; not only that, for this
purpose that the Son of God made manifest that He might destroy all the works of the
devil. He came in the context of whatever is born of God is supposed to overcome the
world, and in that particular context of 1 John chapter three, He says when you are born
of God, you have the sperma of God in you, you have the very DNA of God in You, and
that is what is about to be release, so you can see a revelation of that tonight, so that the
things that must be released will be released in full expression, and nothing can ever
overcome the sperma of God, nothing can ever, you know in any shape of form be able to
overcome the very DNA of the Most High God which is about to be released in your life
tonight; so let go ahead and you know, sing that song as a prayer and then after that, I
am just going to take of fully and I believe the things that God has said concerning
families, the way He is about to change the course of things for many families will begin
to take place.
"Here I Am To Worship"

Light of the world, You step down into darkness.

Opened my eyes let me see.
Beauty that made this heart adore you, hope of a life spent with you.

And here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that you're my God,


You're altogether lovely,

Altogether worthy,
Altogether wonderful to me.

King of all days,

Oh so highly exalted Glorious in heaven above.
Humbly you came to the earth you created.
All for love's sake became poor.

Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that you're my God,
You're altogether lovely,
Altogether worthy,
Altogether wonderful to me.

I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross.
I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross.
And I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross.
No I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross.



Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that you're my God,
You're altogether lovely,
Altogether worthy,
Altogether wonderful to me.
So Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that you're my God,

Ancient Controversies Settled, Ancient Covenants Addressed

We are going to sing it to more rounds, but let me just let you know that I was not just
asking you to sing but I asked you to pray and believe God to answer and I was, that is
why if you noticed I wasnt singing per say, but I was talking to God and some
controversies have been settled. For example, maybe let me give you some idea, the fact
that some of the ancient covenants that have been 400 years old, some 350 years old,
some 250 years old, some 150 years old; have just been revealed to me as we were
For example there is ancient hostility. This is for example for the nation of Ghana. I
dont know all the details but it has to do with the Ashantis and the Ewes. I dont even
know the details of that kind of thing, but that is what I just saw, that happened to have
been there, and there is an ancient hostility. God is settling tonight as result of this
turn. I want you to understand that we are not here to just go through the motions.
Yours could be a thousand years old, it doesnt matter, God will sort it out, it could be
even 10,000 years oldGod knows how to fix it. There are certain so called incurable
sicknesses and diseases, some of you actually have a sentence of dearth hanging over
you family that people have to die by certain age, it will be resolved.
Some of you have sentences of marriages failing. If they dont fail, there will be no
happiness in that marriage, those sentences are about to be revealed. They are about to


be abrogated, they are about to be completely cancelled, overruled and nullified by the
blood of Jesus.
Some of you have sentences that have to do with one kind of sickness or the other,
including madness running in the family; God is about to released people from that kind
of challenge in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I see something being released tonight, so as we sing that song two more rounds, I want
you to understand, we are going from the top, Light of the world, you stepped down into
darkness, open my eyes, let me see. I want you to know that something is about to break.
All you just need to do, you could be watching right now live-stream, I want you to know
that God can reach you right where you are. I might not see you but God sees you, no
man might know where you are, but the Angel of the Lord will locate you. You might not
even know the root of your own family yourself but the Angel of the LORD that will be
sent by the LORD Himself will locate the root because the Holy Spirit will direct and it
shall be dealt with from the root, because God is getting to the root, now let go ahead
right now. Halleluiah
I dont know why God wants me to do that, we will give you three maximum five
minutes, just tell us what you know about what God said, because weve got to decree
certain things right now.
Yeah I dont know much, but what I know is that something happened many,
many years ago. I wasnt born then. An Ashanti kings enemies were looking for
him to harm him and he run and he went to some part in Ewe land to hide but
they [the Ewes he met] never gave him a place to hide. He came back. And from
that time, I think that brought the enmity between them and as a result there is
enmity that is an ancient one. What I grew up to know is this; they never allowed
the Ashantis to marry the Ewes. They hated it. Some many years back; they
never allowed it. But as we, people grew up, love began to break that kind of
barrier. That is all I know.
Alright thank you very much. Before we sit down, we are releasing the Angel that has
been sent to destroy that ancient barrier that was been held in place by seven different
chains. I saw it. I wont go into to many details, but we decree right now the release of
that Angel. Father we accept the release of that Angel because after all, it is your work, it
is your world, no Ashanti man was in existence at the time You were making the world.


No Ewe man was in existence at the time You were making the world. Nobody was born
speaking Twi as an Ashanti. Nobody was born speaking Ewe as an Ewe. They all have to
learn that.b Therefore on the account of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. On the
account of the finished work on the cross by the Lord Jesus, On the account of the
substitutionary sacrifice, the victorious sacrifice of the Lord Jesus, we declare that
dividing wall brought down now in the name of Jesus. The chains are broken, and we
declare from this day the release of every spirit and every soul and everybody to finally
embrace truth, and embrace love, and embrace unity, and embrace brotherhood, but not
only for the Ashantis and the Ewes, those challenges and some of the things that have
been released including that which had to do with the Baoule, you know, we are talking
about the Ashantis going to Cote dIvoire and some of the things that happened and the
covenants that were signed that had to do with the crocodile and some of the ancient
covenants that were signed also in other part of Ghana, and other part of Africa, you
know some of the ancient covenants that were signed in the river Niger by four different
nations at the same time you know Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, that I see
right now, I declare right now, those ancient covenants are uprooted by the power that is
invested in the name and the blood of Jesus.
Let God take over right now. Let His original purpose be established. Father, I declare let
your original purpose be established right now in the name of the Lord Jesus. Ancient
chains that held people bound, things that were even agreed by certain people on that hill
overlooking Freetown in Sierra Leone, we declare right now that those ancient covenants
are completely disannulled now. We abrogate those covenants right now. We declare them
wiped out now by the blood of Jesus. We go into those caves and bring out those old
scrolls in the name of Jesus, just like You did with South Africa and Zimbabwe, let
certain things that might be sorted out be sorted out permanently and the residues that
have to do with South Africa and Zimbabwe, that made South Africa hates Zimbabwe, in
term of some people in South Africa hating Zimbabweans when they should rather love
them than any rather nationality, today I declare those things wiped out by the blood of
Jesus right now. I go into those caves right now in the name of the Lord Jesus, not only
the one in Cape Town, and the one you know I dont know how they call the particular
hill right now but I declare because I see mampo something, I declare that hill right now
in the name of the Lord Jesus, the angel of God invades wherever you are and we declare
an uprooting of whatever has been planted that was not planted by our Father in the
name of the Lord Jesus. We do not only do that now, we declare ancient covenants that
have been signed in the womb of that particular mother that has you know all kind of

rooms in her wombthe blue room, the green room, the yellow room, the orange room, in
the name of Jesus, including those ones that have connection that come from that same
womb now to also store comb, I declare right now in the name of the Lord Jesus, we go,
we bring out everything that you have swallowed by the power that is invested in the
name and blood of Jesus. We release the fire of God now to consume every single thing
that you have used to build a super structure to imprison people, to imprison nations, to
imprison families, particularly families right now, right now, right now, right now, in the
name of the Lord Jesus. We declare the release of people including habits that had been
planted permanently in lineagesbecause they were not planted by God, they are
uprooted right now, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Some of you even cannot explain why you behave the way you behave, and you hate the
way you see yourself behaving. Sometimes you go in your quiet moments, and say: why
did I do that? Why did I say that? Why did I go about this way? But from this day we
declare those inexplicable phenomena are hereby cancelled and blotted out by the blood of
Jesus, right now, out of your lineage, out of bloodstream, out of your bloodline in the
name of the Lord Jesus.
Father, not only do we do that, but according to your word we declare from this moment,
some of the nations that were started by certain people and have dedicated them to
certain gods, today we retrieve those nations and their foundations and re-dedicate them
to you by the blood of Jesus, by the power that is invested in the name and the blood of
Jesus, we decree that established right now in the name that is about all names, Jesus
Christ the Son of the Living God and all the people say, Amen.
ON the night of 31st, some people just came to hear prophecies. And you watch and see
tomorrow some people will come for prophecies, but I am looking for those who really
want to see God, and they want to see Him at work because something are changing
whether the dragon likes it or not And let me say upfront before I even go on to start
sharing the specific scriptures that God laid on my heart and there are scriptures that
some of you might have already read today, because the proclamations included them.
Let me say upfront that God in His mercy is setting a lot of issues in families
tonight, and there are some of you that God showed me that have decided you have
divorced your partners. Some of you, you are only living in the same homes but you
divorced them a long time ago; but God said if you give Him a chance, He is going to
bring it back to a place where it will be better than it could have ever been. You need to

let Him do what He wants, and You must do it His way and you must do it His time; you
must do also exactly where He wants it. Very important; His way, His time, also His
This is very sensitive, but I got to say what God showed me. I am not going to mention
any name or even drop any hint but God showed me three people particularly, who had
decided because their spouses are no longer satisfying them, they are going to commit
adultery, and God says it is not on. Make sure you do not because that will lead to your
destruction, but if you just look up to Him tonight, this same service, if you look up to
Him and follow the prayers that have been prayed, certain things will changed, and you
know, He will teach and He will even cause your spouse to begin to desire to learn and
love you the way only the Lord could have loved you. I dont understand that because,
you know, hey, laughter no human being can love the way only the Lord can love, but
the only way I can probably begin to fathom that is that God will now begin to love you
through that person, so there are a lot of things that are going to be resolved, and
ancient hostilities, yeh, you heard about some of the things that had to do with tribes
but also families that have those challenges. There are certain families that have
those challenges, God is resolving that this year, I might as well actually go ahead
and give you some of the prophecies God gave concerning this year and families:

