Positive Thinking Full Book PDF
Positive Thinking Full Book PDF
Positive Thinking Full Book PDF
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12 Dr. Mohan lal Jain, the writers experiences connected with Bach 251-263
Flower Remedies.
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Bach Flower Remedies introduction, principles
and ideology in the light of Indian spiritualism
and philosophy.
Bach Flower Remedies is a holistic system of treatment,
based on spiritual principle. Its father was Dr. Edward Bach, who
is known as second Haniman in the world of medical science. He
was born in England. He was a humanitarian physician and a saint.
He had great faith in religion and spiritual principles. Apart from
being an allopathic physician, he was also a pathologist and
immunologist. He was also a successful homoeopathic physician.
By the long study and research of the body, mentality and
psychology of different types of patients in the various fields of
treatment, Dr. Bach came to the conclusion, The roots of diseases
lie in the mind of man, not in his body. Where as according to the
modern system of treatment, body is the centre of diseases.
Consequently the modern system of treatment fails in treating
diseases successfully. Dr. Bach found that the main cause of
diseases afflicting man is the mental disturbance and perversity
that give birth to negative thinking with the result that mental,
physical and emotional imbalance is caused in the mind of man.
It is this imbalance that gives rise to various kinds of
physical, mental and psychological diseases. Dr. Bach firmly
believed that to remove this imbalance, it is very important to
develop positive thinking. So long as it is not developed, one
cannot get rid of physical ailments completely. Dr. Bach fully
believed in the maxim of Haniman that it is the patient who should
be treated, not the disease. Later on he propounded Bach Flower
Remedies on this very principle.
After discovering the main causes of diseases, Dr. Bach
devoted himself for discovering the medicines that could transform
mans negative thinking into positive thinking. He had firm faith
in nature. He believed that when nature has produced negative
feelings, it must certainly have produced herbs that can counteract
them (the negative feelings). With this faith and, he gave up his
roaring practice in London in the year 1930 and went to live in a
small village of fishermen.
From 1930 to 1936, he wandered here and there in the
jungles, valleys and mountainous regions and found out 38 kinds
of diVine plants and herbs and also discovered a stream, the water
of which had medicinal quality. In this way he discovered 38 kinds
of remedies to change 38 kinds of negative feelings. This is the gist
of his system of treatment. Thereafter, while treating an
Illusion of mind
Mind is the most conscious element of body. Our distorted
and evil thoughts and feelings affect first of all our mind. Mind is
very sensitive and delicate. These are the attitudes of mind that
first of all exhibit the symptoms of diseases. These diseases cannot
get rooted in the body, if treatment is started at an early stage,
keeping these symptoms in view. By doing so, even the possibility
of one getting diseases be removed. But when these symptoms of
mind are not taken care of and when they are neglected, they cause
diseases in the body. If these mental disorders persist for a long
time, they get deeply rooted in the subtle body. Migrain, heart
disease, diabetes, ulcer, blood pressure, contipation, asthma,
rheumatism, skin allergy, depression and the tendency of
committing suicide etc. are caused mainly by the negative thoughts
that are deeply rooted in our conscience.
Total and complete health is not possible unless these
negative thoughts are removed. Evil, mean and petty feelings are
the main cause of all our physical and emotional diseases. These
feelings cause extra-ordinary changes in our body and then appear
in the form of serious diseases. A person is sure to be ill if he is
obsessed all the time with the feelings of selfishness, fear, anxiety,
anger, ego, jealousy and revenge.
Mind governs the whole body. All the nervous tissues are
connected with brain and are controlled by it. There is a network of
extremely thin nervous tissues in every part of the body and then
tissues are governed and controlled by brain. Even the modern
physicians admit this fact. According to Dr. Dalton, feelings of
fear, jealousy, hatred, despair and distrust slow down all the
activities of the body and dry up blood. Dr. Vane considers
anguish and mental agony to be the cause of death of many people.
Chronic anxiety is said to be the cause of ulcers and cancer.
Chronic stress, anxiety and mental pains are the causes of
constipation, ulcer and crohense disease. Mental worry prevents
the growth of body as the arteries cannot function in a proper way.
Dr. Amer Gates claims that anger, despair and perturbance
produce deadly toxins in the body. Dr. Musso knows by his
experience that fear causes dieases like tremors, epilepsy, tetanus
and diseases of gums. Dr. Takene says that behind diseases like
insanity, paralysis, diseases of liver, hair getting grey at an early
age, baldness, miscarriage, urinary diseases, skin diseases, ulcers
and decay of teeth at an early age, there are fear and anguish. The
number of people dying of these diseases is far greater than that of
people dying of plague, cholera, dengue and chicken-gunia.
Thus we find that the basis of the system of Dr. Bach is the
principle of treatment propounded by Dr. Haniman. This is also
true that Dr.Haniman has thrown ample light on the mental casuses
of diseases. Besides, he discovered many medicines for mental
passions like fear, jealousy, malice, and hatered etc. and these
medicines have proved very effective. Dr. Bach, adopting
Homeopathic system, prepared seven kinds of vaccine from the
bacteria found in the intestines of man. These vaccines proved very
effective in the treatment of many physical diseases. Howeer, he
later on, stopped using them. But the fact is that these vaccines are
used even today by the homeopathic and the allopathic physicians.
But Dr. Bach was not satisfied with the homeopathic system of
treatment also.
There were many reasons behind his being dissatisfied with
the homeopathic system of treatment. Difficulty in selecting the
right medicines out of thousands of medicines on the basis of
symptoms, use of many toxic and impure things in manufacturing
the medicines and the harmful effects of the medicines wrongly
selected were some of them. Dr. Bach believed that mans body
is a temple, it is the dwelling place of God-like soul. Hence,
toxic, impure and unholy things should not be used to keep the
body healthy. He, therefore, renounced the homeopathic system of
treatment. He had already renounced the allopathic system of
Shortcomings of Allopathy
In allopathy, body is supposed to be the house of diseases.
In this system, gross medicines are used for treatment. Such
medicines can cure a gross body that they cannot cure the subtle
body ie. the diseases caused by mental disorders. Although the
feeling of mental pain and suffering can be subsided for a time
being with the help of tranquilizers but such medicines ultimately
have a very bad effect. The patient's gets used to them. The sideeffects and reactions of such medicines very often put a patient's
life in danger. They cure one disease but at the same time, produce
a new disease. The poor patient is never fully cured and has to
suffer for the whole life. Dr. Bach took the ill effects of allopathy
very seriously and renounced it.
patience and devotion are required. One has to wait patiently for a
long time to get relief from diseases. Life in the modern age has
become very fast and it is very difficult to practise Yoga patiently
and regularly. That is why most of the people cannot get its
advantage. Bach Flower Remedies is an effective medicinal
solution for changing negative thinking into positive thinking. It
will not be an exaggeration if this system is said to be Yoga in
bottle. This system of treatment is a wonderful gift to mankind
and this unique discovery puts him in the rank of physicians who
were also like saints.
Bach Flower Remedies is significant not only for the
treatment of physical, mental and emotional diseases but also for
the people who are struggling against corruption, crimes, terrorism
and the adverse circumstances created by natural calamities.
Behind all these problems are the negative and destructive feelings
of fear, frustration, despair, jealousy, malice, hatred and revenge.
Bach Flower Remedies helps man in getting rid of these mental
vices and develops in him the positive and constructive feelings of
love, compassion, piety, hope, self-confidence, generosity and
good will for others.
From the short study of all the systems of treatment
Ayurveda, allopathy, homeopathy and also of Yoga, it is clear that
in allopathy, treatment is given keeping gross body in view. By
doing so, treatment of gross diseases afflicting the gross body may
Chapter - 2
The Spiritual form of Bach Flower Remdies
The main aim of the principles of eternal rules and morality
propounded by the ancient spiritual saints was the welfare of the
self. Ahanment of health was the natural outcome. Without being
healthy one can not put even a step on path of the good of the self.
Therefore, behind all the religious rules and regulations, the aim of
attaining good health is implied. If we follow them, there will be
fewer chances of our contacting diseases.
Dr. Bach was a physician. Naturally his main aim was to
guide and instruct people so that they might enjoy physical ,
mental and emotional health. For this purpose, he did not lay stress
on observing the rules of health, he put all stress on removing
negative and destruction feeling and developing positive feeling
that make us healthy and happy. To achieve his goal he discovered
some medicines. When we go into the depth of Batch Flower
Remedies, we come to know that it is spiritualism that is the basis
of his system of treatment.
Dr. Bach said that in order to be healthy, man must develop
four qualities-mental peace, hope, joy and faith. These are the four
steps after climbing which total health can be attained. The man
having these qualities in abundance never falls ill and if by chance,
he does fall ill, recovers very quickly. Bach Flower remedies helps
in developing these natural qualities.
If we think from spiritual point of view , we find that soul
possesses seven natural qualities (1) knowledge (2) purity (3)
peace, (4) love (5) pleasure, (6) joy and (7) strength. These
qualities nourish and make grow all the parts of the body.
Different parts of the body are affected if the soul is lacking in
these qualities.
Knowledge is very important for the development
of mind. Because of lack of knowledge , a child gets
mentally weak since the very beginning of his life. His
memory is very weak.
Purity nourishes and strengthens our resistance
power. Purity is of two kinds- external and internal. By
external purity is meant the purity of food materials and
the way of our living. Internal purity means purity of
heart, freedom from mental pollution. The latter gives
birth to positive feelings which are very important for a
happy and healthy life.
Peace, calm and quiet help our lungs in performing
their function properly. When we are devoid of peace i.e.
when we are restless, an obstruction is caused in our lungs
due to which supply of pure oxygen to them is hindered.
Love is to life as oil is to machine. It makes our life
meaningful. It is like the fragrance of Flowers that makes
life sweet. In the absence of love one may suffer from
heart attack and also develop a hole in the heart.
Pleasure helps our our intestines in doing their
wook properly and smoothly. When we are pleased and
happy, food is digested easily. Food taken in the state of
anger, sorrow and stress, acts like poison. Consequently
one gets diseases like constipation, in digestion, gastric
trouble, ulcer and mucus.
Joy is the extreme form of pleasure. It provides us
mental satisfaction. It helps
There are eight kinds of power that make our body
strong. If one lacks strength, one suffers from many kinds
of troubles such as headache and bodyache.
All these seven qualities flow into the body through mind.
Combined together, they keep the body moving and healthy. Mind
is the subtle body. Thoughts, feelings, attitudes and memory are
the four aspects of mind. They are the strong pillars that support
pleasure and peace in life. When these pillars get weakened, mean
falls a prey to mental pollution and impurity and negative feelings
inviting various diseases.
The habits earned because of the karmas of the previous
births also go along with soul. These habits enter the womb along
either the foetus. Genes are affected in accordance with the
karmas. Religious rites, spiritual sermons, Yoga and meditation
etc. are resorted to in order to get rid of karmas, with the spiritual
strength of soul, mental strength of mind and the physical strength
of body maintain a balancer among mind, body and spirit and with
this balance, body can be protected from diseases.
Good thinking, good attitude, good feeling and good
memory- these are the four attributes necessary for a healthy life.
Our thinking plays a very important role in the origination of
disease. Thinking is of four kinds- (1) negative thinking, (2)
he has to depend
on others. This
Chapter 3
Dr. Edward Bach Life history
Dr. Edward Bach was born in the country of Mosley, near
Birmingham in the year 1886. Since childhood he had been
interested in the field of medicine. His father was commoner.
Being aware of the poor financial condition of his father, he could
not express his desire of doing something in the field of medicine.
When his father came to know of his wish, he got him admitted in
the Birmingham University. After completing his training in
Birmingham University, Edward Bach joined University college,
London from where he got his degree in medicine in 1906. He
earned great name and fame in University College Hospital,
London. In 1913, he was appointed casualty medical officer. Later
on, he was posted as casualty house surgeon in National
Temperance Hospital. He got diploma in the year 1915, he started
working as Assistant bacteriologist in University College Hospital.
While working here, he discovered a particular type of bacteria
found in the intestines and studied their effect on diseases that
were considered incurable. The vaccines prepared from these
bacteria had a wonderful effect on the patients suffering from
arthristis and headache. It (the effect) was more than expected by
Dr. Bach.
the course of his discoveries, he also found out a stream, the water
of which had diVine medicinal qualities. He prepared a medicine
Rock Water from the water of this stream. Besides, he also
prepared a medicine known as Rescue Remedies while he was
treating a sailor who had got unconscious in a boat mishap caused
by storm. This medicine was prepared by mixing together the five
medicines came to be known as Bach Flower Remedies.
Dr. Bach was determined to discover a simple and natural
system of treatment. He had a wonderful power of will and spirit.
In the year 1917, he fell seriously ill. The doctors were of the
opinion that he would live for three months only, but because of
his strong will power and the strong desire of achieving his goal,
he miraculously recovered, and resumed his work. He died in
1936, but by then he had succeeded in discovering a total system
of treatment.
Before his death, he had declared Bach Flower Remedies to
be a complete system of treatment. He said that there was no
further need of any research in this field. He said that his system of
treatment would be effective for all times and in all circumstances.
He also destroyed all his documents and photographs so as to
avoid any confusion in future, this act of his shows his greatness
and simplicity of nature. Makind will be gratefull to him for this
great contribution, Bach Flower Remedies We wish his soul
eternal peace and still further spiritual development.
Gradual Development of Bach Flower
The foundation of Bach Flower Remedies was actually laid
in the year 1920. During the period 1919-1922 Dr Bach had been
working as a pathologist and a bacteriologist in London
Homeopathic Hospital. During this period, he found by his
research that bacteria found in our intestines are the cause of the
chronic diseases contacting human body. When he separated the
secretion of the intestines and examined the reaction of its
fermentation on sugar, he found seven kinds of bacteria that cause
chronic diseases like arthritis and dysentery etc. from these
bacteria he prepared, on the basis of allopathy and homeopathy,
seven kinds of vaccines that proved very effective in chronic
Dr. Bach earned great name and fame in the western world
of medicine because of his vaccines, but he was not happy with the
vaccines that were prepared from the secretions of intestines. He
thought that diseases should not be treated with dirty things. He
believed that dirty things should not be used in the holy temple of
the body. He, therefore, renounced the use of the vaccines,
prepared by him, that are known as Seven Nosodes.
