Bitrix Intranet Portal Brochure PDF

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Whats an intranet portal for?

An intranet portal is your organizations

internal workspace.


An intranet is a gateway that unifies

access to corporate data, enables effective
communications among employees and
provides rich collaboration features.
It helps you to manage files, applications,
information and business processes more
easily, and through personalized views.

corporate culture

When powered by evolving Enterprise 2.0

capabilities, an intranet portal tremendously
improves business performance and
minimizes risks associated with data
availability and knowledge continuity.
Moreover, it allows you to capitalize on the
social dimension of your organization by
leveraging deeper employee involvement
and introducing creative communities.

Enterprise 2.0 is a system of web-based technologies

that provide rapid and agile collaboration, information
sharing, emergence and integration capabilities in the
extended enterprise.

Carl Frappaolo and Dan Keldsen

Association for Information and Image Management.

Your business in Enterprise 2.0

Bitrix Intranet Portal harnesses a wide

array of web 2.0 technologies and puts
them at your disposal to reach a new level
of employee engagement, accumulate
and manage knowledge and experience,
and simplify information search, internal
communications and decision-making.

Enterprise 2.0 is not a passing fad. It is

the expression, in technology, of the wellestablished trend among executives that
transforms traditional vertical subordination
into a horizontal structure, leveraging the
power of creative communities among
employees to maximize profits and

The underlying goals

of Enterprise 2.0 are
to improve the workplace. We find that the
2.0-world offers inspiration, technologies, and
insight into how to create
this improvement.
Gil Yehuda
2.0 Adoption Council

Why does Enterprise 2.0 matter for your business?

Web 2.0 revolutionized the Internet. Enterprise 2.0 will revolutionize
your business
Properly managed collective intelligence can solve tasks of nearly
any complexity
Knowledge is money. Enterprise 2.0 sets new standards for data
capture, sharing and discovery
Ever dreamed of better team management? Now you have a great
The young generation is native to social media. Give them their tool
of choice
Business processes become a well-oiled machine, with smoother
transitions, faster feedback, and better-informed decisions
Address the common challenges of information overload and
knowledge silos
Tens of thousands of Enterprise 2.0-powered businesses simply cannot be wrong.

Bitrix Intranet Portal

Bitrix Intranet Portal is synonymous
communications. The software acts as an
Enterprise 2.0 backbone for connecting
employees, management, and partners;
managing ideas, knowledge, and projects;

and facilitating document workflow, social

networking and corporate broadcasting. We
let you put your key processes under control
and make your business more flexible, more
transparent and more stable.

Out-of-the-box intranet functionality

Industry-leading set of Enterprise 2.0 tools
Robust performance and security
Extreme ease of use, availability and manageability
Affordable pricing, transparent licensing

Launch your
intranet in only

Employee directory


Task management



Business processes

Enterprise search

Document workflow

Time management
Knowledge management

Customizable page layouts reflect your branding

and corporate values.

Social networking

Improved functionality, performance, security and

scalability set a new standard for the industry,
assure a quality experience and bring Bitrix to the top
position in the field of competition.

Vasily Smertin
Hyundai Motor CIS
* See details on page 25

Whats in a name?
Bitrix Intranet Portal addresses core business needs of your organization.
Here are just 10 of the many great benefits our software brings to your business.


Bitrix Intranet Portal Features

I want better internal


Built-in instant messenger, video conferencing, online

portal reminders, e-mail integration, channeled
notifications, forum discussions and personal blogs.

I want to have more

employee involvement

30+ social networking tools including forums, blogs,

comments, rating, friend management, polls, surveys,
training and certification.

I want to improve
workforce efficiency

Rich collaboration functionality including workgroups,

task management, calendaring and file sharing. Built-in
eLearning capability.

I want well-defined and

transparent business

Pre-set templates and visual construction of custom

business processes with real-time notifications and
status monitoring.

I want to consolidate and

manage knowledge

Document workflow with file versioning, roll-back,

backup, commenting and tagging. Capability to connect
huge data storages in a matter of seconds.

