Poultry Farming in Nepal

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The poultry farming in Nepal is an integral part of agricultural industry providing employment
and proteinaceous food providing essential amino acids to the geometrically devasting
population of the country. In context of Nepal, it is an innovative enterprise that has gained
popularity within a short period of time. It is a type of farming in which farmers having low
economic background can set up the business. Besides of this advantage, the farmers can obtain
the profit within the short period of time since poultry become ready for sale in market within
forty five days and small land holding farmers with a little knowledge about poultry can also
obtain lots of advantages. On the one hand, there is a high demand for meat in the market, on the
other the manure of poultry, is also of great advantage because it contains high amount of
nitrogen than that of other animals. The statistical data of poultry and poultry products can be
illustrated as:
Broiler parent stock
Layers parent stock
Poultry meat(metric tons)
Eggs (0,000)
Broiler chicks producing
Layers chick producing











Nepal is an agricultural country where lots of varieties of crops are cultivated. Along with
these production, a lot of raw materials are available that are suitable for making a ration
of poultry. If they are not used in making ration they are useless, so this has the great
advantage. Besides this in Nepal, more than forty percent people are under the poverty
line, they can afford only the cheap meat which provide them all the require nutrients.
All these criteria can only be fulfilled by poultry. One more reason is that large

manpower are uneducated, they can be easily utilized involving in the poultry field by
giving simple training and ideas, so it has the great scope in Nepal.

To know the way of poultry farming in Nepal.

To investigate the problems prevalent in poultry farming in Nepal.
To know the utility of raw resources in the poultry ration.
To find the contribution of poultry sector in national economy.
To acquire knowledge about the farmers on poultry farming.
To know the views of government regarding the poultry farming.

Different districts of Nepal such as Rupandehi, Kapilvastu, Nawalparasi, Arghakhachi, Palpa of
Lumbini zone have been visited for this research along with the veterinarians. Besides this,
priority has been given on visiting various other zones such as Bagmati, Gandaki, Narayani
Dhaulagiri etc. interaction with people working on various sector was done based on poultry
farming in Nepal. Emphasis was also given to the books published by various writers and their
views regarding the way of farming and its importance in Nepal. Individual visit with the farm
entrepreneur was also done and their views were taken. Information was also collected from the
veterinary doctor working on various districts of Nepal.
Most commonly it has been found that the way of farming in Nepal is still unhygienic. Small
poultry holder farmers neither show the response towards biosecurity nor show the response
towards feeding and drinking the birds. They clean the farm only during their leisure time.
Feeding amount for the birds is unscientific. Majority of the factors are followed traditionally.
The construction of the farm is random without the knowledge about location, transportation etc.
In Nepal, the rural areas are still lacking the transportation facility and the roads in hilly areas are
of low standard. Many farms are found to be devoid of store room for storing feeds of broilers.
There is neither proper management nor proper market of poultry and poultry products. Due to
the lack of economy, construction of the farm is according to the availability of economy. Still
many Nepalese has been found to be buying the low quality chicks, which are cheapest because
of their economic situation. There is lack of veterinarian for the treatment of diseases that has
lead to the high mortality. Ration has been found to be formulated by the farmers themselves.
Vaccination is not seen to be followed in the rural and undeveloped areas. The farm has been
constructed without fulfilling the minimum criterion required by the poultry. But, the farming on
the urban area is totally different. The farm construction is as required by the poultry. They
follow the scientific norms. They have always the connection with the veterinary doctor. The
main unique of Nepalese is that they prefer poultry eggs than any other eggs.