Discovery of medicines
Dr. Bach had already discovered the principles of his
system of treatment. Now he was in the quest of medicines that
could remove mental disorders (negative feelings) and help in
developing positive thinking. He therefore gave up his roaring
practice in 1930 and devoted himself whole-heartedly to the
discovery of such medicines. During the period 1930-1936, he
discovered 38 remedies, the account or which is given belowIn the begining of his mission, he discovered 9 herbs- (1)
Impatiens (2) Mimulus (3) Clamatis (4) Agrimony (5) Chicory
(6) Vervain (7) Centaury (8) Scleranthus and (9) Cirato. In 1931
he discovered three more herbs (1) Water Voilet (2) Gentian and
Chest Nut (14) Wild Rose (15) Mustard (16) Star of Bethlehem
(17) White Chest Nut (18) Willow (19) Cerato.
Dr. Bach had already discovered 38 kinds of negative
thoughts that haunt human beings. In order to remove and uproot
negative feelings that always carry a man to his doom, developing
positive thinking and the habit of looking at the bright side of
things is very neccessary.
The medicines mentioned above have proved to be
extremely beneficial for developing positive and bright attitudes. It
will be worthwhile to note that all kinds of negative thoughts are
incorporated found in each and every human being that were
discovered by Dr. Bach. Even after trying hard, the authors of this
book could not find any negative thought, that cannot be remedied
by Dr. Bach system of treatment. If someone, comes to think of
any such negative thought please inform us. Suggestions and ideas
are welcome.
Chapter 5
Dr. Bachs Philosophy of Life
Dr. Bach presented an absolutely new concept of the
origination of diseases and their cure. The basis of his concept is
spiritual. The principles that he propounded regarding the causes of
diseases and their remedy are unique and extra-ordinary. In this
regard, he studied the role of karma and aastronomy too. He came
to believe that the karmas earned in the previous births and the
position of zodiac signs are also responsible for the origination of
diseases. Indian philosophy, astronomy and ayurveda too
acknowledge the existance of diseases caused by karmas.
According to astrnomy, a mans health and personality are
influenced by the zodiac sign on which the moon moves at the time
of his birth. The moom is said to be the God of mind. The position
of the moon in the horoscope of man influences his mind. If the
moom is at the position of a higher zodiac sign, mans behaviour
and personality remain balanced. Otherwise he gets mentally
imbalanced and this imbalance affects his health adversely.
Regarding diseases, the religious supposition is that the
ones caused because of the influence of constellation and because
of the karmas earned in the previous births can be cured only when
the stars and constellation are favourable and only on enjoying the
fruits of the Karmas. In ayurveda too, diseases earned because of
Chapter - 6
Dr. Bachs philosopophy regarding the
origination and treatment of diseseas
Dr. Edward Bach gave a new direction to the modern world
of medicine, regarding the origination and treatment of diseases.
His thinking was highly influenced by the principles of
homeopathy propounded by Dr. Haniman. Dr. Bach went a step
further and propounded a new system of treatment that is extraordinary, unique and miraculous. It is based on spirituality,
ayurveda and Yoga. These and sermons are very helpful in getting
rid of negative feelings. For getting rid of negative and depressing
feelings and for developing positive, joyous and constructive
feeling, devotion, persevernace and the guidance of a good teacher
are very necessary. These things are not available to all. Very few
people are fortunate enought to avail of them. Bach Flower
Remedies is a medicinal form of Yoga. It can be appropriately said
to be Yoga in the bottle.
Meaning of Health
Health really means a perfect coordination of our mind,
true and real guide in achieving our goals. Being children of God,
we all are perfect, like God, from all points of view. We should be
content with whatever God has given to us and try to live within
the means provided by him. Listening to the inner call and
following it is the best way to get peace, prosperity, health and
hapPiness. No body can deny this fact. Hence, we must not
suppress the voice of our soul, nor must we allow anybody to crush
it. Then only we can be able to help and serve others, without
causing any harm either to ourselves or to others.
Being happy and content with our work means we are
happy and we are acting on our inner voice. We should do
everything as our duty and should not expect any return. While
doing our duty, we should not get irritated and should not act in
haste, as "haste makes waste", says the proverb. If we do
something in haste, without giving proper thought to the pros and
cons, a person, who really needs our help, may be deprived of that
Arguements and fascinating talk are not required to do our
work honestly and sincerely, Even boosting of our good deeds is
not required. It is enough that we do our work whole-heartedly and
devotedly. Only by doing so, we get real pleasure. And this is
possible only when there is perfect harmony between the mind and
the spirit. For the whole world to be happy it is necessary that each
and every body does his work honestly, sincerely and wholeheartedly.Our desires and wishes are of no significance when we
act according to our nature. Actually, by doing so, our attention is
not diverted to petty desires and triflings, we think only of healthy,
happy and meaningful life.
It is not difficult to recognize our inner voice. We only
need to listen to it. It can be easily recogenized by our attitudes,
ambitions, likes and dislikes. It must be followed because only our
We are all the children of God and are endowed with the
godly qualities of love, affection, compassion and sympathy for
others. We should have love and compassion in our hearts for all
the living beings and even for animals and plants. We should be
prepared to help others in the hour of sorrow and distress. If we
help others, we can expect help from others too. Thus by helping
one another, we can keep others and ourselves healthy and happy.
hunger. In the same way, it has provided us plants, herbs and trees
to remove our mental disorders and to improve our personality.
These herbs help us when we suffer from mental disorders.
Dr. Bach discovered following 12 kinds of mental
disorders. These herbs are double blessing. They do away with the
mental disorders and also help in developing an impressive
Name of the
Negative aspect
Positive aspect
midst of cheerfulness.
Indecision, dilemma.
firm decisions.
extremely Balanced
the Hopeful
selfish motives.
imposing Tendency
of serving
ulterior motive.
Water Voilet.
balanced, so phisticated.
self-confidence, Intelligent
Rock Rose
and courage.
Fearless, courageous.
of the imbalance of mind and spirit. They are merely the symtoms.
One cause of the disease shows different symptoms in different
people. If these causes are removed, the disease is automatically
of our resistence power and then we fall ill. Even serious and
chronic diseses may be cured if only we have a strong will power.
(1) Peace (2) Hope (3) Joy (4) Faith (5) Certainty (6)
Wisdom and (7) Love are the seven steps that lead to certainly get
rid of even serious and critical diseased by developing these
positive qualities.
plants and trees. We should remember that we treat others the way
we want to be treated.
To respect the rights and freedom of others is not a difficult
job. We should first give complete freedom to others and should
refuse politely but firmly to be governed and dominated by others.
We do not have to resort to anger, apposition, hatred or physical
force. We should treat even our enemies as our friends. They will
automatically come round to us. We should always remember that
hatred cannot be conquered by hatred, it can be conquered only
by love.
Attachment binds us even to our houses, furniture and all
sorts of petty things. This undue attachment does not allow us to be
free. We are enslaved to them. We should detach ourselves from
them and let them alone. It is because of the desire of accumulating
wealth and the other material things that we fall prey to fear,
anxiety and stress. These negative feelings ultimately cause great
harm both to our mind and body. We should certainly use these
worldly things and comforms but should not get duly attached to
When we get detached from the people and the things
around us, we are doubly blessed. We provide them their freedom
and privacy and at the same time we too get greater love and
satisfacton. The pleasure derived from giving freedom to others fill
us with such noble and lofty feeling that the negative feeling like
Nature is very kind. From the every beginning it has
provided us herbs that are extremely useful in keeping us healthy
and therefore happy. It is a well known fact that the nearer we are
to nature, the healthier we are and the farther we go from nature,
the more we suffer from various kinds of pains and ailments and
diseases. Nature has provided us not only eatables like wheat etc.
water and air but different kinds of herbs also. Man has studied the
effect of stars and heavenly bodies on health. In the same way, our
ancient saints and sages have been trying to discover herbs that
may bring us the valuable treasure of health. But before we make
efforts for discovering such herbs, we should be clear as to what
our aim in doing so is. We should also keep in mind the difficulty
that we may have to face. Difficulties and problems will certainly
be there, but we should not be scared of them. Instead we should
always keep our aim in mind and face the difficulties courageously
and patiently, thinking them to be our allies. We should be grateful
to Almighty God an king nature for providing us such wonderful
and miraculous fruits, trees, plants, flowers and herbs. These things
not only delight our senses but also provide us health, the most
valuable of all earthly things. For healing a disease, we have
always to keep in mind the mental condition of the patient and the
difficulties that may come our way, whatever the disease. Today
we are going away from nature and are leading artificial lives. We
have to establish a rapport and close connection with nature so that
we may lead a happy, healthy and full life.
We must understand well that the cause of our physical
ailment lies not in our body but in our mind. It is our mental
condition that is mainly responsible for diseases. Therefore,
improving the mental condition of the patient and establishing
proper balance, equilibrium and harmony among mind, body and
spirit is very important. While treating others and also ourselves,
we have to find out the negative thoughts that are causing pain to
us and that are to be got rid of.
No doubt nature has given us the valuable gift of herbs to
gain prefect health, pure hapPiness and a good and impressive
personality. But we must also realize the fact that it is the
physician who handles these herbs and who decides which herbs
are suitable to which patient. The role of a physician in healing
can never be under estimated. A physician too must possess
positive feelings like love, affection, mercy and compassion and
sympathy. Then only he will be able to treat a patient successfully.
Then only he will be able to kindle the rays of hope in the heart of
a patient. If the physician is lacking in theses positive and
optimistic feelings and is obsessed with negative feelings like
Characteristic features of Bach Flower
Bach Flower Remedies is the simplest system of treatment
of the world. For its study no knowledge of the different branches
of medical science such as anatomy, physiology, pathology,
immunology, morphology or histology etc. is needed. Nor any
particular degree is needed for its practice. Any educated person,
who is interested in medicines and treatment, can study this system
of treatment and treat himself, the members of his family, and his
friends and thus can save a lot of money spent on doctors and
medicines. He can ensure the physical and mental fitness and
health of himself and of the members of his family and thus can
live a healthy and happy life. Therefore, for the safety of the
whole family, at least one member of the family must acquire the
primary knowlidge of Bach Flower Remedies, so that one does not
have to run after doctors for the treatment of common diseases.
Bach Flower Remedies has got the following characteristic
features:These remedies are prepared from the beautiful Flowers of
the diVine herbs, plants and trees that are found in abundance in
nature. No Flowers of poisonous herbs or plants are used in it.
patient is treated, not the disease. What the disease is, this is not
important, the important thing is that the patient is to be treated and
differently to the same disease and as such some people think that
it is very easy to treat the disease. But actually, this is not so very
easy. Sometimes even the doctors are confused about the disease
and are at a loss to decide what medicines to prescribe.
In the ordinary course of life, every body has got his own
character and nature.
If by
chance disease has attacked, in that case the basic causes of disease
i.e. the mental ills and disorders are removed with the result that
physical diseases are automatically cured.
The biggest problem before the doctors while treating a
patient comes when the patient gets totally depressed and loses all
hope of recovering. He comes to believe that he can never be
cured and hence loses all interest in treatment and does not
cooperate the doctors.
necessary that the patient has full faith in the medicine given to
him and that he cooperates the doctor both physically and
mentally. Unfortunately modern system of treatment provides no
medicine to do away with this depression and pessimism. If by
chance, there is some such medicine, its effect is momentary, not
permanent. At the course of Bach Flower Remedies, there is one
There are some persons who are not actually ill but have a
phobia of having some disease or the other. They suffer from all
sorts of imaginary physical and mental diseases. They go on trying
different medicines but even then they do not feel well. Such
people are always complaining of headache, cold, cough, pain in
the knees, indigestion, sleeplessness and pain in the chest. When
checked, no signs of diseases are found in them. Yet they are
always grumbling about some ailment or the other. For such
people, Bach Flower Remedies have many medicines. These
medicines have been prepared keeping in view the phobia and thus
it is removed and the patient is left healthy and therefore happy.
Some people are fit and strong physically but suffer from
minds. Some people have a great fear of failure. They lack selfconfidence. Some people are always indecisive. Negative feeling
like lack of self-confidence, inferiority complex, neruousness, and
indecisiveness are always plaguing them. Bach Flower Remedies
have proved extremely useful in such cases. The gist of all the
above expatiation is that Bach Flower Remedies remove all kinds
of negative thoughts and develop good, optimistic and positive
feelings that fill life with joy, peace and hapPiness.
Without love
Righteousness without love makes us hard, faith without
love makes us fanatical, power without love makes us brutal, duty
without love makes us peevish, orderliness without love makes us
Bach Flower Remedies for getting relief from
38 kinds of negative feeling
It goes to the credit of Dr. Edward Bach that he discovered
38 kinds of negative feeling found in all the human being. He
wandered from jungle to jungle in mountain ous areas, discovered
38 kinds of diVine herbs, so bountifully provided by nature and
prepared out of them 38 kinds of medicines that are known as
Bach Flower Remedies. Given below are the 38 kinds of remedy to
do away with the 38 kinds of negative feeling, that are common in
all the human beings. These remedies have the extra-ordinary
capacity of transforming all sorts of destructive, devastating, and
depressing negative. feelings into constructive, creative and
optimistic positive feelings.
Negative Thought
Chery Plum
Tendency of
holding a responsible post, getting exhausted because of overwork , losing self-confidence even at the slightest lapse in data
and come to believe that one is not capable of performing ones
duties properly. Elm is a medicine that develops strength and
energy in such persons and helps them in performing their duties
Always lost in past memories, cannot get detached from the past.
Honey Suckle
Horn Beam
and near ones. Such people get worried when their old parents do
not return home in time. They also fear some strange happening
while going on a journey. They even fall ill because at such
thoughts. Redchest Nut relieves such people from this
unnecessary anxiety and fear.