The Year ancient hostilities and strained relationships will finally be
God did say this is the year that ancient hostilities and strained relationships will
finally be restored.
There are certain relationships that were almost irreconcilably broken, but God is about
to restore those relationships. All you need to do is, make sure that He is the one that
wants to restore, so you dont restore what He doesnt want restored.
But quite apart from that there are certain people that had wormed their ways into
peoples homes. Some of them had wormed their ways, you know, into peoples
marriages and began to put wedges. Some of them I saw like snakes, and God says: He
is going to cut them off suddenly and that without remedy, unless they repent. So if you
are listening out there or you are even here and you happen to have unfortunately found

yourselves in that kind of situation, all you need to do is just repent10. If you dont, it is
too bad. In fact some of the things that God said concerning even the hostilities and the
walls being broken, including the one we prayed about publicly here, He says: we are
going to see clear signs, and you know, within nine months, you will see something that
will now show. Look, even doubting Thomas will not doubt any longer.
We are going straight to psalm 91, and these prayers today are going to be aimed at
releasing people, releasing homes, releasing families, and let me say upfront also, that
when we pray some of the prayers we are praying tonight, it wont be about just the
individuals, it will include families, neighbourhoods, communities, cities, nations, and in
few of the cases, it will even have to do with continents. But also understand that
whatever we are dealing with, there is the original redemptive purpose that God has for
each family, so that whatever is the perversion, God will replace it with the original.
How many of you remember Micah and the idols
Jdg 18:3 AMP
(3) When they went by the house of Micah, they recognized the voice of the young
Levite, and they turned aside there and said to him, Who brought you here? And
what do you do in this place? And what have you here?
Jdg 18:18-20 AMP
(18) And when these went into Micah's house and took the carved image, the ephod, the
teraphim, and the molten image, the priest said to them, What are you doing?
(19) And they said to him, Be still, put your hand over your mouth, and come with us,
and be to us a father and a priest. Is it better for you to be a priest to the house of one
man, or that you be a priest to a tribe and family in Israel?
(20) And the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, the teraphim, and the
graven image, and went in the midst of the people.
They already had the calling from God before [a Levite]. Now it is being perverted
with idols and they are paying them silver coins. Now, now, so whatever you see today,
in terms of various fetish priests and priestesses and all of that, there was an original
redemptive purpose, but it might just be a perversion and today if some of you come
from such families, if you are able to pray aright and you are able to follow things, and


REPENT Definition:
Thayer Definition:
i) to change ones mind, i.e. to repent
ii) to change ones mind for better, heartily to amend with abhorrence of ones past sins
Part of Speech: verb


you are able to receive things on behalf of your family, your family could end up
becoming a redemptive gateway.

Psalm 91 Sermon
Dwelling in the Secret Place
Let me just move on, first thing is that, there is the dwelling in the secret place of
the Most High.
Psa 91:1 KJV
(1) He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of
the Almighty.
I decree by the mystery of the secret of the Most High that we have already released,
that every family here that needs to be redeemed is recovered from the hand of the
Father where they are demanding for blood, we present the blood of Jesus right now.
Wherever they are making demands because they believe those people are lawful
captives, even the captives, the lawful captives shall be delivered and you know those
who are supposed to spoils of the terrible, we declare all of them recovered right now on
the account of the finished work of the Lord Jesus, and from this day, let every family
that is right under the sound of the voice of the word of the Lord, right now through my
mouth; wherever you are in the world, receive the ability to abide under the shadow of
the Almighty.
Because in the shadow of the Almighty, nothing will be able to handle you negatively. It
is only in the shadow of death that there is something to fear and even then when the
Lord is your shepherd; you will not fear. Even though I walk into the valley of shadow of
death, I will fear no evil, not a single thing.
Therefore from this day I declare whatever the enemy has released to destroy families,
especially those that are ready to receive from the hand of the LORD tonight, you are
judged in the lives of those members of the families and the lineages and the bloodlines
in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the blood of Jesus.

Our Refuge & Chain Breaker

Psa 91:2 KJV
(2) I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

LORD, You are my refuge, You are my hiding place. LORD I will rest in Your saving
Some of you have just been released, because I did see some people who have literally
been chained; both hands chained, and also the necks and they have been pulled and I
saw an angel that has been released to release those people. And these could be
ancestors, just representing the lineage. These could be individuals that are currently
here. I actually saw situations where some people; three people here, in your own case
they have taken you to the depth of the sea, never knew that there were certain places
that were 3,000 feet deep. But I saw something like that and they have decided to sit on
your souls, so you wont be able to come out, but that has just been released. That soul
has just been released. There are certain pits that certain people have been taken into
and chained. Isaiah 42:22 talks about something like that. Today people have been
released, let me just go on.
Psa 91:2 KJV
(2) I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

Not only is He the one that is covering me; but He is my fortress, a strong tower, my God
in who I will trust.

Delivered from various Snares

Psa 91:3 KJV
(3) Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome
Everybody say: every snare of the fowler that has been used to ensnare me, to ensnare
our family, to ensnare our neighbourhood, to ensnare our city, to ensnare our nation, to
ensnare our continent, to ensnare Logos-Rhema Foundation for Leadership Resource
Development, every snare that has been used to ensnare any child of God that needs
this prayer right now, I declare the snare broken. I declare it destroyed by the power
that is invested in the name and the blood of the Lord Jesus, in the name of the Lord
If you are in a snare, you are actually trying, you are not able to get out, including some
people husbands right here that had been snared, I see God releasing right now, seven


different husbands that have been released right now, ah and from the perilous

Safe under His Feathers

Psa 91:4 KJV
(4) He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth
shall be thy shield and buckler.
I declare the covering of the LORD released upon you. The feathers of the LORD He
even spoke about concerning Israel for exampleHe says I will cover you with the wings
of an eagle, that is why it appears it doesnt matter how much people trying to wipe that
nation off the face of the earth or of the map, it is not possible, because of the feathers of
the LORD.
In the same vein, I declare that every single one here that had been marked for
elimination, today you are covered under His feathers and under His wings you will
take refuge. His truth shall continuously be your shield and buckler. That is why you
must begin to operate in truth from this day.
Have you noticed that even for villagers, at least here in Africa, some of them who are
unbelievers, whilst they work in truth; witches are not able to touch them? Have you
notice that? They are not even believers, meaning, when you take refuge in the truth of
the LORD, that will be your shield. When they are throwing arrows, the shield will just
block itthe buckler.

Fear Not! Delivered from Terrors, Arrows, Pestilence & Destruction

Psa 91:5-6
(5) You shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow (the evil plots and
slanders of the wicked) that flies by day,
(6) Nor of the pestilence that stalks [walks] in darkness, nor of the destruction and
sudden death that surprise and lay waste at noonday.
We declare today, the fear of that [terror of the night, nor of the arrow (the evil plots and
slanders of the wicked) that flies by day] removed from your heart in the name of the Lord
Jesus. Every fear of the arrow that flies by day, we declare removed right now. LORD
because we are not only praying for the families present here, every other family that
needs this prayer, we declare credited to their account right now in the name of the Lord


Nor the pestilence that walks in darknessWe declare from this day, none of these will
happen to harm your people, and as result they will not be afraid any longer. For Youve
not given us the spirit of fear but of power, boldness, of love and of sound mind.
Nor the destruction that lays waste at noondayWhile we were going through some of
these things, my wife drew my attention to the fact that destruction even walks. It is
walking at noonday, at night, it is going round. Well it can walk around, it will not find
you. No, you didnt get what I said, I am not saying, it will not see you; because, see, see,
see, it says for the devil prowls around as a roaring lion or like a roaring lion seeking
whom he might devour. So seek and you will find right [according to Matt 7:7]?
So he comes, he sees you, you are not a devour-able matter so he cant touch you. May
every single thing that even came as result of the foolishness of the youth today by the
blood of Jesus be removed from your life. Some of you didnt understand that. You know
David prayed and said, LORD deliver me from the foolishness of my youth. There are
some of you who either have bad eating habits or bad diet when you were young and you
are paying for it now. Tonight by the blood of Jesus, by the substitutionary sacrifice of
the blood of Jesus, by the stripes of Jesus Christ, you are healed.

