925821-ToA DM Quests Instructions and FAQ v7.02

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Dungeon Master Quests encourage DMs to run official D&D adventures by providing rewards for both their characters and their players' characters. Completing quests rewards DMs with magic items, renown points, and other benefits.

Dungeon Master Quests are a series of optional challenges or tasks that DMs can complete by running official D&D adventures. Completing quests provides rewards that grow over time with a character.

DMs receive rewards for their characters such as magic items, renown points, and certificates. They also receive special rewards they can give to players, such as starting item certificates and bonuses to rolls.


Dungeon Master Quests are a series of out-of-game quests that DMs can undertake during the
course of a specific season's adventures. These quests provide rewards for not only their
characters, but characters belonging to other players as well!

Season 7: Tomb of Annihilation


Organized Play: Chris Lindsay

D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls, Matt Sernett
D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Robert Adducci, Bill Benham, Travis Woodall, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks, Alan
Patrick, Regional Coordinators, & Local Coordinators

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards
of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the
Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the
express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square,
Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
Dungeon Master Quests are a series of out-of-game
quests that DMs can undertake during the course of a
specific season's adventures to encourage play of
D&D Adventurers League adventures. These quests
provide rewards for the DM’s character and their
Some quests are season specific and others will
carry on and renew each season (League Quests vs
Storyline). When a DM runs their first adventure for
the current season, they should download the DM
Quests packet from the DMsGuild, which consists of a
DM Quests card, DM Details and Rewards and other
special rewards for the season. The DM Quests card is
a fun checklist that DMs can use to track their ongoing
quest progress or record those they may have already
completed. The DM Quests Details and Rewards is a
detailed document of all the quest and includes quest
name, quest activity, frequency, the DM and player
rewards associated, and other details of the DM Quest
rewards program.
To join the DM Quests program a DM need simply
download the DM Quests packet from the DMsGuild
and print out the card (preferably in color and on
Whenever a DM finishes a quest they check it off on
their DM Quest card and apply the rewards as a
separate entry on their logsheet as detailed in the DM
Quest Details and Rewards. Some rewards include
special player rewards for games that the DM hosts.
Frequently Asked Questions to run before the start date of the associated season.
Those adventures are eligible for the season’s DM
Quests when they’re released, retroactively.
Where Do I Join the Dungeon DMs Only:
Master’s League? You must have DM'd at least 1 session (2+ hours) of
D&D Adventurers League to complete any of these
You can join the DMs League on Facebook or Google+: #DMQuests, except Acolyte of Oghma
https://www.facebook.com/groups/DMsLeague/ Is Verification Required?
No one needs to sign off, like all logsheet entries, this
https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/100362 is on the honor system.
DM Rewards vs DM Quest Rewards
http://www.twitter.com/DnD_AdvLeague DM Rewards. The rewards given for running any
Adventurers League module or Hardcover adventure
How do I contact the Community Manager? as dictated in the AL DMG.
Please email us at:
Community@dndadventurersleague.org DM Quest Rewards. Rewards gained from
completing DM Quests.
Quest Completion What Constitutes an “Other” Location?
Anything not listed, play on a cruise ship-check, play
Effective Dates at summer camp-check, play at an after school
The DM Quests start at the beginning of each season program-check.
with a new set of quests. League quests continue each Locations that are dual-use, a convention on a
season, while storyline quests are only for the current cruise-ship, only count for one, not both.
Quests that are part of the storyline season must be Do Rewards Stack?
started during the applicable storyline season. Most Yes, if you participate in an event that could start,
storyline quests can be finished anytime as long as continue, or complete more than one quest, they all
they’re started during the season. There are some apply
quests that have a definitive completion time frame
and will be obviously noted. Once a quest is Multipliers. If multiple quests are completed with
completed the Player rewards can always be applied. DM Reward multipliers, add them together. So two
doubles equals a triple and a triple and double equals
If you DM a session or complete a quest during a times four.
period of seasonal overlap, pick which season the
session or quest applies to. What happens to hours for Dedicated DM
at the end of a season?
Curse of Strahd – March 4th,2016- August 25th, 2016 Dedicated DM hours carry over to the next season.
Storm King’s Thunder – Starts August 26th, 2016 – How Many Times Equals a Déjà vu?
April 30th, 2017 In order to complete this quest, you must run the
same adventure a number of times as specified by the
Tales from the Yawning Portal – Starts March 24th, DM Quest instructions. Once you achieve this DM
2017 – September 4th 2017 Quest for a given adventure you can award the extra
player XP every time you run the adventure during
Tomb of Annihilation – Starts August 25th 2017 – any future season.
Summer 2018
How Do I Apply DM Quest Rewards to my
Are DM Quests Retroactive? Character?
As with normal DM Rewards, you must apply the
Generally, DM Quests have an effective date as listed
entirety of a single DM Quest Reward to the same
above. Some conventions or stores are given content

