BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan Lesson Plan #28: Lab 4 Turtles
BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan Lesson Plan #28: Lab 4 Turtles
BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan Lesson Plan #28: Lab 4 Turtles
Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Pet turtles mostly eat carrots, cucumbers, strawberries, apples, and crickets, or
2. Turtles lay their eggs in nests in the sand including beaches because the babies
have a higher chance of surviving.
3. Turtles shells are attached to their ribs and spine and cannot be taken off but
help protect them.
Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Pet turtles mostly eat carrots, cucumbers, strawberries, apples, and crickets, or
2. Turtles lay their eggs in nests in the sand including beaches because the babies
have a higher chance of surviving.
3. Turtles shells are attached to their ribs and spine and cannot be taken off but
help protect them.
___Katie___________ Runner ___Alice______ Data Collector
______Ruth_________ Small/Focus Groups _Elizabeth_ Snack/wash hands
______Sophi________ Outdoor play ___Sarah_____ Lead Teacher
Special instructions for the day: We will follow the regular schedule. Delete this if no
special instructions.
Gross Motor: Description: The wooden blocks will be set Wooden blocks (outside
Wooden blocks up outside in a tower formation with the shed)
doors to the closer opened to invite the
children to play with the blocks.
Objective: The children will improve their
creativity and their gross motor skills as they
lift the heavy blocks on top of each other.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can model
how to stack the blocks and invite the
children to build with them.
*2nd: Turtle Description: There will be different turtles and Turtle scavenger hunts
Scavenger Hunt tortoise pictures scattered around outside (IWP)
that the children will be able to find.
Objective: The children will improve their
social and problem-solving skills as they find
all of the turtles outside.
Intentional Teaching: The teachers can ask
the children if they want to do the
scavenger hunt and give them a paper if
they do.
3rd: Jumparoo Description: There will be the jumparoo Jumparoo (GG)
outside on the grass.
Objective: The children will improve their
Intentional Teaching: The teachers can hold
the jumparoo in place and make sure the
children do not fight or push one another.
Strider Bikes Description: Place the bikes outside with
helmets so Josh can work on his balance
I have a tiny turtle song
Activity Name Description Materials
Review Turtles//// swim in the water and tortoise live on land. They
both eat plants and Tortoises have a heavier shell than
turtles do.
Book We will read The Foolish Tortoise By Eric Carle The Foolish
Tortoise by
Eric Carle
Movement/Music- The Hockey Pokey
Story/book We will read the Tortoise and the Hare as a flannel story.
Music- STOP Follow directions song by Patty Shukla.
Phonemic I am going to say words that rhyme together as I clap my
Awareness hand for each word. (I will clap and say cat, bat, bat)
Now you try it. (children clap hands and say cat, bat, bat).
I will do this one more time with the words, dog, log, hog.
Now I am going to say multiple rhyming words as you all
close your eyes. When I say the word that does not rhyme
place your hands on your head. I will then say the words,
time, rhyme, lime, bag, and chime.
I will repeat using the word combinations:
Why, pie, cry, dog, dry and bye
Bag, rag, door, sag, and tag
Look Around the We will use our knees to keep a beat while we sing,” look NA
Room With Me around the room with me. look around the room with me.
Look around the room with me. I see a girl with sandals
on!” And if you have sandals on you’re going to wave
your hand and say it’s me! we will try different things like:
blue shirt on, name that starts with L, or a bow in their hair.
Rockets I will make rockets with the alka seltzer tablets, film Alka seltzer
containers, and water. (IWP)
is Frazier) (
1. The first step is to color your baking soda. I found one box of baking soda made
approximately 3 eggs, depending on the size of your dinosaur. Simply add your
drops of color and carefully mix. I highly recommend you use gloves.
2. Once the baking soda is colored carefully added some water. For one box of
baking soda I used approximately 1/4 cup of water. Add it slowly and mix
thoroughly before adding more. You want it to just start to become paste like so
it will stick together.
3. Take a palmful of the paste and squish it about to make a ball. Press in a
dinosaur. Then add more paste to the top and sides until the entire dinosaur is
4. Place on parchment paper on a cookie sheet and set in the freezer for at least
an hour or overnight.
5. When you are ready for the big hatching, set the baking soda dinosaur eggs in a
large dish
6. Dribble some dish soap on the bottom of the bowl.
7. Pour some vinegar in a cup or bowl and give the kids each a syringe.
8. Squirt your baking soda dinosaur eggs to start them hatching!
Sister Frazier, Alice Anderson,