Safety in the Secret Place

Psa 91:7 AMP
(7) A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall
not come near you.
It is not like that thing will happen to people anymore. It might apply to other people
but not you. I dont think some people heard what I just said. It might apply to other
families, but not to the Bako family. It might apply to other families but not to Mekatu
Zaruba family. It might apply to other families but will not apply to Hahudu family or
the Obea family. It might apply to other families but not to families represented in
Logos-Rhema Foundation for Leadership Resource Development. If I were you I would
have put the name of my family in there and my ancestry. Glory to God.

The LORD Our Dwelling Place

Psa 91:7-10 KJV
(7) A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not
come nigh thee.
(8) Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
(9) Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy
(10) There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

I declare the LORD my dwelling place. I declare the LORD the dwelling place for LogosRhema Foundation for Leadership Resource Development. I declare the LORD the
dwelling place of different families represented here, and the ones that are watching
right now and the ones that will even listen to after and they will believe God. I declare
that done in the name of the Lord Jesus.
No evil shall befall you, I dont know about you. He says no evil. It means no evil. Glory
to God.
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling. So its not that it will not come. It will
not even come near. Every plague that has been released against families, against
individuals, against even ministries, against anointing, against commissions, against
bodies, against health, against lifestyles that are of God, I declare today that all those
plagues shall not come near. They will not even find their way to even come near
our dwelling placesah because we dwell in the secret place of the Most
High, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Some of you didnt hear what I just said. I said we dwell in the secret place of the Most
High. Because it is a secret place, you [evil folk] wont find it, in the name of the Lord

Angels Given Charge

Psa 91:11-12 KJV
(11) For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
(12) They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
Every angel that has charge over me, over my family, over our lineage, over our
ancestry, over our tribes, over the various clans, over every part of the community, over
the various cities of Africa, the various nations of Africa, I declare you activated right
now by the power that is invested in the name and the blood of Jesus.
And every angel that had been given charge over the families that are watching all over
the world right now, I decree right now in the name of the Lord Jesus that you are
activated and you will go to work on behalf of these people right now in the name of the
Lord Jesus. Because no evil shall befall the people of God, nor any plague come near
their dwelling places. Because you have been given charge over us, over the things that
are pertaining to our lives, to keep us in all our ways, and in your hands you will bear us
up, lest we dash our foot against a stone.

Treading Upon Lions, Serpents, Dragons, Scorpions & ALL the Power of
the Enemy
Psa 91:13 KJV
(13) Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou
trample under feet.
And as result [of the above verses and forgone explanation], I tread even upon the lion
and the cobra, some people are treading while they are seated, it is okay, it is okay, I say
I tread, you know upon the lion and the cobra in the name of the Lord Jesus, because
according to Luke 10:18-19, He says: I beheld satan as lightning fall from heaven.
Luk 10:18-19 KJV
(18) And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
(19) Behold, I give unto you POWER to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all
the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
I decree right now that anything that is not of God that has come against the people of
God, is trodden under foot right now because we exercise that POWER to tread over
serpents and over scorpions and over ALL the powers of the enemy and nothing shall by
any means hurt us.
Whether they are using heat or fire. That is why Mishael, Azariah and Hananiah could
go through the furnace and nothing could harm them because the Angel of the LORD
himselfthe Lord Jesus Christ would be there, the Son of the Most High. We tread
upon the lion and the cobra. We tread upon the lion and the cobra. We tread upon the
lion and the cobra, in the name of the Lord Jesus we tread upon the lion and the cobra
in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Some of you might not understand what we are doing, but truth be told there are certain
lions that have been released against some people. There are at least two people here
who have at least seen dreams like that. Where are you? You have seen in your dream a
lion has been released against you, where are you? Okay, I actually saw you, there are
certain things that have been released but God has arrested them tonight. They have
been arrested tonight, but you have been released and there was certain thing that
actually seemed to have been a pattern in your families, both maternally and paternally.
There are patterns that have been there with marriages. There are patterns that also
have been there with health, and there are patterns that have been there even with the
work of people hands. People claim that you come from a background that is wealthy
and all that, you and I know, there are all kind of challenges, but I wont go into that,

and I havent discussed it with you, but I am telling you because I have heard from God,
I saw some things but I wont go into so many details on that. Because if there is
anything because I know you personally I can talk to you later. But the point I am
making is that those lions that have been released. There have been lions and scorpions
that have been released against people and tonight we are treading them underfoot.
Who is the other person who has seen a lion in your dream? Oh, right here, we decree
from this day those lions are arrested now and we release the net of God, we release the
net of God, the net of God, and the cage that is supposed to cage that lion right now in
the name of the Lord Jesus, not only for the people present here but also for people who
are watching live-streams right now I decree, wherever lions have been released against
you, those lions are arrested right now by the power of the Most High God, in the name
of the Lord Jesus. I declare those cobras right now judged by the power of the Most High
God with the sword of the LORD, the sword of the LORD, the sword of the LORD, the
sword of the LORD, in the name of the Lord Jesus. We declare the fire of the Lord burns
you now, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I could have gone on and talk about few other things I have seen that there are least
twelve here that have had all kind of you know strange visitations, but they are dealt
with tonight in the name of the Lord Jesus, laughter speaking in tongues

Malawi you are released from the belly of that continued speaking in tongue in the
name of the Lord Jesus, speaking in tongue that cycle, you know that vicious cycle
that you have been pushed into because of that particular covenant that has to do with
the head of a lion. I declare today that, that cycle is broken, that vicious cycle is broken.

Zambia you are released right now in the name of the Lord Jesus. Just like Malawi is
being released, Zambia, you are been released.

Zimbabwe, you are been released, ah in your own case it is not only with the snake
but also with the aspect of the three birds, but I declare right now that, that also is
destroyed. Their covenant is destroyed by the blood of Jesus, because it is a stronger
blood that speaks better thing than any other blood. I decree right now by the blood of

Jesus, your redemption is here, your redemption is here, your redemption Even if
there is a need for a mop-up operation, we decree the release of the messengers of God
that are necessary, including human messengers and angelic messengers to do that
right now; laughter

I see there are all kind of nations that had actually had certain snakes and lions
released to swallow other nations and there are certain things that Egypt has also
swallowed that God is going to cause to vomit.

There are things that England has swallowed that God is going to cause her to vomit,
and there are creatures that look like lions that are not lions that every nation has
taken that literally up to today are tied to the apron states of England, today I declare
you released, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
O Africa, your redemption is here in the name of the lord Jesus. Father anything else
that you are showing me that is not meant for public consumption I declare it
established according to your word in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Psalm 91 Sermon Continuation

Now listen to verse 14.
Psa 91:14 KJV
(14) Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on
high, because he hath known my name.
If I were you, I will say: LORD I set my love upon You. From this night, let my heart
constantly be drawn to You and be fastened upon You, and let my heart be bound to
You, in the name of the Lord Jesus, because I set my love upon You, in the name of the
Lord Jesus.
(14) therefore will I deliver him
Once you set your love upon Him, He will deliver you. O Africa, set your love upon the
LORD. We come as some of the representatives of Africa, and say, LORD we set our love
upon You, we set our love upon you, even for the various nations that are represented
here, LORD, as many are ready to take responsibility for those nations, cause them to

say LORD, such and such nations, we set our love upon You, in the name of the Lord
Jesus. And You say, You will deliver, so these nations are delivered. Our continent is
delivered, not only are we delivered, but we are set on high, because we have known
your name,
(14) therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my

3 Arab Nations & 2 Latin Nations Lit

So from this day, every single unlit candle11 of the nations of Africa and any other nation
that is ready for thisbecause I see three nations in the Arabians that are popping
up right now. I see two nations from South America popping up right now, pop, pop,
pop. I declare right now in the name of the Lord Jesus that your candles are lit, and it
will not be put under a bushel, none of them will be put under a bushel, but each one
will be set on a candlestick, on a lampstand that it might give light to anyone in the
house, just like a city on a hill cannot be hidden, so we decree right now according to the
word of the Lord, this is established in the name of the Lord Jesus, in the name of the
Lord Jesus, laughter
(14) therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my
We decree today a new level of the revelation of who God is, who the LORD is, and
knowing His name.
Psa 91:15-16 KJV
(15) He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will
deliver him, and honour him.
(16) With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.
He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, not after
the trouble or just before the trouble, but in trouble; I will deliver him and honour him.