I want to quickly locate

relevant information

Full-text morphology-based enterprise search in texts,

files and media content across the organizations

I want effective work with

freelancers and partners

Integrated extranet module containing almost all

communication and collaboration features used for
internal purposes.

I want all my systems to

work in concert

Integration with Office applications, Outlook, Active

Directory/LDAP, virtually unlimited compliance with
enterprise applications (ERP, CRM, SCM, etc.), source
code availability.

I want my digital assets

to be reliably protected

Industry-leading security framework comprised of a

number of must-have technologies like web application
firewall, web anti-virus, one-time password and antiphishing.


I dont want my intranet

to eat all my IT budget!

Affordable pricing PLUS major savings provided through:

moderate hardware requirements, no extra software
expenses, and no extra staff overheads. You will
certainly like our TCO/ROI indicators.

Bitrix Intranet Portal benefits

There are dozens of reasonable arguments concerning who really needs an intranet solution
and why. Naturally, every employee can benefit from the intranet regardless of position and
individual needs. So can your business as a whole.

Improve decision-making

Design and control business processes

Be aware of the current activity of

individuals and workgroups and
enjoy instant pervasive internal
communications. As a result, mission
critical decision are more relevant and
require less time.

Business process automation brings

down the chaos inherent in nonEnterprise 2.0 organizations. Convert
chaotic routines into clearly-described
and controlled processes where
everyone knows what to do with no
chance to escape responsibility.

Maximize employee efficiency

Organize employees in workgroups
with powerful collaboration tools and
capitalize on creative communities.
Accumulate knowledge and attain its
maximum continuity and availability with
centralized data storage and optimal
internal communications.
Monitor performance

Protect investments
An employee leaves the company with
little or no trace of his/her knowledge.
Sound familiar? The intranet preserves
accumulated knowledge and keeps track
of each employee's activity. It gives
you peace of mind about knowledge
continuity as well as your business
development investments.

An intranet is your chance to have

a deeper look at your business
performance and reach a new level of
business transparency. With a number
of click-away features and customized
personal KPIs, you get immediate
reporting and instant insight.

HR management

An intranet is a perfect tool to track

employee absence and availability. You
can easily see who is in and out, who is
performing and who is not.
Fast orientation for new employees
Intranet quickly converts newbies
into qualified and well-informed
employees. They can learn procedures
and rules, see colleagues profiles
and get a proper understanding of the
companys structure and business with
the personnel and official document

Maintain enterprise-wide time


Online communities are

turning into a vital new channel for innovation, business
agility, customer relationships, and productive output for most organizations.
This is one of the most potent new ways to achieve
business objectives, both in
terms of cost and quality.
Dion Hinchcliffe
Enterprise architect and
business strategist

Achieve increased employee

engagement and motivation
The social dimension of the intranet
transforms the boring day-to-day
routine into captivating creative activity
for employees, solidifying the team
and letting every member contribute to
business development. Carry out rumor
control and staff programs with extensive
corporate broadcasting features.
Idea management
Powerful social networking tools enable
the discovering of creative people,
defining of team leaders and tracking
of brilliant ideas that will boost your
Training and certification
Increase staff qualifications and find the
people who really want to grow with the
intranets rich eLearning capabilities.
Track certification performance and see
the training history of each employee.

Bitrix Intranet Portal benefits

CIO/ IT staff
Minimize implementation time and
Deploy the intranet solution with
minimum hassle in a matter of hours
at an affordable price. The ready-made
environment, optimized settings and
demo data enable you to understand
how the system works easily and make
it available for business use in the
shortest time.
Integration with IT-infrastructure
The intranet solution works in concert
with your existing IT infrastructure and
allows you to consolidate scattered data
from different sources. Enjoy seamless
integration with Active Directory/LDAP,
Office applications, ERP, SCM, PLM
and other third-party applications, and
compatibility with virtual environment.

Scale, enhance and monitor

Get a high-quality experience with
centralized system management, performance monitoring, built-in security
framework and scale the solution according to new business challenges and
performance requirements.
Optimize costs
Bitrix Intranet Portal is an affordable
solution that requires minimal hardware
and software resources beyond typical
network infrastructure. The resulting
collaboration and continuity possibilities
create benefits which would otherwise
be unattainable, making the overall
project a major advance in operational
efficiency with a moderate, or even
minor, financial investment.