It has also been found that poultry has played a significant role in rural economy and its
contribution to national GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and AGDP (Agriculture Gross Domestic
Product) is estimated to be around 3% and 8% respectively of the country.
1) Location: In planning a poultry house, the location should be taken into consideration.
In Nepal, the geographical structure is of diverse type, so the location must be taken that
suit the poultry farming with respect to the climatic condition. Beside this the following
thing must considered:
a) Relation to other building: - The poultry house should not be close to the home as to
create unsanitary conditions. On the other hand it must not be too far either because it
will require more time in going to and caring for the birds.
b) Exposure: The poultry house should face south or east in moist localities. A
southern exposure permits more sunlight in the house than any of the other possible
exposure. The farm must be so constructed that it could receive the morning sunlight
in the morning and the setting sunlight in the evening. The morning sunlight provides
the vitamin D.
c) Soil and drainage: If possible the poultry house must be placed in the sloping
hillside. Nepal is rich for this geographical criterion. A sloping hillside provides good
drainage and affords some protection.
A fertile well drained soil is important for poultry. This will be a sandy loam rather
than a heavy clay soil. A fertile soil will provide good vegetation which is one of the
main reasons for providing range.
d) Shade and protection: shade and protection of the poultry house are just as
desirable as for the home. Trees serve as the windbreak in the winter and for shade in
the summer. They should be tall with no low limbs. Low shrubbery is not good as
their presence the soil becomes contaminated under the shrubbery remains damp, and
sunlight cannot reach it to destroy the germs.
2) Housing requirements: In context of Nepal, house must be so designed so as to fulfill
all the requirements of the poultry that is achieved from the environment. The
requirements needed by the poultry. The basic housing requirements for poultry include:
a) Floor space: The smaller the house the more square feet are required for each hen.
Bigger pens have more actual usable floor space per bird than smaller pens.
In cold seasons, the bird needs 0.75 square feet and in hot
seasons, the bird requires 1 square feet per bird.
b) Ventilation: Ventilation has the vital role in farm for providing fresh air. Since the
fowl is a small animal with a rapid metabolization, its air requirement per unit of
body is high in comparison to that of others animals.
A hen weighing 2kg and on full feed, produces about 52 liters of co2 every 24 hours,
so there must be enough ventilation for provision of fresh air.

Effect of contaminated air in broilers


More than 20 ppm causes burning sensation in nose
More than 10 ppm causes effect on lungs of broilers
More than 0.35% causes accumulation of water in
100 ppm causes depletion of oxygen in blood
Effect on respiratory organs
Causes change in temperature.
Note: ppm: parts per million

c) Relative humidity: relative humidity indicates the presence of moisture in the

atmosphere. If relative humidity increases, then the capacity of the bird to tolerate the
temperature also decreases. If farm temperature is more than 25-32 degree centigrade
and relative humidity is more than 90 percent, then the feed intake of poultry
decreases by 10 percent.
d) Temperature: Hens need a moderate temperature of 50 degree to 70 degree
Fahrenheit. Birds need a warmer temperature at night, when they are inactive, than
during the day. Cross ventilation can effectively control the temperature. In case of
brooding the temperature must be maintained as follows:
Age of broiler chicks
First week
Second week
Third week
Fourth week
Fifth week
After fifth week

Temperature in brooding room


e) Dryness: An absolute dry condition inside a poultry house is always an ideal

condition. Dampness causes discomfort to the birds and also give rise to the disease
like colds, pneumonia etc. Dampness in poultry house is caused by,
Moisture rising through the floor
Leaky roof or walls
Rain or snow entering through the windows

Leaky water containers
Exhalation of birds
f) Light: Daylight in the house is desirable for the comfort of birds. They seem more
contended on bright sunny days than in dark cloudy weather. Sunlight in the poultry
house is not only important for the destruction of the germs but also it provides the
vitamin D, and brightens the house and makes the bird feel happy. Birds do fairly
well when kept under artificial light.
g) Sanitation: The worst enemies of the birds, i.e., lice, ticks, fleas and mites are
abundant in poultry houses. They not only transmit the disease but also retard growth
and egg laying capacity. The design of the house must be such that which admits easy
cleaning and clearing. There should be minimum cracks and crevices.
3) Transportation:
There must be a easy provision of transportation Transportation
facility makes easiness in providing the feeds, selling of poultry products like eggs, meat
4) Quality of chicks: Care must be taken in this criterion because many diseases start from
the hatchery from which they are brought in Nepal.
The quality of healthy chicks is:
a) Body of chicks must be dry, with long feathers and well shaped.
b) Bright and round eyes.
c) It must be looking smart and attractive.
d) Legs must be bright and it must feel like wax.
e) There must not be any abnormality.
5) Litter: Most commonly deep litter housing system is preferred in Nepal and for this litter
must be three inch thick in winter and five inch thick in summer. The litter must be of
straw pieces, leaves, sawdust, dry grasses etc. Most commonly in Nepal, rice hull is used
because it is cheapest among all.
6) Water: Water which is provided to the farm must be pure and free from contamination.
The vessel which provides the water to the poultry is called drinker. Mainly two types of
drinker are available in Nepal and can be used:
a) Bell drinker: It is made up of plastic, round in shape and is easy to clean and
b) Nipple drinker: It is in the shape of nipple. This is quite expensive and can be used
in commercial farms.
Numbers of drinkers required for poultry
of Required number
Bell drinker
8 drinker (40 cm diameter) per 1000
Nipple drinker 83 nipple per 1000 birds (12 broiler per

