Memory Aid - Taxation
Memory Aid - Taxation
Memory Aid - Taxation
Memory Aid
Taxation Law
7. Non-infringement of Religious
B. Constitutional Limitations
Freedom and Worship (Art. III, Sec. 24
of the Constitution)
1. Due Process of Law (Sec.1, Art. III of the ☛ American Bible Society vs. City of Manila
and Tolentino vs. Sec. of Finance rulings
☛ Requisites: The imposition in the former is a license
a. The interests of the public generally
tax which is intended to regulate the exercise of
as distinguished from those of a
freedom of religion while in the latter is a
particular class require the
revenue tax. With respect to revenue tax,
intervention of the State; and
Congress can choose anyone who will be taxed.
b. The means employed must be
Its imposition is a political question.
reasonably necessary to the
accomplishment of the purpose and
8. Delegation of Legislative Authority to
not unduly oppressive.
the President to Fix Tariff Rates,
☛ In a string of cases, the SC held that in order Import and Export Quotas (Art. VIII,
that due process of law will not be violated, the Sec. 28(2) of the Constitution)
imposition of the tax must not be done in an
arbitrary, despotic, capricious, or whimsical 9. Tax Exemption of Properties Actually,
manner. Directly, and Exclusively Used for
Religious, Charitable and Educational
Purposes (See Art. VI, Sec. 28(3) of the
2. Equal Protection of the Law (Sec. 1, Constitution; Lladoc vs. Commissioner;
Art. III of the Constitution) Province of Abra vs. Hernando). This
provision refers only to property taxes.
☛ Requisites for a valid classification:
a. Must not be arbitrary; 10. Majority Vote of all Members of
b. Must be based upon substantial Congress Required in Case of a
distinctions; Legislative Grant of Tax Exemptions
c. Must be germane to the purposes of (Art. VI, Sec. 28 (4) of the Constitution)
d. Must not be limited to existing 11. Non-impairment of the Supreme
conditions only; and
Court’s Jurisdiction in Tax Cases [Art.
e. Must apply equally to all members
VIII, Sec. 2(1) and Art. VIII, Sec.5(b) of the
of a class.
3. Uniformity, Equitability, and
12. Tax Exemption of Revenues and
Progressivity of Taxation (Art. VI, Sec.
Assets of, including Grants,
28 (1) of the Constitution)
Endowments, Donations, or
☛ Definitions: Contributions to, Educational
a. Uniformity: All taxable articles Institutions (Art. XIV, Secs. 4(3) and (4) of
or kinds of property of the same class the Constitution)
shall be taxed at the same rate. A tax is
uniform when it operates with the same 13. Other Provisions of the Constitution
force and effect in every place where Which are Related to Taxation
the subject of it is found. a. Power of the President to veto item or
b. Equitability: Taxation is said to items in an Appropriation, Revenue, or
be equitable when its burden falls to Tariff Bill (Art. VI, Sec. 27 (2))
those better able to pay. b. Necessity of an a Appropriation before
c. Progressivity: Rate increases Money may be paid out of the Public
as the tax base increases. Treasury (Art. VI, Sec. 29 (1))
c. Non-appropriation of Public Money or
4. Non-impairment of Contracts (Art. III, Property for the benefit of any Church,
Sec. 10 of the Constitution) Sect, or System of religion. (Art. VI,
Sec. 29(2)
5. Non-imprisonment for Non-payment d. Treatment of Taxes Levied for a Special
of Poll Tax(Art. III, Sec. 20 of the Purpose.(Art.VI, Sec. 29 (3))
e. Internal Revenue Allotments to Local 2. Capitalization C
Government Units. (Art.X, Sec.6) 3. Transformation T
4. Avoidance A
5. Exemption E
✍ DOUBLE TAXATION 6. evasion-unlawful E
☛ Definition: Taxing the same subject twice
when it should be taxed only once. Also known A. Shifting
as duplicate taxation.
☛ Definition: Process by which tax burden is
☛ Is double taxation prohibited in the transferred from statutory taxpayer to another
Philippines? without violating the law.
No. There is no constitutional prohibition
against double taxation in the Philippines. It is ☛ Impact of taxation– point on which tax is
something not favored but permissible (Pepsi originally imposed.
Cola Bottling Co. v. City of Butuan, 1968).
☛ Incidents of taxation – point on which the
☛ Kinds of Double Taxation (DT) tax burden finally rests or settles down.