Follow your corporate IT standards

The Bitrix solution is a cross-platform
web application that can be deployed
on different operating systems and use
a wide range of databases to meet your
existing IT standards.

Well-crafted, focused Enterprise 2.0 frameworks formulated to

clear objectives enable organizations to identify and assemble
appropriately connected teams across the globe to interlock and
wrap around discrete business challenges and opportunities.

Sameer Patel and Oliver Marks

Sovos Group

Do more in less time
With powerful data discovery, storage
and sharing capabilities, comprehensive
collaboration and communication tools,
you can increase your performance
tremendously, accomplishing more work
and getting footing for promotions.

Primary business
drivers behind
Enterprise 2.0

Lighten your workload

Be an active part of a collective mind

to produce brilliant ideas and facilitate
business development. Be a part of
the team and enjoy your input in the

10% Knowledge management

Socialize for business purposes

16% Corporate culture

Easily see whats going on in the

organization with continuous news
feeds and group updates, meet the
team, understand corporate values, and
get oriented about internal rules with
only a couple of clicks.

22% Employee communication

Get involved

23% Increasing productivity

An intranet makes your work easier. With

a built-in instant messenger, e-mail,
video conferencing and the rest of the
rich functionality, many of the timeconsuming parts of daily work simply
fall away, eliminated by access to a
unified information and communication
resource. The daily grind becomes
much less grinding.

Create your personal workspace

Customize your individual dashboard
to act as a control center for tracking
external news, internal communications,
events, notifications, reports and getting
instant insight on current tasks.

The 2.0 Adoption Council

Employee Directory
With your organization growing, people
dont always stop to recognize their
colleagues. Normally they say hello
without even a clue about who the person
is! New employees experience significant
difficulties getting to know new faces. As a
result, your internal communications fail to
achieve the strategic goal of solidifying the
team to work in concert.
Rich employee profiles provide an
immediate snapshot of each employee,
their department and position , contact
details, personal information, pending
tasks, workgroup participation, absence
announcements and public calendar. This
tool carries an extensive social dimension
as people can share photo, video and music,
keep an individual blog, initiate forum
discussions and grow a friends network.
Employees can set up specific access rights
for other people looking at their profiles,
enable or disable certain functionality,
manage following up specific intranet
events and notifications, customize the
appearance of the profile by drag-anddropping sections.

Employee directory gives a comprehensive

insight into the organizations structure

Rich employee profiles contain extensive contact

details, personal media gallery and social

Bitrix Intranet Portal ensures fast orientation for

new employees


Corporate Insight and Broadcasting

Your team is as effective as your guidance.
Let employees learn the latest news,
announcements and event calendar, get
instant access to standard documents and
company details.
Familiarize them with adopted corporate
rules, procedures and official instructions,
and create a unified view on corporate
values, history and market positioning.
Acquaint people with the structure and
hierarchy with automatic organization chart
Strengthen the team spirit and increase
personnel involvement and awareness with
a hall of fame, best performers, birthdays
and announcements of special events,
broadcasting media content, publishing
photos and videos, all wrapped in highlycustomizable page layouts reflecting your
branding and corporate values.

The automatic organization chart gives an instant

snapshot of your companys structure

The Company section contains official news and

announcements to strengthen team spirit and
spread corporate values


Time Planning and Calendaring

Teamwork is all about effective scheduling
and synchronization. Clear understanding
of who is doing what allows for coordinated
activity and concentrated effort to attain
best performance results.
Bitrix Intranet Portal powers your
organization with a wide range of timeplanning and calendaring tools.
Create an unlimited number of personal and
workgroup calendars with flexible access
rights management and two-way alignment
with the organizations main calendar. Enjoy
bi-directional calendar synchronization with
Microsoft Outlook and let every employee
maintain a personally configurable chart
comprised of selected calendars.
The unified absence chart gives employees
a comprehensive look at their colleagues
availability for more effective scheduling
important meetings, tasks and events. It
consolidates data from personal calendars
and gives unified click-away information
about reported vacations, leaves, business
trips. HR managers can easily carry out
employees personal absence charts and
create time management reports.

