2500 TCD

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Cane Handling and Feeding Arrangement


Cane Handling
For 2500 TCD - One Bridge with two trolleys, each having sling bar system
Two motion type
For 5000 TCD - One 40T capacity hydraulic truck tippler with 10/12 tips per hour
and aux. carrier.
Addition of one bridge with 2 trollies two motion type.
The crane shall be 2 motion 7.5 tonnes S.W.L. electrically operated overhead
unloading crane conforming to Class IV IS specifications and capable of 20 lifts per
hour. In each lift, sling shall lift at least 6.0 tonnes of cane. The crane shall be
complete with its accessories, attendant platform along the length of the gantry on
both sides, cat ladder 2 nos., etc. It shall be heavy duty type and suitable for
continuous outdoor working. All operations shall be electrically controlled from the
Operator' cabin. The crane span shall be 30 metres.
Design Code - IS. 3177 & 807
All electric motors shall be of crane duty T.E.F.C. enclosures suitable for 300
operations per hour with following specifications :

Type of Motor




Hoisting drum drive

Holding drum drive
Cross travel drive

Squirrel cage
Squirrel cage


1 hour
1 hour


For operation of these motors push button type panel shall be provided and its
location shall be in the cabin attached to the trolley.
The following speeds shall be provided for various motions :
Cross travel

12 meters / minute
12 meters / minute
20 meters / minute

The height of the lift shall be 10.0 metres. All gear boxes shall be totally enclosed,
dust proof, helical type gear and shall be designed with a service factor of 2.0. All
couplings shall be flexible gear type. All brakes shall be of electrohydraulic thruster
operator type.
Suitable shed to be provided on trolleys. The structure and bridge should be
designed for two nos. Trolleys each of 7.5 T SWL capacity. The bridge shall be of
box type construction made of IS-2062.


For 2500 TCD - 2 Nos. bridges with two trolley each of three motion,
having grab system 5T SWL Capacity
For 5000 TCD - 2 Nos. additional bridges with two trolley each of three
motion with grab system.
1 No: Hydraulic truck tippler of minimum 40 T/hr. capacity 10 to 12

The crane shall be of 3 motion. electrically operated overhead unloading crane

conforming to class IV IS ; specifications and capable of 20 lifts per hour. In each
lift, grab shall lift at least 2.5 tonnes of cane. The crane shall be complete with its
accessories, gantry columns, attendant plat-form, along the length of the gantary on
both sides, stair case 2nos, etc. It shall be heavy duty type and suitable for
continuous outdoor working. All operations shall be electrically controlled from the
operator's cabin. The crane gantry span shall be 30 metres. The crane gantry
shall be 40 metres in length with gantry columns 10 metres apart for initial capacity
and shall be extended by 10 mtrs. for ultimate capacity.
Crane bridge shall be of box type construction made of IS-2062 or equivalent. The
gantry column shall have L-shape construction but the four nos. end columns shall
have double L construction at 90 deg. The end column shall be provided with the
beam on end.
If there is more than one bridge each bridge should have separate down shop lead
and separate ACB. The operators cabin shall be provided with fan, ladder, glass
panels and windows etc. There should be no open gearing. All wheels shall be
provided with L type bearing housing.
The crane columns shall be extended by 3 metres for the shed to be provided at a
later date by the purchaser. The structure of the gantry shall be of adequate
strength to provide additional crane of identical specifications for expansion to
ultimate capacity.
Design Code - I.S. 3177 & 807
All electric motors shall be of crane duty T.E.F.C. enclosures suitable for 300
operations per hour with following specifications:

Type of motor


Rating Duty

Hoisting Drum Drive

Holding Drum Drive
Long travel drive
Cross travel drive

Squirrel cage
Squirrel cage


1 hour
1 hour


For operation of these motors push button type panel shall be provided and its
location shall be in the cabin attached to the trolley.


The following speeds shall be provided for various motions :


12 metres/minute


12 metres/minute

Long Travel

20 metres/minute

Cross Travel -

20 metres/minute

The height of the lift shall be 10 metres. All gear boxes shall be totally enclosed, dust
proof, helical type gear and shall be designed with a service factor of 2.0. All couplings
shall be of flexible gear type / centrifugal type. All brakes shall be of electrohydraulic
thrustor operated type. The ratio of the pully dia (O.C.D.) to wire rope dia shall not be less
than 20.
The crane shall be provided with sling bar or grab attachment as decided by the Purchaser.
A suitable shed shall be provided on the trolley.
For expanded capacity of 5000 TCD
Hy. Truck Tippler and Aux. Cane Carrier.
1 No: Hy. Truck Tippler
The truck tippler having loading capacity 40 tons with an angle of 55 deg. max, complete
with platform suiting the truck size, tilting gear mechanism complete with hydraulic
equipment, rear stops, front hooks and power pack with control system shall be provided.
The tippler shall be suitable for 10 to 12 tips per hour.
1 No: Aux. Cane Carrier
One Aux. Cane Carrier 4080 mm wide and loading length 20 M with max 15 inclination
with suitable elevation to feed main cane carrier. It shall have six strands of chains of 150
mm pitch. The breaking strength of the chains shall be minimum 40,000 kgs. The cane
carrier and its structure shall be of all steel construction, the slats 6 mm thick shall be as
per IS: 8236 and fastened to chain by bolts and nyloc nuts or by bolts and check nuts.
The tail portion of the carrier shall be arranged below the ground level. Space of minimum
750 mm shall be left in the pit on either side of the carrier for inspection and cleaning
purpose. The carrier frame work shall not be less than 8 mm thick mild steel plate
extending along the complete length of the carrier.
The other details shall be as provided for the Main Cane Carrier.
It shall be driven by 50 BHP with constant torque characteristics and operating speed
range. The motor with AC variable frequency panel shall be directly coupled to helical
gearbox to provide 3 to 7 mtr/minute variable speed.

Feeder Table : For 2500 TCD - 2 No:

For 5000 TCD - Additional 2 Nos:


Cane feeder table of minimum 6 metres width and 7 metres in length to be installed at right
angle to the cane carrier. The feeder table shall be of all steel construction fitted with 8
strands of 150 mm pitch heavy duty steel drag type chains having breaking strength of
minimum 40,000 kgs. The feeder table shall be complete with cast steel machine cut
sprocket wheel, shafts, bearings etc. The feeder table shall be driven by a 15 B.H.P.,
T.E.F.C. squirrel cage motor and coupled to a variable speed drive and a reduction gear
so as to provide speed regulation from 1 to 3 mtrs/min. The feeder table shall be suitably
supported on steel structure designed to withstand heavy shocks. It shall be installed in a
manner so that it is horizontal.
Operators cabin on a suitable height shall be provided to have a clear view of the loading
of the cane carrier. A suitable ladder shall be provided to this cabin.
Note: Feeder table are required only in case of unloader with sling bar arrangemet.
Cane Carrier and Preparatory Devices:


Cane Carriers


Cane Carrier :

One cane carrier 2040 mm wide and horizontal loading length 40 mtrs. Shall be provided.
The length of its inclined portion shall be such that it gives an inclination of 18 deg. for the
leveller with a minimum length of 8 metres having a slope of not more 6 deg. before
fibrizer. It shall have suitable elevation to suit the installation of fibrizer. It shall have three
strands of chains of 150 mm pitch IS-8465. The breaking strength of the chains shall be
minimum 40,000 kgs. The cane carrier and its structure shall be of all steel construction,
the slats 6 mm thick shall be as per IS : 8236 and fastened to chain by bolts and nyloc
nuts or by bolts and check nuts.
It shall be driven by 75 BHP with constant torque characteristic and operating speed range.
The motor with AC variable frequency panel shall be directly coupled to helical gear box
with open gearing to provide 3 to 10 m/minute. variable speed.
The horizontal portion of the carrier shall be arranged below the ground level in such a way
so that the sloping side of the carrier is about 300 mm above the ground level. Space of
minimum 750 mm shall be left in the pit on either side of the carrier for inspection and
cleaning purpose. Arrangement for adjusting the clearance upto 50 mm between tip of
knives and the slats in the cane leveller shall be provided in the inclined portion. The
carrier frame work of mild steel plate extending along the complete length of the carrier
shall not be less than 6 mm thick except at the place of cane leveller where the
thickness should be 10 mm for about 2500 mm length.
The frame work shall be adequately stiffened at the top and bottom by angle iron welded
to the side plates. The side plates shall be bolted to and supported by rolled steel 200 mm
x 75 mm channels or sections of equivalent strength and be provided with base plate
of ample area reinforced by gusset plates .Two foundation bolt holes would be provided in
each base plate. The columns in the immediate vicinity of the cane knife set shall be 250
mm x 75 mm double channels or sections of equivalent strength. All the column at drive
end should be adequately braced by angle cross pieces of heavy section secured by
gusset plate and bolts or by welding. Three longitudinal 150mm ISMB runners with
renewable 8x65 mm thick spring steel wear pads would be bolted on the top side of the
cross pieces to support the cane carrier chain rollers. The distance between the adjacent


supporting columns should not exceed 3.5 metres. The runners would be lowered slightly
where the chain arrives at and leaves the runners. 8 mm x 75 mm spring steel flat iron
should be tack welded/bolted on the side plates of the cane carrier so that cane carrier
slats touch the flat iron only to avoid wearing on side plates.
The return side of the apron can slide on the guide angle runners with 6 mm thick spring
steel wear flat provided the slats are equipped with renewable spring steel wear pads or
alternatively be supported on idler pulleys of 60 mm wide and 280 mm diam with 75 mm
diam 40C8 shaft running in G.M. bushes with grease cups shall be provided.
The carrier chain driven by means of cast steel sprockets having machine cut teeth atleast
16 in number and mounted on minimum 250 mm central dia. head shaft of 40 C8
quality or equivalent and shall run in 200 mm size split gunmetal line
cast steel
plummer block. The columns under the head shaft and carrier drive shall be extra heavy
section to withstand vibrations. At the non-driving end of the cane carrier, the chain shall
be mounted on cast steel sprockets having machine cut teeth on minimum 150 mm
central dia tail shaft of 40 C8 quality or equivalent running in minimum 120 mm size gun
metal lined cast steel housing with slide rails with tension bolts for tightening the chain.
The head and tail shaft shall be hot forged and ultrasonically tested.
Pneumatic arrangement to be provided on the head shaft of cane carrier to clean slats and
chain to remove cush - cush from the carrier chain.

Rake Carrier :

Rake type conveyor suitable to convey 250TCH prepared cane and shall be of steel
construction having trough to 2040mm inside trough width between sprockets to
accomdate rake and of suitable length to suit minimum feeding height of 3 mtrs. above
top roller of GRPF of new mill. The inclination of the rake carrier shall be 45 deg. max.
and the boot having no horizontal portion. The tail shaft centre of rake carrier shall be in
line with head shaft centre of cane carrier. The rake carrier and its structure shall be of all
steel construction with two strands block type forged chain of 229 mm pitch, having
60,000 kgs. breaking strength and having locking arrangement with nyloc nuts or check
nuts. Flights would be made out of 8 mm thick mild steel plate of suitable shape and
profile and welded on pipe or box construction beams. These beams shall
suitable arrangement for fitting with the chain attachment at every fourth link with the help
of bolts, nyloc nuts or check nuts.
The rake carrier should have runners of channels, angle iron with 8x65 mm spring steel
wear flats and 10 mm thick mild steel bottom trough plate with stiffeners and should be
supported on steel channel columns of adequate strength provided with rigid base plate.
The columns should be adequately braced to avoid vibrations. The elevator chain shall be
driven over two cast steel sprockets having minimum 14 machine cut teeth and mounted on
175 mm central dia. head shaft of 40 C8 or equivalent quality running in minimum 140 mm
size gun metal lined cast steel bearings secured to head shaft columns. The tail shaft of
minimum 140 mm central dia. 40 C8 or equivalent quality should have two cast steel
sprockets having machine cut minimum 14 No. of teeth and would run in minimum 120
mm size gun metal lined, cast steel plummer blocks attached to the rake carrier boot.
Space of minimum 750 mm on both sides of tail end to be provided.
The portion of the chain below the fibrizer shall be suitably covered to avoid damage due to
prepared cane thrown by the fibrizer. The tightening arrangement shall also be provided
with tail shaft bearings.



Cane Carrier / Rake Carrier Drive


Cane carrier
Rake carrier

100 B.H.P.
50 B.H.P.

Each carrier drive shall have a constant torque characteristic over operating speed
range. The motor with AC variable frequency panel shall be directly coupled to helical
gearbox having service factor of 2, with open gearing to provide following apron speeds.
(i) Cane carrier

3 metres to 10 meters/ minute.

(ii) Rake carrier

10 to 30 metres/minute.


Rake type Intercarrier for new mill one no.

Rake type inter carrier, between the new mill and first mill whose centre distance shall not
be less than 12000 mm shall be provided. The width of the carrier trough inside the
sprocket shall be suitable to accommodate 2040 mm rake width and its cross section
suitable for handling bagasse of ultimate crushing rate of ultimate capacity . It shall be
similar in construction as described under rake carrier item b (ii).
Rake carrier drive shall consist of the TEFC motor of 30 BHP, 1440 RPM with enclosed
helical speed reducer having service factor of 2, electrodynamic variable speed coupling,
common bed frame and set of open spur gearing / sprockets and chains with guards.
The linear speed shall not be more than 25 m/minute. A suitable M.S. fabricated new mill
by pass chute shall be included in the scope.

Alternatively, in place of this carrier, the rake elevator of increased centre

distance directly feeding the 1st. mill can be considered in which case its drive
should be 75 HP instead of 50 HP.


Cane Preparation


Cane Chopper

One cane chopper set having not less than 32 knives secured to cast steel hubs of IS
:1030 grade 280 520 W mounted on a forged steel shaft of 180 mm dia. of 40 C8 quality
.The dia. over the tips of knives shall not be less than 1600 mm. The knife shaft shall be
supported at 150 mm bore, heavy duty self aligning double row spherical roller bearings
with adopter/withdrawal sleeve in cast steel plummer blocks. The knives shall be of special
shock resisting steel having hard faced cutting edges, hardness 45 to 48 HRC and tenoned
into the hubs eliminating the shear on the bolts which should be of EN8 steel or of
equivalent strength with nyloc nuts. The knives shall conform to IS ; 8461. A suitable fly
wheel of CI grade FG 260, IS- 210 duly machined and well balanced shall be provided at
the outer end of the shaft.
Cane chopper set shall be driven by a continuously rated drip proof/screen protected
slipring motor of 120 B.H.P. and 600 R.P.M. synchronous speed at a total slip of 15
percent. It shall be coupled through suitable helical gearbox having service factor not
less than 2.0 by means of gear coupling to get final speed of 300 RPM capable of


transmitting 120 B.H.P. continuously. The motor shall be complete with starter and
suitable buffer resistance. Provision to install identical additional motor drive arrangement
with load balancer on other end should be made for ultimate capacity.
The set shall be installed on the horizontal portion of the carrier before leveller and
clearance in between the slats and knives tips shall be maintained as 800 mm. The knife
set shall be totally enclosed by suitably reinforced hood of 10 mm thick and mild steel plate
attached to the cane carrier frame work and provided with suitable swing flaps and
bolted doors at top of the hood to suit reverse rotation.

Cane Leveller :

One cane leveller set having not less than 48 knives secured to cast steel hubs of IS:1030
Grade 280 520 W mounted on a forged steel shaft of 230 mm dia. of 40 C8 quality. The
dia. over the tips of knives shall be not less than 1600 mm. The knife shaft shall be
supported at 200 bore, heavy duty self aligning double row spherical roller bearings with
adopter / withdrawal sleeve in cast steel plummer blocks. The knives shall be of special
shock resisting steel having hard faced cutting edges, hardness 45 to 48 HRC and tenoned
into the hubs eliminating the shear on the bolts, which should be of EN8, or of equivalent
strength with nyloc nuts. The knives shall conform to IS. 8461
A suitable fly wheel of CI grade FG 260, IS-210 machined and well balanced shall be
provided at the outer end of the shaft.
Cane leveller set shall be driven by a continuously rated drip proof / screen protected
slipring motor of 250 B.H.P. and 600 R.P.M. synchronous speed at a total slip of 15
percent. It shall be directly coupled by means of gear coupling capable of transmitting 250
B.H.P. continuously. The motor shall be complete with starter and suitable buffer
The knife set shall be installed on the inclined portion of the carrier and be provided with a
suitable device for adjusting clearance in between the knives tip and slats from 250 to 300
mm. The knife set shall be totally enclosed by suitably reinforced hood of 10 mm thick and
mild steel plate attached to the cane carrier frame work and provided with suitable swing
flaps and bolted doors at top of the hood.
Provision to install identical additional motor drive arrangement with load balancer on other
end should be made for ultimate capacity.

Swing Hammer Fibrizer

Swing hammer type - located at the head end of carrier, to suit 2040 mm wide cane carrier
having 114 hammers. Weight of each hammer shall not be less than 20 kg. The hammer
shank shall be 30 mm thick minimum.
The rotor shaft shall be heavy duty minimum 400 mm dia at the hubs and 260 mm dia. at
the bearing journals and shall be 40 C8 steel as per IS:1570. The fibriser should have
detachable domite tips made of special shock resistance alloy steel and secured through
50 mm dia S.S. pins the hammer shank and fibriser disc should have G.M. bushes to suit
S.S. pins. 50 mm hubs shall be of C.S./forged steel fitted on rotor shaft. Deflector plate of
20 mm thick with 2.5 mm SS lining shall be provided.
Anvil plate shall be pocketed design, having minimum wrap angle of not less than 160 deg.
The base plate thickness of the anvil shall be minimum 25 mm. Hard facing on the anvil
working surface shall be having minimum hardness 600 BHN. Anvil plate shall have


provision for adjusting the anvil clearance. A suitable guide plate/floating flap of 20 mm
thick to be provided at the entry point of anvil.
Rotor shall be supported on two heavy duty self aligning double row spherical roller
bearings in split type C.S. Plummer blocks with adapter/withdrawal sleeve. Tip dia. of
hammers shall have swing diam. Of 1830mm when running at 1000 RPM motor speed.
The fibriser rotor shall be completely covered by reinforced mild steel fabricated hood made
out of 12 mm thick plate attached to the cane carrier frame work and will be complete with
deflector plate, adjustable mild steel fabricated anvil plate, anvil suspension gear, front
adjustable cover, rear chute of 12 mm thick with 2.5 mm thick SS lining, bolted doors on
the top of the hood. Rotor bearing plummer blocks shall be of cast steel. Pressure/ mist
lubricating system for bearings shall be provided. Provision shall be made for 2 nos.
pumps, 2 nos. coolers (one each as standby) oil reservoir, pressure gauge, piping return
line needle valve filling etc. and auto starting of standby pump.
The Fibrizer shall be driven by 2 Nos: of continuously rated 750 HP motor SPDP slipring
type of 1000 RPM synchronous speed at a total slip of 15%. The motor shall be directly
coupled to both end of the fibrizer shaft by means of flexible geared coupling capable of
transmitting 750 HP continuously.The motor shall be complete with stator rotor starter and
suitable buffer resistance and load balancer. .For ultimate capacity both the motors shall
be replaced by 1500 HP HT motors.
The automatic cane feeding control system shall be installed on cane carriers. The system
shall ensure the uniform feed rate to the 1st mill with provision to change the feed rate at
any time having a variation not more than 5 % set rate. Primary cane carrier shall follow
speed of secondary cane carrier in a fixed ratio. Load of all cane preparation devices shall
override the speed signal of each cane carrier. When load of any cane preparation device
exceeds 80% of rated load, the speed of that cane carrier shall be proportionately reduced.
If load exceeds 100% of rated load, that cane carrier will stop. It will restart automatically
when overload condition on that cane preparation device becomes normal. These overload
settings shall be adjustable from the control panel. The system shall have the following

For load sensing of cane preparatory devices such as

chopper, leveller, fibrizer and 1st mill, suitable current
transformers / two wire electronic analogue pressure
transmitters with capacitance sensing technology with 4-20
mADC output and configurable for calibration to the required
pressure ranges within the designed pressure span of the
transmitter. In addition to this level sensing of prepared cane
at Donnelley chute may be considered as optional.

Control Action

The system should be provided with two control

actions i.e. proportional and ON-OFF control actions.
Proportional control as per the 1st mill load. ON-OFF control
as per the high load settings of the cane preparatory devices
and first mill.

Set Points

Following settings are to be provided,




Visual Indication

For loads of various cane preparatory devices and 1st mill

turbine, precision load setters of 1 K 10 Turns helipots with
dial knobs.


For average height and feed rate precision 10 K 10 Turns

helipots with dial knobs.

Coloured lamp indicators for the high set load


Carrier Speed Adjustments :

The speed of the cane carriers can be adjusted from zero to
the rated RPM with the settings provided on the control panel
at operators console.



Analogue load indicators (i.e. current or pressure

indicators) and speed indicators.

Power Supply

230 V AC, 50 Hz

Milling Plant


Mills :

For 2500 TCD : 4, three roller mills 850 dia. x 1700 long with full size grooved
under feed rollers and Donnelly type chutes
For 5000TCD : Addition of 1 No: 1020mm dia. x 2040mm long zero mill.
GRPF on zero and last mill 850 dia x 1700 long.

Each mill roller shall be minimum nominal dia. of 850mm x 1700 mm length and journals
of minimum 430 mm dia x 540mm length and journal centre distance of minimum 2750.
The rollers shall be of coarse grain cast iron having hardness 180 -210 BHN. The
composition of the shell material shall conform to IS : 11202-1985 and shall be :
Total carbon

3.20 to 3.6 percent.

2.2 to 3.2 percent
1.2 to 2.2 percent
0.5 per cent Max.
0.15 percent Max.

The cast iron shell shall be hot shrunk on forged steel shaft of 40 C8 quality conforming
to IS: 1570 or equivalent having a minimum tensile strength of 58 kg/mm2. All the shaft
shall have square ends, not less than 360 mm square. Top roller shall be fitted with
stationary flanges and juice rings in two halves. The bottom roller shall be provided with
juice rings and removable guards to prevent entry of juice into the bearings. The cast
steel crown pinions shall have minimum 456 mm face width with minimum 17 Nos


machine cut teeth conforming to

mild steel guards and troughs.

IS :2708 Grade 3, keyed to roller shaft and suitable

The headstocks shall be of cast steel as per IS:1030 grade 280/520 w . These will be of
king boltless type. Removable hard steel/cast steel/gun metal/fibre wearing plates on
feed side as well as discharge side and with lubricating arrangement between top roller
bearings and wearing plates shall be provided. The top and side caps shall be of cast
steel as per IS:1030 grade 280/520 W and shall be securely locked in position for quick
assembly. Stainless steel strip of 8 mm thick shall be provided in the side roller bearing
face of the head stock. The eccentricity of about 35mm between top roller bearing centre
and hydraulic cap centre shall be kept suitably towards the feed side of the headstock,
except in the case of inclined headstock. Headstock shall be designed to suite 925mm
operating center distance.
All rollers shall be coated with surface roughening electrode material and its bearings
shall be of cast steel with gun metal lined / white metal Gr. 6 lined as per IS-25, 1975 and
with water cooling arrangement. The side roller bearing shall be of cast steel housing with
renewable gun metal liner as per IS:318.
The housing shall have water cooling arrangement. All top roller bearings shall be
interchangeable. Similarly all feed side and discharge roller bearings shall be inter
changeable by their respective bearings.
The mills shall be provided with cast steel trash beam as per IS:1030 grade 280 / 520 W
and supported on heavy steel brackets with pivoted journals fitted in the head stocks and
adjustable by means of tie rods and fitted with removable cast steel trash plate as per
IS:1030 grade 280/520 W, bolted by high tensile bolts and nuts. Top roller scrapers shall
be of floating type. Scrapers for top and discharge rollers shall have renewable cast iron
tips. Messchaert groove scrapers shall be of spring steel secured on square shaft and
supported on cast steel blocks and provided with lever or other suitable adjusting
All mechanical parts of the mills shall be designed for minimum 250 TCH capacity.
Each mill shall be provided with hydraulic loading system, consisting of hydro-neumatic
accumulator, one for each of the journal of the top roller, one extra as spare and
accessories such as pumping set, receiver tank, gauges, remote control panel and roller
movement indicator electronic type . The dia. of the hydraulic ram for top cap shall be
minimum 340 mm.The hydraulic system shall be designed for a oil pressure of 280
kg/cm2 g.
One forced feed oil lubricator for each mill having 24 number of points shall be provided
so as to have two points for each bearing - one being as standby and spare points for
future requirement.
One centralised mill lubrication system having positive displacement pump at about 400 bar
pressure having dual delivery lines made of SS 304 x 2mm thick (DIN standard) of 16mm
dia for main line on both sides of the mills with changeover valves, relief valves and
distributors with delivery adjustment arrangement with feed line of 8mm dia SS x 2mm thick
provided to the bearings, complete with control panel pressure gauges and audio/video
alarm alarm with suitable timer arrangement for controlling pump operations.


Juice trough under the mills shall be made of 8 mm thick aluminium plates or 6mm thick SS
409 M. The trough shall be bolted to the headstocks with stainless steel bolts and
copper washers. Joint shall be suitably sealed to prevent any juice leakage.
All the mills shall be high set so that no part of the juice tank, pumps are situated below
floor level. All the mills shall have common gangway on both sides having width not less
than 750 mm with chequered plates or gratings and minimum six number staircases
one for crusher side, two for bagasse elevator side and three from mill drive platform,
along with the cross connections after each mill.
Access from mill platform to each rake elevator drive platform with suitable stair cases shall
be provided. All gangways and staircase shall have hand railings.
There should be provision of space for installation of zero mill in the layout for future
All the mill head stocks should have provision for instllation of pressure feeding devices.