Luk 8:16 KJV

No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it on a
candlestick, that they which enter in may see the light.
Psa 18:28 KJV
For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.


Africa, every trouble that has been sitting upon you, tonight we declare that you have
been delivered out of it and you have been honoured by the LORD. Now let every family
here represented that had been in trouble be delivered from that trouble. We release the
deliverance of God into that tumultuous situation right now. We declare that you are
released and you are honoured. You are set upon a hill according to God original plan
and purpose.
O families that are represented here come forth, come forth, come forth, come forth,
come forth, come forth, in the name of the Lord Jesus. And if you remember when it
came to Lazarus, he was somebody most people didnt know too much about, but after he
had been brought out of the grave, not only did his generation know about him, but
many generations after we still know about him today. Glory to God for ever more. May
that be your portion in the name of the Lord Jesus. With long life I will satisfy him and
show him My salvation. Now take your seat briefly, because we are going on with psalm

Psalm 92
Psa 92:1-9 KJV
(1) A Psalm or Song for the sabbath day. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the
LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:
(2) To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night,
(3) Upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltery; upon the harp with a
solemn sound.
(4) For thou, LORD, hast made me glad through thy work: I will triumph in the works
of thy hands.
(5) O LORD, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep.
(6) A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this.
(7) When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do
flourish; it is that they shall be destroyed for ever:
(8) But thou, LORD, art most high for evermore.
(9) For, lo, thine enemies, O LORD, for, lo, thine enemies shall perish; all the workers of
iniquity shall be scattered.
Even so let that be the testimony of everyone under the sound of the voice of Your word,
every family, and even groups of families, nations, in the name of the Lord Jesus,
laughter and Your faithfulness every night on instrument of ten strings, on the lute,
and on the harp, the harmonious sound, for You oh LORD have made me glad through
Your word, I will triumph in the work of Your hands, Halleluiah you are already
triumphant in the name of the Lord Jesus, oh, LORD how great are Your words! Your


thoughts are very deep. A senseless man does not know, nor does a fool understand this.
It is only fool and senseless people dont understand this; laughter O LORD have

Evil Doers/Nations Thoroughly Disgraced

While I was saying that, I saw some people that actually were so incensed against some
of you here and some of the people watching right now, and they are thoroughly
disgraced, and their disgrace will not easily be forgotten, in fact some of them their
disgrace will not be forgotten.
When the wicked spring up like grass [Psa92:7], and when all the workers of iniquity
flourish, it is that they may be destroyed forever. Only senseless and you know foolish
people dont understand this. Sometimes when it appears that they are springing up like
grass, and all the workers of iniquity seem like flourishing; it is that they may be
destroyed forever. But You, LORD, are on high forevermore. For behold, Your enemies,
O LORD, for behold, Your enemies shall perish; may the enemies of the LORD that have
been often rebuked and had hardened their necks be suddenly cut off and without
remedy in line with Proverbs 29:1. We decree that established. We also declare right
now in line with Isaiah 49:24-26, that right now they will eat their own flesh, they will
drink their own blood and be drunk as it were with sweet wine. I declare also in line
with Proverbs 26:2 & 27, every curse that they have released will have no landing
place, because all their landing parks are been blown out in the name of the Lord Jesus.
And even families and nations that have gathered against other nations; including some
of the three nations that I just saw. I mean some like the three nations that I just saw
that have conspired against Israel as a nation right now and they have met to hatch
that by the end of March 2016. Today I declare you will end up being thoroughly
disgraced according to the word of the LORD right now. I declare from this day
according to the word of the LORD, as many have gathered against the people here, and
certain families that have also agreed they want to fight the people of God, and they
want to fight certain families; today your judgment is sealed by the God, in the name of
the Lord Jesus.
I declare today, you are going to perish unless you repent, because like it is written in
Proverbs 29:1 that I talked about you will end up with a challenge where you will


suddenly be cut off and without remedy, and in line with you know Proverbs 26:27, I
declare that the pit you have dug, you are falling into it right now.
Ah the stone you are rolling in the direction of the people of God, is rolled back on you,
is rolling back, is rolling back, is rolling back, is rolling back, is coming, is coming, you
better repent before it hit you; and ground you in powder, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
All the workers of iniquity shall be scattered, cut them oh LORD that delight in war, in
the name of the Lord Jesus.
Psa 92:10 KJV
(10) But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with
fresh oil.
Let our families receive that right now, in the name of the Lord Jesus, maybe it is not
very clear, let me explain that, because I just said it so simply. For every family, it has a
mandate from the God. When Aaron had the mandate of priesthood, what did God tell
Moses? Anoint him into his priestly office, so out of all the Levites, because he was not
the only person, you know from the lineage of Levi, okay? But he was lifted now. Is
everybody with me? May God exalt the horn of your family, what I just said if you didnt
understand is that from today God will help you to discover the original purpose for your
family, because when you discover then He will say come up here! I want you to shine
from here, let the horns of the families of those that are ready to do the bidding of the
LORD now be exalted like the horn of the unicorn, and may each one be anointed with
fresh oil in the name of the Lord Jesus because once God does something like that, then
now the defences of the enemies cannot stand in your way because you break through
the defences with the horn of the unicorn. Every defence that has been erected against
the people of God, I declare today you are broken down by the horn of the unicorn in
the name of the Lord Jesus. He anoints us with fresh oil, fresh oil, fresh oil, fresh oil,
everybody say: fresh oil. In fact I am going to pray now. LORD I receive fresh oil, and as
many as are ready LORD, let that fresh oil be released. Sometimes we have stale oil,
because it has been oil that we have known for years and is ready for replacement. Let
the fresh oil be released, fresh oil for every day, fresh oil for every season, fresh oil every
month, fresh oil for every you know quarter which is the season, fresh oil for every half
year, fresh oil for every year, fresh oil for every decade, because there are different kind
of anointing for different spans of time.


LORD, right now I receive fresh oil, every single one I have not yet received, I come and
receive it right now, not only for me, but for the Bako family, for every family and every
lineage that is linked to us in any shape or form paternally, maternally. I receive fresh
oil right now, not only for my family and our lineages, but I receive fresh oil for every
family in Logos-Rhema Foundation for Leadership Resource Development, and the body
of Christ worldwide, as many that needed prayer now, but you know need a prayer like
this but dont even know how to pray it, but You know are qualified for it, we declare
credited to their account right now in the name of the Lord Jesus. Fresh oil, fresh oil,
fresh oil, in the name of the Lord Jesus, glory to God.
Psa 92:11 KJV
(11) Mine eye also shall see my desire on mine enemies, and mine ears shall hear my desire
of the wicked that rise up against me.
(12) The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in
That shall be the story of many families here; the righteous shall flourish like a palm
tree. Everybody, say: let the nature of the palm tree in me be activated right now, in the
name of the Lord Jesus, and I grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Father, let the reality of
these things be released. Father, You know earlier on this morning I was discussing that
with You, briefly; I do not want it to be that we just prayed and were gone, but that we
will be ready to follow up with corresponding actions, when You show us divinely
inspired ideas, we will run with them, promptness of obedience, strictness of obedience,
deliver Your people from every lethargy, from every laziness, from every lateness, from
There are many times you actually feel, you should do things and you say: I will do it
later, I will do it later, and you actually tell yourself and tell your spouse; like sometimes
I will tell my wife, Ive got to go and take my bath nowhow many people know what I
am talking about? We decree the spirit of procrastination cut out of your lives, and you
will forbid it too in the name of the Lord Jesus, halleluiah.
Psa 92:13 KJV
(13) Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our
We declare you planted where God wants you planted. Anyone that is not planted where
God wants them to be planted, wherever they are in the world; we declare you removed


from there and transplanted to the original place God ordained for you to be planted, in
the name of the Lord Jesus.
Everyone in Logos-Rhema Foundation for Leadership Resource Development that is not
supposed to be here we declare you removed.
Anyone that is supposed to be here that is anywhere else, we pull you here in the name
of the Lord Jesus; and more outside of the current body of believers, we call you now,
come in, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
We give you praise. We give you glory in the name of the Lord Jesus. We flourish, we
flourish, we flourish, we flourish, we flourish in the courts of our God. Let the
flourishing anointing come upon the head of Your people in the name of the Lord Jesus.
They shall still bear fruit in old age. It is when you flourish that you bear fruit in old
age. They shall be fresh and flourishing; fresh and flourishing.
People can flourish and be strong, they dont need to be supported and be carried even at
certain ages.
Psa 92:14 KJV
(14) They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;
We declare concerning Africamany people have said concerning the nations of Africa,
if you really would have made any mark, why didnt you make it? How many years of
independence, and you are still like in infancy? Hey, even in our old ages, we will bear
fruit. Because we are going to be fresh and flourishing, I release the anointing to
freshness, anointing to flourish right now, in the name of the Lord Jesus that we can
declare that:
Psa 92:15 KJV
(15) the LORD is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.
Let me also say that one of the things God said concerning families. Families should be
praying from these 2 psalms.