☛ Deductible in Full:
1. Donations to the government ✍ OTHER INCOME TAXES AS DEFINED
2. Donation to certain foreign institutions or
international organizations. 1. Final Income Tax – is derived by
3. Donations to certain accredited NGO’s . multiplying the tax rate on the particular
income subject to a final income tax. Thus,
the income subject to final income tax is no
✍ PERSONAL EXEMPTIONS longer subject to the net income tax;
otherwise, there would be a violation of
☛ Amounts of Personal Exemptions (Sec. 35 prohibited double taxation. Applicable to
of CTRP): passive income and from sources derived
1. Single individual or married individual from within the Philippines as determined
judicially decreed as legally separated with under Sec. 42 of the CTRP. Deductions
no qualified dependents: P20,000 and/or personal and additional exemptions
2. Head of the family: P25,000 are not allowed.
3. Each married person: P32,000
2. Income subject to Preferential or Special
☛ Head of the Family: Rates – here, the income derived by a
1. Unmarried or legally separated person with particular individual or corporation belonging
one or both parents, or one or more brothers to a class of income taxpayer is subject to
or sisters, or one or more legitimate, either a preferential or special rate.
recognized natural or legally adopted
children living with and dependent upon the 3. Improperly Accumulated Earnings Tax –
taxpayer for their chief support; and a tax equivalent to 10% of the improperly
2. Where such brother / sister or children are accumulated taxable income of every
not more than 21 years of age, unmarried corporation formed or availed of for the
and not gainfully employed, or where such purpose of avoiding the income tax with
dependents regardless of age, are incapable respect to its shareholders or the
of self – support because of mental or shareholders of any other corporation, by
physical defect. permitting earnings and profits to
accumulate instead of being divided or
☛ Additional Exemption for Dependents: distributed.
P8,000 for each dependent not to
exceed 4. 4. Minimum Corporate Income Tax – A tax at
the rate of 2% based on gross income
☛ Qualifications of a dependent: imposed on domestic and resident foreign
1. legitimate, illegitimate or legally adopted corporations not covered by a special
child of the taxpayer income tax system, beginning the 4th taxable
2. chiefly dependent upon and living with the year in which such corporation commenced
taxpayer its business operations. It is imposed
whenever such corporation has (a) zero
or negative net taxable income; or (b) the
amount of minimum corporate income tax is ☛ Tax Return – It is the sole declaration of
greater than the normal income tax due from taxpayer that incorporates all the data/facts
such corporation. necessary for government to determine the
amount of tax. There is pain of perjury if not
5. Optional Corporate Income Tax - The correct.
President, upon recommendation of the
Secretary of Finance may, effective Jan. 1, ☛ Persons Required to File Income Tax
2000, allow corporations the option to be Return:
taxed at 15% of gross income subject to the
following conditions: A. Individual
1) A tax effort ratio of 20% of GNP; 1. Resident citizen;
2) A ratio of 40% of income tax to 2. Non-resident citizen on income from
total tax revenue; within the Phil.;
3) A VAT tax effort of 4% of GNP 3. Resident alien on income from within
4) A O.9% ratio of Consolidated the Phil.;
Public Sector Financial Position to 4. NRAETB on income from within the Phil.
GNP. 5. An individual (citizens / aliens) engaged
N.B.: Available only to firms whose ratio of in business or practice of a profession
cost of sales to gross sales or receipts from within the Phil. regardless of the amount
all sources does not exceed 55%. of gross income;
6. Individual deriving compensation
income concurrently from two or more
employers at any time during the
✍ INCOME TAX INCIDENCE taxable year;
ON SALES OR EXCHANGES OF 7. Individual whose pure compensation
PROPERTY income derived from sources within the
Phil. exceeds P60,000.
☛ Sale on Exchange of Ordinary Assets B. Taxable Estate and Trust
General rules of income taxation apply C. General Professional Partnership
to both as to the gain and as to the loss. D. Corporation
1. Not exempt from income tax;
☛ Transaction Resulting in Taxable Gains 2. Exempt from income tax under Sec. 30
but Non-Recognition of Losses of NIRC but has not shown proof of
a. Sale or exchange between related parties; exemption.
b. Wash sales by non-dealers of securities and
when not subject to the stock transfer tax; ☛ Individuals Exempt From Filing Income
c. Exchanges not solely in kind in merger and Tax Return:
consolidation; and 1. Individual whose gross income does not
d. Sales or exchanges that are not at arms exceed total personal and additional
length. exemptions;
2. Individual with respect to pure compensation
☛ Sale or Exchange of Real Property, and income derived from sources within the
Shares of Stocks of Domestic Corporation Phils., the income tax on which has been
Held as Capital Assets Subject to Capital correctly withheld;
Gains Tax 3. Individual whose sole income has been
As to individuals and domestic corporations subjected to final withholding income tax;
1. On real property – each independent 4. Individual who is exempt from income tax.
transaction is subject to the final tax of 6%
on the gross selling price or the fair market
value at the time of sale, whichever is TRANSFER TAXES
higher, regardless of gain or loss
2. Shares of stock of domestic corporation not TRANSFER TAX INCOME TAX
traded thru a local exchange taxed at the 1. Tax on transfer of 1. Tax on income
rate of 5% for net capital gains not over property.