Cast iron grooved underfeed roller: 4 nos.

Cast iron shell hot shrunk fit , grooved inter-meshing type under feed roller of the same
material as that of mill roller having minimum nominal diameter 100% of the mill roller
nominal diameter. The shaft shall be 40 C8 quality conforming to IS:1570 and of 300 mm
central dia. and supported by means of bush bearing of minimum 220 mm bore. The under
feed roller shall be driven by top roller through gears to give surface speed of about
10% higher than the mill roller surface speed. It shall have arrangement to adjust the
setting in axial direction by plus-minus 25 mm (axis joining centre line of under feed and
top roller).

Donnelly type Chute: 4 nos.

The Donnelly type chute fabricated out of 6 mm thick duly reinforced SS 409 M plates
shall be provided for each mill. It shall have arrangements to adjust the blanket thickness
from front as well as back side. The height of each chute shall not be less than 3 metres
and its inclination less than 80 deg. with the horizontal. Side plate of chute shall have full
height transparent sheet to see the bagasse level. First mill chute to have electronic level
sensing device to control feeding, suitable indicators may be provided to indicate feed level
of bagasse in other chutes of mills. Level sensing device shall have on off control of
intermediate carrier and shall have sequencing interlock.

Rake type Intermediate Carriers: 3 nos.

Rake type intermediate carrier, between the mills whose centre distance shall not be
less than 10,000mm shall be provided. The width of the carrier inside sprocket trough shall
be suitable to accommodate 1700 mm rake width and its cross section suitable for handling
bagasse of ultimate crushing rate with imbibition upto 300% on fibre
The rake carriers shall have runners of angle iron / channel with 8 mm spring steel wear flat
and 8 mm mild steel bottom trough plate with stiffeners and be supported on steel channel
column provided with rigid base plate. The columns shall be adequately braced wherever



Each rake carrier drive shall consist of the TEFC motor of 30 BHP, 1440 RPM with
enclosed helical speed reducer with open spur gearings/sprockets and chain with guards,
fluid coupling, common bed frame. The linear speed shall not be more than 25 m/minute.
The rake carrier chain shall be 229 mm pitch block type forged chain having breaking
strength of minimum 60,000 kgs. driven over two cast steel sprockets having 14 No.
machine cut teeth mounted on 175 mm central dia. head shaft of 40 C8 quality
conforming to IS:1570 or equivalent and running in 140 mm size split gun metal lined
cast steel bearings secured to head shaft columns. The tail shaft of 140 mm central dia.
and of 40C8 quality or equivalent shall have two cast steel sprockets having machine cut
teeth and shall run in 120 mm size gun metal bush lined cast steel plummer blocks
attached to the elevator boot. Its bearing shall be outside the elevator trough. The
tightening arrangement shall be provided with the tail shaft bearings. The angle of the
rake carrier shall not be more than 50 deg. The rake carrier shall be designed for head
end discharge of bagasse to the Donnelly type chute.
Mill Drive:
Four Nos. Thyristor Controlled Variable speed D.C. Drives
Each mill shall be driven by continuously rated 700 HP D.C. electric motor. D.C. motors
shall be forced cooled with air filters SPDP, IP 23 with class V overload duty S1 continuous.
The motor base speed shall be 1000 RPM and shall have constant torque characteristic
between 20% to 100% base speed and constant power characteristic between 100 to
110% at base speed.

Detail specifications of motor shall be as below :

Rating (continuous)

700 HP 1000 rpm Class V, Duty S1

Over load duty Class

Armature voltage

660 V / 460 V

Field voltage

220 V


IP 23
SPDP (force cooled with air filters)

Class of Insulation

Temp. rise limited to class B at continuous

Speed (RPM) Base



Horizontal foot mounted

Ambient Temp.

50 degree C



The motors shall be designed for variable speed operations, controlled by the thyristor
converter station, and shall have constant torque characteristics down to continuous
operating speed of 20% of the rated speed.
ETD for temperature detection of motor winding shall be provided.
Thermesters shall be provided for thermal protection of the DC Motors. RTD shall be
provided for bearings.Necessary thermister relays & RTD scanner with tripping facility shall
be provided in the thyrister panel.
FOUR Thyristor Converter Station ( Digital type )
For operation and control of the four D.C. motors,
Convertor cubicals fabricated from 12 SWG cold rolled steel sheets, free standing,
passivated, and painted with anti-corrosive paints.
The cubicle will house all protective switch gear, thyristor modules, regulation circuit,
interlocking relays, mounted on passivated plates, the cubicle will conform to IP-30
All necessary indications, annunciations, controls will be neatly arranged on cubicle front
door with neoprene gaskets on all edges of panel. Ventilation openings shall be provided at
the top of panel and on side covers by louvres suitably covered by fine wire mesh.

The thyristor drive panel shall be as per following specifications:


Armature converter
- Rating of DC motor controlled

700 HP

- Rated DC voltage

- 660 V / 460 V

- Incoming AC supply

- 11KV / 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz

(11KV / 600 V through converter trafo)

- Torque rating

- 100% cont. 150% for 2 hours and 200%

for 1 min class V constant
of rated full

- Type of Thyristor bridge

- 3 ph, 6 pulse fully controlled non


- Voltage grade of thyristors

- 1500 V PIV (approx)

Panels complete with field converters, regulators, tacho feedback, safety protection,
(electronic thermal overload, instant O/L , phase seq. Phase loss, field failure ,tacho/ speed
loss & eart fault) indication meters, push buttons, switch gears and controls.
Drive bi - directional in operation with field reversal in the speed range of 50% to 100% of
speed at constant torque.


Speed regulation will be + 1% of base speed at base speed by tacho feedback.

The panel will have facility to accept 4 to 20 mA signal for speed setting in auto mode.
Speed regulation with armature voltage feed back shall operate in case failure of tacho
feed back.
Auto visual window annunciators will be provided.
The pressure ventilation system with electric motor driven blower with filter will be provided
for panels.
One common control desk with controls shall be provided for each motor to be controlled
from this common desk.
The thyristor panels to be supplied alongwith AC. Room to be provided by the Purchaser.

NOTE : Alternatively, suitable Hydraulic drives can also be considered.


Mill Gearings :

Each mill drive shall be coupled through flexible gear coupling to enclosed reduction gear
and single stage low speed reduction gearing unit capable of transmitting 700 HP
continuously under shock load conditions at base speed of the motor. The total
reduction ratio of the gearing unit should be such so as to run the mill roller surface
speed of 12 m / min, when motor is run at its base speed. The enclosed reduction gear
boxes shall have hardened and ground internals and shall have minimum service
factor 2.0 with forced lubrication system complete with 2 coolers, reservoir, 2 Nos. Pumps
duplex filters and valves etc. Provision should be made for auto start of spare pump. The
pinion should be of EN-24 and gears of cast steel conforming to IS-2708 Gr.III hardness of
pinion and gears should be minimum 250BHN and 220 BHN respectively..
The open
spur gearing shall be designed to transmit 700 HP continuously at mill roller surface
speed of 12 m / min. under shock load conditions and shall conform to IS:4460-1967. The
low speed reduction gearing unit shall have machine cut teeth by gear generating
process in both cases. The module of the open gearing should not be less than 30.
Suitable bed plates made in sections, mild steel guards for completely enclosing the
gears and pinions (low speed), shall be provided. Shafts of these gears shall be of 40 C8
quality conforming to IS:1570 or equivalent having minimum tensile strength of 58
kg/mm2 and supported on cast steel plummer blocks with gun metal bearings provided
with self / mechanical lubrication arrangement with needle valve, standby pump reservoir
and return pipe line with auto start of standby pump. The gearing unit shall be complete in
all respect.
The mill top roller shall be connected to transmission gear shaft by means of forged
steel tail bar of 40 C8 quality conforming to IS:1570 or equivalent and coupling. The
length of the tail bar shall not be less than 1800 mm and its size not less than 360 mm
square. Two cast steel couplings, one of lesser cross section so as to act as a fuse to
safeguard reduction gearing units and drive with provision of greasing shall be provided.




Imbibition Equipment and Mixed Juice Pump


TWO - Rotary Screen for Juice Screening ( One no. as stand by)

For separating the cush cush / fine bagacillo from the mixed juice, generally to the
following specifications:


Juice handling capacity

125 m3/hr.


Juice loading per sq.m. screen

open area.

105 m3/hr. max


Drum speed

1 to 1.5 m/sec


Drive arrangement

Positive through transmission chain

and chain wheels or directly coupled,
minimum 7.5 HP


Material of construction :
a. Screen drum


Wedge wire screen of SS 304 welded

type having slot width 0.35 mm/0.5mm

b. Support and thrust rollers

Of METALON / Polyuvethene/
Carbon steel case hardened
supported on antifriction bearings

c. All juice wetted parts like

juice tray, splash guards,
inlet feed box, drum shell
at inlet and outlet, cush-cush,
discharge chute.

SS 409 M

Water sparging system

For cleaning and sanitation, to spray

hot water through jet nozzles during
operation with provision of auto on/off.
Pressure at nozzle header min 4 kg/cm2.

The Rotary Screen shall be mounted on suitable steel staging, having platforms around the
drum at right angles to the mills so as to directly discharge the cush-cush in to the rake


Hot Water Sparging

The screen drum should be cleaned at regular intervals by spraying weighed
hot water (80 to 85 C) at adequate pressure (min.4kg/cm2 at nozzle header)
through spray nozzles. The hot water should be pumped by a separate high
pressure Sparging pump. The starter panel of the pump should be provided


with control circuit having timers to START the pump at pre-set time intervals
of every 5 to 10 minutes. The pump remains ON for about 30 to 60 seconds.
Screened Juice Sparging
The screen drum should be cleaned at regular intervals by spraying screened
juice at adequate pressure (min. 0.5 kg/cm2 at nozzle header) through spray
nozzles. The juice is tapped from screened juice pump delivery line and
provided with a solenoid control valve, with control circuit to spray the juice at
a pre-set interval for a set time period.
In this case, a separate pipe header is required for sanitizing the screen with
either hot water (80 to 85 C at 1.0 bar pressure from imbibition water
system or with exhaust steam (125C at 0.5 to 1.0 bar pressure) at least
once in a shift for a period of one to two minutes


Caustic Soda Solution Cleaning

1. In order to clean accumulated scum of gummy, waxy matter, a spray of dilute
caustic soda solution (about 20 %), approx. 300 to 500 litters, is applied on to
the screen drum once in a week. Caustic soda solution pumped with the help
of the same water-Sparging pump. It is necessary to stop the feed juice going
to the screen, at this time. Dilute caustic soda solution should be allowed to
react on the scum of gummy, waxy matter and later, hot water / screened
juice should be sprayed to wash away the loosened scum as well as traces of
caustic soda solution. The caustic soda solution is to be re circulated by
installing a separate tank, a diverter and valve, so that this caustic soda
solution does not add alkalinity to the juice.


As an additional precaution, screen drum should be inspected and bagacillo,

gummy, waxy matter accumulated & hardened in the screen slots over the
period of time, should be thoroughly cleaned with brush & caustic soda dilute
solution during the regular cleaning shut down.
Juice Tanks and Pumps :

The juice from mill No.3 and 4 shall be collected in individual cylindrical whirler tank
with conical bottom of 1300 mm dia and 1200 mm height made of 8 mm thick aluminum
sheet or 4 mm thick S S 409 M connected to mill juice trough through 6 mm thick .
Aluminium or 4 thk. SS 409 M gutter.
The juice from mill No.2 and 1 shall be collected from individual mill juice trough to
Aluminum / SS 409 M gutters outside the mills individual cylindrical whirler tank with
conical bottom of 1300 mm dia and height 450mm more than mill bed level. All whirler
tanks shall be interconnected with gutter and flap at top level.
The juice from whirler tanks of mill number 3 and 4 shall be pumped through individual
chokeless pump capable of pumping 60 m3 per hour of juice having minimum 50% solids
at 12 metres head to imbibition juice distribution trough through a suitable surplus feed
back device installed above the level of gangway at the mills to ensure steady and


uniform rate of imbibition. The juice from Mill No.1and 2 shall be collected in individual
tank and pumped through individual chokeless pump with full bore discharge and each
capable of pumping 150 m3 per hour of juice having minimum 50% solids at 12 metres
head to rotory screen. All the above pumps shall be designed to operate at about 960
The screened juice shall be collected in a 8 mm thick Aluminium / 4 thk SS 409 M
cylindrical tank / column of 125HL capcity. Two strained juice pumps ( one as stand by )
each of 150 m3/hr capacity and 60 mtr. head shall be provided for pumping the screened
juice to juice heater through juice flow meter.
All juice pumps Viz. Imbibition, unscreened and screened pumps to have S.S. bodies / SS
impellers and SS shafts.
All the juice pumps should have delivery lines of not less than 200mm.
The water will be discharge in a receiving tank (closed) of suitable capacity filled with 2
Nos.(1 as standby) Hot water Imbibition pumps of 60 m3/Hr Capacity and 50m Head
capable of handling hot water of 100 deg C. The imbibition water shall be applied before
last mill through G.M. chockless type nozzle.
The system shall include two separate automatic control loops having various control
system components as specified.

Imbibition water flow control system

Imbibition water flow will be controlled to maintain a fixed ratio of imbibition water to cane.
The desired ratio will be fed through the keyboard and the load on the penultimate mill or
brix of LMJ will be measured. The flow of imbibition water will be regulated to maintain the
ratio at various loads. If load of penultimate mill or brix of LMJ is below the minimum
running level, imbibition water flow will stop.

On-line brix measurement of LMJ with Coriolis

density sensor with dual U tube design or single full bore
straight tube design having following specifications.


Temperature effect
Power supply :

+ or - 0.0005 gm/cc
0.001 % of nominal flow
rate per oC
85-230 VAC

Load of penultimate mill with two wire electronic analogue
pressure transmitter with capacitance sensing technology
having 4 20 mA DC out put or current transformer output for
recorder and controller.

Microprocessor based multi loop PID controller.



Control Valve

Suitable for controlling the flow of imbibition water
continuously with proportional control.

A.C. variable drive

Suitable for controlling the speed of the electric

motor employed for imbibition water pump.


Imbibition water temperature control system







Suitable RTD PT 100
Two wire electronic analogue type with 4-20 mA
DC output
Microprocessor based single loop indicating type
Suitable for controlling the flow of water in well
designed and fabricated condensate - water mixing

For the accurate weighment of imbibition water online magnetic flow-meter of 120 T / Hr at
100 deg C capacity, shall be provided.

On line calibration facility for check weighment with prover tank of suitable capacity shall be
provided for random checking of imbibition water delivered by the mass flow meter without
stopping the crushing.

Hot Water Imbibition Pumps 2 Nos. (0ne as standby) Hot water imbibition pump of
60M/hr capacity and 50M head


Bagasse Conveying System


Bagasse Elevator

One steel slat or rake type bagasse elevator of all steel construction of 1800 mm
effective width inside sprockets and suitable length (inclination not to exceed 45 deg.
with the horizontal) to carry about 90 tonnes of bagasse per hour and driven by TEFC
electric motor of 50 BHP through helical speed reducer to give a maximum linear speed of
25 metres/minute shall be provided. It shall have two strands of chains of 150 mm pitch.
The breaking strength of chains shall be minimum 40,000 kgs. Elevator shall have
arrangement of on line bagasse weighment.
The elevator chain shall be driven over two cast steel sprockets with machine cut teeth
only mounted on 175 mm dia. mild steel head shaft running in 140 mm size gun
metal bearings and secured in cast steel housings.
The tail shaft shall have two cast steel sprockets having machine cut teeth mounted on
140 mm central dia. steel shaft running in 120 mm size gun metal bearings secured in
cast steel housing with slide rails and tension bolts for tightening the chain. The head and
tail shaft shall be of 40 C8 quality. The bagasse scrapers would rise on the bottom side of
the elevator and discharge by means of mild steel chute bolted to head columns into the


bagasse carrier. The trough side and bottom plate shall be of 6 mm thick mild steel duly
reinforced with 75x75x8m angle.
Easy sliding screens shall be provided on the elevator for screening the bagacillo. The
screening area shall be 15m2. Each screen shall have a blind portion for sliding it in the
elevator portion for cleaning or changing the screens while working. Width of each screen
shall not be more than 600 mm. The screen shall have punched conical holes having
6/8 mm dia. size on the surface facing the bagasse elevator. Platform and staircase shall
be provided for approaching on both sides of the elevator. The elevator shall have
tightening arrangement at tail end.

Main Bagasse Carrier

One main Bagasse carrier of double trough design and all steel construction of 1800mm
effective width inside sprocket and of mini. 60M horizontal length to suit the additional boiler
for ultimate capacity. It should be able to carry about 90 tonnes bagasse per hour, driven
by T.E.F.C electric motor of 75 BHP at 1440 rpm through helical speed gear box and open
gearing to give a linear speed of 25 meters/minute. It shall have two strands of chains of
150mm pitch. The breaking strength of chains shall be minimum 40000Kgs.
The main bagasse carier shall have construction similar to bagasse elevator and shall have
6 mm thick side and bottom mild steel plates over the entire length to be supported on steel
channel columns, provided with rigid base plate. The columns, should be adequately
braced. The conveyor shall be complete with all structure and feeding chute to boilers etc.
and will have arrangement to feed bagasse to the boilers from return bagasse carrier.The
individual chutes to each boiler should have slide operated diagonally cut doors operable
from the working platform of the boilers having double pinion and rake type arrangement
and stair case from boiler plateform.

Return Bagasse Carrier

One return type self discharge bagasse carrier (both side loaded) of 1800 mm effective
width inside sprocket and of 20M horizontal length between sprockets similar in
construction as elevator shall be provided.
The carrier shall be complete with all its structure and be driven by TEFC electric motor
of 50 BHP coupled to helical reduction gear box and open gearing to have linear speed
of the conveyor not more than 25 metres/minute. Idler sprockets having machine cut teeth
shall be provided wherever there is change in direction. Approach from the ground shall be
provided to attend to drive of this conveyor. Horizontal feeding portion of this carrier shall
be 12m in length and not more than 300 mm below the ground level. Mild steel guards
shall be provided over the horizontal feeding portion to ensure safety of workmen.
The return bagasse carrier shall have self tightening arrangements can deliver the bagasse
to the main bagasse carrier as well as it receives bagasse from the main bagasee carrier.
A horizontal 750mm wide gangway with hand railing shall be provided along whole length
of the return bagasse carrier with access staircase from the ground at the drive end and
from MBC platform. Bottom of top trough shall be minimum at 9.5m level. The BE, MB,
RBC shall have runners of angle iron/channel with 8m thick spring steel wear plate.




Mill House Crane and Gantry

One three motion electrically operated overhead mill house travelling crane conforming to
class II IS specifications having one crab of 30 tonnes SWL capacity and one HOT crane
having 5T SWL capacity with independent trolley, complete with crane gantry shall be
provided. The crane rail centre distance shall be to suit the mill house building span and
length of travel for Mill house crane shall cover fibrizer to bagasse elevator. The
specifications for mill house crane shall be as under :
Height of lift

10 metres

Main hoist speed

2 metres/minute

Long travel speed

10 metres/minute

Cross travel speed

10 metres/minute

Main hoist motor

25 HP, TEFC sq. cage, S4 duty

Long travel motor

10 HP slipring TEFC sq. cage. S4 duty

Cross travel motor

7.5 HP slipring TEFC S4 duty.

All the above motors shall be of crane duty. The bridge shall be of box type
construction made of IS:2062.
The supplier shall provide the loading data and span details to enable the purchaser
to arrange suitable design columns to support the mill house truses and crane



Cane Handling & Feeding Arrangement


1 No: Bridge with 2 No: Trolleys of 7.5 tonnes SWL with supporting structure OR
one hydraulic truck tippler of 40 tons capacity having 10/12 tips /hr with aux. carrier.
2 Nos: Bridges with one trolley each of three motion with grab system OR
one hydraulic truck tippler of 40 tonnes capacity having 10/12 tips/hr with aux.
1 Lot Extension of gantry by one bay of 10 mtrs.


2 Nos: Feeder Tables of identical specification size 6 M width x 7 M length with

15 HP variable speed drive in case of unloader with sling bar arrangement.



Donnely chute for rake type carrier for Zero Mill

1 No: Donnelly type chute in place of ordinary by pass chute, height shall not be
less than 3 mtr and it shall similar in construction as described under Donnely chute
item g (iii).


Cane Preparation : (Suitable for Fibrizer installation )


Cane Chopper :
1 No: 120 HP / 600 RPM identical motor with gearbox and coupling to be coupled
from other side.
A suitable starter with load balancer for proper operation of twin electric drive
shall also be supplied.


Cane Leveller
1 No: 250 HP/600 RPM identical motor with gear type coupling to be coupled from
other side.
A suitable starter with load balancer for proper operation of twin electric drive
shall also be supplied.


Swing Hammer Fibrizer

2 Nos: HT motor 1500HP/ 1000rpm motor with gear type coupling to be coupled
from both side.
A suitable starter with load balancer for proper operation of twin electric drive
shall also be supplied.


Milling Plant

Mill :

One mill to be installed as Zero mill with GRPF and addition of GRPF on last mill.
Mill roller shall be minimum nominal dia. of 1020 mm x 2040 mm length and journals of
minimum 500 mm dia x 650 mm length and journal centre distance of minimum 3100.
The rollers shall be of coarse grain cast iron having hardness 180 -210 BHN. The
composition of the shell material shall conform to IS : 1985 and shall be :
Total carbon

3.20 to 3.6 percent.

2.2 to 3.2 percent
1.2 to 2.2 percent
0.5 per cent Max.
0.15 percent Max.

The cast iron shell shall be hot shrunk on forged steel shaft of 40 C8 quality conforming
to IS: 1570 or equivalent having a minimum tensile strength of 58 kg/mm2. All the shaft
shall have square ends, not less than 415 mm square. Top roller shall be fitted with
stationary flanges and juice rings in two halves. The bottom roller shall be provided with
juice rings and removable guards to prevent entry of juice into the bearings. The cast


steel crown pinions shall have minimum 550 mm face width and conform to IS :2708
Grade 3 with machine cut teeth having minimum 17 teeths, keyed to roller shaft and
suitable mild steel guards and troughs.
The headstocks shall be of cast steel as per IS:1030 grade 280/520 W. These will be of
king boltless type. Removable hard steel/cast steel/gun metal/fibre wearing plates on
feed side as well as discharge side and with lubricating arrangement between top roller
bearings and wearing plates shall be provided. The top and side caps shall be of cast
steel as per IS:1030 grade 280/520 w and shall be securely locked in position for quick
assembly. Stainless steel strip of 8 mm thick shall be provided in the side roller bearing
face of the head stock. The eccentricity between top roller bearing centre and hydraulic
cap centre shall be kept 40mm towards the feed side of the headstock, except in case of
inclined headstock .
All rollers shall be coated with surface roughening electrode material and its bearings
shall be of cast steel with gun metal lined / white metal lined, Gr. 6 as per IS-25, 1979
and with water cooling arrangement. The side roller bearing shall be of cast steel
housing with renewable gun metal liner as per IS:318 or renewable steel liner with white
metal lining as per IS-25.
The Bearing housing shall have water cooling arrangement. All top roller bearings shall be
interchangeable. Similarly all feed side and discharge roller bearings shall be inter
changeable by their respective bearings.
The mill shall be provided with cast steel trash beam as per IS:1030 grade 280 / 520 W
and supported on heavy steel brackets with pivoted journals fitted in the head stocks and
adjustable by means of tie rods and fitted with removable cast steel trash plate as per
IS:1030 grade 280/520 W , bolted by high tensile bolts and nuts. Top roller scrapers shall
be of floating type. Scrapers for top and discharge rollers shall have renewable cast iron
tips. Messchaert groove scrapers shall be of spring steel secured on square shaft and
supported on cast steel blocks and provided with lever or other suitable adjusting
The mill shall be provided with hydraulic loading system, consisting of hydro-neumatic
accumulator, one for each of the journal of the top roller, one extra as spare and
accessories such as pumping set, receiver tank, gauges, remote control panel and roller
movement indicator electronic type . The dia. of the hydraulic ram for top cap shall be
minimum 400 mm. The hydraulic system shall be designed for a oil pressure of 280 kg/cm2
One forced feed oil lubricator for mill having 24 number of points shall be provided so as
to have two points for each bearing - one being as standby .
Juice trough under the mills shall be made of 6 mm thick aluminium plate or 5 thick SS
409 M. The trough shall be bolted to the headstocks with stainless steel bolts and
copper washers. Joint shall be suitably sealed to prevent any juice leakage.
The Mill shall be high set so that no part of the juice tank pumps are situated below floor
level. The mill shall have common gangway on both sides having width not less than
750 mm with chequered plates or gratings, and shall be suitably connected to existing
Access from mill platform to rake elevator drive platform with suitable stair cases shall be
provided. All gangways and staircase shall have hand railings.



One GRPF For new mill

GRPF for 3 roller conventional mill shall be supplied.