Three (3) Scrolls: Spirits Released Against Families

Because there are certain people that had released certain things, in terms of spirits
against families lives, and in fact, some confusion was released upon mankind.
I saw three (3) different scrolls being released for mankind:

1) that people will be confused concerning their gender,

2) that people will be confused concerning the true relationship that should exist
between spouses, and I am talking about husbands and wives as man and
woman; that is why they have that confusion also.
3) And there is another scroll that was released that had to do with the value of life,
value of life, that people will not put the right kind of value on life, that even
individuals their own lives; they dont put as much values on their lives as they
should and as a result they endanger their lives for food, they endanger their
lives for money, they endanger their live how many people understand what I
am talking about?
I saw the scrolls, but we are releasing the angels that must deal with the scrolls that
have to with your own lives, because I didnt hear from God that the scrolls will be
totally removed from the earth. I didnt hear and I am not going to go beyond that. It
will be wishful thinking, in fact it is, you know, no proper prayer, that is soul-ish prayer.
Did you hear what I just said? If I pray that prayer, it will be a soul-ish prayer. It wont
be answered, because God didnt send me.
So receive the grace to deal with the things that need to be dealt with according to God
original plan and purpose and according to the divine patterns in the name of the Lord

Sufficiency for Families

I also saw the fact that they will be sufficiency for families, sufficiency for families, and
then ability for families to begin to also help many families to enter into their places in
life, and in the generation.
Whatever is there in your life that came as result of covenant(s) by your family, that
have not been covered yet in prayer, you can stand wherever you are you dont need to
come forward; just stand right wherever you are.

Bloodline Covenants
I am going to declare that everything in any life that has to do with any ancient
covenant, that has followed every member of the family through the lineage, through the
bloodline, tonight I declare that that thing is judged by the power of the Most High God.
It is flushed out of your familys line, in the name of the Lord Jesus. I see five specific

people, but there might be more, that you actually have challenges that are both
spiritual and physical and then in addition to that, you have frustration with the work
of your hands. People who do not have access to the inner details of your life believe you
have it made and you are the best, in fact your world is the best; but you know that
there is frustration, and it had to do with the fact that there was a masonic covenant,
masonic covenant; that was signed by one of your ancestors, now those of you who are
ushers I know you are also praying but be alert because of things end up happening.
There are masonic covenants that had been signed that are responsible for the
challenges in those areas of your lives. Today I decree the dissolution of such covenants
by the blood of Jesus, the solvent of the blood of Jesus is applied right now, to dissolve
those covenants, to dissolve all of the emblems of the covenants, the tokens of the
covenants, we declare by the fire of the LORD that they are burnt right now in the name
of the Lord Jesus.
And the totems and every single token that has been used, totem, token, totem, token,
we declare all of them burnt by the fire of the LORD right now, in the name of the Lord
Jesus. Where there is any need for a follow up, LORD show your people what to do, just
as a mop up operation, that the angels that are assigned to the families we activate
right now and where they need help, we release help; in the name of the Lord Jesus.
We give You praise, we give You glory because we know it is done according to Your
original plan and purpose, in the Most excellent, victorious, unconquerable name, Jesus
Christ the Lord of glory and grace who is the basis for families because of His blood;
Amen Shalom to you.


PART IV: January 3,



Morning - January 3, 2016

Excerpts from the Prophetic Word that came on January 3, 2016 in the morning
through the vessel that God used Dr. Abu Bako

A New Thing Rivers in the Desert

God is doing a new thing. He said the He will make rivers in the desert. Out of
our belly will flow rivers of living water. Even when it is in the desert place there
will be enough rivers to now cover the desert. Every wilderness is about to be
just a passage for you.

Job 42
This message is entitled: Behold I make all things new.
You should have left lack of humility before the Lord in 2015. You should have
left looking for ways to play the blame game in 2015.
God said Behold, I do a new thing. Behold, I make all things new.
If you receive this as a rhema, that will transform your life this year. What God
is about to do at the minimum will be double.
From this day [know] that everything God has taken you through He was
preparing you for the real thing. It means that whatever it is that you have seen
or you have heard, or you have experienced, or you have touched it was just
preparation for a year like this.
This year God is about to release some things to you that you have never dreamt
of because you have the capacity.
If there has been anything that somehow has been able to erode your confidence
because of the challenges you went through today I declare restoration of that
confidence in the Name of Jesus because God ordained for you to become one of
the best that the world has ever seen.
God is arising now and His enemies are being scattered.

Carriers and Couriers of Gods Presence

You are becoming a carrier and courier of Gods presence, Gods power, Gods
function, Gods personality, Gods nature, Gods grace and expressions in all
facets, all forms and wherever you go, whatever is there that is not of God will
give way.
I see what is happening all over the place according to Gods original plan and
purpose. May God multiply your capacity. May God establish what He has
ordained for you this year. May you become one of the best that the world has
ever seen. May you be a true expression of the faithfulness of God and the
greatness of that faithfulness that wherever you go from now on you will be an
expression of the fact that the righteous is rewarded in the land of the living.
That wherever you go [they will know] that God is sovereign in the affairs of
man. When they behold you they see God at work.
Some things that looked like they were impossible are going to be made possible
this year.
There are some people that had told you that you would never make it in life.
They are going to stand in awe of God.

Jeremiah 33:9
I hear God say concerning twelve people here that many of you are going to be an
expression of Jeremiah 33:9.
Jeremiah 33:9 New International Version
Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise and honour before all
nations on earth that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will
be in awe and will tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide
for it.']
The fact is that they will stand in awe and tremble at the abundant prosperity.


For some of us here this year God is going to establish so much of His presence,
His Glory, His power, His abundance, His Grace, His favor in manifestation that
people who behold what He has done in my life, in your life, not only in our lives
but in our families, not only in our families but in the works of our hands, not
only in the works of our hands but in our lands, not only in our lands but in the
continent of Africa.

Prayer Decree
I decree from this day according to the word of the Lord, that men shall stand in
awe of the Most High God. Note that He said because of the abundant prosperity
and peace. Let the abundant prosperity and peace be released.
According to Gods original ordination we decree that established and we decree
that settled in the name that is above all names, Jesus Christ the Son of the
living God.
May the anointing of David come upon some people here. He lost no battle
because He enquired of the Lord every time.

Year of Supernatural Operation - Divinely Inspired Ideas

This year is the year of supernatural operation where you have divinely inspired
ideas. Where you are doing everything the way God wants and you are pursuing,
you are surely over taking and without fail you are recovering all.

Establishing Divine Patterns and New Frontiers

This is also the year that you are going to establish divine patterns and new
frontiers. Because this is the type of year where we are talking of the
supernatural, you must operate consistently keeping in step with the Spirit of
God, with the rhema. As you take the rhema it is as good as done.
Fast Year No Distractions

God said it is a very fast year. That is the reason He said no distractions seven
times. This is the first time I have heard [God say] no distractions seven times in


the same breath. This means you must make sure that you do not allow anything
to distract you. You must know where you are going so you need a rhema from
That is the supernatural aspect where you can now get things done. As a result,
because of the experience you have now garnered over the years, He is now able
to trust you and gives you double the amount of time you had before. [This is] so
you can resolve everything that needs to be resolved and establish everything
that needs to be established and set patterns that need to be set.
New Patterns for Governance, Business, Education etc.

I see God setting new patterns in many areas. God is setting new patterns for
governance. God is setting new patterns for business. God is setting new
patterns for education. I saw at least three new areas that God is going to open
up educationally for people. There will even be new curricula that will be
developed for various aspects of education. This is the year God is going to help
some people to develop the right kind of curricula for various branches in the
medical field. It is not only for this nation but it is [for] the world over. It is going
to take people who hear from God.
God is going to cause some people to develop the right kind of curriculum for the
aspect of mindset transformation. I heard God say concerning mindsets
that it is one of the challenges that Africa has had. God wants to do a new
thing. He wants to do a quick work. He wants Africa to become the place that
will help the rest of the worldin fact, the key place helping the rest of the
world. That is why He is bringing new curricula for various aspects that will
change mindsets. The way people think concerning marriage. The way people
think concerning family life. The way people think concerning business. The way
people evaluate a business. The way people evaluate prosperity. The way people
evaluate progress. The way people evaluate wealth. I see God bringing about
change and it is all in the area of curricula first. This is why it is going to take
about three years before you see full manifestation of the transformation. It is
starting this year with curricula.

