BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan Phase #1 Lesson Plan #11: Lab #1 Plants
BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan Phase #1 Lesson Plan #11: Lab #1 Plants
BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan Phase #1 Lesson Plan #11: Lab #1 Plants
Lesson Plan #11
Lab #1
Friday, May 29th, 2015
Supervisor: Hannah C
Lead Teacher:
Amber Metz
Preassessment and Findings:
I interviewed children during free play and snack time about plants.
I asked Ashtyn, Jacob, and Elias What does a plant look like? Ashtyn said A
flower Elias said The grass, and Jacob said The ground.
-I asked some of the younger children separately (Jacob, Max, Oli, Aksel, Sully) Can
you eat plants? Each of them said No.
-I asked some of the older children if you can eat plants. Sam said Duh. Daegan
said Some plants. Levi said Yes.
-I asked What kind of plants can you eat? and Sam said Potatoes, Daegan said
Carrots, and Levi said Vegetables.
-I asked Emma, Jane, and Claire what the parts of a plant were and they agreed
Dirt, petals, and a seed.
-I was able to find out that some of the older children knew that plants included
vegetables, but the younger children did not know that. Some of the older children
knew that plants are living, but some of the younger children did not know this.
None of the children knew what the basic parts of a plant were.
Children and Learning/Development Goals:
1. Sully: work on fine motor skills.
2. Emma: letter names and sounds.
3. Jacob: writing and drawing letters.
4. Daegan: identify letters and sounds.
5. Ashtyn: identify all letters and write them.
6. Swede: skipping, getting more involved with singing and dancing, and
Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Plants provide us with food like fruits and vegetables.
2. Plants have roots, a seed, a stem, and leaves.
Preschool Concepts or Skills:
1. Identifying what the different parts of plants are in their environment (stems,
leaves, roots, seeds)
2. Taking care of a plant in the greenhouse, while on a fieldtrip.
______Christy_____________ Self-Selected
________Sam___________ Small/Focus Groups _________Brooke_______ Booth/
__________Hannah C._________ Outdoor play
_______Lisa________ Data
Special Instructions: We are going on a fieldtrip to the greenhouse in the
Benson building. We will shorten self-selected activities to forty minutes. We will
then have a five minute large group time, where I tell the children what we will be
doing on the fieldtrip and the expectations. We will then leave at 9:10 to start
walking to the Benson. We will be on the fieldtrip from 9:30 to 10:-00 am. On the
way home we will stop in the gardens to eat a snack together and then we will walk
back to the Preschool Lab and have closing circle.
Literacy Activities/ Books:
-An Alphabet Salad: Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z by Sarah L Schuette S5
- Flower Garden by Eve Bunting B17
-Night Tree by Eve Bunting B11
Language and Literacy: Language and Literacy will be embedded into our activities. In
the sensory table there will be small colored letters for the children to find and identify. For
our manipulatives activity we will have letter beads set out for the children to spell words
on a necklace or bracelet.
Materials, Special SetActivity Name
Description/Activity Objective
Creative Art:
Activity Description: There will be
Butcher paper (RR1 Orange
Leaf Rubbings
butcher paper covering the whole art
table. Underneath the butcher paper. The
Regular white paper (In
children will use crayons to color on the
butcher paper and soon realize that there
Glue sticks
are leaves underneath because the
Crayons (In classroom)
rubbings will appear as they color.
Leaves (IWP)
*Manipulatives Activity Description: The children can
Fruit and string (RR1 W41)
: Stringing Fruit
string the different fruits and letter beads
Bead Letters (RR1 W 44)
and Letters (4)
onto the string. While they are stringing
String (RR1 Cabinet F
the fruit, the teachers will emphasize that
Drawer 2)
fruits are a plant that we are able to eat.
When they are stringing the letters sound
out the letter sounds with them and ask
them what they are spelling.
Math: Plastic
Activity Description: On the math table Plastic worms with cards
worms with
will be plastic worms with cards that have
(RR2 R 32)
cards (3)
different colors and numbers of worms.
*Science: Lima
Beans in a Bag
Table: Dirt and
Plant Parts
Blocks: Choo
Choo (5)
Play: Grocery
store fun
Creative Art:
Dots, Dots,
(4 children)
2 : Sensory:
Water marbles
(5 children)
10:00-10:10 am
For snack we will be eating in the gardens after our fieldtrip. We will sit on a blanket in the
grass and have granola bars and juice boxes.
9:10-9:50 a.m.
Location: South
Outdoor play will begin early because we are leaving for our fieldtrip at 9:00. Outdoor play
will be from 8:30 to 8:45.
Gross Motor:
Description: The children will walk across Wooden balance beam
the balance beam and try to keep their
(Gross garage)
balance, balance balance so they do not fall off. If walking
forward is too easy for them they can try
walking backwards instead.