The rollers shall be of nominal dia. 1020 mm x 2040 mm length, running in heavy duty G.M.
liner bearings fitted in cast steel housing. The journal size shall be 500 x 650 mm long.
The under feed roller shall be minimum 100 % of GRPF roller dia driven through pinions
from top roller.
The pressure feeder roller speed shall be about 30% higher than the mill roller speed.
The scope of supply shall include heavy fabricated base frame, pair of cast steel /
fabricated headstocks, pair of rollers, bearings, a pair of crown pinion and UFR complete
with bearings, drive pinions, a set of open gearing with machine cut teeth,, gearing shaft
with bearings, base frame, gear guard, a tail bar and square couplings. A suitable 300 HP
D.C. Thyrister drive shall be provided.
The cast steel head stocks shall be supported on M.S. fabricated pedestals. The pressure
feeder roller shafts shall be of forged steel of 40 C8 quality conforming to IS:1570-1979 or
equivalent having a minimum tensile strength of 58 kg/mm2. In case of circumferential V
groove pressure feeder, the pressure feeder rollers shall be interchangeable with mill
rollers and shall be provided with 100% dia. under feed roller, with gear drive etc. One
force feed lubricator shall be provided for each pressure feeder. One pressure chute shall
be provided for each mill. This shall be fabricated out of 25 mm thick m.s. plate suitably
reinforced and lined with 8 mm thick AISI-316 quality stainless steel plate. The chute shall
have hard facing at finger tips. Pressure chute shall be designed to with stand a maximum
pressure of 7 kg/cm2. Arrangement shall be provided for adjusting this pressure chute

One GRPF : On last mill

GRPF for 3 roller conventional mill shall be supplied.

The rollers shall be of nominal dia. 850 mm x 1700 mm length, running in heavy duty G.M.
liner bearings fitted in cast steel housing. The journal size shall be 430 x 540 mm long.
The under feed roller shall be minimum 100 % of GRPF roller dia. driven through pinions
from top roller.
The GRPF shall be driven by set of open gearing with machine cut teeth from mill gearing.
The GRPF roller speed shall be about 30% higher than the mill roller speed .
The scope of supply shall include heavy fabricated base frame, pair of cast steel /
fabricated headstocks, pair of rollers same as mill and bearings, a pair of crown pinion and
UFR complete with bearings, drive pinions, a set of open gearing, gearing shaft with
bearings, base frame, gear guard, a tail bar and square couplings.
A suitable 300 HP DC thyristor drive to be provided.
Other specifications as mentioned above g(ii).

Mill & GRPF Drive:

One No. Thyristor Controlled Variable Speed D.C. Drive ( Digital type )


The mill shall be driven by continuously rated 800 HP D.C. electric motor. D.C. motor shall
be force cooled with air filters SPDP , IP 23 with class V overload duty S1 continuous. The
motor base speed shall be 1000 RPM and shall have constant torque characteristic
between 20% to 100% base speed and constant power characteristic between 100 to
110% at base speed.
Detail specifications of motor shall be as below :
Rating (continuous)

800 HP 1000 rpm Class V, Duty S1 (for Mill)

300 HP, 1000 RPM, Class

(for Pressure Feeder) for '0' Mill

Overload Class

Armature voltage

660 V / 460 V

Field voltage

220 V


IP 23
(SPDP) force cooled with air filters.

Class of Insulation

Temp. rise limited to class B at continuous
rating .

Speed (RPM) Base



Horizontal foot mounted

Ambient Temp.

50 degree C



The motors shall be designed for variable speed operations, controlled by the thyristor
convertor station, and shall have constant torque characteristics down to continuous
operating speed of 20% of the rated speed.
ETD for temperature detection of motor winding shall be provided.
Thermesters shall be provided for thermal protection of the DC Motors. RTD shall be
provided for bearings. Necessary thermister relays & RTD scanner with tripping facility shall
be provided in the thyrister panel.
One Thyristor Converter Station ( Digital type )
For operation and control of the four D.C. motors,
Convertor cubicals fabricated from 12 SWG cold rolled steel sheets, free standing,
passivated, and painted with anti-corrosive paints.



The cubicle will house all protective switch gear, thyristor modules, regulation circuit,
interlocking relays, mounted on passivated plates, the cubicle will conform to IP-30
All necessary indications, annunciations, controls will be neatly arranged on cubicle front
door with neoprene gaskets on all edges of panel. Ventilation openings shall be provided at
the top of panel and on side covers by louvres suitably covered by fine wire mesh.
The thyristor drive panel shall be as per following specifications:

Armature convertor
- Rating of DC motor controlled

800HP (for Mill) / 300 HP (for GRPF)

- Rated DC voltage

- 660 V / 460 V

- Incoming AC supply

- 11 KV / 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz
(11 KV / 600 V thro converter transformer )

- Torque rating

- 100% cont. 150% for 2 hours and 200%

for 1 min class V constant of rated full speed.

- Type of Thyristor bridge

- 3 ph, 6 pulse fully controlled non


- Voltage grade of thyristors

- Ambient temperature

- 1500 V PIV (approx)

- 50C

Panel complete with field convertors, regulators, tacho feedback, safety protection,
electronic thermal overload, instant O/L , phase seq. Phase loss, field failure ,tacho/ speed
loss & earth fault )indication meters, push buttons, switch gears and controls.
Drive bi - directional in operation with field reversal in the speed range of 50% to 100% of
speed at constant torque.
Speed regulation will be + 1% of base speed at base speed by tacho feedback.
The panel will have facility to accept 4 to 20 mA signal for speed setting in auto mode.
Speed regulation with armature voltage feed back shall operate in case failure of tacho
feed back.
Auto visual window annunciators will be provided.
The pressure ventilation system with electric motor driven blower with filter will be provided
for panels.
One common control desk with controls shall be provided for each motor to be controlled
from this common desk.
The thyristor panels to be installed in AC room to be provided by the Purchaser. Hormonic
filters shall be provided after hormonic analysis.




Mill Gearings :

The mill drive shall be coupled through flexible gear coupling to enclosed reduction gear
and single stage low speed reduction gearing for mills and GRPF capable of transmitting
800 HP continuously under shock load conditions at base speed of the motor. The total
reduction ratio of the gearing unit should be such so as to run the mill roller at a roller
surface speed of 12 m / min. The enclosed reduction gear boxes shall have hardened and
ground internals and shall have minimum service factor 2.0 with forced lubrication
system complete with 2 coolers, 2 pumps reservoir pipe line etc. Provision should be made
for auto start of spare pump.
The pinion should be of EN 24 and gear of cast steel confirming to IS-2708 Gr. III.
Hardness of pinion and gear should be minimum250 BHN and 220 BHN respectively.
The open spur gearing shall be designed to transmit 800 HP continuously at mill roller
surface speed of 12 m / min. under shock load conditions and shall conform to IS:4460 .
The low speed reduction gearing unit shall have machine cut teeth by gear generating
process in both cases. The module of open gearing shall not be less than 30.
Suitable bed plates made in sections, mild steel guards for completely enclosing the gears
and pinions (low speed), shall be provided. Shafts of these gears shall be of 40 C8 quality
conforming to IS:1570 or equivalent having minimum tensile strength of 58 kg/mm2 and
supported on cast steel plummer blocks with gun metal bearings provided with self /
mechanical lubrication arrangement with needle valves, stand by pumps reservoir and
return pipe line with automatic starting of spare pump. The gearing unit shall be complete in
all respect.
The mill top roller and GRPF bottom roller shall be connected to transmission gear shaft by
means of forged steel tail bars of 40 C8 quality conforming to IS:1570 or equivalent and
coupling. The length of the tail bar shall not be less than 2000 mm and its size not less
than 415 mm square. Two cast steel couplings, one of lesser cross section so as to act as
a fuse to safeguard reduction gearing units and drive with provision of greasing shall be

Imbibition Equipment and Mixed Juice Pump


Rotary Screen for Juice Screening

Existing 2 nos. rotary juice screens of 125 m3 / hr each shall be suitably modified by adding
necessary segments to suite the capacity of 250 m3/hr each.

Juice Tanks and Pumps :

The juice from mill No. 2, 3 and 4 shall be collected in individual cylindrical whirler tank
with conical bottom of 1300 mm dia and 1200 mm height made of 8 mm thick aluminum
sheet or 4 mm thick S S 409 M connected to mill juice trough through 6 mm thick .
Aluminium or 4 thk. SS 409 M gutter.
The juice from mill No. 1 shall be collected from individual mill juice trough to Aluminum /
SS 409 M gutters outside the mills and then connected to individual cylindrical whirler
tank with conical bottom of 1300 mm dia. All whirler tanks shall be interconnected with
gutter and flap at top level.


The juice from whirler tanks of Mill No: 2, 3 and 4 shall be pumped through individual
chokeless pump capable of pumping 120 m3 per hour of juice having minimum 50%
solids at 12 metres head to imbibition juice distribution trough through a suitable surplus
feed back device installed above the level of gangway at the mills to ensure steady and
uniform rate of imbibition. The juice from Mill No. zero and 1 shall be pumped through
individual. chokeless pumps with full bore discharge and capable of pumping 150 m3 per
hour of juice having minimum 50% solids at 12 metres head so that two pumps shall
be in operation and one will remain as common standby.. All the above pumps shall be
designed to operate at about 960 rpm.
The screened juice shall be collected in a 6 mm thick Aluminium / 5 thk SS 409 M
cylindrical tank / column. One strained juice pumps of 150 m3/hr capacity and 60 mtr.
head shall be provided for pumping the screened juice to juice heaters through juice flow
meter so that two pumps shall be in operation and one pump will remain as common
Note: All juice pumps (including juice imbibition pumps, screened and unscreened juice
pumps) to have S.S. body with SS impellers and SS shafts. All the juice pumps should
have dilivery lines not less than 200 mm.
(iii) Hot Water Imbibition Pump:
1 No. Identical pump 60M3/Hr. capacity and 50M head, so that two pumps shall be in
operation and one as standby.




For 2500 TCD :
Mass flow meter suitable for ultimate capacity, 250 T/hr
For 5000 TCD :
Juice flow measuring system shall have computerised, instantaneous and integrated
system, to be installed in screened juice line with check weighment arrangement. Beam
scale of 10 tons capacity to be procured for random verification with suitable capacity M.S.
Tank to be kept at a height for gravity flow to juice recovery tank.
The filtrate from filter station shall be pumped to Juice Sulphitor.
Specification for mass flow meter is as under:
For the accurate weighment of juice online mass flow-meter having following specifications
shall be considered.

Coriolis Dual U Tube design or single full bore straight

tube design.

Wetted Parts and


Tube, Manifold, and Process flanges in 316 SS

welded design, enclosure in SS 304 and should
fullfill NACE standard.


0.10% of mass flow rate

Ambient Temp. Effect

0.001 % of Nominal flow rate per oC


0.05% of rate

Inaccuracy in
current output


Core processor

It should be microprocessor based with

digital communication having meter
diagnostic capabilities and multivariable
measurement with 4 wire system between
the sensor and transmitter.



Power Supply

85-250 VAC / 24 VDC

Electrical Connection

inch NPT

4-20 mA for mass flow rate

0-1000 Hz frequency for mass flow rate
Digital HART for remote configuration



Electrical Housing


Temperature Limits

0 to 204C

Indication facilities

i) Flow rate in TPH

ii) Current hour flow in tonnes
iii) Last hour flow in tonnes
iv) Separate display for measured liquid during check

Communication Ports

a) RS 232/RS 485 for PC communication

b) Centronic parallel port for printer

On line calibration facility for check weighment with tank of suitable capacity shall be
provided for random checking of juice delivered by the mass flow meter without stopping
the crushing.
Suitable arrangement for preparation, storage and pumping of phosphoric acid solution
shall be provided. The tank of stainless steel with stirrer, rubber lined, piping of PVC,
dosing pump of suitable capacity shall be provided.
Suitable for 2500 & 5000 TCD - 3 Nos., of 310 m2 heating surface and 2 Nos. 460 Sq.m.
One for raw juice heating - 460 M2
Two for sulphited juice

- 310M2

One for clear juice heating 460M2

One as common standby for sulphited juice and raw juice heating - 310M2
All vertical tubular juice heater shall be multiple circulation type, designed to have juice
velocity of 1.5 m/sec. The body shall be constructed from 12 mm thick, tube plate of 32
mm and cover plates from 40 mm thick mild steel plates with stiffeners for juice heaters.
The juice heater should have 2 condensate outlets and the tighting bolt should be 'T' head
construction or of eye bolt type with individual fixing pins having circular pitch not more than
120 mm.
Multiple passes vertical tubular juice heaters with easy opening device for cover plates, two
sets of double beat valves for RJ and SJ heaters and one set for clear juice heaters, having
a common housing necessary for inter changeable connections of heating raw juice and
sulphited juice, heating by exhaust and vapour bleeding connections with valves and top
and bottom venting control by separate valve to atmosphere and vacuum arrangement, and
safety valve to calandria. The pipeline for vapour bleeding from the first body and third
body of the evaporator set shall run separately to the juice heaters. The partition plate and
header shall be not less than 12 mm thick M.S. plate and flexible cord fixing arrangement
be made of 30 mm sq. with dove tail grooves.



Exhaust connection to be provided for each juice heater except dynamic juice heater
through 350mm C.I. valve. The pipe line for vapour bleeding from respective evaporator
body shall run separately in addition to exhaust steam line and shall be connected to a
manifold of each juice heater through 350mm C.I. valve.
Arrangements shall be provided to drain all juice heaters, drained juice to go to collection
tank along with suitable pump to deliver the drained material to juice sulphitor. The platform
shall be provided below the juice heaters for opening the covers, draining and repairs
etc. Each juice heater shall have mercury filled 150 mm dial type thermometer in inlet and
outlet branch of juice and for the steam chest. One compound gauge shall also be
provided in the steam chest. The tightetening arrangement for cover should have T type
constructions or eye bolts with individual fixing pins having circular pitch not more than
Annealed stainless steel tubes as per AISI-304 of 45 mm outside dia. and 1.2 mm thick
shall be used. Ligament of the tubes shall be minimum 12 mm and 15mm for dynamic juice
heater. The length of tubes shall be about 5100 mm.
Juice heater shall be provided with individual condensate receiver for exhaust and vapour
condensate along with a pump of 15 m3/hr capacity, 30 m head.



For 2500 TCD - One unit of 150 H.L. capacity.

For 5000 TCD - Replacement of existing by one unit of 300 H.L. capacity .
One continuous juice sulphitation unit of 150 HL capacity designed for a crushing rate of
115 TCH with 115% juice, retention time not less than 7 minutes and working height of
juice column above the gas distribution not less than 2 m. It shall consist of a reaction
tank with 2 nos. C.I. Perforated plates, stack gas recovery tower, one cylindrical receiving
tank of 150 HL capacity two centrifugal pumps each of 150 m3 / hour capacity (one as
standby) at 60 m. head capable of pumping juice through two juice heaters in series, to the
flash tank of the clarifier. The speed of stirrer used shall be around 16 RPM. Design of the
unit shall have arrangement for pre sulphitation, pre liming, shock liming and sulphitation.
One telescopic valve should be provided to regulating the juice level in the vessel.
The continuous juice sulphitation unit shall be made from 12 mm thick mild steel plate and
be complete with milk of lime proportioning arrangement, SO2 gas pipe line shall be of C.I.
conforming to IS-210-1978 and sparger shall be of SS 316 grade or alternative of C.I.
crosses & C.I. piping.
pH. automation for juice sulphiter shall be provided.
For ultimate capacity of 5000 TCD, one no. pump of identical capacity shall be added so
that two pumps shall be in operation and one no. will remain as common stand by.
Specification for pH Automation System is as under:




The microprocessor based two loop pH control system shall be considered. Lime dosing
into juice sulphitor shall be automatically controlled based on pre-set ratio to juice flow.
Lime flow will be measured to give feed back signal to the lime dosing control loop. pH of
treated juice will be measured and signal given to control speed of sulphur dosing pump in
case of thin film type sulphur burner option. Combustion temperature of thin film type
sulphur burner will be measured and air vent valve will be adjusted to control operation of
sulphur burner. The system shall have following specifications.


: (a) Ruggedised industrial grade combined pH electrodwith

automatic temperature compensation. It shall be field
repairable type.
: (b) Suitable magnetic flow meter for the measurement of MJ
(mixed with filtrate) and MOL

pH Analyser

: Microprocessor based design with LCD display for

pH and temperature value with following facilities:
Output : 4-20 mA dc for recorder/controller
Power : 230 V AC
: Panel/Field
: High/Low
: Following Diagnostic features
feature shall be provided
i)Electronic failure
ii)Electrode coating
iii)Electrode breakage


Control Valve`


Microprocessor based multi loop controller with

following main facilities :
Cascade control and self tuning
Communication port
a.RS 232 or RS 485 for PC communication
b.Centronic Parallel port for printer

Suitable for controlling the flow of lime and SO2

continuously with proportional control.


Suitable recorder shall be provided.


For 2500 TCD - 3 Nos. ( one as standby ) continuous sulphur burner- 70Kg/Hr. capy.
For 5000 TCD - Addition of 1 No: of 200 kg/hr. capacity film type sulphur burner


(1) Automatic continuous sulphur Burner - One No.

Continuous type, sulphur burner shall be suitable for burning 70 kgs of standard quality
sulphur per hour. Each burner shall have a minimum of 0.6 m2 burning area. All sulphur
feeding valve spindles and seat shall be of stainless steel. The melting chamber for
sulphur shall be made out of 12 mm thick mild steel plate. The combustion chamber shall
be 16 mm thick mild steel with refractory lining.
The furnace shall be complete with electric driven stirrer, water jacketed counter current
cooling arrangement (material for cooler pipe shall be of schedule 80) for the vertical gas
pipe, mild steel water jacketed scrubbers of cast iron.
Sulphur pipeline from all the furnaces shall be so designed that both juice and syrup
could be sulphited from any of the furnaces either singly or jointly. Sulphur pipe line and
crosses shall be of cast iron confirming to IS 210-1978. Suitable glass lined rubber
diaphram valves shall also be provided. Temperature indicators for indicating
temperature of molten sulphur and SO2 gas shall be provided and automatic control for
sulphur furnace shall be provided.
(2) Film type burner One No.
One thin film type sulphur furnace suitable for burning 200 kgs of standard quality sulphur
per hour shall be provided as per following specifications.
A. Sulphur melter with overflow and underflow dirt separation One No.
The size of sulphur melter should be minimum 2 m x 1.5 m x 1.5 m
The melter should be made of 8 mm thick M.S. Plate and should be complte with
steam coils, valves and traps etc.
B. Sulphur Burner
The sulphur burner should be complete with refractory lining, and chequered bricks
arrangement with oil burner for pre heating
1. Material for construction

- M.S.

2. Size

- 1.75 m dia x 4.0 m ht


Thickness of bottom plate

- 12 mm


Thickness of shell plate

- 10 mm


Sulphur line


Variable speed, plunger type

positive displacement pumps


Staging and inter connecting piping shall be provided.

- steam jacketed, M.S.

- 2 nos. (one as standby )

Instrumentation and Automation System for Thin Film Type Sulphur Burner


Electronic controlled system with digital display shall be provided for the following :

Variable speed drive for sulphur pump to control the burning rate. The variable
speed drive should be compatiable to take output from a controller for feed back
control of juice flow/pH as and when installed in future.


To controll the supply of primary air to sulphur burner by controlling air vent valve
with feed back of temperature.


Mechanical temp. recorder for SO2 gas outlet range 0 200 deg. C.
Digital temperature indicator for temperature indication of molten sulphur, burner
and final SO2 gas.

Performance Parameters
Performance of the sulphur burner will be judged on the following parameters:
1. Rate of sulphur burning

- 200kg/hr

2. No sublimation & minimum SO3 formation with 100% burning.

3. Temperature of final SO2 gas - 70C

Concentration of SO2 not less than 7% at 70C @ 200kg/hr burning of s ulphur.

5. Turn down capacity upto 50%.

For 2500 TCD - 2 Nos: 600 m3/hr. free air delivery pressure of 1 kg/cm2 .
For 5000 TCD - Additional one air compressor of 1200 m3/hr. capacity.
The air compressors should be of vertical type water cooled, with automatic loading and
unloading type at pre set pressure.
Each Air compressor shall be provided with necessary pipe line, gauges, valves etc.
arrangement to supply moisture free air with suitable filter of adequate capacity air
receiver with suitable relief valve. All furnaces shall be connected in such a way that any
furnace could be worked with either compressor.
For 2500 TCD
One lime slaker capable of slacking about 1200 kgs of quick lime per hour. A Koran flash
tank type lime classifier with grit remover or rake type lime classifier or hydro cyclone type
classifier. Two milk of lime storage tanks of about 200 HL capacity each and two pumps
(one as standby) either rubber lined rotary or plunger type each capable of delivering
6.0 m3 per hour of milk of lime at 20 mtrs head and two grit catchers common for both


The slaker shall be of continuous type, made of shell plate 6mm and end plate 8mm thick
shall be driven by electric motor, through suitable reduction gearing arrangement to give
6 to 8 rpm. The storage tanks shall be made of 8 mm thick mild steel plates and shall
be complete with stirrers with independent separate drive for each tank and connected
through girt catchers to milk of lime pumps. Separate gutters shall be provided over the
milk of lime storage tanks for the milk of lime coming from the slaker and return milk of
Milk of Lime pipe lines shall be provided up to juice sulphitation with return piping and to
mud overflow tank and to injection water channel.
For 5000 TCD - 2 Nos: M.O.L. Tanks of 200 HL capacity each, shall be provided with
additional pump.



For 2500 TCD - 1 No. 11000 mm dia with 4 Nos. compartments of 1525mm height each
but to be operated on 3 Nos. compartment.
Clarifier shall have separate juice and mud outlet from each compartment.
The floculating compartment complete with skimmer and feed well shall be installed
separately. The clarifier shall be made of mild steel plates having following minimum
thickness :
1. Bottom
2. Shell
3. Tray (intermediate) :
4. Tray (Top)
5. Top Cover
6. Floculating

12 mm
10 mm with stiffeners
12 mm
10 mm
10 mm
10 mm

The continuous clarifier shall be complete with mild steel flash tank; and withdrawal
boxes 2nos. for clear juice and one no. for mud, with sleeves, telescope pipes and Orings, hinge type squeezers, driving mechanism with variable speed drive head with
motor consisting of sprocket, chain and drive guards, all inside and outside clear juice
piping and mud piping, all valves and pipe fittings etc, and complete with peripheral
walkway, angle iron bracket supporting angles, piping for railing, rail support etc; 4
manholes one for each compartment, each manhole to have platform, railing and access
ladder; pumps tank with support, insulation material etc. Mud liquidating pump of 50
m3/hr. and 20 m. head of C.I. construction with bronze fittings complete with drive motor
shall be provided. Two clear juice centrifugal pumps each of 150 m3 per hour and not
less than 30m. head and C.I. construction with bronze fittings complete with drive motor
and suitable column having sight and light glasses shall be provided for pumping juice
through clear juice heater to 1st body of evaporator. Provision of recircultion of juice in
the clarifier shall be also provided. Arrangement of preparation and dosing of flocculent to
be provided.
For ultimate capacity of 5000 TCD, identical pump for clear juice shall be added, so that
two pumps will be in operation and one no. will remain as common stand by.