Each person and each area will have a different curriculum. I see God bringing a
lot of changes educationally. Do not start complaining if you see changes in
curriculum. God wants to do that for a purpose.
A New System of Resolution of Cases

God is going to use Africa to bring a new system of resolution of cases. Originally
lawyers were not meant for litigation. Lawyers were trained to ensure that
[people] would avoid litigation. Now unfortunately, they are known for litigation.
God originally meant for lawyers to be the ones to teach people how to operate
properly. That is why [Jesus said in Matthew 23:13] Woe unto you scribes and
Pharisees. He was addressing the doctors of the law because they were the ones
who were to teach people how to enter the kingdom and rather they had shut the
door of the Kingdom of heaven and they would not enter and they did not let
others enter either. [Fifty to one hundred] years ago, lawyers were trained to see
how they could avoid having to go to court.
God is saying that there is a new face He is going to give to law and handling
cases. He is going to bring in a new way of resolving issues and resolving cases
and it going to be introduced from Africa to the rest of the world. It is going to
happen and within the next 18 months we will see the first sign. Within the next
32 months it will be evident.
God is talking about curricula in various areas even for children. There will be a
way that children will be trained properly. Have you noticed that when children
were trained properly it takes a couple to have a child but it takes a village to
raise a child you had the best communities?
God is about to reintroduce some things. This time it will be better than it was
before. This is the issue of Job 42.
Year of Restoration / Recovery / Laying New Foundations

God is going to restore. This is the year of restoration. It is the year of recovery
and restoration laying new foundations.


There will be new curricula in the areas of child care and child development.
There are things that are about to be released. There are people that will develop
the best curricula that have ever been developed for training children not just
teaching childrenno training children. God is going to do that.
God is also releasing new patterns for expressing love the way that He ordained
it to be expressed for every member of the household.
God said as many as would be ready to cooperate with one another to hear
clearly from Him and to operate more as teams these people would be
catapulted into areas they have never dreamt of. They will be catapulted into
areas of operation they have never dreamt of. They will be catapulted into levels
of operation that will make the average man begin to wonder whether these
things were ever possible. That is because God is about to bring new levels of
unity for the family, new levels of unity for teams that hitherto had been
disjointed. God is about to bring restoration of harmony.
God is bringing new patterns through curricula that will be developed.
New Curricula for Media Personnel Development

There will be new curricula for media personnel development. God wants to
bring people who will be responsible for transformation through the media. It is
the Lords word that will be published from now on. Psalm 68:11
Psalms 68:11
The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published
God wants to raise people who will not only do responsible journalism and
reporting truth but will be development oriented where they will be looking for
how holistic the whole thing is. So you are not just looking at the facts of the
case, you are not just looking at the facts of the story but [you are looking at]


what is making up the story that can help to develop and bring progress to a
nation, to a people.
Developing Curricula In The Area Of The Arts

God is going to cause people to develop curricula in the area of the arts especially
in music. The days of Handel are about to be reintroduced and they will be
It will not just be Handels level it will be another level. [Handels Messiah was
written in a matter of days following a period of fasting.] God has released the
grace for that level of operation. The choice is yours as individuals.
New curricula because God is doing something new.

A New Capacity to Live Longer, Renewed Memory & Eyesight

God is about to give you a new capacity to live longer. God is giving you a new
capacity to begin to operate with such health and such ability to last longer.
When God renews your youth like the eagles there is no ability that He will not
give to you. Some of you, by the end of this year you will be looking younger than
you have looked in the last ten years.
God is also going to renew your memory. Some of you are going to have sharper
memories than you have ever had all your life.
There are some people that will have sharper eye sight than they have had all
their lives. There are certain people here that have had challenges. In fact, the
enemy had already decreed that you would be blind in the next five years. There
are two people who had gotten to the place where they can hardly see right now.
God says by the middle of the year, latest June 30, 2016, you will be seeing
better than you have ever seen.
God is serious about the things that He is saying. Thus says the Lord, Behold I
do a new thing. It is important for every one of us leaving the service today to be
leaving with a new mindset, a new disposition.


The Prophetic Word that came on January 3, 2016 at Logos Rhema Foundation
in the evening.

Evening - January 3, 2016

Outworking the Word of God
Whatever God speaks will come to pass. All His promises are sure. It is easier for
heaven and earth to pass away than [for one title of the law to fail. Luke 16:17].
That is why it is important for us to embrace His word and give Him praise even
before we see the manifestation. The moment He releases the word it is already
done. It is only a matter of time for it to slow down to our level.
Tonight everything that God is saying to you, saying to the earth, saying to the
nation, saying to the continent has already happened. All we need to do is to
work it out. It is the outworking.
Jos 21:43-45 AMP
(43) And the Lord gave to Israel all the land which He had sworn to give to their fathers,
and they possessed it and dwelt in it.
(44) The Lord gave them rest round about, just as He had sworn to their fathers. Not one
of all their enemies withstood them; the Lord delivered all their enemies into their
(45) There failed no part of any good thing which the Lord had promised to the house of
Israel; all came to pass.
Jos 23:13-15 AMP
(13) Know with certainty that the Lord your God will not continue to drive these nations
from before you; but they shall be a snare and trap to you, and a scourge in your
sides and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from off this good land which the
Lord your God has given you.
(14) And behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth. Know in all your hearts
and in all your souls that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the
Lord your God promised concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one
thing of them has failed.
(15) But just as all good things which the Lord promised you have come to you, so will
the Lord carry out [His] every [warning of] evil upon you, until He has destroyed you
from off this good land which the Lord your God has given you.


There are certain things that might have been troubling nations including people
and groups of people that God is going to now set aside if they do not

Urgency of the Time

God is not about to play games with anybody. God has a work to do, especially in
the continent of Africa. God has shown me things about certain Presidents,
certain individuals, certain governments, certain alliances and various networks
of governments that if He releases me to share tonight you will begin to see them
come to pass. If He does not release me they will still come to pass.
The Lord gave to Israel the land that He had sworn to give to their fathers.
There are certain families here that have not seen one tenth of what God had
promised their ancestors because some individual came and completely skewed
things into a different direction for the family. The family has been robbed of its
inheritance. God is about to bring the family back into her inheritance.
Even in Moago [a place in Ghana], that you are talking aboutthe priestly
anointing in that place is gradually going to be restored to the original. It is
going to take about three years and things are going to change whether the
dragon likes it or not.
Not one of all our enemies or most importantly the Lords enemies, in our lives,
in our families, in our neighbourhoods, in our communities, in our cities, in our
nations, in our continent will ever be able to withstand us this year in the Name
of the Lord Jesus.
Title for this message: All came to pass.
Joshua 23: 14 & 15
At the end of 2016 you will say all have come to pass.
When you receive a rhema word and you believe it, then it is done. For the year
2016 and the years ahead of us whatever God says when you receive it, you now

ask the Lord what you would have me do. That is very important. So that
whatever is supposed to be a personal revelation to me I receive. Be in a prayer
mode. Ask God what He is saying to you, to your nation, to your family, to the
continent, to the world, to the government, to the various institutions.
This is what God wants us to do. This is how you respond to the word. You come
Your level of expectation will determine the level of reception.
Every word of God is full of the power of accomplishment within it.
From today whatever rhema God gives you, you just need to embrace it and say
Let it be to me according to your rhema. Now I am your handmaiden. Now I am
your servant. Whatever you want me to do tell me and I will do it.
Tonight is a night of releasing His word on the earth and into lives so that they
will come into manifestation and fruition. You just listen to Him and He will
bring to pass whatever He has spoken.
There are some of you that have had prophecies over your lives for a
long time and they have not come to pass. They are coming to pass this
God is saying this year things for nations that have been held back for over four
decades, some four centuries that means forty years some four hundred yearsare about to be released this year. They shall come to pass whether the dragon
likes it or not.

Nations of Africa
There are certain things that God wants to do with the nations of Africa
that looked impossible in the past that God is bringing to pass this year.
When it comes to the nations of Africa quite a few are going to pop up with a lot
of progress that people will not be able to get a handle on it. There will be some
things people cannot put value on. There will be those things they will put value

on with inadequate systems of measuring and evaluating. With those that they
can quantify they will see that it has gone beyond the regular.
For the next two and a half years God is going to make quite a few African
nations leap frog economically. It is going to happen and nobody will be able
to stand in the way of what God wants done. It is not about Africa per say. It is
because God wants to use that in the nations that are ready to do His bidding to
now bring nations around the world to Him.
The purpose of [God] creating nations is so that they might seek Him in the first
place according to Acts 17:27. God did this so that they would seek him and
perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us]
Nations are supposed to be seeking God. That is why He made them.
The reason why God is going to prosper quite a few nations this year not only
economically but in many respects is because God wants to turn around many
nations who have been groping and they will finally find their way.
Within the next three years God is going to make Africa an example for many
other nations. The latest in the 35th month Africa will be a clear example in at
least four areas. [This will be] in the 35th month from today.
When you hear God speaking like that He is very serious about certain things
that He is about to release.
Concerning the continent of Africa, this is the year that He is dealing
with ancient covenants that have been undermining the purposes of
God on the continent. Do not be surprised if you hear a few things being cleared
out in many respects.