Rock Rose
Rock Water
Star of
may sometimes not get rid of the ill-effects of the shocks caused
by the death of near and dear ones, accidents and sad news. Star
of Bethlehem is the remedy that provides relief from the diseases
caused by mental shocks.
Acute pain, agony and the height of anguish. The pain caused by
Water Voilet
The same unwanted and futile idea occurring again and again in
mind, cannot get rid of such ideas in spite of trying hard. Always
absorbed in baseless and illogical thinking. So do not enjoy sound
sleep. In the day time, concentration of mind and at night, sleep
are disturbed, always thinking over the same problem.
Wild Oat
Wild Rose
Rescue Remedy
Apart from the 38 Bach Flower Remedies, mentioned
Rescue Sleep
This medicine is prepared from the mixture of Rescue
Clematis, Red Chest Nut, Impatiens, Walnut, Rock Rose, and Star
Healing herbs
According to Dr. Edward Bach, The healing herbs are
those which have been given the power to help us to preserve our
Bach Flower Remedies for seven emotional
From his long experience of treating patient. The
psychological study of different people, Dr. Bach came to the
conclusion that in all, 38 kinds of negative feeling are found in all
the human beings. He thought that for every negative feeling there
must be a positive feeling. He tried hard and made many
experiments and then prepared 38 kinds of Bach Flower Remedies.
Keeping in mind the personality of the patient, he classified these
remedies into seven parts so that right medicines might be selected
and that-too, without falling into confusion.
The year 1928 has been an important day in the history of
Bach Flower Remedies. This was the year in which Dr. Bach
discovered three Bach Flower Remedies first of all and developed
his group theory. He found that on the basis of the negative
feelings found in every human being, the whole humanity can be
divided into seven parts. Although all the people- having these
seven kinds of personality do not suffer from one and the same
kind of disease, yet the people belonging to the, same group react
alike when they are diseased. Whatever the disease, the same kind
of medicine provides relief to them. Bach Flower Remedies were
Same people are always fearing. Five remedies- (1) Rock
People belonging to this category are always under
Gentian, (4) Gorse , (5) Wild Oat and, (6) Horn bean fall into this
(1) Clematis,
(2) Honey
Mustard and, (7) Chest Nut Bud fall into this category. Persons
having this kind of personality have insufficient interest in present
circumstances because of seven different reasons.
Persons belonging to this category fall a victim to
despondency and despair because of various reasons. Eight kinds
of remedies- (1) Larch, (2) Pine, (3) Elm,
Nut, (5) Star of Bethlehem, (6) Willow, (7) Oak, and, (8) Crab
Apple fall into this category.
Bach Flower
that people who are of spiritual bent of mind, are generally rigid
and stubborn. Bach Flower Remedies lessens this rigidity and
stubbornness and helps in developing liberal thinking.
Apart from the benefits cited above, Bach Flower
Remedies have many more benefits. They are very helpful in
removing the mental ills and disorders of the people who are
suffering from physical ailments. It is a well-known fact that every
physical disease is accompanied with the feelings of fear,
apprehension, gloom, despair and hopelessness. For example, a
patient of cancer is always scared. He is horrified at the idea of the
dreaded disease attacking again even after the operation may have
been performed successfully. Bach Flower Remedies remove these
depressing negative feelings and help in regaining health speedily.
Besides all these things, Bach Flower Remedies establish
mental and physical equililbrium
power of the patient. With this resistance power, the patient is able
to face his disease bravely and gets mental peace. If the individuals
are at peace, naturally there will be an atmosphere of peace and
friendliness in the society too. A person suffering from the
negative feelings of fear, apprehension, envy, jealousy and
frustration etc. gets not only physically ill but also proves to be a
threat to social well-being and social good will.
It is very important to study in the above perspective the
negative thought found in persons having different kinds of
personality. Some such findings are given below:-
Terror, Panic
This is the most dreadful form of fear. Terror strikes not
only an individual, but also the whole family and a large part of
population. When some terrifying thing happens all of a sudden,
many people are wounded and all the persons around them are
terrified. The whole habitation is terrified when some epidemic
breaks out. Everybody fears that he too will be cought in the grip
of the epidemic. People are terrified in the events of floods, wars
and terrorist activities. So much so that people flee from their
houses to the places of safety.
Rock Rose has proved to be a very effective medicines that
removes the feeling of terror from the minds of people. Its
wonderful and miraculous effect is seen only after a few hours and
The other kind of fear is very common that affects each and
control their physical and mental impulses, fall into this catagory.
They get angry and annoyed at the slightest provocation and
indulge in quarrels and foul language. Thus a very unpleasant and
serious situation is created. Persons, holding high posts, have been
observed behaving in a very vulgar manner towards women and
have to face humiliation because they cannot control their
impulses. Even the members of their families are put to shame.
Most of suicides are committed for this very reason. Under
the influence of impulse, a wife pours kerosin oil on herself and
burns herself to death. Students, out of fear of not having fared
well at the examination, commit suicide and it is discovered later
on that they had secured first class marks. Such people are always
fearful and apprehend taking a wrong step under impulse.
Chery Plum is the cure for such people. This medicine
increases their mental strength and develops confidence in them. It
enables them to overcome their physical and mental impulses.
and taking initiative to carry out this plan these things are very
necessary to get success in life. The work is to be started at proper
time and the opportunity is to be made the best use of. To achieve
the goal some important decisions are taken. Success or failure of a
project mainly depends on the capacity of the individual of taking
Dr. Edward Bach has given six reasons for a person being
in the state of uncertainty. They are- suspense, fear of failure,
despair, distrust in ones physical and mental capacities and the
uncertainty of goals. As a matter of fact it is nothing but ones
negative thought. If this negative thought is removed, all
uncertainty will be removed and eliminated. Bach Flower
Remedies provide an effective solution for removing this negative
Types of uncertainty
Distrust in self
There are some people who do not have confidence in the
decisions taken by them. They are fully capable and can take
correct decisions but as they lack confidence, they want their
decisions to be confirmed by others. They are easily influenced by
others and so they do not adhere to their own decisions but start
acting on the advice of others. Many a time they fail miserably
when they act on the advice of others and then they repent. As their
ideas do not conform with those of others, they get into dilemma
and also get restless. Their decisions are delayed and the golden
opportunities are lost.
This is the medicine that relieves man from negative
thoughts and develops self-confidence in him. This remedy
Scleranthus is the medicine for such cases. It helps people
who are always in a dilemma by relieving them from this painful
mentality and enabling them in making right decisions at the right
Some people are so depressed that they lose all hope and
all interest in life and fall a victim to uncertainty. The feeling of
utter hopelessness gets deeply rooted in their minds. They do not
even think of trying again and of making more efforts as they feel
that success will always allude them and to try to succeed will
prove to be a wild goose chase. Their condition is even worse than
that of the patients who need Gentian. Such people get fatalist and
accept their mental condition as their destiny and so they do not
even think of having some treatment. Of course they go to the
exhaustion and
distrust in spiritualism
Horn Beam
This medicine of Dr. Bach provides mental, physical and
spiritual strength to such people. It removes their distrust in their
own ability and also saves them from boredom as they begin to
take interest in their work. They develop the ability of making
quick decisions.
and profession
There are some people who cannot decide what career or
profession to choose. They are always wavering and hesitating.
Such people have no aim in life and hence their life becomes
monotonous, boring and meaningless. They cant give the right
shape to their lives as they are unable to make propr decision as to
what their goal and object should be. Such people are very capable
and can work successfully in any field, but the only problem is that
they do not know what line to choose. They try their hands at
different jobs at the same time and are even successful in their
ventures, but not being satisfied and not attaining perfection, they
leave and adopt one profession after another. The youths and the
students are not able to choose one specific line. If they choose one
particular field, they are not able to choose the right subjects. The
result is that they are always confused and lose the golden
opportunities that come their way and ultimately end as failures.
Wild Oat
This medicine is very useful for such people. It helps them
in getting out of confusion and selecting the right profession or
course of education that suits their nature and provides them great
satisfaction. This medicine relieves such people from uncertainty
and indecisiveness and fills them with confidence and hope. Thus
Such people are indifferent to and careless about the
present. They are always feeling sleepy. Physically they are in the
present but mentally they are lost in the imaginary world of
dreams. They are always making castles in the air and waiting for
their dreams coming true. Hence they do nothing in the present.
They try to find a solution only when there arises a problem. So
much so that they do not even care for their treatment when they
fall ill. They are lethargic physically but quite active mentally and
This medicine helps such people in coming out of their
world of dreams and initiating them in living in the present. It
develops positive thinking in them with the result that they get able
to put their artistic and creative ideas to practice. Such people are
good artists, fashion designers, writers and poets.
recall those golden days and opportunities and get unhappy. They
always repent the opportunities that they lost the desires that
remained unfulfilled. They remember the days when they were the
members of prosperous and well-to-do families and lived a happy
life. They feel happy on the remembrance of their past life but feel
unhappy that those happy moments are lost for ever. Thus, both the
happy and the sad memory cause them pain. Being lost in the past
memories they waste their present also and so there remains no
hope for the future. Thus, such people are lost in a vicious circle.
This type of people must keep in mind the maxim, let
bygones be bygones. It is better to try to improve our future than
to repent on the follies of the past. But this simple thing proves to
be too difficult for such people to practice and they simply waste
Honey Suckle
This medicine helps such people in getting out of this
vicious circle and enables them to live in and to make the best use
of the present. It relieves them from the feeling of repentance for
the past mistakes and motivates them to lead a normal life.
Wild Rose
This medicine, prepared by Dr. Bach, fills hope and trust in
the hearts of such people and removes the feelings of dullness
monotony and boredom. It arouses ambitions in their hearts and
The medicine named Olive arouses zeal, energy and
strength in the hearts of such people and creates interest in their
lives. Positive feelings having been developed in their minds, they
start doing things in accordance with their physical strength and
mental energy and thus they are saved from unnecessary fatigue.
They get mental peace and their interest in the present is aroused
and sudden
Mustard is the right medicine for such people. It relieves
them from the sudden fits of sadness and melancholy and arouses
in them an interest in present.
(IV) Loneliness
Man is a social creature. He is an indispensable part of
society. He has his family members, relatives and friends with
whom he shares his joys and sorrows. A lonely person can neither
enjoy his moments of joy nor can he share the burden of his
sorrows with others. It is a well-known fact that joy is doubled and
sorrow is lessened by sharing. Man is social by nature but at times
he gets lonely
This remedy helps people in getting rid of this evil. It
develops in them the habit of listening to others and in making the
conversation a dialogue in the real sense. It produces such an effect
on them that besides telling their own tales of woe, they listen to
the problems of others also and also give suggestion if necessary.
By sharing the feelings, they develop the habit of mixing up with
others and thus they are freed from the awesome feeling of
Some people are highly capable, intelligent and hardworking. They are very quick in understanding and doing things.
They want everything done quickly and cant bear delay. If things
do not happen the way they want, they get irritated and annoyed.
But the modus-operandi of all the people is not alike. Some people
are very slow by nature and some may be lazy and shirkers. Some
people take a long time in understanding what is to be done.
Naturally, the former
This medicine relieves such people from negative thoughts.
By using it, their thinking is changed for the better and they come
to realize that the methodology and speed of all the people cannot
be alike. Peoples ways of doing things are different. By accepting
this fact, they can easily gain the co-operation of others and then
Water violet
This is the medicine that brings about a positive change in
the nature of such people and makes them calm and quiet, humble
and practical. It removes their feeling of superiority and brings
Every body comes into this world with a special purpose
and to achieve it, God has given him an independent entity. He has
to achieve his goal without any external interference and influence.
Only by doing things this way, he can get to the zenith of success
and live a healthy, happy and meaningful life.
It is ones conscience that tells one what ones mission in
the world is and what one has to do to carry it out. And one must
act on the guidance of ones conscience. Many difficulties may
come his way when a person acts on the voice of his conscience.
His parents, friends and the reputed people of society try to
influence him with their personalities and ideas and to deviate him
from his chosen path by pointing out the shortcomings in the plan
made by him. All sorts of obstacles come this way that discourage
him paradoxically. Dr. Bach believes that all these interferences
and influences and obstacles are there not to dissuade or
discourage him, but to help him. They are blessings in disguise. A
person gets valuable experience from these obstacles and this
experience stands him in good stead. He must face them patiently
This medicine relieves people from this kind of negative
thought. With its effect, they accept both the joys and sorrows and
the good and evil in a normal way. They make efforts to lessen
their sorrows by sharing them with others. Agrimony has proved to
be a very effective medicine in establishing mental peace and joys.
Thus the patient is relieved from external circumstantial effects.
There are people who are easily influenced by others
because of weak will and personality. Such people have no
individuality of their own. They are so humble, docile and gentle
that they are always ready to help and serve others. They cant say
no to anybody, Their humility goes to the extent of servitude.
Naturally, the other people take undue advantage of their
gentlemanliness. It all happens because of the weak will of some
people. Such people are easily influenced by others. Very often
they are exploited too and their physical and mental development
is obstructed. This is indeed a pitiable condition.
This medicine is a boon to such people. It removes the
lacuna-weakness of their personality and will power. Not that by
using this medicine, the feelings of service to others and cooperation are obliterated from their minds. On the contrary it
enhances and strengthens their will power. With the result that they
get able to make their decisions themselves. They come to realize
that they should render their services and help only to those who
really want them. They get free from the undue influence of others
and are able to make their independent decisions.
Holly is the remedy for such people. It develops the
feelings of love, affection, amity, co-operation and security in
place of jealousy, envy, malice, hatred and enmity.
It is a diVine remedy that protects a person from such
influences and enables him to have his own way and to make his
own independent decisions. This medicine changes his negative
attitude to such an extent that he gets able to make a remarkable
contribution to humanities. Helped and empowered by it, they
carry out their decisions firmly. They get free from the bondage of
old and rotten customs and keep pace with the current trend.
This diVine medicine develops self-confidence in such
people. It removes their inferiority complex and hence they get rid
of the obstructinl habit of expecting failure even before a venture is
started. They get bold, confident, daring and gather courage to take
for the mistakes committed in the past. They are so obsessed with
the sense of guilt that they hold themselves responsible even for
the mistakes committed by others. If they fall ill, they think that it
was their own fault. They are always suffering from the sense of
guilt and shame with the result that they are deprived of the joys
and pleasure of life. They are not able to forget the mistakes of past
and are always blaming them-selves.