(h) Vacuum Filter

For 2500 TCD - 1 No: 3.7 m dia. x 7.4 m long
For 5000 TCD - 1 No: 3.7 M dia. x 7.4 M long to be added.
Each rotary cane mud vacuum filter shall have nominal filtraration area of 84 m2 and
installed at a height so as to have a operating level of min. 8 meters from factory floor level,
shall be complete with 5 mm thick SS 304 grade drum, 8 mm thick SS heads with MS
structural reinforcement, cast iron trunnions, SS 304 grade internal piping and decking, SS
screens, MS trough, agitator, two numbers valves, one on each side consists of bronze /
SS 303 grade valve body, bronge / polypropylene / ferro-bestos wear plate, SS pipe plate,
washing assembly and scrapper, variable speed drum drive and constant speed agitator
drive. The drum drive shall be of 3.7 KW TEFC motor having means to vary the drum
speed from 30 RPH to 10 RPH. The agitator drive shall be of 2.2 KW TEFC motor. The
rotary filter shall be complete with two numbers filtrate receivers fitted with gun metal
vacuum release assemblies and copper floats, one number vacuum regulating valve, two
nos, filtrate pumps each capable to extraction 50 m3 / hr filrate under vacuum of 500 mm
(20) mercury and discharging at 20 meters head, one cascade condenser, one
entrainment separator with sealing arrangement to discharge the entrained juice to mud
receiving tank, feed mixture , one vacuum pump of 36 m3/minute capacity against 500 mm
mercury, complete with motor and drive, one over flow tank of 60 HL capacity with steam
coil and trap, one centrifugal blower of 270m/hr capacity, one bagasse cyclone suitable for
separating bagacillo with mild steel adjusting fin, 550 mm inlet connection and out let two
way valve fitted with manually operated flap door, one mud circulation non clog
centrifugal pump of 50 m/hr capacity at 18 meter discharge head complete with motor
drive, one injection water pump of 25 m3/hr capacity at 30 meter discharge head complete
with motor drive, one cake wash water pump of 20 m3/hr capacity at 30 meter discharge
head complete with motor drive etc. the bagacillo blower shall be complete with 550 mm
dia. blowing pipe from mill house to bagacillo cyclone along with pipe fittings etc. one
common belt conveyer for in line installation of vacuum filters or individual mud conveyers
for parallel installation of vacuum filters, of 450 width and suitable length for discharging
mud at least 6 meters out side the filter house complete with motor drive shall be provided.
The feed mixer, Air blower and cyclone separator shall be suitable for ultimate capacity.




a) Evaporator :- For 2500 TCD
Vapour bleeding arrangement. (For 2500 TCD and 5000 TCD)
From 1st. effect - for C Vacuum Pans and 2nd sulphited juice heating
with pipe size 700 & 350mm resp.
From 2 . Effect (A) - for A and B vacuum pans with pipe size 1000 mm
From 2nd effect (B) for 1st sulphited juice heating with pipe size 350 mm
From 3rd. effect - for raw juice heating with pipe size 700 mm
By pass arrangement for second effect (A) to be made for lower crush rate.
Juice heater vapour bleeding connection shall be drawn from respective bodies with C.I.
insolating valves. The two vapour pipes to low and high grade pans shall be inter
connected through C.I. isolating valves 700mm sizes be provided in the vicinity of the
evaporator. An exhaust connection with C.I. isolating valve of 700mm size shall be
provided to the vapour lines to high grade pans.
Steam/Vapour size

Quadruple effect evaporator Set

1st body
2100 m (Long tube evaporator)

800/1000 mm

2nd body (A) 1250 m

600/800 mm

2nd body (B) 900 m

700/850 mm

3rd . body

450 m

500/700 mm

4th . body

200 m

400/700 mm

For 5000 TCD:

1st body 3700 m (Long tube evaporator)

2nd body (A)

New with steam/vapour sizes

1000 mm and 1250 mm

2100 m - existing

2nd body (B) 1250 m - existing

3rd . body

900 m - existing

4th . Body
4th spare

450m - existing
200m - existing



Suitable relief valve spring loaded or dead weight lever type shall be provided to ensure
that pressure in the vapour space of second effect (A) body of evaporator does not exceed
0.4 kg/cm g. The Robert bodies shall have a vapour space height (between the top tube
plate and the bottom of the umbrella or cylindrical portion of the vapour space) not be
less than 2 times the calendria height, in case of 2nd (A), (B) and 2.5 times in case of
last two body (All Robert type only) Suitable arrangement for light and heavy noxious gas
removal shall be provided. Boxes shall be provided for easy removal of condensate from
calendria. Manhole shall be provided in bottom saucer and vapour space . Suitable
connection for soda washing and draining for juice shall be provided. Safety valves shall
be provided on calendria of first body.
For bodies having heating surface upto and including 450 m2, minimum thickness of mild
steel plates for calandria and body shall be 12 mm, bottom saucer 16 mm and tube plates
25 mm and for body up to 1250 m2 minimum thickness of mild steel plate of calendria and
body shall be of 16 mm, bottom saucer 22 mm and tube plate 32 mm. The bottom saucer
shall be welded to the calandria. The domes of the bodies of Robert type evaporators shall
have efficient save all of centrifugal type. A suitable external saveall for fitting in the
vapour pipe after the last body going to the condenser shall be provided. In case of long
tube type evaporator, poly baffle type of SS 304, 2mm thick save all shall be provided. .
Each body shall have three sight and light glasses, lowest side glass shall not be higher
than 1.5 M from the working platform and 250 mm from top tube plate.
For LTE body having heating surface of 2100 m, minimum thickness of mild steel plates
for calandria, body 16 mm bottom saucer- 22 mm and tube plate shall be of 32 mm. In case
of body having heating surface of 3700 m, calandria, body 18 mm bottom soucer 22mm
and tube plate shall be of 40 mm.
For Falling film evaporator bodies, SS tubes conforming to Grade -304 shall be of 45 mm
OD, 1.6 mm thick 10,000 mm length. For semikestner bodies S.S. tubes confirming to
Grade-304 shall be of 45 mm OD 1.6 mm thick and 5100 mm length.
In case of Robert type bodies, annealed stainless steel tubes confirming to I.S. 13316 of 45
mm outside dia. and 1.2 mm thick and 2000 mm length shall be used for III and IV
evaporator bodies and 2500 mm for II A and for II B evaporator bodies. The pitch of the
tube shall be such that the ligament is not less than 12 mm.

In case of Falling film type (LTE) evaporator, body shall be in two parts i.e one heat
exchanger and another vapour separator.
The placement of the tubes shall provide effective steam distribution arrangement.
Falling film type (LTE) evaporator shall be provided with suitable capacity, two recirculation
pumps (one as standby) and suitable head to achieve liquid waiting of 20Kg/hr/cm at the
outlet of tube. Two nos. transfer pumps each of 170M/hr capacity and 10mt. Head shall be
The evaporator set shall be complete in every respect with fittings for satisfactory
operation, 8 mm thick mild steel inter connecting vapour pipes as mentioned earlier.
Syrup extraction system with suitable columns connected to two syrup extraction pumps
(one as standby) of 40 m3/hr. capacity at 30 m. head through grit catchers with S.S.


strainer shall be provided. For ultimate capacity, identical pump shall be added, so that
two pumps will be in operation and one no. will remain as common stand by. Continuous
syrup sampler and sampling arrangement from each body shall also be provided.
Suitable individual condensate extraction pump with receiver bottles to be provided to all
bodies. The RPM of condensate extraction pump shall be 1500. Condensate outlet pipe
from various units shall have sight glasses at eye level in addition to sight glasses in
extraction columns. Test cocks shall be provided at all units individually for testing
condensate for sugar traces. All the condensate pumps delivery lines shall have suitable
connections with valve for draining as and when sugar traces are found in the condensate.
A working platform with staircase from ground level under the bodies for cleaning,
repairs and maintenance shall be provided. Plateform with stair case to be provided on
the top of FFE for operation and maintainance. Walk ways to be provided on top of
evaporator bodies for opening valves and man holes.
For open soda boiling, reduced steam entry and vapour outlet to atmosphere at top shall
be provided in each body.
Suitable arrangement for preparation of caustic soda solution and pumping the same to
the evaporator bodies with recirculation arrangement shall also be provided. Capacity
of the tank shall be 200 HL., pump capacity shall be 23 L/second against a head of 15
On line conductivity measurement system shall be provided for measurement of
conductivity in condensate return lines from vapour cell, Ist / 2nd body of evaporator set.
The system shall have following specifications.
Sensor cum Analyser

Based on conductivity principle with tefzel

body SS 316 electrode and built in temperature
element for automatic temperature compensation. Cell
constant for conductivity sensor shall be 0.1 or
suitable for low conductivity measurement.
Output :
Alarm :


4-20 mA DC for remote

indication and recording
High/Low contacts for
Alarm annunciator.

Syrup Sulphitation Units

For 2500 TCD - 1 No: of 60 H.L. capacity

For 5000 TCD - Replacement of existing sulphitor by 1 No: 120 H.L. capacity.
One continuous syrup sulphitation unit of 60 HL working capacity capable to process
syrup of 65 deg. Bx., with working height of 1.5 m. of syrup column above the gas
distribution, stack gas recovery unit constructed of 10 mm thick mild steel plate
complete with SO2 gas absorption arrangement and all necessary pipelines, valves etc,
shall be provided.


SO2 pipe and sparger shall be of S.S. 316 grade, Two syrup pumps each of 40m3/hr
capacity at 30 m. head (one as standby), grit catchers and one sulphited syrup receiver of
450 mm dia. and 1800 mm height with sight and light glasses, inlet, outlet, and equalising
connections shall be provided. For ultimate capacity of 5000 TCD, identical pump shall be
added, so that two pumps will be in operation and one no. will remain as common stand by.

(c) Syrup and Molasses Storage Tanks

For 2500 TCD - 13 tanks each of 200 H.L.
For 5000 TCD -

5 tanks each of 200 H.L. (Additional)

Each tank shall be of 200 HL capacity to store syrup, molasses and melt etc. at the
pan floor. These tanks shall be preferably rectangular.
Two or three tanks shall be arranged in one nest depending upon the material to be
stored with the provision of separate nest for syrup, each molasses and melt. The tanks
shall be made of 8 mm thick mild steel plate duly cross braced at bottom and sides
with 65 x 65 x 6 m angle and have 3 nos. tie rods at top. Molasses storage tank shall be
provided with steam heating coils with necessary valves and non-return valves, draining
arrangement, pipes, gutters, valve etc. The wash out connection of each tanks shall be
connected by a pipe to juice check weighment tank with proper dilution with water and
pumped to juice sulphitation tower with suitable valves.
Necessary pipe lines with right angle valves from the tanks to the pans i.e. for syrup,
melt, A-light molasses etc. for A-heavy molasses and B- light molasses, B heavy and for
C-light molasses shall be provided, for respective A,B, and C massecuite pan.
Three Molasses conditioning unit complete with inter connecting pipes, valves and
sampler shall be provided; one for A-heavy molasses, one for B-heavy and one for C-light
molasses. These molasses conditioners will be designed for a ultimate crushing capacity
with following percentages of molasses :
A-heavy - 15 percent on cane
B-heavy - 8 percent on cane
C-light - 4 percent on cane
Automatic control of temperature and brix system shall satisfy the following requirements:
I) Temp. of conditioned molasses - 70 deg.C
ii) Brix of conditioned molasses

- 70 - 75

Conditioned molasses shall contain no fine grains







The automatic brix and temperature control system for molasses conditioner shall be
provided. For each molasses conditioner the system shall include two control loops
consisting of various control system components as specified.




Brix Control System :







based on conductivity principle with tefzel body SS 316

electrode and built in temp. element for automatic
temperature compensation
two wire electronic analogue type with 4-20
mA DC output
Microprocessor based single loop indicating type
Suitable for controlling the flow of water in
molasses continuously with proportional control

Temperature Control System :


Contro l

Recorder :

suitable RTD PT 100

two wire electronic analogue type with 4-20 mA DC output
microprocessor based single loop indicating type
suitable for controlling the flow of steam
entering into the molasses conditioner
continuously with proportional control
Suitable recorder for recording the controlled brix and temp.
of the molasses.

(d) Vacuum Pans

For 2500 TCD - 4 Nos: Pans each of 75 tonnes strike capacity.
For 5000 TCD - 3 Nos. each of 100 tons strike capacity ( Additional )
The vacuum pans shall be low head rapid boiling calandria type each having normal
strike capacity of 75 tonnes ( 525 HL) massecuite. In case of 5000 TCD, 3 Nos: of 100
tonnes ( 700 H.L.) massecuite strike capacity pans to be added. Graining volume in pan
shall preferably not exceed 45% strike capacity. Down take dia. shall be 45 % of the
calandria dia.
The heating surface of each pan shall be so designed so that the ratio of heating surface
(m2) to volume (m3) is not less than 6.6. The length of the tube shall not exceed 800 mm.
The tubes shall be of Stainless steel confirming to I.S. 13316-92 having 102 mm outside
dia, x 1.6 mm thickness. The pitch of the tubes shall be such that ligament is not less than
16 mm. Mild steel tube plates shall be 32 mm thick calandria and body 16 mm, bottom
saucer 22 mm in case of 75 ton pan. In case of 100 ton pan tube plate shall be 40 mm
thick, body of 18 mm and saucer of 25 mm thick. Vapour pipe 8 mm thick for 75 ton and 10
mm thick for 100 ton pan. W shape bottom saucer shall be welded to the calendria in which
case suitable arrangement for expansion of tubes in the bottom tube plate shall be provided.
Bottom saucer shall be of ring supported design of minimum 750 mm height.
A vapour space of 2.5 m shall be provided in the cylindrical portion above the strike
level. The pan shall have internal saveall having centrifugal type catchall of efficient
design. The vapour pipe dia. going to the condenser shall be 1200 mm. In case of 75 ton
pan and 1400 mm for 100 ton pan. Each pan shall have feed-check valve after the feed
manifold. Pans shall have sight and light glasses, light and reflection to illuminate the


whole tube plate and to have calibration scale, vacuum gauge and thermometer in
vapour space and a compound gauge and thermometer in the calandria.
Pan shall be complete in every respect with necessary fittings for satisfactory operation
including the pneumatically operated discharge valve of ample capacity, various pipe lines
(vapour, syrup, high and low grade molasses, movement water, inter connecting cut
over pipe lines etc.) key sampler, vacuum and atmosphere venting. Hot water meter cum
recorder capable of measuring 25 m3/hr. of hot water to be provided, pan calendria shall
have two tangetial entry with comon valve of size 600mm dia.
The condensate extraction system shall consist of two closed cylindrical receivers
installed at the factory floor level. The capacity of exhaust condensate receiver shall be
110 HL and that for vapour condensate receiver 250 HL. These tanks shall be complete
with level indicator outside the tank and necessary venting arrangement. The condensate
piping shall be such that the condensate from low grade pans could go to either of these
tanks whereas condensate from other two high grade pans could
go to vapour
condensate receiver. The condensate pipes in these receivers shall lead upto 1/4th
height from the bottom of the
receiver for sealing purpose. Two pumps (one as
common standby ) each of 50 m3/hour capacity and one pump of 20 m3/hour capacity
against a head of 30 m. shall be provided for pumping the condensate from these tanks to
boiler feed water tank/hot water tank. These pumps shall have minimum 25 percent
leak off to the receivers for maintaining a constant level of the tanks.

Alternatively continuous vacuum pans for B and C Massecuite along with suitable graining
pan may be considered for 2500 TCD and 5000 TCD.
25 tonnes/hr. Capacity for C massecute (each) + one Pan of 60 MT for C-graining
35 tonnes/hr capacity for B massecute + one Pan of 60MT for B- massecuite




25 tonnes/hr for boiling C-massecute and

35 T/hr. For B-massecute



Horizontal type with vertical tubes.


Tube metal

S.S. 304 (as per ISS code) 102 mm OD x

1.5 mm thick


Length of tube

1200 mm (max) which would promote

circulation keeping in view as S/V ratio 10 to



ID 99 mm, OD 102




No. Of compartments -

10 to 13 (preferably 12 compartments)


Working height abovethe tube plate

200 mm in tightening zones, 400 mm in

boiling zones.


Vapour temp/pressure-

105 deg. At 0.1 kg/cm sq.



Multijet of low water consumption


S/V Ratio

10.5 : 1.0 (MSQ/M cube)


Body thickness

16 mm


Tube plate thickness -

32 mm

In addition to the above, the supplier will ensure the following:


Steam valve

Butterfly type


No. of manholes

3 nos. Minimum of 500 mm dia & 1 in

vapour line.


Sight & Light glasses -

2 nos. Minimum to each compartment


Discharge connection size

400 mm dia


Sample proof keys

Each compartment should have individual

sample key.


Cutover valve size

250 mm dia


Save all type

Centrifugal type inbuilt.


Pump for seed

6" size screw pump with variable speed

drive and gear box capacity 15 T/hr.

Steam connections in pipe lines with valves and NRV are to be provided.


Instrumentation and Automation System for Continuous Pan.


Feed control loop A feed control loop has to be provided for each
compartment each control loop should consist of conductivity electrodes
(self cleaning type) conductivity monitor, micro processor based PID
controllers, IP converters and pneumatic control valve. The numner of loops
will depend on the number of compartments in the pan. The conductivity
moniter shall have to be caliberated for purity range of massecute during
boiling such that ideal brix to be maintained in individual compartments is
noted vis-a-vis the conductivity moniter to enable set the desired value of
conductivity for each compartment on PID controller.




Seed Magma Feed Control A system for varying the RPM of the metering
pump through the signals received from the pressure transmit the monitoring
the vapour pressure in the calandria at pre set value should be available.


Absolute Pressure A facility to regulate condenser water quantities

automatically should consist of one absolute pressure transmit PID
controller and an electro pneumatic control valve. The control valve to be
fitted on water inlet pipe of the spray nozzles. The water quantity is to be
regulated corresponding to the vacuum in the pan.

All control valve sizing should be calculated to ensure an output of 25 T/hr of massecuite
on a continuous basis.
The complete system consisting of the various above loops apart from field mounted
compoments, should be provided with a main control panel fitted with all monitors,
controllers, indicating lamps, alarm annunciator and hooters.
In addition to the above, the following will also be provided.

Condensate water flow indicator with integrator


Molasses quantity flow indicator with integrator


Level indicator in the seed magma storage crystallisers.


Level indicator in the molasses storage tank with low level annunciation.

Performance Parameters


25 T/hr


Crystal Growth

Double of the footing grain size.



Purity drop 18 to 22 units


Frequency of water boiling

35 to 45 days.


The system shall include following control systems: -

1) Feed control system for each compartment: -

This system shall measure the brix of the massecuite of alternate compartment of boiling zone
by use of conductivity sensors & transmitters.
The specifications of the systems components shall be as specified below: 44



Conductivity sensor

Tefzel body, SS 316

Electrode & built in temperature element for
automatic temp. Compensation.


Conductivity transmitter

Two wire electronic analog type with 4 - 20 mADC



Conductivity controller

Microprocessor based single loop indicating



Control Valve

Suitable for controlling the flow of molasses in the


st compartment: -

2) Grain feed flow control to the 1

The system shall measure the brix of molasses in the 1st loop and in the vacuum crystallizer by
use of conductivity sensors and transmittors depending upon the required ratio of these brixes
the flow of grain shall be regulated by varying the speed of the metering pump through dyno
drive. The specification of the system components shall be as as below:

Conductivity sensors


Conductivity transmittor



Tefzel body, SS 316

Electrode & built in temperature element for automatic
temp. Compensation.
Two wire electronic analog type with 4 - 20 mADC

Microprocessor based dual loop controller to control

the speed of the motor through dyno drive employed
for metering pump speed variation.

3) Steam flow control system: The system shall measure the vapour pressure of the pan & control the flow of steam through the
steam control valve.
The system shall consist of following parts: i)

Pressure transmitter

2 wire electronic analogue pressure transmitter with

capacitance sensing technology & 4-20 mADC output
for controller.



Microprocessor based single loop PID controller


Control valve

Suitable control valve for controlling the steam flow


3) Vacuum control system



The system shall measure the temperature of tail pipe water and vacuum line to control the
injection water requirement by suitable control valve. The specification of the system component
shall be as given below:

Pressure transmitter


Temperature sensor


Temperature transmitter


Control valve


2 wire electronic analogue pressure transmitter with

capacitance sensing technology & 4-20 mADC
output for controller.
Suitable RTD PT 100
Two wire electronic analogue type with 4 20 mA
DC out put for controller.
Micro processor based dual loop indicating type
Suitable control valve for controlling the flow of
injection water continuously.

4) Condensate measurement:
Magnetic flow meter with indicating, integrating and recording facilitates as per the following
Suitable sized meter with SS 316 electrodes with tefzel lining.
0.50 % of flow rate.
Mounting position effect :
Vibration effect
Nil as per IEC 770 standard
Flow tube material
SS 303
Manual calibration
Not required.
Integral mount

Sensor and transmitter shall be integral mounted .

Empty pipe detection facility shall be provided.
The scalable process control system for logic & sequential
operations of the continuous pan, as described in above
control loops, may be considered as an alternative keeping
the field instrumentation as specified above.

* 2 Nos. 60T Pans (420HL) with SS single entry condensers to be used with continuous
pans (B&C). Tube plate should be 32mm thick body 12mm and bottom saucer 16mm
thick. Other details as per 75 tonnes pan.
(e) Seed Crystalliser and Vacuum Crystallisers
For 2500 TCD:
Two Nos seed crystalliser of 50 tonnes net working capacity and three vacuum crystalliser
of 70 tonnes capacity. All the crystallisers shall be fitted with stirrer, coupled to 12.5 HP,
TEFC motor and reduction gear unit and necessary fittings. The speed of the stirrer shall
be about 60 RPH. These crystallisers shall be installed on pan floor. Necessary
interconnecting pipelines between these crystallisers and pans shall be provided.
The shell of the vacuum crystallisers shall be made of minimum 10 mm thick M.S. plate
with necessary stiffeners and the end plates minimum 16 mm thick M.S. plate with
stiffeners. The seed crystalliser shell shall be 8 mm thick and end plate 12 mm thick with


Vacuum crystalliser shall have four sight glasses on the side and one sight glass with
light and reflector at top. One manhole each of 500 mm dia. and arrangement for sight
glass washing shall be provided. A ladder shall be provided for the approach of seed and
vacuum crystalliser. Cut over valves of this crystalliser shall be operable from the pan floor
Vacuum crystallisers should be near C Pans and Seed crystalliser towards A Pans.
Alternatively all crystallisers should be driven by shaft mounted high efficiency, suitable
helical planetary drive.
Crystalliser for 5000 TCD - One no. seed crystalliser of 70 Ton capacity shall be added.
(f) Condensers :
For Evaporator

Suitable for750 mm dia vapour pipe

For Vacuum Pan : Suitable for 1200 mm dia vapour pipe for 75 tonnes capacity &
1400 mm dia vapour pipe for 100 tons capacity
Suitable size for continuous pans
Type of the Condenser Single water entry type .
Each condenser shall be made of 6 mm thick up to 1200 mm size amd 8 mm thick for 1400
mm size, SS 304 with M.S. hoop rings and tail pipe shall be of S.S. 304, 4 mm thick.
Suitable platform with railings, access staircase for inspection, repair etc. of the condenser
shall be provided. Jet and spray nozzles shall be of gun metal / S.S. 304/ PVC. Condenser
shall be so designed that the approach temp. should not be more than 5 deg C . Injection
water line be provided with on line strainer.
(g) Injection / Spray Water Pumps :
Injection Pumps :
For 2500 TCD - 1600 m3/hr - 22 m head - 3 Nos. ( 1 No. standby) for single entry
For 5000 TCD - Addition of 1600 m/hr. 22 m head 2 Nos. for single entry condenser
Spray Pumps :
For 2500 TCD - 1600 m3/hr- 15 m head - 2 Nos.
For 5000 TCD - Addition of 1600 m3/hr - 15 m head - 1 No. ( 1 No: standby )
The above pumps shall be of Centrifugal type, bronze impeller and fittings and directly
coupled to SPDP slip ring induction motor with suitable starter for continuous working.
Priming pumps for injection and spray pumps shall be provided. The starting current should
not exceed by 300% of full load current.



The injection water pipe connection to condenser should have separate valve for regulation
purpose. A pressure gauge in water line is to be provided. A common header of 1200mm
dia x 12mm thick shall be provided for injection pumps. Each pump shall have isolating
and NRV in delivery line.
(h) Spray Pond :

For 2500 TCD - No: of nozzles 250 Nos.

For 5000 TCD - Addition of No. of nozzles - 250 (500 Total)
The main header of 1200mm dia shall be M.S. construction of minimum 12 mm thickness.
The branch piping 26 Nos. on one side and 24 Nos. on other side having each of 150mm
dia installed at center distance of 5.0mt. and fitted with 5 nozzles at 2.2mt. center shall be
PVC/MS with support of RCC pillars. Nozzles shall be of thermo engg plastic with S.S.
insert at throat of nozzles or of cast iron and arranged on the branch piping with single
nozzle arrangement.
The cooling system for the water shall be so designed that at least a drop of 13 deg. C or
within 7 deg. C of wet bulb temperature, which ever is less should be achieved.
Note: (i) Provision of space in the layout for additional pumps for the ultimate capacity to
be kept.
(ii) Spray pond and Masonry water channels shall be suitably designed for
ultimate capacity only additional piping and nozzles to be provided at expansion
Alternatively, Initially two cell cooling towers each cell to cool 1100m from 50 to 32C at
27C wet bulb temp. With two feed pumps each of 1600m/hr at suitable head. For
5000TCD two similar cells may be added with one similar feed pump.


(a) Crystallisers
For 2500 TCD

Air-cooled crystallisers

(i) Three Nos. each of 85 tonnes batch type horizontal crystallisers

A massecuite.
(ii) One Nos: each of 85 tonnes capacity as receiver for
B Massecuite
(iii) One No: crystallisers each of 85 tonnes capacity as receiver for
C Massecuite.
2) Vertical Continuous Crystalliser
(i) One No: Mono vertical type crystalliser of 250 T holding capacity for
B massecuite and one 85MT receiving crystallisers.


(ii) One No: Mono vertical type crystalliser of 300 T holding capacity for
C massecuite and two 85MT receiving crystallisers.
For 5000 TCD
1) Air-cooled crystallisers:
(i) Two Nos. 110 tonnes crystallizers to be added for A massecuite and existing 3 nos.
of 85 tons to be used for A massecuite.
(ii) Existing 2 no. of 85 tons capacity to be used for B Receiver
(iii) Existing 2 nos. of 85 T capacity to be used for C receiver
2) Vertical Continuous crystalliser:
(i) For B addition of one 150T crystalliser alongwith existing and made twin type.
(ii) For C addition of one 150T crystalliser alongwith existing and made twin type.
The batch crystallizers for A massecuite shall be complete with efficient stirring
arrangement of sturdy construction 85 ton Air cooled crystallisers shall be driven by electric
motor of 20 BHP and 25 BHP for 110 T, suitable for continuous working and complete with
suitable reduction gear unit designed to give a stirrer speed of not more than 60 RPH.
Necessary cooling surface to be provided in case of B massecuite cooling, so that the
massecuite temperature is cooled from 65 deg C to 50 deg C when supplied with cooling
water at 30 deg C. in 8 hours. Vertical type water cooled crystalliser for B massecuite
shall be driven by electric motor of 15 BHP suitable for continuous working, complete with
suitable reduction gear unit, suitable design to give a stirrer speed of not more than 20
RPH, all worm and worm wheel shall be machined cut and interchangeable duty wise

In case of C massecuite necessary cooling surface shall be provided so that the

temperature of the massecuite is cooled from 65 deg.C to 40 deg.C in 15 hours, when
supplied with cooling water at 30 deg.C. Provision in the design shall also be made for a
maturing period of 4-5 hours in case of low-grade continuous crystallisers. The cooling
surface (m2) to volume (m3) ratio shall be minimum 2. The heat exchange elements shall
be tested at pressure of 6-kg/cm2 g. suitable for continuous working, complete with suitable
reduction gear unit designed to give a stirrer speed of not more than 20 RPH. All worm and
worm wheel should be machined cut and inter changeable duty wise.
The heat exchange elements of water cooled / vertical continuous crystallisers should be of
Boiler quality or heavy-duty (C class) MS pipes as per IS 1239.
The shell of the horizontal crystallisers shall be made of minimum 12 mm thick mild steel
plate and end plates 18 mm thick mild steel plate for 85 T capacity and 16 mm thick MS
plate and end plates 20 mm thick Ms plates for 110 T capacity.
For pumping B & C massecuite from receiver crystalliser to vertical crystalliser of B &
C massecuite 3 Nos. pumps (1 as common stand by) and 2 nos. pumps for liquidation


of B and C vertical crystallizers each of 25T /hr capacity and 30 M head shall be provided.
In case of outdoor installation of vertical crystalliser separate 1 No: liquidation pump to be
For ultimate capacity, existing 3 nos. pumps meant for pumping B and C massecuite shall
be replaced with 3 nos. pumps of 45 T/hr capacity and 30 m head for pumping B and C
massecuite. The existing pumps will be used for liquidation of 2nos. B and 2 nos. C vertical crystallizers. Alternatively all the crystallisers should be driven by shaft mounted
high efficiency suitable helical planetary drive system.
(b) Centrifugal Machines: I. Fully automatic plough discharge machines

For 2500TCD: 2 Nos. fully automatic recyling type flat bottom plough discharge
machines each of 1500 kg / charge capacity.