P100T, and 10% in excess of P100T. 2. Rates are lower 2. Rates are higher
--5% to 20% - -- 5% to 32%
☛ Tax Exempt Exchanges: estate tax
a. Exchange solely in kind in mergers and -- 2% to 15 % -
consolidation; donor’s tax
b. Exchange of property for stocks resulting in 3. Lesser exemptions 3. More exemptions
a change in corporate control
Gross Estate (Sec. 85) a. funeral expenses
Less: (1) Deductions (Sec. 86) b. judicial expenses
(2) Net share of the SS in the CP c. claims against the estate
Net Estate d. claims against insolvent
Less: Exemptions (first P200,000 exemption, person
Sec. 84) e. unpaid mortgages
Net Taxable Estate f. taxes
X Tax rate (Sec. 84) g. losses
2. Transfer for public use
Estate Tax due
3. Vanishing deduction
Less: Tax Credit [if any] (Sec. 86[E] or 110[B]
4. Family home
Estate Tax Due, if any 5. Standard deduction
6. Medical expenses
7. Amounts received by heirs
☛ GROSS ESTATE (Sec. 85, CTRP) under RA 4917 (Retirement Benefits)
A. As to resident alien or Filipino decedent
- all real, tangible personal, intangible B. For non-resident aliens (ELIT-TV)
personal property wherever 1. Expenses, losses, indebtedness,
situated. taxes, etc. (FJCCULT)
A. As to non-resident alien decedent 2. Transfer for public use
- all real and tangible personal 3. Vanishing deduction
property situated in the Phil.
- Intangible personal property with a
situs in the Phil. Unless exempted DEDUCTIONS ON
on the basis of reciprocity. ESTATE TAX APPLICABLE TO
☛ Inclusions in the Gross Estate (Sec. 85,
CTRP): ☛ Funeral Expenses:
a. Decedent’s interest The amount deductible is the lowest among
b. Transfer in contemplation of death the following:
c. Revocable transfer 1. actual funeral expenses
d. Transfer under general power of 2. 5% of the gross estate
appointment 3. P200,000
e. Proceeds of life insurance
f. Transfers for insufficient ☛ Claims against the Estate:
consideration Requisites to be deductible:
g. Prior interests 1. The debt instrument must be notarized
2. If loan was contracted within 3 years before
☛ Exempt Transmissions (Sec. 87, CTRP): the death of the decedent, the administrator
1. The merger of usufruct in the owner of the or executor shall submit a statement
naked title; showing the disposition of the proceeds of
2. Fideicommisary substitution; the loan.
3. The transmission from the first heir, legatee N.B.: These requisites do not apply if the claim
or donee in favor of another beneficiary, in did not arise from contractual obligations.
accordance with the will of the predecessor;
and ☛ Taxes:
4. All bequests, devices, legacies or transfers The following are not deductible:
to social welfare, cultural and charitable 1. income tax on income received after death
institutions no part of the net income of 2. property taxes not accrued before death
which inures to the benefit of any individual; 3. estate tax
Provided, that not more than 30% of the said
bequests, legacies or transfers shall be used ☛ Losses:
by such institutions for administration Requisites to be deductible:
purposes. 1. arising from fire, storm, shipwreck, or other
casualty, robbery, theft or embezzlement;
☛ Value of Gross Estate: 2. Not compensated by insurance or otherwise;
The gross estate shall be valued at its 3. Not claimed as deduction in an income tax
fair market value at the time of death of the return of the taxable estate;
decedent. 4. Occurring during the settlement of the
estate; and
☛ Deductions from the Gross Estate 5. Occurring before the last day for the
payment of the estate tax (last day to pay:
A. For resident aliens and citizens (ELIT, six months after the decedent’s death).
1. Expenses, losses, ☛ Transfer for Public Use:
indebtedness, taxes, etc. (ELIT- Requisites to be deductible:
FJCCULT) 1. The disposition is in a last will and testament
2. To take effect after death
3. In favor of the government of the Phil., or b. More than one foreign country
any political subdivision thereof - The credit shall be that which is the lower
4. For exclusive public purposes. amount between Limit A and Limit B
☛ Medical Expenses:
Requisites to be deductible: ☛ FORMULA:
1. incurred within one year prior to his death
2. Substantiated with receipts a. On the 1st donation of a year:
3. Maximum of P500,000
Gross gifts xxx
Less: Deductions from gross gifts xxx
DEDUCTIONS ON Net gifts xxx
Donor’s tax on the net gifts
1. Expenses, losses, indebtedness and b. On donation of a subsequent date during the
taxes (ELIT) year:
Gross gifts made on this date xxx
Phil. Gross Estate X World ELIT Less: Deductions from gross gifts xxx
World Gross Estate Net gifts xxx
Add: All prior net gifts within the year xxx
2. Transfer for public use. Aggregate net gifts xxx
3. Vanishing deduction on property in the X Tax Rate xxx
Donor’s tax on aggregate net gifts xxx
Less: Donor’s tax on all prior net gifts xxx
☛ Estate Tax Credit
Donor’s tax on the net gifts on this date xxx
(NG - Net Gifts; PDT - Phil. Donor's Tax) ☛ Input Tax – tax on purchase price of goods
which is passed on or shifted to a buyer /
b. For donor’s taxes paid to two or more purchaser /lessee by the supplier / seller /
foreign country lessor. It is the VAT paid by a VAT-registered
person in the course of his trade or business.
NG outside the Phil. X PDT
Entire net gifts ☛ Output Tax-- VAT due on the sale of
=Tax credit limit taxable goods or services by any person
registered or required to register for VAT
1. Mandatory – every person who in the
☛ Transitional Input Tax Credit – person who course of trade or business, sells, barters,
becomes liable to VAT or any person who elects exchanges, leases goods or services for
to be a VAT-registered person shall, subject to others, if the aggregate amount of actual or
the filing of an inventory of goods, material and expected gross sales and / or gross receipts
supplies equivalent to 8% of value of such exceeds P550T for any 12-month period.
inventory or the actual VAT paid on such goods,
materials and supplies, whichever is higher, 2. Optional -- any of the following persons
which shall be creditable against the output tax. may, at their option, apply for VAT
☛ Export Sales – sale and shipment or a. seller of goods or services whose
exportation of goods from the Philippines to a taxable sale or gross receipts do not
foreign Country irrespective of any shipping exceed P550T for any 12-month
arrangement that may be agreed upon which period;
may influence or determine the transfer of b. seller of agricultural or marine food
ownership of the goods so exported, or foreign- products in their original state;
currency denominated sales. c. seller of fertilizer, seeds, seedlings
and fingerlings, fish live stock and
☛ Foreign Currency Denominated Sales – poultry feeds,
sales to non-residents of goods assembled or including ingredients whether locally
manufactured in the Philippines for delivery to produced or imported, used in the
residents in the Philippines and paid for in manufacture
convertible foreign currency remitted through the of finished foods;
banking system in the Philippines. d. seller of non-food agricultural,
marine and forest products in their
original state;
☛ ZERO-RATED VS. EXEMPT e. seller of cotton and cotton seeds in
TRANSACTIONS the original state, and copra.
N.B.: Items b to e, refer to export sales only
Only removes the
All value added tax is
value added tax at ✍ Transactions deemed sales for VAT
the exempt stage purposes (Sec. 106B)
1. Transfer, use or consumption not in
the course of trade or business of
Claim for refund: goods originally intended for sale
Taxpayer is not or for use in the course of business;
Taxpayer can claim
entitled to credit or 2. Distribution or transfer to share-
the refund of input
refund of the input tax holders or investors as share in the
taxes passed on to
passed on to him by profits of the VAT -registered
him by the supplier,
the supplier, etc. persons;
etc. or credit such
input taxes against his 3. Consignment of goods if actual sale is not
liabilities for output made within 60 days following the date of
taxes on his other non- consignment;
zero rated transactions 4. Distribution or transfer to creditors in
payment of debt;
5. Retirement from or cessation of business,
Scope: with respect to inventories of taxable goods
Not taxable sales and
Generally, taxable existing as of such retirement or cessation.
therefore not taken into
sales, and taken into
account in determining
account in determining
turn-over or VAT-
turn-over or sales for
registration purposes
sales for VAT-
registration purposes. III. LOCAL TAXATION
✍ Definition:
The power of local government unit to
requirement: (1) create its own sources of revenue and (2) to
Exempt person may
Zero-rated person may levy taxes, fees, and charges. (See Sec. 5, Art.
not register for VAT.
still register for VAT. X, 1987 Constitution and Sec. 129, LGC)
A. Tax Lien
☛ “Other matters”
Those controversies which can be
considered within the scope of the
function of the BIR / BOC under
ejusdem generis rule (e.g. action for the
nullity of distraint and levy; questioning
the propriety of the assessment;
collection of compromise penalties).