Enterprise absence chart gathers events from

private and public calendars with out-of-theoffice status

Customized calendar view contents


Time Planning and Calendaring

Schedule events with one button click and
supply their detailed description with the
feature-rich WYSIWYG-editor. Invite people
directly from the organization structure,
check their availability with the intuitive
event planner to find the optimal timeslot,
track confirmations and send reminders.
Manage events with the flexible resource
planning, meeting-room booking, real-time
calendar updating and follow-up. Create
recurring events with customized priority
levels and privacy settings. Take advantage
of multi-channel notifications via e-mail,
instant messenger and intranet dashboard
to make sure no one misses an important
meeting and everybody stays tuned.

Click-away event planner with time management,

WYSIWYG-editor, availability matching and
participant notifications

Meeting room booking capability manages use of your

office facilities


Information Discovery
Information is a gateway to new business
opportunities, and access to information
is a key to this gateway. Bitrix Intranet
Portal is powered by the D.I.G. enterprise
search engine - the industry-leading tool for
fast and accurate location of required data
across an organizations digital assets.
D.I.G. scans texts, media content and
documents while looking for morphological
stems and evaluating their density. Coupled
with the original Bitrix compression
technique, this approach provides up
to a 10-fold increase in performance
and much better result relevance. The
engine natively supports Microsoft Office, and Adobe Acrobat formats
and filters search results with respect to the
user access rights.
D.I.G. offers immediate automatic data
indexing, making content searchable right
after its submission. Users may create
complex search queries using query
language, inclusion/exclusion masks and
logic operators, as well as choose specific
site sections for a highly targeted search.


Full-text morphological multi-lingual enterprise

search in text, documents and media content

Search results are displayed according to user

access rights and settings

Annual cost of non-productive hours like ineffective search,

recreating the content that cant be found and reformat data
from multiple sources reaches $22,000 per employee.
IDC Information Worker Productivity Studies, 2008-2009

Document workflow
Relying on shared network drives and e-mail
based collaboration systems inevitably
results in ever-growing, unstructured
information silos, most often referred to as a
data dump. Allowing employees to maintain
valuable documents on local drives without
sharing them across the organization
leads to even more trouble. From lower
productivity and business inefficiency and
duplicating work to embarrassing security
and compliance issues when critical data
is lost or misused, not having a least some
kind of centralized data store is an even
worse option.

Bitrix Intranet Portal offers a comprehensive

yet easy-to-use workflow management
system that lets you store, organize and
share documents and address critical
knowledge continuity and security issues.
Employees and workgroups simply move
their workflow documents to intranet
file storages featuring shared access,
versioning, roll-back, backup, instant
editing, forum discussions and immediate
indexing for enterprise search.

The document workflow system allows users to organize , store, and share files


Document workflow
Users can take advantage of click-away
connection to intranet file storages as
network drives, as well as integrate
resided documents with text processors,
spreadsheet editors and presentation
programs, batch upload and WebDAV
Workgroup members and stakeholders
can easily follow documents and receive
notifications via e-mail, instant messenger
or online portal reminders.
Easily connect and disconnect remote
data storages and make them available for
selected intranet users without overloading
the portal database.
Launch a pre-set template or design a
custom business process to involve various
parties in document approval, discussion
and processing. For example, initiate an
invoice payment with multi-stage processing
by various departments and stakeholders,
monitor progress, get updates and reporting
and store the history for future reference.