Elm is the medicine that removes this type of negative
thought from the mind of such people. Removing their feeling of
weakness, Elm develops, in them the positive feeling of selfrespect and strength and relieves them from despair and
despondency. Filled with renewed zeal and enthusiasm, these
people then get busy with fulfilling their responsibilities. A person
may be very strong and capable, even then he has his own limits,
both physical and mental. One should never cross ones limits. Elm
enables a man to work on the call of his inner-self, keeping in view
his capacity.
and trust and they get able to face circumstances patiently, bravely
and positively.
distress or grief
Sometimes accidents natural calamities, serious diseases,
unpleasant news and unexpected failure affect people in such a
way that they become the victims of physical and mental shock
and consequently they suffer from acute depression and
Star of Bethlehem
It is the proper remedy for such people. It removes the
depression and despondency caused by the reasons cited about and
brings rays of hope in the lives of such people.
attitude towards life, they do not try to realize the realities of life.
On the contrary they develop the feelings of bitterness and enmity
whereas they themselves are responsible for their failures and
misfortune. The result is that their problems get worse and worse.
As they have bitterness in their hearts and have no respect for
others, their friends and relatives begin to avoid them and
ultimately desert them. Because of this negative thought, feelings
of despair, hopelessness, despondency, bitterness and ingratitude
are aroused in them.
This is the medicine that removes negative thought from
the minds of the patients and helps them in establishing relation
with their inner self. The result is miraculous. By using this
medicine, the thinking of the people undergoes a radical change
and it gets positive and realistic. It removes the feeling of
bitterness and enmity and develops instead feeling of friendship,
co-operation and affection. Their feelings so softened, they get rid
of despondency and despair.
This medicine works wonders in such cases. It prevents
these people from making unnecessary efforts and struggles and
toirs. Not that it renders them dull and inactive, on the contrary, it
controls their feelings in such a way that they do only as much as is
required. It saves them from wild goose chase. They do every thing
necessary but they do not let their time, energy and resources go
waste on futile attempts. This medicine, Oak, moderates their
excessive enthusiasm so much so that besides concentrating on
their work, they also care for rest and leisure. By doing so, their
physical energy and vitality are saved. They are also saved from
physical and mental exhaustion, with the result that the mist of
feelings of shame,
nervousness and ugliness because they feel that they have been
rendered ugly, dirty and not presentable because of some accident,
physical deformity, skin diseases, ulcers, pimples and that they are
no longer good-looking and that people may shun their company.
When these feelings persist for a long time, they become victims of
despondency and despair. The positive feelings of cleanliness,
cheerfulness and enjoyment give way to the negative feelings of
gloom, hopelessness and of avoiding company. In spite of trying
hard, they cannot remove their physical ugliness and deformity.
The feeling of uncleanliness gets deeply rooted in their minds and
they come to think that they are not fit to live in society or to face
other people. They lose all interest in life. Everything seems to be
boring and monotonous.
Crab Apple
This medicine removes this negative feeling of the type of
people mentioned above. It not only removes physical and mental
uncleanliness but also cures skin diseases. Positive feeling having
extremes and to expect other people too to do the same, may create
problems. Such people want their homes, offices and their working
places perfectly disciplined and well organised. They cannot
tolerate disorder and indiscipline in their family members and subordinates, any lucuna in their work; irregularity, lack of punctuality
and the chaotic way of their working. They show the same
intolerance towards natural habits, personal characteristics and
superstitions. They get annoyed when they are not obeyed and
followed and treat others severely. They do not try to find good in
others, they only point out their shortcoming and mistakes. They
exhibit great annoyance even over trifles.
Beech is the medicine that helps this type of people in
getting rid of this negative characterstic and develops in them the
qualities of tolerance, forebearance and taking things in an easy
and normal way. It also develops in them the positive and noble
qualities of love, affection and compassion.
It goes to the credit of Dr. Bach that he discovered
wonderful remedies for all kinds of negative thought he could
think of. Here also, he has presented a wonderful medicine,
Rock Water
Here again we should be grateful to Dr. Bach. He
discovered a medicine, Rock water, for such people. This medicine
is prepared from the water of streams. As a stream wears out even
hard stones and makes its way through them, in the same way
Rock Water removes the mental rigidity and obstinces of the
people and develops in them the feeling of tolerance, there by
making their lives easy and stress-free.
Such people observe their principles, ethics and convictions
with great zeal and enthusiasm. Driven by the feeling of welfare of
other, they wish other people too to avail themselves of their
principles by following and observing them. They leave no stone
unturned to persuade them to follow their ideals. These are
certainly good and positive qualities, but to try to influence others
unnecessarily is a sign of negative thought. Doing so hinders the
natural and normal development of others. It must be the sacred
duty of each and everybody not to try to influence others and not to
be influenced by others. In both the conditions- in influencing
others and in being influenced by others-frustration and stress are
caused in the minds of both the parties. And these two negative
feelings- frustration and stress- are the sworn enemies of peace and
hapPiness. They impair the balance among body, mind and soul
and cause many diseases.
This miraculous medicine free a person from his prejudices
and over-enthusiasm and makes him normal and realistic.
will power and fall of confidence. They act with great restraint in
adversity and are good guides to their subordinates. They have all
the qualities of a successful leader. They nurture a great desire of
becoming a top leader. Such people are great assets to any society
or country. Only a very lucky person can have such positive
But if the feelings of lust for power, and covetousness are
associated with these good and positive qualities, people having
these traits may be very dangerous.
In that case such people crave for power by hook or by
crook, get vain, cruel and heartless and aggressive. They can go to
any extent to get power. They crush the feelings of others and try
to impose their will on them. They do not value the advice of
others. They turn out as a cruel, and hard-hearted dictator. In order
to satisfy their lust for power, they do not hesitate in thrusting their
country into war. They do not hesitate even in murdering someone.
Vine is a diVine medicine that transforms this kind of
negative thought into a positive one and helps in transforming
persons having this negative thought into good leaders, kind
parents and successful teachers, extremely useful for the society
and the country. Having developed the positive attributes such
people use them in guiding the country both in weal and woe and
in motivating. People to go ahead and make progress in life.
Disease of the body itself is nothing but the result of
disharmony between soul and mind. It is only the symptom of
cause and the same cause will manifest itself differently in nearly
every individual. Any disease, however serious, however long
standing will be cured by resorting to the patient hapPiness and
desire to carry on with his work in life.
Classification of 38 kinds of Bach Flower
Classification of kinds of Bach Flower Remedies is as
given below1. Agrimony 2. Aspen 3. Beech 4. Centarury 5. Cerato 6. Chery
Plum 7. Chest Nut Bud 8. Chicory 9. Clematis 10. Crab Apple 11.
Elm 12. Gention 13. Gorse 14. Heather 15. Holly 16. Honey
Suckle 17. Horn Beam 18. Impatiens 19. Larch 20. Mimulus 21.
Mustard 22. Oak 23. Olive 24. Pine 25. Red Chest Nut 26. Rock
Rose 27. Rock Water 28. Scleranthus 29. Star of Bethlehem 30.
Sweet Chest Nut 31. Vervain 32. Vine 33. Walnut 34. Water
Voilet 35. White Chest Nut 36. Wild Oat 37. Wild Rose 38.
sleep, toss and turn all night. They start recalling the painful events
of the day with the result that they cannot have a sound sleep.
In spite of having so much pain and grief in their hearts
they do not even talk about them. Instead of trying to find out a
proper solution o the problem, they tend to avoid it.
Expected diseases
People having Agrimony personality suffer from inner
restlessness and other inner and later on develop diseases like
stress, headache, heart problem, insomnia, blood pressure,
constipation, gastric trouble, ulcer, rheumatism and skin disease.
Hiding the facts of life and overlooking them is a mental disorder
which may caus many physical, mental and psychic diseases.
Agrimony is a boon to this type of people. It relieves them from
these painful negative thoughts and helps in developing positive
attitude with the result that they start living a happy, healthy and
peaceful life. This medicine motivates them to open their hearts to
others and they start discussing them. They even seek advice and
help if need be. They start taking both the joys and the sorrows in
an easy way and try to understand both the dark and bright sides of
life. This positive change in their thought having taken place, they
are saved from diseases, and if by chance, they get some, they face
and resist them.
Mechthild- scheffer
Patients having Beech personality are strict disciplinarians,
lovers of beauty and desirous of doing everything in a proper and
systematic way. They are very punctual. They are very particular
about maintaining not only their homes but also their offices. They
expect the same from others. They cant tolerate carelessness even
in other people. It is good to have such qualities, because they are
positive ones. But when these qualities are taken to the extreme,
they have a negative impact.
It must be admitted that there are individual differences.
Every body has got his own tastes and interests. Similarly
everybody has got his own shortcomings, limitations and
problems. It will be unfair and unnatural to have the same
expectations from everybody. Persons having Beech nature are
very critical, vain and intolerant. They criticize others without
understanding the views and situations of others. They cant
tolerate indiscipline in any way, whatever the reason may be. They
always find fault with others. They are blind to the good in others.
As a result, they are always tense. They are always scolding others
even over trifles. As they do not try to realize the problems and
limitations of others, do not give importance to the thoughts and
ideas of others, get angry and annoyed over trivial matters and are
always anticipating unfavourable and bad results, without having
an understanding of the situations. People gradually start avoiding
them with the result that they are left to themselves and then they
find themselves lonely and insecure.
Such people suffer from superiority complex and always
consider themselves right and others wrong.
Expected diseases
Rigidity in the limbs because of mental rigidity. This
rigidity may cause gout and pain in the joints. The desire for
perfection, high efficiency and the execution of everything in a
proper way demands great pains, efforts and labour which exhaust
them both physically and mentally. Such people very often develop
gastric trouble and duodenal ulcers.
Beech develops the quality of tolerance in such people and
enables them to understand the problems and difficulties of others.
It also enables them to see both the good and the bad in others. As
they show understanding towards the problems of others, the other
people also respond in the same way. They do not hesitate in
coming closer to such people and consequently such people no
longer feel lonely. As their negative feeling is cured and changed,
they get relief from their physical and psychic ailments too.
Patients having Beech personality are perfectionist by
nature. They want to execute everything in the best possible way.
They study deeply and minutely every aspect of a thing. They try
to adopt the best possible ways and means for doing the job they
have undertaken. They start their work when they are fully
satisfied from all points of view. But the problem is that because of
the feeling of perfection, they are not satisfied easily and so they
cant even start the work or it is so delayed that all its importance
and utility is lost. Because of their extremist nature, they cant
make the fullest use of their ability; all their plans of perfection,
beauty and utility remain in their minds; they are never
materialized. Desiring perfection is a good quality, no doubt, but
this very quality sometimes proves harmful to such people. It
becomes a cause of failure, despair hopelessness and futility.
Beech helps in controlling their superiority complex and desire for
always feel tired. Such people can never be the leaders but they
prove very good followers and workers.
Although helping and serving others is a good and positive
quality, neglecting ones own work and allowing others to exploit
one is a negative quality and a sign of servile mentality. Such a
nature can never be of any help and use either to the individual
himself or to the society. Personality of such people is never
developed. They waste their time, energy, ability and even life in
serving others. Late on they too fall victim to many physical and
psychological diseases.
Expected diseases
As such people are of helping and serving nature, they
overlook their personal needs and consequently suffer from
physical and mental fatigue. Besides, they may also develop blood
pressure, diseases of liver. They get so busy with and engrossed in
serving others that they neglect their own health and allow
themselves to be exhausted physically and mentally.
Centaury is the medicine that helps in developing positive
and healthy feelings and attitudes in such people. It cures them in
such a way that serve other with pleasure but provide their services
only where they are needed. They do not allow others to exploit
them. This remedy helps in the proper and full development of
their personality. It enables them to make their own decisions and
that too with full confidence and to express their ideas freely when
and where necessary. Other people can not unduly influence them.
In fact centaury converts such meek and servile persons into real
social workers and helpers.
Centaury enhances physical and mental strength and
stamina. It cures the weakness in any part of the body, caused by
long illness. It has been observed that cough persists even when fly
and measles are cured. Centaury provides relief from such
persistent cough.
People having Centaury personality are vey obedient to
their parents. They fulfil their smallest wish, be it a domestic
matter or the question of choosing their career. Driven by the
feeling of duty, they spend their whole life helping, serving and
obeying even their younger brothers and sisters. They possess all
the qualities and are fully capable, yet because of lack of
confidence and weak will, they cannot make their own way and
establish their identity. Such people observe social and spiritual
traditions too devotedly.
Because of the feeling of serving others, such people
sacrifice their own wishes and goals. Their real abilities are never
developed. Being over-burdened with work, they always suffer
from physical and mental fatigue.
the following things1. No confidence in the decision made by them. Seek advice
from others and make decision accordingly.
2. Have an acute yearning for knowledge. Have great
knowledge but cannot make use of it.
3. Cant implement their own decisions as they act on the
advice of others. Always want approval.
whole heartedly.
7. Because of lack of confidence in their decision, their
concentration power is also weak.
8. Such people keep on changing doctors when they fall ill.
9. These are the mental patients or children who always
follow and copy others in every way- the way they talk,
walk or live- as they cant make their own decision.
10. Such people cannot choose the right profession or career.
The fact is that no one else can make as correct a decision
on our matters as we can do. In order to get success in life and to
achieve the goal, decisions must be made quickly and firmly. As
Cerato type people do not have this quality, they cannot make
proper and full use of their knowledge.
Expected diseases
divorce their wives and throw their children into fire. Because of
the apprehension of failing in the examination, students may
commit suicide by throwing themselves into rivers or taking
poison. Such things very often happen in the serious stage of Chery
Plum. Such people are maniac and crazy.
The patients of Chery Plum have unbearable pain. They
have no control over their physical and mental impulses, anger,
fear, and sexual urges. They have a great yearning for eating and
drinking. All these are negative traits. They have a great fear of
themselves. They always fear that they may do something
shameful under the influence of mental and emotional impulses.
