DD Expeditions Tracker PDF
DD Expeditions Tracker PDF
DD Expeditions Tracker PDF
Character Name
Player Name
Levels 5-10
DDEX1-10 Tyranny in Phlan
DDEX1-11 Dark Pyramid of Sorcerers Isle
DDEX1-12 Raiders of the Twilight Marsh
DDEX1-13 Pool of Radiance Resurgent
DDEX1-14 Escape from Phlan
Levels 11-16
Levels 5-10
DDEX2-3 The Drowned Tower
DDEX2-4 Mayhem in the Earthspur Mines
DDEX2-9 Eye of the Tempest
DDEX2-13 The Howling Void
DDEX2-14 The Sword of Selfaril
DDEX2-15 Black Heart of Vengeance
Levels 11-16
Levels 5-10
DDEX3-3 The Occupation of Szith Morcane
DDEX3-7 Herald of the Moon
DDEX3-8 The Malady of Elventree
DDEX3-9 The Waydown
DDEX3-11 The Quest for Sporedome
DDEX3-13 Writhing in the Dark
DDEX3-15 Szith Morcane Unbound
Levels 11-16
DDEX3-4 Its All in the Blood
DDEX3-16 Assault on Maermydra