That is why for many nations including the nation of Nigeria in three locations
He is shaking out the very serious foundations of evil.


I saw angels go into such places. God is going to deal with these foundations. God
is literally sending some angels to destroy whatever needs to be destroyed.

Even for Ghana, there are things that God is going to deal with in various
centers. For Ghana, because of what God wants to do there are five different
locations that the angels are visiting.
These things will be sorted out permanently for Gods glory.
One of the things I saw was the fact that the President of the nation had more or
less been taken captive by four different groupstwo religious groups, one
traditional group and one occult group. They were just messing a lot of things up.
The President has a short while to now align with what the Lord wants then he
will be delivered from the hands of these people.
What is there to realize is that God is greater than any and all of us put
together. It is very important for all of us to understand that.
God wants to bring Ghana back to the original purpose for Ghana. Ghana is
supposed to be one of those nations that will propel Africa into her destiny. God
is about to bring that into full manifestation and fruition. This will be the
beginning this year. Because God is serious about that if there is any man, any
woman, who poses as a man of God, that would stand in Gods way, God will
remove him or her.
There are things that will happen that will astound some people. When it comes
to God, God is beyond and all of us put together.
There are certain people that had decided that they were going to wreak havoc
on the nation of Ghana. But not only the nation of Ghana, they had decided to do
it against Nigeria, against Ghana, against South Africa, against Kenya, against
Somalia, against Sudan, against even Eritrea which should have been something
already under their control talking of Islamic people.

God is going to say no, enough is enough.

When it comes to some of the others that have gone in their shrines and in their
groves and their hiding places. Some even meeting by the riverside in the
Western Region [of Ghana]. I see you right now. God says if you do not stop He is
going to come and deal with your entire system. And destroy it. Do not be
surprised if you hear of lightening striking all kinds of places including the
Northern Region [of Ghana].
There is a place in Sankasi, I have never been there physically, which is in the
NE corner of Ghana that people have been going to, to do things and literally
enslaving three nations at the same time. They are determining the destiny of
three nations right there, the nations of Ghana, Togo and Burkino Faso.
God is going to judge whatever the enemy is trying to do in that place. He will
shoot forth His arrows, His thundering and lightening and anything that needs
to be released from heaven to deal with the very roots of evil. Be warned in case
you know some of the people there, your family members. Let them know that
He is not joking. He is God. He is the owner of everything.
God is shaking nations. In fact, when it comes to the area of God using what
people call national disasters, there will be an intensification especially in the
Northern hemisphere when it comes to the aspect of water and wind. In the
Southern hemisphere [it will be] fire and wind.
CONFIRMATION: As of this transcription and editing 30/1/2016 some of the
aforementioned about the Northern Hemisphere have already started unfolding
with news articles like:
Blizzard buries eastern US as New York bans travel as it happened
Weather: WORST storm for a CENTURY hits UK as Storm Jonas brings
torrential rain and gales http://shr.gs/WdXArZb


Storm Jonas heading to Britain after battering US, killing 19


There will come a time when the third element will be added to both
hemispheres. That is when what was missing in the previous era will not come.
Meaning for example, if God uses the (first two water and wind) for the first half
and there is no repentance then (fire) will be added by the time you are getting to
the second half. That should be a sign for anyone who is hearing from God that is
ready to do the bidding of the Lord to say Lord what would you have us do now to
now harness the harvest into your kingdom?
That is what God is saying in essence. It is very important for everyone to realize
that when it comes to what He wants to do this year there are some glorious
things that will be released also. It is not just about judgement, judgement,
judgement. A lot of good things are about to be released.

This is the time finally when the growth rates that people have not
experienced or have just had a foretaste of, will be released upon the
continent of Africa and some few nations around the world especially in
Latin America and Asia. This is because of the things God wants to do. He will
give an example with two that are not aligned with either of these two continents
or areas.

Innovative Ideas and Innovative Patterns

The Lord is going to give innovative ideas and innovative patterns to people so
that they will be able to bring nations out of the doldrums. This is what God is
releasing for this year.
There are certain things that God will release that have to do with nations
especially of the north. God has already spoken concerning Russia, Turkey, Iran,
Iraq and a few other places concerning what He wants to do and the shakings.
Now there are certain aspects that had to do with these nations wanting to use

energy to manipulate. God decided to weaken them but the people who thought
that they controlled the world decided to use it in their estimation for their
advantage. In fact, many of you do not realize that even in the physical when it
comes to the whole thing about oil at some point people started the fracking
and they thought everything was going to go well. So much so that within a short
time in North Dakota in the US they had 200 companies. Within six months only
90 are left. This was just a sign.
God was telling me that was a sign God was giving last year. He is now going to
shake whatever people have trusted in. If you think you are the most powerful
nation, whatever you have trusted in God is going to shake the very foundation
of that unless you begin to acknowledge Him as God. There will be a time when
He will let you use it for the fulfillment of His purposes for the end time
prophecies for the manifestation of the man of sin. From now until 2020 He is
going to begin to shake.

Armies of Heaven Released and Unleashed

The armies of heaven are about to be released and unleashed for quite a few
things to be accomplished for the Body of Christ that is ready to stand. That is
why for every gate of society He has asked us to raise an altar that will become
like a launching pad for the nations.
That means for families there will be angels that are assigned to families that
have never been utilized or activated. They will be activated this year.
For some of you the enemy has placed a death sentence on your life. It is time for
you to tell them not when my angel is here. You will be cut down before you get
Families that were supposed to have been wiped out by the end of the year God
has released angels that will wipe out whatever was supposed to wipe you out.
That is why God gave you this word concerning the rhema. So you would know
how to receive it then it would now work on your behalf.


[Time of prayers for individuals]

Whatever it is that the enemy has used as a conspiracy against you that
conspiracy shall be broken. It is settled in the Name of Jesus.
[Prayer for the President of Ghana]
His life needs to be preserved. His life is in danger. We will pray to let the
counsel of the Lord stand.

Seek New Level of Intimacy No Distractions

This year you should concentrate more on what God has said. This year God
wants us to get into a new level of intimacy with Him so that we can concentrate
more on what He has said over the years and now dig them out and begin to
proclaim them and begin to thank Him rather than [focusing] on what the devil
is doing.
That means you might see some negative things but do not waste your time with
the negative things. Remember this is the first time in my life I have heard God
say to me seven times No Distractions. He did say that some seemingly good
things will be brought your way and if He is not the one telling you do not get
distracted by them. They enemy might want to distract you so that you do not
get absorbed by that seemingly good thing and you miss the original. The other
aspect is that while you are distracted, grounds you should have gained [you will
lose]. You will lose so much grounds that by the time you now regain your
concentration you will be so far behind that you will have to really fight before
you can catch up if at all. It is very important that you do not get distracted.
There are some of you that He has given specific instructions to do things that
you have not done. You were looking for ways to get them done. You were looking
at it from the perspective of man [asking] Where am I going to get the money
from? Where am I going to get this and that from? God says if you would just
stay in His presence and ask Him then He will tell you. Staying in His presence
does not necessarily mean you have to go into fasting. You just concentrate on


Him. Every time your mind will be stayed on Him. Then He will tell you
what you ought to do and a lot of things will change.
Those of you who have been misled by false prophesies, God is going to retrieve
you this year and you must also make a covenant with Him not to listen to
prophesies that you have not cross checked with Him. Cross check with Him and
make sure that they are from Him. Do not despise prophecy. Check all things
and hold on to what is good.
There is a situation where a true prophet gave a false prophecy.
This is the year of greater intimacy with God. Where God will show you what to
do and some of the things that He had spoken over your life many years ago that
had never come to pass will surely come to pass. You have to find out from [God]
how to go about it. Not the way of looking for things the way people look for
Sometimes you say Where am I going to get the money from? Who will help
me? Just ask Him, Lord what will you have me do? Leave the rest to Him.
One of the things God said concerning the year is that He is going to transform
the way we think. For many of us it is our mindsets that have undermined His
work in our lives. When you come to Him, especially during those periods of
fasting you need to ask God for transformation of mindsets. Mindset
transformation that would change your disposition and your worldview during
these periods of fasting.
I now understand why by the end of the year we would have read through the
Bible 14 times.

Governance: Shake the Foundations of Satanic Governmental Structures

God said that this is the year He is going to shake the foundations of Satanic
governmental structures. There were certain things that were put in place to
oppose His work. Remember Jesus said to Peter Jesus turned and said to
Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have

in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns. Matthew 16:23 when
[Peter] had said that [Jesus] cannot go to Jerusalem and die.
Meaning that there are certain governmental structures that are not of
God. They are actually hindering the move of God. God is going to deal a death
blow to some of them. Not all of them.
[He will do this] so that the original pattern will emerge.
That is why some of you need to go and download some things. Some of us will do
it to His glory in the Name of Jesus.
Even weather patterns will be changing every now and then.