They feel extremely sorry and repentant when their flurry of
excitement is over. But they cant help it. Parents and teachers beat
the children mercilessly in a fit of anger. Sometimes the children
receive severe physical injuries and even die because of this
Apart from being useful in the above cases, Chery Plum
has proved to be extremely helpful in the following cases also :1. When mental disorder goes upto the extent of insanity.
2. In case of unbearable pain, headache, hunger, thirst and a
great yearning for eating and drinking.
Expected diseases
People of Chery Plum type may suffer from great
nervouseness, stress, stiffness in the body, nervous breakdown,
epilepsy, severe headache, blood pressure, sleeplessness, emotional
diarrhoea, and heart trouble. In all these cases, Chery Plum gives
wonderfully positive results. It calms down the mental and
emotional impluses of the patient and helps him in making wise
decisions. It develops strong will power, firm determination,
tolerance and control over oneself.
Expected diseases
Such people are always restless and impatient. Later on
they may develop diseases like obesity, peptic ulcer, diabetes,
extreme hunder or lack of appetite and gastric trouble etc.
Chest Nut Bud provides relief from the negative thought
mentioned above. It helps the patients to learn from their past
experiences and hence there remains no probability of repeating
the same mistake again and again. It enables the patients to do their
work carefully and sincerely. It enhances mental activeness and
retaining capacity. By using this medicine, children start taking
restless and under stress as they want more and more. Have
a tendency of accumulating things, whether they are
required or not.
Expected diseases
On this negative thought persisting for a long time, persons
having Chicory personality may develop the following diseasesconstipation, problems of liver and gall bladder, soft tissue
rhuematism, rhuemitide, arthritis, asthma, lack of appetite, gastric
trouble and duodenal ulcers etc.
Chicory helps in changing this negative thought into
positive one.
Expected diseases
People having negative Clematis though are prone
to accidents. They fell things off their hands as the mind has no
control over the body. They are depressed and fatigued physically
and mentally. Because of this fatigue and exhaustion, they suffer
from unconsciousness, dizziness and constipation.
Clematis removes their negative and harmful thoughts and
arouses in them interest in future. It also fills them with hope, zeal
and enthusiasm. It makes their present enjoyable. Being thus
motivated and activated, they strive devotedly to achieve their
goals. People having positive Clematis thought prove good artists,
successful writers, fashion designers, doctors and scientists. They
get full control over their thoughts and accomplish their work
Expected disease
People of negative Elm feeling are prone to physical and
psycho-physical ailments like despair, physical, mental and
emotional exhaustion, stress, sleeplessness, constipation, headache,
ulcer, diabetes, and difficulty in breathing.
The remedy Elm relieves patients from such negative
thoughts and restores their self-confidence and normalcy. It
develops their efficiency. It also develops the attitude of looking at
the problems in their right perspective and of finding a proper
solution. Besides fulfilling their responsibilities, such people pay
great attention to their personal needs also.
of despair
Expected diseases
People having this type of personality are not able to
express their feelings frankly and confidently. They lack physical
stamina and zest, and always have doubts in their minds. They are
pessimistic. They suffer from lack of appetite and sleeplessness.
They may also have problems in breathing because of nervousness.
Expected diseases
Such people lack drive and life-force. They easily give in to
diseases and even to death. They have no resistance to fightagainst infectious diseases. Their digestion and nerves are very
They are not tired of telling even the minutest detail of their
illness, right from its beginning to every respect of treatment. It
does not matter to them whether others are interested in the details
of their illness. When they go to the doctor for check up, they
waste the doctors valuable time and their own, by explaining each
and everything in detail, no matter how busy the doctor is or how
long the queue of the patients is. When one thing is finished, they
immediately start the other. It does not matter to them whether
what they are telling concerns the doctor or not. So much so that
they start speaking even when the doctor is talking to other
patients. They try all the time to attract the attention of others.
Such people cannot live alone. They get unhappy when they have
to as they live on the life-force of others. They interfere even when
two persons are talking to each other. They add something from
their own side and do not give others any chance to speak.
Such people are selfish, talkative and self-centred. They
have only their own say. They are concerned with their own joys
and sorrows only and have no interest in what others have to say.
People get bored listening to such people. Gradually people come
to know their nature and begin to avoid them. The result is that
ultimately such people are left alone.
People having Centaury personality are an easy prey to
them. Being weak-willed, Centaury people cannot say no to them
and have to suffer the bordon of listening to them. They are so
Expected diseases
People having Heather personality may, in course of time,
suffer from hysteria. The medicine Heather relieves such people
from the habit of speaking too much. It develops in them the
understanding of saying less and listening more. When this
understanding is developed, they try to realize the troubles and
problems of others and even try to solve them.
Heather helps in many other ways also. As already
explained, this medicine curbs the patients habit of talking too
much. When this much is done, he starts taking interest in the
affairs and problems of others also. He then tries to understand and
solve them.
(3) They are hurt even by trifles and get unhappy. They have
distrust and suspicion for others.
(4) Because of intense feeling of jealousy, they are not able to
control their rage.
Key symptoms : Dwells on the past, regrets over the past, not
living in the present.
Those who live much in the past, perhaps a time of great
hapPiness or memories of lost friends or ambitions which have not
come true. They do not expect future hapPiness such as they have
Dr. Edward Bach.
The patients of Honey Suckle live not in the present but in
the past. They are always lost in the memories of the past pleasant
or unpleasant. They grieve over the death of their wives or friends
they remember the days spent with them, feel sorry for the
ambitions which could not be fulfilled and repent over past
mistakes. Such people are either homesick or of saintly nature.
They cant be free from the memories of the past, and are always
thinking and talking of the past. They do not live in the present and
so, do not try to improve it, if it is not good or happy.
Such people are absent minded. Their mind dwells on the
past whereas their body is in the present. They repent on trivial
things- be it a petty quarrel with a friend or a matter of scolding a
servant or losing a good opportunity. Feeling sorry for everything
is their nature.
No doubt past history is very important for everyman. We
learn many lessons good or bad from history. It depends upon us
Expected diseases
The patients of Honey Suckle are dull and lazy. Their lifeforce is very weak and they may contact ulcerative and Krohens
The medicine Honey Suckle helps the persons living in the
past in coming out of the past and living in the present. It brings
about such changes in their thinking that they emerge out of the
past and start living a normal life in the present. Honey Suckle
provides relief from the painful feeling of repentance on the past
mistakes. Besides, it motivates the patients to turn the past
mistakes to account in the present. It helps elderly people in taking
old age in an easy way and to live a normal, comfortable life.
placed on them, the affairs of everday life seem too much for them
to accomplish, though they generally succeed in fulfilling their
Expected diseases
Laziness, mental fatigue, lack of agility and liveliness,
unable to concentrate because of some head injury. Besides these
ailments, they may get obese and contact peptic ulcer.
Expected diseases
People of Impatiens type are very sensitive to strain in
muscles and nerves, light, noise, foul smell and touch. They suffer
from restlessness and pain. Because of mental strain, they
sometimes get addicted to alcohol and drugs. Besides these
ailments, they are prone to get heart disease, hyper-tension,
thoroid, blood pressure, arthritis, skin diseases and insomnia.
The remedy Larch is for people who love all the abilities
and capacities of doing something but the only thing that they lack
is self-confidence. They lag behind in the race of life and someone
else surpasses them. They lose many golden opportunities simply
because they have no confidence. They take it for granted even
before availing themselves of the opportunity that they will not be
able to accomplish the task that is before them. Hence they do not
even make efforts. They are never sure of their ability and are
always apprehending failure. Such people give in even before the
fight begins. Their lesser capable companions go far ahead of
them, leaving them far behind. Consequently they develop
inferiority complex and in spite of being fully capable, cant make
progress in life. Not that they do not get opportunities. They do get
opportunities but because of lack of confidence and inferiority
complex, they do not try to avail them. If some high post is offered
to them, they refuse it, saying that they are not fit for that post.
Contrary to such people, people of Cerato type do have
confidence, but they do not make their own decisions. They
depend and act on the advice of others. As a result, their work is
not started and if it does start, it gets delayed. Larch is the
medicine that helps in removing the ruinous feeling of inferiority
and lack of confidence before the condidates going for an
examination or interview or for a driving test.
Expected diseases
and can enjoy life fully only when they keep these things too in
mind. Otherwise they may get many physical mental or psychephysical diseases.
It enhances mans mental strength and energy and helps
Horn Beam
Sometimes man feels weak and nervous before starting a
When a person is exhausted physically and mentally
because of toiling hard, and is not able to do more, or, he does start
the work but gets tired very soon. In both these conditions, Olive
helps a lot. When a mans job is dull, monotonous and boring and
when he loses interest in it or the work has been imposed on him
against his will, he needs Olive.
come back home safe and sound at night are the best example of
this mentality. They cannot rest content until the children come
back from school or from some journey. As a matter of fact, such
people have an undesirable and unnecessary fear for the safety of
Such people are very sensitive, emotional and touchy and
they have great love and affection for their relatives and friends.
Unselfish love, apprehension and anxiety for others are the
negative aspects of Red Chest Nut. Such people are highly griefstricken when they get the news of some accident or of some
disease or of the death of their dear and near one, so much so that
they fall ill. If they are recovering from some previous illness, it
relapses. In such a condition Red Chest Nut can restore them to
The negative stage of Red Chest Nut is harmful both for
those who worry and for those who are worried about. We see
many instances of this unnecessary and negative worry in our daily
lives. A son has to go out on business. He promises to come back
after a certain date. But if due to some unavoidable circumstances,
the son is not able to come back on the day fixed, both the parents
and the son himself are half-dead with worry. The son wants to
inform his parents of his delay and if it is not possible, he may
have to come back leaving his work incomplete. Thus the negative
thought of Red Chest Nut is harmful to both the parties.
thinking, it becomes possible for them to take right steps and right
action. If the situation is very serious, Rescue Remedy must also
be given along with Rock Rose after every 15 mintutes or half an
Children and sometimes even elders are scared when they
have a nightmare. They wake up and are unable to go to sleep
again. In such a condition Rock Rose relieves them from terror and
helps them to go to sleep again.
They can break but cannot bend. They cannot compromise so for
as their principles are concerned.
They are proud of their religious and moral values and
ideals. They want to present an example before others. They are
the people who not only follow their principles themselves but
motivate others also to do the same. At the same time they do not
want to impose their ideas on others,. They do not have the
tendency of changing according to the changing circumstances.
They do not have flexibility, but are very rigid and strict in the
observance of their high principles. Their ideals are beyond the
undersatanding of common people and hence they (the common
people) have no faith or interest in them. Their ideals are
impracticable in the view of the common people.
The patient of Rock Water becomes slave of his own
principles and ideals. They are very stubborn about their ideals. If
they are vegetarians, they will always remain vegetarian. They
wont go for non-veg even if they are critically ill and the doctor
advises them to take things which are against their principles. Jain
monks are the best example of this obstinate tendency.
Rock Water is a medicine prepared from the water of a
natural stream. The water of a flowing stream makes its way even
through rocks and stones. The water that can wear out hard rocks
can also soften the hard heart of a human being. No wonder that
the medicine prepared from this water can change the nature of
man and lessen his rigidity and obstinacy and make him flexible.
Rock Water helps a lot in doing this. It brings about a positive and
constructive change in his thought.
By using this medicine he does not remain hard to the core
but changes his attitude and thinking in accordance with the
changing situation. He comes to realize that mental equilibrium
and peace are more important them external pomp and show.
Observance of high ideals may sometimes be very painful. It is
good to adhere to ones principles but to follow them at the cost of
other considerations is carrying things too far. There goes the
proverb that law should be observed not in letter but in spirit. Only
sticking to the principles simply for their sake may cause physical
and mental strain and sense of guilt, making life miserable. Rock
Water lessens rigidity and softens attitudes.
Key symptoms :
are not only changed again and again but are also delayed. Such
people are not stable in their ideas; they are fickle-minded. As they
know their weakness, they suffer at both the times-before making a
decision and after making a decision. They suffer from mental
Even the mood of the people of sclaranthus is not stable. At
one moment they are happy and the next moment they may get
unhappy. Sometimes they behave in a very dignified way and
suddenly they may be angry and annoyed. When it comes to the
treatment of a patient, the people having sclaranthus personality
cannot decide which doctor they should consult or in which
hospital the patient should be adimitted. This indecisiveness may
sometimes prove fatal to the patient.
When such people fall ill, their symptoms are always
changing. There are variations in their temperature also. Their
memory is very weak. While taking an examination, they forget
the answers. And the tragedy is that they recall them as soon as
they come out of the examination hall.
The remedy scalranthus is a boon to such people. It helps in
recovering the memory of such people. They never enjoy sound
sleep as because of their indecisiveness they are rolling in bed all
night. The condition becomes serious when such people have to
cross a road. They cannot decide which way to turn. This
indecisiveness may cause accidents which may prove fatal.
such cases, the physician should make deep inquires and try to find
out the real reason of all these disturbances. Star of Bethlehem
must be given if it is found out that the disease has been caused by
a severe injury or a big shock.
Star of Bethlehem removes the physical, mental and
emotional imbalances caused by such shocks and injuries. When
such a balance is restored, the diseases caused by the reasons cited
above are automatically cured, no matter the shock was an old one
or is recent one. Star of Bethlehem provides relief from mental
pain and sorrow and provides great rest, peace and feeling of wellbeing. It is really a balm, a soother of pains and sorrows.
in the case of Chery Plum, the patient does not cry or shout. He
does not discuss his troubles with others.
Given below are the reasons that may be responsible for the
state of Sweet Chest Nut :(1) A woman after the death of her husband, brings up and
educates her only son with great difficulty and after a hard
struggle. But all of a sudden the son dies in an accident or
after an illness.
(2) In a terroristic incident, all the members of a family, except
the head, are killed. Now there is nothing but loneliness,
grief, sorrow and hopelessness in his life.
(3) Because of the great depression in share market, a person
loses everything and is rendered a debtor. He finds no way
to provide for his family and to pay the debt.
