Role of Teacher in Curriculum Developme

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Role of Teachers’ In

Development for
Teacher Education
• To explain the definition of Teacher
• To state the definition of Teacher
• To discuss the importance of
Curriculum in Teacher Education
• To explain the role of teacher as
curriculum maker
• To explain the role of teacher as
curriculum developer
• To explain the role of teacher as
curriculum implementer
• To explain the role of teacher as
curriculum evaluator
According to Ahmed Tasneem (2018)

Teacher is an English word, that specifies a

person who teaches and makes learners able to
face real problems of life.
Teacher is a person who educates
students in school, college, and university.
It is the most respected job all over the world.
Teacher Education
Paul R. Cohen(2016) defined teacher
education as the policies and procedures
designed to equip prospective teachers with
the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and
skills they require to perform their tasks
effectively in the classroom, school and
wider community.
Importance of Curriculum in Teacher

Based on the definition of Osarenren Uwadiae (2008)

A curriculum is important in
an educational system. It helps one plan
the education process or procedure for a given
period of time (a term, session, lesson period).
Role of Teachers’ In
Curriculum Development
for Teacher Education
Teacher as Curriculum Maker
Caibog Albin (2014) stated that a
curriculum maker he or she writes a
curriiculum daily through a lesson plan ,
unit plan or yearly plan, the teacher
addresses the goals needs inteests of
students by creating experiences from
where the students can learn.
Teacher as Curriculum Developer
According to Barraza Maria Lourdes (2015)
-Teacher empowered to develop their own
school curricula taking into consideration their
own expertise, the context of the school and the
abilities of the learners. By doing so teacher
becomes the architects of the school curriculum.
Teacher as Curriculum Implementer

Teacher  is viewed
as implementer of curriculum he/ she
look to manuals and guides to drive
the teaching each day. – taken from
Teacher as Curriculum Evaluator

Teachers evaluate lessons, textbooks,

programs and students. Role of a teacher- to
evaluate- is vital to a teacher’s success. It is
this role that allows the teacher to discover
the worth of their work. taken from
• Teacher is an important factor in the success of
curriculum development including the steps of
implication and evaluation.
Personal Reflection
I learned that teacher plays essential role
in making, developing, implementing,
assessing and modifying the curriculum.
Teacher is one of the pillars in the
teaching process and he/ she is the
central to any curriculum improvement
Alsubaie, M, A, (2016). Curriculum Development: Teacher Involvement in Curriculum Development - Date downloaded: June 28,2020
Dr.Patankar, P, S, 2013, Role f Teachers in Curriculum Development for Teacher Education.'_IN_CURRICULUM_
DEVELOPMENT_FOR_TEACHER_EDUCATION - Date downloaded: June 28,2020
Ahmed, T. (2018) The Role of Teacher in Curriculum Development
at-various-level - - Date downloaded: June 28,2020

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