For 5000 TCD: 2 Nos: additional 1500kg/charge capacity

For 1500 Kgs/charge Digital type D.C. thyristor controlled drive with minimum 20 cycle /hr.
Alternatively suitable capacity and no. Of machines shall be provided.
II. Continuous Machines:
(i)For 2500 TCD

1 No. Continuous centrifugal machine for C

foreworker dia 1500 mm shall be capable to cure
C massecuite of minimum 102 brix and 52 purity
at a rate of 10T/hour. and shall have minimum gravity factor of
One similar machine for CAW having 15 Ton/hr capacity.
One no. similar machines for 'B' capable to cure 15T/hour.
One similar machine as a common standby for B & C.

(ii) For 5000 TCD

Additional 3 machines of dia 1500 mm shall

be provided.
C massecuite shall be double cured.
Alternatively suitable capacity type & no. Of machines shall be

All operations of the automatic recycling type machines including charging and discharging,
changing the speed, application of superheated wash water, molasses separation,
operation, bottom valve closing etc. shall be automatic. Manually operated brakes shall
also be provided with process logical control programme such that the plough should not
be operated at higher basket speed than ploughing speed of 60 RPM. Manually controlled
steaming arrangement of monitor casing to be provided.


Each machine shall have individual switch fuse isolator of suitable rating, an ammeter, and
thyristorised/ air break-contactor for operating the machine in manual and fully automatic
recycling with a separate selector switch. All operations such as charging, bringing the
machine at different speeds, retardation, water wash, pugmill gate opening and closing,
syrup separation, cycle over etc. shall be given on control box and indicated by different
lamps. All these applications shall also be possible to be applied by push button/rotary
switch in manual or automatic position of the selector switch from the control box except
bringing the machines at different speeds, retardation and cycle over. Control box shall
have speed indicator etc. Necessary arrangement in the panel shall be provided for tripping
of the machine in case of high temperature on sensing through ETDs of the motors. DC
motor panel board & drive shall be equipped with 3 ACs (one as standby). Only room shall
be constructed by Purchaser.
The continuous centrifugal machine shall be complete with mild steel monitor casing
designed to provide a sturdy support for all machine elements, separate compartment for
sugar and molasses, hinged doors for access to the sugar chamber, sugar sampler and
water/steam washing arrangement, stainless steel basket construction, stainless steel
inner supporting screen, pure nickel chromium plated working screen, stainless steel
accelerating cone, receiving cup, hot water/steam washing arrangement with metering
device to measure the wash water, drive arrangement having motor, pulley, V-belts/direct
drive and bearings, massecuite feeding device etc.
The angle of basket shall be 30 deg. for B & C massecuite. Screen for 'C' foreworker
machines shall have perforations of 0.06 mm and not less than 7% open area. Screen for
B and C afterworker machines shall have perforations of 0.09 mm and 9% open area. In
case of oil lubricates bearings an oil pump is to be supplied with a pressure switch and
shall have built in protecting arrangement to trip the machine incase of failure of lubrication
system and or bearing temperature rise.
Operators push button panel shall have provision for operating motor, an ammeter and
'ON' indication.
Incoming panels for both batch and continuous type centrifugal shall be designed for a
symmetrical fault level of 35 KA (rms) of one second and suitable for ultimate, capacity of
5000 TCD. at unit load factor. All incoming panels shall consist of an isolator with fuse, an
ammeter, voltmeter with fuse and selector switch and 'ON' indication. Suitable interlocking
arrangement shall also be provided in each self-discharging machine panels such that not
more than two machines are started at a time.

Monorail with 5 tonnes capacity chain pulley block over the centrifugal machines shall be
Pugmill made out of 6 mm thick mild steel plate and suitable for ultimate capacity and
mounted over the machines shall be provided having stirrering arrangement, driven by
electric motors, coupled to reduction gear unit. The pugmill feed valve for batch machines
shall be operated pneumatically. For low-grade massecuite separate header/pug mill with
transient heater for individual C/F machine shall be provided. All transient heaters should
have 16 SWG wall thick AISI 304 grade SS tubes. Pugmill with drive will be provided for C
after and B machines. There shall be standby pumps for super heated wash water and oil
pumps for centrifugal machines. The pug mills charging gate to be operated both
pneumatically and manually. All the fore-workers and low grade massecuite afterworker


machines to discharge directly into the corresponding magma mixer of suitable capacity
and design. The shell of the magma mixers shall be of 6 mm thick mild steel plates having
C.I. double beater paddles, coupled to electric drive through suitable reduction gear. A
suitable platform should be provided near the pug mills with proper approach from
centrifugal platform.
The centrifugal station shall be complete in all respects and shall have necessary
accessories namely Air compressor 7 kg/cm with receiver and refrigeration dryer system
to supply moisture free air for pneumatic control, mild steel molasses tanks, two of 3
m3 capacity for A-heavy and A-light molasses and remaining tanks of 2 m3 capacity each,
two molasses pumps of 30m3/hour capacity at 30 meters head for A heavy and light
molasses each, four molasses pumps of 10 m3/hour capacity at 30 meters head for
B-heavy, C-light and final molasses with a standby for final molasses.
Three magma pumps of 20 Tons/hour capacity at 30 meters head for B foreworker, Cforeworker and C afterworker magma. Magma pumps shall be of rotary type with cast iron
rotor having replaceable gun metal or bronze strips and have by-pass arrangements.
All magma and molasses pumps shall have steam connections with non-return valves
and suitable size return pipes with valves from their delivery pipes to the respective tanks..
The speed of the magma pumps not to exceed 36 RPM. 150 RPM for C molasses, 200
for B & A molasses.
All machines shall be suitably connected to respective molasses tanks for flow of molasses.
(c) Sugar Melter
For 2500 TCD
One continuous vertical type sugar melter of 15 tonnes/hour capacity complete with stirrer,
drive and necessary steam, water connection for melting sugar lumps and magma sugars
and one melt pump of 30 m3/hour at 30 meters head shall be provided. A platform with
staircases in the melter shall be provided for feeding of sugar into the melter.
A magma mixer and magma pump of 25 tons/hr at 30-meter head shall be provided near
the grader for taking dry seed for A massecuite. Necessary water, steam and other usual
connections shall be provided.
For 5000 TCD : Addition of similar unit
The automatic brix and temperature control system for melter shall be provided. The
system shall include two control loops consisting of various control system components as
specified below:

a. Brix Control System :





based on conductivity principle with tefzel body

SS 316 electrode and built in temp. element for
automatic temperature compensation
two wire electronic analogue type with 4-20
mA DC output




Microprocessor based single loop indicating type.

Suitable for controlling the flow of water in
melter continuously with proportional control

b. Temperature Control System :




Control Valve


suitable RTD PT 100

two wire electronic analogue type with 4-20 mA
DC output
Microprocessor based single loop indicating type.
Suitable for controlling the flow of steam
entering into the melter continuously with
proportional control
Suitable recorder for recording the controlled brix and temp.
of the melt.

Grass Hopper
One single tray grass hopper conveyor of 2 M width and 12 M. length shall be installed
under the " A" machines to convey the sugar discharged from the machines to the first
multitray grass hopper.
Two multi-tray grasshoppers, each of 2 m. width and length not less than 12 m. shall be
driven by 15 BHP TEFC electric motor with hot air blowing arrangement on the first multitray unit (after conveyor hopper), cold air blowing in the second shall be provided. The
hopper eccentricity shall not be less than 16 mm and its driving shaft speed shall be 250 to
300 RPM. Portion of the hopper where connecting rod is fixed shall be strengthened by
10mm plate, 1 meter wide. The hopper shall not be welded on longitudinal seams. Each
hopper shall have two connecting rods. Sugar lump separating unit shall be provided on
second hopper. Drying arrangement at hopper should be in such a way that the bagging
temperature of sugar should not more than 42 deg. C when ambient temperature is not
more than 36C.
All drive slats etc. shall be similar and interchangeable.
For 5000 TCD : Separate parallel system of grass hoppers to be added.

Sugar Elevator

For 2500 TCD

25 TON /HR 1 No.

For 5000 TCD

Addition of 1 No. of 25 ton / hr.

Each Steel cased elevator to deliver 25 T sugar per hour from the hopper to the grader
fitted with two strand of chain and G.I/ S.S. buckets and driven by a TEFC electric
motor coupled to enclosed worm reduction gear unit shall be provided. Approximate
height of the elevator shall be 11 meters. The speed of elevator not to exceed 25

Sugar Grader
For 2500 TCD

25 T /Hr.


For 5000 TCD

Addition of one No. of 25 tons/hr.



Sugar grader shall be of 25 T per hour capacity having four decks and each deck capable
to sieve minimum 15 tonnes/Hr of sugar of any grade and shall be mechanically/electrically
vibrator type capable of screening any grade of sugar according to IS specifications. The
grader shall be driven by TEFC electric motor. Magnetic iron separator shall be provided for
each chute. One sugar distributor for distributing the sugar over full width of grader screen
shall be provided. The screens shall be of SS-304 quality.
Suitable dust catching arrangement shall be provided.

Sugar Weighing Machine

For 2500 TCD :

Two Nos. pre-determined balance weight type weighing machines each having capacity to
handle 50Kg HDPE/PP bags.
For 5000 TCD : Addition of two similar units.

Bag Stitching Machine

For 2500 TCD:

2 Nos. electrically operated double row stitch bag stitching machines with one spare head,
of conveyor type, each suitable for handling about 200 bags of 50 kg each per hour shall be
provided. The length of conveyor shall be 4 meters.
For 5000 TCD : Addition of two similar units.
Alternatively suitable bin storage and automatic bag weighing and stitching system with
continuous sugar bag conveyer may be considered.

Molasses Weighing Scale suitable for 5000 TCD

One automatic molasses weighing scale of 3 tonnes per tip capacity, complete with
registering counter and other accessories, weighed molasses receiving tank of 50 HL
capacity and two pump sets (one as standby) each of 15 m3/hour for pumping the final
molasses to the storage tank at a distance of maximum 120 m from factory shall be
provided. The delivery pipe line shall be raised vertically and the subsequent horizontal
portion to have suitable gradient. Provision of check weighment with a suitable tank
mounted on platform type scale of 8 Ton shall be provided.

Final Molasses Storage Tank

For 2500 TCD .

2 Nos. tanks each of 4000 M capacity

For 5000 TCD .

2 Nos. additional of 4000M capacity.

Final molasses storage tanks shall be as per IS 5521-1980 specifications. Two pumps for
recirculation of molasses 10m3/hr. and 20 mtr. head shall be provided. An overhead tank
of 10 m3 capacity shall be installed on M.S. steel staging at a height of 5 meters from
ground floor with a 300 mm discharge line and valve to supply molasses to the tanker
directly by gravity. Molasses pumps supplied for recirculation shall also be used for loading


the molasses. Arrangement of spraying water with 3 Nos. pump sets -one common standby
on all sides of tanks shall be provided.
Arrangement for spraying water on all sides of the tank with suitable pump set shall be

Hot and Cold Water Service Tanks ( suitable for 5000 TCD )

Three rectangular overhead tanks of 6 mm thick mild steel plates with stiffeners and angle
frame each having a capacity of 400 H.L. complete with valves, fittings, pipes shall be
provided. Bottom of the tanks shall be atleast 6 meters above Pan floor. Tanks shall be
covered. Level indicators to be provided.
Two electric driven centrifugal pumps, each having a capacity of 300 m3/hour at 30 meters
head complete with pipes and valves and NRV from the pump to the service tanks shall
be provided at suitable place.
Two parallel strainers with isolating valves shall be provided in each of cooling water lines
to mill bearings, oil coolers, air compressors, vacuum pumps, etc. so that one will be stand
by for periodical cleaning.
Water conservative recirculation system: Necessary arrangement be provided
for recirculation of cooling water from Power Turbine, Mill bearings, enclosed mill drive gear
boxes, crystallisers, air compressor and Sulpher burners etc. All equipments like m.s.
fabricated collection tank of suitable capacity, 2 Nos. pumping sets (one as standby),
piping, valves etc. be installed at suitable location. This water shall be pumped to raw water
reservoir through spray nozzles installed on the reservoir itself to achieve atmospheric


MCR (Max.Continuous rating)


Peak generation

1 no. 80 tonnes per hour for 2500 TCD plant.

( One no. to be added for 5000 TCD plant)

: 110% of MCR for half an hour.

Pressure at superheater

: 67 kg/cm2 g

Temperature of steam at
superheater outlet

Feed water temp. at

Inlet of feed water tank

: 85 deg.C

485 + 5 deg.C at 60% to 110%MCR

Excess air % theoretical air : Not exceeding 35 %

Temp.of flue gases at outlet : 160 deg.C. Or less



: 70% minimum on GCV of

bagasse having 50% moisture with
bagasse as fuel determined as per
IS13980-1995 / ASME Code.


: Bagasse with 50-52% moisture.


: Indoor & Elevated height of 4.0 mtrs above FFL.

Alternatively boiler having 45kg/cmg pressure and super heater steam temperature of
440C5C having spreader stoker system with dumping grate furnace may be considered
for 2500 TCD. Installation of furnace shall be at factory floor level.
Boiler shall be provided with minimum one steam drum and lower drum both of fusion
welded construction. The drum shall be provided with suitable dished ends, manhole,
doors, fitted with cross-bars, studs and nuts at each end. The steam drum of the boiler
shall be provided with primary and secondary separators of stainless steel construction
to promote circulation and ensure high steam purity.
Boiler Headers :
Boiler headers shall be constructed in accordance with IBR specifications with flanged
ends to promote cleaning and inspection.
Super Heater:
The boiler shall be provided with super heater capable of superheating total steam
generated by the boiler to a final steam temp of 4855 deg.C at 60 to 110% MCR and
complete with inter-connected pipelines between the boiler and superheater, mountings
such as safety valves, drain/air vent valves, pressure gauges etc. as per IBR.
The tube elements of the superheater shall be expanded into the steam drum at one
end and butt welded/expanded to the
manifold at the other end. The superheater
manifold shall be fabricated from solid drawn seamless pipes. The manifold shall be
supplied complete with branches for main steam take off safety valve, air release
connection etc. A thermowell in the outlet manifold shall be provided to measure the
temperature of superheated steam. The superheater design should be such that the
temperature of steam at superheater outlet shall not exceed 500 deg.C in any case.
A spray type attemperator or heat exchanger attemperator in between primary and
secondary coils of superheater to be provided to maintain automatically the temperature of
steam at superheater outlet 4855 deg.C at steam flow rate between 60 to 110 % of MCR
and tube elements of the superheater shall be constructed from seamless alloy steel tubes
of SA 213 T 11 specification or equivalent for primary coils(I st stage) and SA 213 T 22
specification or equivalent for Secondary coils(IInd stage).
Furnace :
Suitable furnace(s) to burn bagasse with 50 to 52 percent moisture with preheated air
shall be provided. Furnace shall be designed to give maximum continuous rating with
firing only even when furnace chamber(s) are being cleaned. One of the
following type furnaces with all accessories shall be provided with combustion chamber.


Spreader stoker
Pulsating grate
Travelling gate

Ash hoppers shall be provided below each furnace and boiler height shall be adjusted such
that manually operated trolleys can be placed below the ash hoppers. The boiler furnace
shall be placed at elevated height of about 4 m level from ground. Steel staging from
ground level and M.S. operating platform at 4 m level, chequered plate shall also be
Alternatively furnaces to be designed for burning bagasse and coal individually or
simultaneously if desired by purchaser in which case boiler performance is to be finalized
between purchase and seller.
Rotary Feeders :
Minimum six no. of rotary feeders coupled to variable speed drive of positively infinitedly
variable type for regulating the quantity of bagasse to furnaces shall be provided. The
feeders shall have speed variation and maximum speed not to exceed 25 RPM.
Suitable bagasse storage bunker(bagasse silo) of ten minutes storage capacity for each
feeder shall be provided.
Induced draft fans (Two nos.) :
Each fan shall be of designed for a minimum discharge capacity of 50M/sec. The shaft of
the fan shall conform to 40 C 8 of IS:1570-1978. Renewable hard faced wear pads on the
blades shall be incorporated in the impeller. The ID fan shall be driven by suitable rating
variable speed DC/AC motor with TEFC/IP-54 enclosure directly coupled. The Fan rated
speed shall not be more than 750 RPM. The impeller of the fan shall be fabricated out of
minimum 5 mm thick Ni-crome alloy steel. Each fan shall be provided with dampers at the
inlet as well as at the outlet to control the flue gas quantity.
Drive for Induced Draft Fans Two nos.
The ID fans shall be directly coupled to
variable speed electrical drive Digital type
(Thyristor controlled D.C motor with IP-54 enclosure or variable frequency TEFC A.C
motor) complete with control equipment , speedometer, operators control cubicle etc.
Forced draft fans :

One no.

Primary air for combustion shall be supplied by the one no. forced draft fan of DEDW type
having minimum discharge capacity of 50M3/sec, through air heater and shall be supplied
to the furnace underneath the grate. Variable inlet vane control damper in the suction of
the FD fan shall be provided. The blades of fan rotor shall be fabricated out of minimum 5
mm thick mild steel plates. The rotors of the ID & FD Fans shall be dynamically balanced.
The rpm of the fan shall be 1440.Direction of both ID fan should be same and fans are to
be interlocked so that FD fan runs only when ID fan is running.


Drive for Forced Draft Fans - One no.

The FD fans shall be directly coupled to variable speed electrical drive(Digital type
Thyristor controlled D.C motor with IP-54 enclosure or variable frequency A.C motor)
complete with control equipment , speedometer, operators control cubicle etc.
Secondary air fans Two Nos. (one operating + one standby)
Each secondary air fan 20M/sec and 600 MM WC along with TEFC squirrel cage motor
shall be supplied. This will supply air into the furnace as a secondary air at high pressure
through heat resisting nozzles for ensuring combustion completeness. The secondary air
nozzles shall be installed in the furnace walls. From the same fan air shall be supplied to
the pneumatic distributors to distribute the bagasse on to the grate uniformly. The isolating/
controlling damper shall be provided at the fan suction and in the duct at a branching point.
The suction of fan shall have provision for cold air as well as hot air from airheater with two
separate dampers for hot air and cold air. The fan to be coupled to the motor. The rpm of
the secondary fan shall not be more than 1440.
Blow down arrangement :
Continuous blow down equipment as per IBR complete with all piping connected to the
M.S. blow down tank within 10 meters outside the boiler house. Suitable vapour recovery
system of blow down water shall be provided.
Soot Blowing equipment :
Steam operated hand controlled soot blowing equipment having minimum four nos. soot
blowers (each to cover half the width of tube bank) at appropriate places to cover bank
of boiler tubes and two nos. motorised automatic retractable soot blower for superheater
elements each covering half of the furnace width shall be provided. Additional two
nos.(minimum) steam operated hand controlled soot blower(s) shall also be provided for
the Economiser.
Instrumentation and controls :
The instrument control panel to be totally enclosed in a cubicle for dust free conditions by
providing an exhaust fan on the panel. The control panel shall be properly wired, tubed
and connected to all field transmitters and instruments as per standard instrumentation
practice. It should be housed with 2 Nos. suitable AC (one standby) room only, suitably
sized, designed will be constructed by the Purchaser.

The following instrumentation systems are to be provided for measuring the various

Steam flow meter of integrating, indicating and recording (in data logger) type


Feed water flow meter of indicating, integrating and recording ( in data logger) type.


Drum water level indicating and recording ( in data logger) type.


Superheated pressure indicating and recording (in data logger) type.




Multipoint temperature scanner interface with K/J type thermocouple and

universal temperature transmitters with linear output for each of the following
points. All these points to be connected to data logger for recording.


Draft gauges for



superheater steam at final superheater outlet and primary superheater outlet.

Feed water economiser inlet.
Feed water at economiser outlet.
Feed water at deaerator inlet.
Flue gas temperature at boiler outlet.
Flue gas temperature at economiser outlet.
Flue gas temperature at airheater outlet.
Flue gas temperature at I.D fan inlet.
Air temperature at airheater inlet.
Air temperature at airheater outlet.
Furnace temperature.


F.D fan discharge.

I.D fan suction.
Flue gas at boiler outlet.
Flue gas at economiser outlet.
Flue gas at airheater outlet.
Flue gas at fly ash arrestor inlet.
Flue gas at fly ash arrestor outlet.
Air at airheater outlet.
analyser with signal connection to datalogger.

Pressure gauges of size 250 mm diameter with S.S. syphon and isolation
valve to be provided at boiler drum, superheater outlet steam and at fire door
level for superheater outlet steam.


Pressure gauges of size 150 mm diameter with S.S. syphon and isolation valve to
be provided at economiser inlet, economiser oulet, at each feed water pump outlet
and feed water pumps common header.

Microprocessor based 24 channel data logger programmable to any type of inputs like
current, mv, T/C and digital for recording the following parameters with 80 column dot
matrix printer and relay output for 8 channels for annunciation.

Steam flow.
Feed water flow.
Superheater steam temperature at primary superheater outlet.
Superheater steam temperature at secondary superheater outlet.
Superheater steam pressure at secondary(final) superheater outlet.
Drum level.
Deaerator level.
Deaerator pressure.
Furnace pressure.
Air flow.
Feed water at economiser inlet.
Feed water at economiser outlet.


(m) Feed water at deaerator inlet.

(n) Flue gas temperature at boiler outlet.
(o) Flue gas temperature at economiser outlet.
(p) Flue gas temperature at airheater outlet.
(q) Flue gas temperature at ID fan inlet.
(r) Air temperature at airheater inlet.
(s) Air temperature at airheater outlet.
(t) Furnace temperature.
(u) O2 .

Microprocessor based annunciator with electronic hooter to be provided for the



Feed water tank level low.

Deaerator tank level low.
Deaerator tank level high.
Drum water level low.
Drum water level high.
Superheater steam temperature high.
I.D fan trip.
F.D fan trip.
S.A fan trip.
Feed water pump trip.
Bagasse feeder trip.
Feed water transfer pump trip.

The following auto controllers are to be provided with the boiler.


Three element drum level control system: Drum level shall be automatically
controlled using the three element control philosophy to ensure quick response of
the system. In case of drum level falls below minimum level, the feed water control
valve will open fully. In case drum level rises above maximum level, the feed water
control valve will close fully.


Deaerator pressure and level control system: Deaerator pressure shall be

maintained by regulating the steam flow to the deaerator so that temperature of
boiler feed water is maintained at the desired set value. Deaerator level shall be
controlled so as to balance the inflow and out- flow of feed water.


Cascaded superheater steam temperature control system based on measuring

temperature at outlet of primary superheater header and final superheater header.


Combustion control system: This will be an integrated control loop for maintaining
the steam pressure. According to the steam pressure the master controller will
adjust speed of dynodrives to feed more or less fuel to the boiler and FD fan to
control amount of primary air sent to the furnace respectively. To ensure that this
adjustment is correct, the signal of O2 % in flue gases will be taken in the loop to
make the final correction in the speed of FD fan.


Furnace pressure control system: ID fan speed shall be controlled to maintain

draft in side the furnace to 5mm WC.



D) Two air compressors (one as standby) shall be provided to supply oil and moisture
free air through refrigeration dryer system, for pneumatically controlled instruments.
Spare air filtering and drying system shall also be provided along with standby
compressor set.
COMPUTERIZED BOILER AUTOMATION: The computerized scalable process control system shall be provided to achieve the above
referred measurements, control & audio- visual alarms for the safe and smooth operation of
the boiler. The system shall have the following features and facilities.

Data acuisition and monitoring.

Data logging.
Alarm and event logging.
Dynamic trend for 32 channels.
Three dimensional graphic display.
Free format report generation for customized reports.
Online mathematical computation for any physical and virtual channels.
Printer hard copy.
Loop wise scan time selection.
Card replacement without power shutdown.
Latest communication standards like HART/Foundation field bus.

