History Indian National Movement

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The Indian national movements was undoubtedly on of the biggest mass movements
in modern society has ever seen. Rich and diverse culture, way of life. All inclusive
values and beliefs and amazing diversity. that is India. Our values are deeply rooted
in our heart, mind and soul. Starting from the Indus civilization down to the present
India represents great continuity. The story of Indias struggle for independence is
well known to everyone. It is a saga of undying spirit, fearless struggle and focused
Indian national movement is a glorious chapter of our history that every Indian is
immensely proud of. Each episode is an epitome of remarkable sacrifice. It had
obliterated the difference of caste and religion and the rich and poor divide in the fight
against the oppression and loot by the European imperialists and their Indian lackeys.
Each episode has inspired countless people. Some took to non violent means, while
others opted for armed struggle. The roots taken may have different, but aim and
objective were the same countless are the persons who plunged themselves into this
fight. From pale gars to princes, from sanyas into commoner in fought them. Tribals,
dalits, women, kings, commoners, everyone fought them.
Deep discontent and resentment began brewing in India by mid 19th century. This
rebellion exploded as a full scale rebellion in March 1857. The whole nation had
fought the Britishers with all its might. The Indian national movement, in fact,
provides the only actual historical example of a semi- democratic or democratic type
of social structure being successful replaced and transformed.
The national movement is perhaps one of the best examples of the creation of an
extremely wide movement with a common aim in which diverse political and
ideological currents could co- exist and work and simultaneously continue to
contend for overall ideological and political hegemony over it. The national
movement also played a pivotal role in the historical process through which the Indian
people got formed into a nation or a people. It is played a vital role for getting

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