2nd: *Paint with
Description: The easel will be placed
Flowers with stem attached
outside on the sidewalk near the two
preschool classrooms. There will be
butcher paper covering both sides of the
Large Tempera Paint RR1
easel. In both trays of the easel there will
Cabinet 6
be flowers, paintbrushes and paint in little
containers. The children can use the
Trays RR1 Cabinet 6
flowers to paint on the butcher paper.
They can also use the paintbrushes if they Foil RR1 Cabinet 6
do not want to use the flowers. While the
children are painting the teachers should
Butcher Paper RR1 OWall
emphasize that they are using a stem as
their handle for their paintbrush and a
Tape RR1 W32
stem is a part of a plant.
3rd: Chalk
9:50-9:55 a.m.
We will give a two minute warning to the children at 8:48. We will then sing The Clean-up
song at 8:50.
Its clean up time at preschool. Its time for girls and boys, to stop what theyre doing and
put away the toys.
9:55-10:10 a.m. or 2:55-3:10 p.m.
I will play The Monkey Dance on the CD player. The children will come dance to the music
with me. Toward the end of the song I will tell everyone to dance as low to the ground as
you can and then dance while sitting.
The guest speaker is teaching the children at the greenhouse from 9:30 to 10:00. We will
leave for the fieldtrip at 9:10 to get there at 9:30. We will get back to the classroom around
Activity Name
1.Talk with the
I will tell the children that we are going to
children about
the greenhouse today! A greenhouse is
the fieldtrip
where you grow different plants. We will
Plants provide
have a guest speaker teaching some really
us with food like cool things about plants, but in order for
fruits and
him to do that we have to be on our best
behavior. We need to make sure that we
are listening and paying attention to him
when he is talking. The building that we
have to go to is here on campus, so we are
going to walk there today. Make sure you
are listening and following instructions
from your teachers so that we can get to
the greenhouse safely. Each teacher will
be assigned two students. There will be a
few parent volunteers. Jacob and Claire
please hop to Miss Christy. Jane and Sully
gallop to Miss Lisa etc.
2. Plants have
We will now walk toward the back doors of
roots, a seed, a
the Clarke building facing the Romney
stem, and
building. We will walk straight toward the
Romney building until we pass it and turn
left toward the library. We will keep
walking straight up the hill, past the MC
and in between the Kimball and the Taylor.
We will then walk through the garden to
get to the Benson and go through the
second door of the Benson on the right to
get to the greenhouse. We need to make
sure all of the children are holding a
teachers hand. On our walk to the Benson
building we will sing a variety of songs
including Five Little Ducks, A Hunting
We will Go, Miss Mary Mack, and Down
By the Bay The teachers will be assigned
to focus on the goals of the children they
are working with. Those with letter goals
3. Guest
Speaker: Daniel
10:25-10:40 a.m.
Transition Shake Your Sillies Out I will play the song on the CD player and sing and dance
to the words of the song. The children will copy my lead. This will be set up before the
children and I get back to the classroom.
Activity Name
*The parts of a
Fruits and
Parachute Fun
I will have the parts of a plant placed on the felt board,
which are the seed, stem, roots, and leaves. I will use a
puppet to ask the children what the different parts of a
plant are. I will then use the puppet to say First there is
a seed that has to be planted in the ground in order for
a plant to grow. Which part do you think comes next?
The roots come next. The roots hold the plant in place
and store food and water for the plant. What do you
think comes next? The stem is next. The stem moves
water up the plant to the leaves. Which part do you
think comes next? The leaves soak up the sun to help
the plant grow.
I will have a felt board and place different fruits and
vegetables onto it. I will review with the children that
fruits and vegetables are a type of plant. I will ask the
children What is this fruit or vegetable called? I will let
the children respond and say What letter does guh guh
grape start with? Yes a G! and continue sounding out
the beginning letter of the fruits and vegetables.
Felt board
(WR Drawer
Felt plant
parts (IWP)
Puppet (WR
Cabinet 2)
Felt board
(WR Drawer
Felt fruits and
(WR Drawer
CD player
The Best of
blue 9)
The Freeze
Brown Bear,
Brown Bear,
What Do You
Plant Memory
Play The Freeze Song from the CD. Give each child a
scarf to dance with. Dance around in crazy ways so the
children will want to dance too. When the song stops,
everyone freezes in whatever pose that they are in.
When the music starts again the children start dancing
The Freeze
Song WR Cd
CD Player
Cabinet 1
shelf 2
Cabinets 2&3
Brown Bear,
Brown Bear
sticks with
character on
(WR Cabinet
16 Memory
cards (IWP)