7) Ration : Mainly, there are three types of ration available in Nepal:

a) Prestarter ration: It is given to the first 3-5 days. This ration is in well grinded form.
The prestarter ration must consist 22-24% protein and the energy must be 2845
calories. It is of easily digestible type. This ration can be formulated according to the
locally available raw materials in Nepal.
b) Broiler starter ration: This ration must be given after 3-5 days till 3-4 weeks. In
Nepal, it is called number one ration. It consist concentrate ration and pellet feed. The
protein percentage is 21-23%, and the energy is 2990 calories.
c) Broiler finisher ration: It is given after the age of 3-4 weeks. It is called finisher
ration. In Nepal, it is called two number ration. The protein consists of 19-21% and
energy amounts to 2060 calories. It is fed until the poultry is sold to the market.
8) Biosecurity: Biosecurity is a type of practice via which the entry of germs causing
poultry diseases is prohibited to cause the diseases. It has mainly It is the cheapest way to
minimize the disease in poultry farm. three importance:
a) Isolation of poultry from the animals and other birds.
b) Prohibition of entry of strangers, vehicles etc.
c) Finally creating a hygienically safe environment inside a poultry farm.
In this process, disinfectant is put on the gate of poultry farm, and the person entering
the farm dip the foot on the disinfectant of farm. This kills all the unwanted micro
organisms carried by the foot of person.
9) Availability of veterinary doctor: The farmers must construct the farm near to the
locality where the veterinarians are available because morbidity in poultry is high as well
as mortality. Care must be taken that in case of simple abnormality also, veterinarians
must be consulted. The purpose of veterinarians is for mainly three reasons:
a) Supervision of ration: ration should be formulated according to the veterinarians. It
is important because even a minor change in ration, causes a great change in
physiological condition of poultry.
b) Treatment of disease: Many chronic diseases can attack the poultry easily. Since,
the climatic condition in Nepal is diverse; poultry face different types of problem as it
grows up. Huge number of birds can be killed easily even by a simple misleading.
Not only this many diseases of poultry harm the human beings easily, so care must be
taken to treat the diseases such as New Castle Disease (ranikhet), gumboro, enteritis
etc. One very important thing in poultry is that simple diseases can also take the death
in high numbers.
c) Vaccination: vaccination is an important preventive method for most of the
infectious diseases. Vaccines are available for New Castle Disease, gumboro, marek
diseases etc.
Vaccination schedule in poultry
Age (days)

Name of vaccine
New castle disease: f1 or b1

Vaccinating way


H.P.S. (litchi heart disease)

Gumboro intermediate or
New castle disease f1 or

0.25ml in skin of neck

Nose, eye
Nose, eye or drinking

Note, H.P.S.- Hydro Pericardium Syndrome

Note for vaccination
a) Vaccination must always be given to healthy chicks.
b) After making the solution of vaccine, it must be used within 1 hour to 1 hour
thirty minutes, or it must be store in a cool place.
c) Vaccination must always be given in morning or evening.
d) If vaccination is to be given with drinking water, the poultry must not be given
water before 2 hours, so that the water provided with vaccine would be drunk
within 1 hour 30 minutes.
e) Expire vaccine should not be used.
f) Vaccination should always be brought from the place where cold chain is
Although Nepal is a landlocked country having a diverse type of climate where different types of
breeds of poultry can be reared but it has its own limitations. Frequently changing climate never
suits the poultry birds. It creates the stress in birds; as a result there is a loss of appetite, decrease
egg laying, growth retardation, and rough hairs etc. This has caused lots of problem in Nepal.
Furthermore a well trained manpower is still lacking in Nepal. Although the Institute of
Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS) produce about 35 veterinarians, but still most of these
manpower are compelled to move abroad due to the problem of unemployment in Nepal. Thus
trained manpower is still lacking. In remote areas, there is still problem in finding the Junior
Technical Assistants (JTA). Hence, high mortality occurs even by a simple disease due the lack
of availability of veterinarians in time.
The government in Nepal is still unstable which has caused hindrance in setting the definite
plans and purposes for running the poultry sector in Nepal. One more problem is that majority of
people lies under the poverty line that has created great problem in constructing the hygienically
safe farm and buying the quality chicks.


Hence it has been found that still the lack of knowledge among the farmers, unavailability of
veterinary doctors at time and low economic background are the major factors causing the
problems in the poultry farming. Different breeds of poultry can be reared in Nepal based on the
utilization of diverse climate but the lack of government policy and unstable government is one
major factor for making difficulty in launching and implementing the laws. The raw materials in
the Nepal still need the well trained manpower for its utilization in the poultry sector.
The stability of the government can only solve the various constraints that are seen to be
prevalent in Nepal.
Submitted by
Thaneshwor bhatta
b.v.sc &a.h 3rd sem
iaas, rampur chitwan

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