Economiser :
An economiser with adequate heating surface shall be provided. Eonomiser shall be
complete with coils,
supports, thermowells for measuring inlet and outlet water
temperature, casing and ducting, soot blower, lagging etc. The economiser shall be
designed in accordance with the requirement of IBR. The system should have by pass
arrangement for flue gas and water circuit. The rise in temperature of feed water in
economiser should be about 60C lesser than saturated temperature of drum water.
Air pre-heater :
Air heater with adequate heating surface to heat the air by flue gases required for
combustion shall be provided. Air heater shall be complete in all respects with 10 SWG
thick ERW tubes, support, dampers, casing and ducting etc. and tube plate thickness of
30mm at top and bottom. Entry of cold air shall be distributed properly over the length of
air heater to avoid condensation of moisture.
The air heater and economiser shall be designed so as to give final flue gas temp. within
160 deg.C. The air outlet temperature should not be less than 220C.
Fly Ash Arrestor
Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP)
The ESP should be designed on the following basic parameters :


Gas Flow Rate

Corresponding to MCR of boiler

Temperature of gasses at ESP inlet


Inlet Dust concentration


Outlet Emission (concentration) at ESP exit =


Pressure Drop across ESP for condition

gas side

<25mm Wc

The electrostatic precipitator of suitable capacity shall be designed so that the dust
emission at the outlet of the chimney should be limited to 150mg/NM or as prescribed by
State Pollution Control Board. The ESP shall be installed on the suction side of ID fan and
shall be complete with rotary air lock valve with drive provided with local and remote push
button control and a side manual gate. The minimum elevation of the discharge flange of
the rotary air lock valve shall be at +2500mm, suitable platform, MS steel staging, ladders,
staircases, railing, inspection and packing holes shall be included in the scope of supply.
The ESP should be properly insulated with aluminium cladding ESP be provided with
indication for ash level, low and high temperature alarm, water washing arrangement ESP
Switchgear Control Panels, rectifier control panels complete in all respects. It should be
provided with suitable ash handling system.
The general arrangement showing major dimension and clearances for ESP system, ESP
foundation drawing for load data, electric single line diagram alongwith detailed drawings
should be furnished for approval from the Purchaser.
Boiler feed water tank (Suitable for 5000 TCD) :
One cylindrical closed mild steel tank shall be of 600 HL capacity with inlet connections
for condensate, treated water, chemical dosing arrangements, outlets connections, for
transfer pumps, overflow connection, air vent connection etc. Feed water tank shall be
supported on steel supporting structure. Bottom of the tank shall not be less than 8 metre
height from the transfer pump suction. Access ladder and platform around the tank shall be
provided. High and low water level alarm shall be provided in the feed tank along with
gauge glasses and 150mm dia size dial type thermometer.
Three nos. transfer pumps (one as standby) each of 60 m3//hr capacity and 60M head to
pump water from boiler feed water tank to deaerator to maintain 4 kg/cm2 g pressure at
the nozzles of deaerator shall be provided.
One no. transfer pump of 60 m/hr shall be added for 5000 TCD.
The boiler shall be supplied with chemical dosing systems one for high pressure dosing
and other for low pressure dosing. Each system shall consist of chemical proportioning
tanks, two nos. positive displacement type dosing pumps (one as standby), valves and
measuring instruments. Each mixing tank shall have rubber linings from inside and shall be
fitted with motorised stirrer and complete with piping and fittings. The capacity of each tank
shall be of 400 litres. The chemical dosing system equipment shall be located near feed
water station on the ground floor.


Deaerator (Suitable for 5000 TCD) :

Deaerater mounted on de-aerated water tank of 600 HL capacity and suitable for maximum
flow rate of 200 mper hour shall be provided to obtain a temperature rise of feed
water from 85 deg.C to 105 deg.C by using exhaust steam at 0.5 - 1.5 kg/cm gauge.
The maximum dissolved oxygen in the deaerater water shall not be more than 0.007
ppm. at 105 deg.C. temp. The deaerator tank shall be installed at a height of 8 metres
from the feed pump suction. Platform around the dearator shall be provided and shall
have high and low level alarm along with gauge glass and 150mm dia dial type
Boiler feed water pumps :
(i) Electrical driven feed pumps :Three nos. (one as standby) each of 60 m per hour capacity and one no. start-up pump
of capacity of 20 m3 per hour against suitable head shall be provided.
For 5000 TCD additional two nos. pumps of 60 m per hour capacity against suitable head
shall be provided.
Each multistage electrical driven pump shall be suitable for pumping hot water at 105
deg.C. from deaerater to boiler. 2% leak-off connection shall be provided for each pump.
Electric motor of TEFC sq. cage type with soft starter shall be ( with starting current to be
provided limited to 300 % of motor full load current ).
ii) Turbo Feed Pump
One turbo feed pump having capacity of 100M/Hr and suitable head suitable for
emergency operation shall be provided, steam consumption shall not be more than 7.5
Turbo pump shall be suitable for pumping hot water at 105C from deaerator to boiler with
2% leak off connection.
R.C.C Chimney (Purchaser Scope) :
One R.C.C chimney of 4.5 meters inside diameter at top and of suitable height as per
Pollution Control Board, shall be constructed by Purchaser alongwith ladder and guards.
Besides, refractory lining upto 10mt height, lightening arrestor and M. S. frame and
necessary ducting shall be provided by Purchaser. Detail of opening at chimney inlet to be
furnished by Seller.
Boiler Feed Water Treatment Plant (Suitable for 5000 TCD) Purchasers Scope
A D.M plant with mixed bed of 30 m3/hr capacity shall be provided to suit the water
requirement of the boiler with a M.S. storage tank of 3000 H.L capacity, shall be included
to store the treated water from the treatment plant. Two pumps of 50 m/hr capacity and of
25 meters head shall be provided to pump the water from treated water storage tank to
feed water tank. Existing water analysis shall be provided by purchaser.
High pressure Steam Distribution header(Suitable for 5000 TCD) :


One no. steam distribution header of 500mm dia size with same sized flanged ends on
either side and provided with the following flanged tapings for collecting the steam and
distribution it to various units to be provided.
i) One inlet opening with gate valve(s) for boiler having 250mm dia. size.
ii) One inlet opening with dummy for future boiler having 250mm dia size.
iii) One no. suitable outlet opening with Gate Valve for T.G.Set having 200mmdia size.
iv) Suitable outlet opening with dummy for future T.G.Set having 200mm dia size.
v) Suitable outlet opening with Globe valve for PRD having 150mm dia size.
vi) Suitable outlet opening with Gate Valve for Turbo feed pump having 80mm dia size.
vii)Two spare openings of with dummy having 250mm dia size.
viii) Sockets for pressure gauge and thermometer.
All high pressure piping shall confirm to IBR.
Material of construction and general instructions :
The boiler shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of Indian Boiler
Rules and Regulations.
The boiler shall be provided with a steel supporting structure from rolled steel sections and
designed with adequate strength for the loads imposed by the boiler and associated
The boiler shall be complete with necessary tubes, manifolds, integral pipe works,
mountings and fittings with valves, gauges, high and low water alarm, maintenance
tools consisting of expander, mandrills, ratchets two grease guns and a set of spanners,
water gauges, chemical injection valves etc. The integral pipe work shall consists of blowoff bends, high and low pressure drains, water gauge piping, water and steam
connections to the feed water regulator, piping from feed control valve to economiser
inlet manifold, feed piping from economiser outlet manifold to the boiler steam drum,
pressure gauge piping soot blower steam supply pipe works, safety valves escape pipe
work etc. The boiler shall be provided with a three element type automatic feed water
regulator of the electric/pneumatic controller type, which shall respond to momentary
fluctuations in steam demand upto 5% of the rated MCR of the boiler. One hand
operated control valve of cast steel (located such that its operator can see water level in
gauge glass) capable of passing the required amount of water shall also be provided. The
boiler shall have two water gauge glasses at the top drum independently connected and
shall be clearly visible from operating plateform level.
Necessary mild steel ducting of 5 mm thick plate in case of air duct and 6 mm thick in
case of gas duct with stiffeners shall be provided for the boiler, comprising of cold air
ducting extending between the forced draft fan discharge and air inlet of air heater, hot air
ducting from the air heater outlet to the furnace , flue gas ducting from fly ash arrestor to
the chimney. All ducts of mild steel and above the ground.
Necessary regulating and isolating dampers at suitable points shall be provided for the
efficient operation and maintenance of boiler. All dampers will have an effective area not
less than the specified for the ducts they control.
Suitable galleries and ladders with grating or open steel flooring for affording access to
the essential levels of the boiler plant complete with hand railings, curb angles and
supports shall be provided.


All supporting steel work, hangers, thrust brackets and castings for the furnace shall be
provided for boiler. All refractory tiles and bricks, adequate quantity of high grade
refractory cement, special shaped refractory tiles castable refractory bricks for furnace
and high temperature zones shall be as per IS-8 quality. All necessary high grade
insulating materials for the exposed portion of the boiler, steam and water drums, integral
pipe work from the feed pumps to the boiler, steam piping, gas and hot air ducting shall
also be supplied. Reinforcement with wire mesh and supercoated with a hard setting
material so as to protect the high grade lagging materials against damage shall also be
provided .


Turbo Alternator Set:
For 2500 TCD

1 No. 11 KV , 8 MW at 0.8 PF (Bleed cum Back Pressure type)

1 no. 11 KV , 6 MW at 0.8 PF (Condensing type) - Optional

For 5000 TCD -

Suitable configuration to be worked out as per factory


For 2500 TCD:i)

One turbo alternator set of 10000 KVA (8000 KW at 0.8 power factor) with
synchronizing and control equipment for synchronizing with grid.
The turbo set shall be suitable of developing rated power even when both the
overload valves of the turbine are closed.
The 8000 KW turbo set should be suitable of developing momentarily 9000 KW at
0.9 power factor even when both the over load valves of the turbine are closed.
The steam turbine shall be designed for operation for the following ranges of steam
Inlet steam parameters

67 kg/cm g


65 kg/cm g


60 kg/cm g

Inlet steam temperature







Exhaust steam pressure




1.5 kg/ cm g


1.0 kg/ cm g


0.5 kg/ cm g

Specific steam consumption 6.25 kg/cmg

at normal steam parameters.

The turbine shall be so designed that it suffers no damage if exhaust pressure

occassionally goes down to atmospheric pressure and/or live steam temperature
goes upto 500 degree C and pressure 67 Kg/cm2g.

The turbine shall be horizontal rotor, double pedestal, multi stage, nozzle governed,
uncontrolled bleed-cum- back pressure design. The turbine shall also be capable of
developing 8000 KW when steam pressure at inlet stop valve is 60 kg/sq.cm.g. and
temperature is 450 degree C and both over load valves open. The turbine shall
have un-controlled bleed at a pre-set pressure of 7-8 kg/sq.cm. g. and quantity of
steam vary from 0-5 tons/hr, depending upon process steam requirements. Turbine
should have hydraulically operated servo motor control valves to minimise manual
operation and quick re-alignment to varying load and input operating conditions to
improve efficiency even at part load. The turbine shall have minimum six stages.
The specific steam consumption of the turbo generating set at its rated speed and
on normal steam operating parameters of 65 kg/sq.cm.g. 450 degree C at TSV and
exhaust pressure of 1.2 kg/cm.g. shall not exceed 6.25 kg/KW while delivering 8000
KW at alternator terminals.
The turbine shall be coupled to a suitable enclosed reduction gear box of hardened
and ground gears and pinions designed to transmit 8000 KW continuously at turbine
rated speed and ambient temperature of 45 C with a service factor not less than
1.5. The gear box shall be coupled to the alternator through suitable design flexible
coupling capable of transmitting 8000 KW continuously with a service factor of 1.7.
The gear box shall be designed as per relevant DIN/IS/BS/AGMA standards.
Necessary cooling arrangement for the gear box shall be provided. The turbine and
the gear box shall be mounted on a common base plate which shall also serve as
oil reservoir.
The rotor and disc should be machined from single piece forging.
The turbine shall be provided with electronic type governor of woodward 505E or
equivalent make programmable micro-processor based digital control with TG 13
actuator to actuate a set of inlet governing valves and should be capable of
operating in parallel with State Electricity grid. The speed regulation of the turbine
(droop characteristics) shall not exceed 6% at 8000 KW full load of the alternator.
The turbine shall be complete with high pressure stop and emergency valve, steam
strainer, steam traps, sentinel valve, main oil pump, auxiliary electric motor driven
oil pump, one DC motor driven stand by oil pump, oil cooling system consisting of
two no.s oil coolers with necessary pipes and valves so that one of the two coolers
can be cleaned when the turbine is working on load, steam and oil temperature and
pressure gauges, gauge type spot mounted bearing temperature indicators for
turbine and gear box local/direct mounted speedometers and one remote reading
tachometer, oil pockets with stem type thermometers in the live steam inlet and


exhaust steam outlet lines, steam flow meter for measuring steam consumption of
the turbine. Necessary oil reservoir, duplex micronic felt/self cleaning type oil filters,
oil strainer, interconnecting oil, water and steam pipe work with valves and nonreturn valves, etc., and arrangements for automatic starting of auxiliary oil pump in
case of low oil pressure shall be provided. The following safety devices shall be
provided for the turbine.

Over speed trip with audio visual alarm.

Low oil pressure trip with audio visual alarm.
The turbine should trip when the alternator ACB trips due to differential
Remote operated manual trip with audio visual alarm.
Manual trip handle on turbine.
Axial movement trip.
High back pressure trip.
High oil pressure trip.
Electronic over speed trip with sensing from speedometer.


The system shall observe all critical process parameters of the turbine
continuously with following provisions:

Monitoring of winding & bearing temperatures,vibrations continuously.

Audio/visual ALARM & TRIP signals.

Setpoints adjustable seperately for winding & bearing.

Immune to noise signals,radiations & electromagnetic interference.

Ultra sensitive & accurate sensors.

Builtin safety fuse & failsafe logic.

Changeover relay contact outputs to activate buzzer or trip the turbine/motor.

The specifications of the system components shall be as specified below:(1)


: PT100/Thermocouple & vibration.



: 0.25% of FS



: 3 digits,7 segments for temperature & vibration.


Scan Time

: 3 to 30 seconds adjustable.


Auto/Manual selection

: Front panel switch



: Adjustable with front trimpots.


Power supply

: 230/110 VAC;50 Hz.



Special maintenance tools for the turbine shall be supplied along with the turbine.
The turbine shall be completed with a set of foundation bolts and levelling pads,
isolating valve at steam inlet, isolating valve at extraction, extraction non-return
valve, exhaust isolation valve, exhaust non-return valve and exhaust flow relief
The alternator shall be suitable for developing continuously 10000 KVA (8000 KW
at 0.8 power factor) brushless type, 3 phase, 3 wire, 50 cycles/sec. at a normal
voltage range of 11 KV and shall conform to IS specifications. The alternator shall
be suitable for developing continuously 8000 KW even when the power factor is 0.9.
The alternator shall be fitted with two RTDS in each phase for thermo protection of
the alternator windings, space heaters, winding air space temperature indicator, dial
type spot mounted temperature gauge for alternator bearings, etc. The alternator
shall be designed for an ambient temperature of 45 degree C and shall be of
cylindrical rotor, revolving field design suitable for grid paralleling.
The alternator shall be complete with brushless excitor, base frame, couplings,
water cooled radiator with inter connecting cables, etc. The alternator shall be
provided with two padestals (one at each end). The alternator shall be suitable for
taking thyrister load (DC mode) of upto 40% of its rated full load. The efficiency of
generator shall not be less than 96% at full load.

11 KV Vaccum circuit breaker incoming panel.

VCB panel shall be single front drawout execution floor mounting free standing
suitable for 11 KV, + 10% variation, 50 Hz frequency + 5% variation, 3 phases 3
wire type supply system suitable for fault level 25 KA for 3 seconds. Panel earthing
should be through NGR, suitable for 50 ambient temperature and relative humidity
of 95%. Panel shall be indoor type. VCB shall be electrically operated type with
spring charging voltage 240 V AC and closing and tripping coils suitable for 110 V
DC. Panel bus bar shall be of electric grade aluminium EC 91 E suitable for fault
level 25 KA for 3 seconds. Panel shall have all necessary CTS, PTS, indicating
lamps and other required equipments suitable for grid paralleling and operation of
sugar factory. The breaker shall have suitable no. of auxiliary contacts for electrical
interlocking with auxiliary power supply breaker etc.
The alternator shall have neutral isolating breaker mounted on front side of breaker
panel/ Bus coupler panel. The neutral bus bar shall be half of phase bus bars and
of EC-91E grade.
Bus bars shall be located in air insulated enclosure and segregated from all other
compartments of the cubicles. All bus bar joints and bus tap joints shall be silver
faced. Panel shall have full proof earthing necessary safety interlock features etc.
Panel shall have interior illuminating lamp, space heater with thermostat suitable
for 220 V AC, contactor for anti pumping, trip circuit supervision relay, spring
charging handle. Earthing trolly shall be provided to short incomer of breaker when
breaker is taken out for maintenance. Panel shall be suitable for bottom cable/bus
duct entry. Panel shall be suitable for extention on both sides to connect
distribution panel.


Suitable mechanical inter-locking with castle lock shall be provided for

interlocking of the main breaker with emergency power supply breaker of grid /
DG set supply and Bus Coupler can be switched ON only when one supply
breaker is ON ; in addition to electrical interlocking. The scheme for interlocking
shall be approved by purchaser.

Metering-cum-Synchronising Panel
Panel shall be metal enclosed free standing floor mounting type shall be dust
moisture and vermin proof simplex type with IP 52 degree of protection. Panel shall
have all necessary metering, indication in annunciation, synchronising equipments.
Metering Minimum following metering shall be provided:
3 nos. Ammeters & Volt meter with selector switch, KW meter, power factor meter,
frequency meter, KVA meter, KVAR meter, Tri Vector meter, KWH meter and KVAH
+ MDI meter. Meter should be analog/digital type of suitable ranges and ratings.
All meters shall be of 3 phase four wire type and shall be suitable for balance as
well as unbalanced loads. Meter size shall be 144 mm sq., meter type moving iron
type, accuracy class 0.5 FSR meters scale shall be 240 degree.
Synchronising - It shall have minimum following equipments: Check synchronising
relay, guard relay, synchronising auxiliary relay, inter posing voltage transformer,
double volt meter, double frequency meter, synchro scope, discrepancy control
switch with all necessary indicating lamps selector switches and automanual
selector switch.
Synchronising system should be such that 11 KV turbo set should be suitable for
paralleling with grid and with similar turbo set installed in future in
Annunciation - Minimum following annunciation shall be provided:
Under voltage relay operated, Over voltage relay operated, Reverse active power
relay operated, Reverse reactive power relay operated, IDMT over current relay
operated, Earth fault relay operated, Generator lock out relay operated, Turbine lock
out relay operated, Loss of excitation relay with under voltage relay operated, Loss
of excitation relay without under voltage relay operated, Negative phase sequence
relay alarm, Negative phase sequence relay operated, Under frequency relay
operated, Very under frequency relay operated, Over frequency relay operated,
Df/Dt operated, Relay panel DC fail, Instantaneous over current relay operated,
Metering and AVR PT fuse fail, Protection PT fuse fail, Excitation PT fuse fail,
Winding temp. high, Over load relay operated, Generator bearing temp. high,
Emergency trip push button operated, First rotor earth fault, Second rotor earth fault
Annunciator shall have RS-485 communication port to communicate through
Modbus communicate protocol.
Panel shall have 16 channels temperature scanner suitable for PT 100 RTDS for
generator winding and bearing, cold and hot air temperature.
Scanner shall have RS-485 communication port to communicate through Modbus
communicate protocol.


Codes and Standards: Panel shall generally comply with relevant Indian Standard
Specification and relevant codes and practices.

AVR & Excitation Panel

Field excitation system shall be fitted with suitable switching device with brushless
generator for field excitation system such that field current is automatically cut off
from circuit in the event of turbine/generator trip. Excitation system panel shall have
DC ammeter, DC V meter, shunt field regulator for manual operation of excitor with
automanual selector switch, suitable transformer indication lamps, fuses and field
discharge resistance with necessary isolation facilities shall be provided.
There shall be 2 no. AVR panels (one operating and one standby) with automanual
selector switch with independent primary and secondary modes complete with all
accessories, over voltage relay, suitable volt meter and fine voltage adjustment
device, automatic power factor regulation facility suitable for gird paralleling.
AVR shall have motorised auto potential meter, facility for enabling remote
raise/lower of voltage, AVR priming, short circuit maintenance features,
compounding features, auto PF controlling features, followup features, diode failure
detector for excitor rotating diodes, over and under excitation limiter. Panel shall
have following meter, alternator volt meter, excitor volt meter, excitor ammeter, null
meter and power factor meter etc. Both independent AVRs and Excitation panel
shall be suitable for paralleling with grid as well as with other TG sets.


Protection relay panel

Protection relay panel shall be same in construction and other features for metering
panel. Relay panel shall have minimum following protective relays:
Under voltage relay, over voltage relay with timer, reverse active power relay,
reverse reactive power relay, voltage control 3 element type over current relay,
earth fault relay, differntial relay, generator lockout relay, turbine lockout relay, loss
of excitation relay, auxiliary relay for loss of excitation relay, under voltage relay,
negative phase squence relay, four stage frequency relay with one df/dt, DC supply
supervision relay, instantaneous over current relay, master tripping relay with
timers, voltage balance relays for metering and protection PTS, instantaneous over
voltage relay for excitation PT fuse fail sensing, overload relay, first rotor earth fault,
second rotor earth fault relay, voltage surge relay, trip coil supervision relay, unit
lockout relay.
Relay panel shall have necessary meters, switches, potentio meters etc.
Differential relay shall be supplied with 3 nos. stablising registers and 3 nos.
metrosil surge diverters.
Relay shall be preferably electro mechanical type or solid state electronic type
numeric relays also can be considered. The relays shall conform to IS-3231


NGR with control panel



NGR shall be suitable for 11 KV, 3 phase, 50 Hz supply system with fault level of 25
KA for 3 seconds. Panel shall be metal enclosed free standing floor mounting type
and shall be dust moisture and vermin proof. Neutral grounding equipment shall be
completely assembled, wired and connected to neutral bus tap through seal off
Resistor unit mounted on the grid rods shall be fixed and assembled in tires and
fitted into sheet steel enclosure. Resistor shall be able to carry specified current for
the period of time as specified with temperature rise not exceeding 375C over
maximum ambient temperature. The resistor shall also be able to carry at least
10% of its rated current continuously.
An isolator shall be provided on incoming side to isolate the resister from the main
equipment. Isolater shall be provided on front of the panel. Isolating switch shall be
single pole, knife type having rating of 125 times the rated current of resister.
Switch shall have adequate sets of potential free auxiliary contacts for remote
indication/alarm/trip signals. An external handle suitably insulated and lockable
both in ON & OFF positions shall be provided for isolating switch.
NGR panel shall have all necessary metering protections and indications and
ammeter for earth leakage current.

LAPT panel (Lightning Arrestor and Surge Protection)

LAPT panel shall be complete and shall house 11 KV search capacitors and class
III discharge gapeless lightning arrestors in sheet steel cubicles.
LAPT panel shall have all necessary metering CTS, PTS and meters for protection
metering and AVR sensing. Panel shall be suitable to connect 11 KV HT cable
from at the top of the panel for incoming and at the bottom for outgoing cable of the
PTS in the panel shall be cast resin, non draw out type suitable for nominal
operation connected from line to ground and for 1.73 times rated line to ground
voltage under sustain emergency condition. The lightening arrestor and surge
capacitors shall be located in separate compartments and shall be single pole
connected between line and ground terminals. The arrestor shall be station class,
harmatically sealed type and shall be suitable for generator protection.


Turbine control panel (control desk type)

Turbine control panel shall be indoor type, desk profile type metal enclosed free
standing floor mounting and shall be dust moisture and verming proof. The control
disk shall have ON/OFF push buttons (illuminating type), trip indicating lamp,
ammeter, local/remote selector switch for air blower motor, vapour extractor motor,
actuator motor, ALOP motor, barring gear motor, ACOP motor, emergency oil pump
motor. Panel shall have all necessary metering protections annunciations. Panel
shall have temperature scanner for turbine and gear box bearings.
Annunciator shall have minimum following annunciation for:
Lube oil pressure low, lube oil pressure very low, control oil pressure low,
differential pressure across filter high, control oil pressure very low, turbine speed


high, high axial movement, condenser low vaccum, turbine lock out relay operated,
solenoid trip, turbine bearing temperature high, turbine bearing temperature very
high, emergency trip,
Annunciator shall be solid state microprocessor
acknowledgment and reset push buttons.





Power supply to the annunciator shall be 110 V DC.


Turbine auxiliaries MCC

415 V LT MCC/switch board for T.G. Set auxiliaries and condenser shall be non
drawout type single front compartmentalised suitable for three phase, four wire,
415 V, 50 Hz supply system. MCC shall have switch fuse contactor, over load relay
starters for various motors required for turbine lube systems and condensor etc.
MCC shall be nondraw type ,free standing floor mounting type suitable for indoor
operation, cable entry shall be from bottom and shall have adequately rated
incoming switch fuse unit and starters for outgoing feeders.
MCC shall be constructed as per following IS codes:
IS-375 for bus bar clearances.
IS-2405 for current transformers
IS-4064 for switch fuse units
IS-9224 for fuses
IS-2959 for contactors
IS-3231 and 5544 for bimetalic over load relays with single phase preventer
IS-1248 for meters
IS-6875 for control switches & push buttons


ACDB (AC Distribution Board for Power House Auxiliaries)

Panel shall be metal enclosed, wall mounting type, dust and moisture and vermin
proof suitable for 230 V AC single phase 50 Hz supply system. Panel shall be
indoor type having 1 no. switch fuse incomer feeder and 15 nos. two pole MCB
outgoing feeders for supply to various control panels.