Batch file uploading allows quick transfer of

documents to the proper intranet storages

Workflow with document versioning, roll-back,

backup and instant editing

You can connect an intranet storage as a network

drive in a matter of seconds


Collective intelligence beats individuals.
With the proper tools in place, results
are even better. BIP workgroups provide
the right combination of cutting edge
technology with intuitive features help you
create highly-productive communities and
supply them with the flexibility that they
Bitrix Intranet Portal contains all the
necessary features required for resultoriented and transparent collective
work. Importantly, it can help you stop
the uncontrolled spread of data among
users computers and prevent drowning
in personal e-mail boxes and storage
silos. Workgroups give you a powerful
tool to concentrate knowledge in a single,
manageable, searchable and secure place,
just as it should be.
Bitrix workgroups are similar to real-life
workgroups with moderators, members,

dedicated file storage, discussion forums,

photo galleries and reports. Group owners
flexibly define access rights for members
and other intranet users, making the whole
group or some of its features private or
All workgroup activities and workflow are
carefully logged, eliminating the risk of data
loss. Supervisors can easily see project
progress, best performers and bottlenecks,
as well as troubleshoot typical problems,
monitor deadlines and mark milestones.
Completed projects just can be archived for
future references.
Dedicated workgroup task and time
management is tightly integrated with the
members calendars, contributing to the
enterprise-wide absence chart and informing
colleagues about availability. And of course
direct notifications will ensure that no one
misses important workgroups events!

Workgroups include a wide range of tools for project-based

work including discussions, file storing and sharing, time
management, and calendaring, enhanced with a progress bar
and reporting.


Task Management
The proper defining of a task and proper
supervision is the key to solving it. This is
a simple maxim which, it seems, is beyond
dispute. However, in the real world, even
the proverb about not putting the cart before
the horse gets violated all the time.
With the Bitrix Intranet Portals task
productivity, project transparency and
overall business performance. Just imagine
how convenient it is for each employee and
workgroup to have their own dedicated list of
tasks, notifications about their development,
clear deadlines and milestones, progress
bar and custom files repository. All this, and
the boss gets deep insight into each task.

A simple click-away action specifies task details

including responsible parties and followers,
descriptions and progress bar.

Self-defined and cross-defined tasks carry

an extensive accompanying description,
history, supplemental documents and forum
discussions. Users can assign responsible
parties and followers, create a custom
task appearance (including real-time Gantt
charts), and easily initiate two-way task
synchronization with Outlook.
While all of this is happening, employees
reports using an integrated WYSIWYGeditor and the option to attach report files
when tasks are completed. You can always
see who did what and how much time they
spent on the job.


Personal and workgroup tasks increase

workforce productivity, project transparency and
enable business performance monitoring

Internal Communications
Live employee interaction speeds up
decision-making and makes it more
relevant, incorporating the best ideas and
harnessing the social dimension of your
organization. The opportunity to initiate an
instant contact with a colleague or a group
of colleagues is increasingly important for
geographically distributed organizations
and remote workers.
Bitrix is an acknowledged leader in providing
customers with unified communications
services integrated into the intranet. With
Bitrix Intranet Portal, you can get a highquality experience and increase workforce
productivity with instant or group video
conferencing, e-mail processing, integrated
instant messaging server, online portal
messaging and rich social networking tools
such as blogs and forums.
With this unparalleled functionality,
employees significantly extend their
communication opportunities, enabling
extreme availability and connectivity. They
can chat via instant messenger from a
mobile device or a smartphone, participate
in discussions via e-mail without logging
into the intranet and meet up with other
team members while at opposite ends of
the Earth.

Instant messaging is available in the

portal , through any jabber compatible pager,
on PC/Mac and mobile devices. No additional
software is required

Initiate instant peer-to-peer video calls or group

video conferences for up to six participants

And it is really doesnt matter what

environment they use. Our intranet is 100%
web-based and can be accessed from
Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, iPhone,
Blackberry, Symbian or Palm devices!


An extranet is similar to an intranet. The
difference is that it is designed for external
parties like partners, suppliers, prospects
and freelancers. These are people you want
to work with, but cannot have access to your
valuable intranet assets.

in workgroups, share documents and news,

keep blogs and seek the truth in discussions,
manage tasks and calendars, search for
critical information, get instant channeled
notifications, socialize, post reports and
monitor project development.

The extranet module of Bitrix Intranet Portal

allows you to create secure, customized
areas with their own look and feel, send
invitations to external users and implement
the same communications and collaboration
features that you do in the intranet.