(4) The husband of a newly-married girl dies.
(5) In the conditions cited above, a man undergoes terrible
mental anguish and despair. He is left all alone in this vast
world and comes to think that he is utterly helpless and
there is nothing left for him. In such a pitiable and
miserable condition Sweet Chest Nut arouses hope and
confidence in him. He comes to have faith in life and in
God and this newly-aroused faith helps him in finding new
ways in life. There is no change in the circumstances, but
Edward Bach.
The people having Vervain personality have their fixed
principles and ideas which they follow sincerely. They are
unflinching about their ideals and do not want to give them up.
They follow their principles strictly and want others too to do the
same. They are strong of will and courage. Even in illness, they
struggle on long after many would have given up their duties.They
try their best to propogate their principles and to convert others to
their own views of life. They are over-enthusiastic about their
mission and want to accomplish their task with great efficiency.
Behind all this, they have no ulterior motive. They do all
this with a view to help others. The feelings of benevolence and
the welfare of others is uppermost in their minds. They have great
interest in the welfare of the poor programmes, and in the solution
of environmental, political, social and residential problems. They
not only devote themselves to these programmes but motivate
others also to do the same. The passion of carrying out public
works in accordance with their principles and ideals does not allow
them to sit idle. They are busy all the time, so much so that they do
not care even for their personal needs-food and rest. They wish that
the other people, who are associated with them too, should devote
themselves to their mission. But it does not so happen. Then such
people get tense and restless.
Such people are busy all the time. They never sit idle or
have a moment of rest or leisure. Their minds are very sharp and
they undertake many things at the one and the same time. They are
excessively enthusiastic about their objects and principles and
accept all the challenges that come their way. They have great faith
in their ideals and to achieve them, they work very hard and do not
care even for their rest.
Being enthusiastic about ones work is good, but rest is as
necessary as work is. When such people fail to follow their
principles as tenaciously as they wish, they contact strain, anxiety,
worry and sleeplessness. Their nerves get stiff with the result that
their muscles and joints lose their flexibility. They may also
contact blood-pressure and mental strain. The patients of Vervain
work with a missionary spirit and try to convert others too to their
own views. But all the people are not alike. Those, who think that
these people are carrying things too far, are not pleased with them
and feel bored working with them.
Vervain helps in making such people calm and cool,
sensible and tolerant. It helps in restraining their over-enthusiasm.
Although these people are very firm with their ideals, they do not
hesitate in making necessary changes in them, if need be. They do
not try to impose their ideas on others. They are liberal to life and
incidents. They take care of their rest and leisure along with their
work. As Vervain brings about all these positive changes in their
There are people who have ideas and goal of their own and
who want to have their own way in life. But they are influenced by
outside powers-for example, the powerful and strong personalities
of their parents or brothers and sisters. Under their influence they
sometimes leave the path chosen by them. There are matters like
intercaste marriage, conversion or choice of career in which they
are carried away by the wishes of others. Walnut helps such people
in getting rid of this external influence and follow the ideals
chosen by them. A physician must use this remedy when it comes
to the treatment of patients who are very emotional and sensitive.
Man is very closely attached to his post. Although he may
have done away with old relations and acquaintances, he cannot be
to totally free from their memories. People remember their former
husbands or wives even after divorce. They cont forget their
vain. They are too vain to mix up with others and work in
collaboration with them. Their attitude is very cold. They do not
have any emotional attachment to anyone. They do not like to be
helped even in the events of some sorrow or illness. They bear all
their troubles themselves.
The result is that because of their aloof nature, people keep
a distance from them and hence such people come to be lonely and
friendless. People of this type have difficulty in maintaining
relations with others. The other people too avoid them as they
consider them to be vain and proud. Because of their mental and
emotional rigidity and the feeling of loneliness, such people are
prone to suffer from diseases related to muscles, skin allergy,
ulcerative colitis and gout.
Water Violet is a medicine that brings about positive
changes in the attitude of such people. It helps them to be free from
the feeling of loneliness. Besides keeping their intelligence, ability
and honour intact, this medicine enables them to establish cordial
relations with others. Their thinking thus turned to the positive
side, they feel pleasure in giving the benefit of their knowledge and
intelligence to others. They benefit others by giving them valuable
advice. The most important thing is that Water Violet helps in
removing the false and superficial feeling of superiority of these
people and enables them to lead a normal life. The positive effect
of Water Violet is that these people have no hesitation in mixing
people try to meditate, and they are not able to concentrate. White
Chest Nut is of great help to these people.
Sclaranthus too is advised for concentration. But it is meant
for people who cannot decide which idea or thought is good for
them when different ideas pour into their minds at the same time
and they find themselves in a dilemma. White Chest Nut is also
effective in nervousness caused by over-enthusiasm or in problems
caused by too much hapPiness.
knowledgeable and talented but all their talent goes waste because
they do not have any clear course before them. They want to gain
some unique achievements in life. They are also fully competent
and capable to achieve their goals but the problem is that they are
not clear in themselves. Their object is not clear to them. They
want to live their life their own way. In spite of being capable in
every way, such people cannot make a team of their choice. They
do not get friends who come up to their standard and who suit their
intellect and spirituality. As a result, they get depressed and find
themselves in great despair.
Such people take up many professions and businesses in
life. They get success also, but as the business or profession is not
of their choice, they very soon get fed up with it and get in search
of some other occupation. The same thing happens with students.
They cannot decide which line or course they should choose. After
much indecisive reflection, they do take up some course but then
leave it abruptly and start looking for a new course. Thus, inspite
of being fully qualified, such people always being in two minds,
waste much of their valuable time and all their talent goes waste.
They do not have a good and satisfying professional or personal
Wild Oat helps such people in making important decisions
and selecting a right career in accordance with their capacity and
resignation ha capitulated.
Those who without apparently sufficient reason, become
resigned to all that happens and just glide through life, take it as it
is, without any effort to improve things and find some joy. They
have surrendered to the struggle of life without complaint.
Edward Bach.
Some people get indifferent without some apparent reason
to the incidents taking place in life and get resigned to fate. They
develop a feeling of apathy for everything failure, illness, and
poverty. They accept things as they are, thinking themselves to be
destined for them. They do not make any attempt to improve their
family and children. Obstacles that come in the way of their
education and bringing up-nothing can drive them to come out of
their poor lot to do something to improve it, so much so that when
such people fall ill, they accept it also as their fate and do not care
much to improve their health. They are not particular even about
their standard of living and make no efforts to improve. They even
do not complain to any one about their miserable condition.
Such people have no joy or zest in their lives. They always
find themselves weak, tired and exhausted. They live just like
animals. They have no interest as to what is happening in their
family or around them. They have no energy and no ambition.
Wild Oat brings about a remarkable and positive change in
their attitude and thinking. It relieves them from the tendency of
giving in and resigning to circumstances and arouses interest in
their lives and fill them with a new zeal, zest and vigour. When
their thinking has taken a positive turn, they try their level best to
get rid of the present miserable conditions and to improve their
living. They start doing everything to carry out their duty not only
to themselves but also to their family.
Sanjeevani Rescue remedy: a remedy for
emergency situation
Sanjeevani, prepared by Dr. Bach is a wonderful and
effective combination of medicines, that can save even man whose
death is imminent. Dr. Bach prepared this combination named
Rescue remedy by mixing up five medicines. It gathers the spilt up
life-force of a dying man and restores him to life. We have taken
the Hindi equivalent Sanjeevani. for this wonderful medicine
from Ramayan because it is as effective in saving ones life as
Sanjeenvai proved to be saving Lakshamans life. This name
expresses the real worth and qualities of Rescue Remedy.
This combination is a mixture of the following medicines-;
Star of Bethlehem
This medicine helps the patient and his relatives when they
Rock Rose
This medicine removes restlessness and feelings of anger,
Chery Plum
It helps in controlling physical, mental and emotional
It removes the unconsiousness caused by some accident or
When one receives some unexpected news such as the
news of the death of some near and dear one, cancer, heart attack,
kidney failure, some other serious disease, or kidnapping. In such a
condition, the whole family gets panicky, Rescue remedy removes
the feelings of dread and terror and help in maintaining mental
equilibrium. At such critical moments, making mental right
decisions becomes very difficult. Rescue remedies help in
removing the dilemma and making right decisions.
chronic diseases, mental strain and hair loss because of some shock
or nervousness.
strain and tension. It is also useful for both the mother and the
child during pregnancy and before or after the birth of the child. It
has been observed that there are many apprehensions in the mind
of an expectant mother. Rescue remedy removes physical and
mental strain, fear and nervousness. Rescue remedy helps in the
delivery of the baby in the natural way; no scissarian operation in
A newly-born baby, on coming into this world, is very
restless. Rescue remedy removes this restlessness and helps in his
balanced mental development. During pregnancy, a mother passes
through the phases of fear, apprehension and sometimes, the new
born baby is not found normal physically and mentally. In all such
cases, Rescue remedy provides quick relief both to the mother and
the child.
for plants and trees also, as it has proved in the case of animals. On
being planted, some plants and trees begin to wither, they do not
grow in a proper way. They are also affected when they are
transplanted from one place to another. In all these conditions,
Rescue remedy has proved very useful in giving them a new life. If
Rescue remedy is given mixed with water, even the dying and
drying trees begin to thrive. Thus Rescue Remedy is useful for allhuman beings plants, trees and animals.
In cases of emergency, Rescue remedy is an excellent first
aid. It is a remarkable combination of life-giving medicines. It
must be kept in every home, office, industrial unit and even in a
car. One phial of Rescue remedy in the first aid box can save the
lives of hundreds of men.
Rescue lotion
If Rescue cream is not available, Rescue lotion can be prepared by
mixing Rescue remedy and Crab Apple with water. It is also
equally effective.
Rescue Sleep
Rescue sleep is a new combination. It is prepared by
Chapter- 12
Experiences of Dr. Mohan Lal Jain, the author,
gained by Bach Flower RemediesIt was a mere co-incidence of the will of God that I came to
know of a new system of treatment Bach Flower Remedies and
practised it. It was in the year 1997 when I was posted at
Muzaffarpur region as Deputy Commissioner, Commercial
Taxation. I had hardly been posted for twenty months when I was
transferred in a very humiliating way, out of my department, as
Chief Accounts Officers, Bihar State Road Transport Corporation,
Patna. Although it was a higher post. Yet the fact remains that I
was sent on this deputation as punishment.
In other words, it was a prize for my sincere and devoted
work that I was doing without being influenced by any pressure.
The financial condition of the corporation was very poor at that
time. The employees has not got their salary for many months. The
employees who were posted at Patna headquarters were getting the
salary of 15 days only against one month working. In spite of this
post being higher, no officer from Finance and Commercial Tax
Department was willing to be posted at it on deputation.
The supreme court had ordered the government to depute
an able and efficient Chief Accounts Officer there immediately.
Dr. Darshan singh Bohra. I had been studying for years the
different systems of alternative treatment. On going through these
two books, I came to realize for the first time that I had found out
just by chance the system of treatment I had been looking for.
I realized that I had got what I wanted. I was filled with
wonder when I read the miraculous effects of Bach Flower
Remedies. I just could not believe that there could be such s
simple, system of treatment, totally non-violent and free from all
sorts of toxic elements that could cure and remove mental and
emotional evil like fear, anxiety, envy, jealousy, vanity, enmity,
illusion and distrust. I started studying this therepy with great
devotion and dedication.
Mr. Sinha Said, "Mr. Jain, you please give me the medicine. His
asking me to give her the medicine meant that he had not taken my
suggestion seriously. It happens. People generally do not take any
suggestion seriously when it comes to the treatment of some
mental disorder. They generally believe that such disorders cannot
be treated. My study of Bach Flower Remedy was still going on.
Even then I could not say no to Mr. Sinha. I searched for the
required medicines in Patna. Fortunately they were available there.
It was on the 14th of May, 2000. So far as I remember, I
prepared a combination of Mimulus, Aspen and White Chets Nut
and gave to Mr. Sinha, instructing him to give it to his wife four
times a day. On the 18th of May, 2000, when I reached my office at
10 in the morning, the telephone range. It was Mr. Sinha, the
Standing Counsel at the other side. He said, O Mr. Jain a miracle
has happened. My wife is now totally cured. She could take the
medicine given by you only for two days. Unfortunately the phial
fell off her hand on the third day and broke. So please send some
more medicine immediately. He also told me that at first his wife
was not enthusiastic about taking the medicine, but on watching its
wonderful result, she wanted to continue it. It was something
unexpected for me. I could not believe myself that a medicine
could bring about improvement so soon and that too in such a
serious case.
Avil every four hours. It was the month of May, 2001. Mr Sinha
had come to Ranchi High Court in connection with a case.
Incidently I too had been there to submit a counter affidavit in an
M.J.C. case. I visited Mr. Sinha in his hotel and asked on phone
Mrs. Sinha , who was in Delhi how she was? She said that she was
quite alright but her son had been suffering from skin allergy for
the last many years.
She said that she would be highly obliged if I could send
some medicine for him also. I was in a quandary. I had never
thought that Bach Flower Remedy could be useful in uticaria too,
nor had I got an opportunity of treating a patient suffering from
this disease. Even then I gathered some information about the
mental set up of Mrs. Sinhas son and tried to find out some
suitable medicines for him. I went through the books and by the
grace of God, I succeeded in finding out some proper medicine.
I prepared two combination of six different kinds of Bach
Flower Remedy and gave them to Mr. Sinha who went back to
Delhi. I too reached Patna after two days. On the third day, as soon
as I reached my office, I had a phone call from Mr. Sinha. He was
ecstatic at the other side of the phone. He said, O Mr. Jain a
miracle has happened once again. My son took only one dose of
the medicine given by you and he is perfectly alright now. It was a
matter of great gratification for me. It was one more unexpected
success of this therapy. After these incidences, I thought of my
own ailment. I had been suffering from Uticaria for the last 15
years Encouraged by these successes, I started treating myself. I
am happy to say that I was totally cured of this chronic disease
although it took one month.