Five Western Nations

There are five western nations that both people who are sitting and those that
are yet to enter God has given some window of opportunity for the people to
finally yield to Him. If they do not [yield] then for some of them sickness and
disease might keep them from continuing in one case and in the other case, in
another nation all together, the sickness will keep the person from entering into
the office even if the person were to contest.

There are things that God is going to do to shake America. My prayer is that
those of you in America that are listening right now will do everything in your
power to pray and hear from God how to avert some of the judgements coming.
There are some things that will happen that are called national disasters. There
are other things that had been planned, not by God. There were planned by the
enemy but God will allow them if we do not pray. [These things] were supposed
to deal a death blow to America that would be worse than 2001.
My prayer is that the Body of Christ will arise there and begin to stand in the
gap. One of the things I saw is that the Body of Christ has gotten so
disenchanted with the current system that they had decided that they would


rather let the judgement come. But that is not what God wants. [It is that you]
should pray for the peace of the nation so that in her peace you would have your
peace. So the word of God would not be hindered. We know that both from
Jeremiah and 1 Timothy 2. Make sure we are doing it Gods way. Otherwise,
even those of you that think yes let the judgment come, you might not be able
to stand when some of the things are released into manifestation.

Exposing Posers
Concerning some of the people that have been posing as men of God, God is going
to expose those who are not true men and women of God. It is not only for one
nation. It is for quite a number of nations and it is literally going to happen on
every continent this year. Every continent is going to have that experience
except for the arctic regions.

Business and the Economy

In the area of business and the economy God spoke about new patterns and there
is also going to be fresh revelations of areas that people thought could be
business areas and they will be areas that man cannot do without. It seems it
never occurred to quite a number of people. There will be three such before the
end of the year.

Science and Technology

The aspect that has to do with science and technology there will be new
discoveries. In fact not only in terms of new discoveries of way of doing things, of
making things, there will be new discoveries of new species of creatures. God will
show things beyond dark matter before the end of the year.
Roughly 80 percent of the mass of the universe is made up of material that
scientists cannot directly observe. Known as dark matter, this bizarre
ingredient does not emit light or energy. So why do scientists think it
dominates? Studies of other galaxies in the 1950s first indicated that the
universe contained more matter than seen by the naked eye. Support for
dark matter has grown, and although no solid direct evidence of dark

matter has been detected, there have been strong possibilities in recent
- See more at: http://www.space.com/20930-darkmatter.html#sthash.fypyiDB3.dpuf
For those of you who are scientists and technologists there are things that God
will show you that will help you to see why human beings at certain levels are
able to pass through solid objects. Scientifically some things will be unraveled.
There will be something that is beyond nanotechnology that will be unveiled.

It is important that this year every media personnel understand that media is
for the development of the whole person spirit, soul and body. Because of that
God is going to help those who are ready to now look for new ways of helping
man to develop through media. Some of you have received ideas that are related
to that for media outfits.
There is a group of three people in America I do not know you personally but
as you listen to this whether directly now or later when you see it in whichever
format I see that God will enable you to see it you have been looking to start
a platform to do that. God says He is going to prosper it you just keep in step
with His Spirit. Not only those ones in America, God is saying that there will be
at least five groups in different locations in the world like that. Meaning that,
there are four other groups that God is raising. There are a few people in this
place today that God has given similar ideas.
[That is, ideas] that are quite close but not exactly the same. Just go ahead and
develop it you never know how far God could take it.
I can see the fact that there will be three African nations that will cooperate at
the same time.


People from there will be able to float something that will be an example for the
rest of the world in that respect of how you can use media to develop nations.
I see that God is bringing people to a new level of expression in communication
abilities. There are some of you that have found it difficult to express yourselves.
God is going to give you the ability to express yourself fluently, freely, fully,
accurately and adequately. God is going to do that this year. All you need to do is
just wait on Him. When He gives you the signal, go. Be ready to kick off.

Arts, Sports and Culture

When it comes to arts, sports and culture God has already spoken concerning
music. He is giving new patterns where music will be used to lay foundations of
nations, companies, businesses and cities. Companies with economic activity or
not. God will help us to lay foundations for nations through music. Even for the
earth the foundations were laid in the atmosphere of music. Job 38:4-7.
There are things God is showing. [He called several musicians forward and
addressing them he said] If you would listen closely enough there are things
that will change the banking industry through music. There are songs that God
has begun to show you to write. Arrangements that will be instrumentals that
will be played in banking halls around the world. Two of you standing here, your
music will be played on planes. It is going to take more than just doing the
things you have been doing. [These here] are just being used as samples. You
may be sitting here and God is doing some things with you. God has spoken to
some of you to write specific hymns, songs and you have said I dont have a
tune. That is not your business. Write what He said you should write. There are
some of you God has given you the ability to sing and literally you would
transform situations in peoples lives and you have stopped doing that for quite a
long time. God wants to restore you.
[Prayer for those in the arts]
[Prayer for those in the area of construction]


There are angels I saw that have been released that will give some of you
patterns for designing and constructing things that had to do with houses and
other areas of construction. Anything that has to do with construction, God is
releasing some things. There are fresh expressions that are being released right
There are things God wants to do with some people but He will not be able to do
it if you keep compromising.
You say how do I do it if I dont compromise? He will give you the way to go about
it. When it comes to Him, He knows what He is doing. What He is about to
introduce He would not want man to take glory for it. Let no man be able to say
if it were not for me you could not have gotten this. There are five of you that
have gotten in murky waters. Two of such people are actually in very tight
corners now. God says He will deliver you. He will honour you if you will decide
from now to say God Ok I am sorry I had to compromise because I thought that
was the only way.
Now show me the way. And He will show you. It does not matter where you are
in the world there is hardly any nation that does not have corruption. If you
just come to God He says He will deliver you.


Listing of Jubilee Years
This listing is based on an unbroken 49 year Shemitah Cycle.
1 1367 BC
2 1318 BC
3 1269 BC
4 1220 BC
5 1171 BC
6 1122 BC
7 1073 BC
8 1024 BC

975 BC


926 BC


877 BC


828 BC


779 BC


730 BC


681 BC


632 BC


583 BC


534 BC


485 BC


436 BC


387 BC


338 BC


289 BC


240 BC


191 BC


142 BC


93 BC


44 BC


6 BC


55 AD


104 AD


153 AD


202 AD


251 AD


300 AD


349 AD


398 AD


447 AD


496 AD


545 AD


594 AD


643 AD


692 AD


741 AD


790 AD


839 AD


888 AD


937 AD


986 AD

50 1035 AD
51 1084 AD
52 1133 AD
53 1182 AD
54 1231 AD
55 1280 AD
56 1329 AD
57 1378 AD
58 1427 AD
59 1476 AD
60 1525 AD

61 1574 AD
62 1623 AD
63 1672 AD
64 1721 AD
65 1770 AD
66 1819 AD
67 1868 AD
68 1917 AD
69 1966 AD
70 2015 AD

What is a Jubilee Year?

By adding together seven cycles of seven years, we count a total of 49 years.
Therefore, the year of Jubilee is the 50th year as noted by the following verses
You are also to count off seven Sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven
years, so that you have the time of the seven Sabbaths of years, namely, fortynine years. You shall then sound a rams horn abroad on the tenth day of the
seventh month; on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) you shall sound a horn
all through your land. You shall thus consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim a
release through the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you, and
each of you shall return to his own property, and each of you shall return to his
family Leviticus. 25:8-10.


The English word jubilee comes from the Hebrew word yovel meaning a
trumpet or rams horn.These rams horns were blown on the Day of Atonement
to announce the start of the year of jubilee
The number 70 is a prophetic number. Daniel the prophet spoke of 70 sevens
that must be fulfilled in order for redemption to come. The 70th Jubilee
Shemitah of "2015" is extra significant! This Jubilee Shemitah of 2015 will mark
the beginning of a prophetic series of events.
The 70th Jubilee, 2015/2016:
The numbers seven and seventy both have special meanings in the Bible. God
created the Heavens and Earth in six days and rested on the seventh day. God
had completed his task by the seventh day. From this God established the week
which is completed on Saturday and is a day of rest. In Daniel 9:24 we have the
Seventy weeks are determined for your people and your holy city,

To finish the transgression,

To make an end of sins,

To make reconciliation for iniquity,

To bring everlasting righteousness,

To seal up vision and prophecy,

And to aniont the Most Holy.

In Matthew 18:22 Jesus tells Peter to forgive not just seven times, but seventy
times seven. So seven and seventy have the Biblical meaning of perfect


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