All in a secure and user-friendly


Intranet and extranet users can participate

Extranet enables effective communications and collaboration with external parties

without exposing your intranet assets


Business Processes
Tired of tons of paperwork? Not satisfied with
employee performance? Lack transparent
reporting and monitoring? Annoyed that
people fail to do their job on time? We agree
that these things just dont have to be that
way. You simply need the proper tool to
manage business processes in one place
and finally get rid of the chaos inherent in
non-Enterprise 2.0 organizations.
Bitrix Intranet Portal allows easy business
process design and deployment across the
organization. The feature uses intuitive
drag-and-drop actions to visualize the
process construction, synchronize people
and departments, and promptly automate
routine activities.

You can initiate a business process based on

a certain document or an activity

Alternatively, you can use the pre-set

templates for typical activity like business
trips, vacation request handling, and multistage approval for document publishing.
A business process may be launched
in a second by an average user with no
technical staff involved. Thus, businesses
can significantly improve intranet ROI by
boosting employee productivity, internal
interoperability, and user satisfaction.

The business process module automates internal

routine activities, streamlines decision-making
and puts all stages of the given operation under

A business process can be initiated in

relation to a document or a routine activity,
and owners can modify the process at
any stage of its implementation; users
can receive assignments directly to their
calendars and tasks as well as receive
notifications via instant messenger or email.
Really, streamlining important business
processes has never been this easy.

Visual construction with drag-and-drop

capability puts the most comprehensive business
process design within your reach


The World Is Not Enough

Bitrix Intranet Portal is full of other functions and features to bring your internal

business communications to a brand new level of transparency and efficiency. Here

is only the tip of this iceberg:

Media Content Management

Enliven your intranet! Accumulate, organize, edit and share photos
and videos with integrated media galleries.

Polls & Surveys

Feel the pulse of the team, test new ideas, see your organizations
bottlenecks and identify problems.

Training & Certification

Educate personnel with the integrated e-Learning module. Import and
export training courses in IMS CP and IMS QTI formats. Perform testing
and maintain a history of certifications. See the best performers and
identify team leaders.

Internet Connection
Power your intranet with external RSS news feeds, Google gadgets
and custom widgets like world clock, traffic info, weather forecasts
and stock exchange reports.

Channeled notifications
Keep your employees in tune with the latest developments with realtime event notifications and reminders via instant messenger, e-mail
and online portal messages.

Custom Look and Feel

Customize the appearance of your intranet by including your logo,
motto, and design templates changing the menu structure with easy
content management features.


Intranet Assets Protection

Benefit from the industry-leading, independently certified and roadtested PRO+PRO security framework that includes a number of musthave technologies including web application firewall, web anti-virus,
one-time passwords, abnormal activity blocker and anti-phishing.

Access Management
Leverage the powerful user permission management system that
allows crafting of access permissions to certain sections, pages and
even page objects in the most flexible manner.

Click-Away Updates
Keep your intranet updated to get the latest features, fixes and security
updates. The SiteUpdate module automatically notifies you about the
new updates and allows automatic download with only one click.

User-Friendly Back-End
The intuitive back-end of Bitrix products increases productivity among
administrators and content contributors who can leverage the extreme
usability, adaptive interface, numerous quick-access features, and
familiar editing tools.

Centralized Administration
The Site Controller module enables centralized administration of
distributed Bitrix installations, connects remote offices and users into
a solid workspace, and allows data exchange among internet, intranet
and extranet layers.

Flexibility and Integration

The availability of source code gives the opportunity to customize a
solution to meet your specific business needs. A well-documented API
allows for virtually unlimited compliance with third-party enterprise
applications like ERP, CRM and SCM.


The Choice Is Yours

Bitrix has been developing content management
solutions since 1998. Bitrix Intranet Portal is
our flagship product with 70+ highly-skilled
professionals concentrating their development,
support and marketing efforts on it. As a result
of many years of continuous enhancements,
the product has gained extensive functionality,
bringing it to the top of the performers list in
the market focused on small and medium-sized
There are a number of intranet products in the
market that aim at the same target audience and
claim to provide functionality similar to Bitrix
Intranet Portal .