The fourth case is of Mr. N. Kumar an architect of Nagpur
and who is also my relative. He was a close friend of my elder
brother. I had invited him to come to Ranchi to inspect the
architecture of my house. During conversation, he told me of a sad
event related to his married life. His wife suffered from
uncontrollable physical and mental perturbations. She had
attempted suicide many times. On the one occasion, she poured
kerosene oil all over her body and tired to burn herself alive.
The relations between the husband and the wife were
extremely bitter. She had great distrust and repulsion for her
husband; so much so that she did not want to take even medicine,
if it was offered by her husband. It was difficult to come to know
of the real state of her mind on phone. I thought over the matter
and felt that the aggressive nature of her husband must be
responsible for such a mental attitude of his wife. I prepared two
mixtures of medicines one for each of them. I got no information
about them for two years. I summarised that the medicine mightnot have taken effect or they might not have even taken. After two
years I happened to go to Gaya to see my elder brother Shri
Mahavir prasad Barjatya. There, an elderly gentleman came to me
for some treatment. I was surprised and asked my brother how this
gentleman came to know that I practise Bach Flower Remedies. At
least nobody knew about it in Gaya. Upon this my brother told me
that an architect by the name of N. Kumar had come to Gaya from
Nagpur to inspect the architecture of that gentlemans house. It
was Mr. Kumar who had told him (the elderly gentleman) that only
I could cure his mental disorders successfully. I also came to know
that the married life or Mr. Kumar and his wife had been going on
very smoothly for the last two years since I had given them the
Bach Flower Remedy. It was a pleasant surprise for me. Even then,
to find out the truth, I talked to Mr. Kumar on phone. He admitted
that after taking my treatment, his wife was quite o.k. He also
informed me that his wife had not taken the medicine, but he
himself had certainly taken it. The condition of his wife improved
only on his taking the treatment. I was happy that I was able to find
out the root cause of his wifes ailment.
Here I would like to cite one more example. It was the case
of Suraj Devi, an elderly lady of Daltongunj. It was in the month of
October,2008, when her son came to see me after purchasing the
course of medicines prescribed for one month by the famous
Psychiatrist Dr. Kumar. He narrated to me the strange mental
condition of his mother. She had an old family dispute with her
brother-in-law and apprehended that he would get her sons killed.
Chapter- 13
Various aspects of Bach Flower Remedies
Bach Flower Remedies is not only a system of treatment
but also the science and the art of living. So far it has been studied
as a system of treatment. The thing required is that its various
aspects too must be studied. We have studied Bach Flower
Remedies from spiritual, social and religious points of views also,
apart from its medicinal aspect, and this process is still going on.
Prevention of diseases
Modern man, caught in the fangs of materialism, awakens
and (2) making serious efforts for their prevention. Bach Flower
not only in this birth but carries them forword to the next birth
also. In Ayurveda, diseases cause because of the karmas of the
previous birth have been described as earned diseases. These
diseases are not cured so long as the patient does not suffer their
pain upto the last extent. This is a universally accepted karmic
Considered from spiritual point of view, Bach Flower
Remedies helps not only in curing the diseases of the present birth,
but lessens the likelihood of one contacting them in the next birth
also. There are saints and monks, who, though highly learned,
suffer from the negative feelings of vanity, dogmatism and
stubbornness. Bach Flower Remedies helps them too and frees
them from such degrading feelings. Instead it fills their minds with
lofty ideas and high principles. From the life history and the study
of our medical principles, it is clear that we (both authors of this
book) had great faith in Indian Philosophies-like Buddha, Jain and
Yoga. We are a pure vegetarians and believed in the principle of
manifold predication. So for as this principle is concerned, we
(both authors) not only used it successfully in the field of medicine
but also applied it in our own life.
Dr. Bach said, One should neither interfere with the life of
any one nor should we be allowed to be interfered with. Disease is
the result of interference, interfering with someone else or allowing
oneself to be interfered with. Interfering with the affairs of others
and allowing others to interfere with our affairs both the conditions
are harmful to us. They obstruct the way of proper development
and are sworn enemies of a healthy life. We can expect others not
to interfere with our affairs only when we do not interfere with the
affairs of others. If some one interferes with our affairs, we should
instead of quarrelling or fighting with them reject their interference
politely but firmly.
Similarly, Dr. Bach propounded another important maxim
regarding health. He said To gain freedom, give freedom. In the
field of spiritualism Lord Mahavir gave the message, Live and let
others live. Dr. Bach applied this principle very skilfull in the
field of health. On studying the two principles given above it
seems that Dr. Bach was directly or indirectly influenced by Jain
philosophy. It also seems that he had an Indian spirit. It was a
novel experiment of applying a spiritual principle in the field of
health and it makes Bach Flower Remedies a totally spiritual and
emotional system of treatment.
deprived of the love, affection and care of their parents. There are
mutual disputes, distrust, envy, malice and frustration, which all
result in divorce. Sometimes husband and wife are posted at
different places. In such cases because of their physical demand for
sex and loneliness they cannot remain honest and sincere to each
other and the families split up.
Those who are lucky enough to live in a joint family,
estrange from one another because of the negative feelings of
selfishness, and living life as they like without any restraint or
control. Now single families have their own problems. The
members have to face financial problem as the income is limited
and these financial problems leave them tense and restless. Then
they realize their mistake and come to know of the advantages of a
joint family but by then it is too late.
An individual and a family are the two important units of
society. It is futile to think of a healthy society when an individual
cannot live peacefully with the other members of the family.
Society begins to split up and break up when negative feelings like
discrimination, vanity, malice, enmity and mutual distrust get
rampant. When this happens, the individuals have to suffer from
the painful feelings of loneliness and the feeling that there is no
one to care for them. That is why social crimes are on the increase.
Religious and social good will are howhere to be found.
Economic aspect
for power and peff. Such developed counties as America and the
other European countries are in great trouble because of terrorism.
Behind all these troubles, problems and unrest are the degrading,
humiliating and ruinous negative thinking- dictatorial mentality,
envy, jealousy, enmity, mutual distrust and ulterior motives.
If we think of the economic development of the different
states of our country, we find that only those states have developed
and progressed, the people which have developed strong and
positive feelings like realizing the dignity of labour, mutual
understanding and co-operation. On the other side, there are states
like Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh which are very
rich in natural and human resources but are very backward
economically. The main reason of this backwardness and
regression is the negative thought of the leaders and the public of
those states. The leaders there are concerned only with
accumulating as much power and money as they can and the
people too are narrow-minded having their own interests in mind
and not thinking at all of the welfare and good of others.
When we are healthy, we are balanced and happy both
physically and mentally. When thinking is positive and creative,
everything looks bright. But when our thinking is negative, we get
nothing but ailments, destruction and sorrow. Positive thought
keeps one healthy physically, mentally and emotionally. And it is
said that when one is healthy, the sky is bluer, the music sweeter
and the food tastier. A person can have creative ideas only when he
is hard-working, sincere, honest, laborious and optimistic, in short
when he possesses these positive qualities.
Industrialists and businessmen can think of setting up
trades, factories and industries only in such a peaceful condition of
mind. Leaders having positive thought can provide right guidance
and lead the country to the path of progress and development.
Spiritual leaders having right thinking remove the darkness of
ignorance and light up the lives of people with hope, confidence,
right conduct, right knowledge and teach them the moral virtues of
love, affection, friendship and universal brotherhood.
Even public officers and administers too can do good to the
public when their thinking is positive and are on the right path.
Otherwise they will give nothing else but corruption, coersion,
nepotism, bribery and bad administration. All these things will
bring about unrest, discontent, indiscipline and chaos in the
We find that behind all the corruption, bad and inefficient
administration, terrorism, and the increasing incidents of murders
and committing suicide are the negative feelings of fear,
frustration, hopelessness, insecurity and distrust in the minds of the
young men of the country. The only solution of all these horrible
problems to the remove the rapidly increasing negative thought
and develop positive thought. The greatest requirement of the
Chapter- 14
Bach Flower Remedies for different classes
Bach Flower Remedies is a very important and effective
system of treatment for developing positive and constructive
thought in the mind of man. A great mental skill is required to
transform negative thought into positive one. It is ones view point
that makes all the difference. If ones view point is positive, one
can work wonders and accomplish even very difficult tasks. And if
ones outlook is negative, one will always look at the dark side of
things and all his activities will be conducted likewise. One can
make better ones life simply by bringing about a change in his
outlook. There goes a proverb, Change your outlook, and the
whole world will change. Only positive thought can take one to
the path of progress. A person having positive thought can turn
even defeat to victory. On the contrary a person having negative
thought can achieve nothing. Everything for him is difficult and
Positive thought pave the way to a happy and healthy life.
There goes another proverb, Employment and contentment are
conducive to health and hapPiness. Positive thought develops the
feelings of co-operation, adjustment, brother hood and mutual
trust. It reduces stress and develops a strong, powerful and
influensive personality. Mans success upto 85% depends on his
for moral qualities like honesty, sincerity, hard work, the feelings
of co-operation and adjustment. All these things are not the sign of
good, happy and bright future.
Positive thought is the secret of success in life. Success
is a wonderful thing. It means a happy, healthy and prosperous life.
It means a grand standard of living, respect in the field of business,
politics and society. It also means contentment and self-esteem. It
also means the removal of all sorts of negative feeling-fear,
anxiety, distrust, greed, anger and lust etc. If a man has selfconfidence and patience, nothing can deter him from achieving his
goal. He can make his way even through mountains. If you wish
your children to set an example before the world, inculcate and
develop in them positive feeling-self-confidence, self-esteem,
independence, trust, co-operation, hope and brotherhood since
We have seen the importance and significance of positive
thought. It is this very positive thought that is to be developed in
the minds of students and young men. Positive feelings will
certainly drive negative thoughts out of their minds, turning them
into energetic, hopeful, honest and laborious useful citizens of the
country. Bach Flower Remedies can contribute a lot in bringing
about this revolutionary transformation.
These are the parents and teachers upon whom lies the
responsibility of shaping the future of children. They can do so
Shiv Kheda.
devotion. Most of them are not careful about the studies of the
students. Very often we hear the news of the teachers beating the
students mercilessly, causing serious injuries to their limbs and
sometimes even death. Such incidents bring a bad name both to the
teachers and the school. Such teachers have to face the resentment
of the students and their guardians and also punishment. Teacher
can make a great contribution to the formation of the new
Their personality should be balanced, impressive and
inspiring. At the same time the fact it should not be forgotten that
the teachers too are after all human beings. They too have their
own weaknesses and shortcoming. They too have their family,
financial and health problems and they too may be the victims of
negative thought.
Because of physical and emotional perturbations, teachers
develop a dictatorial attitude, intolerance, keen anxiousness and
vanity. Taking their symptoms into consideration, they must be
given Chery Plum, Vine, Beech, Impatiens and Mimulus. These
medicines will bring such a positive change in their thinking that
not only their personal problems will be solved but will also help
them in the proper and balanced development of their personality.
Having brought the desired change in their thought, these
medicines will help a lot in making the teachers popular among
their students.
Children suffer from many kinds of known and unknown
fears and this fear renders them cowardly, shy, timed and victims
of the threats of other children forever. The feeling of fear is wide
spread. Children who fear may start stammering. They develop this
feeling of fear early in their childhood and cannot get rid of it all
their life. Parents are mainly responsible for creating fear in the
minds of their children. They may also inherit the feeling of fear.
Fear is of many kinds- fear of parents and teachers, fear of
darkness, examination phobia, stage phobia, fear of cockroaches,
lizards, rats and cats. These are all known fears.
There are also unknown fears-fear of ghosts and spirits,
nightmares etc. In all cases of fear, Mimulus and Aspen must be
given. Other medicines may also be given according to the
View of herself
Women are very careful and particular about beauty. If the
Problems of infertility
The problem of infertility is a big and serious one. There
are many reasons of infertility- (1) Inabilityof conceiving, (2) age,
(3) not being able to conceive after many years of marriage in spite
of being fully capable of doing so. This is the state of infertitiy for
no apparent reason at all.
Many kinds of physical defects may also be the cause of
infertility. For example, irregular or faulty monthly course, no
formation of ova which are capable of conceiving, closing of the
fallopian tube, and defects in uterus. In such cases, operation is
suggested for conceiving. But the main causes of not being able to
conceive even when there are no physical defects are fear, anxiety
and stress.
There may be many other reasons of not being able to
conceive- some physical defect in the husband, his sexual
weakness, absence of sperms in his semen or the weakness of
sperms. Very often when a man fails in sexual intercourse and is
there is swelling in their hands and feel. The women who conceive
an unwanted child, developed a feeling of repulsion for that child.
On the country, the women, who get pregnant after a long wait,
have excessive joy and eagerness. They fear miscarriage and are
worried about the health of child. Some women get scared thinking
of the pre-natal and post natal problems. This pre-natal stress
renders the normal delivery of the child difficult.
It is very necessary to relieve an expectant mother from all
these worries and anxieties during pregnancy and to provide her
mental peace and ease or the child may be adversely affected and
contact many diseases even when in womb. Hence suitable
medicines selected from Bach Flower Remedies must be given to
the expectant mother. These medicines reduce many risks and
make delivery easy and painless and then a healthy child is born.
At this stage, Ayurvedic medicines to be taken during all
the nine months of pregnancy are advised. They help in producing
a healthy baby.
Even after the delivery of the baby both mother and child
have to face a new environment. When the child enters this world
coming out of the dark world of womb, he has some difficulty in
getting adjusted to the new atmosphere. The birth of a child after
undergoing all the pangs of delivery is a matter of great hapPiness
for bath the father and the mother. But at the same time they have
to accept some responsibilities also. They have to take proper care
of the baby. The mother suffers from all sorts of negative thought.
Batch Flower Remedies provides relief from all such negative
thoughts with the result that both the mother and the child enjoy
good health and hapPiness. Thus the pleasure of the birth of a child
is doubled.
laws, husbands and the other members of the family. They are also
beaten, abused and subjected to physical and mental torture. All
the burden of the household chores is thrust upon them. Naturally
they develop the feelings of great stress, anxiety, loneliness,
frustration and depression. Working women have to face physical,
mental and even sexual abuse.