DC batteries & battery charger

DC batteries shall be lead acid type conforming to Indian Standard Specification
and Codes of practice. Each battery cell shall be 2 V connected in row and double
tire formation for getting 110 V DC supply. Batteries shall be mounted teak wood
rake complete with cell no. plates fixing nails and battery interconnectors.
Batteries shall be suitable for ambient temperature 50C for satisfactory operation.
Total 55 number cells are required for getting 110 V DC supply to various panels.
Battery charger shall be rated for 110 V DC and suitable for maintenance free
batteries. Battery charger panel shall have all necessary meters and lamps for
indication purpose. Panel shall consist of two chargers, a float charger and floatcum-boost charger for trickle and boost charging of battery of specified rating.
Charger shall have automanual operation mode and suitable for 415 V, 3 phase, 4
wire system. Battery charger rectifier shall be Silicon control bridge full wave type.
Output voltage regulation shall be +/- 1% maximum from no load to full load. Ripple


voltage shall be 3% of RMS voltage. Battery charger shall have following

indications AC supply on FC, AC supply on FCBC, charger on FC, charger on
FCBC, FCBC on float charging, FCBC on boost charging, Phase fail and battery
reverse polarity.
Following meters shall be provided. AC input V meter, DC V meter with selector
switch, DC V meter and DC ammeter on load side, DC ammeter FC, DC ammeter
Following annunciation shall be provided, FC fail, FCBC fail, DC voltage low, DC
voltage high, overload FC, overload FCBC, mains failure, battery earth fault and
rectifier failure.
Battery charger shall have following features and interlocks:

Float charger cannot be switched on when the boost charger is on under

float mode.
Charger-1 is on and if charger-2 is made on in Float mode, charger-1 shall
be tripped off automatically.
In case of ac main failure, battery shall supply the load on an automatic
Rated output voltage shall be maintained during from charger to battery.
Interlock shall be provided such that when charger-2 is selected in boost
mode, it will be disconnected from DC load
Normally the charger will work in float charging mode of FC.
In case any problem in float charger, automatically changeover will occur to
float charging mode of FCBC.
After rectification of float charge of FC, manually it can be transferred to float
charge of FC, from float mode of FCBC
In case of low Battery voltage, Battery should be connected to boost mode
automatically and float charger of FC should feed the load.
After boost charging is over, battery tank shall be automatically connected
to float charger of FC for trickle charging.

DC distribution panel shall be integral part of battery charger with following feeders:
One number incoming feeder of adequate rating and 12 numbers outgoing feeders
for supply of 110 V DC to various control panels.

DC motor starter panel

Panel shall be metal enclosed, wall mounting type, dust and vermin proof, panel
shall consist of 2 step resistant starter suitable for 110 V DC supply, + 10%
variation. Suitable for continuous duty. Starter shall be so design to limit the
starting current two times full load current of DC motor. Panel shall have all
necessary meters, contactor, indications and relays.


11 KV & 415 V Power Distribution System

The electrical distribution system shall include Bus bar trunking/tie trunking
connecting the alternator breaker panel to alternator, 11 KV/433 distribution system,
Main Lt panel, Bus coupler panel, auxiliary panel, main and sublighting distribution
board, motor control centers, all electric motors, starters, switches for all electric
motors, power improving capacitors and their panel, all power, lighting and control
cables including cables from DG to main LT panel in power house, earthy systems,


electrical erection material etc. It will also include distribution boards, cables and
lighting fixtures (without bulbs, tube lights and halogen lamps) for the lighting of the
factory building, spray pond, cane carrier loading point etc. The entire electrical
system shall confirms to the Indian Electricity Act & Rules. The detailed
specification as under:

11 KV and 433 KV Bus bar trunking : (Bus trunking/tie turning from alternator to
its VCB Panel, Main LT Panel to distribution/converter transformer; Main LT
Panel to Export transformer and its Panel etc.) The bus bar shall be made of
electric grade (EC-91E) aluminium The busbar trunking enclosure shall be
fabricated out of 50 x 50 x 6 mm angle and folded covers of 2 mm thick aluminium
sheets shall be provided on all four sides. The louvers shall be provided on side
covers. The flexible copper connections at alternator ends and fixed connections
at the breaker panel end shall be provided. The bus bar trunking shall be designed
for 10000 KVA continuous capacity at 0.8 power factor at an ambient temperature
of 50 deg.C. and the maximum temperature of the bus bar shall not exceed 85
deg.C. It shall be designed to withstand a symmetrical short Circuit current of 25
KA (RMS) for three seconds. The bus trunking shall also have a neutral bus bar of
half the size of the phase bus. Suitable rating bus trunking, tie trunking etc. shall be
provided for the installation of bus coupler for 2nd TG set, VCB panel distribution
transformer and export transformer panel etc.


Main distribution panel: This shall be designed for capacity of 2500 TCD at unity
load factor. One main distribution panel board shall be provided along with suitable
bus coupler so that the set can be work in parallel. Necessary equipments for
parallel operation shall be provided. The panel shall be fabricated from 14 SWG
cold rolled sheet steel and shall be totally enclosed floor mounting type, dust,
damp and vermin proof. Louvers shall be provided in the panel for air circulation.
The panel shall be designed for an ambient temperature of 50 deg.C. and the
maximum operating temperature of the bus bar shall not exceed 85 deg.C.The
panel shall be designed to withstand symmetrical short circuit current of 50 KA
(RMS) for one second. The operating heights of the panels shall be 2000 mm.
The panel doors compartment shall be interlocked in such a way that it shall not be
possible to open them when the switch/circuit breaker is in closed on position. The
bus bars provided in the panel shall be of aluminum EC-91E grade. The size of the
neutral bus bar shall be half of that of phase bus bar. The earth bus bar shall be
located at the bottom and shall be continuous throughout the length of the panel.
Removable sheet steel gland plates shall be provided at the bottom of the
panels for cable entry. The panel shall have individual air circuit breaker or unit for
outgoing feeders for motor control centres installed for cane preparation, mill
drive, boilers and centrifugal. The panel shall also have individual switch fuse unit
for outgoing feeders for all other motor control centres. The panel shall also have
individual switch fuse unit for feeders for auxiliary panel, and electric oil pump
for turbo set. The panel shall also have one bus section coupler consisting of 2000
amp. four pole air circuit breaker connected in such a way that some of the load
can be transferred from the turboset supply and be fed from the emergency
power supply. Coupler and emergency supply incomer breaker shall have four
pole, 3 phase, air circuit breaker or neutral contactor including an ammeter,
voltmeter with selector switches, indicating lamps etc.
One four pole air circuit breaker of 2000 amp. rating shall also be installed in
the main distribution panel for feeding the emergency power supply from diesel
set/state electricity grid . All these Air circuit breakers shall be interlocked with
the alternator breaker panel such that only one source of power supply is fed to


the bus bar at a time. The main distribution panel shall be fitted with spare ACB
and switch fuse unit, one of each size subject to a maximum of three nos. and 2
nos. plugs and sockets, each of 63 amps. control supply of 230 VAC shall be
obtained only through Phase & Neutral. Automatic Power factor correction panel
with capacitors and incomer ACB of suitable capacity shall be installed near the
main distribution panel for automatic improvement of power factor to a minimum
of 0.90. Air break contractors with back up switch fuse with ammeter and 'ON'
Indicating lamps unit shall be fitted in the main panel for connection of about 800
KVAR capacitors. Capacitors shall be APP double layer type suitable for
sustaining for D.C. hormonics generated by thyrister drives.
The balance number of capacitors shall be installed at individual MCC's and
across all motors rated above 125 KW with SF Units, contactor and ON indication.
The main distribution panel shall have ammeter and ON and OFF indicating lamps
for each outgoing feeder. Ammeter, voltmeter and 3 nos indicating lamps shall
be provided for incoming emergency supply breaker. All switches, air circuit
breakers, in the outgoing feeders in the main distribution board shall be designed
for a rating of 1.2 times the connected load to each feeder. Each outgoing
feeder shall be housed in individual separate cubicle with door interlock.
Necessary harmonics filters with suitable panel complete in all respect shall be
provided for DC harmonics.

11 KV distribution panel
11 KV distribution panel shall have VCBS (Vaccum Circuit Breakers) for each
outgoing feeders feeding to plant transformers, convertor transformers, 11 KV
motors if any and export power transformer. All other features of the panel for
metering protection, relays and constructional features shall be same as 11 KV VCB
incoming panel.


11 KV/433 V distribution transformers for plant load

Transformer shall be outdoor type, ground/plateform mounting, oil immersed
naturally cooled type (ONAN). Core type (Copper), double wound as per IS 2026 of
suitable KVA rating. Suitable for 11 KV/433 V, 3 phases, HV delta connection and
LV star connection with copper windings with vector group Dyn11. Transformer
shall have HV terminal box suitable for terminating XLPE cables and LV terminal
box suitable for bus bar ducting connection. Additional neutral will be brought out
for earthing purpose for cable box/bus ducting arrangement. On HV side tappings
on HV winding +/- 10% @ 2% shall be provided to maintain rated voltage on LV for
constant KVA for HV variation. Tabs can be changed ON-OFF circuit with an
external handle. Tab position indicators with locking arrangement on each step
shall be provided. Transformer shall have following standard fittings:
Monogram plate, Conservator with sump & drain plug, Oil filling hole with flange &
bolted cover, Prismatic Oil Level Gauge, Dehydrating Silica get Breather with oil
seal, Thermometer pocket, Air Release plug, Inspection Cover, Lifting Lugs, Cover
lifting Lugs, Jacking Lugs, Top Filter valve 32 mm , Drain cum Filter valve 32 mm,
Earthing Boss, Off circuit switch, Storage & instruction plate, Skid type under base
& Bi-directional plain Rollers.
Transformer shall have following accessories:



Top oil temperature indicator (Vapour pressure type) Capillary tubing type with
MRP/RSD and alarm and tip contacts, Double float Buchholz relay with alarm and
trip contracts, Magnetic oil level gauge with low oil level alarm, winding
temperature indicator with current transformer and heater coil, and alarm and trip
contacts, marshalling box duly wired up from accessories to the box, Radiator shut
off valves, pressure relief device.

11 KV/600 V convertor duty transformers for Mill drives

Convertor duty transformers shall be dual winding type 11 KV/600 V/600 V. Each
secondary winding shall be feeding to DC motor thyrister panel. Transformer shall
be specially designed for convertor duty application.
Balance transformer
specification shall be similar to distribution transformer.


Motor control centres

Motor Control Centres (MCC) : Complete plant load shall be divided into 15 to 18
zones, 15 to 18 Nos. MCCs ( including 3 to 4 Nos. of MCCs for centrifugal
machines) shall be supplied, each zone connected to a separate MCC. Boiler and
injection pumps shall have minimum 2 Nos. MCCs each.
Also the main centrifugal machine motors shall be provided with minimum 4 Nos;
MCCs. A separate MCC shall be provided for the crystallisers and massecuite
pumps. Each MCC shall be provided with 1 No: incoming switch of 1.2 times the
connected load excluding the standby equipment, an ammeter, a voltmeter with
selector switch, 3 phase energy meter and OFF and ON indicating lamps. Each
MCC will have individual outgoing feeder for each motor connected to that MCC.
For squirrel cage motors, each feeder shall have switch fuse unit, starter with
overcurrent protection, an ammeter and on indicating lamp. For slipring motors,
each feeder shall have switch fuse unit, starter ,an ammeter and on indicating
lamp. In case of slipring motors rotor starters shall be provided and installed near
individual motors. The MCCs shall also have feeders for connection of low loss
power capacitors APP doublelayer type, each feeder having air break contactor
with back up switch fuse unit, on indicating lamps, ammeter, ON-OFF push buttons.
Suitable number of similar zones will be added to distribute the additional load
coming at the expansion stage of 5000 TCD.
Each feeder in the MCC's shall be housed in separate individual compartments with
door interlock.
Each MCC shall be 14/16 SWG cold rolled sheet steel fabricated cubicle type,
floor mounted, dust, damp and vermin proof. Each MCC shall be expandable at
both ends for additions of switches and starter for the motors if required at any
stage. The bus bars shall be made of Electric Grade (EC-91E) aluminium. The earth
bus bar shall be located at the bottom and shall be continuous throughout the length
of each MCC. The operating height of each MCC shall be 1800 mm & max. height
shall be
2300 mm. Control
supply of 230 VAC shall be obtained only
through Phase & neutral . However, in centrifugal panels/ MCC 230 V A.C control
supply shall be through control transformer.
Each MCC shall be designed to withstand symmetrical short circuit current of 35 KA
(RMS) for one second. Each MCC shall be designed for an ambient temperature of
45 deg.C, the bus bar operating temperature at the ultimate capacity of 5000 TCD


shall not exceed 85 deg. C Removable sheet steel gland plates

provided in each MCC for cable entry.

shall be

Each MCC shall be provided with spare switches, one of each size subject to a
maximum of three nos. and a plug with socket of 63 amps. All squirrel cage motors
upto an including of 40 HP rating shall be controlled with D.O.L. starters. All
other squirrel cage motors shall be controlled with air break automatic star delta
Incomers for all MCC s shall be SFU / ACB with 1.2 times the capacity of
connecting load excluding the standby load.
Each slipring motor shall be controlled with rotor starter installed near motor.
Electrical inter-locking of the following electric motor (With arrangement for deinterlocking) shall be provided.
(a) Cane cutter, cane leveller, fibrizer/ shredder, cane carrier motors so that if any
of the cane preparatory device trips, the cane carrier drive shall also trip.
(b) Bagasse elevator, bagasse carrier and return bagasse carrier motors.
(c) Sugar elevator with grass hopper.
(d) All self discharging batch type centrifugal machines to be
interlocked such that not more than 2 machines accelerate simultaneously.
In addition to these MCCs, one pedestal mounted push button operating
station (with ON-OFF push buttons) shall be provided near each squirrel cage
motor. Also stop push buttons at the ground floor shall also be provided for
bagasse elevator, and return bagasse carrier.

Auxiliary panels
Auxiliary Panel : The auxiliary panel shall be provided with following outgoing
1 No:
1 No:
1 No:
1 No:
1 No:
1 No:
1 No;
1 No:
2 Nos:

160 amp switch fuse unit for tube well No: 1

160 amp switch fuse unit for tube well No: 2
200 amp SF unit for colony supply
200 amp SF unit for workshop supply
160 amp SF unit for factory lighting
160 amp SF unit for street lighting
63 amp plug and socket
200 amp switch fuse unit for lighting auxiliary buildings
160 amp switch fuse units as spare

The auxiliary panel shall be with one incoming 1000 amps switch fuse unit. One
1000 amps. 4 pole changeover switch shall also be provided for auxiliary panel so
that it can be fed either from the turbo set supply or from the State Electricity grid
supply. Neutral bus bar shall also be provided in the auxiliary panel. Other
construction details and fault level etc. of the auxiliary panel shall be the same as
the main distribution panel. The auxiliary [panel shall be located in the power


house. One ammeter with selector switch, one voltmeter and ON indicating lamps
shall be provided in the incomer. Each outgoing feeder shall have an ammeter and
ON indication.

Electric motors
Electric Motors : All the electric motors up to 100 HP except ID Fan motors
shall be squirrel cage TEFC enclosure induction motors. All motors above 100
HP shall be slipring SPDP enclosure induction motors. Motors for batch type
centrifugal machines and Mill drives shall be D.C. and as per duty conditions
All the electric motors shall be suitable for operation at 3 phase, 50 Hz, 415
volts, AC supply and shall conform to IS-325-1978 and IS-4722 specifications.
Motors for batch type centrifugal machines shall be suitable for S8 duty as per
IS-4722 specifications and shall be designed for an ambient temperature of 50
deg.C and shall be fitted with ETDs in each phase for thermo-protection of motor
Electric motors for cross travel and long travel of cane unloader and mill house
cranes shall be slipring TEFC enclosure suitable for S4 duty as per IS-4722
specifications. The electric motors for hoisting/de-hoisting of cane unloader and
mill house crane shall be squirrel cage TEFC enclosure suitable for S4 duty as per
IS-4722 specifications.


Electric cables (11 KV, 1.1 KV grade)

Electric cables : All power, control and lighting electric
electrical distribution system shall be supplied.

cables for the entire

The power electric cables from the main distribution panel to each MCC and to
auxiliary panel shall be suitable for the connected load at unity load factor
excluding standby equipments. Suitable derating factor for the cables shall be
considered as per the recommendations of cable manufacturers.
All power and lighting cables shall be PVC insulated, armoured , suitable for use
at 1100 V and shall conform to IS-1554(part I) specifications. All the control
cables shall be of copper conductor. The minimum cross sectional area per core
shall be 4 mm2 for aluminum conductor and 2.5 mm2 for copper conductorfor
power cables and 1.5 sq.mm. copper conductors for control cables.
All the power & lighting cables shall be 3. 1/2 core. All other cables from MCC to
motors shall be 3 core .
All the cables on the ground shall be laid in trenches on proper racks, suitably
spaced and clamped to the racks.
All cable terminations shall be through crimping type cable lugs. Cable glands
shall be provided at panels. Starters, motors, push button etc.

Power factor correcting capacitors



Power Factor Correcting Capacitors : Suitable number and rating low loss power
capacitors APP double layer type shall be supplied to improve the plant power
factor to 0.90, at 2500 TCD crushing capacity. The power capacitors shall conform
to IS-2834 specifications. About 800 KVAR capacitors shall be connected to main
distribution panel through APFC panel and the balance capacitors shall be
connected to the motor control centres and across motors of rating 125 KW and
above with SF unit, contactor and ON indication.
800 KVARs (8X100KVAR) capacitors shall be connected to main distribution panel
through auto power factor correction relay and capacitor switching shall be by
contactors / thyristeried switching. If thyristeried switching is used capacitors shall
be MPP type.

Main lighting distribution board & sub lighting distribution board

One main lighting distribution board and about 12 numbers sub lighting
distribution boards for the lighting system fitted with miniature circuit breakers for
each circuit shall be provided. The main DB shall be located in the power house
The sub-distribution boards shall be evenly spread in the factory area to be
illuminated. Each sub-distribution board shall also be fitted with 3 nos. three-pin
plug points. The main DB shall have SFU, ammeter with selector switch and
voltmeter on incoming feeder, SFU/MCB , an ammeter for 14 nos. outgoing
feeders. The wiring for complete lighting system shall be done with the help of
PVC insulated and armored aluminum conductor cables run on walls, ceilings or
underground trenches as required The lighting boards shall be sheet steel


Factory lighting
Factory Lighting : The scope of work under this section shall be to provide
illumination in main factory building, cane yard, spray pump house / cooling
tower with additional two flood lights for illuminating spray pond only, injection
water pump house, condenser house, cane preparation house and I.D.fan
house. The average illumination levels shall be 50 lux in cane yard, 200 lux in
power house and 150 lux in other areas. The lighting system shall be designed
for use of fluorescent tubes in combination with HPSV ( sodium vapour ) / HPMV
( mercury vapour ) light fixtures.
However, GLS lamps shall be provided on each light glass for various equipments
and at each centrifugal machine. All light fixtures and fittings tubelight, bulb
and sodium/mercury lamps shall be provided.


Plant earthing
Earthing : Earthing of all electrical installations shall be done as per IS-3043
specifications and the Indian Electricity Act and its rules and approved by the
Electricity Authority of the Government.
All air circuit breakers shall conform to IS-2516 part I. All switch fuse units on
cubicle switch boards shall conform to IS-4047 specifications. All switch fuse unit
on Industrial Boards shall conform to IS-4064 Part I and Part II specifications. All
ammeters and voltmeters shall be size 100 mm class 2.5% accuracy and shall
confirm to IS-1248. All current transformers shall be class 1% accuracy and shall


confirm to IS-2705. All contactor shall be of air breake type with at least 2 no. + 2
auxiliary contacts and shall confirm to IS-2516(I).

Diesel generating set for emergency power

1 No:. 500 KW and 1 no. of 250 KW rating diesel sets with 0.8 power factor .
The diesel generating set shall be continuously rated comprising multiple
cylinder diesel engine having necessary protections such as low lube oil
pressure trip, high engine temperature trip, over speed trip etc. and shall be fitted
with speed control knob speedometer, hour meter battery charging meter, oil
pressure and temperature gauges, radiator etc. The diesel engine shall
becoupled with suitable alternator capable of developing continuously the rated
power at 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz at normal voltage of 420 VAC (Alternator to be
suitable for voltage range of 400-440 VAC) and conforming to IS-4722
specifications. The alternator shall be fitted with minimum one ETD in each phase
for thermo protection of the alternator windings. The alternator shall be designed
for an ambient temperature of 45 deg. C. The alternator shall be self excited and
self regulated.
The diesel set shall be complete with base frame, couplings, one M.S.
fabricated, diesel service tank of 10 HL capacity, inter-connecting piping, D.C.
storage battery and self starting mechanisam for starting of engine.
One 2 mm thick for the back side and 1.6 mm thick for the other sides cold rolled
sheet steel fabricated floor mounted, dust and vermin proof panel for the diesel set
shall be provided. The panel shall be fitted with air circuit breaker, overcurrent
relay, earthfault relay,reverse power relay, over voltage relay, reed type frequency
meter, neutral isolating switch, three phase 4 wire unbalanced energy meters,
KW meter, 3 phase power factor meter, 3 nos. ampere meters, one no. voltmeter
with selector switch, ON-OFF indicting lamps. The panel shall have neutral and
phase bus bars of electric grade (EC-91E) aluminum and shall be designed to
withstand symmetrical short circuit current of 35 KA (RMS) for one second.
The panel shall be designed for an ambient temperature of 45 deg.C, the
operating temperature of the bus bars shall not exceed 85 deg.C. All the meters
shall be class 1.5 per cent accuracy and shall conform to IS-1248 specifications.
All the meters shall be square type of 100 mm sq. with 90 per cent deflection
Interconnecting electrical cable 3 core from the diesel set to
the main
distribution panel and to the auxiliary panel changeover switch shall be provided.
Necessary synchronising panel with double voltmeter,double frequency
meter,selector switch, lamps & synchroscope etc. shall be provided. Suitable bus
coupler panel with ACB etc shall also be provided between the D.G. sets control
panel to run separately and in synchronization connected suitably D.G. sets to Main
Distribution board with interlocking.


Power House Crane

One no. electrical operated over head travelling crane of 25 tons SWL
capacity conforming to Class II of IS specifications complete with rails,
gantry, etc., shall be supplied. The crane rail centers shall be to suit the
powerhouse span.


Export Power Equipments (export power to Grid)


11 KV VCB panel with necessary metering and protections



Specification same as VCB panel given above in 11 KV distribution system.


11 KV/33, 66, 132 KV OLTC ONAN type transformer for power export
Export power transformer shall be on load type changer type complete with AVR
and automatic tap changer control with all necessaries metering and protection.
Transformer general specification shall be same as above given for Distribution
Transformer. Transformer shall have cable connection boxes on primary and
secondary side.


33, 66, 132 KV SF6 type outdoor breaker with necessary metering and


Complete switchyard sub-station equipment comprising of outdoor type isolators

with and without earth switch, lightning arrestors, CTS & PTS, Post insulators,
miscellaneous items i.e. aluminium tubes, clamps, convector, marshelling box,
control cables, transformer relay/metering panels on HV side (33, 66 or 132 KV
Note: During the installation of export power equipment i.e. export power
transformer and sub-station equipments local electrical authorities shall be
consulted for finalisation of detailed specifications for matching the grid
The following panels shall be provided for the turboset:
Two AVR panels, one operating and one standby with change over rotary switch
automatic voltage regulators with independent primary and secondary modes and
complete with other accessories. An over voltage relay shall also be provided in
this panel. Suitable voltameter and fine adjustment devices shall also be provided.
Each AVR shall be capable of running the alternator in parallel with the grid.
Excitation panel: This shall be fitted with suitable size air circuit breaker or suitable
switching device with brushless alternator for the excitation field circuit so that the
field current is automatically cut off from the circuit in case the turbine/alternator
trips. It shall be fitted with DC ammeter and DC volt meter, shunt field regulator for
manual operating of the excitor with auto/manual selector switch, winding
temperature indicator with selector witch, suitable transformers, field discharge
resistance, on-off indicating lamps, fuses, etc.
One CT panel complete with 3 core current transformetrs for meters, protection,
differential protection at phase and neutral side, compounding, etc.
One set SCADA (supervisory control & data acquisition system) complete with PLC,
computer with key board. SCADA package (software) , distributed I/o control
system, colour printer, etc. for monitoring and control various operating parameters
of the TG set.
Critical equipments for Grid Paralleling and Power Distribution (for cogeneration)
Two nos. step down transformers of 11 KV/420 V, adequate MVA capacity, ONAN
cooled conforming to IS 2026, complete with accessories, vacuum circuit breaker,
ACB , etc.



Interconnecting power and control cables between TG set, its vacuum circuit
breaker panel and above transformers.

Bus Coupler Suitable rating bus coupler with VCBs identical to alternator VCB
panel in capacity shall be installed with the trunking cabling etc. Bus trunking
arrangement to connect the other panels shall also be provided as per requirement
at site, for sugar plant running and grid paralleling with protection.


Condensing TG set - Optional

One no.6 MW(7500 KVA) 11KV; condensing turbo set shall be added. Similar in
construction to 10000 KVA TG set with all necessary Panels etc. This TG set shall
be supplied with necessary condenser, cooling tower and other infrastructure etc
required for the satisfactory operation of TG set with existing 10000 KVA TG set in
synchronization, individually and for the export of the power to grid. All the panels
shall be similar in construction as illustrated for 11 KV/10000 KVA TG set.
The sp. steam consumption shall not exceed 5 kg/KW/hr while delivering 7500 KVA
at alternator terminals.
The details shall be worked out on the basis of the guidelines given above and as
per requirement at site.
At ultimate capacity and in case of co generation plant suitable type and
capacity of TA set to suit sugar/ cogeneration scheme to be selected. The
details shall be worked out on the basis of the guidelines given above and as
per requirement at site.