The table below demonstrates a side-by-side

comparison of several intranet solutions for
a typical organization with 100 users. It will
certainly help you to make the right decision.
Just look at how products perform by various
parameters and how they meet your budget
The comparison is based on a number of criteria
to meet the requirements of the evolving
Enterprise 2.0 market. The criteria are grouped
into several sections to reflect task-oriented
functionality. Points are calculated according to
the given features presence and performance.
The red color shows the best performer.
The information was taken from official sources
and conforms to the functionality of trial versions
of available software.

Intranet Portal



Bitrix Intranet



















Document workflow

Business processes








Knowledge management
Social networking
Personal workspace
Enterprise search

Interface & usability


Availability & integration





Support & training










System requirements
US$ / 100 users


Intranet Is Easy
Intranet deployment is really easy if it is
Bitrix Intranet Portal. In fact, the unique
combination of functionality and ease of
use is our main competitive advantage. And
it has proven to be the right position with
over 30,000 business customers around the

Installation, configuration and launch of

Bitrix Intranet Portal , together, take only
about twelve working hours! Here is a
real life calculation for an organization of
300 users derived from our many years of

Hardware setup (1h)

Software environment setup (5h)

Bitrix installation (1h)

Bitrix configuration (30m)

Bitrix integration (30m)

Intranet layout customization (1h)


Intranet content population (3h)


* Implementation time for typical organization with 300 intranet users.

The actual time may vary.


Intranet Is Affordable
You have probably heard about organizations spending hundreds of thousands or
even millions of dollars on intranet solutions. Well, lets leave them with these unjustified expenses. At Bitrix, we believe that
an intranet should be as affordable as an email server and become as much of a staple
of office technology as anti-virus software.

a self-sufficient business communications

tool. Once you try it, you will never stop
admiring its capabilities and business
With Bitrix Intranet Portal, you can
significantly cut expenses associated
with intranet acquisition, deployment and

An intranet boosts your business. It makes

work easier and captivating. An intranet is

Affordable pricing
No staff training
Minimal IT staff involvement
No need for external consultants
No additional software expenses
Moderate hardware requirements
Minimum maintenance costs

Still not convinced? Try out our online TCO and ROI calculator based on thousands of
carefully examined intranet projects.
If the question Why do you need an intranet stops you
cold, maybe you should find a good mantra that simply
describes the purpose of the tool. A killer mantra I recently
picked up describes the goal of the intranet in 3 words:
Connect, Communicate, Collaborate.

Sara Redin
Intranet Analyst at J.Boye


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About Bitrix
Bitrix is a privately-owned company
developing advanced business communications platforms to bridge SMBs and
their customers (Internet), partners (Extranet)
and employees (Intranet). Founded in 1998
and headquartered in Alexandria, VA,
Bitrix now incorporates 70+ staff, 30,000+

customers and 4,000+ partners worldwide

with three regional offices in Russia and
Ukraine. Localized into 13 languages, the
companys products are distinguished for
their pioneering technology, unique security
features, extreme performance capacity and
unmatched ease-of-use.

Sample customers

Bitrix Intranet Portal: +1 (703) 382-9177

Bitrix Site Manager: +1 (703) 740-8301
Toll Free for US and Canada only:
1 (888) 5BITRIX or 1 (888) 524-8749
Or contact us by Skype: consult.bitrixsoft

Office Locations
Russian Federation

Russian Federation


United States

Bitrix Research
& Development
261 Moskovsky Prospekt,
Kaliningrad, 236001,
Russian Federation
Phone: +7.401.251.05.64

Russia and CIS Sales Office

1C-Bitrix, OOO
34 Seleznevskaya Str.,
Moscow, 127473,
Russian Federation

Ukraine Sales Office

1C-Bitrix Ukraine, TOV
16/8 Deputatskaya Str.,
Kiev, 03115,
Phone: +

USA Sales Office

Bitrix, Inc.
901 N. Pitt Str., S.325,
Alexandria VA 22314
United States
Phone: +1 (703) 740-8301

2010 Bitrix, Inc. All rights reserved. Bitrix is a registered trademark of Bitrix, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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