Women very often develop a feeling of loneliness as they find
no one to help and stand by them. Their negative thought too may
cause the feeling of loneliness.
Sex problems
These days, husbands and wives cant enjoy pure and natural
Remedies for administrative officers, managers
and doctors
The responsibility of implementing governmental policies
successfully lies on the shoulders of administrative officers. There
are the officers of the Indian administrative services and the
officers of the state administrative services who execute these
policies. Business managers are responsible for implementing the
policies of financial and industrial organizations. But there is a
basic difference in the nature of the duties of the two.
Administrative officers are responsible for the good and welfare of
the whole of the public of the country.
Whereas business mangers aim at earning the maximum
profit for industrialists and at the economic and industrial
development of the country. Both administrative officers and
business managers need material and human resources to achieve
their targets. Material resources are subject to mechanical rulesthe more the input, the more the production. But this is not so with
human resources. Output many times greater can be achieved from
Both the administrative and business managers have to
depend on the human resources for the execution of different jobs.
Getting the maximum out of them depends on the ability and the
efficiency of the officers. Their ability rests on their discretion and
thinking. 85% success of the administrative officers and the
managers depends on their thinking and view point.
This rule applies to all the fields-to private and professional
fields also. The secret of mans success lies in his thinking. A task
is performed not with two hands and two feet but with the whole
body. If someone is afflicted with problems and his thought is
negative, nothing good and constructive can be expected from him.
Officers therefore, take human resources in their totality. This can
be possible only when the attitude of both the officers and their
assistants is positive, optimistic and creative. Best results can be
obtained in that case only.
Chapter- 16
Bach Flower Remedy selection
Success of a system of treatment depends on the deep study
and analysis of the symptoms of diseases and on the selection of
right medicines accordingly. And the success of a physician
depends on how deeply he has studied the root causes of diseases.
According to allopathy, disease originates in body and therefore it
centers only on the treatment of gross body. The patient gets
temporary relief from physical ailment but is not completely cured.
In fact the roots of diseases lie in mind and the disease actually
originates in mind. Originating in mind, it affects the body and
makes it ill. Hence it is important that the patient and not the
disease must be cured.
Physical body exhibits only the disease, it is actually the
mind that is diseased. Mental disorders are the root cause of
diseases. They result in physical ailments. This is the basic
principle of treatment which was first of all propounded by Dr.
Hanniman, the father of homoeopathy. But even Dr. Hanniman
prescribed medicines on the basis of the physical and mental
symptoms of the patient. In Ayurveda, both mind and body have
been said to be the cause of disease and while treating the patient,
stress was laid on the physical causes. Dr. Bach went a step further
and regarded the negative thought of man to be the main cause of
Remedy selection
Successful treatment of patients depends on the selection of
right medicines. If the selection is right, the medicine will give
miraculous results. Selecting a right medicine out of only 38 kinds
of medicines for the treatment of thousands of diseases depends on
the experience and the ability of the physician. Even then selecting
a right medicine is not very difficult. In this system, treatment is
given on the basis of the personality of the patient. Whatever the
disease, treatment is given taking into consideration the mental and
emotional attitude, nature, mood and personality of the patient and
doing so is very easy.
Dr. Bach fully believed that physical ailment is the result of
imbalance in the mind and spirit of man, hence treating his mind is
the most important thing. Negative feelings like fear, stress,
anxiery, envy, malice, enmity and frustration etc cause many kinds
of physical problems and their effect is seen in different forms.
These negative thoughts cause physical sensations which are real
body, yet the urgency of situations does not allow us to take rest.
The result is that our body is completed tired. If one is strong
enough physically, one may break down emotionally.
Some diseases are not the result of emotional disturbances,
they are caused by allergy. Some people develop asthma, migraine,
fever, and skin allergy because of the intake of some particular
thing or the change of weather or because of the reaction cause by
dust, pollen or the hair of a dog or a cat. And there are people who
do not have allergy from anything. Whatever the reason of the
diseases, treatment gets successful when it is given after coming to
know the root cause of the disease by taking into consideration the
personality of the individual, his life style and emotional reactions.
There are circumstances under which Bach Flower
Remedies cannot contribute much to the treatment of diseases,
such as appendix, abscess having come to ripening, serious
obstruction in intestines and fractures. In such cases it is advisable
to seek modern system of treatment. In cases like these, Bach
Flower Remedies cannot substitute medical treatment.
But the fact is that whatever the disease, negative thoughts
like fear, anxiety, and depression etc, too arise with it.
The system of Bach Flower is the best one for changing
negative thought into positive one. It provides relief from negative
thought and improves the flow of vital energy in the body. It also
come out of his confusion and be able to select the right medicine.
Sclerenthus will help if there is any confusion in choosing one
medicine out of two. Honey-Suckle must be taken in order to avoid
the probable mistake in the selection of medicine. After taking the
required doses of Honey Suckle, the physician must listen to the
patient carefully, discuss with him the symptoms of the disease,
study his body language and then prescribe medicine.
The information about the causes behind the disease or
negative thought can be gained by listening to the patient or by
asking questions to him. There may be many causes of diseasesthe shock caused by some accident, or the feeling of deeply rooted
fear or terror or lack of self- confidence caused by some failure in
life. In each of the above cases, Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose and
Mimulus or Larch may be given respectively. Sometimes problems
of asthma or breathing develop on hearing the news of the death of
some dear and near one. Only a few doses or Red Chest Nut will
work wonders in both these cases. Sometimes the cause of the
disease may lie in the shock caused by some accident that took
place years ago or the feeling of enmity or envy. To make the
medicines take effect, it is necessary to remove these emotional
disorders deeply rooted in mind. Star of Bethlehem and Holly
serve this purpose well. Depression, self- compunction, sense of
guilt, ulcers and migraine etc. are caused by great emotional
imbalance, lying deep in the inner conscious. These causes are to
Mimulus is the remedy for this kind of fear. There are persons who
always have the feelings of uncleanliness and disease, who find
dirt everywhere and who are very particular about cleanliness.
They want every thing in order. To keep ones things neat and
clean and tidy is good, but always worrying about order and
cleanliness is taking things too far. Crab Apple must also be given
to such people to remove their tendency of extremity. Both
Mimulus and Crab Apple must be given to such patients.
It is strange that some people develop ecxema because of
anxiety. Such patents should be treated for anxiety and not for
ecxema. If their anxiety is removed, their ecxeme will
automatically be cured. There goes the maxim, It is the thought
of the patient that should be treated, not the disease." The
patient is worried more about the deformity of his skin because of
ecxema than the disease itself. This symptom shows that he is
suffering from the feeling of uncleanliness. Crab Apple will
provide him relief from the feeling of uncleanliness and
consequently from ecxema.
The physician plays a very important role in the success of
Bach Flower Remedies. Firstly his personality must be impressive.
He must be a picture of positivity from head to foot. He must
exhibit self- confidence, cheerfulness and optimism from his face,
conversation and even from his clinic. There must not be a single
adversely. In such a case, the patient loses all faith in the physician
and all the possibility of his getting well is obscured.
Chapter- 17
Choosing remedies for children
Choosing appropriate medicines for children is a bit
difficult as they cannot express their feelings properly. It is all the
more difficult to choose medicines for newly born babies and
infants who have not yet learnt to speak. Hence, all deep study and
observation of their nature and body language constitute an
important basis, for choosing medicines for them. A childs mood
and behaviour clearly exhibit its nature.
Children are the future of a country. The habits developed
in childhood lay the foundation of their future life. If an expectant
mother is given Bach Flower Remedies, taking into consideration
her mood, nature and tendencies, right from the seven month of
conception, she can not only be saved from the troubles of
pregnancy but an easy, painless and normal delivery is also
assured. There arises no need of a scissarian delivery. Bach Flower
Remedies are exptremely helpful in doing away with the past-natal
problems also. The mental tendencies and thoughts of an expectant
mother during pregnancy indirectly reflect the nature of the child.
It is affected by negative thought when it is still in womb, it may
suffer its ill-effects for the whole of its life. Not that the feelings of
the child alone affect the mother. Fact is that the child too is
affected by the negative thought of its mother.
pregnancy and the Ayurvedic treatment given for the nine months
of pregnancy are an insurance against diseases and a guarranty for
a bright and happy future life of the children. These two measures
will keep them healthy and happy.
Medicines for a new-born baby are chosen observing his
nature and physical activities. If a contented, good-natured and
cheerful child gets restless, he must be given Agrimony. If he is
irritable and impatient, it needs Impatiens and if it always wants to
be in the lap of its mother, and starts crying when put to bed and
always wants to be with its mother, it must be given Chicory.
While choosing medicines for small children, their playhabits, their dictatorial tendency and their nature must be kept in
view. Some children are very calm and quiet, while others are very
sharp, industrious and playful and frolicsome. They never sit quiet.
Some children are timid and because of their timidity, become an
easy prey to the threats of other strong children. Such children can
be given Impatiens, Vervain and Centaury, respectively, keeping in
view the symptoms. Mimulus must be given to timid and cowardly
children, Vine to those who are threatening others, Clematis to
those who are always sleepy and dozing, Willy to those who are
always grumbling and have an irritable nature and Chicory must be
given to children who always try to attract the affection of others
to them.
The most important thing is that children are very purehearted. Their minds are not so much spoiled and afflicted with
evils as those of the grown up people. Hence these medicines work
on them immediately. It is our firm belief that there can be no
better system of treatment for children than Bach Flower
Bach Flower Remedies for animals and plants
Animals and Birds
Bach Flower Remedies are as effective in the treatment of
animals as they are effective in the treatment of children. In case of
animal also, medicines are selected on the basis of symptoms as
they are selected in the case of human beings. The mood and
nature of the animals are particularly taken into consideration.
Bach Flower Remedies can be tried on pet dogs and cats and on
domestic animals like horse, cows and buffaloes also. Drops from
2 to 4 can be given to animals like cats and dogs and lo drops
mixed with water or milk or biscuits can be given to animals like
horses, cows and buffaloes while selecting the remedy. The nature
and the causes of their behaving in a particular way must
particularly be kept in view.
For example, we can take the case of dogs. It has been
observed that a dog that is generally quiet, starts barking at the
passers-by. There may be many reasons. If it is barking because of
fear and terror, it must be given Mimulus and Rock Rose.
Sometimes pet dogs bark to save and protect their masters. Such
dogs need Chicory. Dogs too have their own territories, they
cannot bear other dogs in their territory and they bark to show that
their territory should not be encroached upon.
Treatment of plants
The methods mentioned in the garden manual are adopted
for the safety of plants and trees and to save them from diseases.
Apart from pesticides, different kinds are also used to increase the
yield of Flowers and fruits. The idea of treating trees and plants
with medicines seems to be strange and people generally do not
believe it. But it is a fact that Bach Flower Remedies are very
effective on trees, plants and vegetation as they are in the case of
human beings.
is perhaps not an easy job. But is not so very difficult for those
who are always tending their plants in their gardens.
Gardeners, because of their attachment for plants, can very
well understand and appreciate their joys and sorrows and nature.
Even a lay man can realize which plant is looking diseased and
unhappy. Trees and plants exhibit their nature themselves. Man is a
five-sensed creature. His five senses produce different kinds of
mental and emotional impulses. This is not so with trees and
plants, but they too feel pain and fatigue. Their growth is
obstructed when they do not get enough sun. At the same time they
get scorched when it is very hot and the sun is very strong. They
even get dry because of lack of water. The ill-effect of the
changing environment is clearly visible on them and they too get
shocked. The following medicines are useful for plants and trees :(1) Willow- For trees and plants which appear to be sad
and unhappy.
(2) Gorse - For trees and plants which appear to be dead.
(3) Walnut- For adjusting with new circumstances caused
when transferred from one place to another or when a
new kind is grafted.
(4) Star of Bethlehem- On being shocked because of
unexpected changes in the environment.
(5) Olive- To get fresh life- force that was lost on not
getting sufficient sun.
Chapter- 19
Future plans of Dr. Bach
Dr. Bach not only invented a total system of treatment but
also had very good plans for establishing a big hospital, and the
training of the physicians and the treatment of patients.
Unfortunately Dr. Bach could not materialize his dreams into
reality in his life-time, but now it is high time we did something in
this direction. This is a great need of the modern times.
We appeal to all those who are anxious about the welfare of
innumerable people afflicted with different kinds of diseases to
contribute to the holy and piouse cause of establishing Dr. Bachs
hospital. Millions of rupees are dontated every year by rich and
affluent people and big temples, schools and colleges are being
built with that amount. We request you to please contribute only
1/10 of that big amount to the building of health temples i.e.
hospitals. By your doing so, not only millions of people suffering
from diseases will be benefited but the world will also come to
know about a unique system of treatment the like of which had
never been heard of before. We, the author have dedicated
ourselves completely to this holy cause-mind, body, soul and
money but such a mammoth task cannot be accomplished without
your help. We appeal to the government also to make as much
contribution as possible. Today, big modern hospitals are being
merry, but these are all material things. They have nothing to do
with health and hapPiness.
The modern patient must understand fully well that he and
he only can remove his sorrows, pains and misery. Others may
only help a bit. He can be healthy only when body, mind and
soul-all three-are in perfect harmony. In that condition only,
permanent and complete health can be gained.
Today, rich, prosperous and affluent people take pride in
getting treatment in big and expensive hospitals whereas the fact is
that mans negative thought is the real and root cause of their
falling ill. Instead of being a matter of pride, it is a matter or
thinking for them as diseases are the results of their own distorted
Greed and hero- worship are the two factors that cause
diseases. Man is avaricious of money, property, post, respect,
popularity and the maximum means of comfort and luxury. The
most dangerous desire is to dominate and dictate others. Mental
disorders are the result of modern civilization. Personas inclined to
hero-worship have no personality of their own. They are weakwilled and are easily influenced by others. Such persons, under the
influence of others, are constantly changing their ideas and courses
and, therefore deviate from their path. They have no selfconfidence.
A life saving combination for emergency trauma & numbness, due to shock, terror,
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A Natural Sleep-aid provides sound sleep. for sleepless ness and stress due to fear,
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