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Dungeon Master Quests: Season 7 – Tomb of Annihilation V7.02 3
character. That is to say that if you run an adventure Only adventures run on or after March 4th count
and earn a permanent magic item and a renown for DM Quests, but some quests may be affected by
point, the character that receives the magic item must adventures from earlier seasons.
also receive the renown point. For example, there are no DM Quests for the
Tyranny of Dragons seasons (season 1), but
I Didn’t Finish a Quest. Can I Continue completing a quest from the current season’s tracking
Working on it? sheet may allow a DM to choose a permanent magic
Unless otherwise specified, as long as you started the item from an adventure that they DM'd from the
quest before the start of a new season of DM Quests, Tyranny of Dragons season.
you can continue to work on completing it. However,
adventures that you apply to previous season’s DM What Does Tier-Appropriate Mean?
Quests don’t count towards progress with any other The following rules apply when determining if
season’s DM Quests. something is appropriate to a given tier.
 Tier 1 (Levels 1-4). Common, Uncommon
Do Regional Previews count as Premieres  Tier 2 (Levels 5-10). Common, Uncommon, Rare
for the Premiere DM, DM Quest?  Tier 3-4 (Levels 11-20). Common, Uncommon,
No, Premiere DM is only achievable by DMs running Rare, Very Rare
the adventures at the worldwide premiere
conventions listed for each season. Wait, No Legendary Items?
Legendary items are not available as a reward for DM
Do Convention Created Content Quests unless specifically called out as a reward.
adventures apply to DM Quests?
CCC adventures apply to the following quests What are the rarity of spell scrolls?
Acolyte of Oghma, Adventure Calls, Bounty Hunter, The rarity of spell scrolls is determined by the spell
Cursed DM, Ethereal DM, Giving DM, Initiate, On/Off level.
the Grid, Premiere DM, & Saint of Ilmater
 1st Level. Common
 2nd-3rd Level. Uncommon
Item Rewards  4th-5th Level. Rare
 6th-8th Level. Very Rare
Trading  9th Level. Legendary
Items gained as DM Quest Rewards are untradeable.
Can I Have a +1 Musket or Trebuchet of
Who Can I Give My Special Starting Item Warning?
To? No. When choosing the type of weapon you receive as
The special starting item certificates must be a DM Quest Reward, the DMG isn’t an allowed
awarded to a new character. A new character is a resource.
character that hasn’t participated in an adventure yet.
Only one character can benefit from a special starting
item certificate. A character can only have one special What is the Quest of the Week?
starting item certificate. The Quest of the Week was part of the DM Quests
Once the item has been chosen, it can’t be swapped program through season 6, but has been
out for a new one. If you later rebuild the character, discontinued.
your character keeps the item you chose. If you chose
a nonmagical item, this item can be later sold
normally. Magic items awarded in this way do not What is an Epic Quest?
count against your magic item total.
Epic Quests were a concept that never fully came to
Which Adventures Count? fruition, instead all DMs who earned an Epic quest
Only D&D hardcover adventures published by prior to September 8th, 2017 will be awarded a
Wizards of the Coast or DDEX, DDEP, or DDAL Legacy Item. Details will be emailed to them.
modules published by the D&D Adventurers League
count toward the DM Quests.

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Dungeon Master Quests: Season 7 – Tomb of Annihilation V7.02 4
What is a Legacy Item?
Legacy items are rewards that grow with the
character they were given to. When awarded a legacy
item starts as an uncommon armor or weapon and
can only be awarded to a 1st level character. A legacy
item keeps its form, sword, axe, armor, etc, etc. As the
character advances into a new tier the item grows
into a tier appropriate item according to its category
and form. Currently legacy items are limited to
weapons and armor. For example, a longsword could
start as a +1 longsword (uncommon for level 1-4,
turn into a Sword of Wounding (rare, levels 5-10),
Sword of Wounding (very rare, levels 11-16), and
then turn into Vorpal Sword (legendary, levels 17-
20). These items can only be chosen from items in
the Dungeon Masters Guide, IE (no +4 weapons). A
Staff of the Magi is not an appropriate choice, as it is
not in the 'weapon' category of magic items. Legacy
items are not tradeable and cannot be sentient items.

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Dungeon Master Quests: Season 7 – Tomb of Annihilation V7.02 5

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