Liječenje Raka Gušterače
Liječenje Raka Gušterače
Liječenje Raka Gušterače
Red Online
Liječenje raka gušterače mora biti više način terapije. Njegova nije bilo homeopatiju ili
konvencionalno liječenje. Najbolji dugoročni rezultati postižu se kombinacijom terapije,
ovisno o dobi, stadiju raka gušterače i opće zdravstveno stanje pacijenta. Dok konvencionalni
tretmani poput kemoterapije ili radijacijske terapije pomaže u bržem uklanjanju raka,
homeopatiju i liječenje raka gušterače može pomoći u
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11/10/2019 Liječenje raka gušterače
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2 Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer:-
3 Homeopathic Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer
Introduction of Pancreatic Cancer:-
Pancreatic cancer occurs when malignant cells forms in the pancreas. Pancreas is a
gland which is located in the abdomen behind the lower part of the stomach.
It contains both Exocrine glands and Endocrine glands.
Exocrine glands: – which produce enzymes that help in digestion of food.
Endocrine glands: – which produce hormones, including insulin, that help in control
blood sugar levels in the body.
The disease progresses rapidly but there are usually vague symptoms of pancreatic
cancer in the early stages.
Pancreatic cancer is often undetected until it has spread to other areas of the body
Pancreatic cancer affects both men and women equally with a slight bias towards
younger men and older women.
1/3rd of all cases of pancreatic cancer occur under the age group of 65 years.
Estimated new cases and deaths from pancreatic cancer in the United States in
New cases: 45,220
Deaths: 38,460
Prognosis of pancreatic cancer- Poor
Survival rate of pancreatic cancer- five-years after diagnosis is less than 5%.
Endocrine gland.
About 95 percent of pancreatic cancers begin in the exocrine cells of the pancreas. 2/11
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(1) Exocrine Pancreatic Cancers- These are the most common type of pancreatic cancer.
This type of cancer starts in the cells of the exocrine pancreas, which produces the digestive
pancreatic juices. These are released into ducts, within the pancreas, and pass through the
main pancreatic duct into the duodenum. There are a number of different types of exocrine
pancreatic cancers. More than 8 out of 10 exocrine pancreatic cancers are
“Adenocarcinoma”. Out of these mostly all are “ductal Adenocarcinoma”. Exocrine
Pancreatic Cancers can further sub-divided into:
Ø Cystic tumors: – Cystic tumors cause a cyst or fluid filled sac in the pancreas. Most
pancreatic cysts are benign, but some are cancerous. Cystic cancers can have a better
prognosis than other types of exocrine pancreatic cancer.
Ø Cancer of the acinar cells: – The acinar cells are at the ends of the ducts that produce the
pancreatic juices.
Ø Sarcomas of the pancreas: – These are cancers of the connective tissue holding together
the cells of the pancreas. They are very rare and most often occur in children.
(2) Endocrine Pancreatic Cancer: – These are uncommon type of pancreatic cancer. They
start in the endocrine pancreas, where insulin and other hormones are made and released
directly into the bloodstream. They are also called “neuroendocrine tumors” or “islet cell
tumors”. Most of these tumors are non cancerous i.e. benign in nature. They are named after
the hormone they produce
Two thirds of pancreatic endocrine tumors are called non functioning tumors because they
do not produce any hormones or symptoms. Most of these tumors are cancerous i.e.
malignant in nature. 3/11
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(3) Lymphoma of the pancreas: – This is very rare type of pancreatic cancer. Lymphoma is a
cancer of the lymphatic system of the body.
Through three ways cancer spreads in the body. These are as follows:
Kada stanice raka prekinuti od primarnog tumora i putovanja kroz limfe ili krvi na druge
dijelove tijela u sekundarni tumor mogu tvoriti. Ovaj proces se naziva kao „metastaze”.
Faza I: - U fazi sam, rak je formirana i nalazi se samo u gušterači. Na temelju veličine tumora
u fazi I dalje je podijeljen u: - Stage IA i IB stadiju.
Faza II: - U fazi II, raka se mogu širiti u okolno tkivo i organe, te mogu imati proširio na
limfne čvorove u blizini gušterače. Na temelju širenja raka, faza II se dalje dijeli na: - Stage IIA
i IIB Stage,
Faza IIA: - rak proširio na okolno tkivo i organe, ali se nije proširila na obližnje limfne
Faza IIB: - rak proširio na obližnje limfne čvorove i mogu širiti u okolno tkivo i organe.
Faza III: - u III, rak se proširio na glavnim krvnim žilama blizu gušterače i mogu širiti u
Faza IV: - Za fazu IV, rak može biti bilo koje veličine i ima širenjem u udaljene organe, (kao
što su jetra, pluća i peritonealnu šupljinu). Može se također proširila na organe i tkiva u
blizini gušterače ili na limfne čvorove.
Endoskopska ultrazvuk (EUS): - Ultrazvuk uređaj se koristi kako bi slike gušterače iznutra
trbuha. Ultrazvučni uređaj se propusti kroz tanke, savitljive cijevi (endoskop) do jednjaka i
želuca u kako bi se dobila slika.
iglom citološka). 5/11
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Kirurgija za raka gušterače : - Kirurgija može biti opcija ako rak gušterače je ograničeno na
gušterači. Operacije se koriste u ljudi s rakom gušterače uključuju:
Operacije tumora pankreasa u glavi - ako rak pankreasa se nalazi u glavi gušterače,
a zatim se provodi operacija se naziva i „postupak” Whipplova
(pancreatoduodenectomy). Whipple postupak uključuje uklanjanje glavu gušterače,
kao i jedan dio tankog crijeva (dvanaesterac), žučnog mjehura i žučnog kanala dio.
Dio želuca može biti uklonjena, kao dobro. Whipple operacije nosi rizik od infekcije i
Operacije tumora pankreasa u rep i tijela: - kirurgija za uklanjanje rep gušterače ili
rep i mali dio tijela naziva distalni „pankreatektomijom”. U ove operacije, slezena je
uklonjena. Kirurgija nosi rizik od krvarenja i infekcije.
Kemoterapija za raka gušterače : - Kemoterapija koristi lijekove za ubijanje stanica raka.
Kemoterapija se može ubrizgati u venu ili gutati. U kemoterapije, samo jedna kemoterapija
droge, ili kombinacija kemoterapije droga su primili. Chemo zračenje se obično koristi za
liječenje raka koji se proširio izvan gušterače, ali samo do obližnje organe, a ne na udaljenim
dijelovima tijela. 6/11