Cane weighbridges Purchasers Scope


Reducing Valves Suitable for Ultimate Capacity


One automatic steam reducing valve to reduce pressure of 40000 kgs of steam per hour
from 64 67kg/cm2 g. to 7-8 kg/cm2 g. pressure with suitable automatic desuperheating arrangement and regulating system to maintain a steady temperature of 175 deg.
plus-minus 5 deg.C. of the reduced pressure steam. There shall be provision
adjusting the down steam pressure at any pre-set valve between 7 to 8 kg/cm2 g the
reduced de-superheated steam shall be connected to a receiver with two branches
supply 15,000kgs.of steam per hour to centrifugals, sulphur burners, mills, clarification
equipment and boiling house etc.


The second branch shall be provided with one automatic steam reducing valve to
maintain a steady pressure of 1.0 - 1.5 kg/cm2 g. in the receiver for exhaust steam
from the prime movers by injecting steam upto 25000 kgs per hour after reducing
pressure from 7-8 kg/cm2 g. Suitable automatic de-superheating arrangement and
relating system to be provided to maintain a steady temperature of 130 deg. C. Plusminus 5 deg.C. in the exhaust steam receiver by automatic de-superheating of the
entire exhaust and make-up steam. The de-superheated steam coming out of the
exhaust steam receiver shall be dry.
There shall be provision for adjusting the pressure in exhaust steam receiver at any preset valve between 1.0 to 1.5 kg/cm2 g.


Two pressure pumps with electric drive of suitable capacity (one standby) for injecting
water in the two reduced pressure steam lines through pneumatically operated control
valves shall be provided for de-superheating.


All the reducing valves shall be provided with pneumatically operated pressure
controllers designed to maintain steady pressure with down steam flow rate variation
from 10% to 100% of the rated capacity with over riding control system. One electric
driven air compressor with receiver and piping
shall be provided for operation of
the reducing valves and de- super heaters.


One steam flow meter shall be provided in the high pressure side of the reducing
valve system at (b)(i) above .


One steam pressure recorder capable of recording pressure upto 2.0 kg/cm2 g. shall
be provided in the exhaust steam line near the Evaporator station. A dial thermometer of
150 mm dia and 0-300 deg.C range shall also be provided in the exhaust line. One
temperature recorder to record the temperature upto 300 deg.C shall be provided in
the exhaust line near the Evaporator station.


Suitable bypass arrangements as per IBR for each automatic reducing valve to be provided
for manual operation. Isolating valves shall be provided to isolate the automatic valve for
repairs while working. Steam strainers at upstream side of each reducing valve shall also
be provided.



Bagasse Handling Equipment

Two bagasse bailing press to handle 2.5 tonnes per hour of bagasse having 50%
moisture and complete with 30 HP slipring induction motor etc. shall be provided.


Pipelines and Fittings

All hot and cold water,, juice, syrup, magma, molasses, massecuite and bled vapours,
live steam, reduced pressure and exhaust steam pipe lines shall be suitable for 2500
TCD and all headers shall be designed for ultimate capacity. Various pipelines shall be
designed so that velocities given below are not exceeded at 2500 TCD.

Water and juice :

Suction 1.0 m/second

Delivery 1.2 m/second.



Suction 1.0 m/second

Delivery 1.20 m/second



Suction 0.5 m/second

Delivery 1.0 m/second.






Superheated &
Saturated steam :
Exhaust steam
Bled vapours

Suction 0.3 m/second

Delivery 0.5 m/second.

Suction 0.1 m/second

Delivery 0.15 m/second

30 m/second
30 m/second.
30 m/second.


Compressed air/ :

20 m/second


A maximum pressure drop of 2.0 kg/cmg. shall be allowed from boiler outlet to
the inlet of power turbine


Main exhaust header, inter connecting piping at evaporater and vapour piping to
pans shall be designed for ultimate capacity.

Safety valves to be provided in the steam pipe lines wherever necessary. Blow off pipes shall
extend beyond the roof/factory buildings safety valves in the exhaust and reduced pressure lines
shall be lever operated. Suitable drains, valves, steam traps etc. shall be provided in all steam
lines, where necessary. High pressure steam manifold of 500 mm shall be provided for ultimate
capacity. It shall have provision of one additional boiler on incoming side one additional inputs for
turbo-alternater on outgoing side. It shall have flanged ends.
The pipes shall conform to specifications given below :


(i) Cast Iron Pipes and Fittings :

The pipes shall be class 'B' and shall conform to IS:1537-1976 specifications and integrally cast
flanged joints or spun pipes with screwed ends on flanges as per IS:1536-1976 shall be used.
The pipe fittings shall be class 'B' and shall conform to IS:1538 (part I to XXIII) - 1976
specifications. Only flanged joints shall be used. One side of the flanges shall be machined in
case all pipe fittings.

Mild Steel Pipes

All mild steel pipes and pipe fittings used for conveying of air, cold water, to water (except boiler
feed water) oil (except oil for hydraulic accumulators), molasses, massecuite, juice, lime, syrup,
noxious gases etc. shall conform to IS:1239(part I)-1976 and IS:1239 (part II)-1982 specifications.
All juice and syrup piping including imbibition juice piping shall be class `C' (heavy) and rest
of the piping shall be class `B' (medium). The thickness of mild steel pipes having diameter
more than 200 mm shall be 8 mm.
In case of all piping above 25 mm NB only flanged joints shall be used. All flanges to be as per

Live steam, exhaust steam and boiler feed water piping:

These shall conform to I.B.R. wherever applicable. The thickness of exhaust and vapour
steam piping shall be minimum 8 mm in case of 300 mm dia. and above.
The distance between two flanges in straight portion of pipes shall not exceed 6 metres except
steam, vapour feed water pipe. In case of bends, flanges shall be provided atleast at one end. All
steam expansion bellows shall be of stainless steel tested at 1.5 times the exhaust steam
Valves shall be provided in each branch line of juice heater,, reduced pressure steam lines,
water separator, drain, steam trap etc.
All delivery lines of juice, water and syrup of centrifugal pumps shall have non-return valves
except in case of unstrained imbibition juice pump,lime and Mud pumps, Water connections to be
provided at each station for cleaning.
All exhaust steam valves for evaporator and pans shall be rightangle valves.
All bearing and oil cooling water to be collected in a m.s. fabricated tank which shall be about
10 metres away from the factory building.

Supporting steel structure


Factory shall be gravity flow type.

Necessary staging for all the machinery including supporting columns, integral floor
structure, staircases, railings etc. shall be provided. Mills, mill drive,
turbo generator, clarifier
and lime slaker shall be on R.C.C. staging. Sulphur furnaces shall be on steel staging with
R.C.C. flooring. Other machinery except those on floor level shall have its own supporting
steel staging.



Pipelines, mill and power house cranes, condensers, flash tanks, cyclone separators can be
supported on building columns. No weight of other machinery or platform shall be transmitted
to building columns. Mills to have mild steel
chequered or perforated or grating flooring.
Centrifugals to have chequered plate floor. In the boiling house chequered plate flooring shall
be provided. All gangways, passages, staircases, working platform and railings shall be
convenient. Chequerred plate thickness shall be minimum 5.0mm.
Staging for additional evaporators to be installed for 5000 TCD shall be provided in the
expansion stage. However, space is to be left at the initial stage with inter connecting
platform. End columns of pan staging to be similar to intermediate columns to take load of pans
to be added.
A clear working platform of atleast 2000 mm width shall be provided in working front of pans and
evaporator bodies. Moving space between pans and evaporater bodies shall be 1000 mm. In
case of other units a clear working platform of atleast 1.2 m. width to be provided.
All statutary requirement regarding staging
observed at the design stage.

platform staircases, safety devices etc. shall be


General Material Specifications


Gun metal used for bushes and bearings shall conform to IS : 318-1965.


White metal used for lining of bearings shall conform to IS : 25-1966.


Phospher bronze castings shall conform to IS: 28-1975.


The mill drive pinions shall be made of cast steel as per IS:2708-1973 B Grade III and
gear wheels as per IS:2708-1973 Grade II.


Cast iron flexible couplings shall conform to IS:2693-1964.


Glass wool for vessels and piping shall conform to IS:3690-1974 type 2. Mineral
wool shall conform to IS:5696-1970. The thickness shall be to suit the temperature
and diameter of pipe.


Sheet rubber shall conform to type 8 of IS:638-1965. Grades to suit the nature of work.


Compressed asbestos fibre shall conform to IS:2712-1971.


Cast iron sluice valves shall conform to IS:780-1969.


Gun metal valves (not used for live steam) shall be heavy duty and shall conform to


Plummer blocks used for roller bearings shall conform to IS:4773-1968.


The slide rails for electric motors, if of grey cast iron conform to grade 15 of IS:210-1962.
The slide rails shall be as per IS:2968-1964.


Stirrer shaft for crystallizers, pugmills, magma mixer, lime tanks, sugar melter, juice
sulphiter, molasses
dilution tank etc. shall conform to 30 C8 of IS:1570-1979 or
equivalent, except when mild steel fabricated pipes are used.



Mild steel plates shall conform to IS:2062-1969 in case of fabricated headstocks, side
caps, mill bearings, gear beds, for mill drive and all fabricated parts subjected to steam
pressure higher than 1.5 kg/cm2.


Structural steel and mild steel plates conforming to IS:226-1975 or equivalent shall
be used for the fabrication of rest of the machinery and equipment.


All brass tubes shall be of 70 : 30 alloy conforming to alloy Number 1 of IS:407-1966.



The Plant and Machinery is to be according to the guide line specifications for 2500 TCD Plant
expandable to 5000 TCD finalized by the Government of India and should incorporate the

In designing factory building and engineering layout criterion should be attached to local
wind direction to ensure the following. General layout of plant and machinery shall show
equipment for ultimate capacity.

Effective natural ventilation of Power House.

Non contamination of circulating waters by acidic agents.
Statutory requirements of pollution preventions.


The factory floor levels as well as injection channels and spray pond levels shall be decided
to suit the topography at the Sugar Plant site.


Eves height of bagging house to be 18 m to facilitate Sugar bins installation in future.


Plant and machinery to confirm to all State and Central laws.


All the cranes in the Sugar Plant (including cane unloader) should have box type bridge
girders (and not lattice type). All the gear boxes installed on the cranes should be helical
type having hardened and ground teeth.


The O&M manuals, drawings, specifications etc. should be supplied by the Seller to the
Purchaser 4 months before the scheduled date of commissioning of the Sugar Plant and
should also include the following:

List of Ball/Roller bearings fitted in the Sugar Plant (equipmentwise stating bearing


List of all electric motors installed in the Sugar Plant (equipmentwise stating motor
type, H.P., RPM etc.).


List of all Reduction gear boxes installed in the Sugar Plant (equipmentwise stating
gear box type, ratio, H.P., rating, service factor etc.)


List of pumps installed in the Sugar Plant (pump type, duty, discharge, total head




List of all coupling bushes, oil seals etc. fitted in the Sugar Plant (stating sizewise
qty and equipment name where the part is fitted).


The Sellers shall not make the use of building columns and trusses for lifting weights of
machinery during erection. Factory building structure should not be used as stating for any
items of machinery and equipment (except mill and power house cranes & piping).


All the Grit catchers in the Sugar Plant should be 800 mm dia x 1000 mm height shell 8
mm thick, bottom 10 mm thick, cover plates 20 mm thick. Covers should be hinged and
cover holding bolts should be 25 mm dia. The bucket screens should be made of 3 mm
thick. AISI 304 quality S.S. and should have sturdy handles for lifting.


Condensate outlet pipes from various units to have sight glasses at eye level in addition to
sight glasses in extracting columns. Test cocks should also be provided for taking out
condensate samples.


Test cocks should be provided in condensate outlets of all units individually for testing
water for sugar traces. All the condensate pumps delivery lines should have 50 mm NB
connection with a valve to let out the water in the drain, as and when sugar traces are
found in the condensate.


Size of Condensate Receivers for Juice heaters and Evaproators should be 400 mm dia x
1200 mm height Shell 8 mm thick, bottom 10 mm thick.


The RPM of the motor of the condensate extraction pumps should not be more than 1500.


Heating surfaces of juice heaters evaproator bodies, pans and boilers shall be calculated
on the basis of mean diam and effective tube length with contact of heating fluid.


All the pumps of juice, lime and syrup should be provided with suitable catchers in the
suction side. Also, juice delivery lines should be provided with non-return valves.


All the centrifugal pumps should have stop and non-return valves in the delivery pipes.


Centrifugal pumps: The service water pumps, injection and spray water pumps, syrup
pumps, melt pumps should be bronze fitted. Otherwise these and other (except at mill
house) centrifugal pumps should conform to IS-5659 and IS-5120 specifications.


All the vapour line of the pans and 4th body of the evaporators should be provided with a
manhole to enable accessibility inside the vapour lines for cleaning and painting purposes.
One 100 m dia x 150 mm long nipple should be welded in the vapour pipe along with a
blind flange to enable water filling of the vapour line.


The diameter of the pipes for filling water into bodies and calandrias of evaporator and
pans should not be less than 100 mm size.


All the valves for massecuite and magma lines should be of rising spindle type only.


All massecuite, magma and molasses lines at crystalliser and centrifugal stations should be
provided with 20 mm size steaming arrangements along with non-return valves.


The sluice/right angle valves used in exhaust steam and vapour pipelines should have
stainless steel internals and S.S. spindles.



Suitable capacity steam traps should be provided in the exhaust line for the outlet of the


Steam flow meter of indicating, integrating and recording type shall be provided for PRDS.


Temperature recorders for raw, sulphited juice, evaporator exhaust steam, injection
outlet/inlet water and vacuum recorder for last body of evaporator shall be provided at
appropriate place.


For lagging the equipments, pipes and fittings etc. of the sugar plant as per specifications
the Sellers scope of supply should be as follows:
All the equipments and pipelines (including fittings as defined under Clause 6 of IS:7413
specifications), surfaces in the sugar plant above 55 deg. C. temperature should be
effectively lagged (except where heat dissipation is desirable and the surfaces which
become hot intermittently such as steam traps and relief valve outlet pipes, vents, blowdown pipes etc.)

Material to be used:

For lagging: Factory made mattresses of Bonded Glass wool/Rock wool/Mineral

wool as per IS:8183 (latest issue) specifications. The bulk density of the material
should be:

50 kg/m3 for hot surface temperatures upto 250 deg. C.

120 kg/m3 for hot surface temperatures above 250 deg. C. but upto 550 deg.
(as per clause 3.2 of IS:8183 (latest issue) specifications)
The thickness of the lagging should be such that the difference between
temperature measured (at any time during the maintenance warranty period
as per clause 22 of the draft agreement) at any point on the outer surface of
the lagging cladding (i.e. protective finish) and the ambient temperature at
that time should not exceed 10 deg. C.


For protective finish:

Material for cladding of all lagging in the sugar plant should be cotton canvas (as
per IS:7413 standard specifications) (except as follows).



The valves and flanges (including the flanges of the equipment) to be lagged
shall be provided with openable lagging boxes for valves and fittings of the
HP steam lines (including boiler plant) openable boxes shall be out of 18
SWG thick aluminium sheets as per IS:737 designation 31000 condition H3.


All the turbines lagging should be provided with boxes of 3 mm thick

Aluminium sheets. Lifting block should be provided for these boxes.

Balance materials (not specified above) should be as per IS:7413 specifications.

Application and finishing of the lagging materials, protective coverings etc. should
be carried out by the Seller as per IS:7413 (latest issue) specifications.



All maintenance tools, tube expanders etc. to be supplied by the Seller to the Purchaser as
per scope of supply stipulated under this Agreement should be brand new and should not
be those used by the Seller for erection and commissioning of the Sugar Plant.


All nuts and bolts and non-return valves should be as per ISI specifications.


In cases tensile strength or solidity has been mentioned the supplier shall submit a suitable
certificate of the same from original manufacturer/Govt. approved testing laboratories/Govt.
Engineering Colleges.


Suitable arrangements shall be provided for continuous sampling of following


Primary juice
Last mill juice
Mixed juice
Clera juice
Sulphited syrup



Annexure - I

i) The preparation index of prepared cane shall be 85 plus. The preparation index shall be
determined by Aldrich / Rayner CCR Australian method.
ii) Whole Reduced Extraction (Mittal) shall be 95% plus at 220% imbibtion on fibre.
iii) The specific steam consumptin of the turbo feed pump should be as mentioned in the


Juice heaters:
Following temperature should be obtained:


Raw juice shall be heated from 20 deg. C to 70 deg. C by vapours bled from 3rd body of
quadruple effect evaporator.


Sulphited juice shall be heated from 65 deg. C to 103 deg. C by vapours bled from second
(B) body and 1st body of quadruple effect evaporator.


Clear juice shall be heated to 115 deg. C by available exhaust steam.


Milk of Lime preparation, Juice Sulphiter and Clarifier -The clear juice obtained from clarifier
should be free from suspended mud particles and thick mud should be obtained. In a
sample of one litre muddy juice drawn from the clarifier, minimum 50 grams of dry insoluble
solid should be obtained.


Vacuum Filter Vacuum filter efficiency (mud solids retention) should not be less than 75%
based on the average of 6 samples taken under regular working conditions. The bagacillo
should be available at the rate of 9Kgs per tonne of cane per hour, pol % filter cake should
not be more than 1.5 at wash water of 100% on cake.






Minimum vacuum at the last body of evaporator shall be 635 mm at mean sea level.


The evaporator set should able to give upto 80% evaporation.


Syrup Sulphiter
The syrup sulphitor should be capable of sulphiting the syrup of 5.0 pH.




Vacuum Pan


Minimum vacuum at the pan body shall be 635 mm at mean sea level.


Total cycle time (full strike level) should not be more than the following:
A massecuite pan
B massecuite pan
C massecuite pan

2.5 hours
4.0 hours
8.0 hours after footing and C massecuite brix 101 deg.




Minimum vacuum in the body of the condenser shall be 650 mm.


Difference of temperature between vapours to be condensed and tail pipe water

temperature shall be less than 10 deg. C.


Spray Ponds
Minimum drop of 13 deg. C or within 7 deg. C of wet bulb temperature, whichever is less
should be achieved for injection water cooling.


Cooling Tower
Minimum drop of 20 deg C or within 5 deg C of wet bulb temp. shall be achieved during






Minimum purity drop in C crystallisers should be 4 units reckoned from C pan dropping
massecuite to over flow of C continuous crystallisers.


B massecuite should be cooled from 65 deg. C to 50 deg. C in 8 hours when supplied

with cooling water at 30 deg. C.


C massecuite should be cooled from 65 deg. C to 40 deg. C in 15 hours when supplied

with cooling water at 30 deg. C.


Rapid Reheating Equipment:

The cooled C massecuite shall be reheated rapidly from 40 deg. C to 50 deg. C and the
final temperature should not exceed more than 52 deg. C.


Continuous Centrifugal Machines:

The guaranteed capacity of continuous centrifugal machines shall be linked to the


B massecuite brix 94-96, purity not exceeding 67.0


C massecuite brix 100-102, purity not exceeding 55.0



Performance Parameters to be obtained from Centrifugal machine:


Purity of single cured C sugar shall not be less than 80.


Purity of double cured C sugar shall not be less than 92


Purity increase between Nutsch molasses purity (C massecuite fed to C fore workers)
and final molasses purity from C fore worker machines shall not be more than 1.5.


Purity of B single cured sugar shall not be less than 95.0.


Capacity of A batch machine shall be judged for average cycles during continuous four
hours working and for continuous machines also for four hours continuous working for
successive 7 days respectively.


Exhaustion of massecute shall be minimum 60%.


Sugar Melter
The brix of the melt should not be less than 55 deg. And melt should be free from sugar


Grass Hopper
The temperature of the sugar at the end of the last hopper should not be more than 42 deg.
C and moisture should not be more than 0.03% when the ambient temperature is below


Reduced Boiling House Recovery

The reduced boiling house recovery shall not be less than 90% by Gundu Rao formula.



i) CO2 in the flue gas should not be less than 14.5% measured after waste heat recovery
units (corresponding to 35% excess air) with unburnt gases not exceeding 0.1%.
ii) The flue gas temperature shall not be more than 160 deg. C. Measured after last heat
recovery units.
iii) Peak generation shall be 110% MCR for half an hour.
iv) Efficiency of the steam generation plant shall be minimum 70% on G.C.V. of bagasse
having 50% moisture and determined as per IS 13980-1995. For every reduction in
moisture% bagasse of 1% there shall be rise of 0.5% in boiler efficiency.



i) Specific steam consumption of the turbine shall not exceed 6.25kg/KW/hr for the
conditions given in specifications.
ii) The power factor of the electrical system shall not be less than 0.9
The performance of all electrical equipments shall be as per existing IS codes.
At the time of factory performance trials, the factory management should, besides giving
assitance as per agreement also arrange adequate supply of clean cane conforming to the
following specifications so that the trial operations are completed smoothly:


1.Fibre % cane
: Not more than 16
2.Pol % cane
: Not less than 12
3.Mixed Juice Purity : Not lessthan 80
NOTE: Performance trial to be carried during the period of January to March.


Statutory Requirements

Online Mass Flow meters:


Depending upon the plant conditions like size, flow rate, specific gravity, viscosity, vendor
shall furnish detail sizing calculations showing mass flow rate accuracy, pressure drop,
velocities at 10 operating steps.
Weights and measures certification and stamping from regional Weights and Measures
authority shall be provided.
Manufacturer shall have facility for weight calibration of mass flow meter in the flow
laboratory as per NIST standards.


Automatic pH Control for Juice/Syrup Sulphitation :

Well designed and fabricated sampling system for cooling the juice at 40oC for effective
online pH measurement.


Online Brix Indicators


Brix measurement shall be independent of changes in the other process parameters like
pressure, temperature additives etc.
Instrument shall be fully configured, operated and maintained using operators' interface. It
shall have large backlit digital display, soft push buttons and easy to operate menu driven


Online Conductivity Measurement of condensate water


To ensure the compatability the sensor and transmitter shall be of same make.
Well designed and fabricated sampling system for each line shall be provided.


Instrumentation Panel
All the panel mounted instruments which are integral part of the following control and
measurement systems shall be housed in a well designed, fabricated and wired
instrumentation panel.


Auto Cane Feed Control System

Automatic Imbibition Water Flow and Temperature Control System
Online Mass Flow Meter for juice and water
Automatic pH Control System for Juice Sulphitation
Online Brix Indicators
Automatic pH Control System for Syrup Sulphitation



Automatic Brix and Temperature Control of Molasses Conditioner & melter

Online conductivity measurement of condensate water
Automatic massecuite level control in pug mill
Boiler Instrumentation and Automation
Turbine supervisory system
Massecuite feed control for continuous centrifugal machine.


Microprocessor based Datalogger

For recording various process parameters like pressure, temperature, flow level etc. at
various equipments in the boiling house two numbers p based 32 channels data loggers
specifications with 80 column dot matrix printer/132 column dot matrix printer/inkjet printer
having following specifications shall be provided : one at evaporator floor and the other at
pan floor.






Display &
Internal Scan



Thermocouple as per DIN 43710

(other than standard on request)
(J,K.E,R,S,T,N,B grounded or ungrounded)
Input resistance 1 M
RTD PT - 100 as per DIN 43760
(Excitation current 2.5 mA)
Electrical signal (0/4-20 mA, 0/1-5 V.DC)
Input resistance 250 for current input
Input resistance 500 K for voltage i/p
3 digit, ", 7 segment LED display for
process variable.
2 digits, ", 7 segment LED display for channel
16 x 2/20 x 2 backlit LCD
50 m sec. per channel


Range &

Keyboard configurable for each channel separately

with reading accuracy of 0.25% of F.S.



2 settings (HI & LO) per channel over entire range,

alarm output (NC/NO), programmable alarm
acknowledgement & alarm status (bicolor LEDs)
for each channel shall be provided.



Indicated by displaying error message on display



120 db



It shall be possible to retain the user interaction

memory for more than six months in case of
power failure




Mains supply :

0 to 50oC with maximum 0.015% /oC drift

a) 230 V AC, 10%, 50 Hz, single phase (Standard)
b) 110 V AC, 10%, 50 Hz, single phase (Optional)


Communication :

a) RS 232 or RS 485 with Modbus RTU protocol

for PC communication
b) Centronic parallel port for printer
(log & print interval shall be user configurable
with different print options)




The following documents shall be sent to the Purchasers' Consultant for approval.
Instrumentation hookup diagram.
P & I diagram.
Specification of instruments i.e. Range, make etc.
Orifice plate design calculation data sheet as per BS 1042 for flow meters.
Control valve sizing and Cv calculations.
Instrument control panel cutout, foundation and panel wiring drawing.
List and specification of erection material.
*Impulse tubing shall be of SS316/304 15 NB sch 40 pipewith SS isolating and drain
*Instrument cables from field transmitters to panel shall be 1.5 mm x 2 core Cu
conductor armoured cable.

The following documents shall be submitted in triplicate along with instruments to the end user :

Erection drawing and instrumentation calibration and test reports.

Operation and servicing manuals.


Central data acquisition system

It shall be possible to connect all the data loggers to the centralised PC based data
acquisition system


Instrumentation Control Rooms

To achieve the desired working performance of various instrumentation measurement and
control system even under extreme conditions like shock, vibrations, humidity, electrical
interference installation of instrumentation panel shall be done in well designed and
constructed rooms as per the standard instrumentation practices.



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