Wheeler Curriculum Model

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Curriculum Model
Curriculum Model is defined as a plan of action that can be
employed to structure a subject or knowledge area from a theory
into practice.

Wheeler Model
In Wheeler or cyclic Model, curriculum is a continuous cycle
responding to the changes within education where any new
information or practice will bring changes. It undertakes
situational analysis whereby the context or situation in which
curriculum decisions are to be taken is thoroughly studied. This
help curriculum developers take correct decisions thus
encouraging active participation of staffs in school based

Aims, Goals and Objectives

Aims covers all the experiences provided in the curriculum. Goals
are tied to specific subjects or group of content within the

curriculum; while Objectives describe more specific outcomes as a

result of lessons or instructions delivered at a classroom.

Learning experiences
Learning experiences is an activity which the learners engages in
which the results in his behavior.

Content is what we teach. It must be related to validity,
significance, utility, interest and learnability.

The former have clear objectives and aligned assessment
strategies designed to test how well students have achieved the
learning outcomes. Wheeler model sets the school objectives as
final steps in as well as the first.

Advantages of Wheeler model

Wheeler or Cyclic model present the curriculum design process as
Continuing activity.
Incorporates new information into the curriculum.
Has feedback mechanism.
Emphasize on the situational analysis.
Evaluate at a stage where its findings are feedback into the

Disadvantages of Wheeler model

Wheeler model has received criticisms.
It is time consuming.

It is difficult to locate.
It is not different from objective model.
It seems to lack of procedure between organizing and
integrating learning experiences, content and evaluation.

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